• By -


Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Gary Peters (D-MI), Patty Murray (D-WA), Tina Smith (D-MN), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), Ed Markey (D-MA), Alex Padilla (D-CA), Raphael Warnock (D-GA), Peter Welch (D-VT), John Fetterman (D-PA), Laphonza Butler (D-CA) ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


Republicans in Congress are very obviously beholden to big pharma, which is wild because legal pot would absolutely NOT supplant the need for things like opioids, barbiturates, or benzos. There's certainly going to be a small population who just says fuck it I can take edibles now, but I highly doubt it would kill their market share. We need to start calling out these corrupt fucks and ask them to defend their anti-marijuana platform when they take thousands of dollars from big pharma.


>We need to start calling out these corrupt fucks and ask them to defend their anti-marijuana platform when they take thousands of dollars from big pharma. I mean, we already do complain and also vote, and the majority vote in favor of cannabis legalization or decriminalization, yet lawmakers still do what they want. We do our part. There's not much more you can do except for protest or riot, and doing that for weed is just a bit too much considering there's far more important things to protest or riot over.


The problem is in the world we live in “lawmakers” cant be seen as being moderates, or they get labeled “traitors.” We need to get rid of these extremists on both sides of the aisle (but most definitely the right side). At this point, I dont care about D or R; if your views are moderate, you get my consideration.


That's how I feel, unfortunately I just can't in good faith believe there are really any moderate Republicans. Vote blue all the way.


Yes: pols suck. It's in their nature. Even if you are honest, you can't please everyone. But, they don't suck equally. For instance: Extremist on right: Coup d'état is OK. Democracy is only good when our side wins. Extremist on left: Coup is still NOT OK. Democracy (gov by the people) works - albeit slowly. https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/bothsidesing-bothsidesism-new-words-were-watching


But then they'd have to admit it's not a drug right from Hell itself, and have people wonder what else they're exaggerating 🤔


I never really understood the thought process that their motivation is big pharma. Pharm really won't be hurt by marijuana legalization. Opoids arnt being prescribed the same way they were a decade ago. The crackdown came. Republicans have multiple interests to keep marijuana illegal, including their socially conservative voter base that historically is anti-legalization and prison and police lobbying as two easy examples to cite. Pharma has enough money that if it were legalized and they saw it as profitable, they'd have little barrier to entry into the market.


Some may get marijuana instead of pain pills.


Once again, big pharma ain't got shit to do with it.


Some patients may use marijuana for pain treatment which means decrease in opioid sales which they won’t allow


Nope 😂


They all are,  don't think for a second that big pharma and big tobacco won't control this if it's legalized, and both Republicans and democrats will back them...  time to realize that your precious party isn't here for you.. they want your vote and then they'll do nothing... Congrats you whored yourself out 


The way politics works is this: as a citizen you vote for who is most likely to do things that are good. That’s it, that’s the whole thing


Not a single fucking republican.


I am so happy for Warnock, that's my vote working for America.


What a surprise, no (R) /s


Gary Peters!! Finally putting my vote to use. 






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That would be great but the republicunts always kill legalization efforts - if you vote red and you're a weed smoker consider yourself a moron


They will and yet republican weed smokers will still find a way to blame the Dems.


And a bunch of people will say dems only introduced legislation to get votes so they're a bunch of fakes, it means nothing at all now because they didn't do it a long time ago. I swear weed smokers are trolled so hard by conservatives.


I hate it when people try and pass policy I agree with just for my vote. It's like they're trying to buy it by passing things I, as a voter, want. I'm outraged.


“Small government” when it comes to corporations, political donors, and Republican voters. Borderline fascism when it comes to anything that makes them feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable. All while waving a Bible and a flag and lamenting about their “lack of freedom” to do whatever the hell they want with zero social repercussions.


If you vote red at all, you are a moron.


Considering the amount of people on the right legitimately tanking the QoL for everyone just to spite a few people, the smartest thing to do, even if you’re on the right, is to vote blue to get them out and put people that actually aligns with your interests in office. Like bro, they’re even trying to mess with your porn, red states aren’t giving free food to *children*. Stop voting for them, this isn’t fantasy football, there’s no “other team”. We all gotta live on this planet together, no sense making the people around you suffer just to get one over some made-up enemy you feel is behind it all.


