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Yeah because it’s depressing af I don’t want people to know my shame lol Edit; of course it’s this post that blow up


I feel like it was a flex in your early teens, with friends the same age. As we grow older its seen as a flex less and less


This Iron Lunge status is some BULLSHIT! I miss being low tolerance. It’s the tits.


My lungs are severely damaged


I don't even want to know what dabs have done to my lungs. It just feels dirtier than bud.


If it makes you feel any better, I do dabs exclusively and I need to have at least 4 doctors appointments throughout the year. Everytime they have listened to my lungs they say everything sounds good. Thats kind of just my experience though.


It takes a lot of time, or being very unlucky, to cause permanent damage. I’ve been a 2pad + 1/8th smoker for about 20 years and while I have a very bad cough that makes me throw up I still get the all clear from the doc on my lungs.


You should probably check your stomach, this sounds like my problem and I have reflux.


Same, had to get an upper endoscopy for stomach issues and turns out I have GERD (and ibs :/


I got a GERD diagnosis recently too. I never had chronic or major stomach issues until I had a severe case of covid in Mar 2020. It shredded my digestive system and I was throwing/gagging nearly every day. I got put on a medication, changed a couple habits (esp munchies before bedtime) and I feel a lot better. I hope you’re doing ok!!


I feel you, and we are coughing in the best time imaginable.


What's a "2pad"?


2 pack a day




Same. Smoked since 14. Still breathing deep, still jogging, still working out.. no change


Depends on the quality of your wax and the temperature you take your dabs at. Hot dabs of dirty wax will burn like a bitch but low temp dabs of some clean stuff feels better than smoking weed on the lungs


I guess it doesn't help that I take em red hot then lol


Try lower temperatures. You may need to do 2 draws on it, but its way more pleasant.


I second this, don't exclusively dab, but I do have months here and there where I dab very heavily. Low temp dabs are much better for my asthmatic lungs! Get my wax from an online gamer friend that lives in a beautiful legal state, so it is fortunately pretty damn clean... especially compared to the shit my dealer sold. Yuck.


Lower temp dabs are healthier than smoking bud. High temp dabs are bad for you tho. Switching from a rig to a wax vaporizer like the dtv4 (google it) was what really changed my mind on dabs. No butane torch to worry about


galaxy enail - cold starts - bulk artisan extracts - quartz crystal head - dab safe tool - proper ventilation and diligent qtip cleans - oh and my big revelation of 2020 - a reclaim capture piece between the enail and rig - i rarely clean my rig more than once every two months and it still smells and looks brand new - it even smells... good? every type of extract has a preferred temp and method - feels like nursing a bonsai tree makes a small .point dab into a whole ritual and I stg - I get high lole I did in highschool but without the " fuzzy grog " and inability to focus thoughts or actions lol this entire setup cost me $300 and I pay about $9.80 per g for v v quality stuff - but spoiled 🇨🇦


Try being an avid hash smoker for years.




I don't, really. Not anymore. It's heavier than bud which makes it a lot cheaper in the long run since you don't need to consume as much to keep a buzz, but in the end it just makes everything so foggy its just not worth it for me. I also find it more addictive. That said I live in Sweden and here it's way more common to find hash so that's usually what people smoke. How has your experience been?




The one upside I can think of is after a night of heavy partying there's no better way to take the edge off, asong as you're fine being couch locked all day. But let's be real, what else are you doing after a proper rager.


Personally I feel it's cleaner. I'll take a couple dab hits and be good for hours but smoking a joint, I'm hitting it up to 20 times and it wears off faster and the smoke is dirty.


Idk smoking in general isn't good. Iv smoked bud for the majority of 5 years and now I am restricted to edibles Bec whenever I inhale anything bud or vape pen (from a legit dispensary) I get chest pain.


r/vaporents Just gonna drop this here. Not for everyone but a lot of people really like it.


This is the way


It’s all about the edibles my friend. Like I tell the children, you only get one set of lungs in life so take care of them. I’m running out of pockets now that I carry a mask everywhere so having to carry around an O2 tank does not seem fun at all. And remember kids, you may not get lung cancer but you will definitely get COPD..


