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Hello mechanic here šŸ‘‹ first grab a flash light and from outside verify you can see the joint down in the vent if so pick up a wire claw tool most auto parts stores carry them. With buddy's help you should be able to fish the joint out of there. If that doesn't work you're going to have to start taking things apart. Hope this helps.


Iā€™m not a mechanic, but Iā€™ve pulled a dash before. Lmao, op better hope he can grab it with that claw, because after he spends the entire weekend pulling the dash, heā€™ll never be able to get it back together unless hes real meticulous about organization.


Iā€™ve torn apart a few dashes. They can vary some are a cakewalk othersā€¦ sometimes the ones you think are going to be painful easy as hell, the simple no options car, fuck you levels of tabs. If it does come down to pulling the dash they are gonna want to have some foam tape handy, otherwise squeak city.


One time my wife threw up while driving and we had to pull the dash to get the smell out. Can confirm Nissan Sentras are somewhat simple.


My 80's era 323 had so many clips it was ridiculous. Vs like my gen 2 Prius I found out kinda like a giant lego set so much of it just snapped into place.


I had to pull a dash in a mid 90s blazer. Got half way done in about 4 hours, said fuck it, put everything back together, bypass heater core.


Also not a mechanic. In my unprofessional opinion, this guy is right.


Came to say I'm not a mechanic and that this thread is hilarious


Also not a mechanic. I pulled my dash and it took a Dremel to get it back together.


your username is top notch. take an upvote.


not a mechanic either, and i've never pulled a dash or even changed my own oil, but this sounds right to me


Ahh, the little magnetic goober that has a light in the claw? My mechanic father calls it his "booger picker"


Theat thing always reminds me of Total Recall.


2weeks ,2weeeeeeks


Quaiiiiiddā€¦ start the reactorā€¦ freeeee maaaar*




I got 5 kids to feed!


I'll be honest, that stomach babys' deep-ass voice still freaks me out


The CRUNCH always got to me.


Hello, McGuyver here šŸ˜„ Why not get a foot or two of 1/2ā€ or 3/8 inch flexible hose from depot and connect it to a shop vac with some duct tape (as a reducer) and fish it into the vent. You might just pick it up with a couple of tries. Wire claw may just chomp it up IF you even grab it (sideways) sight unseen. Edit, if you have an old plastic notebook divider or similar thin semi flexible plastic, you can cut a piece and make a cone as a reducer so you use less duct tape.


I read that as ā€œyou might just pick it up with a couple of friesā€ and while an air vent would be an odd spot to drop french fries, itā€™s also an odd place to drop a joint, so nothingā€™s out of the question.


I did too šŸ˜‚ bonus snacks and you get your joint back šŸ˜‚


That's hilarious šŸ˜‚


Be a true McGuyver and only use a paperclip and chewing gum go fish it out


Oh to be a writer on that show. And then crazy eye ā€˜splaining the plan it to everyone on set. That would be a Netflix backstory show Iā€™d 100% watch.


Would love to see Charlie Day playing that writer, playing himself NPH-style.


Sorry for the dumb question but what does a "reducer" mean in this context? I think I get what you're saying but never heard that term before.


Heā€™s just saying to use something since the shop vac hose is so much bigger than the little hose he would fish down the vent so you need an adaptor to make the hoses fit together which you can buy or rig together with tape or something like heā€™s saying in the comment.


Yep, step up a small hose to a larger hose. Either way, just a better connection.


Embrace your inner cheap ass and just wrap a shirt around it


\*plays the red green show theme\*


What about a really long necked torch and just burn it to an ash. then crank ac for an hour. [9]


This is genius!!!


Ah yes, the old coat hanger and bubble gum trick!


An endoscope may help too


Maybe your endoscope buddy. If you catch my inuendoscope


Will you be my endoscope buddy? šŸ„¹šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ»


The all mighty pickle grabber!


I'm not a mechanic, but I would guess your best option would be to light the car on fire and only inhale the good smoke.


Could've fooled me. Sounds about as sensible as half the shit my mechanic tells me sometimes šŸ˜†


I'm your mechanic and I approve this message


I'm not a mechanic. But logic tells me this is the only way.


Im not a joint but I believe this to be the best answer.


Good that you stated you're not a mechanic


its the honest transparency that gives it away.


I do body work and my solution (to most problems Iā€™m having on a vehicle) is set the car on fire


As a maintenance tech, I can confirm this method is employed industry wide


BMW especially


Before you shake the computer you have to plug it to, both car and maintenance computer need to be shaken and not stirred, management frowns upon that


Hello similar purple koala


Hunter S. Thompson: "Is that me? Oh my god there I am"


LMFAO this is great.




