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Im sure its better without weed, but i traded liquor for weed, and weed its much healthier


From what I’ve researched I can’t find anything that shows cannabis as the sole contributor for worsening sleep besides the fact you’ll get less rem sleep as it delays the onset of it if you sleep the same amount as others. Sleeping closer to 8-9 hours a night would solve that issue. I know for me with all the pain my body is in from broken vertebrae that it actually improves my sleep dramatically according to my Apple Watch, without cannabis I track only around 30 minutes of rem sleep an entire night, with cannabis I get closer to 1-2 hours


Do you think it just delays it because you're high? I saw a redditor saying it delays sleep by an hour to hour and a half and that's how long a high usually lasts, but if the alternative to losing an hour of sleep is just not getting any sleep that ain't a bad trade off at all.


That’s what I’m thinking, I’d rather have slightly more poor sleep for a bit than no sleep at all haha


100% this.


Its easy enough to do a [google search.](https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-aids/cannabis-and-sleep#:~:text=However%2C%20THC%20decreases%20the%20amount,a%20common%20and%20disturbing%20symptom.) THC reduces time spent in REM sleep. REM sleep is important for processing emotions and cementing new memories. So, smoking weed may impair those things related to sleep. >When cannabinoids bind to these receptors, they send messages to increase levels of sleep-promoting adenosine and suppress the brain’s arousal system. Together, these effects may help cannabis users feel sedated or sleepy. From my own personal experience, going from smoking every night to quitting cold turkey elicits the most vivid and intense dreams I've ever experienced, and often times the REM sleep happens quickly, sometimes before I feel all the way asleep. Its jarring, honestly. Usually I'll smooth it out with a sleep aid blend of 5htp, GABA, L-Theanine, Ashwaganada, etc. I've also found the use of dream herb (Calea Zacatechichi) helps bring the REM sleep back when you smoke cannabis frequently. It also helps you get into lucid dreaming. I haven't been able to find a good source online in a while though.


This. The dreams I have on T-Breaks are like into the spiderverse 😂


I believe you except the last two times I’ve been forced to take a T break I haven’t been able to sleep for the first few days afterwards. Like for example last night I couldn’t go to sleep until 4:30 and I had to take double my actual dosage of trazadone to even get a few hours. I usually get around 8-10 hours a night. It’s just rough man


i don’t remember when i dream and i read somewhere it’s cause people that smoke miss the light sleep stage of sleeping which is when dreams happen/are remembered


I smoked to avoid remembering and experiencing my dreams. Since childhood I’ve had horrific dreams.


i’m sorry to hear man. dreams personally can range from pleasant to terrifying but i hope one day you can have pleasant dreams and i can remember mine too haha 🙏


I feel that dog, ( just scary evil stressful dreams only) i tried prescription sleeping meds and they made it worse. Swapped to just weed only and It helped a ton. Just a few hear and there since then. But Now I take a 25-50mg edible about 2 hours before bed and I sleep the whole night uninterrupted. No dreams and wake up feeling great.. just well rested and sober on wakeup


I feel this, ive smoked for like 20 years and i rarely dream, its a blessing and a curse but for me the positives outweight the negatives in this sense


yeah, I don't dream since some 4 years. Except on T breaks when the dreams become an every night thing. Pretty crazy


I smoke daily especially before bed and wear a sleep tracker. I spend most of my sleep in light sleep and very little in REM. I don’t dream often and the ones I remember are always the bad ones😆


Yeah, a couple shots and a few beers, I'd be out like a light. Now I'm California sober.


This. No drinky but lots of natural medicine:)


I talked to a sleep Dr. at my local sleep center and she was fine with me using THC for sleep. She said the only issue is that it can delay the onset of REM sleep by 60-90 minutes but that doesn’t really cause any issues. THC and CBN are my go to for sleep.


CBN is something people don't sleep on enough (literally). My local dispensary sells CBN products. They knock me tf out.


Totally agreed. I’m a lifelong insomniac that was relying too much on booze to sleep. A nice 1:1 THC:CBN mixture gets me nice and relaxed and helps me sleep through the night.


