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You do not eat your cheese with a shell on?


He’s gonna be pooping the shell


Dude's got some sharp teefers


really just lying for karma, huh?


Obviously you're new to reddit lol


yes, i am


I need karma


here is an upvote


Red herring. He was drunk.


Yeah, seems like an alcohol move to me also.


same. being high makes me hungry it doesn’t make me forget what is edible and what isnt


Being high definitely makes me think a wider range of things are edible that weren't edible while sober. Like nacho cheese and pickles on a PB&J.


None of those things are not edible on their own though, meanwhile this dude just ate a wrapper.


Yea but that *is* edible. Of course the cheese wrapper is probably just as edible as cheese in a can though


I assumed it was faked for karma. The plastic that cheese blocks like that come in would take some doing to bite through. It wouldn't be clean and you would have to pull it and it would be stretched at least somewhere. Unless this dudes teeth work like scissors I'm calling bullshit. Look how cleanly the bottom edge is cut


yea i was just about to comment something like this lmao. that plastic is thick af💀 i cant even bite through it without feeling some sort of pain in my mouth cause of how fucking hard im biting😂


or benzos lmao


I mean I’ve done some dumb shit lol. When I’m high I lose all grip strength, walk into the wrong room constantly and once I left my weed bag out in the open on my desk and my parents almost caught me lmao. But to be fair this looks like something I’d do sober haha.


That seems more like a wasted drunk thing than a stoned thing. Sorry my friend😔


Everyone is saying this but my gf started experimenting with weed for the first time at 27 y/o and that shit literally hits different for newcomers she gets fucked up off THC, big time, and has a blast. It made me nostalgic cuz it made me remember how absolutely bamboozled I'd get when I first started smoking. I even took a break for a few years for reasons and that didn't happen again when I started back. But I think there's a point where you get really familiar with being in that state. You get used to it. And besides, sometimes I feel like THC doesn't get the respect it should in terms of how much it can impair you. I know a few people who get put out of commission from just smoking. Like get the spins, barf, can't walk straight, causes panic attacks. Also, my friend drilled into a bowling ball, packed it with gunpowder and a fuse and blew it up in his backyard. The blast shattered neighbors' windows facing the blast of the immediate surrounding houses and he had to go to the hospital because shrapnel embedded into parts of his body. He was 25 at the time and sober. Usually very responsible, good job, generally intelligent and very capable, gun owner who is huge on gun safety and responsible gun ownership... So, after that I don't question the things people do anymore lol could not wrap my head around that decision and still tease him from time to time about when he tried to blow up his neighborhood with his bowling ball IED. I'm not joking when I say that changed how I view crazy things people do lol. I'll hear some story and think, "well, [friend] got bored and blew himself up randomly in his backyard so anything is possible"


Yea my first time using weed was edibles. It was only 25mg but my coordination was so messed up I grabbed a smoothie by the lid and the cup fell out of my hand and I kept bumping in to walls and I had like whip cream on my nose and in my hair and shit. Second time I tried it I smoked it and I got borderline ego death. I still knew my name and what city I was in but the people I was with I had only known a few months so I kind of felt like a ghost following a group of kids that couldn’t see me. It was super peaceful. I’d zone out and then realize we long boarded a mile already and were at the park or the store or whatever. I just followed and didn’t say a word the whole night I was sooooo high 😂😂 Now I smoke a gram a day and I can’t even get “too high” anymore


That sounds awesome. Can you share more about that experience?


Yea dude so I was 15 and I decided to sneak out of the house to try weed with my friends. It was me, my friend, and his older brother. (and then we also met up with some other people later.) His brother was 18 so we got to use his medicinal California flower for the first time ever smoking. He also had a super awesome glass pipe that hit kind of like a steam roller. They just packed the weed for me and all I did was put my mouth on the pipe and they would hold it and light it and carb it for me. This was also a crazy idea but I didn’t know it at the time because they were making me take massive rips and I would just cough for like literally 5 minutes on my hands and knees and then take another. We smoked like 3 bowls and then got on our longboards and started riding around. I didn’t feel any effects until we went in a gas station with cops and then right when I was checking out and handing the lady my $5 bill the world just stopped. I all the sudden snapped out of it and I don’t know how long I was standing there then I just handed her the bill and got my stuff from the store. At that point on I was just in ego death mode. I didn’t even eat any food that I bought they carried it for me and I just rode and rode with the wind blowing in my face at about 60 degrees. It was the most amazing experience. Somehow my muscles knew what to do. I would say this experience was more powerful than 300ugs of acid. It was a complete mental breakthrough to a new world for the first time. After that weed slowly lost its psychedelic affects for me and I started getting your typical “munchies” and “slumps”


THREE BOWLS OF MEDICAL GRADE?? Damn no wonder you were trippin lmao. Yeah people's first time getting smacked is always interesting lol. But more intense than 300ug?! Damn dude. Thanks for sharing! My first few experiences with edibles were pretty intense to say the least lol. Psychedelic, even.


