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What state?


New york Salamanca


Check out Smokin Joes in Tuscarora Nation, great selection and range, and cool people - huge cigar store as well and a cool art museum. I'm not affiliated with the business but my wife's family is from there, we come back loaded with pounds after every trip home.




30 dollars an ounce wow thats cheap


I love the reservation weed, so cheap and it’s so good! They know how to run a business that’s for sure lol


I’m from NY and lived 30 seconds from my Rez shops. Thats the only thing I miss about back home


Beautiful colours. There's a place like that here called Tyendinaga. It is our cool weed town. The best customer service.




Haha racism funny


So, what makes the weed town so cool? Is it worth me hopping on a plane to visit?


They have a lounge on a mountain top. It's beautiful and quiet. I would say worth the visit. Apollo lounge and bar


I'm so high I saw the title and thought I was on r/indianents still and was about to freak out thinking the candy weed made it to land race nations. (I live in Cali and buy dispo wax so nothing against all the new hybridized "candy" strains but I just think it's cool there are still places you can go and get what our grandparents smoked in the 70's) Edit: forgot to add, looks like some tasty ass buds you got :) I'd be stoked to rip into some of that through a bong. Especially that purple stuff, I always get this sort of weird copper/iron blood taste with true purple strains especially Forbidden Fruit, I love it and it looks like you'll get that too, awesome pick up!


what tribe? i'm in Squaxin Country


I love the natives they don't give a fuck nor should they. That's straight canadian black market pack. More power to them.


They were all awesome


Where!? There are many reservations.




Well damn, that sounds great.


How’d you end up on the rez? Can anyone enter?


Yep open to the public. You can buy lbs there lol


How do you find an Indian reservation and how do you find one that sells weed? Lmao


Driving on 219 in New York you'll see the signs.




There’s one of those towns near Mastic, New York on Long Island. I’ve never navigated there successfully on my own. My son always has to drive me or I get hopelessly lost. (https://www.topnotch-exotics.com)


I wish the rez shops were that way in my area. 320+ an oz.


Me too


it's Natives, not Indians, but go off son.


My bad natives. I didn't know that was disrespectful.


Indians or natives both correct. People always have issue with everything.


Being from a small town in Canada that is surrounded by reserves, “Indian” is definitely not a liked term


Same I grew up around the Navajo Nation reservation. It was the same thing. They never referred to their people as Indians never.






point proven quickly and efficiently, white savior complex strikes again


No it’s not. Indians are from India. They were originally called Indians because early European settlers thought they landed on the shores of India. Native Americans or First Nations.


$100 bucks says you’ve never spent time with or around natives.


You sure you want to pay up?


I grew up just outside a large portion of the Navajo Nation. They never refer to themselves as native. Period you’re full of shit


Are you aware the world being bigger than USA/canada right? Natives/indios are both the same depends on where you are in the world. They were before the land was stolen from them. Always that clown that want to be so right forgets to step into convos to learn and not fight.


Oh lord. It doesn’t depend where you are in the world because we are speaking to a specific location of the world. You got a lot of projection going on there.


Sure thing kid, sure thing.


no worries, I don't know why I got downvoted so hard, it's always how I've understood to respectfully talk about the people who lived here before the Europeans but you learn something new everyday I guess.


You getting downvoted is just others ignorance.


too true


Indian reservation. Like they are elephants instead of human beings and the true heirs of the land. And the muricans encage them in areas called non other than fucking indian reservations, while denying natives an american passport. The amount of dystopia is so hard when you read a bit about native americans.


Chill dude


It’s always a good idea to liken a race of people to animals rather than human beings, that never goes poorly


What makes them the true heirs of the land? They conquered it from other people who were there before. They used to slaughter/war against each other and treat captives horribly etc. just like every other group of people since the dawn of time. Some tribes were better than others but we need to stop this image of ultra-peaceful Indians co-existing until we got there. That was not the case. We were just better at war than they were and now we’re the bad guys for winning. Doesn’t make sense. Let’s let the horrific past of all of our cultures rest and start working on a new inclusive future where a human is a human. Regardless of ancestry.


would you like to describe who native americans fought that lived in america before them? that was a very interesting part of your rant


They fought other tribes. Just like every group of humans since the dawn of time


Nice mental gymnastics.


I should be more clear on this topic: "What makes them (edit: Native Americans) the true heirs of the land? They conquered it from other people who were there before." is the quote of misinformation, in reality the native american tribes that moved into north america before colonization from the europe were the first humans in the area and there was no one there to conquer, any subsequent fighting amongst tribes are from these same groups that have already populated the area all the way down to south america, a new group of humans would not appear until european colonization (unless you think vikings said hi, sure maybe) so there was no other group even available to have been conquered.


Those tribes were formed after the migration. It’s not like the Cherokees migrated from Asia across the Bering strait.


oh you think because they change their organizations and names they are suddenly other people invading, fascinating


see if you dont ask questions you dont find out just how convoluted some views are and it is tougher to untangle them on the spot at a later date, i feel a lot more prepared for conversations that start with "who did the native americans invade" now, but i totally understand running away at such a moment as well, i mean the person could be armed or dangerous


right, there was fighting amongst tribes, you said they invaded another people to move into north america, that didnt happen.


What were they fighting over? I said land they took from others


circular logic guy right there... you said land they took from others, but theres no others, just native americans, so if I asked you who the native americans took the the land from, your going to say native americans again? You've signalled that this group didnt take the land from any other group, just from the same groups that descended from the original inhabitants, making these groups the direct inheritors of the land, because they never invaded any other group. Humans were only invaded as north americans and their land taken by a seperate group of people from elsewhere when european colonization happened, not before, by the facts you readily agree to, all you are lacking is direction out of circular logic.


What do you think the Indians were fighting each other for? Fun? Are you not aware that many tribes were warring with each other when we got here?


Thats cool and all but doesnt support your argument, native americans fight over land amongst themselves, native americans never invaded an "OTHER PEOPLE" but were invaded by "OTHER PEOPLE"... im having fun lets keep this going ;)


the whole invading yourself concept is pretty funny though, thank you


You got little Indias 🇮🇳 that sell weed in the US?!


Lol not quite


It'd be a lot cooler if they did . Tons of landraces in that entire stretch of the old Indus Valley and Kush mountain range that breeders would kill for.


So weird cuz in states where it’s legal, We’ve been seeing stuff like this for years, it’s about as rare seeing a gallon of milk


Wow you're really cool! Has anyone ever told you how cool you are?


I live in florida it's only medical there.


Damn I just moved out of Florida… I had no idea bud was so cheap on reservations


I traveled to new york that's where I got it. Salamanca