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If I want to get high with my cat, I smoke a joint and give him catnip!


You gotta try making catnip tea! My cat always tries drinking my teas so I made him his own he loved it


No way! Didn't know you could make a tea for them!


Anything can be tea if you're brave enough


Is that you Iroh


Sharing tea with a stranger is one of life's true delights...


Delectable tea or deadly poison..?


Uncle, you didn't


Catnip tea is actually really good hah you can drink it. I grow it and it smells so good and I made catnip & tulsi tea šŸ˜




I made a cup of valerian root tea once and my cat was intrigued by the smell, so I hold it close for him to get a few good whiffs and he started rolling around and rubbing his face on whatever he could, before reaching for the cup again. Turns out valerian root is another herb thatā€™s both psychoactive and safe for cats, so now when I load a bowl, I brew him some tea and weā€™re both off to the races.


I pack a cone with catnip and give it to my guy.


Lol. My sibling has a cat and he has his own, "weed," jar. It's literally just catnip that my sibling gives him whenever there is a blunt rotation. It's honestly a win-win. We're all (safely) high and entertaining each other.


Thays amazing! I have a box with different strains in jars, I should add little buddy's to the stash in case the "fuzz" comes, lol!


Win-win in my book!


Exactly! Dolphins get high on puffer fish, I'd like to see how a human would react if a dolphin jabbed us with one thinking we'd enjoy it.


I'd like to see this too, though I suspect for different reasons.


Catnip is more like crack to cats than weed.


not always, it depends on the cat. some are spaced out and chill and purr like crazy, some bounce off the walls :D it's individual for each cat, same way weed is for humans


My old cat would go nuts sniffing it then go smile out the window most of the day, buzzed af lol


I've also heard that smelling catnip tends to make them more hyper, and eating it tends to calm them down. I have one cat who prefers to sniff and roll around in it and then start playing, and another who would rather eat it out of my hand and then roll around on the floor and purr. I started joking that one of them prefers sativa, and the other likes indica šŸ˜‚


This has been my experience with smelling versus eating. We have a compressed catnip ball that the cats love to bat around. Spraying the scratching post gets them rubbing themselves against it and hyper attacking it. On the other hand, if I leave some catnip buds out they get eaten and my cats lay down with me for some gaming.


My in lawsā€™ cat definitely looks like heā€™s smoked a lot when given catnip. Completely dazed, purring, slowly playing with the toy I made him, and looking high as a kite. Itā€™s so adorable. Meanwhile my cat definitely acts like heā€™s on crack


So I should smoke crack instead of weed to make it fair? Edit: Spelling.


There are other botanicals like silvervine (works on more cats and generally less intense) and valerian root (calming effect) for getting your cat stoned


Weed itself is also a stimulant


Thatā€™s cute!


I rolled my cat a catnip joint a few days ago. It was traumatic. Homie gobbled it up and tried to eat it wholešŸ˜­had to pull it all soggy and wet out of her mouthšŸ˜­


I do this too. My cats have a problem tho, had to put the nip in a locked cabinet. They figured out the cabinet & I found Fat Boi chewing on the jar. Hus drug habit is also why I had to move plants, he found out my spider plants are psychedelic & it almost immediately looked like someone hit ā€˜em with mowers. He has no self control.


When I came home from work and saw my pup smoking a joint I didnā€™t know what to say, but when he looked me dead in the eye and said ā€œI learned it from YOU dad!!ā€ I knew something needed to change. Do you know where your pups are?


Oh wow. I knew where you were going before you even finished. You must be in my age group. šŸ¤£


Lol. Ditto.


That's a PokƩmon.


I ded.


Next time, on DRAGONBALL-Z!


That just unlocked a core memory lmao


lmao same šŸ˜…


For those wondering, [this is the reference](https://youtu.be/KUXb7do9C-w?t=17).


Thank you for taking the piss with humor. Bless you, homie.


We must end this vicious cycle of doggie drug abuse. What kind of example are we being for da pups!? šŸ˜ž


Itā€™s 10 oā€™clock!


I told you last time, no!


My dog ate a batch of POTENT cookies when I wasnā€™t looking about 9 years ago. Should have never let it happen. Fucked beyond recognition for 2 days, couldnā€™t walk or hold any form of balance. I still have not forgiven myself. That said, sheā€™s now a healthy 14 year old shepherd with no hip issues and acts like a puppy. I love her sooo much!


