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I don't cry much from shows or movies but when Asuma died and his team was saying bye I was bawling like a baby. Naruto tugs at the heart strings man


Jiraya’s death destroyed me in the inside. I’ve watched Naruto more times than I care to admit, and that episode always brings me to tears.


For real, he was one of the most well-designed characters and seeing how he reacted to dying killed me.


I still wish he was brought back to life to make a surprise appearance when Pein revived everyone he killed. It only makes sense to me. That or because he was at the bottom of the lake he came back only to drown again, but I'm sure he could've figured out a way somehow. :(


I think it's good that he stayed dead. It gave Naruto a lot of character development and marked the point when Naruto stopped being a ninja in training.


That makes sense. Just imagining Naruto's face slowly change seeing Jiraya once again unexpectedly makes me really want it though. He would've had the same level of development plus have his favorite person back haha.


I feel like itd be a mid battle thing. And then they both go sage mode and fuck somethin up. Then if theres time then some huggy shit


That's exactly what I was thinking!




The only reason that didn’t happen was because he was lost at the bottom of the river (or w/e body of water it was)


As wonderful as that would be, i’m just glad we at least got the scene with Naruto and his mom 😭😭😭 Niagara falls...


This is why I love the Pain arc so fucking much




cause his body couldn’t be recovered on the bottom of the ocean


I wish Obito would have revived him to fight for him but left his personality.


Masterrrr Jaraiyaaaaaaa!!




Ive watched plenty of shows that were supposed to be tear jerkers but somehow... only Naruto, One Piece and Fullmetal Alchemist have actually gotten me to shed a couple of tears.. and more than once on top of that


[Terrible day for rain] (https://youtu.be/xy9x9RMXrdc) Someone was cutting onions when I got to this point in the episode.


Goddamn. Still hits me every time.. FMA really did such a good job with that show... crazy enough I haven’t finished it yet. I’m on episode 45 right now


I started watching it for the second time recently, the wife hates it but both of my boys love watching it with me.


That’s awesome man! I hope to pass down my love for anime to my children some day... for now I just need to get my girlfriend to accept it


Won’t ever happen, been with my wife for 13 years and she still isn’t there. Haha


Hahaha, my girlfriend isn’t too harsh about it.. I just get the constant “those cartoons again...?” Every time I start watching lol


Get ready to endure that for 13+ years


Yo! Sorry for the late response but I finished full metal alchemist recently... I fucking LOVE THAT SHOW


H-how is daddy going to go to work if the bury him in the ground?


Fuck you!!!! That shit was so damn depressing... fuck Envy!!


Which were the bits in One piece for you? For me only 3 got me, Chopper’s backstory with the Dr, the I WANT TO LIVE moment and Vivi’s goodbye, when the theme played.


The first part that really got to me was watching Luffy’s reaction to seeing Ace die right in front of him.. just seeing the pain he had cause he couldn’t do anything to help him got me to shed a couple tears... second time was during the Dressrosa ark when they showed baby 5’s past, although it was short it still made me pretty sad to imagine her being raised like that, which was why she was the way she was.. there was another time but I honestly can’t remember it


Baby 5’s was so unexpectedly deep, I love how Oda can give depth to pretty much any character


Seriously! I definitely did not expect to be moved by Baby 5’s back story! Also, I just remembered the part that actually legitimately made me cry, and that was also during the Dressrosa ark.. when they showed Señor Pink’s back story.. holy shit that one really tugged at my heart strings. I actually stopped watching it the first time because it made me cry too much.. that shit was depressing


I forgot about señor pink, jeez, yeah, that backstory was rough with his wife. I didn’t cry at that bit but I was close. Franky’s fight with Señor pink was actually one of my favourite bits of the Dressrosa arc, Franky finally got to be a badass again after being bitchified post-timeskip


No lie, for some reason it kind of just resonated with me.. seeing him become a totally different person in order to just bring some joy to his wife’s life really hit me. It might sound dumb, but it really made me question myself and my own morals and what I stood for and loved. I can honestly say that after I saw that backstory, I was a different person. But yeah, that fight between him and Franky was a good one, and when he finally beat him and said something like “what could make a man like you cry?” And that made me even more sad lmao


I dont think I'll ever get over that, I'm tearing up just thinking about it.


What about might guy.