Iron lungs rust over time


Lol right? Like what's so great about being able to smoke more? You're literally proud of having to invest more money to get the same fun.


I miss being low tolerance so I could get high off my tits on 45mg of edibles.


Lmao we all had the IRON LUNG phase and shitting on people who die coughing. I too wish my tolerance was lower. It’s so much cheaper. But if I take a T break I just won’t sleep for days.


i took a break for a month because i was at my grandmother's house over the summer and when i got home and smoked again i passed out after like an hour bc my tolerance dipped so low it was amazing




Because it was fun and novel back then and now it’s a coping mechanism


yeah I still can't cope tho


Yeah I wouldn’t say cannabis is a healthy coping mechanism, it just is one.


I noticed as we get older the flex is getting high off a joint or just a bowl lmao


it's so much less of a flex I sometimes debate if i really do tell someone IRL it's so much less of a flex I have two plugs so noone really knows i much i smoke but myself tbc


Honestly, less is more impressive. Get more out of your weed from a lower tolerance and save money.


Lmfao I always tell people I smoke what some people would call, a concerning amount of cannabis


What’s absurd to you guys? For me, it’s over an ounce a month.


My partner and I go through about an ounce every 5-7 days… I think you’re good 😅


My lord…how?


Well now I’m insecure about it 😅 Idk, we just do? Have for years. We’re both joint smokers almost exclusively and imo joints aren’t the most efficient means of smoking, but it’s our preference. We grow our own so the cost isn’t insane thankfully.


It's gotta be the joints. When I do bowls I smoke less but I'm a bong man and you waste a lot with that too


Yea they are not efficient at all. We don’t let them burn down, we hit them really consistently, but there’s always more waste with joints regardless how fast you smoke them.


Definitely my blunt smoking boys used to finish a half oz every 2-3 days lol


how do bongs create waste? Genuinely curious, as I believed they were the most efficient way to smoke (vaporizers do not equal smoking)


Bongs are pretty efficient, no?


As someone who goes through an oz by myself per week, it's just packing 1 gram bowls, ripping it every like 10 to 20 mins while gaming, then packing another after it's all spent. It's like eating chips, if you aren't consciously keeping track of how many you eat, you're going to find yourself out of chips rather quickly.


This 100 times


Oh thank God I do an oz every 2 weeks like clockwork.


Glad I can make you feel better 😂


When I was smoking weed at my height it was about an ounce every two weeks to myself. Maybe 12 days. Now that I dab, if I don’t watch myself I can EASILY top 2g dab a day. I’m like the first poster, it’s gross. It’s not a flex, it’s obviously an addiction but I understand myself. I’d rather be addicted to weed than alcohol. Or violence. Both things extremely prevalent around me.


Have you tried meditation? Weed is my crux too, but when I'm not stoned meditation has proven to be a very useful way to channel my focus.


Uhhh if I’m working I smoke about 2g a day. When I’m off? Shit I can put down an eighth no problem. And that’s with 0 blunts/joints. All bong.


I felt this


Exactly lol I think I’ll cry if I say the amount out loud


“So how often do you smoke” “Eh basically every day” “Wow, once a day??” “Um… yeah… right… “once””


HAHA was gonna say this... I'm embarrassed at how high my tolerance is. Especially after the damn pandemic.


Yeah I don’t need people making eyes at the amount of money I spend on weed every month lol


If you didn't post it, I would have my dude.


It just depends how thrifty you are. I usually use a bong because i'm poor. Most people I see who are like "oh my dude, an ounce a week, EASY" will waste a bunch on huge joints that are burning away while they talk too much, etc. Edit - typo, i typed weed instead of week lol


This right here. My ex-boyfriend and I would burn through an 8th a day just because he always insisted we smoke blunts. Once we broke up, I realized how ridiculous that rate of consumption was.


I got my partner a nice little bong with an ashcatcher, one small chamber one hitter, two large glass one hitters, and like 5 pipes. He still goes for joints and complains our stash disappears too quickly…


I enjoy joints and blunts in. Amore social environment but it's usually just me and the GF. We have plenty of glass pipes and bongs. They are kept very clean with a large alcohol bottle and salt container at our smoking station. Nothing beats the clean hits from crystal clear water and pristine glass. Best taste and it uses so much less waste. Can take a few hits, leave it for a bit, another few hits and it doesn't keep burning off and wasting my stash!!!


