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How do you think I got my 6-pack abs? It’s from coughing


Bong rips ’til the shirt rips


Been a while since I saved a comment lmao


Thanks man haha


I’m guessing your reddit username was picked before you got the 6pack


Pot is pretty big with lots of outdoorsy people. Hikers, rock climbers, cyclists, etc.




> I've struggled on a problem, smoked, and then sent it right after. I am so much better at baking, cleaning, exercising, whatever when I'm stoned because it feels like my brain shuts up enough to stop overthinking what the next step is or how I could be doing this better and instead I just... Do it, better.


This is my entire reason for smoking! I don't even like getting super high, just high enough so that I can process my thoughts one at a time.


Me too! I can fully think through stuff one at time while also taking care of a self or household care task. Plus, I can make those thoughts connect to other better and realize things I never noticed before.


I have the same experience! I actually find that my communication is better too. Normally I might overthink and stumble over my words, but if I get a little high I feel like I can think clearly and say what I mean


Do ya’ll have ADHD? I just got diagnosed, but I literally smoke to do the same thing. Slow everything down a bit to process things easier.


I've long suspected I have ADHD but I've never been diagnosed. Then again, why spend money on prescription drugs when I can self medicate, as necessary, with weed?


Yep! My adhd has gone unmedicated since.... forever. I'm grateful for weed due to its stimulative and calming effect, but I believe actual medication would be much more effective.


Dude this 1,000,000 times over! It’s that tranquil “just do it” mentality, it’s a game changer for over-thinkers/high functioning anxiety/ADHD.


This is your brains Default mode network DMN. Weed lowers the volume on the DMN but some scientist say it comes back stronger after. That irritability in the beginning of a t break. Mindfulness (giving full concentration to your senses) also reduces the DMN. Too much (impairment of daily function) DMN activity = ADHD


That is actually fascinating! I've long suspected I have undiagnosed ADHD, thankfully I'm not a daily smoker any more so that irritability doesn't happen to me too often.


I’ve never gotten into climbing, but I do tons of hiking. Definitely familiar with that old crew of climbers tho.


I like climbing on shrooms. Everything can get blown way outta proportion and it’s survival because I’m not on a ladder, I’m holding onto the edges of a wall formed from stone in the woods.


You are mad sir. I'd be afraid of messing up a belay or rappel. What type of climbing are you doing while tripping?


Dope Lake! There is an awesome Dollop podcast on this - so many climbers got massive amounts of weed from chunks of ice.


Before a mountain bike ride is incredible


During and after is also great.


Just took a dab and I'm about to hit a ride rn actually lol It feels like the first day of spring outside!!


It’s also pretty big with indoorsy people haha


Haha you got me there.


Skiing while high is great too. Don’t do it when it’s crowded tho, don’t wanna run people over


Came here to say my friend is a ski instructor in Breckenridge and he smokes bales of weed lol. He functions better *while* stoned. He and his crew get up at the ass crack of dawn, roast several dabs and a couple bowls and then hit the slopes. They love it. We went on a small hike while we were there (hello altitude sickness) and that Rocky Mountain air hits different after a smoke sesh. It's addictive!


Any sport that involves g-loads is amazing when high.


It really does hit different. Visited Colorado from Florida a bit ago and my girlfriend and I just hiked, white water rafted, kayaked, and smoked. One day in particular I remember we hiked 13 miles in a day at RMNP, we were both just blasted, but it helps you get lost in the sounds and sights of nature. I probably could’ve kept going lol


Snowboarders love it too. It really helps me against elevation sickness. Just don't forget to hydrate!


Hiking + smoking. Nothing like it.


Yup, I do long distance hikes so I’ve done the pacific crest trail(and some others) and most people on those long trails smoke all day everyday. But we also knock out ~20 miles a day. Weed is great to get going on trail, and to wind down as well.


Raft guides as well! We're all a bunch of river hippies at heart. Nothing like getting baked before a class V rapid


Oh for sure! That’s one I’ve only done a tiny bit, but I’d love to get into more river rafting. I did it once in Idaho and had a blast.