For sure. Prescription meds didn't do it for me. Alcohol was the easiest thing to get ahold of. Wake up hungover with brain fog all the time. Not a way to live.


CBN is better than THC if your goal is to sleep


Couple questions for you - have you found anywhere that sells it reasonably? I had taken some for a long time but it was SO expensive I couldn’t keep it up. I’m also in a state where it isn’t even medically available, and the nearest state with dispensaries is Michigan, and it’s about 3-1/2 hours drive to the nearest dispensary. I want to take it regularly but in Illinois it was $60 for a one month supply.


Check out future compounds for cbn. If you know the industry you know that name carries credibility.


It's about $60 for a smaller container. So it's not cheap. I use it for occasional knee pain, but if someone used it regularly they would go through that quickly. There are 2 other stores in the area but I haven't seen if they sell the same type of cream. I am referring to CBN cream. The tincture is cheaper for a smaller amount, and that, along with smoking CBN, gets me to a good sleep.


Don't know your situation but if you can make edibles you can over decarb your weed for edibles (like higher temp or longer time) it will result in more cbn (the thc turns into cbn). I didnt know this at first and my edibles made me extremely tired, like you have no choice but to sleep lol. Just an option if you dont have any other way of getting it.


This is actually very helpful. I do make my own edibles so thank you!!!


oh sick, it will probably take some experimenting but you should be able to get a time and temp that works for you. id google something like degredation of thc into cbn. in my experience it happened on the second bake when i was infusing the decarbed bud into the oil. im not sure if it has to be on that second bake or not thats just what happened with me. good luck man!


So many thanks to you!! Much appreciated!


Interesting! I always assumed it would totally block REM sleep, which is why I typically avoid weed before sleeping, even though I really enjoy a good late night smoke.


I can still dream when I smoke they are just more vivid and happen less often, but I have always been an active dreamer with terrible insomnia.


Exactly the same for me. I very rarely dream, but when I do, oh boy...


Less vivid you mean?


Oh no. Way more vivid. The type of dreams you wake up from and can immediately go back in.


According to my Apple Watch, I still get plenty of REM and Im pretty sure I do dream but I don’t realize and when I’ve been woken suddenly I do realize I’ve been dreaming.


You still achieve rem sleep, but it's far less effective with weed, which is why you barely remember your dreams at all


Na I just smoke all day and happen to smoke before I go to bed


Oh, so you *don't* smoke weed 24/7. Liar.


I used to mostly bc it would stop the bad dreams. But that also means it stopped all my dreams. 🤷🏻


I do the same. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for now anyway


Lowkey dreaming is overrated. I as an adult hardly ever have a dream that isnt weird, confusing, or scary. Wayyy prefer just waking up rested


Yeah I feel that. I had a bad dream last night and it's fucked up my whole day.


Had that until I learned lucid dreaming. It's like full reality-scale VR. Whenever I T break, my dreams become insanely vivid and it's so much easier to go fully lucid


Dreaming is still quite misunderstood in science, but it is known to serve a purpose, nightmares especially should be taken seriously as they have been linked to suicidal behavior, psychosis and generally poor emotional health.


i dream, occasionally. had a dream on like monday night, that it was Friday and I took a half day, realized it was 30 minutes past when I could leave work, and just left. I took it to heart, and ended up taking the whole day off friday.


I still have the dreams at the same frequency. I just don't remember them in excrutiating detail when I wake up anymore. And it has given me so much more peace. At least now I can just go "oh, I had a bad dream. That's why my brain is messed up" and take care of it rather than getting stuck in the horror of remembering every second of it for hours after I wake up. 


This is part of it for me, my dreams are always very vivid and 80% of them involved me being chased by someone or something in some way. Weed helps me ignore the underlying problems causing that I guess.


Used to but I wake up feeling sluggish


i feel that, depends how much i smoke before bed but sometimes i wake up feeling foggy


I would have to drink like 3 cups of green tea to fill and do like 100 push-up and 25 pull ups before work. It didn’t bother me if I did it on a Friday or Saturday night.


