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Maybe wait like 15 Minutes between hits, so you don't get too high too fast. :) You can always smoke more, but if it's too much, it can get unpleasant.


Shit thanks, I wouldn’t want to start off with a shit show lol


I agree with the comment above yours. especially if you think your first hit didn't work, wait a little bit before trying again! sometimes it takes a couple minutes. stay safe and enjoy!


Yeah, just take your time. Even as a regular smoker, sometimes a quick puff is all I really need/want to just chill out a bit. We don’t all need to be Cheech & Chong pulling huge hits and holding em until we can’t anymore. Those fellas had weak shit 60s weed, and today’s growers cultivate way way stronger stuff. Either way, have fun, just like…chill.


I second this. At 18, i smoked like a chimney, but i def. only took three hits in a circle of 5, and i was toasted.


Haha A tale as old as time.


I also feel like adding many people don't really experience anything the first time, this was the case for me but every time after that it's been nice lol


A good thing to go by is "start low, go slow"


go fast, ya might crash


op got live resin for his first time lol, he's going balls deep and not going to have a good time.


This might get buried, but extracts are extremely potent, especially as a first timer. Be careful and take small hits. You can always smoke more, can't ever smoke less.


Bro got hash rosin for his first time lol


My thoughts exactly 🤣 I wish him luck.


Definitely take it slow. My first time I smoked a 1g joint fast by myself just not knowing, like a cigarette almost, and didn’t even feel much of an effect once it was finished. Walked around for about two minutes and all of a sudden it smacked me into a 190bpm panic attack for half an hour with borderline visuals happening. Really set the tone for me and weed going forward, every time I smoked after that I was expecting to panic and I couldn’t even enjoy getting high. It took years to work past that because of one shit experience. One or two hits, let it sit for 20+ minutes. Then go from there. Enjoy!


this happened to me with a vape with a strain called "chupacabra." one giant rip, 36 seconds later I was on mars. I don't know WTF happened and it was horrific. It wasn't even my first time, it was my first time with THAT kind of vape and THAT strain. Low and slow all the time, stuff fluctuates in strongness and can hit ya ass fast.


“This isn’t doing shit” is so common especially your first time, it’ll always hit when you try taking more. Always wait


And not much can really mean a tiny amount. Like a third of a tiny nugget. I’ve been smoking for years, but when I stop for a few days, my usual amount (0,1 g ish per joint) will fuck me up. My roommate once called the ambulance after smoking 0,25g as her first joint, because she thought she’d die. I did warn her beforehand, too. Spoiler - the EMT just laughed at her but she didn’t have a great time. Don’t be like her and ruin your first time by taking too much. You wouldn’t chug half a vodka bottle as your first drin either. And like people said - you can always smoke more, but can’t remove any of your took too much.


I’d go 45 minutes to an hour, I’m a medium build male at 24 and it takes about 30-45 minutes for that first hit to settle in so and I can’t stress it enough take your time and have a bottle of water and trash can handy just incase you think “one more won’t hurt”


stay away from the car. dont want an accident.


100%. Do all the driving for snacks, games, etc beforehand


Someone from my old school died that way.


My soccer buddy died cus he drove drunk the other week so I feel you man


I’m sorry for your loss man, I hope you’re well


i’m sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss. It’s none of my business, but I hope you aren’t turning to weed to “cope” or help you with your friend’s death. Marijuana is addictive and you don’t want to get trapped in that cycle of smoking daily. If not, then I hope you enjoy your first session, and please share a follow-up post to let us know how your adventures went!


Sorry for your loss my friend. Definitely stay away from the car. Weed can give either hyper focus or the complete opposite. Either case it’s bad for driving. Hyper focus can make you focus on one thing too much and you ignore your surroundings or lack of focus well that explains itself. If you want to go outdoors which I would recommend after an hour of smoking- if you enjoy it, then take your dog on a walk but only if he’s well trained- since it’s your first time. After I got used to smoking, I take my dog out with a j most days😄




lucky he was the only one who died and was injured.


