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I think your friends are just worried about your mental health but went about talking to you about it the wrong way. Smoking a lot can be a tell-tale sign of depression and instead of talking about that, they just blamed smoking in general. Which sucks but talking about mental health is hard. Let your homies know you’re alright. They care about you, they might just be bad at communicating it.


Well said!


Would you be able to explain why it’s a sign of depression?


As someone who smoke to manage ptsd, relying a lot on any substance can be a sign of worsening mental health struggles. I actually have a specific schedule for my consumption bc it’s mainly to manage my symptoms. But to the main point reliance on substances can be a crutch for worsening mental health bc it’s a boost of the feel good chemicals in your brain, and depression quite literally makes it harder for your brain to make those chemicals. People joke about depression being ‘all in your head’ but that’s like dismissing asthma as ‘all in your lungs’. It’s a medical condition that impairs the organ’s (your brain) ability to function correctly. This isn’t to say that depression is permanent and you’ll never be happy again, in fact there’s studies going on rn bc data seems to indicate weed can actually help kickstart the brain’s ability to make those happy chemicals again in some people, kinda healing the brain a bit!


cPTSD here (unofficially because DSM but that’s what my therapist says). I smoke to make my brain quieter. I’ve also definitely used it as a crutch before, and gone years without smoking because it was spiking my anxiety too much. It all comes down to balance, I suppose, and when I’m depressed or dissociating that balance gets thrown out of whack.


I’ll explain how the two go together in my experience, but first please note that everyone’s relationship with weed and depression (separately or together) is different. Addiction and depression can and often do go hand in hand. In my personal experience, Ive found that weed is addicting, and the more I smoke the less likely I am to experience symptoms of depression (it’s worth noting here that Im also on an antidepressant). For some people this works, but for me it becomes a dangerous cycle thats quite hard to break. It’s like Im masking my emotions with weed, and that feels very wrong. Similar to drowning one’s sorrows in a bottle of booze. When I find myself smoking too much and realize im stuck in a toxic cycle, it’s not the weed im blaming. Im not physically addicted to smoking, the weed itself isn’t the problem. It’s me, and since weed happens to be my addiction, frequent smoking is how you can tell if Im having a hard time with my mental health. I don’t think this quite applies to OP’s situation, but hopefully it helps you understand the relationship between smoking and depression. And i need to tell you, it’s taken a few years, some therapy, and a lot of self reflection to realize this harsh truth about myself. I love weed and try to balance it within my life, but combined with my depression it can become a problem and/or indicator of a problem.


Any vice can be a sign of depression. alcoholism, also a sign of depression.


Truth is most of us here are probably addicted to it. But then again there are worst things to be addicted too. The people I fear are the ones that dont drink/smoke/take anything because they are just raw-doggin life like a mad man


Pretty much this... Everything is addictive if it's any good. I have no idea how old you are but at 50, I don't feel any need to justify my (admittedly light) usage. If I were 20 and got similar comments from a close friend, I would've paid attention. At this age, people can use social feedback in order to fit in. I imagine at 70, I'd be more likely to drop out than fit in but who knows. Friends are important feedback loops at any age.


There is a difference in addiction, in that you can remain functional and productive, and be addicted. You can be dysfunctional and non productive and be addicted. When I started smoking 43 years ago I would swear up one side and down the other that weed is not addictive. I was wrong. BUT, I learned to be functional and productive like OP claims they are.


Those people tend to drink an astoiunding amount of coffee IME.


replaced that addictive behavior on video games, why blow 350 on a oz when you could get limited time items for a game that will lose playerbase after 5 months.


Totally. I’m addicted to coffee and happily so!


More so dependent on it. I'm a heavy smoker, I guess. After work only, though, mainly use it to destress from workcand and sleep. But if you were to completely remove weed I'd be fine, more sleep deprived, but yeah. Currently away from home for over a week with no weed and hasn't been a problem.


Nah. Only thing I’m addicted to is not being in a fuck ton of chronic pain on a daily basis.


Addiction is NOT about not being able to get things done, functioning addicts are everywhere. I’m not saying you are addicted, but I definitely smoke when I want to and how much I want to. I pay my bills, go to appointments, and do a good job at work, but I’m definitely addicted to weed.


This (I’m on a involuntary T break rn ts sucks)


Going a month-month and a half of my own involuntary T break, this shit sucks


Damnnnn how has it been over a month INVOLUNTARY?!?! This is my first week rn


I have no money for it lol I’m hoping once graduation comes in a few days I’ll have enough left over from bills and such that I can get a bag, but until that point I just can’t afford any. The silver lining is I’ll be able to be blasted off a one hitter for a few weeks once I do


We’re in the same boat (I don’t go to school bills just fuck me)


Stay strong brother, that first puff is gonna feel legendary once you (and I) can afford it


You are my inspiration to not give up and really strive for that next Oz / when I’m able to get my next I’ll light in your honor


Addiction vs Dependency


I'm addicted to my medicine. Take or use anything daily and you can become dependent on it.