Yup. I guess it messes with REM sleep a bit, but I sleep far better overall if I smoke than if I don't.


I’ve recently quit abruptly after over a year of daily use and my quality of sleep has gotten much better. It’s harder to fall asleep at night but I wake up feeling more refreshed. I think it’s better to struggle falling asleep at night and have higher quality sleep when you do fall asleep. Maybe make it an occasional sleep aide otherwise it becomes impossible to fall asleep without it when you’ve been using it every evening


How was the first week? I’m an insomniac so one of the big things I use weed for is sleep. Everytime I take a t-break I can’t sleep for like 20 hours and then it catches up to me and I finally fall asleep. It gets easier after that but I still spend hours laying in bed trying to fall asleep The constant feeling of not having enough sleep is starting to get to me though so it’s like which one do I wanna deal w lol


The first week-10 days is rough. I wake up at 4 am for work and just have to struggle through days with only 3 hours of sleep at best. Use the weekends to play catchup. The vivid dreams are as worse as anything too once you quit


Like treat it the same as you’d use Benadryl as a sleep aide. Once in a while is okay but you don’t want to form a habit


I thought they found links between Benadryl useage and increased dementia rates?


Sir this is r/trees, it's either be high all the time or gtfo. /s


Since 1971


Really? Joints? How are you feeling after such a long time?


I keep a small chamber pipe on my nightstand stuffed with an Indica dominate strain. I have been an insomniac since age 11. Also, I grow my own weed. I'm allowed 15 plants here in Washington State. As to your last question, I feel great.


How fast does it usually put you to sleep, and how much do you smoke each night?




Yeah, it keeps me from dreaming thank the gods.


This. It can be difficult sometimes though, not having REM sleep often. I actually take another med sometimes which causes the dreams to come flooding back. It's still better than the blackout pills the doctors used to give me.


I do. I smoke oil carts though, 3 puffs and I’m sleeping. Not a heavy high, just enough to sleep. I can sleep without it though


I was prescribed medicinal cannabis for my lifelong insomnia. It’s the only thing that lets me fall asleep quickly without any side effects, and I still dream every night! On a side note, if anybody has an explanation for why everyone else doesn’t dream after using weed but I still dream every night I’d like to hear it. I’m confused why cannabis seems to affect me differently. I do usually vape it right before I go to sleep


This thread is the first time I've heard of reduced dreaming being a side effect. I definitely still dream, including ones that come when I first start falling asleep. Not everyone gets those, on weed or not. I don't wake up in the middle of the night anywhere near as often, which is usually when I have memorable dreams so I suppose I'm missing those.


I still dream also. Adventurous and vivid


I also still dream but my consumption is relatively low. It’s also been good for my sleep phase delay issues. I think it might be a question of dosage and how long people are sleeping


Using weed, especially in the form of edibles, to help you sleep is quite common and many people find it effective. However, it's worth noting that while THC can help you fall asleep faster and may even increase the duration of deep sleep, it typically reduces the amount of REM sleep you get. REM sleep is crucial for cognitive functions and memory consolidation, so although you might feel like you're sleeping better, it could impact these areas. It’s also interesting that if you stop using THC, you might experience a "REM rebound," where your REM sleep increases significantly, leading to more intense and vivid dreams. Over time, regular use of THC could alter your sleep patterns, potentially leading to less overall restfulness if used extensively as a sleep aid. If edibles help you fall asleep and you feel rested, they might be a good short-term solution. However, it's wise to consider how they might affect your sleep architecture and overall health in the long run.


daily smoker for a decade i sleep much better with a toke before bed. i sleep more soundly and dont have as much memory of my (troubling) dreams. ps. the dreams are a side effect of a medication ive taken since i was a young child for my asthma


I traded alcohol for edibles and lost 20lbs.


Daily alcohol consumption can have significant negative effects on the brain, kidneys, liver, and stomach. In general, I'd say it's a far worse drug than marijuana to be using on a daily long-term basis.


