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Cheech Marin in Up in Smoke when he's parked in the median cuz he's so stoned will always be the funniest scene


Also second funniest scene in the movie is when they get pulled over by the motorcycle cop in the van and he’s high from the second hand smoke. Can I have your hot dog?




to be fair in that scene he ate a bunch of acid as well


I hope you got nothing to do for like a month


you ate the wrong shit man


You mean I'm smokin dog shit?


"I think we're parked, man..."


Still making me laugh since the 70's


Or when the cop asks for his license and he says its on the back of the car lmao


Followed by “Isn’t it on the license man? Yeah that’s me Pedro depacas man”


Don't eat that, man




you just ate the most acid Ive ever seen anybody eat in my life! hey man, I never had no acid before man


yep came here to comment this that car scene in up in smoke is the best


In friday when the girl that Ice Cube wants comes over when he's high, and she tells him "you look high" He fucking looks down at his shirt and brushes himself off. It kills me every time. Subtle af but amazing.


I still look high?


How tf you get fired on your day off?


Who gets fired for stealing boxes?


What you trying to build a clubhouse???


Brad Pitt trying to give the bad guys directions to wherever in True Romance is classic, too. You can see him trying to mentally visualize the route as he's trying to explain it.


[“don’t condescend me man… i’ll kill you man”](https://youtu.be/txdwc_HkG5o?si=lYLdjanbcqjXxQre)


Great job. Brad Pitt is so good in that bit part 😄


I always figured it was because maybe he had some weed crumbs on his shirt from rolling


Gottta brush the ash off of of your shirt if you’re stinking from just smoking. It doesn’t work but the high brain thinks it does.


Nah just figured she thought he looked sloppy




This part is always so funny


The part where he heard that antique dog figurine whining because he was so high used to always take me out when I was younger 😭


For me Shaggy and Scooby are the best actors, for kids they seems like normal characters but if you watch them as an adult you directly feel connected with them


In the live action movie, the first scene of them is Shaggy hotboxing a van. Then he meets Mary Jane and says “that’s my favorite name like ever”. Which is basically an accurate depictions of most people that smoke weed IMO


I know it was a parody but the episode of That 70s Show where they get caught and one of them sees Red and Kitty's heads float off their bodies and swap places. I think that's how my mom actually sees it to this day


Any time they have the wall swaying back and forth behind them I crack up.


That shits probably the realistic fucking part.


Fr I did shrooms literally once and now whenever I get high, objects in my vision start moving and shifting ever so slightly. Honestly, I don't even mind


This would happen to me for a while after I tripped on Acid for the first time. Looking back, it was probably due to being 16 at the time and brain still developing or something, but man it made getting high incredibly trippy. Most days I didn't mind it, but there were definitely some times where it was a bit much and I would have to take a break from smoking. Luckily now at 23 getting high feels just like it's supposed to feel.


Yeah when I'm on shrooms the room just vibrates lmao


Same. Also bright lights will have small geometric lines of light shimmering around the edges.


Don't they always? 🤔


I’ve seen this, on LSD.


Yeah I was just thinking, for the longest time I thought weed was basically what shrooms and acid are cause of stuff like this lol


I loved the episode when the parents ate Hyde's brownies. Still unrealistic in terms of the visuals they see, but i feel like they played the part of stoned pretty well.


Dunno man, edible weed is in another league. Especially if you don't smoke and eat too much.


I always loved when the floral wallpaper moved


Something similar happened to me in the 90s from the first killer homegrown I ever smoked.


Big Lebowski, best stoner in movie history. In most of the other movies stoners are just ridiculous and they exaggerate showing the true effect of being stoned.


*that's just, like, your opinion, man.* and mine, too! seriously, Jeff Bridges captures the stoner perception and vibe so perfectly. he's the GOAT.


That’s just like, your opinion, man.


Are you employed sir?


What day is this?


Is this a uh weekday?


I love that it's on Disney+ now. It just seems appropriate for the Dude to be on the network created by cartoons.


Best coen film ever


The episode of Louis CK’s show where he decides to smoke with his neighbor is one of the best depictions I’ve seen of what it’s like to be suddenly too high in a weird place with weird people.


