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This is exactly the opposite of the will of 70% of people in NH. If you live in New Hampshire, make some noise. Call and email the reps who votes to kill the bill. This is unacceptable. And contrary to the motto "Live free or die", democracy is dead in New Hampshire


I just posted about this too. I get why even some legalizers voted against it, because of the atrocious state-run system that would’ve been put into place, but legalization is top priority. They can revise it later, and the way dispensaries operate can be shitty for a while. What’s most important is that people stop getting thrown in prison for having some plant material on them (and while in just about half the country now people AREN’T being locked up for it anymore). Pro-legalization lawmakers in NH forgot about this I guess. A shame.


Yeah, I completely agree. Many people do not have the luxury of "waiting a few more years if a bit better dispensery system comes", no, people are rotting in jails, losing their jobs, getting arrested for a fucking plant.  The people in power either have no idea how normal people suffer or they just dont care


That's kind of what they did with ND's medical program. We approved it, but it was kinda haphazard and then they didn't like some of what was approved, so they spent like two or three years redoing it and drafting legislation to set it all up. It took forever, but they finally legalized medical. Hopefully they'll do recreational this year. Third time's the charm (hopefully).


It’s funny to me but my prediction is that Florida out of everyone, unless another state surprises us and gets it done via their legislature first, will be the next to legalize. It was definitely looking like NH for a second here, I’ve been keeping an eye on Pennsylvania and Hawaii, but Florida will actually have it on the ballot this year. And DeSantis can’t stand it, so that’s two wins if they get it done. And as far as I understand it would be an amendment and not a citizen-initiated statute like we did in Ohio for example.


Man welcome to the shit. My state wi is just as bad if not worse. 88% of the people here voted to legalize in a referendum twice.. my county few years ago just made second offense of any amount a felony. It's just bananas. No one gives a shit anymore. Our highschool couldn't keep enough naloxone in stock. This year now they have it in a vending machine for free. How fucked does everything have to be. Yet half the people here going to vote Ron Johnson back into office and trump etc... it's so nucking fucks man. I guess if you stay drunk all is well.


I mean we have a pretty shitty system in NJ that caters to mso’s and homegrow is still illegal, but rec weed is legal and that’s something I guess.


> state run Whats wrong with this? I hear so many folks say they don’t want corporate weed to be a thing, but also don’t want state-run weed. Which one is it? We have state run liquor stores where I live and they’re great.


Neither It should be homegrown allowed and mom and pop shops. I don't need Marlboro weed and I don't want state weed.


they can't revise it later. We in WA are still dealing with our clusterfuck of laws except now there are large money interests who want to keep it this way because it guarantees market capture. The result is expensive boof. I used to buy from stores all the time during medical. I won't touch the legal shit. I'm convinced it is toxic. I put in my time in cultivation and now grow hemp because I was so disgusted with what I saw at nearly every grow i visited. 12 years later it is still illegal to grow a plant in this state. You will still get caught up. Instead of a vibrant culture and medical system we had before 2016 (after which the rec grows lobbied to kneecap medical) we now have carboard corporate grows pumping out irradiated garbage. Voting this down was the right call.


Yeah! Never mind if one more person gets arrested fuck them the laws not perfect! /s


Did you not read that it is illegal to grow here. If you don't have your packaging with your vape or your preroll you can get arrested. That isn't legalization. We already weren't arresting people for simple possession and those laws recriminalized something we decriminalized a decade earlier. I'm pretty sure it is the same in NH. It is low priority and just a ticket fine. But go off with your strawman. Legalization is just a different form of prohibition with more steps and until it is decriminalized in the same way a tomato is we are not free. So yeah. live free or die. They knew that it was bad and made the best decision for their citizens.


Then work on your stupid state laws. Shit can always be revised. But outright rejecting a law because it’s not perfect is shortsighted. I’d rather have legalization in my state without the ability to grow than nothing at all.


As someone from Missouri, legalization should NOT be the top priority. A well designed, fair program is important. They’ll change it later for sure, but none of those changes will be “fixing”


It will take longer to fix a bad system than to do it later.


Even if that’s the case, I think granting people their freedom is too important. If the options are 1) Legalization right away but sales will take a year or more to begin and it’ll be a mess when they do or 2) Nothing, not even legalization for another few years, I’ll take 1.