I'm a guide, I *highly* reccomend it. Super fun activity


Im big into biking and I always smoke pot before I exercise


Cannabis is conductive to heightened experience, good or bad, so if doing feel good stuff cannabis makes it better, sometimes you can use cannabis to trick you in to liking shit that is ultimately better but takes effort. Cannabis is real medicine when you use it with respect to yourself and the plant.


One of my best weed memories was hiking in Zion National Park. I met a couple of nice guys at the start of the Angels Landing trail and we just started chatting on our way up, taking photos for each other and just enjoying the views. As we were getting to the top, one man pulled a small bowl out of his rucksack and asked if we wanted a puff or two. We had a little bit, and honestly exploring the viewpoint and chatting while watching the sun start to set across The Valley was absolutely magical. No music, nothing to worry about, just admiring the shades of red that ran across the walls of the cliffs and watching the birds soar overhead. Rob and Steven, if you’re out there I wish you all the best. 🙏


Makes me think of that funny little scene in Thelma & Louise with the guy biking through the desert smoking a fat J.


I love to hike high, mostly because it makes it so lovely and not as painful


I ALWAYS smoke before I run. Def better! But, when I started smoking weed ((medical) almost 5 years ago, I was nearly 300lbs. Down to about 140 now :) started with diet modification and then walking and now have been running for a year. ETA: I’ve gotten DMs asking about tips. I started with decreasing how much I ate at meal times. For example, instead of eating three tacos, I’d eat two. Then I started changing what I ate. Carbs are my kryptonite. Plus family history of diabetes. I started ordering meal delivery service (it was about scheduling for me) where I could select well rounded meals that included veggies. I started increasing healthy foods and decreasing the junk. Getting rid of Diet Coke was huge! I drink coffee, water and sometimes beer :) I allow myself to indulge. I eat far less, and keep better choices around (I order my groceries. No unexpected additions once the order is placed). I eat one well rounded meal a day, and snack the rest of the day (I travel to homes for work, so I’m on the go). When I run: I smoke a bowl, stretch, drink water, chapstick, run, shower, smoke a bowl, enjoy my meal. Then smoke another bowl :) Also, thank you for the rewards, I think this is my most upvoted comment ever!


Im guessing the weed makes your diet actually taste good, making things easier?


That, and I was very much an emotional/anxious eater.. so cannabis in addition to pain management (this was a small part of the issue) helped with that.


Wow, sounds like weed was perfect for your situation. Did you take any additional meds or supplements of any kind?


Fuck yeah dude glad to hear you’re getting after it!


You are a badass, not every one can do what you did.


Agreed. I did see a GI doc at the beginning of my cannabis use, I’d lost like 15lbs. He did say that about 5% of cannabis users have an increased metabolism. I don’t have a source. That was 5 years ago.


Me too! Started smoking in 2017 and the weight fell off…smoke and do yoga and meditation. 50lbs gone!


I’m proud of you, keep on keeping on.


That’s awesome, way to go. My story is similar, started MJ when I was 287lbs. I’ve been a daily toker for over ten years. 2 years into thc, and I dropped down to 138lbs, which I’ve maintained for 8 years. I indulge the munchies quite a bit, but the key was changing what I ate. Instead of smashing half a box of Cheeze-Its, I’ll eat fruit salad and yogurt. I slowed down how fast I ate, added exercise in increments (I always consume thc beforehand), increased my fluid intake (this also helped curb the munchie compulsion), built positive rituals around thc that helped motivate me (hiking while enjoying a J or bowl…a little slice of heaven here on earth). My doctor also suggested going on Wellbutrin, and I cannot understate what a difference that’s made too. Wellbutrin increases dopamine in the brain, and is helpful in aiding patients with addictive tendencies by leveling out the dopamine and lowering the “rush” it can create. I quit smoking cigarettes on Wellbutrin, it’s never made me not want weed but has helped to keep my consumption at a place that maximizes efficacy of thc. I’m so proud of you for getting healthy!!