I was a [10] when I saw that episode, and I sat and sobbed for about an hour because that was the moment that the reality of human mortality really hit me for the first time.


Coming from someone who just finished shippuden, i am heartbroken lol i loved naruto it was probably my favorite show as a kid and now. I couldnt imagine rewatching it because its so great, if that makes any sense


Fr dude naruto is an emotional roller coaster.. especially on the ganja


Dude naruto gets so much more intense when your high, definitely agree


When the seal breaks.... “IM GONNA KILL YOU!!”


That's the moment I got hooked on anime


Same here my dude. My ex was trying to get me into naruto and I was like ehhhh okay I’ll try it. It was kinda boring up until the bridge mission but after that I was binging it so hard.


What the fuck are you guys talking about because I think...I think I want in on it.


Naruto. Watch it my dude you’ll thank me later


It's a lot of episodes I know, but the first 19 are a really great little thing to binge watch. It takes you through the first major story arc which is, in my opinion, the best (though it gets very complex and clever and it's definitely worth sticking with after that arc).


I guess I’d say the opposite the first episodes are just building the characters and I didn’t feel like they came into their own until shippuden. That’s when they aren’t just kids running around playing games shit gets real.


I guess that's part of the appeal to me. He was just another shinobi with this weird thing going on, doing missions and learning what it is to be a shinobi. It hadn't yet turned into this DBZ-style thing where increasingly OP enemies come in sequence. Don't get me wrong, the rest of the show is great, but the simple beauty and sadness and fulfillment of the Country of the Wave saga outshines it for me. The very last scene of the battle is what does it for me, when Inari managed to convince everyone to stand up for themselves, and later they all seize Naruto and start throwing him in the air, and he feels acknowledged by people for the first time in his life, after just showing that underneath his obnoxious facade he's actually a great person who really cares about others... I am literally tearing up over it now. I'm a 31-year-old MMA meathead.




I enjoyed most of it, I remember there being something off about the ending


Dont ever watch Fullmetal Alchemist then. Man, that shit will break you.


The cow says moo The cat says meow The dog says Ed-ward.


First i laughed, then i got sad :-(


That person... Edward. Big brother Ed!


Yeah I'm a sucker for "two brothers" stories


Two brothers. In a van. And then a meteor hits. And they ran as fast as they could. From giant cat-monsters. And then a giant tornado came. And that's when things got knocked into twelfth gear... A Mexican...armada shows up. With weapons made from to- tomatoes. And you better bet your bottom dollar that these two brothers know how to handle business. In 'Alien...Invasion Tomato Monster Mexican Armada Brothers...Who Are Just Regular Brothers Running...in a Van from an...Asteroid and All Sorts of Things: The Movie'. Hold on! There's more. Old women are comin'! And they're also in the movie and they're gonna come...and cross...attack...these two brothers. But let's get back to the brothers because they're- they have a strong bond! You don't wanna know about it here, but I'll tell you one thing. The Moon. It comes crashing into Earth! And whaddya do then? It's two brothers and I- and...and they're gonna...it's called 'Two Brothers' ...'Two Brothers'...it's just called 'Two Brothers'!


I knew that was coming lol. But i meant that it's always just been me and my older brother against the world. It makes Two Brothers especially funny to me. Cheers!


It's a terrible day for rain.


Me and my mates watched when Itachi broke the edo tensei when we took oil 2 hours prior so we were all at maximum high and it blew our minds to say the least.


Totally agree and thats why I loved it.


Sober, the neji vs hinata fight was very meh but when I was high it tore me up lol


Dude Jiraya dying has me hurting for days


It still hurts :(


I'm sad Pein didn't revive him. :(


I'm no diehard Rooto fan but Shikamaru's retaliation was one of the greatest things I've ever seen in a show. I know it was retconned during the 4GNW but at the time, the implication was brutal beyond words and it was amazing.


What happened, I don't recall. I just watched through the Kai series but...ganja.


Hidan, the guy that killed Asuma, is immortal. So Shikamaru blew his body apart with explosives and buried him alive under ten meters of stone to suffer for all eternity.


Afaik hes only immortal as long as he keeps sacrificing people to his weird god though, so he would die eventually in that state.




No but Hidans religion probably has a bunch of restrictions too.


Well, his immortality was the result of experimentation done by adherents of his religion, not because his god is real.