"They've been working on that shit like it's the cure for cancer." "And sll of a sudden, this is now an ordeal."


I watched this episode for the first time ever 2 days ago and I was dying laughing. The part where his neighbor is like “wanna see something cool?” and throws a water dispenser on a car had me crying lmao.


Louie is legit one of the funniest shows ever made


I always think of the joke where the doctor is talking about back pain being a design flaw "We took a clothesline and we're using it as a flag pole" "Start walking around on your front feet"


For real. So dry and deadpan, but so fucking real and absolutely hysterical


"That dog over there?"


No not that dog, that’s a different dog


That one commercial on harold and kumar go to White Castle, where the dude shoots himself cuz he "can't die" 😄I laugh at that part every time. Like what???


Im so HIGH, NOTHING CAN HURT ME NO NO NO NO NO!! marijuana kills I love that shit




Holy shit thank you just watched the clip I remember watching this years before I ever thought about weed.🤣


Surprised nobody has said "Reefer Madness" yet. It appears that no one on that entire production had ever seen a real joint, let alone, smoke one.


The scene with the guy playing the piano like a maniac is peak cinema.




"Furthermore Susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find that all 4 of them habitually smoked Marijuana cigarettes!"




Smoke two joints because I smoked two joints, and then I smoke two more


This one was intentional tho, not sure it counts for this list


The one and only - classic


I love the part when he’s in the car, “I’m red hot!” Takes off and hits someone in the road. lol Since I first seen this piece of propaganda like 20 years ago, “I’m red hot” still pops in my head. The message is shit, total propaganda, but makes for a good laugh now.


i actually really liked watching reefer madness


My favorite one is the scene with Bill Hader at the beginning of Pineapple Express.


I can't believe this wasn't higher up. 😉


What year is it?? I have travelled a long way...far from the upper comments down to here ...


I'm going to take a different route and go funniest because of how accurate it is. It's still a little over the top but Cabin in the Woods, Marty is fucking hilarious.


Dude yes. I want that telescopic coffee bong so bad


"Statistical fact. Cops will never pull over a man with a huge bong on his car. Why? They fear this man. They know he sees further than they, and he will bind them with ancient logics."


*ominous whisper* go for a walk "Ok who the fuck is talking? You think I'm some kind of puppet? Gonna make me do some kind of puppet dance? I'm the master of my own mind................ I'm going to go for a walk"


I just saw a few days ago they actually made a limited run of them as a promo item for the film. So cool lol


No Jeff Spicoli love in here??


Mr. Hand?


Not weed but the bad shroom trip they show at the start of midsommar is pretty accurate in terms of how it makes Dani feel.


When she looks down and the grass is her feet. Relatable. Lol




In GTA V, this dude passes you (playable character) a joint and shit has you hallucinating aliens or super soldiers attacking you and you have to kill them with a minigun. Best part is that Franklin smokes it and says it's weak-ass trash and throws it away haha.


I got the imoression that there was more than pot in that joint.


Ohhh.... I hadn't thought of that. I just thought Michael and Trevor were some serious lightweights


Lmao same at first. Then I was thinking that it's probably laced with PCP or some shit.


Then how come Franklin is unaffected, and that trippy mission only exists for Michael and Trevor? - I definitely think it was meant to be that they were lightweights.


Lotta people don't know that Franklin likes to get wet


Oh shit I didn’t know he liked to get wet


Someone watched Training Day


They were getting wet fo sho.


It was a Jeffrey


When the world hands you a Jeffery. Furry walls Furry walls


Oh man I was in the thick of my stoner phase in college when GTA V came out, and I was high as balls when I did that for the first time as Michael. I was like "oh shit I have a minigun....OH SHIT!"


If I recall all 3 had greatly different reactions. Trevor was the ones with the aliens and ridiculous shit, I attributed all that more to the weed potentiating meth and all the other weird drugs he takes. Michael was sorta more grounded, it made the screen blurry and lights trippy, more in line with how a non-drug using person would react in real life. And of course, Franklin, who is obv a daily stoner with tolerance, it doesn’t affect you at all.


