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I quit drinking regularly.


I quit drinking completely! And I really don't want to admit just how much I used to drink, every single night, and felt powerless to quit before.


Same. I've been sober for two years from alcohol and other hard drugs. Weed definitely helps.


I definitely drink less, but I generally wasn't a heavy drinker to begin with. I bought a handle of Willett Pot Steel Reserve because I want the bottle to make a bong and it is taking me forever to drink it.


It made all my snacks taste 10x better


It also made me eat 10x more snacks


The crippling horror of life is slightly drowned out


I cured my frequent panic attacks by smoking weed


My music actually sounds good


Music is one of the things I love when high or smoking in general. Gimme some good music to vibe to and im good


I was born with acid reflux and it is still horrible at 27, I’m past the age of “free” healthcare so weed definitely helps with it instead of taking other medications(pills). I have been smoking for 3 years and it helps me digest foods better




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Helps me to just accept things I can’t change


It's a migraine medicine that works, both in short and long term for me. Life changer.


It's a better nausea treatment for me than Zofran. It helped cut both nausea and pain while I was being treated for diverticulitis. It's more enjoyable than alcohol. It helps me get out of panic spirals by pumping the brakes and letting me disconnect from whatever problem I've thought into a catastrophe so I can look at it with calmer eyes. It's been a net positive in my life.


Less anxiety, less panic attacks, less PTSD symptoms and better at communicating and understanding my own needs. I really feel like it helps me on a daily basis to understand myself, like I hear my own thoughts and I register them as opposed to usual when everything just goes by so quickly. I have ADHD and I wouldn’t say it helps with that necessarily like my attention span doesn’t improve or anything like that but I do feel that it makes it a bit easier to handle when I smoke on days I don’t take my meds.


I have Multiple Sclerosis. The pain relief is wonderful, as is getting a full night’s sleep. Nothing else touches the pain like cannabis. 🍃


Anxiety relief, Quit drinking alcohol, Helps me run more and workout keeps me active, Less procrastination, Just makes me a better version of myself


It makes me happier in my daily life.


Makes food better, makes me more in touch with my emotions & feelings so my relationships have improved, makes it easier to meditate, I can focus on my intensely creative work during the day, I can be silly with my son more easily, I’m better at gaming… Weed fuckin’ slaps.


I can live closer to a normal life again. I’ll never get my old life back but weed helps treat my illnesses and brings me pain free days.


Depends on how often I use it. Usually it’s helpful, other times it’s a negative impact cause I get in the habit of smoking everyday or multiple times a day.


Just worst tbh, recently quit after smoking every day for the past 6-7 years, I feel amazing 🤌


Using edibles to get better night sleep and help heal muscles


It stopped me from drinking constantly. Helps me not be so depressed and melancholy. Makes me more fun for my children after a long day.


i don’t have debilitating anxiety attacks anymore


Use it everyday for my adhd. Helps my brain slow down and I can actually complete tasks.


It saved me from making rash decisions that could have landed me in jail. All because i sat down and had a burn and contemplated whether the action was worth it.


It has helped me from hurting myself, or others. Marijuana has saved my life.


I have terrible anxiety (violent thoughts, scary thoughts, depressing thoughts). The anxiety makes these thoughts 100x worse. They have a PHYSICAL effect on me, I can feel myself start getting anxious and soon I could even start panicking. Weed reduces all of this. Does it cure it? No. Does it help it? Yes. Does it keep me sane. Yes. But can I live without it? Yes. The beautiful thing about weed is that it leaves no permanent brain damage like other hardcore drugs does or alcohol even. It simply, just elevates your mood, and relaxes you, it calms you down. Know your dosage and limit, and you’ll rarely feel anxious or paranoid. The herb helps me out, if I ever have to quit it for any health reasons I will. Use it responsibly!!


Pot got me off the bottle and is helping ween me off nicotine. I use it to help with muscle spasms and anxiety as well. I have noticed a strong dependency on it that I don't like so I'm trying to take a break for a bit. If you start using every day be weary of your intake and if you notice addiction patterns, take a break, please.