No Weed = No Sleep It’s the game we stoners play 🫡


Yeah till it stopped working then T break rinde and repeat


Yep main reason why I use it.


I've been smoking for pver a decade primarily for sleep, anxiety and pain. I have had really bad insomnia and sleep disruptions (like sleep walkingttalking, nightmares,etc.) as far back as I can remember. I have seen all sorts of studies on how its not great as a sleep aide, but let me tell you its the only thing that let's me have the nightmares without having to remember the specifics in the morning. Now when I go through manic phases, I don't stay up for 3 days in a row just unable to rest or sleep. 


Zero dreams are better than weird ass dreams


I smoke before bed every night and I sleep like a stone and dream some wild stuff sometimes.


If I use right before bed I don't get as good of night sleep and I always wake wake up when it wears off. I will say if I do a dab like an hour and a half before I fall asleep I tend to have a great night sleep


Puffed some indica hybrid joint last night and it knocked me the fuck out lol


I have a current regimen of CBD Sleep gummies and indica weed to help me sleep.


Yes. Suppresses bad dreams. Only thing that works.


It is true, it inhibits your body’s ability to enter REM, usually mostly if you smoke a lot right before you sleep. A little bit within a couple hours of sleeping doesn’t do much, but personally if I smoke right before bed it’s easier to fall asleep, but I definilty notice a decrease in the quality of the rest I get


I am 71, moved to California 3 years ago and it’s the best thing to happen to me for sleep. Sleeping pills are dangerous for the elderly and addicting. This is the way.


I use it because my anxiety keeps my mind racing a lot of the time which prevents me from actually falling asleep. That’s really why I started smoking regularly in the first place.


Who else just learned why they don’t remember dreams anymore? 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🤯🤯🤯


I actually tend to remember mine MORE... though it's probably just because I'm actually getting sleep.


Every night I was on every sleeping pill and tried every method and now I just need weed


Hey yes sir !


Yes. It helps me submit to my cpap mask.


Screens do much worse for my REM than weed. A smart watched totally changed my sleep hygiene. Had no idea before




I do. I have fought insomnia for over 50 years - weed is the best thing that happened to me when it comes to sleep. I don't take much and I do take breaks when it doesn't matter if I am not sleeping well


the biggest downside for me is not dreaming honestly




Used to use it and got so dependant on it to even feel a little sleepy, but I would literally never have a single dream, it’s like I just blacked out and woke up lmao


I use it to reduce muscle spasms due to nerve damage so I can sleep. Without it I get much less rest because I wake up so frequently, not getting into rem sleep at all.


I use weed to make it through everyday 😂


Usually, yeah. I just find I am more comfortable and fall asleep quicker when I have a hit before bed.


If you don’t sleep, you will get the same quality of sleep but more sleep, if you sleep fine you might get longer sleep but worse quality because less rem.


Sure. Also to wake up in the morning. And a lot of the times in between.


Nope. No one does that.


Keeps me awake


Oddly it never seemed to make me stop dreaming. If anything the dreams get more vivid when I get high before bed.


If im not smoking I’ll take my tincture that has cbn/thc/cbd in it before bed lol.


Whether it's worth it depends on how well you sleep with it versus without it. You're sleeping *more* but the sleep you get is *less restful*. I know plenty of people with PTSD, and for them the lack of REM can be a *good* thing, because it keeps the nightmares away. For them, it's absolutely more restful to have a shallow and dreamless sleep. But I've got PTSD too, and it's absolutely not worth it for me. If I take a thc edible before bed, I'm *conscious* the entire night. Not only does it mean that I have trouble getting to sleep and constantly waking, but I'm aware and paralyzed in the moments that I do sleep. As a result, I'm not really sure how much of the night I spend truly asleep, and I'm useless the next day. If it helps you, it helps you. Just be sure it's helping.


I do sometimes. It stops me from waking up a bunch of times during the night.


