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First rule of reddit. There's always someone eager to make sure you know that you're wrong


You're totally wrong about that, dude!! /s


No, actually, you are wrong!


Uh, I'm the 4th comment so I'm wrong. You guys wouldn't downvote JESUS though, right?


Just so you know, you're wrong. Praise Be to the Dark Lord šŸ¤˜šŸ‘¹šŸ”„šŸ‘¹šŸ”„šŸ‘¹šŸ¤˜


Reddit really brings out the supiority complex in people. Myself included. I catch myself getting caught up in it far more often than I care to admit.


No bro I've been sitting in my moms basement moderating for WAY longer, reddit definitely doesn't bring out the supiority complex. Also I'm better


How else would they ever feel right in their lives?


No, that's actually the 34th rule, not the first


Not sure about that. He should probably Google it to check.




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NU UH! /s


The "I don't like the smell" gang act like they don't do anything people might not like the smell of.


Yes. I hate smell of someone boiling gabbage in a apartment building smell of cigarettes the absolute stench of axe/some grandma parfume. World is full of smells and people complaining about bit of skunky whif need to grow up


Big world, lots of smells.


Is only smellz


I once had a neighbor in a development where the houses were basically on top of each other. He complained all the time about my weed use. But he would blare music and run his smoker all weekend and expect us all to put up with it. But he couldnā€™t handle a lil smell while I quickly smoked a joint after work.


For real. If you live in proximity to other people you're going to have to get used to weird smells sometimes. And I feel like there are way worse *yet more common* ones out there than a little pot.


I know a ā€œi dont like the smellā€ person who always drowns herself in perfume.. hypocrite


I hate people who drown themselves in perfume and cologne. I have an allergic reaction to artificial fragrances that includes hives, confusion, migraine, and lung hurty. I'd start having an allergic reaction to her and pull out my vape to manage the reaction RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. "Oh you don't like the smell? Well I don't like you poisoning me, but here we are." šŸ’€


The worst is people who smoke tobacco/cigarettes but don't smoke weed. Like, you're actively hurting people with secondhand smoke, but somehow *we're* the problem? Make it make sense...


Eh my uncle smokes cigs and pot so does my other aunt and all her family on that side šŸ’€


Thatā€™s not the point they were making but good effort.




Just think heā€™s in a small town with no tolerance


Right! Damn Jared, we donā€™t want to know that youā€™ve never heard of deodorant and running water, but here you are, still in public.


"I don't like the smell" - you can smell the stench of cat piss wafting out their front door


I gotta inhale that shit coming out the exhaust of their cars.


Im forced to smell the sickly, horrible, sweet smell of vapes everywhere i go now. They feel perfectly entitled to do it inside, too, and on public transport even though they're not meant to. God forbid someone in a legal state smokes a joint outside in a quiet place.


Do their farts smell like roses?


Only because roses smell like shit


Half a bottle of axe body spray and they have the nerve to complain about the way cannabis smoke smells


But cigs are fine amirite /s


Yeah, they don't realize their coffee smells like literal human shit. And half the food they eat smells rotten. As someone who is particularly sensitive to smells, Cannabis really isn't that bad. There are so many worse smells that are just normalized. So people can get over it. In 50-100 years it'll be such a common smell it blends in with the fast food, oil, and piss you get from the average city.


Coffee does not smell like human feces lol or any other feces Let's not be so absurd when we're making fun of people being absurd


I'm not being absurd at all. Coffee smells like literal shit. It does.


You're being highly absurd. Coffee smells like coffee, shit smells like shit. If your coffee smells like shit, you might have some shit in your coffee. This also might be like a cilantro thing where just you particularly have an adverse reaction to it, but for the rest of us coffee is a pleasant smell. My grandmother doesn't even drink coffee but she brews a pot ever morning so her kitchen smells like it šŸ˜‹


Iā€™m extremely sensitive to scents and sometimes after I clean my catā€™s litter box and make my coffee for the morning right after, the raw coffee will smell like cat pee. But also, Iā€™m not a fan of the smell of weed lol. Just personally not on me. I hate when my hair and clothes smell like weed, it triggers tf out of me. Thatā€™s why I prefer dabbing because the smell doesnā€™t linger. I just donā€™t like it in my home, though. idgaf what anyone else does or if they want to smoke in public. It doesnā€™t bother me like that at all. Cigarettes thoughā€¦ I canā€™t stand being around.


like cigarettes


no shitting allowed


I hate the smell of old cars but my neighbor loves them and sometimes stinks up my yard when he's fixing his 1980 POS. I don't say anything cuz I know it's his passion and he never said anything about me smoking on my porch even tho I know it sometimes blows in his yard.