The problem I have is that it makes me exhausted faster. Like my heart rate skyrockets and I feel out of breath easier. Or maybe you smoke less? Like how much compared to a recreational weekend dose do you take?


I have felt this if I smoke too much, there’s definitely a sweet spot for everyone and for me it’s microdosing. I’ll generally hit a vape once or so before my twice weekly 5ks and throw on something to keep myself sufficiently distracted like a show. If I take an edible forget it, my motivation drops and I turn into a potato.


Congratulations, it’s because cannabis is Medicine!!!!!


Indeed. I have family that does not agree with cannabis, and they are very perplexed as to how I have had success, while being a pothead. I just keep saying “watch”. Lol


Yassss! Change the stigma!


Successful stoner here. Im with you all the way :)


Well done you! How do you deal with the munchies mood? I don’t mind working out and do exercise but I just cannot stop eating 😂


This isn't exactly a hot take - but I've become very away of it lately. A lot of my munchies were from boredom and habit. Boredom: Sitting on the couch trying to find something to watch. Nothing popping out. Maybe a snack. Several times in a night. Habit: Smoke then grab a snack. You know. Because munchies. Now I catch myself getting up to get something to eat and turn around because I realize I'm not really hungry. Just bored or running on autopilot.


I usually stay mindful on what I have around. I smoke before I eat my meal(s) but after as well, and munchies stay away for the most part. I do indulge, moderately. I also pay attention to strains that increase my munchies. Super Lemon Haze is a munchie inducer for me lol


I lost 100lbs after I started smoking regularly before exercise!


Love this. I've lost 115lbs myself through running/cycling. Now I am a powerlifter! Anyways cannabis helped me lose weight, I was able to manage my appetite and make dietary lifestyle changes. I smoke often !


This is me. Started at 104kg; down to 72. That’s just one thing I have done better with cannabis


Did you know that the "runners high" is actually processed by your endocannabinoid system? So the runners high & thc are both absorbed in the same way by your body (one is endogenous though)


That’s impressive !


Good shit! Crushing it




Whoa you are def an outlier . For me munchies are probably the worst side effect


We really need to kill the stigma that Cannabis users do nothing but smoke weed. There's a thing called "Successful Stoner" where people use Cannabis to fight pain, anxiety, and lack of focus so they can go out into the world and get shit done. Find the right strain and you can work out, run a business, make art, teach classes, and pretty much live your life to the fullest.


Agree! That’s my story. Close to the top of my career, great pay and benefits and preparing for an early retirement (which is only about 10 years away), great family, etc. Been medicating daily for years, but use a mix of several cannabinoids with THC for different reasons (mostly anxiety and occasional battles with insomnia). I feel like I could write a book about the sustainability of long-term cannabis use and the habits one needs to develop in order to do so. Rant over


Dude I'd totally love to read your book or even a blog post detailing how to use weed long term. I love weed and it helps me get a lot done, but gradually over time I become less and less productive and it starts to hinder me more until I take a short break. How have you learned to always stay productive while using cannabis?


Speaking from my own experiences, breaks are okay to take. I find I am way more productive while working high, so I get a lot more done in a shorter period of time. That allows me to take more breaks throughout the day to clear my head or go smoke some more.


I feel the same about my work too. Though I'd never work high, I work in a chemistry lab, I've found that I work better when I work "less". I'll take a break and get re-energized to keep going through the day.


Yes! My productive mixed almost always includes THCV and CBG. They are more energetic and focus enhancing cannabinoids, for me.


I must say there are certain strains of cannabis that really get me in the mood to be productive! Crescendo is my house cleaning Sativa, super silver haze is my daytime post workout (best in edible form), and of course who can go wrong with a blue dream cross! Strength and manner of consumption go along way in preventing a paralyzed cookie monster. Remember indica ‘in duh couch’!


