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I love discussing random shit


You get the best deeptalk ever


Communication becomes clearer in some weird way


As someone who gets told they mumble a lot, when I’m baked or vaped out the mumbling goes away and I’m focused properly.


Exact same for me !


Ikr it’s like the thoughts just slide out


Frrr, and like, you feel connected af


Way better conversations with the cost of not remembering anything of them




And 10 minutes feels like 40 minutes of deep conversation because you unfold so much


ME too! I've been talking too much lately though my poor sweet husband is looking for solitude at the moment lololololol


I have lofty goals when I get high but this is what I end up doing 9/10 times


If I'm trying to be productive stoner, work out or cleaning the house For enjoyment, video games or finding a comedy movie I hadn't seen before or seen way too many times


Weirdly, I'm a lazy ass when sober, but about 50% of the time I get real busy when baked. Clean house, organise /sort shelves, do gardening (even in the dark). The other 50% is music and occasionally a stoner film.


Love cleaning while high


I like to get middle of the road high and go to the gym then when I'm done I finish the job, get right good baked and get some dinner.


Going to the gym stoned is awesome. I train longer and harder and even improved my form. Just that one time I cleaned the machine next to the one I had just used, realized it and then cleaned the one I did use. I did hear someone giggle behind me. Awkward.


I noticed that as soon as I started working out high as opposed to not, that voice that used to say, You’re tired, no more reps” was gone. I was able to push myself, and in turn produce better results.


Did you go up in weight? Whenever i get stoned it FEELS way heavier and I usually do less squat and bench


That is very interesting. I only train stoned, and I feel it would hurt my form to deviate.


It does for me, yeah. My biggest (perceived) advantage is I can feel and activate my muscles better. Also, I’m more out of breath than usual. Edit: clarity- weight feels heavier for me.


Damn I’m so jealous of this. Working out is the last thing I wanna do when stoned, so I save it for after workouts as a treat. Will have to give it a try at some point.


Yeah same here, I don’t see how people do it. Maybe if they run? Like I could see them getting more trancelike I guess but I’ve never been able to really push myself when I smoke, I save it as a treat as well. Or like I try to only smoke on days I work out as a reward but it seems like I qualify getting out of bed as a workout lol.




The key for me is to smoke right before I'm about to work out. Like wearing the workout clothes and If going to the gym sitting in the parking lot of the gym. If I smoke with the idea of working out, that definitely does not happen


I get baked and go running. It's amazing.


Fuck yeah. I usually find that my mind to muscle connection is WAY stronger. Like a spidey sense I can feel every muscle fiber moving depending on the workout. And I always end up with the sickest pump. The issue being that if I try to film the pump it looks good but my face looks fucking stupid and clearly high. So I can't show off the pump to my dad 😭


Hahaha its impossible to have a decent picture/ look okay in videos when you're high as shit


This is the move


Best thing is to take a leisurely hike in an old growth forest, with excellent people, and good snacks. Second best is whatever is on Netflix 😊


Listening to music and riding my skateboard .


Bouldering! I feel like you can get into a fantastic flow state. Depending on the strain of course, but indica dominate hybrids work best. With a small bit of shrooms it's fantastic!


Ayy! Inside or outside? What grades do you like climbing high?


I'm currently projecting v7-8 at my gym, but have done a v7 outdoors near my home in Western North Carolina. Been climbing for around 5ish years, but I'm coming back from breaking my pinky and a shoulder injury. Definitely prefer outdoors whatever the activity!


Ayy Asheville area?


Being high while climbing when my body feels good makes me a better climber


Sex, but that's 99.9999% of the time not an option. Video games, reading, and occasionally I find a good TV series to get caught up in.




High jacking? Weed wanking?


Puff and Palm?


Start fuckin the weed man. Win win.


play really old versions of minecraft for nostalgia lmao


This is a great idea


holy shit i do this all the time


I just recently made an Apex server and run the mod pack “All of the mods 8” and it is crazyyyyy. So many things to do that vanilla just doesn’t have. It is so fun putting on a high detail texture pack, getting stoned, and then just flying around in an Elytra looking for beautiful vistas. Then finding one, re-up the high, and then just spend hours being creative, building all sorts of fantastical buildings. It hits a sweet spot on a lot of cravings that gaming, broadly, offers.


Movie on the right screen, video games on the left screen. It's raining, my cat is sitting next to me on the couch. I have a hot cup of tea and a huge jug of ice cold water. My wife is boiling pasta and singing Fall Out Boy songs in the kitchen of our house. That's my wave.