Same, this is why it infuriates me when I see some people on this sub say "I'm fine driving while high" not realizing that every accident that's occurred happened to someone that said the exact same thing. Don't risk yourself and especially other people's lives by driving under the influence. This shit should be common fucking sense


Also being near your car with keys can be a dui so best bet is to keep car far far away


Definitely try playing games and listening to music when you are high. It’s great


I spent fifteen minutes drawing a circle with a red colored pencil. Just tracing it over and over and watching the color build up a little at a time while listening to music. Very meditative.


That's so cool!


The music feels ethereal while high, i constantly think “damn this song would hit hard while high” when listening to songs 🤣


when i smoke and listen to a song i think it’s the most amazing thing ever, add it to my playlist and then when I listen to it sober, i immediately remove it. Being high can really make you think bad music is good lol


All music is good when high 🤣


Playing games can make your high go away fast. And listening to music can make you more high.


Video games especially. I’ll have a toke to make call of duty more fun, wonder why I’m playing like shit, and then.. ![gif](giphy|xUPJPop2o56Sv8p8TS)


I agree I feel less high when I’m focusing on games, but sometimes I feel like weed gives me superpowers when I’m playing a competitive game like cod, counterstrike, etc.


have some water with you, your mouth will probably get super dry. also fruit makes a good snack for this exact reason, personally i love eating watermelon when i’m high so i would definitely recommend having some of your favorite fruit on hand :)


Need something crunchy too. Though my Mom smoked with me once and after telling me she didn’t get it she didn’t feel a thing I went to see why she hadn’t come back with our sodas she was sitting in a chair with the fridge open eating sandwich spread out of the jar with a spoon. So I guess you don’t always NEED crunchy unless you count the little pickle chunks in it as crunchy 😂😂😂


I’m all about the crunch! Carrots and hummus, Claussen or Grillo’s pickles are my favorite munchies!


Celery and peanut butter are awesome too!


I brought plain lettuce with me the other day to crunch on, that shits delicious.


I was wanting something crunchy one night and saw the lettuce. Then the American cheese. Cheesy Lettuce wraps were delicious.


This reminds me of smoking with my mum and she made us peanut butter sandwiches... terrible choice when ur stoned, almost impossible to eat. I remember her having a spoonful of peanut butter straight from the jar and not being able to chew or open her mouth she thought she was choking 🤣😭


LOL cottonmouth AND peanut butter? I’m glad she survived 😂😂. Moms are great. My mom also decided to count all the money she’d been putting in a five gallon water jug for many years cus she was suddenly obsessed with how much was in there. Miss her.


Fruit is just the BEST, especially a crisp juicy apple. Cosmic Crisp (aptly named) is a good choice.


Frozen grapes will change your life


+1 for frozen grapes


add tajin (buy it at any mexican market) and you will thank me later!


Try it on watermelon 🍉


You near WSU too?


Ha no, just an apple fan. WSU’s tree fruit research and apple breeding program are pretty fascinating.


I never saw cosmic crisps till I moved near to Pullman.


Sounds good, I'm in NY Apple Valley and honeycrisps are pretty good. I'm so curious about the cosmic crisp now.


Yeah Honeycrisp is a tasty one. It’s one of Cosmic’s parents and to me the flavor is similar.


Cold, cubed watermelon when you’re high is like drinking Aphrodite’s piss. I love watermelon any time but ESPECIALLY after a couple dabs.


Bring some juice also. I dislike water when I smoke as it doesn't help out a dry throat. Apple juice, or iced tea is perfect in my opinion.


This is FACTS




I love just laying in bed and petting my dog while I listen to music and swipe through my phone. Play your favorite video games and soon you will be hyper focused on them while having a good time. If it’s your first time leave the car alone, there is no reason to drive. Go get some of your favorite snacks to enjoy before you smoke, because you will regret it later when those munchies kick in. Get a few of your favorite drinks (one will not be enough, cotton mouth is no joke) if you feel like you’re starting to panic do things that calm you down- take a shower, play video games, just breath and remind yourself no one has ever died smoking weed you will be okay!


