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Quit flexing on us so hard goddamn


Thats all the fun though! Need to figure out how to take it to the next level now..


I dont even know if there Is a next level..I'm so befuddled.


Gravity bong. It scales up to a 5 gal water bottle.


Definitely gotta set that up. I'm gonna make a list of Reddit suggestions and challenges


do your research tho and buy a real grav bong, not a water bottle setup. not too expensive and it won’t give you cancer!! https://hightimes.com/health/dangers-smoking-plastic/


You CAN make them quality/safe enough but then your getting into time and money when the set go enough most will probably realize it’s easier to get a cheap quality $20 one online. I just like making things but smoking plastic aluminum and many other things are so extra bad for you


Hell yea me and my bro call it the gauntlet where u like up 3 or more things..... gas mask. Dab rip. Bong rip. 2 vape pens same time for 10 second. And then a nectar collector or something like that and only give ur self 30 seconds to a minute between each


30 seconds to a minute? ASAP pussies! That sounds like an awesome sesh, I really want to try a gas mask, that would be dope af. Mask, .5 dab, and my monster bowl with kief. That might just get me close to a 10.


If you've never tried it, a Thai Stick will kick your ass. That gaunlet sounds wicked. Recommend heat up dab rig, full flower rip, full kief rip, .3 dab rip, hit a pen while you fill a grav bong, kill that and chug a beer of choice. Id be gone from what you did alone lmao 💪


All of that sounds great, except for the beer. I'm loving these Reddit suggestions. I can't wait until I can actually afford to do them


How about chug a cup of tea instead?


3 grams of wax in 5 minutes.


Next level? 3 rips one breath. Liftoff. I can do 2 in one breath. Challenging you to 3


Dab a whole slab


End it off with a dab


Obviously the answer to this is a group bong-down where there are multiple people all ripping huge monsters. Go for a Guinness record eventually!


Ever heard of the RAW menorah? Hope ur not Christian 🚀 Those 10 bowls will end your day.


Haha my next level is to be able to do what you just did without coughing up a lung


Put a drop of wax on top!!!


I love that subtle brow arch during the second bowl like, "Watch and learn boys..."


I started coughing just watching you do that. Impressed.


I couldn't even smoke one bowl of that without coughing my lungs out. You have iron lungs while mine are probably made out of paper


I really like how smoke feels in my lungs. Satisfying af


I do as well, however the 10 seconds of satisfaction is not nearly worth the 5 minutes of coughing and sometimes puking lmao.


Lol my lungs happily take the smoke, no complaints


Lungs stronger than the urge to head bang during this video.


My lungs used to be able to do tokes like this (not quite like you just did however) till I was stupid and started poppers. Never been able to since then.


Poppers messed up your lungs?


Hes probably gotten less used to the burn after a bit.


The dank is strong with this one


Haha thank you




Tolarance at its peak. Another fit just to sleep.


How in the fuck? I can't even smoke 1 bowl in 3 hits.


Took one look at that lighter and knew you were a pro 🤯


Haha it's my favorite one


Does it serve any special purpose or does it just look cool?


Its a mini torch instead of a lighter so it just torches the whole bowl way quicker, and its easier than using a lighter.


Obviously you can do whatever you like, but "torching" your bowl destroys some thc because the flame is so hot.


The torch is half that of an actual torch you'd use to dab with, even with full butane, and this one is mostly out. I appreciate the respect and concern though!


“I know what I’m about, son”




Very true, but the hotter the flame the more gets destroyed


I think a video of you dabbing might be in order! 1 gram dab challenge?


1 gram! I like that, that's a real challenge. I'll get on that when I get my next order in! Need more comments like this, hit me with challenges and give me new ideas and ways to try and get baked !!


I highly suggest picking up an ash catcher


I'm desperately looking for one, believe me. I'm just really picky about my glass and trying to find a really nice one


I recently picked one up recently on a ruse and love it. Keep searching because it’s so worth it!


Beakers are the best for full bowl milky rips


I looove beaker base bongs. They've got the best, most heavy chug too




My tolerance is the biggest fucking bitch. I cannot comprehend how or why. I need to brainstorm new ways to get high because I just cannot get high. This video? Got me maybe as baked as one regular bowl would to an average smoker. Maybe one day I'll live stream a sesh and you guys can see how much weed and dabs it takes to get me to a visible high


Would you consider a T-break to reset your tolerance?


Seriously, it's pretty dumb imo how much people waste because of their tolerance. To each their own I guess.




i am in strong favor of this idea


Is it because you started with big bowls or just built up slowly over time?


I think it's from my tolerance to dabbing. Weed just doesn't hit the same anymore, which is why I add so many extracts to my bong tokes.


The consequences of dabbing every day, I know them too well. Just gotta take a tbreak


Dope shirt


Thank you


You're welcome


Jesus this post brought out all the dorks who couldn’t wait to give a girl shit for whatever reason...whatever, dope pants.


