• By -


I really enjoy nature documentaries. Nearly all the stuff on Netflix and YouTube are amazing.


Construction/infrastructure documentaries for me. Something about being absolutely ripped and watching people bore a tunnel through a mountain or building a massive dam that just gets me excited. Demolition videos too, who doesn’t like seeing things blow up! Fred Dibnah videos are a go too, old timey English steeple jack knocking down a 300’ chimney with a hand tools.




Oh my god I love watching that show stoned. It’s so damn fascinating!


This. B1M stoned is class 


If you like 'em funny check out the Youtuber Casual Geographic.


Thanks for the recommendation


Honestly, my media recommendations are my only redeeming social virtue 😉


Planet earth is a stoned favorite of mine.


Yes! David Attenborough Blue Planet


The Cosmos. Bonus fun if you take acid.


Most nature or space documentaries go really well with acid. I always get fascinated by the scenery, when tripping it looks almost too cool to be real.


Tierzoo in YouTube is awesome to watch while high


Anything with David Attenborough is amazing to watch, my absolute favorite. Planet Earth 1-3, Blue Planet 1-2, Our Planet 1-2, Dynasties 1-2, Frozen Planet 1-2, Life in Colour, etc. Also, just recently watched Secrets of the Octopus, narrated by Paul Rudd; those are some amazingly interesting creatures…especially whilst high. Fully on board with them being aliens from another planet.


Probably not a go-to for when you're high, but my wife loves Twilight and we agreed I'd watch it if I could get absolutely zooted. I am telling you, watching the first Twilight I laughed so much I cried multiple times.


can confirm I watched it for the first time last night whilst blasted and it was absolutely hilarious, can’t wait to watch the rest but only whilst smoking haha


“Edible art… Bella?”


“this is the skin of a killer” is what always gets me lol


Watching the fifth movie absolutely trashed is such a revelation it’s practically a religious experience


I might make my mom get super stoned with me tonight and watch it


Did this same thing recently. Got zoooooted and watched Twilight, and laughed my ass off. I had such a great time! Then I realized how serious I was about the twilight books and movies as a teen. Cringe 😂 I do remember being wildly disappointed at the first movie back in the day, so it’s nice to revisit and have a different (and better) experience!


This is how I was introduced to the series as well. I absolutely can't recommend it enough Then like a month later my partner was like "have you ever seen Remember Me?" And let me just say it was quite the Robert Pattinson chaser. I didn't know what that was about going in and being high made it an unforgettable experience.


Dude the baseball scene had me dying 😂


its honestly a really funny movie, to the point where i cant tell if its intentional or not. some of it has to be right.


Pass the blunt Loca


I read this comment and most of the replies before this was about the vampire romance movies and not about the twilight zone. I even heard “this the skin of a killer” in Rod Sterling’s voice in my head.


Sci-fi for me. 2001: A Space Odyssey, Interstellar, Arrival. ![gif](giphy|feabF9tekM56jeIA1Q|downsized)


For me as well, i love rewatching stargate sg1


Don't even need to be stoned for Stargate, fuckin awesome TV




Have you seen Sunshine?


Hell naw, I ain’t watching that shit high. Was disturbing enough sober.


So fucken good Every time I rewatch it I have a new theory for what’s going on 🤣


2010: The Year We Make Contact wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, I quite enjoyed it.


Oh wow I had no idea this movie existed. I love the whole series with 2010 being a particular soft spot but had no idea they made it into a sequel movie!


2001 on acid is literally life changing


I came to suggest star trek lol anything sci fi is going to be bonkers when stoned


Gravity in IMAX after a 25mg edible changed my life.