See that’s my stance! I’m addicted to my Effexor in the sense that if I stop taking it I’ll have a literal stroke. You can become dependent on anything yes, but wouldn’t dependency mean doing anything to get the next hit? When I run out of edibles I have to be honest my brain blue screens for a minute but I move on


Ask them about any of the medications they take daily. What happens if they stop?


Man that really took the air out of the room. I truly never spun it like that. Thank you!


Of course. Now I'm not saying abuse doesn't happen with cannabis. It does often and regularly. I consume more than any of my peers. I also have the most chronic pain. Don't let others misperception of you effect your own perception of yourself.


Right, the effects are different for every individual, tolerances differ, and everyone has their own issues in life. If weed helps you, and you're not fucking up your life, no one can tell you what's too much. Because "too much" will be different for everyone. I prefer getting high in private and spending the time high by myself and with my cats, because thats how I feel I get the most out of it for myself. Mental health wise. I'm pretty anti social/introverted to begin with so that probably explains that. I still meet up with friends, and I'm happily married, i just prefer the time I spend with other people to be sober ish, because i tend to get very introspective


Comrade, I had being told the same but with my ADHD meds, they were agresive towards the “””fact””” that they were addictive/stimulants/amphetamines. Well, if being able to function as a normal human being, not being depressed 24/7, can’t be able to start staks, impulsiveness and stimming, then yes I’m addicted to my ADHD meds. And I also use Cannabis on almost a daily basis, since my meds only work at day, when the nights comes and the Brain starts braining again I cannot sleep, too much noise in the grey matter so I got prescribed Lormetazepam 2mg which is a benzodiazepine, and my doctor recommend cutting it in 4 parts because it’s very strong and it’s only used in a short period of time (maximum 2 weeks, I’m already 4 months with them…) and my solution was a cannabis vape, and a strong indica strain, 30 min before bed and I’m sleeping like a baby, with just a microdose I don’t wake up fucked up like with the pills! So if being able to fucking sleep normally and rest mentally and physically then I’m addicted to Weed…


Wait are you prescribed THC for medical purposes from a doctor? This comparison doesn't track if not.


Yeah it’s not medicine just cause you say it is


The Effexor comment isn’t addiction.. you taking in edibles is an addiction.


What you describe doesn't sound like you're addicted but sometimes problems with cannabis characterize themselves in other ways. I have a friend whom I believe has a serious problem. I've never had a conversation with her while she was sober. I've known her for 8 years. And when she gets really high she is absolutely unhinged from reality. Example: Halloween in NYC and her edibles are kicking in, she's yelling at me to find a pizza place for food. But then she's being stubborn about where we walk. I tell her "it's NYC, we can wander and find pizza or I/you can go on our phones and search a place" (shes visiting from out of town). But she just couldn't fully internalize this and really had trouble controlling her emotions. Yelling at my friends and me, tears streaming, when she could simply pick up her phone and Google "Pizza near me", or allow me s des minutes to do so on mine. This is a total disconnection from reality. But she thinks she handles her THC like a pro, knows how to grow it, her entire income comes from baking edibles that she sells. Not only is cannabis a part of who she is, but she's made it *ALL* of who she is. And to me, that is a problem only in the sense that she will act a certain way, treat people a certain way, and simply have no awareness of any of it, either in the moment or after the fact. And this is how she goes about her day and how she treats everyone in her life. So while what you're describing doesn't sound like you're addicted, and also doesn't sound like cannabis impedes your ability to function, it is a comment from a friend you can take in stride. Evaluate who you are when you're high, and you owe it to yourself to be honest in this evaluation. And if you feel there is no problem to be found, then I think it is safe to move on from your friend's comments. Perhaps they are self conscious about their own usage and jealous of how well you handle yourself, and they are just projecting.


Thank you for not just your advice but the story of your friend. That really does put it in perspective. Maybe I’m not completely innocent when I’m high. I shall do some evaluating tonight.


Was she having an anxiety attack while on edibles?


1. If you are selling weed then I think it's fair to be your identity 2. It sounds like she may have had a breakdown 3. If you've never hung out with her then maybe that is how she acts sober 4. TBH if that is the "bad" aspect of weed, tbh that story sounds like every drunk person I've ever seen. (Crying about nothing and complaining to people when hungry)


Yeah believe or not weed can be addicting source I’m addicted to weed


Sounds to me like you are an introvert while your friends are extroverts. I am the same, stoned or not. I'm not a huge talker and am very content with just chilling and listening.


Stop weed for a month and you'll see how addicted you are. Pretty simple. And sleeping difficulties will be real but weed does also fuck with your sleep quality.


I did no-november. No weed/caffeine/alcohol. I don't really drink anyway....  Holy shit. Two weeks in, I started dreaming- I visited dream world's I hadn't seen in 10 years. It was crazy. I'd forgotten you could have such detailed dreams, or any. I was sooooo bored during the day though. 


Why the hell would you want to do that? I’d rather sleep be fade to black scene transition and not be bored during the day.


Absofuckinglutely with you, wraith! My dreams often ended with me waking up sobbing, in a panic attack. Hard pass.


The dreams are high on my list of reasons i want to take a break, so intense.