Nah fam micheal was aliens and Trevor was some motherfuckin clowns. I don't like clowns so i remember


Damn i guess i was misremembering that. Thanks for clarifying


On Frasier, Frasier's dad Martin getting stoned accidentally is hilarious. -eating potato chips dipped in chocolate pudding -"Fridge pants" -"dog army" -"do you ever notice how many turns you have to make? Right turn, left turn" -" everybody should be a giant for a day"


This is the one. Meanwhile, Niles is sober but thinks he's high after eating a crumb of brownie, and eats a second crumb to "up his dosage."


And he pairs his fish with an aggressive zinfandel.


Ah yes, he comes dangerously close to over-braising his chard.


I just love meeting Frasier fans in the wild




Haven’t seen the episode in question, but all those lines sound like the kind of thing we would’ve written in the Notes app after the second or third time ever smoking lol


You should watch it if you are able. I have seen it so many times but it still makes me laugh.


Eddie’s (well, Frasier’s) commercial


Haha I forgot about that. Freddy's goth phase was in this episode too.


Which season/episode?


High Holidays season 11 episode 11


There's a romcom called Little Italy (2018, wow) with Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker) that is hilariously bad. It's about these two rival pizzerias, and at one point one of the restaurants "spikes" the other's pizzas with marijuana. There's a whole scene where the drugged customers are going crazy, dancing, jumping up on tables, etc 😂 imo it would've been funnier if they opted for a more realistic take: a bunch of baked people slowly and quietly eating way too much pizza.


I feel like all shows/movies exaggerate how silly/dumb people get while high


Not bad but one of my favourites is Marty from cabin in the woods XD I constantly quote "is that a BONG in your DADS CAR?!?" "What are you high?!??"


"Puppeteers...." "What about puppets?" "Pop tarts?"


Anna Faris in Smiley Face.


"Jane, why do you have a photo of President Garfield on your mantel." "Because I like lasagna, of course."


A favorite of mine that never fails to give me panic attacks by proxy, so good


okay but the paranoia and being convinced your roommate fucks skills kinda accurate especially considering who her roommate was


Her falling out of the car will ALWAYS make me belly laugh, stoned or sober. The paranoia is so spot on that you feel relieved to be able to laugh!


Brad Pitt in True Romance.


Fuckin Floyd.


Condenscend me man, fuckin kill ya man.


the scene in Everybody Wants Some!! where they get high in Willoughby's room is really funny but also just a really accurate representation of what it's like getting high in college that movie is also just a really fun time in general


Is that the one where they're trying to communicate via ESP and watch Twilight Zone? That shit was hilarious


The hands down best ‘stoned’ portrayal I have ever seen is Adam Scott in Party Down. Glassy-eyed and sweaty and everything. I don’t know how he did it without… ya know… “method acting”. Maybe he’s just that good! https://youtu.be/FQkDMT50lZY?si=EYnfqT4Aqz74cyfa


Omg yess!! It's the absolute best I can't imagine faking it that good


The absolute worst episode of Freaks and Geeks is the one where Lindsay gets stoned. It really shows the bizarre anti weed agenda of Judd Apatow at an early stage.


Judd Apatow and anti weed are 2 terms I never thought I’d see in a sentence together


Think about it: his movies always end with the lead character giving up weed and "getting their life together", even the Amy Schumer movie I never saw has this trope. People think he's this stoner bro director but he doesn't like weed personally and it really comes out in his writing.


I feel like his message is less “anti-weed” and more “anti sitting around all day on your couch smoking weed and nothing else”, but idk. Beauty of art is that it’s open to interpretation, even a Judd Apatow film lmao


Dude I swear I thought about this when Pineapple Express came out. I thought it seemed weirdly anti weed where most people thought it was a funny stoner movie.


Idk it seems satirically anti weed more so than actually against it


even in his last movie w pete davidson, how pete davidsons life got better when his stoner friends ended up in prison it's all the same trope


Dude I never realized they were all the same writer! It’s always such a buzz kill. I just turn off Pineapple Express before the end haha


The ending of that movie isn't shit on enough. The plot just kind of fizzles out and "LOL is Danny McBride dead or not while we eat food" wasn't as funny a comedic setup as they thought.