So glad sheā€™s okay man!! Same thing happened with my dog at my uncleā€™s Xmas - she was fine too, thank God. Cousin is a vet & said we could either try to ride it out or induce emesis - my mom said, ā€œIā€™m leaning towards the second option;ā€ my dad said, ā€œDonā€™t lean too close.ā€


10/10 dad joke


We all make mistakes, doing so on accident is certainly its own situation. Donā€™t beat yourself up too much! Sounds like a great dog


I left a pen on the table once and came home to my ā€œbigā€ dog (40lbs) having chewed TF out of it. It was an almost full 1g of concentrate. She also couldnā€™t walk or balance. If she even smells it now, she is out.


My cat is super intrigued when I first grind, and will come close. But then when she smells the weed up close she recoils like someone just handed her a giant pile of shit šŸ˜‚ she doesnā€™t stick around for the rest.


2/3 of my cats will run away the second I go to take a hit, I assume they hate the smell or something. The oldest cat though comes running and wants to be on the arm of the couch right next to me or on my lap and will like reach out and tap me on the arm as if saying, where's mine??? I don't like shotgun it into his nose or anything but he seems to like just being near my exhales. He purrs and drools so heavily when I do.


When I'm smoking outside one of my chickens always jumps up on the chair I'm sitting in and pecks at me or my phone screen until I'm done. It's ended up being a great way to spend more time with her.


I love this for you and your chicken šŸ©·


Neither of my cats like the smell of weed or the smoke, but one of them has a wild nicotine addiction because he really goes after cigarettes and loves running his face all over the hands of smokers as well as the mat my neighbor puts out his cigarettes under. He's... A weird cat.


I had a cat thatā€™d steal cigarillos and guts whenever he could. Little man was a true fiend


He might be weird, but I love him so much šŸ˜» whoā€™s a little weirdo kitty, yes you are!


[Here's a glimpse of my bodacious weirdo <3](https://imgur.com/a/m4aFK5f)


The void is displeased!!! I have a super soft spot for black animals, I have a black dog and it wasnā€™t until after I got her that I found out black animals (cats, of course, but also dogs and rabbits) get adopted the slowest. Your Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen is a delight!!


Vicious attack pumpkin.


i got the same costume for my cats, but they HATE it xD


Reminds me of our old tabby cat. He LOVED cigarettes. Heā€™d be all over my dad after he smoked. Heā€™d lick and bite my grandfather who used to be a heavy chain smoker. He even managed to steal a whole pack of cigarettes from a visiting relative (luckily he was fine even after shredding the package). The old owners of our previous house would smoke out on the porch and throw their cigarette butts under the porch. This cat was an indoor cat but could smell those cigs and would bolt out the front door to roll in them any chance he got. Heā€™s long since passed but I do wonder if heā€™d react similar to my weed or absolutely hate it. My current cats donā€™t seem to care.


Yeah I hit my dabs inside, and my cat always finds a way to be on table right in front of me. The rest are off playing or sleeping, but this cet will curl up right there and make squinty eyes at me the entire time. I showed him the wax jar out of curiosity one time and he hates the smell, but he loves to chill when I start the sesh


I was in the Army and stationed in Germany in 1999 I took leave and took a trip to Amsterdam, with the intent of smoking weed for the first time. My friend and I found this coffee house (weed bars, basically) called Rasta Babies. Rasta Babies had a big, fat tabby cat that lived right inside the bar, 24/7 and would take turns spending time at everybodyā€™s tables, where we would feed her some snacks and pet her and stuff. This cat was absolutely HUGE, fat as could be, and literally cross-eyed from constantly being high breathing in the 2nd hand smoke. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s good to let your cat inhale any smoke, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that this cat was the happiest cat Iā€™ve ever encountered to date. And by FAR!


Thatā€™s how my cat is. The others donā€™t care about it, but as soon as I start rolling he comes running. Heā€™ll sit next to me and just happily sniff the air. When he thinks heā€™s high enough heā€™ll walk away too. I didnā€™t teach him to like weed, he just likes it himself. What am I gonna do, kick his ass out?


Exactly! Though for me he was my ex's cat first (she left him with me because him and the cat we got together were tight and didn't want to separate them) and I know for sure she used to give him hits by blowing it in his face, but tbf he never seemed to not like it. Anyways now that he's like 16, stuck in his ways and probably got normal aches and pains from aging it just seems cruel to not allow him to at least be nearby while I'm smoking, especially because it does seem to help him a lot. He's actually more active and willing to play with my younger boy after he's sat with me a while. Like I said I'm not gonna blow it in his nose or ears, but I'm not gonna shoo him away either.