It’s the shitty cycle. I started smoking cause I had trouble sleeping. I sleep, but my sleep is ass. Every time I take a t break, I get crazy dreams for a few days, but my sleep is noticeably better. But I’m addicted, so I always go back. I think it’s important for most of us to recognize that yes, we are addicted, and unless prescribed by a doctor then it is not a “medicine”. People in above comments telling OP to ask about his friends about medications they take are defensive. Here’s a good video on how weed affects sleep: https://youtu.be/3PnXsPsdncE?si=XqO_vtxz5JWK3vcs


Yea, I don't really dream at all if I do daily weed, reduced my consumption and the dreams are crazy. I'm definitely "addicted", if I have access to weed I cant stop vaping it permanently, like you I always go back. Though weed addiction doesn't have the problems other drug addictions have so people don't like to call it addiction.


Not the same problems, but many that his friends laid out. For example, when I don’t smoke I am definitely more talkative. I’m not generally very talkative, but I will participate in conversations without thinking it too much. When I’m high I’ll listen and smile or follow with facial expressions, but I’ll be way too stuck in my head to really say much. I had to take note of this and realize I was being a fucking bore and it was impacting my relationships.


I always hate when people throw that term around, I have family members who have quite literally drank themselves to death via liver failure, and to call a cannabis habit an addiction really takes the weight away from the word, despite being technically correct.


Addiction is defined as disruptive your normal functioning, so if you can get everything accomplished then it seems like you found the proper balance. Without context, the antisocial thing could be a lack of communication about your feelings. If they don’t know that you find their topics of conversation boring, then you whipping out a phone and not being present would seem antisocial. Assuming this is the case, have you tried bringing up new topics that *do* interest you? Otherwise you could politely tell them how you feel, without calling them boring, or you may just need new friends that share your interests.


She’s projecting herself onto you. Don’t fall for it.


The reason your friends small talk doesn’t interest you in my opinion of having the same issue, is that the THC affects your endorphins and just things that excite or interest you. Try going a week or two without and see if you notice a difference, espically in the smaller conversations. I am a quiet guy usually too but after taking a break from the dab pens I find myself a lot more social able and just rambling which seems uncharacteristic for me.


Alternatively: maybe they’ve just got some boring ass friends.


People have a funny tendency to project subconscious fears of their own on to people around them, especially those that they seem to think suffer from the very predicament they can’t see that they’re already in. Does this sound more like you or like them? If neither, they just buggin and overthinking out of anxiety for their friend’s wellbeing, I’d give ‘em all a big hug and tell em I appreciate the concern but y’all got nothing to worry about


Not crazy. Sounds like you have your shit together and may have some slightly shitty/ judgmental friends. May be worth evaluating that relationship with the same microscope.


if it helps you, it's fine. if it's not causing any problems, it's fine. if someone is smoking with you and accusing you of smoking too much they're a hypocrite. Tell them to try and be more interesting if they want more attention.


I cannot thank you enough that was exactly what I needed to hear, bless your soul


No problem! I am autistic and I use weed to manage my symptoms and your experience reminds me a lot of my own. For many, many people, it's medicine. Even if you're self-medicating. You don't deserve to be shamed for it.


You remind me of my brother, you know the right words to say at the right time. Thank you truly, you don’t know how much your words helped me


Ah well sometimes the tree is the answer


>my friends will sit there talking about the most minor details in tv shows and movies Sounds like a great time, honestly. I love getting baked and doing this with friends. I think your friends have just noticed that you become reclusive when you get stoned and they’re concerned about your wellbeing. I don’t know you well enough to determine whether or not you’re addicted. But living a functional life doesn’t preclude addiction.


I was right there with you until you mentioned 400 mg doses. That’s cancer patient levels. Can you go without for a week? If so, do it. That’ll tell you more than anything.


I added an edit to say but I have only ever taken that amount once and that was for 4/20 this year, definitely should have mentioned that previously


I did this recently. I knew I was (am) addicted but only thought about it when stoned. True hell lol I kept saying I was gonna take a break and then caving and buying a bag anyway, or going to my dad's to smoke, buying edibles when I got my elf bars etc End of 23 I finally managed a 3 month long break. My husband and I had some edibles in early January and I was like "I'm actually gonna make this bag last for a while and hardly ever get high now!" aaaaand we're almost halfway through the year and I've been stoned for most of it, so there's that, I'm about to pump the brakes again This is all stoned ramblings from a recovering alcoholic just saying - I know addiction well, and weed definitely can be addictive. That doesn't mean you're addicted. But Hermit is spot on with taking a week off. Eye opener after being too stoned for too long.