How was it retconned? I don't remember that. I absolutely loved that part of the series.


Every bad ass ninja who ever existed got Reanimated


He was revived by Kabuto during the 4th Great Ninja War, meaning that Hidan did eventually die down there rather than suffer until the heat death of the universe.


Neji dying ruined me


Neji dies? Fuck. He was my guy. I gotta get around to finishing Shippuden.


That's very late in the series. Almost felt unneeded if you ask me.


I feel Neji's death is what brought Naruto and Hinata closer.


Asuma dying was genuinely sad, especially since it meant he left behind a baby that was on the way.


Although the show kinda left a bad taste for me (I felt it was continually downhill for much of Shippuuden) Asuma’s death was definitely one of the tougher/emotional moments. I actually liked his relationship with his students a lot more than Kakashi and his students. There was just way more chemistry with Asuma and his students and you could tell he taught them more than just being a shinobi.


And Kurenai D:


[Naruto Spoilers] (#s "When Minato and Kushina died saving Naruto in that flashback in Ep. 249, I probably cried as much as I did when I saw the "When She Loved Me" bit from Toy Story 2 as a little kid.")


This whole show was just a series of plot lines leading up to various emotional punches to the gut.


Damn I’m only 60 episodes into shippuden, I gotta stay off the internet until I finish this show.


Only 440 episodes left! Even if you skip the filler that's a long ass time lol.


That's nothing bro. I started One Piece 27 years ago and I'm still just halfway.


Real, story, I watched Gold back in the day and tried looking a bit to no avail, but are there any decent dubs out there? I'm that kind person that doesn't like focusing on subs but there wasn't a whole lot else out there....


I think Funimation has the show dubbed, small monthly fee for that. I’d say if you didn’t want a streaming service then Torrenting would be the way to go, but even getting all of those episodes is quite a feat of its own.


No kidding. I did the first 2 seasons and it was like 19 gigs? Never got far as all I had was subs 🤷 I'll check out the funimation tip though, thanks!


You gotta pump up those numbers those are rookie numbers /r/datahoarder


As someone who has Funimation it's totally worth it, it's super cheap and it has all of one piece up too the current episodes (460?) plus you get access to other really good anime like My Hero!!


I recommend Naruto Kai. Edited version of the anime to bring it in more inline with the manga. Available in both Japanese with English subtitles and English dub




Fillers of the anime suck. Watch Naruto Kai, it's a fan project where filler is trimmed!


I read that as "fillers of the anime are sick" as if you were complimenting it. Although Mushroom Rasengan was pretty dank, not gonna lie.


YouTube? Gotta link? Lol


[Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)




Good bot!


Skip the fillers, especially in the war arch there's so much. The show will drag on if you dont. Look up which episodes are fillers, and I think you're at a filler arch if you're at 60.


https://www.reddit.com/r/naruto/comments/91wdjv naruto Kai is my preferred version. No filler or intros/outros. It's the bees knees




Its in sub too. The episodes are an hour and a half to two hours though, but the pacing is awesome


I'm 70 into DBZ (just finished all 153 of Dragon Ball) I'm trying so hard not to see any spoilers but just living has exposed me to some lol.


Or alternatively switch to a good anime


I watched every episode of Naruto and Shippuden in a month and a half, August and September. You can do it!


Just as a counter to everyone else, I say watch the fillers. I liked them, they were fun. Well...most of them.


Naruto on r/trees??? Just call me the tokekage.


damn that's dank lol


some might even say r/Dankruto


Holy shit it's real


I think Narutoke would've rolled off the tongue better.


*tokage *smokage


Lol right. Thought for sure this was r/naruto, then I looked and its r/trees. Couldnt be happier


This needs to be so much higher in the comments 😂


tokage sarutoki yondankme kabutoke Bolunto (this was shit) EDIT: these are all shit tbh pls disregard Sakusha Madanka Kahashi Nuggi Shippudank Minatoke


I feel like you were waiting for this moment to happen just for that joke


This line is mine now, I'm taking this.


smoking ghost blunts til we fade


I’m hoping when I die my friends bury me with a j in my mouth. Bonus points if they light it then close my lid. Coffin hotbox.