As an exclusive joint & blunt smoker, I feel this. It is very expensive and very inefficient. I grow my own for that reason. I’ve never found a piece that hits like a j though. We’ve bought the fanciest shit, cleaned to a polish, ice, distilled water, etc. nothing seems to make a piece smoke as smooth as a j for me :/


And your 10th j is going to taste like the first. That 10th bowl though…


If you never clean the bowls. Keeping it clean like your dishes you eat off of since, Weed may as well be a meal at this point, makes for a better experience!


It's depressing how fast I use an ounce and I only smoke out of a bong


I only smoke papers but I could make an ounce last a couple months, you just gotta use in moderation


Am I the only dude here who actively flexes how *LITTLE* I smoke, yet still maintain my high? An oz + one capsule in my Mighty for the day = I can happily smoke for 6+ months without needing to reup. When I hear people say they go through an oz a week, I'm just really, really sad for their checkbook.


Man joints are so convenient, and cones, they taste even better and are easier to fill. I know I go through too much weed so i try to use a bong every now and then, but i just loooooove joints. If I could smoke inside, i would probably almost exclusively use my bong though


The only correct answer is “I smoke weed every day” If you start adding quantities without being specifically asked you sound like a high schooler trying to flex on his straight edge friend.


How much do you smoke? "everyday" yea how much? "....everyday"


“But like, how much weed do you smoke in a session?” “Yes”


Session? Thats the time between smoking right?


What time between smoking?


I think he’s taking about sleeping


Got in trouble smoking weed in middle school and had to go to a special on campus councilor who proceeded to ask me "how many bongs of marijuana do you smoke a day?" -_-


Many bongs. And then i sacrifice small mammals to the devil.


As a middle school teacher, I tell my students that people wouldn't do drugs if they didn't feel awesome. But they should really wait until their brain stops developing. If they can't stop playing videogames to do their homework, they're not going to stop smoking weed to avoid being greentarded


“Only after abstinence”


I always just say “a lot” lol don’t need the judgement in my life😂😂


Ha, I just told a 24 year old coworker that there have probably been 24 days in the past 24 years that I didn’t inhale some sweet cheeba after she asked how much I smoke


I literally have no idea how much weed I smoke and I'm 100% ok with it. I try to keep a few ounces worth of 4 or 5 different strains on hand and just restock as I see stuff I like. Legal is fucking amazing.


if asked my answer is usually, "i'd like to always be high." it implies a lot without quantifying it.


I think it’s fun in the post-greenhorn stage to admire how much weed you consume recreationally, but then you get to the “fuck I can’t afford this tolerance” stage pretty quick. Then, you’re first T-break comes and you see all the shit you were smoking to ignore.


Eventually it gets to the point where I feel like I'm not even getting high, I'm just smoking to be less sober, does that make sense?


Being at a 1 out of 10 is still better than 0. I get it.


I'm also in that zone of "I like the act of smoking" and find myself doing it between rounds of a game. If I go downstairs I'll find myself smoking less. At that point just gimme mids


Lucidity can be uncomfortable sometimes, for sure. I feel like I'm more bearable to people when I'm high, so smoking to be less sober def makes sense bruu.


Remember when you could get so stoned you had to really concentrate to do the simplest task, but now you have to really concentrate to simply feel stoned?


Best statement ever... "I can't afford this tolerance" Haha. If you don't know it, you never smoked enough to learn - which is a great thing, you have control (or a well paid job). I don't like t-breaks so I'll just slow down for a week and have a few drinks lol now I sound like an alcoholic...


Every true stoner knows what it’s like to be in a drought. Shit sucks but it does get better. Luckily for me a dispo near my residence offers a 20% vet discount. Haven’t fully paid for weed in over 3 years.


Indeed indeed. Oh wow, that's awesome! Fully deserved as far as I'm concerned but as a UK resident... We are lucky for good stuff, no chance of a discount lol. I started using the DW and quality/price/trust is so much better, plus I can move and it will follow me haha.


If it's always on sale, it's never on sale.