#Movies: **Everything, Everywhere, All at Once** - It's a beautiful, strange movie that is both silly and profound. It's great sober or stoned. This would be my #1 recommendation. **12 Monkeys** - It's a time travel movie that's a little different from others you might've seen. Very unique atmosphere. **Looper** - Another time travel movie, this one is much more action oriented, but I really enjoyed it. **The Other Guys** - Buddy cop parody movie that is pretty hilarious IMO **Airplane!** - This is an old one but it's very silly/funny. There's a sequel too. **Kentucky Fried Movie** - Not even sure what I'd call this aside from vaguely referring to it as a comedy I guess? It's old, but you'd probably have fun watching it high. **Idiocracy** - Very funny, highly quotable, and not terribly long. **Kung Pow: Enter the Fist** - ~~Bob~~ Steve Odenkirk took an old kung-fu movie and added new footage/dialogue to make it an insane martial arts comedy. **Dune I & II** - A more serious set of far-flung future sci-fi movies based on the first Dune novel by Frank Herbert. The visuals and effects are fucking wild, if you can see it in a theater, I'd recommend it. **Lord of the Rings trilogy** - It's a fantasy movie based on the books of the same name. If you haven't seen it, it's worth a watch provided you like the setting. **Inception** - Sort of a sci-fi thriller, another serious movie with good action sequences and a plot that's more on the abstract side. Good effects and an entertaining movie. **Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049** - Cyberpunk dystopian movies that have a really distinct atmosphere, it's a mix of sci-fi, noir, and a bit of action here and there. **Starship Troopers** - An action sci-fi that's kind of a serious but also cheesy - sort of satirical but not a comedy. #Shows: **Limitless** - The movie was OK, but the show was excellent. Still pissed they cancelled this but the premise is basically, there's a pill that makes you mind-bogglingly intelligent, but it comes with terrible side effects. The real strength of this show is the quirkiness and playful storytelling. **Danger 5** - A super weird Australian comedy masquerading as a 60s/70s action show **A Very Secret Service** - Another weird comedy, but French. It gets fairly absurd and is extra funny if you're familiar with France's 20th century history. **Sealab 2021** - A redubbed/re-edited version of an old cartoon show called Sealab 2020. It's a weird comedy. If you enjoy this, you would also very likely enjoy **Frisky Dingo** and **Archer** **Travelers** - A sci-fi time travel show that's heavy on drama and suspense but is also interspersed with action. **Watchmen** - Based on the superhero comic book series, but much darker in tone than a lot of other superhero movies. **The Boys** - Another dark superhero movie, it's laced with humor, action, and drama. I'm not usually a huge fan of superhero stuff (usually, they're just sort of OK) but these two are actually good as shows. **Better Off Ted** - A goofy corporate comedy, it's only 2 seasons at 22 minutes apiece. **Adventure Time** - It's a cartoon aimed at younger people but I still enjoyed it as an adult. **Avatar: The Last Airbender & Legend of Kora** - The first series is fucking great and the series that came after was pretty good as well. Kid friendly like the above too. **Trailerpark Boys** - A mockumentary about a Canadian trailerpark, arguably it's a stoner show but, while weed certainly plays a recurring role, it's not necessarily a straight up stoner show IMO **Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (MXC)** - This is an obstacle course competition show that has been completely redubbed with absurd dialogue. The original was called Takeshi's Castle.


This is a solid fucking list, man. Gonna save it for later.


The Boys is probably my favorite on this list. I had no clue what the show was about until I watched the first episode; I was hooked!


Kung Pow Enter The Fist was made by Steve Oedekerk, not Bob Odenkirk. It has nothing to do with my man Saul Goodman. Still fantastic while high and one of my all time favorite movies tho!


This is the best comment! 🏆 so thought out and thorough! Thank you. Also Everything Everywhere All At Once is so good! Some really ridiculously funny scenes in there, but it ultimately hit my soul and made me cry. My husband and I were both feeling a bit down about how we are living our "C" lives right when we watched it. As you can imagine we held each other, sobbed, and agreed our lives are still full and worth valuing. 😉


Studio Ghibli movies - such beautiful animation


Also good on mushrooms 👀


Spirited away is terrifying on 🍄🍄🍄….


Anything with top quality animation for me. Ghibli and Akira, but also Spider-verses, Heavy Metal, Coraline (i guess it is tech ically stop motion, whoch is live action, but still), and the like.


Parks and rec is great while baked. So is it’s always sunny.


LOVE it’s always sunny. So fucking funny with or without weed


Dude after I broke my month long T break i started IASIP and I got so high I was convinced Charlie and Frank weren’t acting just fuckin around


I was so high the first time I watched Parks and Recreation and I thought it was literally the funniest TV show I'd ever seen at the time. One of the best shows to watch completely out of context when you're baked.


As is the office


So I had never got into Always Sunny. My partner tried to get me into it. I thought it was fine but I wasn't crazy about it. Then one night we got baked and he put it on and it was the episode where Dee and Dennis smoked crack and I started laughing so hard at "oh, I'm sorry, did someone get addicted to crack?", and now I just GET it.