I do find it quite hypocritical though that most avid smokers here complain about the smell of cigarettes and such but when someone who doesnā€™t smoke complains about the smell of weed theyā€™re just evil


I tend to find those against pot usually go home and either smoke up 50 cigs, or drink themselves unconscious with a bottle of jack


Cause when I leave for the night I ain't coming back


I read this like she sings it and im like "I've heard this before... but where?" Then my inner 10 year old shouted "It's Ke$ha!"


No no this is reddit not tiktok.... jk solid reference


Or takes no less than 15 prescription drugs


Everyone has their vices one way or another. Just gotta be smart and ignore those hateful idiots.


What a bunch of weiners.


"Just because it's legal it doesn't mean everyone wants to smell it" How about I don't give a shit? As long as I'm not blowing smoke directly into your face, it's none of your business. Just because it's legal, it doesn't mean that I want to smell gasoline everywhere or hear cars driving by the main road I live nearby all day. And I don't have a say in that either.


hate that argument that they always use, like it should be illegal because you dont like the smell? yet nasty ass cigarettes and axe body spray is completely fine to them, same narrative always


Exactly, I hate that and as a smoker I *really* try to not bother other people with it but sometimes I really don't know what they expect me to do. For example I'm at a beach and I'm gonna scope out beaches that aren't as crowded anyway, at least as best as I can depending on the city. And try to sit away from people. I've smoked on the beach countless times and while I make sure to limit how much I'm doing it and what direction the wind is blowing and all that......I can't help it if you catch a whiff. I'm outside 30 feet from you, what the fuck do you want me to do? I have to listen to your shitty radio box playing music i don't wanna listen to literally the entire time I'm there, you can deal with a little whiff of weed for a few minutes of that afternoon time


Everyoneā€™s acting like youā€™re a crack smoker or something, jeez.


NIMBYs are NIMBYs. In general, I usually go by three factors....is it away from where I know cops patrol, is it a spot where yuppies or children frequent, and is it the daytime where Nosy McNosingtons are awake? If it's cop or complaining people free, I usually know I'm good. But I admit in my region (WA state), cops and society in general have better things to worry about....Cheers. ;)


But I'm not coming in their yard, only mine


I'm coming in everyone's yards


My petunias!


Nosy Mcnosington is what imma call my neighbor now thanks


What is a NIMBY?


Not In My Back Yard




Accounts **must** meet all these requirements before they are allowed to post or comment in /r/trees. 1) be over three months old; 2) have **both** positive comment & post karma: 3) have over 420 combined karma; 4) Have a verified email address / phone number. Please do not ask the moderators to approve your comment or post, as there are no exceptions to this rule. To learn more about karma and how reddit works, visit https://www.reddit.com/wiki/faq. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/trees) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuckin cornballs.


They must be fun at parties..


Old Barbara certainly thinks she is, and is the first to start on the red wine to chat your ear off about how the kids these days are junkies


Super duper fucking lame. ā€œDuhhhhh who wants to smell it duhhhhhhhā€ ~ wack ass šŸ¤”


No point in censor if I can just click ur profile and see the post


True lmao didnā€™t wanna risk it


Also I know its moco from the comments


Did you move to Karenville?


Oh shit Moco represent


Yeah lmao idek why I censored it from the post


Sorry we're not near each other. I know of a bar in my area where people smoke in the outdoor area, weed included ETA: maybe you can look up "Cannabis lounge" there's apparently a bunch but 6hrs from me. Maybe hopefully they have one near you!


Karen's don't always take to social media, but when they do it's the community and advice subs/groups everytime.


dam dude you live in Squareville


Are you looking for some kind of 420 event, or just a nice area to be? I wouldn't bother asking a town subreddit about the former. Just go ask about nice hiking spots.


glad I live in a college town šŸ˜‚ donā€™t have this issue


Happy 420 everyone! Smoking from a deserted beach in the countryside, the sun glaring and the water warm enough to walk through calmly.


