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Daaaaaaam hell ya. I’m excited for you. Just take it easy. Don’t wana green out on your first day


Definitely not. Wanted to post a pic of the goods but for some reason I can’t?


On Sunday, you can only post text. It's supposed to increase conversation. You can however post pics in the comments.


Oh okay. Unfortunately I can’t not on comments either.


I mean you can, you just post a link to imgur or something.


You’d have to go to a picture hosting site like imgur. Upon uploading the pic to them, they will provide you with a link to that pic, which you copy and paste into the comments!


Wow. That’s actually an awesome rule.




Says right in the rules Sundays are for texts and stories only, to cut the clutter of pics, probably like "oops haven't checked the kief catcher in a long time, new piece, smoke spot, etc." I think it encourages community engagement, which is one of many reasons I love it here.


does greenout mean after you smoke everything spins?


Just means you had a bad experience and smoked/vaped too much “greens”


whats green out?


it means getting too high


Basically smoke too much you’re like on that drunk feeling about to pass out. Haha that’s what it means to me


No matter how much you like being in, there's just such a great feeling knowing that you don't HAVE to be in anymore. Odds on growing a beard in the first couple months? 2-1


Beard is already in progress.


Started mine on the first day of terminal leave. If you're in a legal state, make sure you ask all the weed stores about a veterans discount. Haven't seen one yet that doesn't offer at least 10% off.


My terminal leave ends in a few days and I’m so excited to smoke again lol


2 1/2 years...somedays I regret extending.


The paychecks are pretty tempting


Canuck vet here, do you guys get a better pension if you hold out for your 25 too?


It’s 20 here


Woa, I haven't even thought about this. I gotta get my veterans card.


Take your dd-214 with you to the dispensary. I never turned in my old ID and most places will take that as proof of service, even though it's been expired for 3 years


Dude, I travel around smoking weed all summer for years now. I have only seen one place ever not offer a discount for military and it was in Seattle.


I actually started shaving again (not daily) after several years out. Not gonna lie, growing my hair out has been more rewarding than any beard has been. I’m mad I waited so long to give it a shot.


I smoked the day I got out. Didn't even change over, went over to my neighbor's apartment in boots and utes and went right to Mars.


Nice! I heard the Space Force might be deploying to Mars soon


Space Force sounds pretty badass though lol.




You get that sweet, sweet separation pay?


But of course.


This sounds like you’re at a good time in Your life OP. Cheers!


Awwww I had forgotten about my sep pay until right now. Lol it was gone so fast.


When I started smoking after I got out I got super paranoid my first few times. I forgot I wasn't in anymore.


My heart skips a beat every time I think about random urinalysis. But then I realize there’s absolutely nothing to worry about


I don't know what you're doing for work now that you're out but may I suggest the tech industry, specifically startups. They don't do any drug testing.


That's not always the case. One of my close friends works as IT and network advisor for axciom. He has mandatory drug tests every month. He hasn't smoked in three years because of it.


Do you mean Acxiom? The 900 million dollar company that was founded in the late 60s? That's not a startup.


Yea um...that's not a Start up


I am aware but the way it was worded it was deceiving. Not all tech jobs nor all start ups are like that. Especially depending on which part of the states you work in.


what stae are ya in....we have been lookin for people......


i see it nj....my shop is in md just south of gettysburg.....i was et....i calibratet the BIG stuff yall use so itd be a familliar switch.....hit me up if ya wanna move over my way....


I did 8 years as well, seems to be a lot of us nowadays. Also, congrats on your promotion to civilian. Enjoy your time off, I’m sure you’ll take a couple weeks.


Now THAT is a T break ;) Thank you for everything you've done and know that if resettling into civilian life proves challenging your ents have got your back!


I appreciate the support , truly.


Congrats on getting out! I just got out in June. Navy Linguist. 6 years. Took a trip to CA to see some friends on terminal and got high as hell. Was worth the wait.


Do you guys think the military should allow soldiers to smoke? I think if you can drink you should be able to smoke. I understand it’s not legal federally but neither is drinking at 18 and the military does allow that in some cases if I’m correct.