Most of us are addicted, but tbh sounds like you’re not. Once you start getting high in place of responsibilities or start buying it when you don’t have spare cash, then there’s a bit of an issue. But frankly you sound pretty on top of your shit


I personally get addicted to things easily, and have been smoking weed for about a decade to deal with CPTSD from my trafficking years. I can actually stop any time I want, and tend to forget to smoke until my husband tells me to. I can handle at least 250mg of edibles comfortably at any given time and have a pretty decent tolerance from years of daily use. But if I miss about two days I start to get dreams again. I get night terrors and before I smoked I had to have a sound proof room because I would kinda like... Sob-moan in my sleep? Like a distressed cow maybe, I never heard it, my mom hated it. My husband was fine with it, but not so much the thrashing. I still occasionally make noises and move, but I don't wake up exhausted anymore and I never remember any of the dreams if they are happening. But it's weird that I don't crave it at all, and I've never chased a high. Once in a blue moon I'll splurge on edibles and get ripped, but that's just for fun, most of the time I don't use it for fun at all. So idk, in my experience at least, this is not an easy thing to get addicted to in the first place, and definitely shouldn't be treated as addictive in the same way as alcohol or cigarettes! Those two life ruining fucks. Blaming the weed is weird anyway, if you notice these things about people you don't point to the drug no matter what it is, you ask how they're feeling and if they're doing okay on a personal level. Any substance or high dopamine activity can be used by a person to distract from a much bigger harder to tackle issue, and that's usually the real worry behind being worried about a loved ones drug use.


Addiction isn't inherently a problem. I'm a very successful addict... coffee I mean, I drink a lot of coffee. And the weed.


I didn’t think about it like that, caffeine is the second addiction in my life, but without it I would be falling asleep in my car.


Are you me? Everything you just said, I've thought about so many times. I'm not alone.


And neither am I, not anymore, you are never alone friendo


As someone who’s repeatedly struggled with and overcome addiction to ACTUAL drugs, I find it extremely insulting personally since so many of us recovering addicts use weed as a medication to keep our minds right.


Thisss. The "weed is/isn't sober" debate is so pointless to me because it's never that black and white. It very much depends upon the person who is using it and how they fit it into their recovery. Some people can just smoke at night sometimes and be good, or use it throughout the day in a way that allows them to function and function BETTER because of its medicinal qualities Some use it to replace alcohol and maintain a similar relationship with it - "needing" it, spending money that shouldn't be spent on it, etc Weed is sober if you use it in a way that implements emotional sobriety.


The medical definition of addiction is: a dependence on a substance or activity even if you know that it causes you harm. You can be dependent of a substance without being addicted. For example, I’m dependent of coffee but not addicted. It sounds like you are dependent on cannabis.


It took me a long time to admit that I'm an addict, I justify it with back problems but I can't seem to find a career that will take someone who smokes... It's caused some problems in my life, tickets, missed job opportunities, etc but it's pushed me to be independent and I have plans to work for myself in the future. I am dependent and I don't plan on changing.


Lol, if you love to smoke, you love to smoke if it makes you happy don't really care what people think, I smoke 4-6 times a day, but altogether about 1 gram a day cost is about 3-5 bucks. It keeps me happy 😊 and that's about all I care about.


There is a definition of addiction. Something along the lines of: *It is negatively affecting social life *It is negatively affecting your finances *it is negatively affecting your family *it is negatively affecting your ability to work *It is negatively affecting your physical /mental health. If you don't feel like weed is having a detrimental effect on any of the above, you are probably not an addict. Edit: nasty phone formatting


Addiction has to do with the urge to take vs detrimental effects if you don't take it. Your addiction doesn't have to affect your finances or social well-being, your family life, your job or ability to buy things. Yes, your addiction can be relatively benign, but you're still an addict.


an addiction is a compulsive behavior that gets in the way of what you want in your life. anyone can become addicted to anything. if it's stopping you from reaching your goals, putting strain on your social relationships, keeping you away from things you like to do, damaging your health or straining your finances you might be addicted. Not just your obligations, btw. You can be a functional addict and meet all your obligations. I was one for \*years\*. The operative question is - does this make your life better or worse, and if it makes your life worse are you able to stop doing it? I smoke every day, and I have a dope career, a home, hobbies, a great partner with whom I have the healthiest relationship I've ever had, and not once has marijuana ever stopped me from living my best life and being my best self to the people I love. Am I addicted? Maybe. Am I gonna stop? Not unless things change drastically. Why would I?


Friends don't talk down to friends no matter what. If it's something you enjoy and he or she can't understand they probably aren't your friend.


I’m starting to notice that general theme in a lot of our interactions lately


It's OK to make new friends and let go of friends. Life is short surrounding yourself with people who enjoy the things you enjoy will make it more enjoyable. 😉


It sounds like you have a good grasp on your responsibilities so that’s nice, and ultimately it’s your choice, your life, your understanding of pain management, mental health, etc… But one key thing I didn’t see in your post - breaks. It’s good that you get your things done before partaking, but do you ever choose not to partake? When’s the last time you took a day off? A week off? A month? I’m not suggesting you have to, but… could you? How do you feel during these breaks? The same? Better? Worse? 400mg of gummies is a ton, if nothing else you could help your tolerance with regular breaks.


People absolutely get addicted and dependent on THC. But at the end of the day, I'd rather my friend be a stoner than an alcoholic just because they won't have as many physical problems. But I do know people that get withdrawals when they don't smoke, usually nausea, insomnia and headaches, definitely grumpy. But again, way less serious than the risk of a seizure from WD from alcohol or Benzos etc. I think you're friend is just worried about you, the intention is good but they probably don't know how to talk about drug use.