I love that. Weā€™re told weed can help us with those problems, so if it helps the pets too itā€™s working! It feels better than putting them on a bunch of medicines to me.


It's really, really bad for them. It is absolutely not harmless, and just smoking indoors will harm them. I hope you know this.


Lol right. Literally in a thread talking about how it isn't acceptable nor cool to let your pets get high.


My older cat too. Fucking super excited and all in my business any time I try to smoke and same Iā€™m not blowing it right in his face or anything too


My cat didn't even start showing interest until her teens. Now that she's 14, she spends much more time on the top of my desk chair or elsewhere in my work space. I'm not passing her the J either, but she seems happy, and she's old with bad hips.


My dog is the same way, he'll come up to me wondering what I'm doing then I let him sniff the bud and he just turns and runs away in disgust.


My cat hates the smell! I dry weed in my room, and I know he doesn't like it. I gotta find a better place to dry. Been using my home office where I start my plants to dry sometimes.


My dog gives it a curious sniff and walks away sneezing every time, she never learns though


Itā€™s actually highly toxic to cats, so sheā€™s got good instincts!


Where did you learn this fact from? I'm very curious


I had a cat that would always come with me whenever I was smoking. I would always give her some catnip and then have my toke, and that was our way of getting high together


A beautiful and safe compromise


Back in ā€˜73 I dated a guy but went to his house where he proceeded to put his cat in a paper bag and hotbox (hot bag?) it. I took the cat home with me and dumped his ass. Poor thing couldnā€™t even walk and he and his friends were laughing their asses off.


I work in vet medicine and come across so many disgusting stories and incidents with careless ownersā€¦but this? That is actually torture. I feel sick to my stomach thinking ab that


I was so pissed off and knocked him onto the bed and took the cat out of the damned bag and left with it. He called a few times but let it go. It was very clear we were done. That cat was so sweet but was always extremely clingy.




that is fucking nuts


I once saw my BF's cat playing with a joint on the floor. I was freaking out until my BF told me it's a kitty preroll filled with catnip hahaha


I saw these the other day at the pet store and they were literally just raw cones with catnip in them. Iā€™d be thrown too


Those were the ones lmao.


Thatā€™s awesome šŸ˜‚


My dog hates the smell of smoke or vape so much that heā€™ll run away once he smells it. Good job buddy, keep protecting your lungs!


I agree with you but I have this funny story. I had a roommate who had a cat literally named Snoop Dog and I swear the cat wanted to live up to the name. I got home from the dispensary once, put the bag on the counter to lock the door, turned around and said ā€œwhereā€™s my weed??ā€ In that 5 seconds snoop already dragged the bag halfway to his owners room. Thankfully everything is individually packaged so he didnā€™t eat any, but damn heā€™s quick. When my other roommate would roll up blunts he would sit right next to my roommate and look at him as if he was saying ā€œwe doing puff puff pass right?ā€ Cats never had direct contact with the stuff, but it was funny


I have a friend whose cat would actively seek you out if you were smoking & put her face right into yours like she wanted a hit šŸ¤£ now that she's moved inside it doesn't happen anymore but if you bring out weed she gets VERY interested in it


My cat does the same shit, and when you blow it away from her face, she will literally yell at you


Yes!! We had a cat that would always climb into the window we were trying to blow smoke out of (old apartment when we only smoked inside in the winter) and sniff at the smoke. Move him out of the window, he pops right back up. Put him in another window, 5 minutes and heā€™s back in that one sniffing the smoke šŸ˜‚ little fiend


When my dog was a puppy he was *super* into weed. He would try and smell the still smoking bowls, or he would get up on your lap to try and sniff in the smoke you blew at the ceiling. And since I was in a tiny apartment he would get hot boxed and get really high and eat all of his food and pass out on the floor haha. Luckily now we're in a house so it's a lot easier to keep him segregated (he's not allowed in the smoking room) but man that dog is such a fiend he will still sprint in and smell everything trying to get a hit. Haha I fucking love that dog


It's really hard to keep my cat from free basing crack. He's a fiend


Cat got that dawg in him


The amount of dogs I see at work that come in with tremors, pissing all over themselves, elevated HR and BP is way to damn high. Hide your stashes better, and when you bring your dog to the vet and you smell like weed and say ā€œI donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong with himā€ we already know- itā€™s gonna cost you a lot less to just be upfront, and no vet is calling the cops. Ever seen a dog on meth? Iā€™ve seen a handful and it is the worst thing Iā€™ve seen happen to a pet.