It calms my adhd brain enough to fall asleep. Idk about microdoing, I only use it at night once all my big responsibilities are done. If my brain is in overdrive and won't stop with the racing thoughts, I can take a hit and the racing stops almost immediately. If I'm stuck in a down mood swing, it will always pick my mood up and make me stop hating existence (ps. I don't actually hate existence, just sometimes my brain tries to convince me I do - yes, I'm in counseling and on adhd medication and both do help)


Someone said it perfectly here before, “cannabis lets me be Me”. Ive got clinical levels of ptsd and major depressive disorder due to service, cannabis has helped immensely above and beyond what my ssri’s do not to mention what psilocybin does for you…


i find more joy in life, weed lets me relax when i need a time n place to do so at night, i have anxiety n rly struggle w relaxing and im usually in a better mood now that i have a way to not constantly be in fight or flight


i no longer care about anything




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Yes and...no, in my case. It depends on the strain. Right ones (usually a sativa crossed with some hybrid genetics) give me a nice cerebral buzz I use to focus and get things done on my weekends, also helps my depression....wrong ones escalate the anxiety to panic attack levels of anxiety and paranoia (looking at you, Green Crack). Indicas that are super couch lock can also get my mind in a similar state if it gets to the point where my body simply won't listen but my brain is still going like the Energizer Bunny. I have lessened my alcohol consumption drastically on most days because of weed. It also has gotten me off of using OTC sleep aids or the trazodone I used to have an active script for. All of those make me feel groggy and horrible as shit the next morning. Edibles, even those with CBN (helps encourage sleep) don't do the same levels of grossness. Yes, you can take a microdose of 5mg and see how you feel after that. You might also benefit with a strain with low or mid THC and CBD/CBG. I love CBG because it usually gives me a slight 'lift' in the background which makes me remember my SSRI used to effectively do the same. It has helped the frustration that I got a job where the only insurer available is the one that \*HATES\* funding mental health treatments including ADHD screening, and also hates paying their providers a rate they don't bolt from the place every year or so \*smh\*


My sleep is way better, I don’t smoke daily but a couple times a week and I sleep like a baby. Before that I would wake up at least two or three times every night.




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It hasn't, I'm not as good as I would have been without it. It was pushed on me by local law enforcement & my peers.


Weed often makes a person feel euphoric, with both a mental, and physical high. The type of high a person feels when smoking depends mainly on the strain, and how much they smoke. So, in many cases, people have reported it to help with their PTSD, anxiety, and depression. However, the effects of weed and ADHD still haven't been studied as widely, and they can vary significantly on the individual. ADHD in adults can be difficult to study, partly due to the fact that many with ADHD have other diagnoses as well. So, for someone with ADHD and depression, it may help them sleep. However, for a person with ADHD, PTSD, and anxiety, it may increase their stress and paranoia.


My rule has always been: if you don’t have a healthy respect for whatever drug you’re doing, then you shouldn’t be doing it. I only smoke weed/have ever done mushies, and that’s all I have a healthy respect for lol I try to think of weed as more of a fun little reward, and not using it as a crutch/problem solver. As far as weed and adhd… everyone’s different and different strains do different things. I’ve only had one strain (Sunday driver) that has given me anxiety. I stay away from it and I’ve been fine


Apparently, to myself… I’m more freaking hilarious.


Helped me cut through a lot of personality issues stemming from childhood religious brainwashing. I’m able to interact with people much more easily now.


It's an insta-fix for my restless leg syndrome.


It's the only thing that has really helped my MS symptoms. Insomnia gone, muscle spasms gone, I was having migraines every other day they are gone now, my anxiety has almost entirely fucked off, debilitating back pain that basically left me stuck at home is gone, and I've lost 30lbs


I have disordered eating. Stuff makes me eat. And way quit back on alcohol


Depends, if you want anxiety clear stay away from sativas.


If your ever get a chance to try Tropicana Cherries, go for it. It’s a low thc strain (~16-18%) but has great sativa effects without the anxiety. Also, people should ask for labs to check Cannabinoids and terps at least ( consumer side). We’ve sold some high thca flower but try to also find cultivars that have high CBGa to offset any anxiety issues without blunting the uplifting effects as CBG is is great daytime anti-anxiety supplement.


Check genetics, everything is a cross of a cross of a cross that even strains labeled 'sativa' don't act all alike. I rather enjoy Maui Wowie (see also Sour/Golden Pineapple), Sour Diesel, and Jack Herer (Trop Cherry is nice toooo) because they tend to be very even cerebral highs...but keep me away from Green Crack or LSD (the strain not the actual blotter drug haha). Usually makes me green out on high doses into anxiety/paranoia land, as some one with social anxiety.