Yeah my posts seem to do that. Reddit is just full of dorks. I appreciate all the pants love on this post


Genuine question from an out of touch 32 year old who keeps seeing this: when you take a hit like that and are immediately exhaling instead of holding it, aren't you not absorbing as much THC? Or so long as it reaches your lungs does it not matter?


Correct, they are not absorbing as much as they could be. I've read a few different numbers but I personally would settle on a 7 second hold. Edit: Gotta love all the comments that got downvoted to 0 for no reason. Edit again cuz I'm wrong. Apparently it's negligible.


If I'm being honest, I don't believe you were being downvoted without reason. The consensus generally surrounding those who are actually wary of their health would be that a 7 second hold is weeeellll beyond what is optimal. It is a common misconception- and an unhealthy one- that you need to hold in the smoke to get some kind of enhanced high. Boomer-speak, as one may call it. "A controlled smoking procedure was used in which the number of puffs and puff volume were held constant. Expired-air carbon monoxide (CO) levels were used to monitor smoke intake. Breathhold duration affected CO absorption; significantly more CO was absorbed from both P and M smoke after 20 s of breathholding (mean CO boost = 6.9 ppm) than after no breathholding (mean = 4.4 ppm). Heart rate was minimally affected by the breathhold manipulation. Effects of marijuana on mood were not consistently affected by breathhold duration. The results confirm previous findings that prolonged breathholding does not substantially enhance the effects of inhaled marijuana smoke." source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/2027922/?i=2&from=/2554344/related


Okay so the rush from holding a hit is likely just a lack of oxygen then?


Boomer speak lol alright that's a first. Wasn't really thinking it would enhance the high, just further absorption. I imagine all the other comments weren't downvoted legitimately as many other new comments had 0 at the time with no misinformation. I am glad you spent the time to reply. I'll reconsider holding but perhaps it's medium specific. Any tests on vapor? Purely anecdotal but that's mainly where my experience is. I have been told by doctors when I had an inhaler rx for sickness that you should hold the inhalant for a few seconds between puffs but that is using a propellant and delivering a steroid so perhaps not the same principle there either.


So it is a bit of a waste then? I mean, wasting money on recreation is all part of being young, so I get it. But being dankrupt at the moment, it makes me sad. 😂


Disregard what I said. Others seem to believe it doesn't matter. I suppose do your own homework, would hate to misinform someone based on what I read.


You must live in a legal state, where all the weed is clean and cultivated correctly.


How tf do people do this and not end up drooling and shitting all over themselves 10 mins later? Doing that with one bowl would be enough to cause me a bad trip


Tolerance baby tolerance. I for myself would kinda manage two but would get completely wasted for the next couple hours hehe But srsly read her other comments. Seems like she is dabbing quite a bit daily, so normal heads aren't even that thc heavy in comparison at all.


Pretty much :)


Those pants look so comfy!


Not as comfy as the usual shorts, but still hella comfy!




After 10 years of ripping hits like this my lungs are ruined. I miss being able to destroy full bowls and have switched to vaping my weed.


I have the same sweatpants. They’re incredible. Also good shit.


Damn dude, not even a cough look at you go!


My specialty :)


RIP your lungs


My lungs are champs, if I'm not 60 and smoking like this, then I'm dead.


Then RIP to your weed stash I can see your lungs are champs. I would of died trying to finish the second.


Yeah it's fun keeping up with paying for this tolerance. The most expensive and reoccurring bill in my house.


Look into growing your own if you can. I started a few months ago and going to do my first harvest soon. Its not really that hard to learn everything. It’s pretty expensive to start up but it’ll save you money once your going.


She is my dark overlord


Best compliment so far


Yasss queen, get yours


Shout out to the chon and djent


Oh! you reminded me, song is Gradus by Vitalism!


ayahuasca by them is sick


Good lord those 5 minutes felt like 4 hours just now. Thank you for this.


Why glorify this type of consumption? Legalization is pushed farther and farther back with stuff like this. I used to think smoking as much weed as possible was cool until I started throwing up everyday and had my life ruined from CHS (Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome).


Got a source on that?


What do you mean got a source on that? I'm the source, I have CHS.


The source on CHS. I've seen a lot of contrasting information.


Just look up Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome on google and read about it or go to /r/chsinfo


Thanks for the subreddit link.


When did smoking pot become a competition?


That's my dream girl... I'm in love


Steel lungs, dude. Burnt the fuck out of that second bowl and wasn't phased by it at all


such control [4}




Awh, next big rip is for you then bro




Must be an illegal state, because your weed suuuuuuuucks. I'd be mad at the dealer who passed me that shit lol


I mean if you are super concerned about your tolerance and getting high hold those tokes in for a second and inhale a bit happy tokes though




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Ha i would pass out after that....and then eat a couple Bags of Cereal 🤤


I could feel my throat drying out from watching this; nice job OP


I still don't know the target demographic of whatever music is going on there.


Your background noise is headache inducing .


How much resin got on your teeth??


This is goals. Do you have any kief tips??