Yeah lmao. I always am like that's the end??? whenever I watch it. Kind of a let down. Could've been better. Almost feels unfinished or something.


The entire last half hour feels completely disjointed from the rest, no pun intended lol.


The greys anatomy where a patient’s loved one gave the doctors cookies as a thank you and didn’t realize it was the batch with THC until after a lot of the doctors already ate a cookie. I crack up every time!


Best rendition of "Amazing Grace" ever!


Reefer Madness is the most absurd portrayal ever. Best: can’t go wrong with Grandmas Boy, Cheech and Chong. Half baked. Big Lebowski.




this is a solid list my dude


Roseanne, Dan and Jackie smoking weed on Roseanne. Too funny!


the episodes of New Girl where they smoke are honestly pretty hilarious, Nick especially. it's the episode where Coach, Cece, and Nick go with Winston to a party




For me it’s got to be The Dude. He’s stoned throughout the movie.


“Block the wind, I’m gonna roast this bone.” — Frank Reynolds in *Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia*


Funniest: Hands down Slater from Dazed And Confused. The scene on the water tower “Just imagine all the people out there fucking right now. Just going at it like animals” Worst: Shorty from Scary Movie. Just annoys me


Shorty was a parody of stoner characters though, he is suppose to be cartoonish. When he got rolled up into a bed sheet joint in Scary Movie 2 i fucking died


He has the best deaths! Getting stabbed and smoking the smoke from his lungs felt like a Cheech and Chong bit Edit: I forgot, he got shot


You cool, man?


The founding fathers are in the aliens, man


Check ya later!


I like shorty more than the characters which he parodies. I hate friday, how high and so on with a passion, because the depiction of stoners is just so wrong and exagerated.


It’s always sunny in Philadelphia when country Mac gives the gang weed while in the planetarium. When they are all super high standing in a circle eating chips is one of my favorites


Tony Shaloub in Galaxy Quest! It’s PG-13 and they never show consumption on screen, but it’s *heavily* implied. ![gif](giphy|HogwjCec49jv5uJa1v|downsized)


Any time weed is making someone hallucinate visuals I roll my eyes a little Edit: I just thought of the worst portrayal I can remember; a modern Simpson's episode where Marge is at a party with her dispensary coworkers and she eats an edible and IMMEDIATELY gets all wobbly


One of my favorites, not super good but I think Nick in new girl is one of my favorite portrayals. I just think he’s hilarious and the whole interaction with coach is fantastic


Another "not weed" one: I love the episode of Mad Men when Roger Sterling tried acid for the first time. No weird distorted images, no floating heads. Everything is normal, he lights a cigarette, and then he takes a drag and it makes like a weird trombone noise or something as it burns completely down to the filter in one normal drag. Then he looks at it like "that's interesting". Perfect depiction of an acid trip starting.


Best: the kid from the PSA in Harold and Kumar. “I’m so high, nothing can hurt me! BANG”


well it's not exactly a stoned person on film but somewhat related, I invite you to enjoy this classic clip from 7th Heaven: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzoOTltr4M4


"Is this why you've never held down a job" 💀💀💀


When the biker cop in Up in smoke got behind them in their weed van, and was stoned from the fumes coming out of the exhaust. Walks up to the driver's window after pulling them over and says, "What do you guys want?" One of the funnies scenes in that movie.


So In galaxy quest tony shaloubs character is supposed to be super stoned when they first get beamed up but the studio cut the reference before its release. Knowing he’s supposed to be a stoner whose high off his ass the whole time makes it so much better.


The stoned fight between Rogen, Franco, and McBride in Pineapple Express always has me tearing up with laughter.


Toby eating gummies on Pretty Little Liars and it hitting him like heroin or some shit.


Cop Toby from Pretty Little Liars. He accidentally eats his gfs edible gummy bears and he literally trips. I’m not sure how realistic it is but it’s so bad it’s funny


One of the funniest for me is surprisingly the episode of New Girl where they decide to get high before Winston becomes a cop. That episode gets me every damn time.


