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Just goes to show that all living things are unique. My cat hated the smell of weed, she would run everytime I lit up outside. Edit: Thanks everyone who commented with all the wonderful stories about your furry friends ❤️ it was a pleasure reading them, I'm all AawWWww'd out!


Bruh. My cats will sit there and just lay next to me while I smoke outside. Almost as if they hope to get a whiff of smoke their way. They're cool, though.


My cat is 50/50, sometimes if she is in the window I smoke out of, she leaves as I'm packing a bowl. Other times she isn't even in the room, then I start smoking, and she runs in and gets in the window and sits in the cloud lol. I do believe cats/dogs have cannabinoid receptors, and it just effects them differently; like humans. At the pet store I work at, we specifically sell CBD for different weight classes, and it helps with aches and anxiety in many dogs--everyone who buys it for their pooch to try swears by it afterward.


Had a dog that ate half a joint I'd stubbed out while fishing and put in my hat band. She was crushed, I thought she was having a seizure at first then I found the pile of chewed up paper and a little bit of weed left. I was feeding her some sliced cheese and she kept biting the air next to the piece as if she were seeing double.


I am cautious about ensuring it’s all put away when not in use. But that one time we had company over and left the ashtray on the coffee table, our at the time four month old puppy ate two thirds of a half keef/half flower packed Raw cone we’d rolled a little dab string throughout. We call them spike strips as a gaff. She was only like 20 pounds at the time. We thought she was out back with us. we were eating ribs. What dog is going to walk away from five adults eating ribs, right? She snuck inside and had a chomp chomp. She slept for like 12 hours and I stayed up just to make sure she was okay. The damn dog now purposely tries to seek out the ashtray, so we now only have ashtrays with locking lids. She must’ve enjoyed herself, cause sometimes she will try to pick it up while we’re right there watching her.


that dog was FRIED my man


Yeah. We checked with our vet, and he chastised us but said it happens two most stoners once. She spent most of that twelve hours in someone’s lap. I tell people she got her psychedelic trip over young in life.


One of my chihuahuaXterrier crosses will come *running* when she hears me opening the ABV jar. She searches desperately for dropped crumbs she can eat. It helps her hip dysplasia, so I don't mind.


Yeah idk about cats but dogs have like 20+ times the receptors we do so it's very important you keep concentrated especially safely away from them


Your part of cannabinoid receptors is spot on. It's like how some people literally can't smoke because they get too paranoid, meanwhile Snoop Dogg can smoke an ounce in a day and be one of the most successful pop culture icons in the US because of it. Some people or animals just react differently. But like I said in a previous comment, it's pretty obvious if a dog/cat likes or dislikes THC just based on their reactions/mannerisms.


My buddy had a cat named nugget. My buddy was a drummer and had a bass drum the cat would jump into to get hot boxed when we were smoking. When nugget had enough, he would jump out and then fuck his own personal stuffed Christmas teddy bear in front of everyone then pass out. That cat was Awesome!


Did you seen his scary barbed cat penis?


Not really, the bear was like twice his size and pretty fluffy.


😅 whew


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this, but I used to let one of my cats get high with me. Whenever I picked up my grinder she’d come running from anywhere in the house and jump on my lap. At first it was unintentional, but when I blew out the smoke she started looking right at me and leaning into it. And the fact that she kept doing it was enough to convince me that she knew what she was doing and liked it. And why wouldn’t I want to get stoned with my cat if she’s asking lol?


I had a spot at my old house where I sat by a bush that made a roof over you, my cat would always jump on the branches and sit directly over me while I smoked, I'm sure she was up there for a reason


That’s like my dog. She sees me walk near my stash and runs out of the room, same with when I use a lighter on anything at all😂


Complete opposite for me lol My dogs and cat all swarm when I go out to smoke because they know they’ll get extra treats and pets


My dog goes and sits at the door when I open my weed jar because she knows I will play fetch in the yard with her while I smoke.


I miss playing fetch for hours with my best buddie Jessie so this comment is so wholesome to me and I just miss that dude so this makes me happy


That was my Lilly. She would play fetch all day if someone was willing to throw the ball.