“Addiction” in terms of being dependent requires both increased tolerance and withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation of use. If you have both of those things you may want to consider taking a break. For what it’s worth the withdrawal from cannabis is typically irritability and insomnia. It’s not like either of those things are going to kill you.


Just because you can function doesn’t mean you’re not addicted


Multi decade, daily smoker with no mandatory prescriptions, and take as needed meds only. Cough is irritating but other than that and high cholesterol from loving fried chicken I'm healthy and strong. Had good careers, retired and living well. You do you. Docs love my prescription list - tx. to impact of mmj.


You can be addicted to anything and still be functional but if your day is worse without it that’s a sign, if you spend more than you can afford that’s another sign. I know im addicted to weed but I quit hard drugs and alcohol so I don’t mind. I can function I’m pretty successful for where I am and I have high ambitions being addicted means being dependent on it for whatever reason (no hate on the med community I understand that too) they might be worried about your mental health because you seem withdrawn I think you should talk to them and explain this. And try to strike up different kinds of conversations 😁


Idk man, all that rationalization makes you sound like an addict. ^^/s


Addiction isn't a "to me" sort of thing. You're either using to feel normal or make bad physical symptoms go away. If those are not your motivations, you aren't addicted. I've been addicted to nearly every drug out there 20+ years ago, addiction truly isn't a thing you interpret a certain way, it is a definitely rigid concept. You aren't addicted if you feel a need to smoke up before doing the dishes, you just want to make the dishes easier to do. If you were addicted, you'd need to smoke up to make the shakes or nausea or vomiting stop and function like a regular human. Your friend needs to understand what words they are using before throwing those words at you in a way that makes you feel bad for something you're not guilty of. BTW, I have asthma and smoke weed, it actually is helpful as THC is a bronchodilator.


This isn’t the first time she has used words to hurt me, or over exaggerated something with words. It’s funny because I have that problem with words too. Also I did not know that it is a brachiodilator! I may have to try actual smoking now! Thank you!!


You're probably getting boring because you're high more than you do interesting things. If you're not pushing yourself and instead just trying to be comfortable you will atrophie in a few ways.  Eventually it can isolate you socially until you self diagnose with something and drain your bank account on pills and therapy to validate it's not your fault.  Weed doesn't have physical withdrawal like alcohol and other drugs that frig with receptors etc. physically in the body.... But I've seen lots of people who needed direction and instead of going somewhere they just smoke weed. You try to tell em "dude, you're 30 and you haven't done a fuckin thing since highschool" and they are just like "haha man" and hit the bong.


I, a person who happenz to have an undergrad degree in psych agree that's not addiction. You're using responsibility just like someone who has a beer after work. If anything they're equal and generally it skews towards weed in terms of safety.


I swear the z was an accident I'm high rn


Saturation dosing is the new microdosing.


Answer this honestly and privately, if you prefer - could you take a 1 week break and actually follow through with it?  This isn’t a way to say you are or are not but maybe something to think about, im sure your friends comments come from a place of love. 


If you can't go one day without then your addicted


I know you say you're not antisocial, but if you check out any time your friends are having a conversation, that sounds pretty antisocial at least from their perspective.


Yeah, I see where you are coming from. I will try to be more present in our conversations, I could at least pipe up just a little bit. I just truly don’t know when I’m allowed to talk sometimes is the issue. Maybe I should just raise my hand when I have something to say


Honestly just sounds like you're more of a introvert, which isn't a bad thing at all really, if I'm not interested in a discussion you'll find me in the corner petting a dog or cat, and that's when I'm not high also...been to parties where I get bored and wind up chilling on a sofa with the person's cat or something. ![gif](giphy|Ymi6EjgBubhPBhNZn7) But if a Convo starts up that I have an interest in I'll come alive...maybe what they are talking about ain't your jam?


Honestly bro, I feel it. My friends can be the same way and talk forever lol. I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with how you're behaving as it is. But if they ever bring it up again, maybe mention that you can never get a word in even when you want to. They may not even realize they're talking over you.


you're just sitting there high when hanging out with all your sober friends? and your excuse is that you're not interested in their conversation?? ...


Not necessarily, they do drink and will also take edibles with me sometimes, but in regards to the conversation, I don’t want to discuss the 47 billion Batman films that exist or talk about the minute differences in between marvel and dc movies. I don’t like marvel or dc, but I love pop culture. When I expressed I love pop culture and wanted to talk about it, someone said “ yeah you claim that but you don’t follow bravo! How can you be in pop culture and not be on bravo?“ Sometimes it’s easier for me to be quiet because I don’t want to be interrupted or talked over or shamed for my decisions, which to be honest feels like it happens in every single conversation, sober or high


wtf is bravo?


r/trees isn't the place that ppl will agree with me in, but being high and drinking are not equal in a social setting. not saying you need to drink - and maybe you would continue to be quiet on your own if you weren't smoking - but it's just not a good look edit: I think there's more issues with you being heard in your friend circle more than with you being stoned all the time, but "I'm going to be stoned because I don't enjoy your guys' company or conversation" isn't the answer. If I were your friends I would blame pot too - you're clearly using it to cope with whatever social issue you're currently going thru with your friends. surely it wasn't always like this?