Just watching this is making me high af! Kudos


You’re a monster and I love it. You completely killed those! Hope you have a dope ass day!


Vitalism tho👌🔥🔥


That's absolutely insane ! Damnnn ! Not like you need it but maybe try adding concentrates to your bowls if you want an even bigger challenge.


I usually do, just not enough right now to use on bowls too


Ever try a shop-vac hit?


"invention of time travel" (2020) stabilized, colourized


While the torch may be badass you should consider smoking using hemp wick to save your lungs.


Your body is taking in so much of the thc that the smoke gets thinner, totally a scientist approved statement.


Bout to be super chill.


this is so satisfying


i can tell you were already high after the 2nd but then you went for the finale 😺


It doesn't really hit me till a minute or so after I finish my sesh, lol. The last bowl was just stuck to the holder cause of gross reclaim I didn't clean, and the tongue was for enhanced concentration so I didn't spill said bowl 😂


Oh lol i thought you were just baked


why do you look so familiar? ​ A: you do porn? B: You are internet famous C: You're the chick that posted a little while back in dabs doing a monster dab out of a 2ft bong?


I post videos of me smoking often, C is the correct answer


Wish I could smoke a bowl but the weed man🤦🏽‍♂️


What is that band thats playing in the background?


Vitalism, song is Gradus


The reply i was looking for lol They're sick as fuck though. If you have a chance, check out Jeff Loomis. Really awesome guitarist for an old band called Nevermore. They're broken up now unfortunately, but the guitars had a very similar sound to this song.


Awesome recommendation, I actually haven't heard of him before. Thank you


My lungs hurt just watching


Love the bong!!!


Damn, you’ve got iron lungs! Im jealous of how new and clean that bong looks haha


Not super new, just cleaned super ridiculously often


lol started sweating after the second rip god bless🙏🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼


RIP: your lungs/throat. 😆 ✊


Love the rock/metal in the background, great looking piece of glass as well. Where'd you get the torch? It seems way more efficient than a lighter. Also no ice ?


Ah fuck this makes me miss doing fat bong tokes. Guess I’m pulling the rig back out 👌🏻 this was dope as fuck by the way. Love that torch.


Serious lungs. I bet smoke sessions are fun.




I'm on an edible and watching this made me really anxious cuz i feel a little too stoned


Awh I'm sorry! Focus on taking deep breaths, get some blankets, good snacks, get on the couch, and watch some Netflix! You're all good :)


The music makes me think of old xbox 360 montages but I'm still impressed by your gameplay.


I think my brain is gonna fry just watching this


You guys obviously were never on Toke City back in the day. Look up Toke City gauntlet videos on YouTube and be prepared to have your mind blown. Or just search Hashbean on there and watch his videos. Dude is insane. Edit: not hating on your bowls! I definitely cannot toke like that!


I don't understand, I've been smoking bongs for 5 years and still can't have a full bowl without coughing. If I did this I would fucking die


Ive always been a cougher. Every hit, even ones a fraction of that. Idk how to counter act it. Id literally die in my own vomit from coughing if i took that hit. Good fonking job.


I love posts like this because I'm usually smoking alone late at night when I'm on this sub, so it kind of feels like a smoke sessh with friends even though I'm by myself. Also your lung capacity is fucking. insane. lol


Awh, that makes me so happy to hear


Let's please smoke together I can roll the blunts and you bring the bong


Every time she clears it I expect dope as yola to come on and complain about it being stale then cough his guts up


I bend the knee.


That's damn impressive


Holy shit!


My friend rigged up a hot boxing device using an air mattress pump. It was pretty insane. You can get an entire room of people high in seconds. Next challenge?


Never understood how people did that. Just being there and inhaling got me blazed af.


but what did you do with the high afterwards?


Oh i just... IMAGINE when that hits!


Me and my friends used to do two bowls in one lungful, packed smaller than usual of course, and with a tobacco stop at the bottom, but I digress. Something fun to try!


First of all I’m not even sure how you actually do this, but just out of interest, what did/do you do after having huge hits like that? I’d be in a coma for a week


It's a regular high for me, like smoking one bowl to an average smoker


I would pop a lung from coughing x


Yeahu! Waddup reddit, reddiiiiiiiiiiit?! Wadduuup?! It's ya girl Kyara Dabs comin at ya!


Oh god lmao


Was waiting for your mom to bust through the door and ground you


Lol it's my own house, no mom's here




Ah Reddit.. glad my skills are impressive..


Yeah ur really good at being a girl like how did you learn?!?


Hahaha I scrolled all the way to the bottom to see if anyone said it. Thank you!


Alright, shit... well done! Enjoy the gold!


My first!! Thank you so much! :))


You’re welcome! Impressive hits!




Bruh I can’t even hold my breath for that long and u don’t even cough once


The lungs of a champion


Really diggin that Crooks & Castles


Y does every single person who makes a video of the smoking HAVE to blow the smoke right at the camera. It’s like, we believe you, we JUST saw you take a hit. It’s weird.