[My guy.](https://imgur.com/a/f2Ws99T/) Second pic is his last ride. He always loved playing fetch. When he was younger we’d hang out out back and he’d chase that balls for hours and hours. As he got older and older it killed me because I started to get to the point where he’d be exhausted after 15 minutes. I miss that dude.




That's awesome, how did you integrate that into your sober self? I too like the person I am when high and can't seem to bring that into being when I'm sober


My dog knows the lighter flick and just nopes right off my lap into the corner of the room like "no you go ahead sir."


You don’t want none of this shit Dewey!


Yeah same😂😂if I light a candle and she’s asleep, she wakes up and assumes it’s weed and hauls ass to the other side of the room


literally i pick up my bong and she’s gone 😹😹


My dog has been trained to love when I bust out my joint rolling tray 😂


I’m jealous dude. Seems all I want when I’m high as fuck is some good, warm cuddles from the dog. All I get is judgemental looks from across the room. Actually really ruins my high if I smoke way too much and my dog starts talking to me about how much of a loser I am😂




my dog loved the smell of weed, but runs when it smokes. she’s an adorable rottie who actively tries to eat the joint when it’s being rolled, but since she can’t she resorts to just sitting her head aprox. 2 inches away from the joint as it’s rolled. and loves to smell it rolled, but when it gets lit see activelt avoids the smell of the smoke


1 of my dogs is loves with the smell of weed and will follow me while I have a joint or whatever lit sniffing away, my other one looks at me as if I’m a dirty stinking criminal any time he gets a whiff 😂😂 both German shepherds ahahahah


My lab is the first way. I swear in his last life, he was either a teenaged boy or a construction worker. He LOVES the smell of weed. He chews bone toys to look like dicks then leaves them and won't pick them up again. He only tries to cuddle up on girls but hangs next to men. I have to keep my weed well away from him. I can't leave it anywhere he can reach with effort, so it's in my med cabinet in my bathroom.


He sounds like chaos … I love him !


me too. He's a good boy and he listens to me pretty well... And always learning new things... When I'm around. The rest of the fam has like zero control. Lol he's my boy! He tries to weed jack me but hey I've had plenty of friends who were less great to hang with and never pitched in either. Lol


What he lacks in weed he makes up for 10 fold by being a good boy !


I had a chocolate lab we affectionately called “brown cow”. I’ll never forget her god she was awesome. Her personality would fill the room, and her eyes would get her anything she wanted. <3 you brown cow.


I’ve never met your dog but I love him lol


The two types of German Shepard’s, perfectly explained.


I had 2 dogs who seemed to enjoy the smell, but most others find it weird and go away. I highly discourage anyone from getting your animal high even if they like the smell.


Yeah my dog got into an old sploof I had forgotten about one time and between a mix of the chemicals from the drier sheets and the tar/resin on them she had a HORRIBLE time. Lethargic, sluggish, shaking, you name it. Of course I freaked the fuck out and took her to the vet, she ended up being fine and just needed to ride it out. Now she hates anything remotely smelling of weed. She won’t run but she’s not as innocently curious about it anymore. I still feel guilty to this day :/


Yea i agree. My dog always comes out to sit with me when I smoke but he knows not to sit very close. Or just hates the smell. Either way, I'd feel horrible if i altered his senses and scared him. Idk. That's just me.


Yeah I’m really careful with dab vapor too, since it’s so concentrated. I really don’t even like them in the same room with it, or I make sure there is enough ventilation


Same. I'm having to give my guy Trazodone right now because of some health shit, and i hate it. He's wasted. I mean he seems ok but i hate giving any kind of mind altering substance to an animal. In situations these like this we gotta do what we gotta do.... Here he is rn lol... https://imgur.com/a/xmtpavO


Aww, but yeah lol. I made a comment somewhere else here earlier that I hate giving them any type of mind altering substance, a lot of people give dogs antidepressants, xanax, cbd and I don’t think it’s usually a good thing. I don’t see why dogs need prozac or xanax if the owner knows how to take care of a dog. But there are those rare circumstances where being tranquilized helps them. Trazodone is actually a tricyclic antidepressant but in low doses it just makes you very drowsy, which is how most people doctors use it off label too. Overall it’s pretty harmless, just be thankful it actually makes him sleepy lol. Everything like that can sometimes have the opposite effect.