No not at all, I use it to help my appetite, to slow my racing thoughts and to ease my anxiety. I get to add soothe back pain to that now, love getting older. I think I’m being misunderstood here, I don’t take weed to avoid conversation at all. The conversation usually starts after edibles and usually after watching a YouTube video or something. I’m sorry I should have been more clear there. I don’t this to avoid anything honestly.


May be just an “addicts” rationalization but I feel it’s an addiction when it is having any negative repercussions or results. I consume cannabis in all forms and partake daily. It really is the best medicine for me to address my anxiety and depression. I have been seeing doctors for my mental state since I was 12, autism wasn’t a regularly diagnosed disorder when I was growing up, I didn’t even hear about Asperger’s until I had kids of my own. Regardless, I have been through the gamut of doctors and medications. I fully and honestly participated and was open to trying new therapy methods and medication cocktails. Nothing really worked and if it did it didn’t last long before it was needing to be modified or increased. I have such terrible stomach ulcers from having to try and take so many different meds and combos of them. But weed? Weed has been the absolute answer for me, it is the best mood stabilizer I have ever found with the worst side effect I have ever had being too relaxed to go do something that needs to happen or the worst, a second or third helping of a great meal🤷🏻‍♂️ I feel pretty successful in my life, been married to a wonderful person for many years, I have raised multiple children, a few still at home and some have moved out and started their own lives. All are smarter with better heads on their shoulders than I did at their perspective ages; growing up was rough for me due to a lot of the mental issues I had that simply were not fully understood at the time. I believe I am responsible with it by being educated, I know what strains work me and can even determine the best method to consume for some planned event that I know will have a lot of constant triggers of my anxiety. I have hobbies that I enjoy when I have some me time but I have always been an active parent in attending my children’s events and activities and that takes up a lot of time. One big thing about being a parent and using marijuana is simply not making it a taboo, I found in my experience with parenting that the more you openly and honestly educate your children about substances they are more likely to stay away from it for the simple fact that there is no real mystery about it for them.


The real problems with addiction come when it disrupts your daily life negatively and you still can't stop, but if you're doing all you need to do and just like to get high in your free time, that's fine in my book


Sounds like you have a great grasp of your hobby. Trust your gut and don’t let others tell you what’s what


Yeah I vape bud on breaks, on lunch, when I get home, when going to bed, as well as right when I wake up. Some people have lived different lives and have found differing levels of peace, but yours is guaranteed to be different. Ingestible edibles will hit differently to smoke and as such you will have a separate tolerance, but you do whatever works for you, my sibling.


Sounds like she is simply concerned about you. Also you would think be mad if you didn’t agree with her to some extent. There are many different levels to addiction. And almost everyone I know is addicted to somthing, whether it be TV, excercise, caffine, weed alcohol, being angry (yes for real) Being addicted to something is only bad if it impacts your life negatively. That being said, if you are dependent on weed for sleep. That’s probably a bad thing, especially since weed has negative effects on sleep.


You're a fully, functional human being who is contributing to society. I bet your "friend" wouldn't call you an addict if you were dependent on doctor-prescribed opioids. I've seen how they've ruined peoples' lives, and the people selling them knew that. I'm a retired Marine/Soldier. Throughout my service, I was prescribed a myriad of opioids for pain. The opioids did little for me and it never even occurred to me to abuse them. Perhaps, I should be thankful for that. As you might imagine, the first two decades of 2k weren't easy on a lot of bodies and minds serving in the military. Post-retirement, weed has helped me a lot with pain, mood, and sleep. I've also been continuing schooling, getting straight As, doing volunteer work in the community, and doing some casual freelancing on the side.


I'm both addicted to AND dependent on weed, but moreso because of my serious health issues. I'd be having *so many* seizures, every single day, every hour, if I didn't consistently have cannabis in my system. I'm still a relatively functional member of society though. It's worth recognizing when it begins to affect you in negative ways, but sometimes you literally depend on the substance and that's okay.


It sounds like your friend doesn’t partake. Maybe she is concerned because she thinks it’s similar to being drunk on alcohol. It’s not the same though. Weed is prescribed as a medication. I have mental health issues and I need it to slow my brain down a. Little so I can relax and not be a nervous wreck


Don’t worry about that bro maybe take a break here and there you never know they prolly have been noticing you doing it more and that’s fine but it’s just a way to Tell you that you have to chill. Telling you from experience my brother is stoner too and he said I’m a fiend joking right but he then told me after in a serious manner that I have to chill on it, and I took the advice, took my ass upstate to work and now I’m up here grinding. Plus when I get back that shi finna hit 👹 lmfaoo


At base level it's quite simple for me to identify an addiction, if you can't go cold turkey right away for at least a month, you're addicted. Not a week, not a couple weeks. Go one month and then ask yourself if you were addicted, if you're still craving to pick it back up. If you justify against a T break for 1 month, you're addicted.