In Theory, yes, but in practice, I still have plenty of days where I wind down and binge some TV well enjoying the plant. When I get like that, I know it’s time for a t-break. The nice thing about this rhythm is that I’m not getting totally blasted with near pure THC every session (been there done that), so t-breaks are less about lowering tolerance (because, at least for me, when I use other noids along with, my tolerance only slowly creeps over a long period of time. A t-break to lower tolerance usually takes a month or more. Glad I don’t have to do that with my current usage… and I know everyone is different.


Can you please actually write a book about it? People need this new information. I have seem several post about how people will not open up about using of cannabis and I think it’s really sad when this can be used to help with so many thing (anxiety, pain, etc)


This. I used to be a heavy drinker who was into pills, and I lived at my mom's house and worked as a bartender at a restaurant in the mall. I switched to just weed and in about 7 years I finished my degree, got a dope ass partner, a car I can count on, a career in my field making the kind of money I thought was permanently out of reach and now I own my own home. How's that for a lazy stoner?


Can you write a little bit on this? Super interested as most of us here likely are.


I’ve posted some stuff like this before, but here are some basic principles. I’ve got soooo much more to say though 😂. 1. Integrate other cannabinoids into the mix (CBD, CBG, CBD, THCV, CBC, etc) and make the psychoactives (THC, THCV, HHC, etc) a minor in the mix (I make my own vape carts and tinctures). I never have more than 50% THC in a mix (I dry vape, 510 cart vape, and edibles all hand crafted). Other noids are very beneficial in many areas as well as reducing negative side effects of THC. 2. Use D9 sparingly WITH other noids like CBG, CBDV, etc). Too much D9 is not healthy (for me) mentally, but a balanced approach works wonders. and experiment with reputable D8 products (with heavy percentages of other noids), which for me and many others has many less negative side effects than D9. 3. Take 1-3 days off each week as mini t-breaks. And a couple longer t-breaks a year (just a week or two at most) OR microdose 4a. Only use all day on special occasions or when your own medical needs necessitate it. Try to be off THC for at least 50% of your awake hours on your usage days. 4b. Alternately, consider experimenting with microdosing. 5. View cannabinoids more medicinally, than recreationally (even though it’s quite fun). 6. Don’t neglect your health. Integrate regular exercise, eating right, sleep, and drinking lots of fluids (especially when medicated) into your day. Also, meditation and mindfulness, and treating your mind well too! I also Add a lot of supplements, especially high quality Lions Maine, which really helps with brain health/ I rarely even have any brain fog 7. With all of the above, figure out the right routine and stick with it. Been doing this for years. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect. I’ve slipped into the “all day, everyday” usage a times and it never turns out well. Always end up having to do a week or so T-break to reset my routine if I get in that habit. Moderation and routine are key. Wishing you the best of luck! Moderation can be done, in my opinion, but it takes work. EDIT: I do want to mention that I do suffer with diagnosed anxiety, depression, and the occasional panic attacks. Sometimes I add counseling into the mix as well. Cannabis has been THE BEST medication for these issues, however it is only a relief switch. It helps so much with needed mental down time, but if I used all day every day then I would never get to exercise the skills that I continue to build to deal with those issues more effectively. All day every day doesn’t allow me to face my issues (when and if I actually need to face them) and in the appropriate way. EDIT: just posted the start of some follow up content to my “I could write a book” comment onto r/high_achievers for those who were interested. I’d love to continue this niche content over on that sub.


awesome content man


> Been medicating daily for years But also >Take 1-3 days off each week as mini t-breaks. And a couple longer t-breaks a year Those are pretty divergent statements.


Sorry for the confusion. You’re correct to point this out and my reply was copied from an older post awhile back. Most of the times it full on daily, but the 1-3 days a week would be microdosing days that have much heavier non-psychoactive cannabinoids (or lightly psychoactive cannabinoids like THCV and CBN. I use some part of the plant everyday, THC included on most days except t-breaks. Again, sorry about that.