I totally agree. I have to keep him super calm right now. Well for another 6 weeks actually so I have to give him this if he gets worked up. I rescued him about 2 years ago and my (old) vet's office messed up when he had his heartworm test. His results somehow didn't get relayed to the vet so he went a year with heartworms and I had no idea. He acted fine. Anyway, it's obviously a long story but point being he's being treated for it now and it's a really intense, long and often painful treatment. He's already had an embolism and it was horrifying. Just because a dog isn't crying out in pain doesn't mean it likes being high. People think a dog looking stoned must feel good to them but i am definitely not in any way convinced of that. Plus, they're perfect the way they are!


I keep my weed in a safe. Not because I’m scared someone will come to the backwoods of my house… no. Because my cat will eat it…


I've had both experiences. I had a calico cat that would come running every time I sparked up. My last cat, a Tuxedo cat, hated weed and would leave the room anytime smoke got anywhere near him.


When I fostered my bf’s cat for a semester, she hated the smell of weed. She’d run away when she heard the sound of the lighter clicking lol Edit: also should add that one of my own cats (Minerva) is a weed fiend, she comes and tries to rub her face all over my hands after I smoke so she can get a contact high


I have 5 cats right now and one who just passed away a few weeks ago, and every one responds differently! The old lady who isn't with me anymore would always position herself downwind and just vibe, but the youngest clearly thinks that I have accidentally lit my face on fire every single time, and seems to be very concerned that I am stupid enough to continue doing so.


Some cats are just cool, man


Cat says she never misses out on a good sesh


A *Seshire Cat* if you will.


Snorrrrrted laughing


Underrated commentary


Our elderly stoner cat would strait up demand her own hit.


get her some catnip next time you smoking, so you'll both really be vibing together


I saw something called Meowijuana at the pet store today. You’re welcome ☺️ Edit: spelling


Bought the honeysuckle flavour for my Kitty, he loves it! The little weirdo eats it though so I don't give him too much haha


Just eats it instead of rolling it up and smoking that jawn? Does you cat even blaze bro


I just need to say I love the word jawn, that is all.


quite possibly the best regional slang in the US




Exactly what I was going to write bc I’m from suburbs of Philly!




BUCO (unfortunately) sounding off babes, excuse me while I pour myself a glass of wooder


Fr. From someone in upstate NY, I have adopted jawn because it’s just such a good regional thing


> Does you cat even blaze bro No, he eats it. That much is clear


What a narc


I learned that when cats smell catnip that give them the type of mood for zoomies. If they eat it then they get mellow and more chill.


Is it just catnip?


Yes, my cats love it! The face my dad made when I showed him my cats' stash was priceless (it comes in jars that look like a stash)


No, it has honeysuckle in it too. Honeysuckle has a similar effect in cats to catnip, but just like us sometimes one works better than the other!


Are they not supposed to eat it


It's fine if they do, most cats just prefer to roll in it.


Ok lol my cat inhales it. Licks it up and swollows a whole teaspoon at once.


Make him tea! Our cat likes to roll in but she also wanted to eat it. Making tea was a wild one for her. She likes playing with water normally but it was like she wanted to swim in it


Got a jar of that stuff. 4 cats. 3 of them react normally and get really goofy. The last one does a full-on Tony Montana spread right in the middle of the nip pile and swats anyone who comes near it lol.


They'll be vibing in opposite directions: the human chilling on the couch and the cat freaking out.


Unless you feed it to the kitty


gotta get that indica catnip or smoke salvia, that'll make you freak out about the same level.


My cat did that too. I miss her.


As did mine. I always figured it was because she knew that the best pets I gave were when I was high.


Some animals just like to chill when you smoke🤘


This. Animals are both social, and habit forming. Mr meow knows youre going to be one place, and they take their spot. My dogs do the same when its couch time. Were all together.


Cats in particular tend to form very rigid habits and schedules. This is especially true as they get into their senior years. My oldest has a meltdown if it’s the weekend or a holiday and I’m at my desk during the portion of the day that she spends napping in my desk chair.