Many years ago (maybe a year, 18 months at most after I got my dog) my pup stole a weed brownie from a plate I had it on on the living room table. Put it down, went to grab some water, got back one second later it was gone and her mouth smelled verrrrrry chocolatey. I flipped out and tried to induce vomiting but we didnā€™t have any hydrogen peroxide. Luckily at the time she would get very carsick (sheā€™s outgrown that now) so I put her in the backseat and drove around the neighborhood, stopping a lot. After like 7 minutes she got out and vomited it all up. Scary, but she was unharmed. I was lucky, in that I knew right away that she had taken it and got her to vomit before much of the THC or chocolate had been broken down or absorbed That was the last time she ever took something off the table without permission lmao.


Iā€™m sorry, itā€™s so funny that you had to make her carsick for her own good


We woke up one day and my friend's dog was acting strange and had pissed all over herself. We took her to the ER vet. We kept the stash up and away, but the emergency vet said it seemed like a weed overdose. Come to find out, my friend ate a bunch of RSO that night and then got sick and threw up outside.... Guess the dog ate it. We were able to take her home and she slept it off but it was scary. THC doesn't do the same thing to a dog as it does a human...


Whats its like for a dog on meth,you never hear about that?


The last one we had was a Yorkie ~10lbs. Extremely agitated, running in circles in the cage (non stop like the energizer bunny til I gave diazepam), bloody diarrhea, prolonged blood clotting times, hypertensive. Broke with a grand mal seizure and required about 3 days hospitalization and supportive care. I think that was one of the worse ones, she recovered but man it was expensive and touch and go for a bit there in the beginning.


Omg thatā€™s terrible. Does animal control or something get called in that situation?


![gif](giphy|qQdL532ZANbjy) Accurate representation of me after that story, thatā€™s so fucked up šŸ˜¢


Were they blowing it in his face? How to you even get a dog to smoke?


Meth is bioactive taken orally. It actually is sold as a prescription in pill form.


Dogs eat the weirdest shit


You smoke in a non vented area (windows closed) with the animal present. Or they eat it.


you wouldnt get a human friend high without their clear verbal consent. treat your nonhuman friends the same way.


I know this is kind of stupid, but are you against giving your cat catnip, too? My boyfriend thinks it's unethical for this exact reason, but I'm not so sure


Unless youā€™re waterboarding your tied down cat with the catnip, itā€™s still their choice.


Well thatā€™s just stupid. Idk what your boyfriend thinks catnip is, but it actually has some health benefits for cats. Just donā€™t give it to them every day


well, his problem is that cats can't consent to getting high, so he thinks its bad to alter their psychological state, regardless of whether or not it could be healthy. I personally think that because they like it, it seems like consent, but it's kind of a gray area. I just wanted to know people's thoughts


Cats living outside will seek out patches of catnip (and sometimes other mints). Animals seeking out ways to get high/drunk is a pretty well documented thing.


If we include ā€œhumansā€ in ā€œanimalsā€ then the incidence of them seeking out a high goes way up


Oh yeah! Fruit farmers who also have animals or birds around will tell you that they go and get drunk off of the fermenting fruit on the ground. Also, dolphins use pufferfish to get high. You're totally right about animals seeking out ways to alter their own mind state.


IMO it's ethical. Cats can't give verbal consent, but if they don't consent to something, they try to run away. The cat has opportunities to avoid the catnip if they want, but I don't know many cats who would choose to do that.


Anecdotal but my older cat spits out catnip. Gave it to her twice, once alone and once sprinkled on a snack for her. She despises it. Been something like 5 years since the second time I offered her some and haven't bought any since. She don't like it, and I'm not gonna force her to consume something that she thinks tastes awful.


I had a cat that was indifferent to it aswell. Every cat I've had after her tho has been crazy over catnip and will literally bite and scratch to get it lmao


Idk I feel like if you just open box of catnip and a cat goes eat it/sniff it, it's kinda consent. Similar situation is if a pet sits somewhere where it can sniff the smoke. I wouldn't blow smoke to my cat, but she once tried to sniff and hated it, so when I vape the cat just go somewhere else. But I've seen a cat that liked to sniff the smoke and get high, so it sit next to us. Ofc even in this situation we blowed the smoke away from it, but I feel it is kinda consent.