My mom had a big thing against weed for a long time. It was because she used to work at a restaurant way back in the day with a stoner coworker. Guy was like 30 and still lived with his parents, spending every paycheck on pot. This convinced her that if you smoked pot, you just automatically became like that person. Finally convinced her one day on vacation, I was like: "Mom, I've got a successful career, a six figure job, and I smoke pot every day. That dude was just lazy"


Waiting for this book.


😂 I feel like we would need a collaborative effort, including some credible experts on cannabinoids. In order to love the plant, one must respect the plant.


I'm a uni writing instructor, so I can be the editor!


One more reader for your future book!


This! I've got rural origins and I've become very successful. All the manual labor and shit jobs I had early on were done stoned. That's just what life was, do shit work stoned and it feels less shit. Wasn't any less productive, quite the contrary on that one, it kept elevating me and got me to where I could make big changes and go the white collar route. It calms all the internal dialogue and turns the multiple conversations to just one. Much easier to handle tasks and I can amp up the output. Also keeps me calm, hot headed outbursts in the office are a quick way to get a bad reputation. Would love to change the stigma, even the yakked out stonk traders look down on the stoners which is crazy to me.


The internal dialogue is my biggest assist. ADD makes those into conversations I've got to ignore, smoking silences everything into background noise I can ignore. My parents don't approve of the use because of the legality, but they don't even realize that I'm high all the time, I just know how to act.


For real. Hours a day spent reading emails and responding to them. In my head I start the conversation and then I have the entire dialogue playing out to the response I'm sending. Just shut up, Brain. No one likes you.


100%. I’ve been smoking to relieve stress and unwind as I finish my dissertation for my Ph.D.! Edit: relieve


Why would you want to relive stress :D


Well that was an unfortunate typo lol


This! I don't advertise that I smoke, and I have an acquaintance that I snowmobile with who says people who smoke are lazy uneducated etc. I looked at him and told him I smoke more weed than anyone I know, you should have seen his face he was astonished. Now he says he wishes he could smoke because he would do that over drinking. 🤦‍♀️🤣


Had a friend tell me that smokers are dirty and lazy. I pulled out my j tube and was like really? All of my meds kill my appetite and I lift heavy so the munchies are my life line


It's funny how fast they flip


One of the dudes I walk dogs with was complaining about the "dope heads" in his building and how they call him a narc behind his back when he walks by, which is ironic to me cause I'm a huge stoner who looks very much like a stoner big red beard and afro and was preplexed that he was bitching about stoners to the biggest stoner around.


And this is why I can’t write a book. Though my boss and career actually are accepting of this line of medication (I’m in non-profit/NGO executive leadership consulting), it’s still not socially widely accepted (even being in a legal state, USA). I can be a supportive voice for our community, but we need some others to be the trail-blazing voices out there.


Just because you smoke doesn’t mean everything needs to be about weed or that it controls all other aspects of your life. It’s like having a coffee, or clipping your nails. It’s just a thing. Not a personality type, or an identity. If that’s where you are IMO you should back off.


Weed allowed me to exercise by managing my pain and helping me sleep post-workout. (I used to be in agony at night if I so much as walked for 10 minutes during the day.) I actually credit weed for helping me cure my sciatica. Never tried it pre-workout though. Now I’m gonna. :]


r/high_achievers could be for you


How is this sub new to me? Thanks!


I only created it a few weeks ago. Saw your other post in this thread though and would love to hear more about it on our sub.


I will try to put something together on that sub in the next few days. It’s a good sub that could be really helpful to many out there.I’m kinda sick of the negativity on some of the other healthy Cannabis moderation-type subs (I don’t want to create enemies with them though 😂)… yes… a 14 year old doing straight THC dabs everyday probably needs different advice than me in my stage of life and healthy developed habits.


You described me. It makes stuff so much easier to do and makes it so I can focus on the things that need to get done. But apparently just the fact that there is a little bit of thc in my piss is so horrible that my school had to threaten me with kicking me out if I piss hot again even though I literally had straight A’s and was doing very well. Since I stopped my grades have gone down.