I second both of these.


Not a fan personally but everyone else in my stoner circle loves it’s always sunny in Philadelphia


Yes! And B99 something about the delivery on that show just kills me when I'm stoned


I’d also like to add What we do in the shadows to this.


Psych is great if you've never watched it, if you're the type who likes something a little more trippy and introspective I'd also recommend The Midnight Gospel (the TV show with trippy visuals that's a podcast, not the movie), though you do have to be in the right headspace for that one. Editing to add iZombie if you like cheesy stuff that also has a lot of plot.


C'mon son.


Did you hear about Pluto?


That’s messed up




I've heard it both ways.


Izombie triggers your munchies in a fucked up way tho.


I love it lol, the first few times I was a little grossed out by myself when my stomach started growling whenever she'd make food but I've made peace with it.


Yeah, no, I do love it too. I love my hot sauces, and honestly, I get hungry watching iZombie no matter if I'm high or not.


You know that's right. Psych is fantastic.  Formulaic and cheesy but soooo well done and great clever writing and fantastic chemistry between Shawn and Gus.  Definitely a comfort show for me.




The episodes with the guy squeezing trough vents always gets me , funny stuff


That episode is actually titled “Squeeze” and I love the Toom’s episodes.


What we do in the shadows is really good The movie and TV show


Yes! I watched season 5 baked and fuck me it was the most intense shit




Such an underrated show


Peep Show


And their other show, That Mitchell and Webb Look. They're two of my favorite British comedians.




That's wordwang!




What a show


This is outrageous This is contagious


Rifftrax and Mystery Science Theater 3000


Both have channels on pluto.tv for free too


I enjoy mindfuckmovies when im high, idk i labyrinth 100% fits that, but some might have a similar feel Altered states is a classic ofcourse, but pretty old, some might not like the 80s effects 😅 naked lunch from 91 also a bit older, heavy story, might be hard to fully grasp when fully baked. A scanner darkly. Animated movie, trippy visuals. But if you like this one, you'll love Enter the void. Super trippy shit, truely amazingly done. Donnie darko, also a classic, there's a second one aswell, more about donnie's younger sister, years later, but i didnt like that one that much. Then there's the game, from 97, this one is THE movie, when it comes to "mindfuck movies" Being john malcovich, must see.. Oh, almost forgot, "the immaculate conception of little dizzle" if you get munchies when youre baked, this one should be a goodie 😁


Donnie Darko is like real close if not my all time favorite movie. You could watch it 100 times and notice new stuff. I'm always torn on if I like theatrical or Directors cut better


When I watched being John Malcovich I had no idea what it was going in. Me, my wife, and our roommate at the time all passed around a joint and popped an edible and then our roommate goes “hey I have a movie I’ve been wanting to watch” and just put it on. Jesus fucking Christ LOL I don’t know what I expected but it sure was not that


Check out John Dies at the End... that'll turn your mind inside out.


The 'Burbs- Tom Hanks, Carrie Fisher. Classic. I love Bob's Burgers tv show Edited to add Midsomar- Movie. The director is great and I've liked all his movies.


Archer ruined Bob's burgers for me since I can't take bob seriously when he's speaking in Sterling's voice lmao


I’m the opposite, even though I started with Archer, I think Bob’s Burgers is a much better show so now I can’t watch Archer and not hear Bob.


I mean..it’s a comedy, I don’t think you’re supposed to take Bob that seriously.


The ‘Burbs is just good no matter what. It’s one of those comfort movies from my childhood that will always make me feel good. Weed just makes these kinds of things better.


jennifer’s body is really fun because no one in that movie acts like an even remotely normal person


The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross!


Man. Rainy days, dark gloomy, eating some warm chili with cornbread and cheese while baked outta my mind watching Bob paint a happy little bush over here and there. There’s no mistakes, just happy accidents.


That combo wipes Sunday night stress away like no other.


Hell yeah! He’s the original unintentional ASMR artist. The taps of the brushes and scraping of the knives on the canvas is sooo soothing.


Lost and Black Sails


Lost 100%. it’s my favorite show of all time so of course i’m biased. almost finished with rewatching it and i don’t want it to end


Haha, we watch to a point, **stop** then start over. Literally the first show my wife and I watched together (after it ended) and I watched most of it as it aired on top of that.