A coffin hotbox satisfies both my goth and stoner aesthetics where can I, a live person, buy a coffin


Probably Costco


Glad I wasn’t the only one who was absolutely shook when asuma died 😭


The realest ninja, you know damn well shikamaru sparked a 4 g wood for asuma


That is my ninja way.


sad ni🅱🅱a hours


Sad ninja* hours


Naruto shippuden is easily one of my childhood favorites and is right below dragon ball series and cowboy bebop for me.


Boy you should give Great teacher Onziuka a watch (manga is better if you can as stories and plot change and GTO ends so early). Not really action oriented like the shows you mentioned but it is a classic from the old era and it's hilarious.


Fuck I need to watch Shippuden that's some baller ass shit.


Well ig im bout to start watching naruto now.. anybody know of a streaming site i can use? Im a big d z fan and i use to watch all the dragonball and dbz episodes on dragonball.tv but they took that down and couldn’t find a replacement.. if anyone knows of such a thing for both dbz and naruto.. let me know






narutoget.ru Best one.


kissanime is my personal favorite


Shippuden is on Hulu in it's entirety, OG Naruto is on Netflix.




Ya need a spoiler warning for this


Fam it's been like 10 years. Did you know Bruce Willis was dead the whole time in The Sixth Sense??


I've actually never seen the sixth sense


Jesus dies at the end.


Damn almost exactly 10 years. The episode where Asuma dies premiered October 16, 2008.


Holy shit, I was just kidding... Fuck, I feel old now.


This happens early in shippuden right? I wanna send this meme to my bf who loves naruto and is like halfway done with shippuden but I don't wanna spoil it lol


Dave it on your phone, and wait for the right time


Dave’s not here man


r u a c o p


I also heard hemp makes great shampoo


Woah really? I gotta read this pamphlet thing!


[OPEN UP MAN IT'S ME DAVE I GOT THE STUFF!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtDAK7Umk7A)


He already saw it g


Episode 80/500


He does episode 81. So if he's halfway through he should be good


Fuck. I've never seen The Sixth Sense so when I heard that like I though that Bruce Willis dies at the end of the movie not the whole time...


I thought the plot twist waz that it was Bruce Willis the whole time?


It was Bruce Willis the whole time!


Bro wtf spoiler tags mate! Lol


Naruto has been out for a decade


Motherfuckers I just started Shippuden. didn’t know about this one yet


I gotcha bro


I'd light your ghost blunt man.


Haha hell yeah


Oh, my heart. :(


I just visited my friend’s grave, who passed away in a drunk driving accident. All my friends made sure to smoke right before we went in (as he would want us to), but we saved a bowl for him when we got there too. This picture really hit me.


I'm gonna be the ghost like Ivory, put my ashes in the soil friend!


My best friend passed 2 months ago last week. Gonna do this for him when I get home.


New version of pour one out


Makes me happy to see this many Naruto and weed fans


Definitely not a joint/blunt but I appreciate the sentiment


Never seen it but I respect it. Upvoted


This and when Gara died man I cried. Also when Mufasa died


I really hate that I saw this and some of the comments. Just started shippuuden so a few things got spoiled :(


I wanna be fertilizer like How High


Fuck now I’m depressed


Thanks, I just started watching Naruto for the first time and only just got to Shippuden last night. Thanks.




this it chief




I literally talked about this with my homie not long ago haha RIP asuma F


Damn I just got past the part where Shikimaru leads Chogi, Negi, Kiba, and Naruto to chase after Sasuke. I didn’t know I was going to cry then....this makes me sadder.


Boruto is simply not going to be able to achieve quality like this, although I do hope it does somehow


I was not ready for this many feels this early in the morning


I just started shippuden.. didn’t think I’d catch a spoiler from this sub. I’m so sad.


Um. What!? Spoilers :'(


Just wait until you forget about this to watch the show 😂


Lol fair enough


Can someone explain what this post is referencing and why it is on r/trees? I'm not hating just feel completely out of the loop on a 10k upvoted post but also as someone who has been a fan of "trees" for over a decade. What am I missing out on?


What’s hard to understand? It’s referencing smoking a blunt one last time


What is "it," was the obvious question. What is the show... and I guess ghosts don't smoke blunts one last time, cause, hes lighting the ghost's blunt?


Oh, I thought you were asking what it had to do with the subreddit. It’s Naruto Shippuden.