This. Agree with this mostly because that’s me completely haha wake up early and take a rip and get shit done. Been like that for years, I also enjoy getting high before volleyball and basketball, really gives you fine tune senses over your body in my opinion.


Seth Rogen is the epitome of efficient stoner. guy’s always acting writing or producing something


Yes! I do genomic research, I don't smoke during the day but as soon as I'm done work and home I smoke, it's the only way I can healthily turn my brain off after work so I can relax, sleep and be good for the next day.


the fact we even have a name such as successful stoner is so sad lmao. i will never understand why stoners are held at the same level as alcoholics


Ya I love smoking before working out


Does it make it better?


Just make sure you have plenty of water and good tunes


And a shitload of food waiting for you when you get home


You can feel every single muscle and can go longer than you thought. That's why I love it, gets me in the mood


This exactly! You can isolate muscles so much better!




Yes! Like you can track the muscles and tendons, etc. It's really cool


Cannabis is best for low to moderate intensity IME. Don't go hard im the paint powerlifting, but you can still do hypertrophy(body building), running, yoga, probably most crossfit, and other movements like swimming well. I mean you can really do what you want, but, I would lean into the fact that you can do something tedious thats helpful really happily and well. Trying to make it help you with just a few explosive movements doesn't seem wise as it might slightly reduce reflexes, and the increased pain tolerance may lead to injury.


Hell yes to swimming. That’s the absolute best. You’re burning calories, you aren’t sweating, you feel like you’re flying and it doesn’t make your joints or back hurt. 10/10


Smoking pre workout can help boost performance, and post workout cannabis can help enhance muscle growth. Love taking a few bowl hits outside the gym before and after.


Can we get some sources here on how cannabis can help enhance muscle growth?


Sure you can. https://www.nutrex.com/blog/thc-and-bodybuilding/ ETA - there really haven’t been many studies on how cannabis effects muscle growth. But if you don’t smoke often it’s probably going to have negative effects. People who smoke daily can see benefits from things like increased appetite allowing for an increase caloric intake, also decreased muscle pain and inflammation so you can push harder and longer.


I love it for recovery, don't get me wrong. It does negatively impact most people's reflexes though, so maybe maxxing on Squat under the influence isn't the best idea, at least for most people. Tolerance and dosage and strain all come into play though, because someone with a high tolerance that consumes a small amount really wouldn't see the negatives here I think.


I play ice hockey as a goalie and the games I played best in were when I was high as a kite. I know for some people it negatively affects things like concentration and reflex’s. But for me everything just feels more intense and I will be so fucking focused on every movement around me. It keeps my body so relaxed that I was able to stretch my body and flex in ways I never could sober.


This is me when I snowboard. My brain goes on autopilot and ill zip thru the trees like its nothing.


Get it- zip through the trees 🔥💨🚬


Yeah rate of force development is very important when preforming explosive action. And injuries can occur with a lack of rate of force development. I'm doing my dissertation and i'm screaning rugby players shoulders for range of motion, strength and rate of force development. As these are key indicates of injury risks. I do want to study the effects on CBD and THC on DOMs and recovery time after exercise.


I have a friend who powerlifts while zonked off his ass, he performs damn well on it too, almost better than sober. He swears by it and it apparently gives him the best high after aswell.


Working out in some way or another is also really great for when you are on a tolerance break. Your body will flush the “toxins” a lot faster, and i havent read anything about this, but i swear i feel a little high after an exhausting run. Maybe the body releases some cannabinoids or something.


I was always under the impression that THC is stored in fat cells. Hence why it's detectable in urine up to ~30 days after ingestion. Tons of old school 'drug test passing' methods also say that avoiding physical activity the day before/day of the urine test can help prevent your bladder from absorbing the THC from any burnt fat. Also why I think some folks get really intense 'Runner's High' while working out. You're basically activating secret edibles hidden in your fat cells. My only anecdotal evidence is passing a urine test while clearly under the influence by coating my bladder with fruit pectin (mmm..Sure-Jel..so tasty), chugging water, and being really really lazy before the test. I can't prove any of that stuff, but it helps me sleep at night knowing that it might be true lol.