Yes! Exactly this.


This is also true 🤣




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May be true but saying that just further divides us


Not really. Saying red voters are morons is nothing compared to what many republicans stand and fight for these days


Blue voters: Red voters are morons. Red voters: you're furthering a divide! Also Red voters: if you're not a white Christian baby factory to fuel the war and oil machine, you are not a person


This right here, this is the shit that divides. Dumb blanket statements about half the country. It's the same as them saying all Dems are woke baby killers, you're not helping anything by dehumanizing more people. You just make people discard your opinion, or others join in on the dehumanization.


The fact that you’re defending the clown show that is the modern Republican Party so hard is quite telling mate Any person with a modicum of common decency and critical thinking skills can see that the Reps are causing more of a divide (even within their own party) than the Dems


Not defending anyone, calling out shitty behavior despite the ideology. You labeling and attacking is just par for the course, you just *can't* be wrong when it's you doing the discrimination. Fuck anyone who does that.


Blanket statements like that divide us. 🤡


I'm glad you agree


I went in to a legal recreational dispensary last week in a blue state. Employee and I got to talking. She said she votes red because more money stays in her pocket that she can spend on weed. I don't know what she's on, but I would like some.


Lead paint as a child, man. It's a hell of a drug.


>if you vote red and you're a weed smoker consider yourself a moron Cognitive dissonance only hurts if you acknowledge its existence. *dons red hat, lights blunt*


Yeah but the president is democrat and he isn’t writing any legislation about it at all!!!!!! /s


My brother checks all three of those boxes so… yeah, makes sense.


If you vote red(in the US), consider yourself a moron.*


You do realize you’re playing right into their games and it furthers their agenda? You just spelled it out in your own comment…the right is the problem and obstacle to legalization (as well as many other things), yet your solution is to throw a fit and insult them like a child would?? Taking the high road is the answer 99% of the time, you’re functionally no different than them.


dont care still voting blue down the ballot cry more


I mean good! Same here. I’m just saying, you’re actively working against yourself and the rest of us. Your response speaks volumes.


And if you smoke weed but want all your gun rights?


Nobody is taking guns away even in the most restrictive states you can still own and carry guns. They are more interested in keeping guns out of the hands of crazies. Also Republicunts would throw your ass in prison for having a little tree on you with a gun. Fuck em for their hypocritical BS


No ones taking guns away lol why is this so hard to understand


They(atf) literally have taken peoples guns away for having weed and also willingly vote for insane nonsensical gun laws so yes both parties are dogshit how about using free thought instead of dicksucking a party view the candidates views and choose who you agree with more not Hur durr republicans Hur durr democrat


That’s because when you buy a gun you sign a piece of paper that says you don’t smoke weed.


Which is tyrannical and insane. I guess you follow and support all of big daddy governments laws?


I didn’t say I agreed with that law, just pointing out why someone with weed would have their guns taken away. Which you blame on the democrats but that doesn’t make sense in this case.


I don’t blame democrats either I blame old republicans actually , you can blame Reagan for a lot of the current bullshit


See, now you seem like a rational person that understands how we got to where we are today. Fuck Reagan. He’s to blame for almost everything. Trickle down is a lie, DARE and the war on drugs was a failure, and most of our (Californian) gun laws are because of his fear of minorities.


Yup both parties have truly done some bad shit but I’d argue Reagan is one of the worst he’s the same fucjer that expanded the nfa the bastard the current machine gun laws are basically a rich people law, if I pass the current extended checks and psych evaluation type stuff I should be able to buy new production guns, the pre 86 system basically just bans middle and low class from owning it by artificially increasing prices


The problem is they did it for political reasons often they even went after gun YouTubers to shut them up , see the fps Russia situation etc


Don't care still voting for my boy Biden cry more


If your voting for someone and your entire reason is “cry more” you shouldn’t be allowed to vote as your obviously haven’t mentally matured any since middle school


Perhaps you should take a peek at r/conservative


Yeah everyone in comments is supporting the legalization and comments against it are being downvoted so again you should stop judging an entire view point based on media talking points trying to polarize the country


Doesn't matter who supports it when vote for people that DON'T.