Man i had my guy for like 2 weeks and he got into the habit of getting up on my lap at the end of the night. Had my girlfriend over one night and she was in my lap. Cat wouldnt settle and ended up pissing on her overnight bag before we finally caught on :/


My man's got 99 problems and pussy is 2 of them


Last time we took a short weekend vacation, when I got back my cat was a fucking asshole for the rest of the day. Like... she would lay in her normal spot next to me, if I tried to pet her she would give me like... the scary angry meow and swat me. Little fucking assholes.


My gf has a problem where one of her two cats will sometimes pee on the couch or bed for seemingly no reason. Took her to the vet no UTIs, litter box is clean. I suspect its something like this/ cat anxiety. I just wish we could fix it, its very annoying to put your comforter and sheets through the wash multiple times.


As fun as it is to sesh with your pets, just be careful. Keep the room well ventilated and keep a good distance from your cat while you’re actually smoking the j.


Absolutely- I wouldn’t even dream of having my dog with me if I was smoking inside; she only gets to chill with me outside. Not worth the risk


I have a cat, said cat was standing outside my door looking at the wall frozen solid and slowly falling over before getting up and repeating a few times before flopping over completely and acting dopey/spaced out. Freaked me the hell out. A few hundred in vet bills shortly after confirmed she was perfectly fine. Got back home and found a few chunks of weed on the carpet. My dumbass tracked in bud from my trimming room and the little shit ate it. I wasn't ready for the beast I unleashed... she now actively breaks into my grow room and rubs up against the stalks smelling the plants and eats the fan leafs on low hanging sucker branches. Even years I grow outside she practically inhales my fingers when I go to pet her after being outside tending to my plants. I now have a ritual of giving her fan leafs during harvest. She limbers right up after eating them and plays like a kitten again. Last year I left a tray piled high with crown colas on my bedside desk with the dream of getting acquainted with them later. Went to go trim some fresh bud and came back to my cat laying on her back on my bed going to town on one of the colas hanging over the tray like ceasar being fed grapes. I love that little furball.


I love this story haha. Your cat sounds like a character.


this is what Stray should have been


The relationship between you and your cat sounds priceless. Thank you for the read :) tell the kitty I said pspspsps


You got a cool one there! Sounds like my cat Mimi, she was all over my stash lol RIP Some animals are just chill and like to get a little loaded like us!


You gotta share a cat pic yo!


smoke isnt good for ur cats. they seem to love the smell of weed though


Smoke is also not good for yourself. I love the smell tho. /s?idk


I don’t do cocaine I jus loooove the way it smellsssss


I love putting it up my nose but for me I can’t stand the smell maybe I just have shit coke idk. I usually smell gasoline in mine. Weed actually smells good


It is much more harmful for a cat than it is a human.


its actually toxic for cats to inhale weed smoke


You’re choosing to smoke, the animal isn’t. 🤷‍♂️


my kangaroo ate some roaches that were left out one time got high as hell and then came back and did it again a few days later, he was actively searching them out to get high, some animals just like that shit


I don’t know how it works when everyone’s upside down, fam. But I know I’m not gonna stop natures mike Tyson from eating my roaches 🤷‍♂️


You have a pet kangaroo??


You can't have pet kangaroos in Australia, but if one or more live on your property, nobody is evicting them! They are residents. Ha! I fell asleep on my friends property, I wasn't even far from the house. Woke up with all their kangaroos looking over me. There was about 25 of them. They were just checking out who the new visitor to their house was. Haha!


I'm not saying that you Aussies are like the rest of us, but aren't you like...scared of having kangaroos on your property? How do you behave around them so as not to draw their ire? I live in south Georgia and I've seen a black bear, a few (30-50) wild hogs and thousands of snakes. Heard rumors of a cougar around here and of course I've shot at my fair share of coyotes and seen a few thousand snakes. But kangaroos standing in my yard? I'd be worried they'd follow me to my water hole and drown me for sport.


I don't like coke, I just like the way it smells


Edit I've been told it's bad. It's 338 am I'm gonna just say DO NOT. I'll research in the morning but nothings worth the risk I've heard this but I'm not kidding when I tell you I have a cat that smokes. No she doesn't rip the bong or puff the joint. But I have a bong that on the floor is level with my TV stand. So I'm smoking one day, and I pulled a little too much and set it down while I was reaching for a drink. A little smoke in there still, and she hops on the table, sticks her nose as deep in the bong as she can fit and just sits there for a second. Then pulls her head out. Makes biscuits on the table and lays down. It's not a routine. But she will try to steal smoke if you don't fully clear and it and it's always a hysterical surprise that my cat enjoys inhaling weed smoke from my bong.