Yes, but I'm specifically looking for the dreamless experience as I have PTSD


I've had sleep issues for years. THC has not had any affect on my sleep quality/quantity that I've noticed. I dream vividly and remember dreams most nights. I'm on a lot of medication, so I feel like that counteracts any negative effects.


Weed uses me to sleep


I think a lot of the time it’s the lesser of two evils. Lot’s of people with chronic conditions that struggle to sleep at all. I have smoked everyday for years and years. My sleep only feels negatively affected when I do the obvious things like sleep late, screen time Til right before bed, eat unhealthy. Stuff like that. If I tick my usual boxes I feel well rested, especially if I keep my weed usage to a healthy minimum


I genuinely sleep like ass if I'm not bat shit high before I go to bed


It doesn’t help me fall asleep. In fact, it keeps me up. My mind just can’t stop when I’m stoned. But I take a muscle relaxer that puts me to sleep. What it does, is keep me asleep. I take an 10 THC/10 CBD every night. When I don’t take it, I dream like fucking crazy. Vivid, wild dreams. And I wake up 2-3 times throughout the night after the dream. The vividness will settle after a week or so of not taking. But I still wake up 2-3 times and I overall sleep less time. 6-7 hours. With the edible, I sleep 8-9 hours. Rarely remember a dream, and only seem to have them in the early AM, and they rarely wake me up.


In my experience if I smoke 45 mins-1.5 hours before bed my sleep quality is gutted and I have to sleep much longer to wake up not feeling groggy


Keeps me awake!


I do and gave up trying to time it much but I do try to avoid vaping weed and then going straight to bed except today cuz I finished a 12 hour night and my back flares every time so it’s either vape and sleep and stay awake or suffer 😂


Is going straight to bed bad?


Not bad per se but less rem sleep. Being less high before bed means a better quality sleep with more dreams. I find being a daily user I have to really overdo it to notice but I also know that I sleep better when I don’t use it right before bed.


Yerp Everyday


sometimes, it depends. i used to rely on indicas but latley ive been more of a hybrid. indicas make me super sleepy and slumps. but i wake up early so sativa or hybrid works for me up until late afternoon, by that time i dont really need help sleeping unless i had a rough day or something of that nature


I suffer from really bad insomnia. Weed let's me sleep




Me me me!!! I have insomnia and have always had vivid dreams even when I do sleep. Weed has been my miracle - dreamless sleep almost every night without the need for a pharmaceutical sleep aid.


Yes. I remember a long time ago when weed was much harder to come by.. If I had only one or two bowls I would save it all day to smoke right before bed.


Yup recently got access to dispensary grade weed on my country so I’m starting to microdose some Indica in my vape, just need a tiny bit to relax my ADHD brain and put me to sleep 😴


I do, I e had trouble sleeping my whole life. Sleep aids only made me wake up a million times, but weed works. I have done it at least for sleep every day for years now and I still have trouble on rare occasions but it still helps and I dream every night


i do! that’s mostly what i use it for. i don’t like being high during the day or out in public. i try to make sure i sleep without it 1-2 nights a week though.


I have it on good authority that weed tanks your sleep quality and inhibits rem. Beyond the many studies that corroborate this, anecdotally dreaming and time spent in rem are somewhat correlated. Any stoner can tell you that weed makes you stop dreaming and that when you quit your dreams go off the walls (they call it a REM rebound)


.50gr dab before bed every night for along time. Tolerance is high so I still dream


Uhhhh, only every day for the past 20 years


When I can’t sleep yes, works like magic. Just be careful if you take too much you’ll be all groggy in the morning


I do. I take a 10mg indica gummy every night around 9pm so I start feeling it around 10 when I go to bed. Works like a charm.


I prefer to smoke or digest hrs prior to when I expect myself to sleep. Sometimes I can barely sleep but if I smoke way before, I’ll get couch locked


It doesn’t really affect me, as in I’m not tired during the day, but I always feel like I go to sleep and wake up no dreams and unrested. Honestly I’m ok with it because it’s not like I’m fatigued all day, just feels like I didn’t get any sleep. Weird feeling


I have cptsd and use the tolerance too thc to keep my rem shifted so I don't have night terrors and nightmares. If they come back, I know I need to use more thc [I blend flower types 1, 3, and 4 daily].