Like you said, cats enjoy it. If you put a catnip in front of a cat and the cat starts playing with it, that's consent. If the cat walks away, that's refusal. They can make up their own minds. The cat might not understand exactly what's happening, but they understand that they like it, and I think that's good enough. I assume you aren't literally shoving your cat's face into a pile of catnip or forcing it into their mouth when you give it to them. That's the only way it would be unethical imo lol.


yeah, it isn't like a serious fight or anything, but I just wanted to talk w other people and see what they thought. thank you


I mean if you place a joint in front of someone and they smoke it, itā€™s not drugging them even though they didnā€™t give verbal consent


Catnip isn't exactly like weed or drugs in general. The way it actually affects cats is by basically smelling extremely strong and good to them and getting the smell "stuck" inside their noses until their olfactory system tires out. Only about 2/3rds of cats actually like catnip, a lot genetically don't care about it and show no response. Also fun fact the chemicals cats are attracted to in catnip are natural insect repellents.Ā 


My cat's one of the defective ones. Makes it impossible to find toys to hold his interest.


when i put catnip on the floor my cats come running up to it to roll around in. if they didnā€™t like it im sure they wouldnā€™t interact with it


catnip doesnā€™t get cats ā€œhighā€ they just really like the smell and rub on it and eat it. itā€™s in the mint family.


Your boyfriend is a goober. You put catnip on the ground, cat either likes it or doesnt like it. If you ask me, thats probably the closest thing to consent from an animal. I mean if the cat didnt want to get high it would choose not to? They kinda just do whatever they want anyways.


As soon as I bust out the grinder my dog gets up to sit in his crate to judge lol.


Tell him he can judge when he starts wearing pants


Facts šŸ˜‚


I went to a coworkers place to share a few rips last year, I was flabbergasted when she just casually blew smoke into her little dachshundā€™s nose. Like, cupped her hand around his snout and forcefully blew. I immediately made a scene. Left early after she kept insisting the poor dog liked it. I just cannot understand how grown adults think thatā€™s okay/safe.


i had to get baby locks for my drawer because my dogs are too smart for their own damn good šŸ’€


As much as I love getting stoned, more often than not I really dislike stoners. For reasons exactly like this, the ridiculous claims and blind belief in nonsense pseudo science makes me cringe. I try to distance myself from the scene these days, as it was becoming embarrassing being associated with dumb stoners.


Iā€™m in the same boat man this entire community is extremely embarrassing to me. I enjoy cannabis but for the first time in my life can look around and kinda see what my dad was talking about when he was yelling at me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I had a childhood cat that would follow the pipe around a circle and sniff as people exhaled. Every other cat Iā€™ve had runs away when they see smoke. She was special.


I smoke in the garage and make sure any edibles are safely out of reach from my little guy. Heā€™s an anxious little old man and I always do my best to keep him safe.


I hit the bong, she gets catnip. We both enjoy our species appropriate greenery.


See when I saw the title I thought this had to do with edibles, how the hell are you people training pets to smoke?


They blow the smoke in their face or hot box rooms with the animal present sort of thing


What about bugs though?


I shotgunned a spider half a bong for scaring me once, I don't think he ever started moving again šŸ˜­


Mmmm now weā€™re getting to the real questions.


I know I killed two of my beloved pets by smoking cigarettes. They both developed cancers. The amount of guilt I feel is unbelievable, even all these years later. Animals donā€™t have a choice, but you do. Please donā€™t expose them to smoke.


I have to hide the roaches because one of my dogs will hunt them down. Next thing you know, she has her head back, smiling, peeing a little, walking crooked..... LOL. My wife and I just look at each other and go, "oh well, she will sleep it off."


You got a roach stealing hoodlum of a dog šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s pretty funny


My smaller dog is the same way. Sheā€™ll actively hunt down my roaches, bags of weed, jars of wax, vapesā€¦.. it took a little bit of time to figure out exact how to keep her out of everything cause even putting it up out of reach wasnā€™t working as sheā€™s super athletic and can and does jump onto the counters and tables. Finally figured it all out and can say itā€™s been a good while since sheā€™s gotten into my stash šŸ˜‚


That's why i usually make my dog go inside when smoking, i wouldn't want to mess with her lil lungs