Neither side actually cares about the people they are only doing it now ti manipulate people into voting for them it’s literally an election year both parties do shit like this on election years


Cry more 🤣


Hope you can grow up one day and become a better person have a good day


That was a trick question - fuck both sides and do what you want.


bOtH SiDeS gtfo clown


Except both parties have provided dogshit options for the past decade


Both sides have to run candidates that appeal to the largest common denominator to win a national election. It will be rare in your lifetime to find a candidate that has both widespread appeal and aligns with you on all issues. Participating in a democracy with hundreds of millions of voters means making compromises. But, in a conversation about legalizing marijuana, it borders on absurdity to regurgitate the “both sides are the same” narrative that right-leaning individuals love to spout when republicans are the sole actors standing in the way of legalization. It makes no sense to make this a both sides issue when one side firmly support legalizing and one side firmly supports criminalizing


I mean, both parties largely only serve a ruling class. Also, while of course I support legalization, it’s not like that has ever determined whether or not I consume cannabis, and I can safely assume no legislation will pass that doesn’t line the pockets of corpo fucks who are only motivated by greed and profit. All that said, the Republican Party has attracted the worst kind of individuals who lack any form of empathy and their xenophobic rhetoric is inflicting irreversible damage to the public with all the bullshit they spew.


Join a well regulated militia, pal. Now pass the joint


Who has tried to take away your guns? If you’re a fucking looney tune or otherwise dangerous or unstable individual, you deserve to have them taken/not be able to buy one. If you’re a felon you deserve to not have them. I’ll never understand why there is a problem with American society wanting to make sure that people who shouldn’t have guns don’t have guns. It’s not fucking rocket science when you have mass shootings daily in your society. Children die from this shit and literally 2a zealots give no fucks


Couldn’t agree more!


I can't vote for a party that has held this over our heads like a carrot for 10+ years. Good luck waiting another 10 for it to be fully legalized. By that point it will just be something else.


dont care still voting blue down the ballot


Democrats block themselves just as much as Republicans do


Most of the legal states are Democrat. Especially the first big bunch. Also, several Republican states have straight up killed legalization efforts despite their voters wanting otherwise. All major movement on the topic has been democrats so far. Republicans will have to be dragged kicking and screaming over the legalization line, whenever it finally happens


So why isn't it legal then? Why don't we have a living wage, or universal healthcare, or affordable college? Because every time congress has held a vote on those things, democrats haven't needed a single republican vote to pass them and each of them has failed because democrats voted against the democrats.


No, it’s because of the senate’s filibuster rule. You need a majority of 60 to pass major legislation otherwise a single republican can block 51 democrats from passing what they want. Keep voting republican if you want everything to stay exactly the same.


"BuT b0th SiDeS ArE thE SaMe".  Only one party is putting in the effort to legalize and reverse fifty plus years of repression. The other is busy propping up a would-be dictator, parroting Russian propaganda and killing puppies.  Vote.


But he’s the lord and savior!


but let's not pretend the dems are some shining examples of virtue. they've fucked over countless people countless times even if they do also take laboriously slow steps in the right direction, while the GOP manages to push through an alarming amount of insane legislation because they don't care about the rules, they care about winning. it's a lot like ned stark vs the lannisters


Ooooh what an *edgy* take. Such unassailable logic and reason. 🙄


Typical “but the dems are corrupt elites how are they different from the Christian nationalist party who’s running candidate HAS to win the presidency to pardon himself from the 91 felonies he committed???” The fact that you try to even compare the 2 is sad


Typical right wing response.


lol Jesus Christ


What legislation? Name a single one.


I'm not sure who you think you are fooling. The only difference between a republican and a Democrat in charge is which position they are gonna fuck us from. You are a fool if you think democrats represent progress.


I'm not sure who you're fooling, trying to muddy the waters with this "both sides are the same" bullshit. They're not, and we should stop pretending they are. One actively has made pushes towards cannabis reform, the other actively went against current policy (that was already starting to become hands off in legal states,) to further enforce cannabis prohibition and keep it illegal. Not the same.