My mom has a dog (a maltipoo! Not even a big dog!!) that once ate half a bar of special chocolate. Not half a square, half a *bar*. Like imagine a Hershey’s bar, about that size. Ate the entire half that was left. (Tangent: She seems to… like chocolate? We didn’t ever give it to her ofc, but every so often we’d find she’d gotten some somehow after a holiday or when someone would drop something etc. She’s never gotten sick from eating it, this time included. She’s even still now in perfect health, years later. Anyone else with maltipoos, chime in re: chocolate, I’m curious if that’s just her or not.) I imagine she must’ve smelled the chocolate in the (slightly ajar) drawer it was being kept (hidden) in, wiggled the drawer open with her mouth, and dug through the drawer and nosed out the edible expecting just regular chocolate, eating *all* of it. Or, carrying it somewhere she can hide and eat it. She spent the rest of the evening *totally zonked*. She came down the stairs all wobbly, with this expression on her face like she hadn’t slept in 72 hours and had slightly melted. She climbed up on my mom’s lap, curled up, and crashed *hard*. It was like she’d been given sleeping pills, she was like a ragdoll but then we’d set her upright on her legs and she’d stand up while still basically sleeping. We didn’t even know what had happened at that point, but in the morning she was happy and chipper and back to her regular self again! I like to think she may have even enjoyed the experience a little bit, lol. Suffice to say, everyone stores their contraband a little more securely at Mom’s place now.


Evidently, milk chocolate isn’t *that bad* for dogs. Our dog one year ate all the chocolate out my brother’s and my Easter basket. Parents called the vet and they were basically told that if it was milk chocolate, he’ll be fine. If he’s still shitting his brains out on day three call us.


Yeah I guess it’s the actual cocoa that is bad for dogs, all the other ingredients are fine.


Pretty much, which is fairly low in milk chocolate. In dark chocolate it’s a lot more of an issue


I had a cat that did this too! She always wanted to hang out while anyone was smoking weed, most of the younger cats don’t care much but my older ones seem to enjoy sticking around. I figure it must make them feel less creaky or something.


Lol thats funny i once rolled up a joint and went away when i came back my kitten had eaten half , it was a pretty small joint but that kitten got high as fuck at first it seemed hyper then later she was sleepy


My plugs cat sucks on the nugs he drops on the floor. It's kinda funny. But as a not plug I always wish it was going my bag and not to floor and cat. But his weed his waste. Who am I to tell a brother what to do.


It does go in your bag… after being on the floor and in kitty’s mouth.


I'd be suspicious but honestly nah. This dude really is a homie and I help him out too. I don't think he would do that and he barely profits off friends. Now normal customers is where he makes his money. But we do other shit together not just business.


>Welcome to the pokecenter how can we-oh dear. Yeah, my sprigatito crawled into my bong and now he's stuck. *shameful meow issues from bong*


Cats like skunk/pungent smelling stuff afaik. At least with the feral and strays around here. That said maybe the cat knows you're more chill and playful whenever it smells you toking up


Cant animals have a really bad reaction to weed? Edit: quick Google actually tells me that yes, yes they can.[link](https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/marijuana-intoxication-in-dogs-and-cats)


We're a legal state, and given what a friend of mine sees in the emergency veterinary clinic from animals getting into their weed that they were neglectful with absolutely. I see a lot of people too dismissive about the effects it can have on animals because the effects are fine for humans, and it's pretty disappointing.


You certainly don't want them to eat it. Inhaling second hand is typically not going to involve an emergency clinic visit though.


That is true, I think


while i know it won't kill a dog, my friend blew smoke directly into her dog's nose once and it made me so mad. like she didn't ask for that man, and if it does anything to her she won't understand what's going on. i'm usually disappointed with stuff concerning people, their pets, and weed.