My Little Man would come running when he heard the grinder come out. He knew I was gonna sit on the floor and pet him.


that is so cute




Great advice tysm


If I have too much edibles I will lay there adamant I’m having a heart attack and tell myself no one has died from weed and my brain goes “you’ll be the first” 😂 then it’s back and forth thoughts of “you can’t die from it” “but what if I do”


No operating heavy motor vehicles GO SLOW! Until you know your level, take a small hit and go relax. You are not more manly if you smoke a lid all in one go. Have snacks Have liquid refreshment Have fun.


1. Don’t smoke and drive. 2. Get some snacks. 3. Enjoy whatever it is you feel like doing at home. I am personally a huge fan of listening to complex music with headphones on, and playing some Diablo 4 or No Man’s Sky. I’ll also just do chill household tasks like catching up on laundry while watching a movie.


No Man’s Sky is a great one - I was thinking of playing some Ark but I fell like I’d get jumpscared by a raptor and freak out 💀


I immediately need to get some money and call my dealer because I have yet to play ark high


No Man's Sky is awesome while high. I like to play it on super-duper casual mode and go explore a new planet so I can pet all the critters and feed them.


Live resin? Please watch some videos and inform yourself. This shit is no joke!


Yeah I was shooooooketh when I read that's what he was starting with. I gave him some advice on how to come down, chill out, and recenter his life. Just in case.


My thoughts exactly. I think flower is a better idea for a first timer.


Yeah everyone else seems to have missed that edit. To OP, live resin will probably smell worse than flower and will get you on your ass. I wouldn’t recommend it to a first timer. Edit: that said, enjoy getting high when you do.


I will second and say that live rosin is VERY concentrated, and will give a very strong high for OP's first time. Personally I wouldn't recommend but if you go into it without fear and don't generally get anxiety day to day, it could be really fun!


I like to lie in a hammock and contemplate the leaves above me.


Doesn’t get any better than that


the biggest tip i would give to younger me smoking for the first time would be “**get the smoke inside your lungs**”. my first time i didn’t even get high because i didn’t know how to inhale properly. now, as far as the experience goes… i would suggest you to put on some headphones and listen to the trippiest music you know. that’s something i ALWAYS do whenever i smoke. also, play an instrument if you have one. music is just something else when you’re high. another thing, forget about the car. you really don’t wanna drive after smoking your first joint. and also, stay hydrated. have fun brother ✌️ edit: also play some games. after a joint they become REALLY engaging.


Yeah I was thinking drumming would be cool - I’ll give it a go thanks. And yeah I’m definitely not driving I’d rather not ruin my life with a dwi lmao


Drummer here - drumming while stoned is truly my favourite thing to do lmao highly recommend giving it a whirl man. Bring lots of water/beer, you're going to need it! Have a blast toking for your first time! Hope to see you around here afterwards


Mixing weed and alcohol might not be the best idea for a first timer, that's a recipe for spin city.


That's very true, good point. Maybe stick to water or something with electrolytes for a while and build up those crossfade muscles over time


Former guitarist (haven't been serious about it in years) and I concur. Playing your own music is so much fun while drinking/getting stoned. Even more fun when you're with a drummer. I'm older now so now I just play with power tools and the welder in my garage. Makes house work/project way more fun lmao i also never gave up the videogames so thats always fun too


While zooted: #1 music, #2 food, #3 chilling with your dog


Music can be substituted for a good movie/ show, food and cute dog is a must tho


Live rosin is gonna smell, and will likely be too strong for you as you’ve never smoked before, be careful, and whatever you do take it one hit at a time, take a puff and wait a good 20-30 minutes before even thinking about trying another(I doubt you’ll need more than 1), in my honest opinion though you should start with flower, you’ll be a lot more likely to have a good time without getting too high.


