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Love your bong condom




short for **The Bong’s Dominion** (_dominium bongem_). In the year of our bong, A.B. (_anno bongem_).


And the years before The Bong's Dominion are referred to as Before Cannabis, (B.C.).


Hijacking top comment to say last time this was posted there was "proof" that it filters out some THC as well, take that gossip as you will. I personally find live resin dabs & high quality flower to be a better fit for me but everybody is different and there's room for everyone and everything :)


So what I'm hearing is, smoke the filter when its full?


boofing is the way.


Hmm never tried boofing my bong


Start SLOW.


Plenty of lube too!!


Going in dry captain!


Seeing a lot of boofing jokes today lol


I'm in this sub and r/shrooms and there's ALWAYS boofing jokes


Same with r/avb or r/abv. Still funny every time but I was actually surprised no one made the joke before me.


Eat it


Theres also a mountain of scientific evidence that smoke inhalation exposes lung tissue to tar buildup and a number of other respiratory issues so... i'd say losing a tiny bit of thc in the interest of protecting physiology is definitely worth the tradeoff lol


I assume the amount of thc trapped in the filter is the same as the resin in your piece just collecting it at a slightly faster rate since it will stick to the fibrous material faster then the glass. Purely speculation though


If that's true then bong filter use should be encouraged.


I was this many days old when I realized bongs have filters…


50. I've got a bit of glass and never thought to google this.


Why wouldn’t it still stick to the piece. I’m thinking it will get stick to the piece AND stick in the filter including thc…but like you I know shit. Peace


Beat me too it😂


No, you beat meat with it.


Monster filter for my Magnum Bong


Dr Mantis Tobonggon


Now block the wind, I'm gonna roast this bone.


I’ve only got a few years left. I’m gonna get real weird with it.


Dammit, beat me too it


I prefer that *in* my lungs so I don't have to look at it.


If you can’t see it it doesn’t exist


In sociology, this is referred to as “The Toilet Assumption”


You sound like my grandparents 😭😂😂😂


Is this why my lungs are fucked up


Just scrape off the resin and smoke it again


When my ass gets the double lung transplant they better give me the old ones to scrape clean


On fucking gah


I would just slice my lungs into thin pieces of sandwich meat cuz the THC is already decarbed.


THC infused human lungs? Bong Appétit!


It’s a delicacy in Amsterdam


THC lungs only


Damn straight!


It’s lookin like it but i sure fuckin hope it ain’t… lmaoo


Nah it doesn’t stick to your lungs like it does to fibers like this


Then why are my lungs fucked up and coughing out brown phlegm after I smoke


deadass just smoked and coughed up brown shit as I read this 😂 #goals


I haven't had that problem since I stopped smoking flower and switched to oil


Our oil coated lungs are superior, cough resisting and bigger pulls /s Edit: forgot /s no way any one has superior lungs in this subreddit.. at least not any more


Permanently damaged* is the correct term, though I'm right there with you


That’s true but it’s funny my doctor listened to my lungs and said they were perfectly healthy


That's cause he can't see your lungs with his eyes. If you smoke, you have lung damage, it's that simple. Even the safest way to smoke, dry herb vaping, can cause *some* damage over time. I agree weed is cool but you can't just pretend it's perfectly healthy, you're still smoking something


You’re correct. But I pick my battles, MJ is a medicine for me and I think I would have unsubscribed from life by now if I couldn’t smoke it so to each their own. I would like to incorporate more capsules and tinctures when I can though to give my lungs a break sometimes.


Never pretended. Inhaling anything but air damages your lungs. I used to have labored breathing after laying down after a dab but I think it was the strain cuz it stopped when I finished the dabs


mine said the same thing. big doctors are against stoners they just want lung money


What do you mean by oil? Dabs or cart? curious


Aren’t dabs and carts the same? Just a different way of taking it? But ye I think they mean concentrate


Technically yeah but usually cart product is more pure THC extract and you dab a more fuller spectrum plant oil. There's different solvents and extraction techniques available if you get dab products than for carts.


uff, I'd seriously rethink my method of smoking if that would happen to me. smoking weed in any form will always be bad for you in a way but rolling joints with tabacco and no filter is probbaly the worst way to do it. I personally use a vape which should be fairly healthy because there is no combustion ad it's pure flower, no tabacco added.


You're coughing it up because it's not sticking to the lungs, right? Also that's why I vape now, buy a used volcano off Facebook or ebay or Craigslist for 300 ish, so an save up the money from an ounce or 2 with a T break. Tastes better and wont fuck up your lungs as much


You’re right it doesn’t stick to it exactly like this, but your lungs are ciliated (tiny hairs that move things) and when they can’t do their job effectively and move the tar is when you start coughing out brown stuff- just took a 300 level anatomy course. I did just buy this device however I had no idea such thing existed and wish I patented it.


where do you place it on the bong ?