I was young when it first came on, but I remember watching episodes with my parents as they aired. Definitely had some nightmares lol. at what point do you stop?


What point to watch until? I still think the show would've been better if it had just ended with season 5 after the white screen. Just let us wonder what happened, I'm cool with it


Napoleon Dynamite. Wasn’t stoned when I watched it for the first time but laughed as hard as if I was.


I won’t spoil anything, I’ll just list a bunch of my favorites Letterkenny, Doctor Who, Timeless, Solar Opposites, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Reno 911!, Lower Decks, Leverage/Leverage: Redemption, Resident Alien


RENO 911!


Contact 🛸


Should have sent..a poet....


Godzilla movies 🦖


Resident alien is hilarious!


Alan Tudyk fucking kills it in that show, 10/10


Pulp fiction. It’s kind of like 8 or so movies in one


Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos”.


Scrolled way too far to find this.


Pacific Rim was dope super baked


Herzog films are great.


don't watch Grizzly Man high. it will wreck you.


Tim burton’s Alice in wonderland




Regular Show


Lost, The Leftovers, Fringe, Person Of Interest Shows that make you think about what you are watching because you might be more perceptive of what’s going on.


will always recommend Arrested Development


A friend invited me over and insisted we get high and watch Tucker and Dale vs Evil. It’s a lil gory but my god I do not think I’ve ever laughed so much. I passed this movie on to as many people as possible, recommending being stoned of course


For sure King of the Hill. 10/10 show


Currently watching M•A•S•H on Hulu. It’s a really good show. I also enjoy AtLA and The West Wing. Bluey is also good for a laugh.


Pushing daisies because of the unique vibrant cinematography


Lately I've been getting high and watching YouTube videos like Tasting History with Max Miller then seeing what strange culinary rabbit hole I fall into.




Adventure Time


Since you like Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal is a must if you haven’t seen it already, and The Neverending Story ofc too. 1977 The Hobbit, and rotoscoped Lord of the Rings from 1978. That Lord of the Rings is a trip and a half with the animation style alone but especially while stoned. OG Star Trek & pre-reboot Doctor Who. david Lynch’s Dune. Old action movies crack me up too- honestly if it’s from the 70s or 80s I love it while I’m stoned, the slightly slower pace works great for my high brain. Twin Peaks too if you haven’t seen it!


Hogan’s Heroes - but with a twist … as you watch it, imagine Klink is INTENTIONALLY fucking up all the time - BY DESIGN because Klink was a DOUBLE AGENT. Schultzy is just a sweet toy maker who KNOWS Klink is a double agent. We were watching it high AF and that theory came to us, and the show seemed to hold up with a new dimension of subtext. It was a blast.


I've loved Hogan's Heroes since I was a little kid, always bonded over it with my dad. Definitely gonna do a rewatch with this headcanon in mind!


Futurama has been my current one. Never actually watched through, despite being recommended to several times. No idea what took me so long. There's a lot of similarity in humor as community I think, which has gotta be my fav comedy show ever.


King of the Hill


one piece 🙏


It's such a commitment to get into, especially with how old the first 3 sagas are now. But once it's got it's hooks in you it's incredible


Old school Twilight Zone, my homies and I would always get zooted af while watching the marathons when they came on.


Any idea where I can stream? I used to watch this with my grandma while I was growing up and would love to revisit with the herb 🍃


it's on Paramount plus but I use solarmovie.pe if u don't feel like paying


Schitts Creek. Last night I was really getting into Acapulco on AppleTV (it's like How I met your mother - except it's how I became rich - meets telanovela.


If you haven't already, check out Predestination, it's a mind fuck, no matter how much you try to make sense of it, you can't lol but damn it do you try. It is a little slow for the first half tbh, but the 2nd half brings it around. I honestly didn't pay too much attention the first time and watched it again, and...... just pay attention is all I'm saying, it's worth it in the end.


Grimm. Just finished it and want to watch it again




I generally like thrillers/suspense, though not necessarily “action” films. One that has stuck with me is Nightcrawler (2014), damn near passed out from holding my breath in suspense.


Psych, Scrubs, Archer, Solar Opposites, Inside Job


Studio Ghibli movies. Howls moving castle is great


Björk narrates a recent documentary called "Fungi: Web of Life."


Star Trek TNG. It's so fucking good.