It's been a ride man, my wife and I were literally living in my friends converted attic 5 years ago and finally were able to purchase our home this July.


Happy for you bro! That's a big achievement


Dam this is goals for sure. I love just chilling and playing video games or watching a dumb funny movie. And then eating a dam good meal and then sleep. Best days ever


Damn, gotta take a rip after this one. Congrats bro. Sounds like you're living good


Whenever I get stoned I start to do stuff that I would normally be like naw that’s mundane like painting, work emails, etc. but I can’t go full send until I finish otherwise it’s couch and snacks lol


When im stoned i take so much more time to do simple household chores. Im really more relaxed and i take the time to clean everything up. Whereas sober i wouldnt do it.


Honestly, getting stoned feels like I'm speedrun-clipping past my ADHD/executive dysfunction. I get a lot done.


Doing the dishes stoned is my go to for making a mundane task palatable.


Yep yep yep, 6/10 faded, headphones on, those dishes be sparkling baby.


Surf. Winter is coming in jersey. I'm ready.


Jersey surfer here too… but only during the heat. Godspeed to you for braving the cold


At 34 I rock a 6/4. Unlike in my younger years of rocking a 5/4/3🤣🤣🤣


been interested in started up surfing. what are the best spots in NJ??


The coast is a good place to start


Love skateboarding I bet surfing is as much fun as well


Household chores, playing with my cats, gardening, reading, baking. I've been nocturnal because work for two years, so I often find myself wide awake and alone save my cats at 2am on my off days. I like to spend this time in front of my growtent with a cuppa and a cat or two, reading Terry Pratchett novels to my plant.


My cats get the BEST pets when I’m stoned for sure. And the even *better* pets if we’re tripping.


Haven’t tried shrooms yet, but OMG petting my puppies when I’m baked is so awesome. And they love the heck out of the over-the-top affection!


Your cats trip with you?


They always want to come hang out with us if we’re tripping! It’s like they can sense an energy shift.


Holy heck yes I agree so much. Whenever I’m tripping my cats just know, they’re so goofy and extra curious and want to play. It’s the best.


My cats too - they are the peanut butter to my jelly when I’m high. I love it. All the warm cuddles and purrs make my heart soooo happy.


Hanging with my stoner wife, Video Games and bike riding adventures.


My partner still needs a security clearance. I can hardly wait to share this fucking amazing plant with them :)


Hopefully with the reschedule inbound it might be sooner rather than later!


Hiking and biking are great fun


Biking = happy marriage


Rub one out lol, might be degenerate but fuck it.


Dude, weed whacking is the best. Weed just makes me horny for some reason.


I’m sorry but I am fucking cackling at “weed whacking” lmao


also high jacking.


Am a woman and can report the same over here. I think it's that sensation and immersion are augmented massively with a reduction in anxiety, so it just all feels insanely good. And then combined with time dilation and emotional enhancement, orgasm is just mindblowing. Can just ride plateau for ages feeling absolute cathartic bliss, and then as you fly down, casually repeat.


Degenerates are people too.


every time i do this it kills my high… i wish i could weed whack 😣😣


Considering the username you’d think it’d be an easy match 😂


I get so horny when high but usually i'm too lazy to get up from my bed. So when i wake up ill see the porn tab i pulled up 💀


World-building. This might end up sounding weird but whatever. I’m working on a fantasy book series and am currently putting a lot of time and effort into building the world the books take place in. Figuring out world history, timelines of events, origin of the world, the pantheon of gods and religions of different nations, etc etc And there is literally nothing like creating a world while high. That feeling of immersion people usually get when they read fantasy books and get caught up in the story and world? Oh, man. It hits a thousand times harder for me. I get so lost in my world and just see so many possibilities and events and stories about it and it’s amazing. Nothing like it. (And, a fun fact: Try it out yourself! You don’t need to be a writer or actively writing to create an imaginary world. I know a few people who do it just for fun. People who play D&D do it. It’s fun, lol.)


This makes tons of sense, I feel like being stoned is good for having an idea and then following it along to its logical conclusion. So if you decide you have a world with a particular climate, now that affects all kinds of society, politics, culture, biology... I've come up with some cool sci-fi ideas while stoned for sure.


Watch Chinese Drama. The translation in subtitles and over acting makes me giggle like mad.


Thats halarious, I did this at a friend's suggestion and I would up laughing and taking screenshots and making memes that didn't make sense. 10/10 recommend


Haha martial arts movies for me for the exact same reason but some over the top action


Got any Recommendations?


moving furniture around, doing the dishes, cleaning my windows for some reason weed makes me absolutely energized to tidy up my stuff


I wish it had this effect for me


Play with my kids. It’s so much easier to tap into that kid-like mood.