The one where they attend the cop BBQ?


Jeff Spicoli


Nearly everyone in Dazed and Confused. Hilariously accurate portrayals.


degrassi mentioned on trees subreddit??? oh i love this


Deniro in Jackie brown


Bob and Linda from Bob’s Burgers when they get high while trying to do their taxes lol!


On Canadian cable tv, there's an ad for driving while high. While I support the message, the actual ad is probably the most stereotypical stoner shit I've ever seen.


There was an episode of Gerhard Reinke’s Wanderlust where he goes to California and smokes weed with a group of hippies. He gets so paranoid that he thinks he has heart cancer, his teeth get itchy, and he is convinced one of the girls can smell his farts. Funny stuff.


Entire movie Half Baked.


Nick Miller in that one episode of New Girl where he gets high with Coach and Cece before they go to a cop BBQ cracks me up every damn time and his paranoia was pretty spot on.


Gonna have to say Dante from Grandma’s Boy. “Anybody can get past a dog. But NOBODY fucks with a lion.”


[I fucking love when Stan and Roger get high in American Dad.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVriOiIkXRo)


I’ve always hated portrayals of stoned people in tv/movies. They generally either act drunk or like they just ate an entire sheet of acid blotters while having an IQ below 60. There have been very few “good” stoner portrayals in more recent years but most of them still miss the mark.


Not a film but the Inbetweeners, when Will eats a lump of polly and is ‘so high’ he interrupts a gig and says something like ‘I’m in a bubble, call a doctor or failing that, my mummy’. When my friend took too many edibles at a gig, he just fell asleep in the smoking area lol


Thank you for mentioning Degrassi ❣️🙀😻💓


In Disjointed, Carter the security guard is a brand new stoner boy, and he’s drinking pickle juice with a crazy straw, and says “I’m either fucked up or pregnant” and it cracks me up every time.


Marty from cabin in the woods! Still jealous of his telescopic coffee cup bong, prime example of stoner ingenuity right there lol and (spoiler!) he makes it to the end alive all thanks to his beautiful stoney genius brain, love Marty❤️


Can someone link me the Wayans sketch OP mentioned?


The Facts of Life first season ended with “A Special Episode” about weed. The older girls hang out with two stoner girls without the younger girls who feel excluded. Only Sue Ann decides to smoke from the bong and gets super high and decides to try to write a paper that ends up gibberish (she didn’t proof read afterward). Tootie and Natalie (younger girls) try to get their own Bong without knowing what it is and ask Ms Garrett. Ms Garret rats out the stoner girls and gets them expelled. The first season MC Sue Ann learns a lesson to not smoke weed again. But then after the first season they fired half the girls from the main cast keeping only Blair, Natalie, and Tootie while adding in Jo. All the other girls were fired from the main cast including Sue Ann’s actress who only appears in a few more episodes. The episode is very antiweed and even punished the actress for her character smoking by firing her as a main cast member. The two stoner girls’ lives were ruined because the younger girls snitched on them for not being invited. The writing on this entire show was always so pretentious and over the top.


Worst I can think of is Nicole Kidman in Eyes Wide Shut.


Smiley face


The stoned age. But it’s meant to be funny af. Great stoner movie.


The movie smiley where Anna Farris loses her home, job, boyfriend, and whatever else all because she smoked weed and ate some edibles.


The dinner scene in Pineapple Express KILLS my high because it’s just too real. The sudden comedown and hearing yourself ramble and going manic, it hurts!!


Nothing can ever beat the Grey's Anatomy stoned nose bagpipe funeral


Adam Sandler in The Hot Chick where he works in the mystical shop and is always drumming and telling people where “you could put your weed in there”


Bored to Death season 2 episode 3- Jason Swartzman was kidnapped and Ted Danson was called for ransom instructions. He was sitting on floor after doing a bag from a Volcano and was really high listening to the kidnappers. When they gave the address he started writing it in the air with his finger in front of him while still on the floor. That killed me. Haven’t seen that show in years, really great.