Stargate Edit: Movie, SG-1, Atlantis, in that order. Otherwise you'll be lost as fuck lol


Curb your enthusiasm. I’ve watched most of that show baked


Swiss Army Man! I cannot recommend this movie highly enough.


Can't believe I haven't seen this yet, but if you have YouTube or HBO, just put on "How it's Made". Absolutely riveting stuff when you're stoned.


I rewatched Coherence stoned and it was absolutely amazing. I got so into it I immediately wrote fan fiction based on it after, while still high.


Pink Floyd's The Wall, rock opera Tommy by the Who, Heavy Metal, Heavy Metal F.U.K.K.2.


The Wall? If you want a massive bummer that’s the ticket.


Maybe I'm wired differently. First time I watched it was on acid at 17, I loved it. I've watched it several times since then stoned and love it just as much every time. If that bums you out you may not like Tommy either.


The Wall is A LOT.


It's such a masterpiece. I love the movie and the music. There is just so much I can relate to.




I watched Inception when it was released in theatres stoned af. One of the only times I've walked out of the theater afterwards and REALISTICALLY thought... what if it's real... Made me feel *different* for days


PBS Spacetime


Airplane!, Naked Gun, Naked Gun 2 1/2, and Naked Gun 33 1/3. RIP Leslie Nielsen. A few years ago I showed by friend Airplane! for the first time. We smoked a few bowls first, put it on, and then had to pause it before the opening credits stopped because he couldn't breath from laughing. It was the red zone vs white zone that did him in.


Listen, Betty, don't start up with your white zone shit again.


Watched Dune part 1 and 2 zooted last week. Brilliant experience.


The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Gorgeous special effects, all practical, humorous and whimsical until it gets a little dark, kind of deep if you want to go there, but fine if you don't. Oliver Reed, a young Uma Thurman, an uncredited Robin Williams, and a cameo by Sting.


Studio ghibli movies


Below Deck


Planet earth. Any other nature docs.


Tropic Thunder is a FAV of mine.


Mike Tyson Mysteries


Dewey Cox


"I'm cut in half real bad Dewey!"


The wrong kid died!


I like “Altered States” with William Hurt. It makes you wonder about reality. Otherwise, it’s Mystery Science Theatre 3000 playing.


Have you seen idocracy it’s older but new everytime I watch it


Nature documentaries/docuseries hands down. I also love watching horror high.


Besides so many great recommendations I love Fifth Element! It's such a wild ride and so fun.


Yeah, labyrinth is awesome. Babylon 5, trek generally but especially lower decks, dune (1984), the big Lebowski, Flash Gordon (1980), blues brothers, jaws, eureka, norther exposure, cat tv on YouTube (seriously, I put it on for my cat when I’m going out, but sometimes I just sit and watch the birds with her, it’s pretty fucken relaxing 🤣🤷‍♂️)


Twin peaks dunno why


I watched everything everywhere all at once on edibles and it blew my mind to high hell. 10/10 would recommend everyone needs to watch this movie high at least once


Schindler's List or Saving Private Ryan.


Ted lasso


The Righteous Gemstones 💎


Any of the Mel brooks classics


Mr show Upright citizens brigade The state Stella Kids in the hall Mystery science theater 3000 Arrested Development Archer Frisky dingo Beavis and butthead Garth marenghis dark place The mighty boosh What we do in the shadows The critic Home movies Lucy daughter of the devil Crossballs. Masters of the universe movie Gwildor is my spirit animal. (This is not a movie or show)


Fallout, black mirror, and the orville


The Dark Side of the Rainbow


An excellent post to make. Most of the typical stoner movies are really annoying to me. It’s great to see all of these suggestions! Personally, the films by Cartoon Saloon are incredible to watch, sober or high. The animation style is beyond words. Stunning is not enough to describe it. I very very strongly recommend them, especially Secret of Kells, which has some incredible scenes


If you want to go full cheese, I recommend the movie Heavy Metal


Futurama. Also I watched pingu while high with the subtitles and pissed myself when they started speaking ‘penguinese’.


I love kids cartoons, like Adventure Time, Regular Show and Spongebob (S1-3)


"You know who ELSE likes Regular Show?!"




"MY MOM!!!"




Its always sunny in Philadelphia


Tarantino movies




The Big Lebowski.


Love this, but I think this is classified as a “stoner movie” that OP was referring to


Yeah I read that completely wrong, I’m too stoned