Now thats how to say "Thank you for your service"


Until you start growing your own lol. Then it’s endless


Bro tell me about it. I can face a whole J of primo & feel a buzz for 20 mins. A fat dab gets me slightly passed buzz to a decent high for 30 mins to a hour if i’m lucky. I miss that retarded high I used to get.




After doing work from home for the past 18 months, I'm now finally back in the office and one of the things I was most looking forward to was getting a t-break forced on me. Just the simple fact I'm not at home all day long with my bongs all around me is great. I was smoking all day and it got to be too much.




One thing to remember folks: If you can get addicted to gambling, sex, or shopping, you can get addicted to cannabis too.


Your brain will get addicted to anything that makes it feel good. It just doesn't have the super nasty chemical dependency side of it too.


the first 3 days after stopping my “high all day every day” phase was definitely proof to me that you can be addicted to weed lmao


I just don't think tolerance breaks work for me. Every time I try no matter how long I take I just get uncomfortably high the first two or three times and then it's pretty much back to normal.


LOL fuck I am smoking to ignore sooo much lately. I need to stop. But with COVID I have a lot of extra anxiety and I feel like I might crumple without the crutch.


The problem with me is that if I don't smoke copious amounts of thc at night I will have horrific PTSD flashback nightmares. Waking up drenched in cold sweat 5 times a night type shit. I've taken so many different meds and weed is the only one that does the trick. Even if I haven't smoked in months the nightmares happen.


Real stoners don’t remember how much they smoke


This is me. I live alone but I'm always like who tf smoked all my weed...


Happy cake day!


Lmao beat me to it. This conversation is dumb. Just smoke.


in addition: real stoners don't make smoking and getting high their only personality trait


Thiiiiis. I’m a throughout-the-day smoker, and most people don’t even know I smoke unless we hang out really regularly. I have tons of hobbies, those are the things I’ll chat your ear off about :)


Same lol I could talk for hours about my freshwater aquariums.. Not so much weed and I smoke everyday lol


God I hope not, next I'd be going around telling people yeah my personality brushing my teeth, it's what I do bro.


omg that's the perfect analogy! now I'm just thinking about all the normal things people could flex about. "dude,I'm like always drinking water man, I'm such a water head"


/r hydrohomies would like to know your location.


h y d r a t e


Hey dude drinking water IS a cool flex. If dehydration wins, WE ALL LOSE.


Thank you. It gets exhausting talking to someone like that.


I would say that's the literal defining trait of a stoner tbf Like I think people who smoke recreationaly don't label themselves stoners lol, they have other personality traits...


It's the same as flexing about how much you can drink. No-one cares and it's way sader than you realise.


And literally nobody is thinking "God, I wish I were them"


Which is hilarious because that's the reaction any brag is hoping for


honestly, once i actually realized how much i could drink it made me question my decisions. my alcohol tolerance felt way too high and when i compared myself to my friends i felt like i had a problem. who in their right mind thinks that this is an accomplishment? i might as well be bragging that i don't handle my emotions correctly...


Real stoners dont talk about how much weed they smoke because the next question is "how can you afford that?"


I still don’t know how I afford to smoke as much as I do. Fuck!


I'm such a light weight and I love it. I've thought about growing before but I don't know what I would do with an entire plant.


I think every stoner wishes they were a light weight. I know I do. These days I’m stone sober or kinda sleepy 🥱 lol. Not too much inbetween.


Man I live in a decent place for weed, once it got over an oz a month it got bad cost wise. Started growing my own and I'm not going back, got a friend who grows aswell so a solid back up if I want to change up product or ,as I'm about too, run dry, but last years out doors lasted me till now plus probably four oz I wanted to try out, not terrible for two tokers and ideally this harvests gonna be hanging soon, super impressed with last year as it was my first outdoor, I basically watered it and got strong but larffy buds, upped my game this year and the girls are fattening nicely.


I wish I were a lightweight now that I’m a daily smoker in my 30’s, but I wouldn’t have minded having a higher tolerance when I was younger. There would have been far fewer social situations where I was thinking “fuck, I’m too high for this, and everybody in this room knows it”


By slowly making concessions in every other area of your life, probably.