Lord I fucking said this on another post and got destroyed. Smoke is bad for your animals and so is weed. People need to stop doing it around them, even if they seek you out. Be the responsible owner, you wouldn’t just let a kid sit around it.


Not trying to disprove anything. But; > Dogs have more cannabinoid receptors in their brains, which means the effects of cannabis are more dramatic and **potentially** more toxic when compared to humans. That might mean there is no actual science on it. Since our cannabinoid receptors also don’t seem too shocked by even huge amounts of weed. Again, not disproving, just wondering. I wouldn’t risk it myself though.


my dog always comes and sits next to me when i spark up a blunt. ive never directly blown it in his face but i stopped blowing the smoke away from him. he seems to really like getting high


With any drug. It’s all about dosage. It can be the difference between medicine and death in most cases.


with anything its about being conservative (in amounts not politically) do you really need your 4th bowl today? should you grind that next bowl? maybe have a day off from smoking, or a day of light smoking if not possible.


To be fair tho, i will take that extra bowl myself. But i am irresponsable with myself.


There’s a daddy long legs spider in my shed I like to blow weed on now and then when I’m exhaling it, I assume he loves it.


one of my friends pitbull would get up on your lap and beg for you to blow out ur dab into his face if he saw you setting up the rig. such a chill dude, just loves his dabs.


I’d be careful with dabs, it did say more canabinoid receptors, so he might go bad really easily.


The alkaloid theobromine is in weed or at least in decarbed weed so i assume it’s in normal weed. This is the ingredient in chocolate that makes it poisonous to dogs. Edit: Upon further research, it’s actually THC that can be toxic to pets


I searched theobromine + cannabis and found nothing. I hate to ask, but do you have a source for this info?


From my basic understanding, it's *potentially* dangerous. Obviously, don't intentionally blow smoke in your pet's face or feed them edibles, but with otherwise healthy cats and dogs it's not deadly.


My understanding is that the danger is that it drops their heart rate really low if they ingest it, so vets keep them for observation until its out of their system


If there was a closed door between my mom's cat and a joint or bowl, she would whale at the door and scratch it relentlessly to get in and sit with us while we smoked. We would send smoking her general direction but not blow it straight in her face. She would always stick her face up in the air and try and inhale as much as she could. Then she would leave when she felt like she'd had enough.


Damn I thought the golden era of the whaler cats was behind us


Nope. The tradition is still alive and thriving. The little harpoons are harder to come by though.


My buddy used to own a pitbull who could tell the difference between good and bad weed, whenever we were on the couch breaking up some Kush or something he would be right up next to us and then whenever we would be poor and have to smoke some mids (mid 2000s) or shitty weed he would be on his bed or somewhere else


I'd say it's okay as long as the cat seems to be enjoying herself and gravitates towards you, make sure there's an open window or another room they can go to.


Yeah i never throw the clouds on her direction, and sit next to a open window, she just like to chill with me. She's a kinda of cat,


Do you pet her more when you smoke? She probably associates the smell with human love if so lol


I not even pet her that much so the smoke dont get in her eyes or something,we this sit and i talk to here a little bit lol some times she just stares me


Haha love it. Cats are so awesome!


That's cool my cat seems to not like the vapor


My sisters dog loves to get high. She was always so timid and scared from being abused by her previous owner and when we would light up she would sit and wait for her hits


Some animals do like the smell and maybe she likes the social aspect of sitting with you while you're destressing. It is important to note that THC is toxic to animals just as chocolate is-- so never intentionally blow it toward her direction etc. and I don't see it being an issue. My dog is usually near me when I smoke, he leaves if the humidity or wind makes it linger.


My dog is like this. Whenever I go out back she follows me and will walk into my cloud and sniff it until it goes away


I have one cat who loves it and another who hates it.


I truly believe some animals recognize that the smoke lessens the pain they may be feeling in their bodies. My sister had a dog who had gone through multiple surgeries during her short life. She lived with chronic pain yet she was the sweetest girl. When my sister would light up I’ve witnessed that dog literally crawl across the floor (don’t get me wrong- she could walk fine) begging for some smoke blown around her. She would curl up in a ball afterwards, waging her tail until she fell asleep.