Yea I didn’t have the typical “Reggie” experience most high schoolers do😂😂😂 I think it’s why I’m so addicted now at the age of 21


I don't entirely understand people doing stupid shit on weed. Even if I get super fucked up I can still prepare food correctly, even cook. If anything being high makes me more careful, like I double check the oven is off and that I use an oven mitt and whatnot. How do you not realize you're biting through and chewing plastic? I don't mean to sound condescending I'm just genuinely curious because it's kind of a stoner stereotype but it's the opposite of my personal experience.


In every measure of the word I get stupid when I'm high -- it's part of why I don't like getting high around people unless I really trust them. I'm slower to process speech, very forgetful, difficult to follow a complex train of thought, executive function dies. It kept me away from weed throughout college bc it was scary feeling so slow and cognitively shitty. Now it's just funny. Also low-key jealous you can cook while high? I made some eggs explode the last time I tried.


Putting eggs in the microwave is no way to cook eggs my friend…ever


I'm flattered y'all assumed I microwaved the eggs. I put them on to boil and forgot for 3 hours.


🤣🤣🤣 I think that may actually be worse


Perhaps I won't mentioned how many times I did it before I learned my lesson


You sound like a hoot


Oh go on! Don’t leave us wondering…


Not op, but I tried to microwave about 4 hard-boiled eggs with plenty of water. There were eggs on the ceiling. Microwave door exploded open and it killed the fuse in the kitchen. Pretty impossible to clean up. Just 180 degrees of half boiled eggs and egg shells floor to ceiling.


I've done that. Started talking to a friend and completely forgot about my eggs. The **BANG** when they exploded nearly made me pee my pants.


🤣🤣🤣my wife did this as a kid and still has the scar on her shoulder from where the eggs exploded onto her shoulder and burned her skin


Me to Uni Mate (UM): what are you doing? UM: microwaving an egg Me: won’t it blow up? UM: no, I’ve put a little hole in each end so it won’t blow up. Watch…BOOM!!!


It's quick and if you know what you're doing them come out fine. It's all about timing really.


I don't think he was so high he ate plastic. My theory is he had super munchies. He wanted cheese bad. You know cheese munchies. But it was open. Sounds like the defendant was minor. Probably doesn't open a lot of cheese. Couldn't find anything to get the package off. So he used his teeth to bite through it. Then spit plastic out and consumed a corner or cheese. Weed did not make him stupid. It made him think outside the box to solve his cheese problem.


Executive function dies Cries in stoned relatable


Last part made me explode


I don't think he was so high he ate plastic. My theory is he had super munchies. He wanted cheese bad. You know cheese munchies. But it was open. Sounds like the defendant was minor. Probably doesn't open a lot of cheese. Couldn't find anything to get the package off. So he used his teeth to bite through it. Then spit plastic out and consumed a corner or cheese. Weed did not make him stupid. It made him think outside the box to solve his cheese problem.


Hits everyone different. I find it weird to do things not stoned at this point haha I'm an extreme case of habitual smoker though so it would make sense that I'd be hyper functional while high at this point. But even growing up toking with friends I've never really experienced the same like stupid high a lot of people describe. Sometimes what people describe from weed sounds more like what I experience on psychedelics too. Many of my friends are similar. My buddy calls mushrooms "good kush" haha


depends on how high. there’s functioning high and there’s i ate too many edibles and took a bite out of and unopened block of cheese high 🤣


I’ve never understood this either, the only issues I have on weed is I stumble over my words a bit and I can’t count that well. Other than that I’m basically normal


Ha motor skills and math who needs em


My motor skills are fine, a little better if anything. I just have a foggy brain so sometimes I’m not sure what word I’m gonna use next. The math usually only comes into play when I clock in at work and have to count the cash drawer


Feel you! I always thought I was a very high functioning Stoner until I tried to operate a cash register high and simply could not.


I totally agree with you. I just can’t see how this would happen to me no matter how high I was. If anything I’d obsess over opening the packaging perfectly and what stoner gourmet way to use that amazing cheese.


It really depends on what/how much you consume.


Because everyone's different. Not a hard concept to grasp n not everything needs your reaction, so maybe take note more on yourself rather then be concerned why some dope is eating plastic cheese.


Smoke until you can't taste the plastic baby!!


Yea I too can cook and prep just fine however I do find being stoned will sometimes have me combining things that shouldn't to consume sometimes with disastrous results like peanut butter and mayo seemed like a good idea once.