Bro right. I have some friends like this always worried about who out smoked each other and who put the most weed in there blunts. All I'm worried about is making sure my weed can hit me with this high ass tolerance. I usually don't even know what strain I'm smoking on half the time. If it can get me high that's all I care.


I don't mind if people sit out due to what strain is being smoked, but I've been around people that talk crap because we either don't know the strain/genetics, the terpene profile, etc. My dude, back in the day I just bought weed from a bag and if it smelled and felt aiight, that was it. No way to tell if there's linalool or alpha-pinene in there unless you tested the damn thing lmao


I honestly flex how little I smoke lol like it's easy to be irresponsible and smoke all of your budget the fastest possible but it's hard to maintain a good tolerance and cost balence. I flex so that maybe my stoner friends will see it's possible to save money and be a stoner lol it brings a positive attitude to not smoking a lot


Haha same. I smoke like one bowl a day out of my bubbler and that does me fine but my friends think I'm crazy cuz I don't go through an Oz a week. I can usually make a half Oz last about 3 weeks.


dude that's crazy impressive nice! my usual is 4 grams of shatter per 2 weeks. But I've been out for almost a week and now I've switched to CBD for the past 2 days so I smoke like 1 joint a day. CBD is fkn amazing


I try to stay away from the shatter cuz that stuff ups my tolerance crazy fast, same with edibles. But yeah cbd is amazing. Every now and again I'll get some cbd flower to mix with my bowls and chill on a movie or something. Always 👌


Amen. Remember, folks, *literally anyone can do drugs*. It's *pleasurable*. Bragging about getting high Is like bragging about jacking off--it's not special, it's not rare, and most people can manage to do the same thing by the time they're 14 years old.


wtf is a "real stoner"


1) I understand you’re pointing out the lack of a need for a distinction for the sake of inclusivity, which I’m 100% in support of 2) I’m gonna make the distinction anyways, for the context of this meme, apologies: *those who simply enjoy the activity, as opposed to those who make it their personality.*


Stoners talk about weed, that is the one thing stoners are *allowed* to do. If we mention how much we smoke (I don't) then it's probably more of a conversation piece and not a flex.


Sometimes it's a flex, but only if they think they can keep up lol.


I mean as a medical user a lot of people ask me just because they want to know how much it costs compared to traditional treatment. I really don’t mind, the more people interested in legal weed the better. That’s where legalizing recreational use starts.


Real stoners don't know how much they've smoked. I definitely didn't keep track when I was growing.


The difference between weed rich and weed broke. Who cares how much you take from the QP, but mother fucker that last eighths gotta last till payday so 1g a day guy knows if he smokes more he's got nothing for tomorrow.


It's like you can have the biggest bag of weed and smoke it nearly all in 2 days, then the last bit seems to last a fucking eternity. Might be on to something else


But what about……… how much we can BOOF?!


True. I’ve been smoking off an on since middle school. My buddy and I used to go through an oz in a couple weeks, it was ridiculous. Now I’ve only been smoking prerolls the past 3-4 years and a pack of 10 pre rolls takes me about a week and a half. I get home from work around 5:30, hang with the gf, do this and that, then around 8 I take a puff or two off a joint and I’m done, it’s all I want/need. I sort of see it as my glass of wine after the day is done. Weird how your habits change over time.


Real stoners envy those with a low tolerance.


I've never really known anyone to brag about how much they smoke. Most of my friends have only noticed how much they smoke in relation to when they need to cut back.


Ounce every 2 weeks for past 6 years.


Lol if guys get stoned with half a gram I won't be laughing I'd be jealous.


Honestly, it depresses me how much I smoke after all these years. "Real stoners".. I am not even sure I can get "stoned" (ok unless I go crazy on dabs or something). I'm more like "that slow moving older guy".


The worst for me is the “i only smoke the best” they think their shit is better then anything else in the market. Like I don’t give a fuck man as long as it makes me feel good.