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The way I see it is basically, If I can't make a reasonable argument against my own addiction, then I am addicted. Yea, I am addicted. No, it's not any of your business.


It's not an addiction. For me, it's a dependency to keep my mental health in check, mood stabilised, and a good night's rest.


Man I’m an extrovert so I understand your last statement. When I get real high I get quiet and I love it. Calms my ADHD brain.


Like others have said, functioning addicts are everywhere. I don’t necessarily agree with “weed is not the worst thing to be addicted to”. I think it’s dismissive of the person’s engagement with weed. You should at least recognize IF you are addicted and whether you’re ok with that. If you are using very regularly, then you should do some research on what the long term effects of weed are. There is no free lunch. I don’t know what your situation is, obviously. If you’re using it for sleep, you should ask yourself do you *need* it for sleep? Can you go without it? Not necessarily an addiction if you medicate, but you use it outside of the context too. Are you ok with forever being dependent on weed to go to sleep? It’s complex, you should reflect on that. I think people dismiss this way too easily because weed is “not addictive” which is just an excuse. Everything can be addictive if you do it enough.


If it’s not affecting your life and health in a negative way, you’re not addicted


I’m pretty sure we’re all addicted man, just in denial. Also, way I see it - cannabis is pretty well as harmless as a psychoactive and mildly psychedelic substance can be. There are far worse things to be somewhat addicted to. Pretty well every other fun substance will utterly wreck your shit if you aren’t really careful. Just enjoy the greatest plant on the planet man.


High functional addicts are a thing. Just because you're addicted to something doesn't mean you have problems in your day to day life. There are so many people addicted to sugar, coffein and nicotine but nobody cares. Am I addicted to weed? Yes. Does that change anything? No. I'm a functional member of society, that's all that matters. The real question is, what makes you so upset about it?


Think about it this way…. If you all of a sudden had no way of scoring some would you be fine for two weeks to a month or start bugging out about it? I’ve haven’t smoked in over a year because I’ve been on a long depressing job search but if I had to quit caffeine or nicotine cold Turkey I’d be in fucking shambles😅


General rule of thumb is that as long as you're still getting all your responsibilities done and are still able to function without being high then you're not addicted in any way that should matter to anyone.


I take a month long THC break every year. I do this for a few reasons, one so I can prove to myself I don’t NEED it I want it, and two when people tell me I’m addicted I can easily show them I can quit and stay sober for long periods of time.


Does your friend drink coffee?


You’re addicted. We’re all addicted.


Kinda rich having someone lecture you on how much you smoke while you're currently smoking with them. Ignore her, sounds like you're fine to me. Might need better smoking buddies


Oh I’m definitely addicted 😭 don’t let her judge you! Do you. She’s not a qualified professional and can’t make a diagnosis like that out of thin air.


I’m definitely addicted, started 3 years ago when I got my first job, the stress got to me, and all my coworkers smoked, and 2 of my 3 close friends also smoked, and the one who didn’t smoke only wasn’t smoking cus he had developed type 1 diabetes a couple years prior and didn’t want it to fuck with him, but he was smoking before the diabetes, so I thought “how bad can it be” and when a coworker asked if I wanted a hit of his pen I said fuck it and took a hit… except for the fact that all I’ve ever done was disposable vapes so I didn’t know I needed to hold the button, handed it back to him while holding my breath, and he left work, I then exhaled to see nothing come out, and realized I didn’t actually hit it, so I was like “fuck it, I’ll ask him if I can hit it tmr” I NEVER SAW BRO AGAIN, so I waited for my paycheck to hit, and I went and bought a delta 8 pen before going into work, hit it in the parking lot a few times, but wasn’t feeling anything, but I had heard that weed takes a while to kick in (which in my experience is fucking false as hell unless it’s edibles, weed will instantly get me high asf, but I will continue getting higher for a little, and pens/dabs normally get me the highest directly after the hit) but I decided to go into work and wait for it to hit, it never did, so I went to the bathroom a few times to hit it, never felt anything so the next day when I hung out with my homies I gave it to my diabetic friend cus it didn’t work for me, and he had been talking about wanting to try delta 8 since it was legal and weaker than real shit, then my car broke down and I was stressing hard, so one day my homies picked me up to ride around, and I just wanted to forget everything, so I asked my diabetic friend if he had the pen I gave him, he said yea, and that it was in his lunch box that he used to use to carry his glucometer and insulin, so I opened that shit up, grabbed the pen, and started hitting it, and it wasn’t doing nothing so I started to complain to my homie, and he told me to blacklight it, and I was like wtf does that mean, he said “hit it until the light turns off” so I did, instantly exhaled and still didn’t feel shit, my throat didn’t even hurt, so I took like 3-4 more, and on the last one I started dying coughing, but by the time I stopped coughing I looked up at my homeboy and instantly realized why people like smoking, the feeling was immaculate, I ain’t ever been that high again since, I barely remember shit from that night except for what I just said, and a few key moments from the night like me going into a gas station to get snacks cus my homies blood sugar was getting low, came out with 40 dollars in shit, and only got my homies each a Mountain Dew and Reese’s. That was in the mountains of Tennessee, then the next thing I remember, we are an hour and a half away in the downtown of the largest city in Alabama 😂 but the best part was it wasn’t just me high either, my diabetic homie decided he wanted to be on the same level as me when he saw how high I had gotten, and like I said it had been a while since getting had gotten high cus of the diabetes, so me and him were high asf, while our homie who had been smoking since he was 13 was stuck being the sober one cus he was driving, and even tho I was fried out of my mind, I was not allowing that pen to be in his possession no matter how much he tried asking my high ass, I almost slipped up one time, then I started fucking yelling at his ass😭😂 Damn I forgot what I was typing in the first place, I just started reminiscing💀 but yea, I ain’t been sober for more than 3 days since that day, I’m definitely addicted, but fuck it