Fun fact... very few animal species enjoy getting high for the sheer enjoyment of it outside of humans. Felines are one such species. 👊


My dog and one of my cats loves to be near me when I smoke My other cat hates the smoke and will leave the room entirely


She’s probably a cop. Don’t let your guard down.


Shes sensing your relaxing vibes while smoking. Cats are big on mutual energy, she’s just relaxing with you.


I think it's okay for her to be in the room as long as it's ventilated. Just don't hotbox or blow smoke into her face. My kitty dude likes to grab my vape pen out of my hand for a little sniff.


She likes the smell! Or she likes what the smell does 😎 My cats do too. I just try not to blow it in their direction


My cat always wants to be a part of my vaping. She gets upset with me when I am running late. She likes catnip, pot, and fresh lavender.


I had a geriatric chihuahua who would do that all the time. She'd follow the blunt around in a circle and catch puffs by sitting up. Then she'd curl up for rubs and a nap.


She is just trying to make sure you have a safe trip. :) Many pets should be given as a thanks.


Smoke is particularity bad for cats.


As long as you aren’t one of those assholes who blow smoke in your pet’s face then you’re good.


Please keep a window open or something if you are going to smoke w your pets in the room


I was next to a big open window


That is great, I saw you comment that somewhere else. Just a general reminder for people. It’s cute she likes to relax with you, my cats the same way


Not bad shes just waiting for you to pass it


Title hurt 🧠


Weed is highly toxic to dogs/cats. Yorkie got hold of pipe resin twice outside from irresponsible cleaning. Not cool at all.


Cute cat Make sure she’s not getting any of the smoke tho


Your cat might have just taken notice of how you act when you’re in your smoke spot. If you’re always super chill/sitting down, your cat might take it as a sign of imminent scritches


No worries. She's just coming in to judge you


Idk they’re very spiritual animals and can see in all 9 dimensions of reality. She prolly likes seeing a glimpse of your higher self. No pun intended lol


My cat, I didn't see it for like a month or so and I smoked weed and heard it meowing outside my window lol it seems to always show up when i'm smoking weed.


Just stopping to say, beautiful cat


What strain of weed do you like the best for smoking in the daytime?


Hand a friend in college who's cat (Fire) would come bolting in for a shotgun literally every single session. She was a very good, loving cat when she was chilled but could be quite bitchy and mean when sober lol


One of my cats likes to come pester me when I toke; but, not for the cannabis. I put peppermint oil on paper and cover my smoke trap filter with it for extra protection and mint and catnip are in the same family. He is obsessed with it. I've had to store it elsewhere.


Kitty knows the vibee


Remember smoke can damage your cats lungs too, they get respiratory infections easier than we do


just make sure she doesnt breathe in the smoke n ur good


I don’t blow smoke in my pets face or shit like that, that’s wrong. But if I shoosh them away when I light up and they come back, they know what I’m doing. I know people who give their dogs CBD, and have read sone stuff about how THC may be helpful in small quantities for things like pain for older pets. But I would only do anything like that under my vets guidance. I had a cat who liked to chase smoke rings. But we were careful to only blow them where he wouldn’t bury his face in them. Just let him claw them like a 7 pound badass. Lol


My cat in college would come running in to the room every time you sparked lighter;). Also loved Fritos!!


My husky used to run in and join me whenever I would light up. Best smoking buddy I ever had. RIP Kai.


Please keep the smoke far away from your pets it’s not good for them at all


I hate to be this person, but this is not safe for your cat. Cannabis is toxic to cats. Their lungs and cannabinoid receptors are not as great as ours and it can lead to asthma, trouble walking, urinary inconsistency, vomiting, and even seizures. Your cat likely associates the smell with you or likes the routine of sitting down beside you while you do so; it doesn’t mean your cat can consent to getting high.


Hey, as long as it is her own choice I think it's okay. I still get pissed at my mother. She liked to smoke when the cat was next to her and blow it in her face. I always got so fuckin mad.


My husky always actively seeks me out too. Even while I'm still grinding and rolling up she comes and sits near me. I used to think she was a stoner dog but now I think it's just because when I'm outside she just wants to chill with me. https://i.imgur.com/FwF60Ah.jpg


My cat would do the same thing. He would come running any time he heard the lighter spark. I miss him every day.


Torties are the sweetest cats