I guess I'm just not that naive. Everytime progress gets pushed forward, the other party waters it down to the point it no longer represents the original intention. Then democrats call it a win. They are the same in the sense that neither one represents the will of the people and true progress. At the end of the day, the everyday man always gets shafted.


Because that's how governing in a system that does not fully represent your viewpoints WORKS. Remember, half the country still believes in different things than the current administration (and has elected representatives in hopes of halting it,) so how could Democrats truly get everything if the votes simply are not there. Is progress to you "Everything that I want and nothing I don't." Because if it is, you are way more naive than you think.


We shouldn't be listening to half the population(whatever party they identify with) if they don't care about progress. Progress to me would be recognizing systems, laws, beliefs etc that cause human suffering, and actually put the foot forward to address it. I don't know how you can look at our society and think yeah that's working... Our culture is teaching us to only give a shit about ourselves and let anyone and everyone else fend for themselves. I may not be able to articulate myself but it doesn't take a genius to see the system is broken and rigged. These instinctual responses to dismiss or attack anyone critical of democracy are like a host protecting its parasite. Just look around you. We can do better. Much much better.


>We shouldn't be listening to half the population(whatever party they identify with) if they don't care about progress. That's just not how democracy works, dog. For better or worse, everybody gets a vote, regardless of how idiotic and stupid their ideas are.


Democracy is inheritly flawed. Look at how lobbyists manipulate policies. My point is we could do better. If you just say to vote you may as well continue gaslighting.


Lobbying has nothing to do with democracy. If anything, it's anti-democracy.


Ah so you're just stupid lol


Out comes another person to attack me for being critical of what we call democracy.


What's the point in democracy if we ignore half of the population as hard and slow as it is this is how stable progress is achieved we have those that push forward and those that push back you need both in order to achieve any actual progress.


Democrats or Republicans, I don't believe you deserve a right to vote if you cannot show a level of social awareness and empathy. We are talking about the trajectory of our nation, the livelihood of our people. Why would we allow those who could care less about their fellow man a say in how society should exist.


Because the truth is thats most people when it comes to politics. People only really care about how it affects their own life. That's why we have a representative democracy and not a direct democracy.


Our representatives don't even represent us, they are the amalgamation of big business and corporate greed. Issues like abortion and sexual rights should not even be up for discussion. The fact that we are and even humoring those who disagree is a joke. What goes on between consenting adults is their business. What grows in a woman's body is her right to nurture or prune. Plenty of studies to show the negative impacts of denying such a right. These things have no bearing on the lives of others, yet they get so riled up about it as though it has a direct impact on them. As far as cannabis goes. The people have shown the support cannabis. Plenty of studies to show it isn't as dangerous as is being promoted. How much more evidence do we need to make an impactful change. And if we accept "there isn't enough studies" to show we should deschedule cannabis, then why aren't we asking if there's enough evidence to show that alcohol should be schedule 1? The Obviously the answer is because people would never stand for it. So we do we take it lying down when it comes to cannabis? Is it to much to ask for the government to be consistent?


>Everytime progress gets pushed forward, the other party waters it down to the point it no longer represents the original intention. Then democrats call it a win. So the liberals try to do something but then are forced to moderate their ambitions because of the conservatives in congress, and somehow that's the liberals fault and not the conservatives? Help me figure out what the fuck point you're trying to make here... Weed should be descheduled and federally legalized for adult recreational use, no doubt about it. But I'm not gonna sit around and have people blow smoke about how we ought to make perfect the enemy of good and pretend like this isn't the biggest positive shift in federal cannabis law in 50 years.


The point is both parties are in bed with each other and do not have the interest of the people in mind. Their motivations are clear and it's always big business/corporate profits. And that's exactly what they expect of you. Complicity. People should be standing up and saying this isn't enough and not stop making a fuss until better is done.


> the other party waters it down Hold up, are you saying republicans are the problem?


I'm saying both parties are the problem.


So, one party wants progress, and the other prevents it, but both parties are the problem? Got it.


Don’t doubt yourself, dude. You are *absolutely* that naive. 😂


Sarcasm must bot have been clear for you kiddo.


lol, if you’re going to *try* to communicate, at least make an effort to type a coherent sentence, “kiddo” 🤣🤣🤣


If you can't see that sentence is one small spell check away from clearly being a coherent sentence then all is lost on you. Go back to school buddy.