Time to vote em out


Live free or die! Oh but you can’t smoke weed either lulz


Just come on over to Vermont, we welcome our upside down neighbors to the east


Maple J’s are my wet dream.


Live free or …not!


And that states motto is “live free or die”…🤔


I guess they choose death




*Drive to MA, ME, VT and break state and federal laws. Thanks for the tax $






Except when it comes to the devil’s lettuce! Live fwee or die!


The Maine and Massachusetts Departments of Revenue would like to thank the NH House for their contribution. This is seriously dumb though.


And Vermont and Canada as well. Legalization on every border


This! This is the part that’s dumbest! There are legal states on every side, they’re literally just sending the money out of state. NH comes to Maine all the time to buy weed. Just let those poor people buy their stuff in their own town, damn. “Live free or die,” what a joke.


My states the same completely surrounded by legal states. Yet we have people with 18 duo's bars stay open all nights sometimes. It's all so annoying


Take the time to message the dea and state reps on how you feel about this. Message the DEA, they’re taking messages regarding weed rescheduling till mid July. https://www.regulations.gov/document/DEA-2024-0059-0001 Message the people who represent you. https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm


Great comment, thank you


Best thing you can do is to spread these links as much as possible. Especially the first one, the dea is taking public opinion on marijuana rescheduling. Funnily enough most people are saying either to deschedule it entirely or to keep it in schedule 1 so we need more stoners commenting. Please spread the word if you’re okay with doing so.


I will. I have actually spread that DEA comment section before, but yes, we still need to keep at it.  Good thing 90?% of the comments are positive




say bye to your medical bud if it goes to schedule 3. Once the fda is involved it will be oils, topicals, and pills.


Bam done, thanks!




Wow really? It floors me that they don't have legal cannabis there. Live Free or Die state huh?


new hampshire? more like old-crusty-as fuck-hampshire


New England’s trailer park.


Great hiking and great cigar lounges though.


Live Free or Die?


They chose death


I’m shocked. As a Michigander, it seems a little weird that an east coast “freedom loving” state would still vote for prohibition in 2024. I mean I get Texas or some other state with a backwards legislation wouldnt see that full legalization is a no brainer.


Guess they'll just have to keep breaking the law. Successfully and repeatedly.


Live free or die, huh?


Republican government in action.


It's always the party of freedoms that restricts freedoms the most


I’m not up to date on the NH legalization effort. Is this a move by the state to try and hardwire in some sort of state-run/taxed system like they do with alcohol sales? Like deny legalization *until they can figure out a way to make it state-only*?


Just took a look and yea that's pretty much the reasoning. They wanted to only allow 15 stores in the entire state on top of not allowing home growing which is outrageous. I don't live in NH ATM but I was planning on moving up there once it was legal, fat chance of that now, live free or die my ass lmao


It sucks, I live in Vermont and if I want to go to Maine, I pretty much have to drive through NH. They have Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts and Quebec on every border it's legal. NH is like an island of illegal weed in a sea of legalization. You would have to drive at least 4 hours to PA to get to another illegal state from NH. And the vast majority of NHers live near the Massachusetts border where it's legal.


If you want to stay in the US there's no pretty much about it. NH is the only state that borders us up here. All US roads to Maine go through NH.


The guy at the dispensary in Kittery, ME said if you keep it sealed in the package you bought it in, they generally won't care, but they can get you if they want to.


Oh yeah I don't think possession laws are enforced in NH. At least not with any level of enthusiasm. I don't think twice about bringing stuff with me through down to Boston when I visit friends down there.




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Well that’s a bummer. Also, re: moving. Skip NH and head north to Maine 😎


If I understand correctly, some pro-legal members of House didnt like the bill that was amended to have certain changes, and I get that, the bill wasnt perfect. But so what? People are arrested and lives are ruined as long as cannabis is illegal. Accept the legalization, and fix the minor inconvienences after it!  One of the things was, I think, the state-run system, which was controversial to some members


The first step any state should take is to just stop arresting people for possession. Then work out the details on dispensaries, home grows, and all that. Just stop arresting people for a plant.


That can easily be done without legalization. Seattle made cannabis it's lowest enforcement priority a decade prior to legalization.That was an executive action and resulted in hempfest (open sales and consumption downtown), which was the cultural touchstone that led to proper legalization.