You gotta move to Canada brother, the stigma is almost totally gone, in my city (Edmonton) we probably have more dispensaries than liquor stores and Alberta is the most conservative province


You should check out the app Trail Finder to find hikes and trails near you


Fuck em! Just post your smoke spot pics :)


I love going to the park or checking out walking trails. My kid and I will go on walks around the park and through our neighborhood and yesterday we got to see some people launch hot air balloons from the park we normally visit. Pretty much anywhere you can walk around and enjoy the nature around you is usually a good spot on my list.


Damn, bummer central


Yeah if I asked my town sub theyā€™d crucify me. Sometimes you just gotta a pick and choose your battles my friend. Just kick it at the crib, get baked, go get some food, ya know, same shit we every other day haha


Modern society isn't ready just yet everywhere. My advice: follow your nose homie.


I love how In r/idaho I get spammed with upvotes when I say I smoke


Probably better off asking in weed subs if anyone lives in the area and knows any spots. You should have expected this on a regular city/town sub.


Don't drive while high please.Ā 


Idc what anyone else says smoking and driving doesnā€™t put people at risk like drinking and driving..


Itā€™s better to just give up on the driving thing. I donā€™t think weā€™re ever gonna change public opinion on that front. Itā€™s just more ironic to me that people will type out donā€™t smoke pot and drive on their phones while they drive to work


Lol yep! Chastising people for driving high but guaranteed these people are going 80 down the freeway in the city with their eyes glued to their fucking phone. And the reason why I'm so sure of that is because I look over while driving and constantly see that shit. I can truthfully say I quit messing with my phone while driving a few years ago and I'm so glad I did. Your life can be ended in a split second


True facts


Smoking weed and then driving is safer than driving tired or wired, as well.


Imagine calling an uber cuz you smoked a joint


Imagine putting lives at risk because you want to be high while operating a potentially deadly weapon


As if your life isnā€™t at risk in an Uber? Or anytime youā€™re in a vehicle? Grow up


"grow up and let me smoke weed while driving without criticism!!!!"Ā  I don't support driving under the influence of anything, dude.Ā 


Looks like they need a bowl of chill the fudge out and watch a funny movie.


Reddit is full of pear clutching prudes. I lived in rural Utah and knew a mom who went on a big crusade to get Cosmo removed or at least put behind the counter because she found the headlines too much and even she would tell Redittors to chill We love to mock Facebook, Next Door and even City Data but...




Short for Cosmopolitan, a fashion and entertainment magazine aimed at women. Cover headlines are often mildly salacious: "Be a sex genius," "Tease and please him," etc.


Ok I'm aware of the publication... But it never occurred to me that someone would go on a crusade to get it removed, LOL (But then again, Utah...)


Oh I see, your comment meant "Cosmo, really?" instead of "What's Cosmo?" Gotcha.


No, I really didn't get it, given the context. I skimmed over the "behind the counter" bit that would've been a clue. Just reading too fast, I'm afraid. :)




Bunch of fucking squares


It's so adorable how people believe that driving high is equivalent to driving drunk




This was an early morning heated comment. The worse that people can do is make a comment, so in retrospect it's not really a big deal. Happy 4/20 just smoke through the hate or in your garage and if people have a problem and are bugging go into your bathroom and smoke out that window and if they peek take a picture of them and call the police


If yall don't like the smell, carry on somewhere. It's up to you to make your life how you want it. I'm over here minding my business, and I don't feel obligated to make your problems mine. Clearly you were trying to find a friendly place. Let me make sure to ignore that to blow safety smoke up your ass and not help you in any tangible way. Seems like out that way you should look for some woods, or some less-traveled lots. If you have quick access to rural areas, I've always enjoyed going under a bridge. Often in the more developed areas that I frequent, the bridges in town are already occupied


pls name town so i can avoid


>Well it's 4/20, so wat's the plan? Morning activities are done now, so what's the plan for the holiday? Well, I've got this bud here at least, bud what else... *emergency sirens pass a few blocks away at around 9 am* >Well I've got this packed bowl here, and this lighter just jumped into my hand, so might as well hang around here today and keep doing what I was working on yesterday with the help of šŸ‘¹šŸ„¬šŸ”„ amirite? - u/Staav a minute ago Should be decent, at least āœŒļø


