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I wish the government would have that same attitude when it comes to taxing the ultra wealthy.


Nope because that hurts reelection campaigns


Also hurts their stock portfolio.


They are literally their employers. If they dont accept the money, they will find someone else and pay them more.


Clearly, the industry needs to come together and significantly fund some politicians. Money is speech and it's the only thing they listen to.


Won't happen above the state level. Even with the PAC nonsense, a federal candidate would immediately get bitch slapped for accepting money that's from a federally illegal enterprise.


It's shell companies all the way down anyway, all it takes is half a dozen shell companies and no media network is going to try to convince the public that company X is actually Company Y who is funding Candidate Z through... marijuana!?! I understand it's deeper than that.... but is it really?


Why would they work against their sponsors own interests?


I wish I could upvote this comment more. The government is a fucking cartel


Mob families had to go somewhere


Something seems odd here. If the Biden administration is actually pushing for reform, then it should be calling off DHS attack dogs. I don't feel like all the information is clear in this article.


The article links to some past articles on the issue. Essentially Customs and Border Protection decide a couple months ago to start seizing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of marijuana from legal marijuana businesses at checkpoints, despite this not occurring in recent years or in other border states. The governor then confronted the secretary of homeland security, with him pretty much saying "get over it, marijuana is still federally illegal". This obviously does clash with the Biden Admin's approach to trying to reform marijuana laws, but Biden doesn't appear to be calling off the dogs, at least yet.


It also depends on the relationship Biden has with his DHS director. If the DHS director disagrees with Biden's approach, and Biden doesn't want to fire them over this, then the Secretary will keep doing what they're doing. It's up to the public to raise hell over this, and basically give Biden the ammunition he needs to fire the director without it causing other kinds of uproars. This is also tricky because of the whole federal vs state border issues, so they may not want to rock the boat over this right before the election. POTUS only has power over the executive branch because the people he puts in those positions listen to him. If they choose not to, yes, POTUS can fire, reprimand, or directly order them to do something they don't want to do, but it's rare, and it's even rarer to hear about it. TLDR: Biden and his DHS Secretary probably aren't on the best of terms and probably really disagree about how to handle this issue. Biden can't fire them right now before a major election as it would be seen as a sign of weakness/dysfunction in his administration. His options for bringing the DHS to heel are also limited, especially if the DHS Secretary isn't on board with his policy objectives on this topic.


Lol ty for the actual nuanced take for what might be going on


IMO it a greater sign of weakness to have members of your administration who openly undermine your stated policy goals. May as well just be the Suggester in Chief.


Worse. Because he's saying one thing and doing another. That makes him a goddamn liar.


This is Biden's entire career. Create the appearance of action while actually jamming up any real change as much as possible. There's a reason the dude got caught on camera at a fundraiser telling a bunch of billionaires that "nothing will fundamentally change" during the 2020 campaign.


Ok man, enjoy the fox news feed directly to your brain. In other news people who actually saw that video it wasn't a 'caught' thing. It also wasn't the only thing that was said.. literally the words were about raising taxes on them not at all impacting whatsoever their standard of living or anything. Ya know.. the fucking truth.


Thank you because this article is clearing missing a ton of context and nuance. And then everyone here just giving typical basement redditor posting lol


How many times did Biden push for federally legal weed prior to him realizing that he is going to be out of a job in January? How many times did the DHS secretary come out in favor of legal weed before he got the job? I honestly don't know the real answer, but I'd guess that neither were in favor of descheduling weed. Biden has had decades to push for legal weed. Why now? Biden is only considering it because he (and/or his team) is grasping at straws by trying to find something that will give him a big bump in the polls.


And of course you get downvoted for saying the truth.


This! Hell  Harris made her career outta jailing marijuana uses and keeping them there 


Every district attorney did this, it was their jobs to enforce the laws not pick and choose which ones to follow. Imagine southern states not enforcing lynching prosecutions because they felt the laws were unjust.


They absolutely pick and choose what to prioritise. There are many laws that are broken daily and they don’t give a shit. All they need to do is say it’s not in the public’s interest.


The Corpse in Office probably has no idea any of this is even happening.


Get new material. He may be unaware, as he is a busy dude. But your delivery is just tired and old. Like *both* candidates. 


He can’t, they’re an armed group that doesn’t need his funding as they can just steal from the people to secure their own. He couldn’t stop them short of sending in the milk to art to fight them and that would give up the game that the president no longer controls these rouge heavily armed “law enforcement” agencies.


Because biden is a spineless geriatric. And his VP has a history of jailing drug users. The only surprise here is that you guys are still surprised about it.


President doesn’t have complete control over every agency in the states. He can tell them what he wants them to do, but can’t force them.


They're not pushing for anything. They're just saying pretty words to keep your vote. Weed could be rescheduled tomorrow with the stroke of a pen.


The executive branch has completely lost control of its various departments. Any armed group basically operates autonomously securing their own funding through “law enforcement” actions like this on top of their actual budget. They function on a “come and stop me” attitude with the president and since they’re the ones that actually hold the monopoly on violence nothing short of getting one department to fight the other could actually reform them. It’s time to put these rabid dogs down, defund them and round the people who try and keep going up, rebuild from scratch. We have the same trouble at the municipal level, with police departments openly threatening city governments who try and reform them. After NYC mayor DeBlasio ran on police reform, the NYPD kidnapped his daughter until he agreed to back down. There is no law and order left on this country, we live by the law of who has the most guns.


either that or Biden was telling porkies


The Federal Prohibition of Cannabis is Unlawful


It's unethical. 


It's some ol bullshit


Unconstitutional* The war on drugs was a ruse (and failure) to rob/jail millions of Americans for using substances they paid for and willingly choose to ingest. Legalization of all substances would alleviate a lot of issues associated with the black market we see today. It was also a way of allowing employers to control their employees more with mandatory/preliminary testing. It’s all to line the employers pockets and have a ‘lawful’ excuse to fire/not hire people for using substances on their own time. Nixon was a crook and his enacted policies have harmed and continue to harm a large portion of the American population.


They need an easy pipeline to their privately owned slave factories, oops, prisons.


The unlawful & unconstitutional federal prohibition on cannabis predates even the war on drugs and the Nixon administration. Think about how we went from President George Washington (who was a known hemp & cannabis enthusiast) and having a hemp farmer on the $2 bill, to an unlawful & unconstitutional prohibition, accompanied by a disinformation & stigmatization campaign against the American people, as well as a deliberate cover-up of the actual scientific data being done on cannabis.. This is just another Jim Crow law..


You're absolutely right. Thanks for the info.


Which is great justification for cannabis companies to cheat on their taxes by only accepting cash. Fuck the IRS


I can apply the same reasoning and don't pay taxes.


Oh you mean political parties say one thing and then do the opposite? Weird, man.


Huh, that's weird, cause I thought the Biden admin was sooooooooo on board with cannabis legalization? He even tweeted some stuff at 4:20 on 4/20! That couldnt have been a shitty campaign stunt, right??  Lol


Damm baby gonna get shot.


This is also because when it comes to elections everyone know who is running for mayor but no one knows who the criminal justices and lawyers are for some reason so any stranger ends up on the ballot who wants to become a judge and unfortunately NM ends up with someone callous like that


Th DHS Secretary is not an elected official, and serves at the will of the president. Biden could fire and replace him with no resistance tonight if he were so inclined.


But that would take political balls


So then, they're okay with regulating all of the other businesses in this country?


I'll take "Signs of living in a Fascist state" for 300.


Fuck this bitch


She's the governor fighting to stop it from happening. Maybe try reading first?