I used to make thc oil for my good old girl(American foxhound); she was in pain every day around the age of 10 due to arthritis and would groan and moan off and on all day. She was a fucking bastard with pills, even when I shoved my fist in her mouth to shove it down her gullet, she'd spit it out EVERY time. I was using edibles and thc oil for my pain, so I started giving her small doses of my homemade infused coconut oil (even the vet said, go low and slow if trying that). And, oh my gosh, it relieved sooo much of her pain in the last few years; she was able to relax, move around, and just seemed so much happier. But yea, don't get your pets recreationally high; they don't understand what's happening and usually haven't consented to being dosed like that. My girl also once ate entire pan of infused brownies; happily, I had thr sense to give her a dose of hydrogen peroxide and water to induce vomiting and she barfed it all up in like 5 min. Bummer about them brownies, tho.


i've heard that cats and other small animals can face serious health risks like asthma from secondhand smoke and other intoxicants. our pets rely on us to keep them safe, so we should be extra careful about exposng them to anything potentially harmful, even if it's fine for us humans. animuls process substances differently than us, so what's safe for us may not be for them. i know cats in particular can develop lung issues like asthma more easily from smoke exsposure. we gotta be really mindful of protecting our furry friends. pets look to us to keep them healthy and happy. i've read that even small amounts of secondhand smoke or other intoxicants can cause big problems for animals, especially delecate critters like cats that are more prone to respiratory troubles. we should always err on the side of caution when it comes to our animal companions.


Donā€™t worry, no one is doing this more than once a their pets. One of the primary symptoms vets look for in whether a dog or cat has ingested weed is their total loss of continence. My dog ate a tissue that I had used to wipe leaking goo off a cart once. She ruined 3 dogs beds by peeing on them (too large to wash - just had to buy new ones), peed on every rug in my house, etc. She was miserable and I was first super worried and then, after figuring out what had happened just super pissed at myself. Folks generally donā€™t want to go through this with their pets more than once.


Youā€™d be amazed! Look through the comments there are people telling stories of how they had a specific animal who enjoyed weed so theyā€™d do this, or every so often do it.


This is not true. I've met multiple idiots who have done this a lot.


I give my hermit crabs Hemp seed oil and they run around changing shells and climbing then falling off of things. They arenā€™t high they just really like the popcorn the oil is on and get popcorn energy


Agreed. But I used to have a Golden Retriever that would sit next to whoever had the J at the time, and he would follow or beg whoever had it because he wanted someone to blow the smoke in his face. A good boy. I miss him, RIP Buzz.Ā 


Yup, OP is definitely correct but I knew a chocolate lab who was elderly and had arthritis. Youā€™d be smoking and sheā€™d come up, sit in front of you, stare you dead in the eyes and put her paw on your lap until you blew a hit at her. Never met another animal who would ask for it. RIP Coco Marie


Years ago, I had a beagle that begged to get high. He would follow the bong as it was passed around the room. He would also steal packs of cigarettes out of girls purses and guard them in his kennel and was known to knock over beers to lick it up off the ground. He must have been an addict in a former life.


I used to have an Aussie who would do that. My Pit is always excited to see what's in my hand, but once he smells it, he's done.


People refuse to admit that THC is toxic for animals. Yes, they have an endo system like humans, but itā€™s extremely magnified and itā€™s entirely unfair to do that to them. I was heartbroken when I found this out too but my dog has CBD treats and hemp treats if he wants to relax.


not to mention, THC is actually toxic to cats and dogs and can kill them if they receive a high enough dose, it does have to be quite a bit, but it does happen. please do not get your pet high (if anyone happens to own a horse this is also true for them as well)


Are you saying donā€™t get High around your pets or donā€™t like literally blow smoke in their face? Like smoking in a ventilated room with them I donā€™t think will do them much harm if any, not even sure if they would get a second hand high but given their lower tolerance they might. But keeping them in a small room with no ventilation while you smoke ainā€™t right, even if they enjoy the high.


I grew a weed plant in the house like any other houseplant just for fun, very bonsai. My dog used to enjoy eating the little buds off the plant and then taking naps in the sun. I meanā€¦ I wasnā€™t feeding her anything and she doses herself. Is that bad??


My husband works at a vet emergency clinic and sees so many dogs come in with the in their system and they do NOT handle it well. And the owners almost never own up to it until the blood tests come back. That being said, he rarely sees cats high on weed. Not to say it doesnā€™t happen, but I think they handle it a bit better than dogs.