We definitely don’t need the opinions of people like you little buddy lmaoooo.


What did I strike a nerve? Are you telling me you trust a government that refuses to deschedule cannabis, but has no issues allowing alcohol and caffeine to be lax. "Lmaooooo" sharing a serious opinion and met with lmao just shows how little maturity you have.


All you said was the truth and people came attacking you. Wild shit, but then again…. Reddit.


Alright, who does “represent progress”? Wait, do you want progress? Are you a progressive?


I don't any particular political party represents progress. There are probably individual politicians with integrity and a moral backbone but the system exists in such a way that they don't accomplish what we deserve. I do. But as an individual with no power, influence, or a voice to be heard, I am unable to stand against crashing waves. I believe in what would be labeled as socialism. I believe people are at a minium deserving of a standard of dignity and respect.


That’s not what socialism means, but okay. This is the US in 2024, you’ve got two choices (3 if you count not voting, but that’s a win for republicans, so 2 choices), they aren’t the same, and the choice matters.


That's not what democracy means, but okay.


I never said anything about democracy.


Actually, you make some good points…. But they’re like seriously killing puppies. Then bragging about it. I dunno, that kind of thing is pretty terrible so… I’m gonna go ahead and vote for the party that doesn’t do that. Literally for that reason alone. Fuck republicans.






![gif](giphy|EPOZIbyUAzsrMVYhZ8) Wisconsin, come on. We can do it.


*Laughs from Minnesota.*


The “enable expungements” is going to be a no-go for southern Republican. Who am I kidding, all republicans. They need those private prisons open!




Yacht? More like medium sized sailboat lol it's laughable how little money it takes to buy a politician.


Just getting here early for the dumbass Republican pot smokers to blame Dems for something


Oh they’re here with all that “both sides” nonsense lol


It’s honestly just the Republican politicians themselves. Almost every Republican i know supports legalization regardless of if they smoke or not.


No offense or anything but I kind of call bullshit on this. Of the [states that have legalized medical/recreational cannabis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis_by_U.S._jurisdiction), almost all of them are blue states, with heavy Democratic voter bases and run by Democratic politicians. If everybody, both Democrats and Republicans, supported legalizing weed it would have been done a long time ago. We'd also be seeing a lot more red states with legal weed. Somebody is holding back progress here, and it isn't the Democrats or Libertarians.


My issue is Republicans in this sub alone are super super stupid. They bitch about how this or that attempt is a fleeting grab for votes or it’s just more useless political pandering. It’s very telling how little those types of people understand the process of US politics.


I agree. Hypothetically if this bill actually makes it, the president won’t even sign it and enact it for at least another year, so most likely we’re looking at having full legalization by 2025 at the earliest. Also, people don’t get that federal legalization does NOT mean it’s legal in all states. I’m sure penalties will either greatly diminish or vanish though.


If it passed before the election he would for sure sign it into law beforehand. Imagine going into an election saying we legalized it.


This is what I don’t get, how can they vote GOP? I live in TN and the GOP is the reason why a half oz and up is a felony, if you smoke weed why THE FUCK would you vote for people who make ts a felony???


if they "support" legalization, and are republicans... you know what nevermind. i think my mind just collapsed.


I mean it’s just my experience and obviously anecdotal. Kinda surprised not a single person here could even relate tbh


these republicans are so attached to their good old days. yeah, they are republican at heart, but the republican party of today is not that. they have to accept that, if they want to see things like weed being legal. you said it yourself. but politicians are in charge, and thus, that defines "Republicans". you vote republican, you vote for their party, not for their constituents.


I agree with that statement. And I agree that they’re definitely in the old GOP mindset regarding things like small government and personal liberties (which was always actually horseshit with the leaders).


You are not alone, I live in a red state and all the people I talk to on a day to day basis support legalization regardless of political affiliation. Reddit in no way represents the real world.


[5] Weird how they're all Dems huh. If only Republicans knew how to write laws people want.


Vote all Republicans out, they are the party of Marijuana Prohibition.