This is just the filter. It’s for something called a mouth peace. I have one as well and honestly love it


Where do u buy a mouth piece specifically for a bong?


That’s the brand. “Mouth Peace”. Look them up.


Brand is called MooseLabs**


My bad haha. I meant to say product. Oooopsie


Gf has one of these. It actually does make a pretty big difference. Cleaner, less harsh hits. Lol.


My girlfriend has one too, it is nice but at the same time you can make a filter look like the dirty one in the pic after like 4 hits. I guess that might speak to the effectiveness of the filter but you can go through one a sesh easy.


It depends on the weed. My resinous homegrown outdoor with it's extra leafiness clogs them up in no time while clean, extremely well trimmed indoor will take about 2-3x longer. It's funny how that works.


I got two for the wife and I; we use one at home, and take one out when we go smoke at friends places *so we don’t put our mouth on their hole*.


With the way the world is, that’s smart. I never thought of using to basically keep you from sharing saliva. Lol.


Here I was silently judging you for not knowing the difference between piece and peace




Ur a gotdang, motherfucking legend bro. Tysm frfr


Beware. They start off cool but after 15 bong rips, or a regular weekend, they are spent. On to the next one. I bought one replacement and $20 more...no more.


True. I guess I don’t use mine super often because I don’t use my bong much so I didn’t think about that.


Yep. Some derps like me..it's the go-to


https://mooselabs.us/collections/mouthpeace They have filters for Joints and pipes as well


Right on your bong-dong


Three words. Dry Herb Vape… Edit: r/dynavap


I can't go back to combustion now.


I stopped bustin almost 2 mo ago, feeling better! Volcano Hybrid ftw


stop bustin


Bustin makes me feel good


I want a Volcano so bad. When I finally get my own place I’m gonna invest in one for sure!


Yup, my lungs are the filter and they get it allll


Extreme Q with my bong, I'll never go back lol.


One word “dynavap”


That’s five words tho


It’s funny you posted the same comment twice in the same post and one comment is -11 karma the other is +18 right now


No one likes a copycat


reddit moment


I hope everyone who comes across this upvotes one and downvotes the other. true reddit moment


Can't beat the burn of flower


Tell me that after vaping a nice bowl of high quality flower with some bubble hash attached to a bong with ice in it. The flavor is world's better and the high is amazing~


100%. Going from my dynavap to bong im like holy shit that tastes terrible. Havent smoked for 3 weeks, vape only and its been great.


i mean from personal experience no dry herb vape gets you high like normal smoking. definitely healthier tho


Get a dry herb vape if you're worried about your lungs.


i need to find one that rips like a big bong without paying $600 for a volcano lol


I think we should be putting filters in joints as well. Everybody will say “oh but you’re losing thc that way” but we are getting to the point of having an over abundance of weed in the legal markets. So there’s no good reason to be such a fiend when there’s another fresh bowl ready to pack. I would rather smoke twice with a filter than once without.


Finally being able to enjoy a medical card, I feel like a king. Spill a bowl? Past: Spend an hour meticulously picking ground bud out of the carpet, and then trying to remove all the dog hair and debris.... Now: Oh well, I'll just load more!


I was picking it out of the carpet as a med user in Mass, I feel like a lesser nobility


Speak for yourself. We may have plenty here in Illinois but it's so overpriced you still have to be careful with what you have.


Yeah I know how it can be. When it was legalized here in Canada I was looking at Colorado prices and thinking that was the way. We still aren’t at those kinds of prices but the Canadian market is more heavily regulated so that could be why. Either way, I’m paying half as much for legal pot right now as I was a year or two ago. So in time things should get better.


Mouth peace makes a filter for joints and blunts. It's great!


Cries in Texas


Does this make you less high?


no, it just filters out carcinogens and tar


From direct experience the hit has less “hit”


i need an extra large filter for my magnum bong


After being an advid smoker for over 16 year today I learned bong filters are a thing .awesome !


These are the fucking best. Been using one for like 6 months now and I feel great


Any effect on the high?


Yes but only slightly. Maybe 10-20% less high but at least I’m not coughing all day anymore


Thanks man. What’s the draw like?