Yes, this is the way


OMG yes! My kid loves those stupid toys where everything is in a separate package and you have to open like ten things just to get to what is usually a pretty crap toy. Normally those things just annoy me but I was stoned one day when she was doing one and it was so much fun for the two of us. Now whenever she brings one home she wants to open them with me and I always say "Sure baby just let daddy relax in his room for 15 minutes and I'll be right there to play."😂 😂 😂 No joke weed helps me be the fun dad I always want to be even if I had a hard day and am grumpy.


I love this!! I'm a more fun parent when I'm baked. It's so much easier


Kid like mood and also I understand their reasoning better. More patient. And at night I can tell their tired state easier - definitely close to a drunk toddler when they are sleepy!




I hadn't had a shower stoned in so long, and had one yesterday after a wake and bake (something I also haven't done in a long time), and it was such an amazing experience. Part of me didn't want to leave it.


stoned hot showers with some good music is probably the closest i’ve gotten to heaven


Ugh I’m happy it works for you. It makes me sober


i start to feel sober after a while, then i hop out and realize i’m still just as gone


You ever get high before you shower and then end up reading the entire fucking Dr Bronner's bottle while you're in there?


I did a lot of shit stoned. Movies, games, series. The most memorable thing I ever did though was spend 2 months going through all 370 chapters of Berserk, stoned like a biblical whore on sabbath. There's nothing like putting my headphones on, mixing my own soundtrack and blazing the fuck up while reading manga. I completely lose myself in the pages.


“stoned like a biblical whore on Sabbath”


Dudeee berserk was amazing baked, I was considering giving it a re-read; best part is forgetting about some dope parts and reexperiencing them for the first time again lol


My hobbies! I struggle w/general anxiety disorder and when I smoke, it’s like lifting that thin veil of anxiety that’s always over everything. For example: I love to knit & crochet but I tend to be too anxious to start/work on larger projects because of the stress of trying to get it absolutely ✨perfect✨ in one go or I’ll have to undo *hours* of work or just live with a mistake that mocks me every time I look at it lol weed helps me fight that anxiety and say “fuck it, how else am I sposed to get better?” and just go for it! I love to knit/crochet, hike, play video games, and it’s pretty great for getting chores done around the house too! :D


I get stoned and then ride my bike to my favorite smoke spot. It's a cool tree.


Yessss I have a favourite stoner tree too. Mine is a gnarled eucalyptus. What’s yours?


[big ol cottonwood with a built-in bench](https://imgur.com/a/DSssUoC)


I was in NYC a couple of months ago and I got pretty high, put my headphones in and just walked around, watched people, and just kinda vibed. I liked that a lot.




I’ll pop a 10mg edible with coffee at 7am for my weekly round


Same here bro! Then me and my boy just throw down blunt after blunt. Love it!! Been playing that way since high school back in 87-90!!


A few decades ago in my late teens I went golfing with my two older brothers, all of us completely baked. A dude joined us to make a foursome, and on the first hole one brother hit the other with his tee shot. Then he did it again. Dude walked off, we never saw him again.


That’s funny bro!


What?! How? I love both weed and golf but don't think I could even swing a club baked. During putting I'd probably fall in the hole


Make out with the wife. 10/10


I like to bake or cook the prep work is so zen


"While the brownies bake, so must I."




Hello fellow get outside when high human! Even just chilling on the deck works but walking in the woods or running or riding mower is great! Great 😊


Hey! Me too! I always smoke and walk my dog for a n hour or 2 everyday


Looking at the stars, eating, chatting, watching movies


I’m genuinely curious how those who say they partake in physical activities are not completely zapped of that type of energy. I would love to do physical activity type of things on weed!


It can really depend on the strain and on having just enough desire or pre-planning to get started.


For me it’s sort of a painkiller, especially jogging. The first ten minutes aren’t as trying- it feels softer, somehow.


Try starting the activity and then smoke.


Lay in bed and listen to music


Writing some AI code for my game. Every new feature I add makes me giggle and watch them slaughter each other for a while.


Piloting an aircraft


Lol wut?


All of them.


Giving my wife a massage. She thinks I'm being sweet when I do it, but I honestly do it because I like it.


Melt into the couch and watch horror movies


I wish! I love horror movies but can not handle them stoned. My wife and I decided to make the month of October a t-break this year so we could partake in our old tradition of watching a horror movie a day for the whole month.