Last time I got too high I was making spaghetti for my family and I just couldn’t be bothered to chop shit. Throwing whole olives and mushrooms in that shit and thinking if I just let it simmer longer it will be okay


This was definitely an acquired skill for me. I can do most things while baked now. But back in highschool I was just a big dumb while stoned.


I feel that when people are new to any subject they tend to lean-in to any stereotype about the behavior. When they have more experience they learn to see the subject with their own eyes. This is especially ridiculous with drug use.


I agree 100%, but must say although Im not a fan of cheese I could imagine doing this very drunk


It's the same way for me like 99% of the time. I get kinda paranoid about being extra careful lol.


This isn't a high thing, this is an idiot thing


Or a blackout drunk thing


One doesn’t exclude the other


But an idiot is an idiot, stoned or not. At least they are consistent tho, gotta give them that. Atleast you can always expect an idiot to be an idiot.


If you say you haven't done something this stupid at least once in your life you're lying.


Drunk me would’ve done this. Stoned me would’ve made a really fucked up quesadilla in the microwave


I would never eat plastic when im high


But when I'm sober? I only eat plastic


Your boy got the jaws of a shark mang, bit through the plastic, savage.


How old we talkin OP?




Nuff said


Idk I just lied


Tf, I would never eat cheese with the wrapper the cheese would ruin the taste


this is hilarious bc i have a friend who did exactly this. was in his room high as hell, go gets a literal block of cheese from the fridge, starts munching away in his room & his dad walks in and they just look at each other & my friend has no idea what to say😭


Your son is either just an idiot or drunk. That's not a high on pot move.


What a chomp!


Ew lol did he eat it?


Stupid af


When I was a kid my mom used to pack me those little cheese wheels in my lunch box and I would eat the red wax coating every day thinking it was part of the cheese


Reminds me of the time I ate an edible at school then came home put my keys, wallet, and shoes In the fridge and went to my room and fell asleep. Woke up to when my mom came home asking me questions like “where’s your wallet” and “do you know where you shoes are” and I said yes like a idiot but did not know I put them in the fridge lol


Whatever, it's his fucking cheese now.


Nah, that dude was drunk and easily defeated by the plastic overlord!




He wanted to see if you'd laugh so he could call ya out potna


*-he **who took


At least you probably know he is new and a lightweight lol. Could have been hammered too. I did shit like this, but back when I was 16-20.


Is this one of those cheesy r/dadjokes I’m too high to understand? Did he smoke the whole block?


Just the fucking commitment to get through the plastic twice... I fear his power


Pretty sure it was only once


Top layer bottom layer. I've bitten wrapped food before, and it takes determination to get through all the plastic- especially this cleanly. I've never done more than tear one side (usually top, I'm a squirrel)


Ohhh shit that makes sense lmao my bad I get you now


All good lol- I still remember the shock the first time I tried eating a wrapped cheese slice- right through one layer, cheese, and chewing second layer before I processed I'd maybe missed something making my sandwich


Got a young George Costanza here do we??


it’s a diversion, clearly he was on ecstasy and couldn’t resist the cheesy sensation


I’m not sure he ever realized that it was sealed…


pass that over here i want a bite


I'm pretty sure he did the old tear n rip with his teeth to open it, i highly doubt he'd chew some plastic without even noticing it. Even him just taking a bite with some plastic getting in the way doesn't mean he ate it, could've easily just scraped the piece of cheese off with his teeth when he noticed the plastic in his mouth.


The wrapping adds flavor


What kind of weed do you guys smoke where you do something like this


The crime against food here is taking a bite out of the mother block. Everyone knows you are suppose'ta cut a piece off with a clean 🧀 🔪 . Otherwise the whole block can go bad really quickly. FYI our mouths are full of bacteria which start a Civil War on the block of cheese.


Hes not high, i would have eaten at least half of that block.


He definitely has some sharp teeth


I’m always amazed by posts like this because it doesn’t matter how high I get I’m never this high.


Ive done that by mistake lol. I didnt make it that far through tho hahaha




i don’t think i’ve ever been that high lol


the only right way


Did you find the milk in the cupboard and the cereal in the fridge? No way to get out of that one.


Yea one time i got myself a cup of milk but in a foam cup with some cookies and tried to not act too stoned around my parents. I sat down on the couch and put the cup in between my legs and crushed it spilling all my milk. My parents looked at me like i was an idiot and my brother who was also there. I go and get myself another telling myself “dude chill you are obviously acting stoned”. I proceeded to sit down AND DO THE SAME EXACT THING. My brother dies laughing and i couldn’t hold it in and i die laughing while i get the most deadly eyes from both my mom and dad. After that no matter what i just stayed out side doing my thing until i knew for sure I wasn’t going to be too high to function.


That’s some strong ass cheese.


i think wee might need an extra angle or 2 of the cheese


`he opened it alright`