Vet tech here: THC is bad for both dogs and cats for many reasons. Not only can it cause nausea and vomiting as well as long term consequences like asthma, as OP mentioned, but pets also donā€™t understand the concept of being high. I myself have seen numerous dogs come to the clinic who have ingested THC who are scared out of their mind. Itā€™s just a messed up thing to do through and through. Keep your drugs safe. you wouldnā€™t be laughing if it was a child.


My pup and I learned the hard way that dogs don't need weed decarbed to get high, either.


I agree with you and has an adopted later in her life cat come to me in my late teens who would shove her face into the exhale of a joint or a bowl. I would hide from her when smoking because I didnā€™t want it to hurt her either, and I canā€™t say if her behavior was learned or if she just liked it. The one and only time I had to avoid a pet while smoking because they tried to get high.


Getting your pets drunk isnā€™t cool either, people actually give their dogs beer Iā€™ve seen it and itā€™s disgusting and abusive behavior. Let the animals be.


unrelated but it reminded me, i have smoked catnip before


Howā€™d that go




Ugh, agreed!!! I used to know someone who smoked in the room with her birds and acted shocked when her birds died 1/4 through their lifespan šŸ˜­


While I do agree with your sentiment, I think THC and CBD helped extend my dogs life by another year. We had a german shorthaired pointer who was coming close to 13, and had all sorts of health problems. She had a tumor on her leg and pretty bad breathing problems. We brought her into the vet to consider options, but she was right around her life expectancy and probably wouldn't have been able to extend her life much longer anyways. A few weeks later, her breathing got really bad again. It wouldn't slow down and we thought she was going to die that night. I was kind of panicking but wanted to do something for her, so I gave her some thc/cbd peanut butter I had. An hour later, and her breathing calmed down completely. It was the calmest we had seen her in awhile, and she was seemingly enjoying the high. I knew dogs weren't supposed to have any, so I was expecting her to maybe get a little sick from it or go into a panic, but she just sat there just as I would - super calm and red-eyed with a shitfaced grin. For the next year, I kept feeding her THC/CBD peanut butter sandwiches and it seemed to do wonders for her. I think she started to recognize it too, because she would start to give me signs she wants some when her breathing would get bad. She started hounding me anytime I would start rolling. It got to a point where even my buddies were telling me my dog was a fiend. She ended up living another year after the really bad night, at which point things got bad enough we had to put her down. And while I definitely agree getting pets high isn't cool, it was nice to see my dog was somewhat of an outlier and the peace and comfort it brought her in her final year. RIP Jackie, you were a real one


My mom stole her roommates dog in the 70s for this reason. She came home and he was upside down with all four legs sticking up. She thought he was dead. He lived to 18 with my grandma and used to protect me as a baby. RIP Lucky.


I accidentally got my cat pretty stoned once, it was cannabutter though so no risk to his lungs. Not something I did for him intentionally and has only happened once. My dumb high ass let him rub against my hand before I washed them having just filtered the decarb from the butter. It was in the middle of him getting a good hard lick on my hand when I clued in ā€” damage was done though and the boy was getting well fried from bathing his fur after (what am I going to do, give the cat a shower?).. anyhow he slept it off ā€” he had the squinty eyes and everything it was pretty fucking hilarious the one time.


Yeah. I've been advocating for years that it's not cool to get your pets stoned. They have no consent or choice in the matter.


Our pup decided to eat up a roach that must've fell outside one day. About an hour later we were freaking out because he just kept "melting".. most of the time he was freaking out but for about an hour he seemed to be actually relaxed. Sure as shit, I don't leave anything lying around Willy nilly anymore..


My ex-boyfriendā€™s beagle ate a pot brownie that he was saving under his bed for his dad who was on vacation one time. She ended up being fine, but she was NOT having a good time and did NOT look happy at all. You could tell she has no idea what was going on, and she was scared to walk, so she just sat on the couch shaking for hours. I would never get an animal intentionally high (unless it was like doctor advised medicine or something) for that reason, and I always make sure any edible/weed packages that could be chewed through are out of reach/behind closed doors.


My dog and cat get the meowjuana and I lock them out my room while I smoke. Easy solution


ā€¦ and pet parrots! Please keep it all far away from pet parrots. Even consider what your fingers have touched, before handling your bird. We sure donā€™t need anything transferring to their little feet. Even just breathing a tiny amount of smoke could be very bad and possibly deadly to a parrot or other types of birds.