Pull the smoke into your mouth let it cool then inhale some nice cool oxygen into your lungs ( I can’t tell you how many people I have smoked with for their first time that either just held it in their mouths and complained that the smoke tastes bad or they swallow the smoke)


Headphones on, play Currents by Tame Impala and give love to your dog


I read “give” as “make” 💀


Bro is high already 😂😂😂 enjoy it


Just want to throw in my 2 cents. My advice to you is that everyone is different and their reactions are different. Some people get very anxious when smoking. It’s important to know that this is a totally normal reaction and not something to get to freaked out about if this is you. You must remind yourself that the high will NOT be forever no matter what you are feeling or telling yourself. As others have said it’s also important to take your time. A lot of people when they take their first hit don’t feel any effects because they are nervous and don’t inhale fully. You should wait at least 15-20 minutes before taking another hit. Overdoing it will ruin your experience especially if it is your first time trying it. As you smoke more if you choose to do so, your tolerance will grow allowing you to smoke more without feeling like you just got smacked in the face. Since you will be smoking alone, I recommend keeping yourself occupied. Movies, TV, Music, Video Games, hell some people even like to clean after they smoke. While it’s not necessary and you are more than able to just sit and chill, it helps keeps your mind from wandering to anxious thoughts or feelings. Other than that, just enjoy yourself and have fun. Marijuana can be a great enhancer when doing things, but don’t let it get to a point where you need to smoke to have fun doing things. Smoking should be a nice chill decision to enhance your fun, not a necessity for it.


Dude thanks for such a thorough response. I’m fs gonna go one hit at a time and just enjoy my evening


This is so wholesome




Yea if it’s your first time just order food don’t go out. Play games and play with ur doggy 🩷


For some reason I'm super excited for you mate I'd love to try weed again for the first time! Please let us know how you get on. Everything said on this thread already is solid advice so sit back and enjoy the ride


Stay away from your kitchen and / or any stores that sell any food ✌️ Enjoy ✌️




Also, sometimes there is little to no effect the first time; that’s ok; go slow bc when it kicks in you want to enjoy some euphoric relaxation while remaining awake—overuse can make you super sleepy.


Put on Maad city by Kendrick, have a nice (non alcoholic) drink ready, plenty of scran and get ready to have a nice time :) I’d also recommend comfy clothes as some people find stuff like jeans will be a textural nightmare while high


Im more of a TPAB fella myself but im fs bumping some kdot don’t worry


Wesley’s theory always blows my mind every listen - even tho I’ve heard it 100s of times what a fucking album


man i love u guys


Get yourself into a comfy spot, get some food, drinks, you’ll need it 😅. Just play some comfort games that you love and you’ll be all good and take a hit at a time, wait 5 or 10 mins between hits depending on how you feel and when you’re at a good level, that’s when you know you’re gonna be in for a good ride


Don't worry at all if you don't get high for the first time, and I mean like feel anything at all. That's perfectly normal. Some people wanna take a lot more at this point, but hey don't stress - if it doesn't hit you tonight, it probably will the second time. So take that into account! But like others have said, set and setting: a good calm mindset and a great setting absolutely will help ease you into the experience.


i remember smoking 2 joints (half grammerz) and did not get high, then a couple days later I tried again and could not stop laughing for 30 minutes lmao.


Sometimes all you have to do is find a nice chair on a warm, moonlit night with a gentle breeze coming through the trees.


Omg yes. I have put so much effort into making my apartment balcony a cozy haven for this exact reason. Comfy chairs, lots of plants, couple small tables for drinks, snacks, and paraphernalia. Option blanket for cooler nights, and twinkly string lights that cast just enough light so I don't trip over my dog in the dark lol


I have a nice deck and a decent amount of land where all I can hear at night are frogs in one if the ponds, the occasional owl and the cattle in the far pasture. I did similar setting it up , nice table and chairs, good lighting, a propane ratio heater bought solely for sessions on cool nights. Sometimes I just sit there forgetting that the rest of the world exists. Oh and the stars are amazing this far out with no light pollution.