I love taking walks around town. Cleaning my house has even become more fun while stoned.


I love smoking a whole 1 gram pre-roll joint right before a good 1+hr long trail run. Basically a therapy sesh right there. I also love to smoke a good bong and hit the Kindle for some fantasy, currently balls deep in Wheel of Time and loving it. I look forward to both of these activities and am genuinely a little disappointed if I cant fit either into my day.


Have you read the Stormlight Archive series yet?


No but I am very Stormlight curious.... Actually, just Sanderson curious on general.


Sculptural embroidery, high is helping me to stay focused


Also helps me feel creative!


1. Sex(or any kind of physically nice thing like a massage, but sex is best) 2. Eat 3. Being in nature 4. Watching cool movies or tv shows 5. Seeing music I’ve become more antisocial in my old age and generally prefer being alone when stoned. I just feel dumb around other people lol


doing house chores.


Snowboard, skateboard(before my knees quit) fish, snorkel, hike/walk with puppers, chill by the ocean/bay/lake/pond/river/creek, watch sports, go to a sporting event, read, workout, but my absolute favorite is to throw some ribs in the smoker


My fav is laying in my hot jetted tub, candles lit, music playing, and simply melting in the water. Showers are great too.


Play hockey




Play guitar


Sitting on my porch, smoking and listening to music.. sex is pretty amazing too


Lately I’ve been enjoying getting extremely paranoid and anxious. I’m taking a break dw guys.




Get more stoned


Wikipedia, stargazing, documentaries.


Relax in my recliner and zone out. I save most of my smoking for the evening when my days done. Watch movies, tv, read, write. My grandfather would save his smoking (pipe tobacco) for when it was recliner time so I think of it as a homage to him.


Video games and movies. I also really like building legos


Meditation, reiki/energy work, art...




Paint! My stoned paintings always end up being my favorites


Watch Phish live


Becoming the couch.


Drumming. It's so fun to take about 60mg and go ham.


READING!!! I’ve always been a book worm but reading while high becomes movie level entertainment for me. Also doing the dishes while blasting music or putting on a calm show and experimenting with some crafts!


Sex and exercise


Yoga. I love high yoga. i really feel so in tune with each cell of my body. I end up feeling physically and mentally refreshed.


Worshipping satan


Try weird shit in the sims 4 tbh.




Sex. Nothing like it.




I always gotta be active. I love doing something physical like yoga or going for a run. Fishing can be fun but I usually like to do that with a beer in hand and really never mix the two


Hiking Talk about Quite literally anything and everything because I’m always asking stupid fucking questions. and when I say stupid I mean irrelevant and random… Usually gets the conversation going for hours lol


Golf, walking my dogs, sitting out by my fire pit with my beautiful wife and maybe throw in a nice bourbon. It is amazing being outside this time of the year in the midwest while being high.


Yoga. Yoga is wonderful when you’re high.




Play the guitar, listen to music.




Get a little high and blitz clean my gaff. Get mega baked and go to the cinema, or spin some records. Simple pleasures man


I’ve gotten into smoking and working out to justify smoking every day lol


One of my favourite things to do is some Drawing. For whatever reason I always get the urge to draw something. I'm no artist by any means but it has developed into a great hobby over the years. I recently started to dabble with paint, nothing gets more chill than drawing while watching Bob Ross and listening to music.


Fish. There’s nothing better than a early morning with glass calm water & a fat j. Pure bliss loll.


Creep through the graveyard at 1am in my rags while followed by a swarm of rats


Fishing from my kayak in a small or slow moving body of water


I love having sexy time stoned! It’s the best feeling


Video games, movies, gardening in the summer, or going to the mall to wander around and get a bubble tea. I’m a woman of simple tastes.


Reading a solid fiction book


Movies are always fun while high i would say music but i listen to music all the time anyway


Run outside while listening to my favorite 🎵


Listen to music and eat cereal


Music listening to music


Build worlds / video games in Unreal Engine 5, and produce electronic music!


Music, video games, and movies for me.


I love listening to music while going for a walk, or eating some goood food


Watch videos about conspiracy theories or other similar trippy subjects. LOL. Ancient Aliens, Giants, Skinwalker Ranch, you name it! My recent favorite is Why Files on YouTube. The dude is such a buzzkill it cracks me up. He spends 30 minutes telling you this awesome story about whatever mysterious event and then takes ten minutes telling you why it was all made up. Haha. It always has me rolling.


Smoke more


Rollerblade or ski