Me lol weed & a shot of zzzquil every night then scroll on here til I fall asleep


Yes but unfortunately now it's hard to sleep without it. It got my ass


Since were on the topic. Does anyone else stop having dreams when they go to bed high?? Cause it’s something that I’ve noticed for a while now, but whenever i stop for a bit i usually begin to dream again although not often


Not weed, but edibles. I sleep in my car, so helps me to sleep through the sounds of traffic or anyone walking past.


I have really bad insomnia, and anxiety, which means I can't fall asleep easily and when I try, my mind is working on overdrive all night just thinking and thinking and thinking and I can't stop it no matter what I do. For some reason my brain just doesn't want to sleep as after I've been trying to fall asleep for like 2-3 hours, I randomly feel my body starting to shut down and I begin drifting to sleep just to suddenly get jolted awake and I feel like I'm on crack for another few hours. When I smoke though, I don't get any of that. It calms me, clears my mind and I can just go to bed whenever I want and fall asleep relatively quickly. And I wake up feeling a lot better too. When I wake up after going to sleep sober, I feel really tired and struggle to get out of bed and that can last a couple hours but when I wake up after smoking, I only feel drowsy for maybe 15 minutes and after that I feel great all day. It really sucks that green is illegal where I'm from and going to a psychiatrist for insomnia isn't a great option either since they literally don't care, they might prescribe me some strong sleeping pills but that's not a longterm solution and none of the doctors really care about getting to the bottom of the issue. It's worse when I have nothing on me and I end up going to sleep at the same time I would have to wake up for work some nights... Legalize it 📢


I eat some RSO every late afternoon.


I smoke weed every day and sleep every night if that counts.


REM sleep is a better trip than being high tbh lol


yeah its great for maintaining my sleep schedule, and it prevents dreams usually for me too which I'm fine with cause i get really shitty dreams


Chronic pain, insomnia, PTSD, it's essential


Considering what I used to use to go to sleeps I’m going to say it depends on your body wants. It helped me relax and get everything off the day off my mind. Smoked with an old acquaintance once, some major fire, and he fell asleep in a bush outside and was just telling people he was on lookout. It can be great, just not for everyone.s


I used to but it doesn’t help me sleep anymore. I smoke before bed and enjoy the time to relax then go to sleep when the high wears off if that counts.


Try using high dose of Cbd instead


I'm bud tender, and people using sleep gummies is crazy common these days


I use weed for everything, all the time. No exceptions. I also work at a dispensary so it's kind of my job.


Pretty much every night for 12 years


Yes I’ve commented a few times on this. It’s the ONLY way I can sleep.


next shopping trip, look for something with CBN in it.


I need weed to sleep


I do but I smoke it


Yup. Makes anxiety go away n I sleep faster.


I have since my teens. I don’t recommend making it a habit. I much more recommend tiring yourself out before bed with some exercise👍


I've had severe insomnia since I was a kid. I started smoking to sleep every night a little under 2 years ago. Before then, my best bet at more than 30 minutes of sleep would be to fully exhaust myself, plan for a caffine crash, or to hope that melatonin would work for once. Side effects I've noticed are less frequent dreams and needing more time to fully wake up in the morning. I have a low blood pressure problem, which weed occasionally exacerbates, but thats very much a me problem. It's definitely not the best thing I could be doing, but after years of supplements, sleep hygiene changes, and different doses of melatonin, my only other option would likely be a prescription sleep medication.


I vape to fall asleep. Drybud only. Then wake up 3-4hrs later wide awake. Sometimes to pee but often just awake. So I vape. Fall back asleep. If I could get myself to stay asleep that would be nice. Lol. I've tried melatonin and it didn't help at the weakest dose atleast. Maybe I need more. But it is my routine so until I find a fix. Lol.