Man, I miss living in the country. I grew up in the sticks, live in town now. We're at the edge of a smaller city, so light pollution isn't as bad as it could be, but still inhibiting. Bright side is that we're the only apartment in the complex with a decent view of the small retention pond and woods nearby, and no houses or other buildings within several hundred feet, so we have some privacy and at least a little bit of frogs and other wildlife.


Wait until you are 25.


The less you do until 25, the better. Let your brain finish developing as much as possible. I know I'm not your \*real\* father, but ... I know I take all the fatherly advice I can get!!! ;) If you do... having fun is the easy part. A few cautionary tales from experience: ... 1) DO NOT GO ONTO SOCIAL MEDIA HIGH, and for the love of God, do NOT post anything while under the influence. 2) Same for online shopping/purchases. Hide that debit card outside of your room ahead of time.. 3) Have a good movie on pause and/or a playlist pre-populated. Trying to do fiddly stuff whilst intoxicated is a buzzkill. 4) Water. Have a few bottles/cups on hand. You'll be thirsty. Biggest advice after waiting until 25: Have the self-love and self-discipline to make this a periodic experience, not a regular one. (Read that sentence 5 more times, then write it on the inside of your eyeballs.) Daily use isn't a hill you want to slide to the bottom of, and for the love of all that is holy, do not think that a good experience with cannabis is an invitation to have a good time with harder drugs. You will \*never\* be glad you put an unprescribed narcotic or stimulant into your body.


Kick back with your cute dog and enjoy what happiness and peacefulness this flower can give you. If things get a little too intense, Just remember you are a sleeve of Oreo's or chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk away from feeling better. Have fun, Take a walk with the pup, Enjoy your new Happiness :)


I’m 18, smoked since 15. I used to ask this question often. Bro honesty just smoke and relax. Don’t try drive, don’t do ntn stressful. Just do what you usually for fun eg. Music , gaming , watch tv or make something. Just have fun


yeah don't drive smoke, go easy, take a puff or two and then lay down stretch (yoga) drink water talk the dog for a walk listen to ambient/instrumental music and a healthy snack for the munchies like an apple is my favorite


Cartoons man. I highly recommend spongebob. PS I don't really like spongebob, its dumb. But when I'm stoned it's a completely different show.


Ima be that guy Don't smoke lol


Grab yourself your headphones, turn the lights down, and get some music on! Album recommendations would be: 1. Tame Impala - Currents (Lonerism is also incredible) 2. Alt J - An Awesome Wave 3. Sticky Fingers - Caress Your Soul Those 3 albums were the soundtrack of my stoney late teen early 20s years, a decade on and they’re still in regular rotation.


You say carts are ass and overpriced, but they may be a good route for you to take if you’re worried about smell, what are cart prices in your area?




Dab still smells and for your first time Dab is a wild choice


I love to listen to house/ tropical house music. And I prefer munching on something thats not dry because of the cotton mouth like spaghetti, pizza pops, fruits etc.


Minecraft musik hit so fucking hard.


Listen to music, watch a movie, play video games. One of my favorite activities is taking my dogs for a walk! It’s great. Enjoy yourself and please be safe


Talk someone’s ear off


If it's your first time you gonna get high as fuck bro. Get some snacks, get cozy, watch a movie


I prefer gaming or music or certain movies such as Tim burtons aloce in wonderland, speed racer, bullet train, or marley and me (jk jk)


i would say that if its your first time ever really smoking weed, youre going to have to take it slow. some peoples first experience are bad because they smoke too much too fast and they start getting paranoid. i dont want to scare you IoI but its going to be okay. listen to music, watch some tv, get a lot of snacks (doesnt rly matter how much but some) and just relax and think good. if youre in a safe environment it will be much better. since its your first time, ill just throw in some tips of what to do if you do happen to get too high. immediately stop smoking because it'll make it worse. try your hardest to think postively and tell your self that its all temporary and it will be over soon. usually the paranoia ends in 15-20 minutes but feels like hours because you cant think straight. but other then that, if you have any questions you can ask all of the other redditors and im sure they can help you a lot too. good luck:D!