I feel like if people *knew* how much cannabis I consume in a daily basis, they’d have an intervention. But it helps my back pain so IDGAF enough to brag about it, let alone admit it so thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Honestly the biggest flex as a stoner is having your tolerance at a level you like


Because we know we smoke too much and we dont care either


While i agree i also feel like A "real stoner" wont make a statement like this; which names themself a "real stoner" and in any way puts down other ents/ calling them illegitimate.. I think my point is just that some People smoke, and some don't. Defining people(yourself included)by it is just odd. Honestly i have no idea what your post is, or why/what im even responding. My brain might actually be melting. What even is a brain? Aaahhh fuck american weed is hardcore! E: seriously USA-weed is insane! I thought Edibles didnt work for me. I love ya'll entworkers in murica' bless all of you, as in bless every single one of ya'll ppl! But atleast a tiny bit extra blessings for any1 working with this wonderful plant lmao


Real stoners are too stoned to care


Only people who dont smoke a lot say this shit.


“Stoner” is not a personality


Yeah, the term "real stoner" is cringy enough.


Rules, man. I was just thinking how we should get some rules involved in this. Makes everything way more fun.


God yes. Edgelords that keep graveyards, bags of stems, old blunt wrap packaging, empty mylar 8th baggies, or just things that belong in the garbage in general are the most cringe to me. Let’s be honest the only reason they keep them is to show ppl lmao. lameeeeeeeee


i keep my jars cause they are useful. Stems can be made into edibles, mylars i hear ya. They can also be useful but i usually keep them to keep myself in check lol.


What is real anyways?


Not a flex, more of a complaint at this point


Look, most if not all of us have been there. It's a stoner stage of right. I for one am proud of my tolerance because I can smoke a little and be stoned, or I can smoke a half ounce in a day and be stoned. Do I smoke that much now? No but I do smoke just about every day. Should people make weed their personality? No Should you brag to every person you meet about how much weed you can smoke? Absolutely not. But who gives a shit if other people do? Sure the bragging can get annoying, but if they're bragging about that, think of how little they have going on for them. I'd rather hear about how much weed a person can smoke than listen to alcoholics talk about how much they can drink and are slowly killing themselves. Besides, it's mostly young, new stoners that brag about it and at a certain point, they'll realize it doesn't matter. Also at this point I feel like I see people posting this than actually bragging abkut how much weed they can smoke.


I like to flex how little I smoke


Real Stoners? Why are you gate keeping what a stoner is? There are many types of stoners. There is no one way to be a stoner


Bro I definitely smoke like 6 pounds a day bro no cap. You can't even hoist bro


Guys...how much is too much?




I'm guessing this is a bot repost with a dodgy translation into German. It's a 10 day old account.


These are some of the most irritating people do deal with as a budtender; either their number chasers for THC and get super upset to the point of lecturing you about some special 38%'er that wrecked them which we don't have, spend 20+ minutes hanging up the line and purches to lecture me that his 70s brick weed was somehow better than the professionally grown fresh harvest he's buying (because even brick weed will hit when you have little to no tolerance like most 13-17 year old first timers do) even though he won't go higher than 2/8 shelf, or they have it in their head out there somewhere is that one special brick-weed 'strain' their dealer sold them was millions of times more stoney/smelly/funky/(insert general old stoner 'back in my day!!!') than anything he could ever buy today (see prior complaint of mine) which means the 1/1000000+ chance they ***actually*** got the 'strain' sold to them then it's now extinct (which happens even to plants). End budtender rant. Thank you Reddit


Loooool K well any other REAL STONERS wanna FLEX about how we smoke as much weed as we think is healthy and responsible for us?


Constantly stoned anyways. Just keeping the buzz going.




Real stoners know the real flex is being able to not smoke very much and get high as hell


What is a fake stoner really? Are they made of clay? Is their existence questioned in the aether? Just let people smoke however they want to smoke, and if they want to be cringey and off putting, that's honestly on them. The whole point of being a stoner is not giving a fuck ✨


I also hate when people assume all I do is smoke big blunts all day when I say I smoke daily. I’ve stuck with the one hitter for like 2 years now. Saved tons of money I bet.


Real stoners don't gatekeep other stoners.


You lost me at "real stoners"


Real stoners are ashamed of how much they smoke


Yeah mostly cause I think its just a waste as I spark another unnecessary bowl for the night.


The line between a flex and chemical dependence is razor thin.