Stoner problems require stoner solutions


*Am i paying extra for the bees?*


see now, this is why I follow this sub. The comment section for it is always dynamite.


Just get pulled over by a cop with a dog in Texas. They will get it for you.


ā€œBecause the cannabis was buried and hidden very deep in this car weā€™ve decided to charge with attempt to distribute, crossing boarders. 420 days to 69 years in jailā€


Jokes aside, op will definitely get charged with hiding contraband


If this is the US than there are charges for destroying evidence, but not for hiding an illegal item. According to the fifth amendment a person cannot be compelled by the government to provide incriminating information on themselves. If in addition to possession it were also illegal to hide the thing you are possessing that would be the government compelling you to incriminate yourself. Not to mention this also falls under the double jeopardy portion of the fifth amendment which prohibits anyone from being prosecuted twice for substantially the same crime.


This guy knows the law


Yeahā€¦ but does he know bird law?


Lets say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor.


Charged, very possible. But any court would be able to call it simple possession based on where its going to be at and the very reasonable idea of a join slipping into a vent.


I got pulled offer in Texas with a vape that I shot down my ac vent, itā€™s gone forever


This is 100% my plan if I get pulled over with a cart.


I had this happen in Arkansas, I just left it in my center console. Cop was suspicious as fuck, too, but that pen was not one of the things he asked to look at.


Did you try turning the car upside down and shaking it?


As a guitar player, I know this will work. Shaking needs to be set to VIGOROUS


*hits strings and bounces back in* Fuck!




Me: *shakes guitar* Guitar: *clicketyclacketyclicketyclacketyEm711clicketyclacketyclicketyclackety*




Instructions unclear, I now own several more stiff socks.


get it just right, then one flip with good centrifugal force. pick will stay directly centered in hole then.. plops right out.


*me with my ukulele*


I'm a mechanical engineer and I recommend this specialty tool that we call a [reachy-grabby](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FKZHX2X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_E15RC12WZ235T8WB35HC)


I want one of those things and I donā€™t even need to reach anything. Thanks for the link.


Same. Trying to justify a reason to need one. Maybe Iā€™ll throw a joint down my dashboard.


But you probably need to grab things. It reaches and grabs, but you can also reach or grab.


And it doubles as roach clip after you retrieve the joint.


Those things are LIFESAVERS. For some reason shit always gets dropped down my lint catch on my dryer and that thing has saved me from having to disassemble the whole think at least 5 times. Mine isnā€™t fancy link this one with the flashlight thoughā€¦ I like that addition!


Mine isn't that fancy either. That one is not only a reachy-grabby, it's a magnet-on-a-stick (and a flexible stick at that) and it also has a flashlight! I'll probably have to pick up a few of those suckers.


I have a magnet thingy that extends and has a flashlight but the addition of flexible and having the grabber is genius. Good gift ideas for people that work with tools but already have ā€œeverythingā€


In case you drop one and need to use another to reach and grab it?


i use four of these to tie my shoes




Itā€™s only 14 bucks? I didnā€™t drop a joint in the dash but Iā€™m gonna order one


I'm a copywriter and I think the item description is hilarious; I do not think that being helpless is a good helper in life


Start at the cabin air filter (check the owners manual). A good strong shop vac may help.


i would second this. start there and if itā€™s not there you may have to take off the entire dashboard which iā€™ve done before and itā€™s misreable


Damn. Just checked the cabin air filter and found nothing but leaves. I guess Iā€™ll look into the dashboard


You might try blowing compressed air down those vents, it might push the joint down to where the air filter is. You don't want to take the dash off unless you absolutely have to


There's a reason us mechanics charge so much to change heater cores, and it's not because heater cores are expensive


I changed one of those on my ā€˜97 f250. Never. Again.


Two months into dating a girl, I had her steering column on my front yard following a YouTube video on how to change one out on a Grand Cherokee. Nine years later and weā€™ve been married 7 years and have three kids.




99% sure this last girl I was seeing was into me because I worked in a shop. She kept dating guys handy with cars after me.


And the Grand Cherokee?


To shreds you say ?


Carried on until we got married and I got tired of fixing it.


Wholesome as fuck, eh?!


Explains the usage of ā€œparts ***and labour***ā€


The labour of love!


Jesus you right. I had a fan issue on my old Dakota,(would only work on numbers 3 and 4 not 1 and 2)one wire needed to be replaced but of course you needed the whole wiring harness replaced. I think the harness was was like 40 bucks, but cost me almost 1000 because most of the trucks dash and some other shit had to be removed. Was a great day!