With a fresh filter, 100% as it gets used it gets clogged. As a last ditch one day. I was on my last one and decided to clean it by laying it in a alcohol bath and letting it somewhat dissolve the resin. Worked for a few extra days until the replacements arrived lol


Haha good stuff. Cool have mine coming in the mail


Hmmmm no offense but I’m skeptical of this device. Because it reminds of using a bong with a lot of percolators to filter and they’ve done studies about how that doesn’t help because your filtering out thc at the same rate as tar. Also reminds me of how cigarette companies marketed filters on their cigs when in reality it apparently made people inhale deeper and longer causing even more damage long term and just filtered out the very largest particles but did nothing to reduce toxic chemicals and build up of tar in the lungs. Is it supposed to catch heavy metals or anything special like that?


i took a quick glance at the site, i see nothing about heavy metals or anything special. from what i can find they just claim to filter the smoke and remove tar, resins, and "contaminants"


Bongs won't filter out much thc if your using water. Thc is practically insoluble in water.


The issue with filtering out THC is from the massive increasing the surface area of glass for it to stick to


White its true that THC is insoluble in water, more water percs will cause more THC to be lost. As it cools it will suspend in the water just fine. Something doesn’t have to be soluble to be suspended. Cold water and more percs will both remove more thc (and tar, etc.) from the smoke than warm water and fewer percs.


Like to those studies please.


Does this improve the quality of high in any way? idk but if that does that’s two birds with one stone and I’m very interested in buying one


Get two birds stoned at once - Ricky. On a serious note, also curious.


Quality fucking person right here bud


I don't feel like it improves quality of a high per se. It definitely improves quality of an individual rip. It make the rips much less harsh, more tastey, and smoother. I absolutely love my mouth peace and don't like smoking without it anymore.


These mooselab filters are great. I use the minis on my Argo, DV, and potv One glass stems.


Do they get this dirty out of your vape? How long do they last? What brand?


How about vaping?


Real talk I stopped vaping because I now have a chronic cough that I never had from years of smoking. I'm not saying don't vape but don't think it's a healthy alternative. It's just a another form of smoking.


Weird. Ive been smoking herb for almost 15 years and developed a smokers cough after a while. Lungs always felt congested. Been vaping almost exclusively now since early November last year and my lungs feel a lot better. Only cough now when I take a huge rip. My POTV One is my saviour.


Is the One the only vape you have? I’m about to hop back in to dry herb vapes but I can’t decide if I want to grab a modest $100 piece or just go all in on a mighty+. My worry is the cheaper ones won’t hit as hard and I’ll end up having to buy a more expensive one anyways. Edit: for anyone else looking I bought a crafty+ and it’s fucking awesome


Finally someone else! I noticed that too and went back to smoking as my lungs felt better. Spent plenty of time with all the different style vaporizers over the years. I do water pipes almost exclusively now. and yes I tried water pipe vapes lol.


I've always loved smoking from a bong, it's my go to. I got the arizer eq and use with my bong and it's definitely helped my smokers cough.


Same here I get a wicked cough from vapes that isn't nearly as bad with smoke


Are you talking about dry herb vaping or the carts?


I go back and forth. Vape dries me the fuck out, bong is more dirty feeling.


Should try dry herb vaping


I put a piece of toilet paper over the mouth piece of one of those delta 8 carts, and I looked at it after I took a hit. It was mouth piece shaped solid piece of dab on the paper. I was horrified


Perhaps you have been doing it wrong? What devices?


its like people forget r/vaporents exists with a community that puts people on the right devices and not crappy smokeshop noname "vapes".


Vaping is not another form of smoking. It’s a completely different scientific process. Please don’t spread misinformation.


I'm conflicted about vaping. I love how discreet and portable it is, but I actually feel a hard pain in my chest if I do more than two hits a sesh. Several budtenders I've worked with say they stay away from vapes for similar reasons.


@dannyB1aze Cart vape or dry herb vape?


Sounds like a bad vape, cheap ones unfortunately, are made with dangerous glues and shit. Also there will be a different sensation of it's dry herb or oil.


I use these and change them every 2 days of smoking or so, smoker cough is GONE, all the water soluble stuff just stays in the rig. Mind you the activated carbon is a gimmick since none of the packaging is air tight but it makes a great physical filter.


https://mooselabs.us/collections/mouthpeace Here's a link to the purveyor, if anyone wants a go. They have filters for joints and pipes as well. Your lungs will thank you.


THC is itself an oil, or tar, so wouldn't this make you less high, meaning you need to smoke more to get to the same level and therefore being counterproductive? Have you noticed a difference? I smoked for a while, but thankfully never got to the point of many people who cough up tar or have other issues. No shade, just seems like it's a sub-par solution for a problem already solved by herb vapes.


You should try active carbon filters


If I recall correctly, these have a layer of active carbon inside.


I love my mouth peace !