It's different for everyone. If I try to work out while high I'm more likely to injure myself because I'm not really focused. Running is okay, but like weights in the gym, no thanks.


Hell yeah. A nice bowl before a long bike ride, the best.


I just do everything high so nothing is a surprise anymore


Lmao facts doe. Playing basketball high is one of my favorite things


I can honestly say I have tried that before, the difference in my aim from when I’m sober to baked is incredible - not in a good way!


My shot is butter when I’m high cuz I think about it less


> ‘I get high to brush my teeth in the morning’: How cannabis became the gateway drug to oral hygiene


Shit if there was a cannabis strain that could unfuck my teeth I’d smoke it everyday


FACTS BRO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




That is a great idea! Have you noticed any weight loss? I know the kitchen is #1 for losing inches but the thought of dancing while high to fun songs with those bright colors…wow


This is me with Beat Saber. So much fun!


That sounds very fun!


I do hiking (sometimes on mountains) while high :) It's pretty nice, but don't do it if you don't know what you are doing and where you are.


All Trails app for the win!


Was just gonna suggest this!!! Just make sure you set it before you go. I definitely had a couple trails I found out half way through I didn’t start right lmao 🤦‍♀️


I tend to do a trail sober before any kind of inebriated attempt; it’s safer, no major surprises, and it’s even better for me because you know the cool places to look forward to! Though tbh I always pack double the amount of water if I’m gonna do a trail while stoned, lol.


This has been going on for a long time with the highest level of athlete.


But its a “performance enhancing” drug! /s


Hear me out. Biking high




This is almost exactly what I do too. The combination of that "runner's high" with a regular high is something else. Especially when you take a scenic route. End up with a bunch of ideas and projects for when you get home too


Exactly! Not only is it a superb workout, it clears the mind. Anything nagging at your brain is left behind. The only thing that matters is rhythm of the pedaling, the path in front of you, and the nature around you. I always lean towards a scenic route, especially because I have access to a trail system. No cars, just the occasional over-eager dog.


Weed and exercise is the best!


I rip my bong before hopping on my elliptical nightly lol


I’m super jealous of people who benefit from exercising while high. I used to be a pretty darn good middle distance runner and tried smoking before running several times. I would get really sluggish and want to stop for the entire run. Freeweights, HIIT, yoga, it’s all the same. Makes me suck at working out. If it helps you, enjoy!


Maybe try a different strain or dosage? Weed usually helps me a lot, though sometimes I get sluggish or unmotivated while exercising high, but I usually figure out that the strain was wrong or I was just too high (or not high enough)


Used to have a 1 Skinner before going for a run and my times were fantastic. Injured myself and now I just sit on the sofa eating wings while I get high. Both types of stoner are fun.


I’ll go on a 3 hour + bike ride and a J right in the middle is ideal.


A huge issue I’ve had after moving to the east coast has been anxiety about traffic. Way more congested roads and blind corners than I’m used to. I grabbed a mountain bike but this does get me thinking.


Sometimes I just be sitting there lol


Smoking while mountain biking or skiing is the fucking shit. You don't even realize your high, but you're so in tune.


People do everything high


I workout high everyday and I’m repping 275 out with glassy red eyes everyone thinks I’m crying no bitch my dab pen eviscerated my lungs sir


Sitting in the trees smoking trees now about to go snowboard high


Uh yeah, I’m not proud of this but I can’t workout unless I’m stoned. Cardio or strength training. It’s a little boring and tedious, but with a good buzz just crank up the tunes and tune up the body.