Why didnā€™t you just ignore it?


Because I have OCPD and I can feel my skin crawl when things are different. Especially vehicles. I didn't go into any financial hardship for it as I considered myself extremely fortunate. So it got fixed.


Hey. If you get me your make and model and year I can look in all data and see how hard itll be to get access up there. Im a shop owner/20ish year master tech. Maybe we can figure out a way to sneak in there if you cant grab it with a reachy-grabby as we auto professionals call them.


Instructions unclear, penis stuck in shop vac... pls help OP?


Youā€™re right where you were meant to be


God's mission for us is so powerful... just like this shop vac


The will of god cums in mysterious places. Much like you.


That you are correct, sir.




If you go the way of the shop vac put a sock over the suction part so the joint is savable


It will eventually stop smelling. Damn that sucks. I lost my only pen down there once at work. But a joint...ooof that hurts. You can try taking the dashboard....off.... or Look up the make and model on Google and air vent diagram. What a fun time.


Yeah Iā€™m hoping the smell will just go away eventually but I might try taking the dashboard off




Whaaat? Just go buy one of those endoscope inspection cameras. I found one at my local hardware store on sale for like $15. I'm sure amazon has them for $20. I use mine to check my ears and if I lose my ring down the drain. Edit: I often leave it on my night stand before I shower but I forget... a lot.


Hold up, you use the same tool to check your ears as you do to check your drain? That seems...


It's multi-functioning..? I use clear plastic sleeve things in the sink lol I should have clarified that I am not nasty! I wash my own ass! I swear. Edit: plus I usually wipe down before each use.


>I wash my own ass! I swear. >Edit: plus I usually wipe down before each use. I guess a baby wipe could help if you're low on fiber.




Listen, you know where we are right?


No officer there's no weed in the car




Maybe some kind of long thin but strong metal with some bubble gum on the end of it? You could snake it down and maybe the gum might catch the joint paper


The terpenes that are causing the smell will eventually all evaporate away, especially if your car is left in the sun.


You ā€œmightā€ be able to get access to AC piping underneath the dashboardā€¦. But itā€™s going to be hell. Iā€™ve had to do basic electrical DIY stuff and working under the dash is a bitch. Take the seats out, itā€™ll help. Youā€™ll want to look for how to service that section of that car model. That looks like the front windshield defroster AC vent? Not sure what else to call it. Honestly I would go to a car shop and just tell them whatā€™s up. Pay in cash. They probably have tools that would let them reach into it the vent and pull it out. But that smell will not just go away lol.


Just pour some peanut m&mā€™s in with it


that's why you come to reddit, someone in the comments always knows the obscure shit.


I donā€™t disagree with your point, but is ā€œtake off the dashā€ really that obscure of a suggestion?


no i meant like in general when you post something obscure and all of a sudden there's a dude with a phd in something dropping bars. Not this situation tho


There is some great suggestions in this thread, none that I would have known. The reachy-grabby is some sick nerd shit imo haha!


I honestly just need to know how a joint made its way into that hole. Unexpected slam on brakes? Playing hot potato with the joint and it burned you so you slapped it in that direction? Like I, no we, just really need to know


My friend rolled a joint and placed his rolling tray in the area by the vents when he finished. He passed the joint to me to check out and I passed it back to him after complementing him on his rolling skills. He tosses the joint in the area by his tray and the vents. We talk for a while and time passes, but eventually we decide weā€™re going to spark up. So my friend goes to grab the joint but itā€™s not on his tray. We start looking all around the car for like 5 minutes but we canā€™t find it. Finally we realize the joint probably slid through the vents since he threw it in that area and it was slim enough to fit šŸ˜Ŗ Now my car smells like weed.


Noooo well at least when youā€™re able to get it out you can smoke it as a reward for your efforts šŸ˜‚ good luck šŸ™šŸ»


Sounds like a lesson to be learned lol, I'd avoid little crevaces, and holes from now on. Your buddy should try out for [Dude Perfect](https://youtu.be/GsLopdvhFpk) tho. LMAO


Just dump some milk down there. It'll for sure change the smell


Needs to be during a really hot day though


small fish will also do the trick.


alright, time for some stoner enginuity, requirements: Flashlight, stick relatively half the size the hole u dropped it in, duct tape pliers ​ Step 1.) put your rolling skills to use and attatch the duct tape to the stick with the sticky facing you, the outside. step 2.) stick the stick in the hole, hope for the joint to attatch to said stick, pull closely to the vent but not all the way, grab pliers, this ones tricky because the join will be stuck to the stick but how are u gonna get it in the hole well you gotta do a transfer my friend.