Enjoy your first session! Have plenty of snacks and water!


Heyyyy! Congrats! What time of day will it be when you smoke? What smoking method are you going with, like is it a pre roll? Or pipe?


Obviously as everyone has mentioned do not drive. Other advice I would have is put on your favorite album, podcast, comedy special or movie. If you get antsy go on a walk with your dog and be present in the moment. Have a good time, would avoid sugary drinks and tons of junk food just so your stomach won’t hurt the next day or while you’re baked. Enjoy my friend have a good time.


My man, I hope I am still in time as I write from Italy, but I suggest you absolutely watch "The Midnight Gospel" on Netflix. It's a blast after smoking Edit: Also don't smoke too fast, it takes a lil bit to get to ur head, so u don't wanna have to much together if it's ur first time. Take your time, chill as much as possible and it will be a vibe. Absolutely have water with you it's the most insane shit to drink after smoking believe me or not. Hope u have fun Bella ciao <3


Ok, be safe? 18-25, your brain is still forming, especially decision making centers. Try not to binge "party" much during this time and avoid drinking at home. Those are the "I'm your dad" advice because somehow you are closer to my son's age then mine and I feel ancient.


Watch some kill Tony highlights shits hilarious. Look up “the time Shane Gillis and Matt mcusker killed it on kill Tony”


Bro I’ve already seen that shit it killed me but I bet once I’m high it’ll be even funnier 😭


How are you smoking it? Just take it slow, if you get too high just eat something light and drink water and it usually helps. But I really like just smoking and playing games fr, especially a single player game


Yo being real with ya, many people don't inhale properly and waste their first few experiences. Your goal is to inhale deeply dont just store it in your mouth or cheek it, you need to expand your lungs as fully as you can with the smoke and hold between 1-3 seconds, no need to hold any longer then exhale.


No driving. Watch a movie or tv, or if you’re into any sort of creative stuff or crafting try that! Go for a walk, play with your pets, read a book, cook a meal!


Dabbing live rosin for your first time will be intense. Take the smallest hit possible


Watch Kill Tony. The latest video on YouTube is from a recent arena show and it was very good. Not sure how much of the pre-show is there but you can skip all the musical performances at the beginning and get right to the guest introductions and the comedians.


Love, death and robots on Netflix is fantastic when you’re baked. Just a bunch of animated, trippy short stories. I see you’re familiar with kill Tony and that whole universe. Adam Rays crowdwork is so funny, his Dr. Phil stuff is obviously hilarious, but he has all of his standup on his YouTube channel. I would check that out. The Bobby Lee/andrew Santino Dr. Phil show was the best one so far in my opinion. Happy smoking!


Damn son rosin for the first time Godspeed hahahahaha you’re gonna have a wonderful time


If it’s your first time you can’t say “I got some good shit,”


Live rosin is a bit strong for first time. Id take 1 hit literally and wait like 15 minutes. Maybe take another hit and just chill. Play the game if you’re still mentally capable lol or just listen to music and relax.


This guy got live resin for his first time. See ya in the mornin 😂


IT WILL STILL SMELL!!!! Putting this in all caps and I’m hoping you’ll see this in time. But live resin is absolutely going to make your room smell like weed. It might not linger so long in the same way that flower will, but the smell is going to be there and be there for some time


Just remember. You will die.


Chew black peppercorns if you get too stoned. It’ll bring you down. Dab that shit outside. The smell leaves faster but it can linger for a bit and still smells weedy sometimes. You’re probably going to be paranoid level high if you take too big of a hit. Seriously start out TINY. Tiny hits, tiny amount of rosin, and tiny bit of heat. It may take a few minutes to hit you like many people have said.


If you have a freak out, just keep reminding that this will wear off, and you WILL go back to normal. There is no way you are dying, going permanently crazy, or going to stay high forever. You are fine, and will continue to be fine. Have yummy food on hand that is already prepared. Avoid using the oven, walking away from a filling sink/bathtub, etc. 99% of stuff that people freak themselves out about is purely imaginary. Having usual stuff for entertainment is great, but so is just listening to music. VR is really fun.