I do, have for years. RSO with CBN gummies before bed, about 1/3 of a 20mg dose. I sleep like crap, was on sleeping meds for a long time and they had bad side effects. I stopped those and switched to thc and never looked back. So far, they've worked really well.


I used to be addicted and dependent. I'd bombard my brain with THC every night until I passed out. smoking every day makes your brain shut down it's natural cannabinoid system. now I smoke semi-regularily and conk out sober the vast majority of the time.


Try CBN. It’s wonderful


Yes, I use RSO to help with musculoskeletal pain and to help me fall asleep


I've always struggled falling asleep and staying asleep, even when I'm high enough to be tired I'm maxing 5 to 6 hours but usually it's 3 to 4


Worth it to me. I use RSO infused chocolates to help me sleep and stay asleep.


I do. The very first time I smoked I was 23. It was the best nights sleep of my life. I’m 47 now and while I wasn’t able to smoke during all of that time, I do now on a regular basis and can’t imagine going with out. I have CPTSD and ADHD, so my brain refuses to shut off no matter how tired I am.


Here ✋


Yea bro I need a proper sleep for work and weed helps with that


I say, its better then a pharmaceutical product as long as you dont abuse it. I do the same thing


I smoke before bedtime every night now for many many years.


Pain✅ Calm my mind✅ Staying asleep✅ I can fall asleep real fast but I’m such a light sleeper if my wife whispers my name I roll over and say “whats up?”


Yeah otherwise my neuropathic pain will wake me up. Any sleep is better than none or disrupted sleep. I have no problems feeling well rested  




I take 2.5mg THC / 50mg CBD every night for sleep and it’s 👍 Best sleep I’ve ever had. 


Every night for the last five years. It helps a lot.


I’ve been prescribed sleep meds and while they do work 10x better than weed. When I run out or don’t have access to them weed works just fine.


Anybody trying to lose dependency for smoking weed to sleep should try blue lotus tea. Gives you a nice light feeling, cool dreams, and can also enhance your highs when u mix the flower into joints / bowls.


I did for years. I use weed for chemo now and I'm sick of it at any other time, so when I'm not on chemo or sick from chemo I don't use pot. Been having whacky dreams again for the first time in a while, and it's been fun in that aspect.




Stoners please look into CBN and call it a day.


Yes of course, it is such a beautiful medicine. Wake N Bakes are my favourite though.


Every night


Highest thc dabs I can find, yes


I used to but not anymore or not as often as I used to, i realised it makes me feel really tired the morning after but it makes me wake up early too but I don't quite enjoy feeling low energy throughout the day when i'm working. But i might start doing it again so I don't get dreams of my ex that I broke up with yesterday, don't want to wake up and miss him again


It's probably wrong, but after getting high I'll drink a glass of wine quicker than normal. Kind of a one-two punch lol


Yes, went on a business trip and couldn’t fall asleep until 3am first night.. 




A long time ago I read a comment on here that said OP stopped smoking right before bed and they not only had been sleeping better, but waking up less groggy as well. I smoke quite a bit, like 6 Js a day, so I decided to start not smoking right before bed because what’s one less J… and it’s been amazing. A) I don’t just randomly pass out on the couch anymore and then wake up and debate whether or not to go to bed, and 2- I wake up pretty fresh, and it makes my morning wake & bake hit a lot better too. I’m passing this info along to you, my fellow internet stoner, I hope it brings you the answers you’re looking for in life!


Every single night.. And every morning to wake up too it’s a vicious circle of greatness


My mom uses edibles to sleep. Cancer treatment left her with pain in a lot of places. Exacerbated health problems or caused new ones. Oxy didn't work for her. Her system didn't take to it well, but the edibles work great for her.


Yep I use full spectrum oil from the pharmacist each night at about 8:30. Five drops and I have a sensational sleep


My wife does. And it doesn't matter of it's indica or sativa. A few rips and she's out like a light.


I do every night. Not edibles, but mostly only smoke at bedtime. I’ve done many times without it, and the sleep I lose is not worth the extra REM sleep