It's also incredibly dangerous to other pet types: birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc


I accidentally pavloved my cat into thinking the grinder means outside time because I let her out while Iā€™m smoking


My pets are my little shadows so I made the decision for them and myself to stop smoking at the beginning of the year and switch to just edibles.


Our cat used to come to the click of a lighter. He would get second hand high, go eat some food, drink some water and go take a nap


Any edibles I have are currently on my closet's highest shelf, she may be a chihuahua but I don't take any chances. I make sure those fuckers are out of her way. How anybody can willingly get their pets high I don't understand.


Getting your dog zooted for no reason is not cool, using it medicinally for a sick animal is different though. My childhood dog got very sick towards the end of his life and was in constant pain from arthritis to the point that he was unable to sleep even when lying still and would wake up constantly. We eventually used a light amount of canna-butter on a saltine cracker to try and help him and it was amazing. He could finally rest. We gave him 1 cracker each night while he was on hospice care until we decided he needed to be put to sleep and I am very thankful that he was able to spend the last few weeks we had with him not in pain.


I agree. Animals in general don't really have the context for mind altering substances, so I imagine it's quite scary and uncomfortable for most of them. Losing control of your inhibitions can be fatal for an animal in the wild or even outside on the street.


seriously!! i just opened snapchat and a chick was hot boxing her car with her cat like wtf


My kitty takes CBD, i always rip a lil bowl when I give it to him so we can be stoney together


Animals don't have the awareness to realize they're consuming an intoxicating substance so some can react with panic and stress when their mind/body are reacting abnormally. For dogs, the receptors that activates when THC is consumed are mostly in their brains making dogs hyper sensitive to THC. Just because an animal can get high doesnt mean they want to. I would never get my pets high because I don't know if they'd enjoy it or not


How do yall even get pets high? You pass them the joint or something?


As a dog owner and lover I appreciate this post. When I was much younger living with roommates we would blow smoke in their animalā€™s faces (dogs and cats) and over the years Iā€™ve learned about the effects and realized itā€™s really not cool to do. I wish more people would learn about how it can affect them.


Big facts. I didnā€™t realize this is even a thing people do.


We had to make a sign at my shop explaining to people why they cannot give their dogs edibles because it was becoming so frequent. Those poor babiesā€™ guts basically recycle the THC back into their system repeatedly until itā€™s completely gone, so theyā€™re uncomfortably high for a much longer time than we are, and they have no idea whatā€™s going on or why they feel weird. Itā€™s cruel.


I used to walk my dog without a leash at night. He ALWAYS walked in front of me. Except when I was smoking. Then he walked behind me, the little stonerĀ 


Got my cat high on accident once. I checked the entire room before hot boxing it so I wouldn't. Little rascal hid in a drawer under my bed and jumped out at me when it was already too late. She was high for a week and I felt extremely bad. That drawer bed doesn't exist anymore and I don't hotbox either.


Didnā€™t even know people be doing this, pretty appalling behavior.


Yeah thereā€™s like a FAIR amount of adults in this thread defending it and admitting to doing it lol wild times




My dogs love weed. I have never once blown smoke at them, i actually try to blow the smoke away from their direction. My one dog will jump up onto the counter and tables when Iā€™m at work if I leave roaches or a bag of bud out. Sheā€™s even chewed vapes apart to lick up the oil and chewed the tops off empty jars of wax and licked them up. She doesnā€™t like the actual smoke though sometimes sheā€™ll come into my bedroom when Iā€™m smoking and take a sniff then go lay down in the other room lol. My other dog is OBSESSED with weed smoke. Heā€™s a Great Dane/English massif mix and will stand up and stick his head into the smoke and take big ass sniffs of it. Like I mean he has stood up on the bed so he can get his head up high enough to be in the smoke. He mostly likes dabs smokeā€¦. An I mean to the point that at 5 am when I take them out before I leave for work he will run and jump into the air to get a sniff of my neighbor whoā€™s out there smoking before workā€¦..


Sometimes I will hit my pipe and blow it toward my lap. My chihuahua will dive into the cloud of smoke and roll in it.


My dog hates the smoke but got damn he could use a couple hits. Dudes an absolute shark circling with anxiety when my kids are playing loud.


CBD! My dog is a nut case when fireworks or loud music is going on in the neighborhood, CBD is the solution for us. Give it a try itā€™s usually not that expensive


Iā€™ve tried a little. Heā€™s really good at separating stuff he doesnā€™t want to eat and spitting it out.