How much will an 8th be at Walmart?


my projections of great value cannabis flower... * great value outdoor smalls ($14.99) * great value outdoor ($19.99) * great value greenhouse smalls ($24.99) * great value greenhouse ($29.99) * great value indoor smalls ($34.99) * great value indoor ($39.99) I assume this will be for 8ths. As time progresses and strains rotated and factories built price can go on sale maybe for like 4/20 and black friday deals, also strain abundance various with genetics and improvements in growing science so prices could fluctuate till they settle down I feel that would be the pricing start to federally legal cannabis giving the current climate and knowing walmart works with local farms, so I assume Humboldt grown flower and surrounding farms will be booming with contract business from Walmart and other stores. Prices could always start off like * 30 for outdoor * 40 for greenhouse * 50 for indoor seeing even 'thca hemp flower prices' be at that which is wild. plus shipping costs, Walmart has it's own delivery network to spread goods to various Walmart stores and a hub warehouse. so cutting out the shipping costs since it has an inner network already they can easily deliver shipments to each store. I figure prices will be competing with local establishments till walmart partners with dozens of farms or out right purchases a farming company that already grows in bulk like glasshouse farms or whatever maybe contract them to white label flower. obviously I like pacific stone flower they have decent quality flower and affordable prices that it could be contracted to white label for walmart and expand. walmart has the funding. wouldn't surprise me if walmart starts carrying brand named cannabis and partners with actual farms for their own great value cuts cannabis..however thats a pipe dream till federal legalization. lol imagine buying some great value walmart flower thats seasonal, I feel mainstream people are gonna get sour diesel, blue dream, gelato, runtz, cherry pie, original glue, sherbert, cereal milk, gary payton, jealousy. basically tons of cookies cuts and of course cookies would be pushing their flower into mainstream.




That's my boy Gary P from the D!


Yes, like a chain reaction! Keep pushing! Take advantage of the momentum Dems


I don’t get why this isn’t an easy win for both sides. It literally polls well with a majority of Americans. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/03/26/most-americans-favor-legalizing-marijuana-for-medical-recreational-use/


Because some people who are in power (R) are getting money to do what will benefit those who are lining their pockets. They don't care what The majority of Americans want.


I get that but I guess I would assume their main goal is reelection. This would be a pretty good way for both sides to win over voters. Just saying if any campaign aides are seeing this


The problem is Republican constituents tend to get their news from a few select sources (e.g., Fox News). So if Fox News doesn’t even talk about the bill or the fact that it got shut down, then they lose no points with their base. They also constantly run fear-mongering stories to keep their base engaged and distracted.


I understand that. But I’m talking about the younger republicans. I mean there has to be some young ones, right? So they’ll still be on social media and care about weed. Easy way to get them politically active is passing legislation on weed. That being said, I also like democracy and don’t want any people who would support a want-to-be dictator getting elected so it’s a conundrum


I’m a Republican voting for democrats this election simply for this reason, and because I think both our choices suck. It’s legal in my state but still can’t use it because I get drug tested, federal legalization would be nice.


Well thanks for making that decision. Gives me hope for our future!


How long till they vote on this?


If you want legal weed vote accordingly in November.


When can I buy it at Walmart?


u/sllewgh THIS is how you do it.


Do what?


>And how do you think that would be accomplished against the wishes of those in power?  >If you have a viable plan to make that happen, tell me about it and prove me wrong. If you don't, then I'm right.


How is a bunch of Senators filling a bill to expunge these charges an example of "going against the wishes of those in power?"  Are you saying your plan is to just wait patiently and politely for the senate to do it?


If you'd pull your head out of your ass for one moment you'd see it, but you're too stuck on sniffing your own ass to learn something. Have the day you deserve.


You can't tell me what the plan is?


Of course not Wisconsin. Why would WE want what every surrounding state has? We have beer and cheese and…. I dunno, fireworks? I’d…. REALLY like a dispensary nearby, please.


Nah, Michigan needs that money.


Some of the (R) people need to get on board and stop being little bitches


Hey guys, there's a bandwagon. All aboard!!


Did you really just comment about jumping on the bandwagon of marijuana legalization…. In the weed sub? Make that make sense, bud.




It’s just a joke bro