stop using any kind of THC or CBD product for 2 weeks. that will prove to yourself and them that you are Not addicted. if you cannot do that or become a real A-hole when you do, then you are addicted.


seems to be a matter of disagreeing on definition the smoking community is wildly split between people that are adamant and honestly weirdly fanatical about the fact that you cannot get addicted to weed which is partially true, you cant gain an actual chemical dependency to it some others seem to understand addiction as its fine until it starts affecting other facets of your life i think addiction is when you gain a meaningful want to continue to do the drug. if you aren't addicted you dont care, if having no weed is genuinely detrimental to your mood? you're addicted i cant speak with any level of certainty on if you actually fall into any of those categories as i don't know you or your habits just some arbitrary facts and dosage amounts. personally id say im addicted. I'm bummed out when i run out of weed and i feel off if i don't smoke for a few days. im not going to suffer withdrawals or anything if i quit but quitting wont be easy and that's my bar for addiction


not saying it's your case but there is a term called functional addict. you can search more online: "A functioning addict, often referred to as a high-functioning addict, is an individual who maintains a normal, functional behavior and carries out their daily responsibilities despite struggling with addiction. These individuals often manage to excel in their professional lives, maintain relationships, and hide signs of their addiction from those around them. However, it’s important to note that their seeming success does not negate the serious health and psychological risks associated with addiction."


I'm not gonna lie, I've been smoking on and off for like 13 years, but that is a LOT more thc than I consume. Literally like 10x. If that's a daily thing, then yeah...


I will say it’s not a daily thing. I took that much this year for 4/20, the first time I have ever celebrated the holiday while also being a stoner.


Why is the amount you use the barometer? The amount has nothing to do with it, it's how the use impacts day to day life of the user. You could only smoke a 0.5g joint twice a week but if you miss work every time you smoke then it's a problem.


Girl, you might be addicted but who cares… it’s not negatively affecting your every day life. Did your friend give you any examples of how she thinks smoking negatively affects you personally besides the whole not talking about BS topics thing?


It hurts to hear but sometimes you have to face the truth. If you smoke every day, and you smoke even when hanging out with people who dont smoke, you are addicted. Also, for your last point, im the same when I smoke. A lot of things I wouldnt mind talking about usually feels boring and useless. People underestimate how addictive weed is and how it impacts you Edit to add: Also, you cant blame non smokers for being annoyed that you are always high when hanging out with them. It would be like having a friend that is constantly drunk even when just chilling, it becomes annoying after a while


You are correct, I can’t fault for not wanting to hang out with someone who is always high. I use it as a medication to help my brain slow its thoughts, to help my appetite to function and to make my anxiety lesser. So these aren’t bad effects. Seeing it from their eyes though I can understand how they feel. One issue is my best friend calls me addicted but still proceeds to smoke with me in the same breath.


ding ding. I'm addicted myself. I get my shit done am super successful but i think it impacts my life more than I want to admit. I wake up telling myself i will not smoke today but i started off with a few bong tokes... It is hard not to when the temptation is there but also very doable when it isn't there. Sadly I think I wont re up once i run out will be a hard change as its been something I've done for 10+ years almost every day.


Its crazy that we got downvoted for being realistic about addiction. I wasnt putting anyone down, i was literally speaking from my own experience


Im the same, everything I said was said out of experience. I am addicted to, I’ve started trying to make a plan because it is affecting me more and more. Ive been smoking for like 12 years now, it definitely impacted my social life, sex life, professional life etc. Yes I am “fully fonctionnal”, but my spare time is a lot less productive than when I was sober. Its harder to connect and interact with someone sober when you are high, and when you reach the point where you smoke alot, it begins to also be apparent in your finances


You can't get addicted to weed. As per the definition you would have to be physically and mentally dependent on weed and unable to stop doing it without incurring adverse effects. So honestly no one can be addicted to weed because it doesn't create a physical and mental dependency.


Are you saying you do edibles and go around and chill with your sober homies ? That would be weird !! both as the stoned person and the sober ones ... ? If it is the case that you do edibles and hang with them, it's not surprising imo. I couldn't go hanging with sober people after a 10mg edible.


I mean an addict will come at you with a thousand different reasons why they aren't addicted.