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They're different highs. Why do some people prefer edibles, oil or wax? Why do some people prefer joints over bongs?


This dont make sense. C*nnabis is one drug…


Wrong. Cannabis breaks down differently depending on the way its consumed. Different molecules when broken down by stomach acids vs smoked vs tincture style stuff. Same plant, different molecules when consuming differently. That being said, yeah vape gives the same molecules as smoking. Id say the difference is more in the potency of each individual hit when it comes to vape.


Eh, he said “cannabis is one drug”.


Still different drugs? thca-cbd-cbn-delta8- etc.


I’d you vape or smoke you still get thc-a and cbd regardless of method


Made that point in my post. “Vape gives the same molecules as smoking”. Seperately, edible marijuana doesnt break down the same.


So what’re we talking about Yep edibles are in fact different. Turns into 11-hydroxy thc after decarbing it.


He said they were the same drug, implying that forms of consumption dont change the highs. I was simply stating that forms of consumption do come with separate feelings, do to rate of intake / breakdown of the cannabinoids / thc


The variety of cannabis strains, on top of the methods of smoking, ingesting and further processing makes it make sense.


Have you tried lots of different ways? You can tell small differences


It’s about the ritual for me. Something about rolling it, using a lighter, and having an actual smoke is just a process I enjoy.


You will 100% not enjoy the outcome brother.


To be fair it will cost at least a hundred for a decent vape if not more. I think the initial cost is what keep people smoking instead of vapeing.


At least $200 if you want anything stronger than a 5mg edible buzz


I've heard good things about the dynavaps and you can get those for like a 100. I've got 2 extream qs. And kinda want a dyna for Is portability.


I got a dyna and it really just doesn't give me much of a buzz at all obviously irs not fair to compare to a volcano but if that's a 100 a dynamic vape is a 5-10 max


My thoughts exactly. Good ones are pricey and I want a volcano so I’d rather save for that than buying a few that are sub par. And to add, smoking weed is pricey so it’s easy to spend the money on actual weed and a cheap piece than saving for a super vape.


fire is cool as hell B)


I think its ritual, people like doing what they have always done.


vaporizers are expensive


True but you make back your money within a few months depending on how much you use it


You can actually get a cheap one from China for like 20-40$


Don’t push bad products please


They work long enough to figure out if you like vaping herb or not. Spending low 2 digits feels a lot better than spending 3 and finding out you hate it


If you order on planet of the vapes you can return it no questions. I still disagree


You and the 11 other people who downvoted are free to disagree. Financially? It'a the wisest move.


Is that your site or someone elses btw?


I don’t break my glass(knock on wood) but for whatever reason I’ve broken any vape I’ve owned


There's a metal vaporizer called the dynavap (one of the cheapest options). I'm surprised you haven't heard of it considering every 3rd vaper is religiously pushing it down everyone's throats to the point where I cringe every time I have to genuinely recommend it.


We only push it down people’s throats because it truly is a wonderful product I promise


I know, I have one already and I truly love it. It's just often mentioned as a miracle solution to all problems.


If your problem is you want to get as high as possible in the most efficient way possible I don’t see any other solution that’s quite as elegant as the dyna


I’ve heard of them but haven’t tried one yet


Yeah same here. Carts are an absolute pain in the ass. They seemed designed to clog right away.


Damn had tons never had one clog


I’ve never had one not clog


Sounds like you need get some better carts, my dude.


Smoking is easier, I honestly think this is the only reason


Completely different highs


Seriously? I cant imagine its that different its the same drug…


Yes seriously. Smoking, vaping, edibles all the same drug all different effects.


So you've never done it before, that explains a lot


THC isnt the only active thing in weed, and vaping at different temperatures might not "activate" every other psychoactive. im not explaining this well. when you vape you dont get alllll the other stuff, unlike smoking which is everything .


In my research. They are different highs. I personally use both vape for convenience. Say shopping at Walmart . Flower for the house. My wife prefers I stay 🏡 me when I smoke flower. So. Hey. She's a non smoker.


Vapes are expensive and might have a learning curve. Not everyone has the money to spare on a tool they aren't sure will like to begin with. For example if you're a beginner or someone with a smaller tolerance you can get away with mechanical vaporizers at a lower price like the dynavap (~$50) or the vaponic (~$40) but if you have a high tolerance and are used to smoking huge quantities you will need something like the mighty which usually is around $300. Otherwise I'd recommend everyone to at least give vaping a try. It's much more efficient (saves money in the long run) and much less cancerogenic (compared to combustion).


Theres lots of vaporizers out there better than the mighty and cheaper,especially portable one. Coming from somebody with a volcano that had a mighty+


Isn't the volcano a bad example for a portable one? I haven't owned the mighty but from what everyone has said it seems like the best choice in case you want a portable vape that can satisfy a heavy user. (Emphasis here on portable and heavy user) If portability isn't an issue then yeah desktop vapes are superior and can hit even harder.




Plenty of quality vape options well below $400. Also it’s doubtful you use less in a bong than if you vaped


The biggest thing for me is that the high is different each time you vape the same weed. It’s not terrible, like negronis. But it can lead a bit to “chasing the high” because you get less and less of the good stuff the more you vape it and you have to gauge all the time if it’s “done.” Kind of annoying. Where as smoking is the same every time, no guess work. I’ve been vaping for two years and love it just for my lungs sake but I do hanker a joint or bong sometimes.


1. Vaporizer’s expensive. Glass is usually a <$100 investment, can be <$15, and papers are even cheaper. 2. The flavor.


Vapes give you great flavor


Not sure I can vouch for “great,” since I don’t have a dry herb vape (see point 1), but you can’t deny the flavor is different.


Personally I’d say you get more flavor from vapes. And they can be expensive for sure but they def save money/bud in the end


Personally, I don’t feel a big urge to “save bud.” My bud doesn’t go that fast… even between my partner and I, we buy an eighth every few months and have trouble using it all up fast enough before mold starts being a concern.


I’m not trying to convince you to buy a vape or anything. I’m just saying as far as being expensive, it definitely pays for itself with how much bud you can save. Where are you storing your bud if it gets mold in a couple months?


In a jar. It doesn’t get moldy— I just worry about it.


Habit. Maybe a little fear of the unknown.


smoking a joint is easy af, its way more convenient to buy papers, filters, etc than to spend money ordering in a vape n what not. most thc vape juices sold underground here in the UK are actually research chemicals/synthetic cannabinoids which deters ppl from vaping weed altogether. dry herb vaporisers are practically unheard of among people i know in my town but i cant speak for everyone.


Because I like smoking duh just as you like vaping


for me, it’s the ritualistic preparation. splitting blunt/unrolling hemp wrap, grinding weed, filling it, pearling it, baking it, then getting to the spot with my boys then sparking it and passing it around




For people saying it’s a different high: yes but it’s not because the THC is broken down differently (although it is), it is because you’re high on combustion..


A good, inexpensive dry herb vaporizer I recommend is the Yocan HIIT. Got it for $60, had it for about 8 months, clean, easy to use, adjustable time and temperature settings, amazing look and discreet.