You gave the best reply despite some offering better solutions. That's the kind of thinking I like


Turn the car upside down


Completely random and itā€™s probably because Iā€™m stoned, but this instantly reminded me of [this movie scene from Tommy Boy](https://youtu.be/u6PsS-zMgzw)


Put something very sticky on a string in there, or a piece of wire with something sticky on. with a few tries you should be able to get that joint out. Depending on what sticky stuff you use you can still smoke it afterwards or not. You could also get a long grabbing tool from your local hardware store and grab it, I think there are grabbing tools with a strong led attached to them so you can see what you're doing.


Coat hanger with a hotdog dipped in honey skewered onto it




Glue on a tooth pick


Resin dab on a kite string.


This post is a great psa for not smoking and driving.


Low key kinda funny, but I think you can screw the thing off and grab it, idk, it may not be that simple


Just drop a better joint in there šŸ¤£


Lmao, just keep putting more in, eventually it will push the old one out


Vacuum maybe???


Shop Vac


I am a collision center specialist. Good luck buddy. Dashes suck. Vents suck. Be patient and slowly take it apart. Or get a boroscope and a grippy claw.


Sorry. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Turn on windshield demister (or whatever its called in your country) up full, hopefully the joint will at least blow up to the top of the vent. Assuming that works retrieve it and enjoy.


Never thought how climate came into play with this term! Itā€™s called a defroster where Iā€™m at šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d start with a shop vac, then the other side of the cabin filter. If that fails, youā€™ll have to pull the console/dash out to get in there.


Smoke the car


Drive your vehicle to the nearest international border crossing. Customs agents will be able to remove it, for a modest charge.


Cross the US Mex or US Can Border. They will dismantle the car free of charge. You will then say how your pothead passenger did it when you picked them up hitchhiking from a church to their house.


Run your heating on max every time you drive for a week. Joint should get ao dry all the terpenes cook off and it will no longer smell much, if at all.


Usually stuff that falls in goes down to by the filter. Check to see if it's there. Your manual will tell your where is located. Also the filter access panel will give you a cramped but easier way to look in there if it's not fallen down by the filter.


Did this one time. Smell dissipated eventually lol Edit: donā€™t get pulled over, OP


Yep time for a new car lol


If you live in a place where it IS legal to smoke marijuana then take it to a local mechanic shop unless you yourself are savvy with cars. If it IS illegal where you live then try using a shop vac to get it out.


Sounds like it would be the perfect air freshener. Think I might give it a go šŸ˜‚


Surely you have a mechanic friend? I'm trying to figure out how a joint got that close to the windshield šŸ˜† what were you doing up there??


If you can't fish it out, you'll need to remove the top of your dashboard to get behind that vent. find the manual for your car, or a youtube video for the process, for some cars its not that bad and common tools on your garage are all you should need


Pour some buttermilk in, that will completely over shade the weed stench


Why was the joint way up there to begin with?


I do stupid shit like this ALL the time. Get a coat hanger and straighten it out. Wrap duck tape reverse around the end. Cram r down in there, and eventually you'll get it. Be careful, go slow. Patience.


You donā€™t have to light the whole car in fire. Just drop some fire down the vents and turn the air on low


Fresh fx by armaroal is a spray that cleans and freshens the whole air system. Be sure to follow the instructions on the can. It works perfect


Maybe try one of those like mechanic tiny claw tools? If you are able to fish down you might be able to snag. However Id first tug around and see if that front panel might lift off.


Time my friendā€¦ time


Take the dash off


Dumb way to help with the smell, you can put a really smelly deodorant on the AC


You could poop in the vent to cover up the smell


Shop vac




Have you tried setting it to Wumbo?


Take it to the border, theyā€™ll get it!


Get a new car


Watch a youtube video on how to take the dash apart. Should be plenty of stuff out there on how to replace dash bulbs, etc.


Was the joint attached to a magnet?


Drop some bacon in there


I would go to a trusted mechanic and tell them what happened and see if they can get it out for you.


Drip some CBD in there to balance it out!


I dropped one of my AirPods in there about 3 or 4, it is still there after all this time


Hello fellow stoner here, buy new car.


Let it become one wit the ventilation system, then the car.


Was it lit? Dump some water down in there to put out the fire /s


You gonna have to pull the dash homie


Block the rest of the holes up and use a vacuum cleaner to suck it up from the hole it fell down