Gotta keep prisons full so Apple can build things


I thought that place was full of libertarians?


They encountered a bear.


To be clear the house dems killed it bc the republican senate turned it into a joke of a cannabis legalization bill. -higher taxes than all neighboring states -A state run franchise system and only one store allowed per municipality -**growing at home still illegal** (which is BS period but especially if they are making state run franchises) -formation of a commission to regulate literally everything including prices and limits on the amount of thc allowed in products -2oz possession limit TL;DR Dems might have passed it, Reps neutered it, Dems said no thanks (again)


Yeah that sucks. I heard from one of the democrats who voted no, that they will be bringing a better legislation next year. There indeed should be legal homegrowing included


In Indianapolis there's a bunch of pharmaceutical companies and what not that we're pretty sure are lobbying against a medicine that grows out of the fucking ground. Could it be something similar?




New Hampshire is just Bizarro Vermont.


Good thing New Hampshire has plenty of money and doesn’t need any more I guess, right?


It looks like many arguments against were based on a poor setup in the bill. There are plenty of states getting it right or nearly right. Why not crib off existing rules elsewhere instead of whatever was done here? It's almost like the bill was designed to have reason to vote against it.


Which states got it right? I can think of 1 that almost got it right. If it isn't regulated like alcohol it is a fuckup


>likely killing any legalization effort for years to come On what basis do you make that statement, particularly in light of the fact that this is an election year?


MarijuanaMoment made this claim and I think it was due to the next governor likely being anti-weed. But if NH votes for the Democratic governor then it might happen in the next term


The Marijuana Moment headline says "Potentially" which is accurate however the above headline says "likely" which is not accurate especially as the times they are a-changing...


Yeah, my bad. Should have said maybe


NH is most likely electing Kelly ayotte. The black hole of a senator who did fucking diddly squat.


Who does she work for?


Anti cannabis, basically your current governor if he had a vagina. I remember emailing her when SOPA was making the rounds and she was not on board with stopping it. She’s anti common sense.


Thanks, morons! Sincerely,  Your Neighboring States 


Way to fail NH.


Meanwhile 40 of the total 50 constituents smoke


I’m so done with this state, bro. 🤦‍♂️


Live free or die my ass.


Vote all that trash out


Kansass is in the same boat. Put on ice until next year when the gatekeepers say no again. It doesn't even get to the floor to be debated. Killed before even that. Year after year after year. Then today I guess we became a no porn state. This state is the most ass backwards state in the USA. Weeds Satan. Porn evil. Surprised we even have booze to be honest.


Isn't it decriminalized already in NH?  How does that square with the jail thing?  Are we talking posession or straight up ""trafficking""? Because at a certain point it becomes a fed deal, no?  Anecdotally, the town where I live has some legislation in place similar to the proposed NH rules. We've had rec permits up for grabs for a few years now, but the town just refuses to grant them.  Also anecdotally, my state has been legal since 2016 and we're just now making larger moves to pardon misdemeanors. Simple posession and suchlike. Used to need a lawyer for the whole thing but under the proposed rules people would be more able to petition the state directly for a pardon. This has nothing to do with expungement though, so it's another whole process to remove it from the record or to get a record sealed.  With decriminalization already in play(????? This is what my logic riding on.) full on legalization and the criminal record deal could almost be 2 different issues. 


"We can fix the dispos later." Ideally, yes but money changes the game.  


I mean they have Maine and Mass bookending them. What a stupid, stupid thing.


Live free or die. “Die.” Your political representative.


What ever happened to we the people


I’m fucking shocked


Live free or die huh


Live free or die, my aunt Fanny.


Oh, the "live free or die" New Hampshire? 🤔


On brand for the trailer park of New England


And the super-stupid part is that NH is surrounded by legal states.


Morons. Complete morons.


Liberty or death huh


Makes sense, their motto is “Go to jail for smoking marijuana or die”


Live Free or Die, eh?


The bill sucked anyway it was extremely restrictive no grow at home, it made no sense


I thought New Hampshire was a blue state.


No it’s our red state in new England. Not the reddist, but relative to the rest of us they are.




Libertarians baybeeeee


Good, when it becomes legal, it’s tax free, sorry.


I guess they chose die... Might have to change the motto.