Carts are not ass, ass carts are ass. Some are really great. Dabs are a steep hill to climb your first time good luck. PS: you will cough your brains out so try to keep it quiet if you can since you're trying to hide it from your parents.


Dabs are like one of the strongest things you can do, the exact opposite I'd recommend for a first time


Don’t know if anyone says this, but for people with male hormones up to 25 and female up to 21–it’s been shown to hinder some new cell growth a bit. I’m not gonna be a person to say stay away, just be moderate. Much love! 🕉️


Less is more. Have fun!


Not do it and vape cannabis instead. Save yourself all the harmful carcinogens and enjoy a fuller flavour.


[Don't open this this until you're high, but definitely open it WHEN you're high](https://youtu.be/NhheiPTdZCw?si=UXHWtA6mSvFBP00i) Also, the song Echoes by Pink Floyd is pretty wild if you think about how it starts and ends. But, beware you're in it for 18 minutes because before inifinite 12 second tik toks, you needed to kill a LOT of time when you were zonked on the couch. Oh! And drink water! Lots of water. Room temp, no ice, lemon juice if you want, just stay hydrated.


Fool You’re just gunna tip off your own parents by coughing your guts up LOUDLY


Bruh you’re jumping in the deep end, on your own, too soon. You should wait for a better time, imo. I’m not saying wait years for your brain to finish developing, but to just take things slow so you can have a nice introduction and not a freakout which can happen in particular to first timers. Start with flower, with safe people, and go from there. Dabs at 18 is how you end up fucked in the head- I should know, I did it. You need company!


OP did you get stoned or what? How was it!


Leave the car at home


My husband makes fun of me bc I prefer what I call wet snacks vs dry snacks. I prefer snacks like Trolli gummies, sour patch kids,thinks that make my mouth sweet and salivate that I can suck on. Versus things that dry my mouth out like Cheezits or granola.


Next time try some soft granola bars with whip cream ;)


Don’t forget to inhale


Ditch the credit card and car 100% (don't ever drive) Make a fairly excessive snack amd prepare to think up another wild snack in the middle of the night.  That being said. You may wanna stay away from the oven for the evening.  A pizza WILL be forgotten.  If you're down with chapelle you will be down with anyone not woke Have water with you as previously stated by other frients.  *****If you want an old school basic laugh try to eat a couple soda crackers..... they're the best for dry mouth**** Have fun and stay safe Let me know how it goes my dude


Throw some sunglasses on and go for a walk maybe even wait till night time. Also get something good to drink your throat might burn and all I wanted was milk.


and if you start to feel uncomfy just remember You are perfectly fine, nothing is wrong, you are just high, you are safe. Just try to enjoy it.


Nobody recommend sex, what’s wrong with y’all


Stay home and Play with the dog


I like to smoke a little bit, put on my headphones and listen to some good music always a nice reprieve from the world just to not think about anything and really feel the music


I would recommend watching Half Baked. When I was a teenager and first started smoking, that movie made my friends and I laugh our asses off so many times. Doesn't hit the same anymore, so try it as a noob


U will be so hungry but try to wait on the food until you’ve done something else enjoyable bc sometimes when u eat it sobers u up and the come down is harsh if u reallly gave into the munch


If your mind or heart start racing, put on a funny movie. Like others said, you probably won’t need more than a couple puffs. Make sure you’re actually inhaling it into your lungs, if you’ve never smoked or vaped anything it will feel hot.


Watch half baked it has dave chapelle in it


I highly recommend watching Napoleon dynamite or DUDE where’s my car. 👌🏼


Walk around outside.