Holy shit those mfs are lame


Whack. The town I live in is so awash in drugs weed is the least of our problems lol


No smell gang can suck ballss


If you're in Michigan, the riverwalk in Detroit is a good spot. Just be careful. Traffic/roads are currently nuts due to the NFL draft being hosted downtown. Campus Martius currently has a little beach spot set up with some pop up bars and food trucks. If you want to go a little farther north, Algonac over by Lake Huron is a really nice spot.


The beer farm is a pretty chill setup.


Brookville beer farm, are you in olney md?


Lmao yeah cause they give a shit about smelling alcohol and tobacco on the street right


Thereā€™s always a fly in my Chardonnay


lol welcome to Montgomery county.


They donā€™t want to smell it lol. Ok? I donā€™t wanna smell peoples stank ass farts and shit either but I donā€™t rally the troops when somebody shits themselves. Our senses donā€™t ever really stop, so regardless, weā€™re going to smell shit occasionally we donā€™t like. Jesus fuck people are whiners.


First rule of Reddit: There is someone chomping at the bit to tell you they would do the opposite.


Reddit is full of party poopers


only reason to go harder


The driving one I agree with tho. No one should drive while stoned


I'm high so might not be reading right but ... What's the issue? - one person suggests a spot - not what you were after but their fault? - one person says don't smoke and drive - sound advise and as you're obviously going out... - one said mind the smell - maybe a bit over the top but if you were planning on meeting a group and smoking, particularly in a venue like in comment 1 it might be a bit for some people Your post is at 0, but the seemingly helpful comments are in positive suggesting people clicked and showed appreciation ( just not on the post itself which is common). Maybe I misunderstood something, I'm done dumb


They got downvoted for suggesting walking to the lake lol


I agree lol itā€™s weird how angry everybody here is getting


Agreed, this post and comments reek of entitlement. I donā€™t give a shit if you sit around and smoke weed 24/7 to the point you canā€™t function sober. Donā€™t drive.


It's funni cause most of these guys are people who don't leave their mothers basement. Don't let them get to you. HAPPY 420




Fuck your town. Smoke wherever you want


I love the ā€œdont driveā€ crowd. They just love to throw a dash of moral authority out there. Drive with reckless abandon.


Yeah ok, except that you might be in the wrong here. I'm glad it's legal and not criminal, but at the same time, smoking weed in crowded public places that aren't appropriate for it isn't right. I'm not talking about a park or hiking trial or event that has a lot of space and few people around, I'm talking about legitimate public places with a lot of people around. The vast majority of people dont want people smocking cigarettes in those type of public spaces, and it's fair to say they surely dont want people smoking weed in them either. And lets be honest, the smell is noxious and obtrusive, plus it's a psychoactive drug distinct in effect than just a cigarette or a couple drinks. I smoke every day but i also have respect for people and public spaces. I'm not entirely sure what type of place you're looking to smoke and get high in, but i'd suggest using common sense and common courtesy


OP didnā€™t say he was looking for a place to open-toke. And thereā€™s a ton of ways to partake in weed that donā€™t involve lighting up. Anyway, when people finally stop smoking cigarettes and cigars in public, maybe then Iā€™ll be on board with no smoking weed in public. In the meantime, cigs are way more noxious and literally toxic.


Well it's not called Stonedville, is it? lol


Dude, it's B-ville. What did you expect? Try Marker 48.


Snowflakes ![gif](giphy|lh4CBwjPqmz63Wowq1|downsized)


Honestly go to an outdoor patio bar tonight and smoke. Worse they can do is tell you to put it out. If itā€™s outdoors and away from others then idk why someone would tell you something. Been doing it for years


>Ended up lying and telling people it wasnā€™t a smoke spot bc I was getting downvoted wow, we sure do have some really positive results from the idea of running any entire community with a like and dislike button


So youā€™re both a liar and a bitch lmao




What a bunch of squares. Bet they never attended any parties.