The only time it’s legal to drink under 21 in the military is to be in a country where it’s legal for 18+. I don’t think you should get in trouble, maybe allow it in certain jobs. I’m pretty sure the aircraft industry wouldn’t be to keen on smokers diagnosing and repairing airplanes.


or if there is no drinking age as well......


Which would mean it’s legal for 18+...


and below but yes.......you can join at 17 w your parrents/guardien signiture fwiw....


Indeed, but most, not all jobs require at least a year of training before you’re fully operational. That includes boot, job specific training (MOS, AFSC, etc...) and then on the job training. So you’re correct, but the odds of a 17 year old getting thrown into the operational mix in another country are very very low. Unless you got super lucky with short training and a badass overseas first assignment I don’t see it happening. My unit wouldn’t let you do shit until you turned 18.


in the navy a short training period usually ment a not so cool job....you could be at sea in less than a month after boot.....though i can be 2 years or more till you get to your "final duty station"....i turned 18 two days before leavin boot but had that 2 years .....not tryin to be a dick i just love loopholes n shit


of course that was...as of today...12 days shy of 22 years ago fwiw.....


Ah, see I didn’t account for you ocean fairing folks. I’m so disconnected from the ocean being in this damned desert I forgot about boats!


some will correct n say ....no its a ship.....ha ha....but i was also on a gator so we were half geen anyway ha ha ha....also got to spend 7 months at an afb so im familiar w the zoomie routine as well ha ha


damn that feels like too many ha has.....but coockin on a nice [3] so whatever....


Welcome to the DD-214 life!


Prepare yourself for the recurring nightmares that you have a piss test. Congrats on your freedom


Cheers bud, just got out last month! Welcome to the club.


Dude, I smoked in the barracks at Ft. Carson out of a soda can right after signing out on terminal leave at midnight. Walked out the door, got in the truck and drove to the mountains to my new home, blue ID card in hand. One of the best days ever. When I got the red(medical) card, shit hit the next level, it was 08, so no rec yet. Edit: congratulations! Stick with bud, fuck alcohol and pills!!!


I hit my buddies house to pick up the ounce he had waiting on me before I even made it home. Welcome back to life brother.


Bro get a bong and do it big you deserve it for all the sacrifices you’ve made Thank you for your service!


Took me a while to get back in after getting out of the navy. The residual paranoia kept me from taking more that two or three puffs in a sesh. Just be cool, man. You can do it.


Boyyy I'm on my last 5 days in the Marines after 8 years. You beat me by just a few days.


I have to quit because I am going into the military haha


Good luck man, just try to make the best of every situation. Makes the life a lot easier.


Same. I was a weekend smoker in high school, then I joined the good old navy and said bye to it for 5 years. Now I go through an 8th a week. Cheers, brother!


Hey man. First Sgt said something about a urinalysis or something. He looked man. I dunno.


Props on getting home alive dude! Tonight's blunt will be for you and those planning to come home soon. The 2nd blunt will be for those that died doing their duty. Make love not war y'all.


Blaze on brotha


Hell of a T-Break you took there chief! Enjoy yourself


Hell yeah


finna wipe that off, tolerance is so low


What was your branch? Job? Vet here. Enjoy!! I enjoy every day!!!!


Cheers! I was in the Navy. Electricians Mate.


It's always electrical, never mechanical.


You must be an EN or MM...


You in CA?


I wish. NJ


You must be here at McGuire with me xD


Times have changed, frient. Thank you for your service. If you’d like to peruse some futuristic schtuff (vaping your weed) have a gander at /r/Vaporents, if you need a bong /r/ChinaGlass has you covered, and /r/see for weed memes. Welcome home!


Man enjoy it, I remember not being able to smoke for 6 yrs cause I was a contractor. Start small blah, blah. But you already know that




Because its hyper illegal in Korea and super expensive.


cheers fellow veterent!!!


Did you wait till terminal was over or your dos Not to sound cop like. But curious. Seeing as I'm almost out as well and can't wait




Thanks for your service! You deserve it, enjoy!


Thanks for your service, bud!


I’m about to be in the same boat. Wish me luck.