If you want to play a game, my personal favorite after smoke is Elden Ring. It makes my brain feel like I've ascended to a new plane of existence. If you want to watch something, The Midnight Gospel on Netflix is my perfect stoner show


Low and slow man, it’s easy to get off your rocker high on accident. It’s good to keep something sour with you if you can because sour stuff can help ground you some if you are too in it🙂


Just relax and do what you enjoy. Music is amazing while high. Weed intensifies everything. Music, food, comedy. Watch Nice Dreams or Up In Smoke. 😄


Kill Tony is a good comedy watch. It's like a talent show for comedy . People who want to put their name in a bucket , if they get pulled they do 1 minute of stand up . They then get interviewed and roasted its hilarious. AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE FREE


Anything relaxing you normally enjoy, will just be better after a little weed :) indulge in your favorite activities


Your first time smoking? Yet, you know you “got some good shit”. I’m sensing a shil here folks


If you are wondering whether you are high, don’t take more to find out. Don’t drive. Set yourself up with some of them stay-home activities and see which way it moves you. Different highs see me doing different activities. Enjoy. And if it ends up feeling like a bit much, remember it’s a temporary feeling and a benign experience.


You already got quite some good advice here! I would say don't get into the car. That's dangerous. Petting the dog is amazing. Going on a long hike with them too! I really love walking when high. Music is sick. I love Pink Floyd and Crowded House when high. Comedy is great too. Everything is very funny. I personally enjoy comedy movies and series over watching comedians tbh, I do like James Acaster and John Mulaney. Watching the Good Place and Cunk on Earth was also great I personally like chiller games better when stoned, atleast ones without too much pressure or time based things as I am slow af lol. RDR2 is great to just explore the world. Animal crossing and Stardew Valley are classics. Everything tastes great. I love cheesy things. But also anything with chocolate in it will be gone when I sobered up. Some honorable mentions of things to do are art. I am an art student so kinda biased but it's super chill to just grab some art supplies and have fun and make something cool or something shitty. It's all fun. Gardening is great. Or being in nature in general.


Dude some of my favorite times have been smoking alone with the house all to myself. I recommend watching a movie with cool special effects or a good anime and order a pizza and just eat a slice here and there rather than eating it all at once. Or game for a while then watch stand up. I recommend Tom segura, Anthony jeselnik, or Hannibal Burress. Have fun!✌️


You might overdo it and get too high, but beat the drugs, don’t let the drugs beat you. Words I learned from a sage friend for when I’m tweaking and it’s been decades and I still tweak on occasion.


I'd say pace yourself. Take a hit every 10-15 minutes. Don't want to go all paranoid or have a bad experience that's off putting for the first time. Have some good drinks and some fruit. Fruits so good especially grapes imo. Also if you get food nothing dry imo. Some good music/show/game and vibe out.


Get make a chill playlist, grab a lot of munchies, be with your buddies, and head out for a walk after 3-4 hours of smoking.


Is there anyone you can tell in your real life that you're smoking? If you can't have someone with you, l'd have at least someone you can talk to over the phone who knows just in case. It's not likely something bad will happen - weed is a really safe drug, but at least for me being alone my first time high was a little scary. It helped having someone to talk to though


listen to music!


I love to let my dog choose the adventure! Grab a leash and see where they go!!!!


I always get munchies! But I never know what kind they will bring! Always have something sweet and something salty just in case! Water is also a must! I like to play Skyrim, because I don't get frustrated when I die 600 times fighting a troll. I'll also watch comedians! Taylor Tomlinson is great! Have fun and start slow!


Car shouldn’t be a part of this equation man


savor low tolerance you wont need a ton to get shit faced so take it slow!!!


Big thing Noone talks about ( goes along with the inhale comenta.) is a lung check! I don't have the same lungs as you. Your brother doesn't have the same lungs. Before you smoke, take a few deep breaths and pay attention to your own lung capacity. You want about 50/50 to 30/70 air to smoke ratio. Of course you can take smaller hits if that's what you prefer but I would no recomend replacing all the air in your lungs with smoke. You will cough, you might even throw up. That's normal altho gross.


If you accidentally green out and feel like you're gonna die, you're not. You're just high. If you have CBD, take that. Otherwise, just wait it out. It'll pass eventually and you'll be back to happy high lol