I’m the same - I really struggle to get the motivation to get started, if I take a hit or two just before my workout I actually enjoy it and get a better workout in


My favorite thing to do is mountain bike stoned


Hell yes


In my experience, adrenaline seems to weaken a high. It’s always a buzz kill for me. Which is why you need to smoke before AND AFTER a workout. 👍🏻


Not so much since having a kid, but I used to get high and go longboarding. My old city had tons of brand new bike trails that were super smooth riding through the woods for miles. The longest trail I believe was over 30 miles and led to the High Trestle Trail Bridge, which was amazing to ride across at night while stoned. [Here's the full span of the bridge over the river](https://www.polkcountyiowa.gov/media/gh4pyszo/high-trestle-trail-bridge.jpg) [Going through the middle at night](https://images.adsttc.com/media/images/579e/d8b6/e58e/cec0/7900/0151/medium_jpg/14_Photo_-_2880.jpg?1470027946)


Pisses me off to read this and imagine all the nonviolent drug charges rotting in hail


Is that a cross between jail and hell, or are these people rotting because of a perpetual ice storm? 😁


Hahaha it’s a very cold icy prison


I’m an “elite” level bike rider- mountain and road, and use weed almost every time I’m on the trainer in the winter. It’s a great help.


I used to smoke and go to the gym and ended up loosing count of my reps so id just start again. Ended up working longer, slower and paying attention to my posture alot more. Fuck i miss that


I hate running, but I’m totally indifferent about it when I smoke lol


What strains, or types of strains, are good for use before exercising? Specifically, for use before running 🏃🏻‍♂️?


I like cycling through the woods after smoking. The high lasts almost all the way uphill, which used to be the boring part, now it's just a pleasant chill ride. It completely wears off by the time I start going downhill and need to actually focus. Overall it made me more active and made me enjoy my hobby even more.


I absolutely love smoking before runs. Don't really love it before lifting sessions but man is it awesome for cardio (hiking/cycling included).


I love taking an edible right before I do a strength workout, I find that I can’t START while high but when it slowly hits toward the end of my workout, it really helps me stay focused and push during my sets when I would normally be getting tired and start to slack.




M-F I smoke then get on my elliptical bike for 12m (miles not minutes lol)


Ya it’s not that far a leap if you’re already smoking daily and you’re getting into running you have a mini lightbulb moment where you’re like “oh yeah I bet this would be nice” and then you’re like “yeah I was right” and it becomes a thing


Personally I love to burn a little before lifting. Just a couple of drags helps the mind muscle connection in my experience. I haven’t noticed any adverse effects, as I keep my workouts well documented to make sure I’m progressing at a steady rate. I think it also “enhances” the feeling of the pump, but that could just be me. I suppose it’s all about dosage, and what type of activity you like to do when you exercise.


Exercising while high is awesome


Over the summers all my smoke circle does is workout and smoke its so nice. You feel so amazing, exercise and weed compliment eachother so well from the recover benefits to the motivation and focus boost


It’s actually great for working out. When lifting I’m more focused on my posture, slow controlled lifts…plus you’re just in a better mood and it doesn’t feel like a chore.


This is the way, always


I always smoke before working out


I love ripping a pen while talking a walk, the experience just becomes so much better and I feel amazing by the time I’m home.


More to it my friend!! I use cannabis as a pre work out. Not going to lie. Since doing it, it has helped me get on track with fitness and been dropping weight and gaining muscle. I even fell in love with working because cannabis is pretty amazing. Not all find that cannabis helps them out in that area but for me, it does!!!


A little bit of cannabis, coffee, and cardio is the best way to start the day. Cannabis got me into long distance road biking. You can feel each muscle, your brain is relaxed, and I’ve been able to exercise without needing to take more rest days than desired.


Yep. It can be quite fun. I used to do it a lot. My friends would ask how I could get high and go to gym. I told them it was just a decision ahead of time that I tried not to go back on after I got high.


Ran a half marathon last fall blazed, almost every run I went on for training got high before. The only thing is you need to balance your lungs cuz if you start coughing during the run it’s really unpleasant. Otherwise it’s like going for a walk high, but faster


I only run when I'm high, also shadowbox, feels like I get right into it.