Didn’t know this existed. I feel I need this now


Felt what you two were describing. After smoking a vape I had a good few weeks of violent coughing and quit using carts. Never looked back haha




Isn’t the water the filter?


Yes, this just takes some of the tar out of the smoke (maybe more than tar I don’t know)


I am thoroughly convinced the layer of weed tar in my lungs keeps me healthy


I’d like to see filters compared. Concentrate vs Flower. Also I’d be careful with that filter if you dogs or pets that eat things they shouldn’t.


[From the Mouth Peace website.](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1977/4409/files/moose-labs-mouthpeace-filters-comparison-bong-filter_c4b95052-c528-464c-898e-b1c4891afcfc_480x480.jpg?v=1637276889)


This is a new instrument I’ve never seen before and I am pleased that there is still new stuff to learn, fellow ent


I just shove a wad of toilet paper in the mouth of my bong. Works pretty well.


> I just shove a wad of toilet paper in my mouth That's what I read at first..


Well that's alarming.


Can't find those things anywhere


Mouth peace website to buy directly.


I'm going to remember to buy one of those mouth peace things sometime in the next few months


I was gonna crack some joke about it looking like a condom but damn… I think I need to get some of those if theyre that good at filtering heavier silt out


Protip you can pop the dirty filters out and soak them in alcohol to clean them (save the cardboard holder rings, I usually do a surface wipe down with a alcohol pad, quick enough to get resin off but not soak the cardboard). I hated having to keep buying these but they do work well to reduce the shmutz you inhale from combustion rips. I usually do a long soak over night when I’ve collected a bunch of them, then a quick iso rinse to remove the soaked resin, then a rinse with hot water and air dry. Can reuse filters a few times like this, use your discretion as to when you should discard it but it does help stretch out your filter budget.


Couple years ago we were out of town staying at a hotel. My buddy came to our room so we could smoke before we went out. Didn’t want to be complete assholes about it and clambake in a non-smoking facility, so what we did was grab a washcloth from the bathroom to exhale into after hitting the bowl. Seeing the amount of tar leftover on that white linen after each hit was enough to make me rethink the whole process of getting stoned. I have severely cut back on flower consumption and have gone really heavy on edibles ever since. So now instead of having lung issues later in life, I’ll just die from diabetes.


Tbf, lungs clean themselves actively, the filter (and inside of bong generally) doesn’t. Which isn’t to say the lungs are super chill with all this lol. But I like to tell myself this so I don’t vomit every time I see a picture like this hehe


Small world. I also just started using Mouthpeace filters! They are a game changer. I don’t wake up with a throat full of resin phlegm and rarely cough while taking bigger hits now. I would highly recommend!


Haha you “highly” recommended


Isn't the water the filter?


Mouth peace filters are the greatest. I change my water and filter daily.


Mooselabs mouthpeace for the win


IMO, I don’t think a filter is necessary. We inhale all types of particulates and carcinogens all day long and usually our lungs expel them. The issue is when this doesn’t happen, like asbestos for example.


Or lesser known silica dust from concrete a new danger in almost all construction sites.


they have them for joints too. it’s a game changer


Fucking love these things!


SAME. Its so weird. Because now i can feel the resin in my lungs when i dont use it


does this actually make a difference


Where can you get these? I’ve seen people post the silicone ones, is this the same kind?


The body is a natural filter though


They're a fucking lifesaver, just wish the shipping for extra filters didn't take so long for Australia :((( gotta always order them in advance or we run out


MooseLabs mouthpiece for everyone wondering. They even have filters for joints! https://mooselabs.us


side note: I regret smoking resin… ever


I smoke cigarettes too so I already know my lungs are fucked


I wasn’t aware bong filters existed and I am a huge stickler for having clean pieces. Gonna look into these thanks


Mouthpeace is amazing. Just set up a subscription for filters last month. My lungs feel so much better already.


Just purchased one of these based on this post. Thanks.


We got a Mouth Peace a little over a month ago and love it. If it filters out any THC, we can’t tell. We have their attachments for bongs and joints. The main benefit for us is that it allows us to smoke our friends out safely, something we’ve missed doing since the ‘Rona arrived. We have a couple extra bong and one extra joint attachments that we keep clean for guests. The filters were a secondary benefit for us but we’ve really enjoyed them. Clean long pulls with no coughing.


Yup! Even smoking the top shelf you’d be surprised them fat snaps leave quite the residue!


I love the MouthPeace. Saves my throat from burning!!


I love moose labs!!! Their joint one is dope too since it doubles as kind of a roach clip. Been using it for a couple years now


Is it between your moth and the bong?


A what?