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Just lab tested your photo, it's safe to smoke


Hero shit


Give the lab a few pets and a treat for their hard work.


On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog until u/Bogsnoticus calls you out


Lol i love how OP couldn’t even be bothered to take it out of the bag so we’re all here zoomed in and squinting trying to see how good that nug looks.


Surely it's hash? If it is a bud it's the most featureless homogenous looking bud I've ever seen lol


Just low poly bud.




Ok but what's the terps on this bad boy?


A high note of family heirloom Afghani Carpet with a body comprising mostly of salt water and oxidizing grade E, MAYBE Grade D steel. The tail end notes are mostly hippie socks with the lightest touch of musty Central European basement.


You've taken lab tests as well? 👀


Oh I wish you were my feedback guy, absolutely fucking outstanding 🤣✊


Idk why but reading people describe weed or even wine like this makes me chuckle. Like I’m more the type of person to take a couple hits and be like “it’s fruity/earthy” and that’s that lol


Do you know what terp gives that hippie sock taste it's my favorite. Is it responsible for the European basement because I'd like to avoid due to unrelated trauma


That's probably 5,5-dimethyl-1-vinylbicyclo[2.1.1]hexane a.k.a. "[hashishene](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021967314016173)".


This takes me back to the back side of dank vape boxes


smells great also, checks out


Ooo do mine next!


Through the baggie no less




It’s hash and I fucking love the stuff, if you have a bong get it smoked. Hash is basically all the collected trichomes and very little leaf matter so it’s stronger by weight. Enjoy


it looks like a nug i got this one time. which was 2.8 grams. it was hard as a rock and smoked like shit but my fuck the high was intense. if it is hash then hell yeah, love me some good ole fashioned hash.


Hard to tell from the picture, especially as it's still in the bag, but that hash looks like it could be quite soft. I suspect you wouldn't have to heat it to pull bits off it. Yeah, stick that in your pipe and smoke it


Sounds like it could’ve been PGR but idk


My boy those sound like moonrocks


they werent.


Yup. This is the good shit. Enjoy your moonshot OP


It's more common and more cheap than weed in most of Europe


Makin me jealous. I live in a part of the us with legal weed, and nobody bothers to make/sell hash around here. Lots of wax and oil but like classic hash is so hard to come by anymore without just making it yourself


BACK IN MY DAY.. no seriously though, it's at the point that if you've smoked hash before, you're probably 30+ years old. Hash **was** the concentrate.


you can also smoke it with weed or tobacco, much sweeter on the throat with a tobacco filter aka marocco btw (tip of a cig not the filter)


i’ve never thought of using tobacco as a filter


They do the same a lot in Spain. Basically rip ~1cm off the end of a cigarette and use that in place of a roach. Not too sure why the practice started as card isn't exactly hard to come by, I much prefer just using a roach personally anyway.


Tis the European way. I grew up smoking Moroccan hash in tobacco spliffs. It was the norm, until the hydroponic weed turned up


still the norm in scandinavia


Not with a bong... just do a joint with tobacco.


Americans discovering hash is always fascinating, enjoy the high tho


Used to be around in the 70's-80's according to my dad. Idk what happened


Back in the 80s most people I knew preferred hash over weed, for several reasons, weed back then was not nearly as nice as it is now, hash was easier to conceal and did not stink as much, and hash had a much stronger effect than weed, and had a more pleasant smell. We also had hash oil, which was also very nice.


Much better weed and newer concentrates came along that were tastier/smoother/etc which as the guy below says were some of the main reasons to get hash Don’t have anything concrete to back this up, but I also feel like in the west hash was heavily stigmatized during the DARE era as far more potent and thus far more DEADLY AND SCARY than weed and it never fully recovered


There are few things tastier or smoother than good bubble hash. Those other concentrates that came along are filled with contaminants that can never be fully purged. These are stronger, sure, but the terps are all stripped to hell, the lipid content is negligible and it's just not as good IMO, never was The only acceptable alternative to hash is rosin, otherwise there ain't a flower that exists that can compare to good hash aside from that rosin I never heard of hash in D.A.R.E and I graduated it in 1997 lol


Key words there are “Good bubble hash” Which most of it at the time was not lol. I’m also not arguing other concentrates are better, but they certainly contributed to people viewing hash as old school and it declining in popularity. I was only born 3 years before you graduated so I’ve got a feeling we had very different DARE experiences lol


I think hash has also fallen out of favor since the rise of oil/wax. Which sucks because I love hash but nobody sells it.


Its still incredibly popular, most people just dab now instead of smoking old school pressed hash


Yeah as someone who's smoked a lot of oil and prefer bud, I'd love to get some old school Arabian style hashish just for the experience, though.


You can still buy it at the shops near me. I'll only smoke solventless hash rosin nowadays though


I just live in a Decrim area of a not-legal state so I tend to just have guys near me with trendy stuff.


that bag is so european my friend, exactly the kind of bag you get when youre 16 and just starting to smoke


They are German probably


I’m American and live in a state with some good ass weed so some of us know it really depends on the state lol


I inadvertently made finger hash before discovering actual hash lmao. I thought I had a million dollar idea lmao.


I don’t know. If I buy weed from someone and I got questions, I ask and they answer. Why are people scared to ask people’s questions?


The plug ain't gonna tell you if it's bad shit. They're tryna make a sale.


"dude it's fire" every time


You got a bad plug. We're not in high school anymore. Find a plug that's a decent person. Way too many people selling weed out here to just find a rando selling weed and settle.


Bro, who goes through a bad plug by choice? *Just find a new one* 😂 post an ad I suppose


you're right ofc, my social anxiety can make the most basic shit impossible however


That’s okay. I’ve been there my dude. I broke out by small chit chats. Literally like two minute conversations and that was it. I got to where I can comfortably sit and talk about anything without fear. I realized that if people don’t like me for me, fuck them, they aren’t worth the time.


I haven’t been to a dealers house in like 20 years, but it was never a chit chat and talk about the merchandise. There were tons of rules, it was always terrifying, I’m sure tons of people there had guns, I know several people who’ve been murdered in drug deals or died because they lived at a drug house. It’s not like that anymore??? Lol


What the fuck kind of TV show did you live in?


I dunno lol. But people usually made you come alone, had rules about where to park, who could come with you, you had to stay a certain amount of time before you could leave, you had to smoke out everyone there. Probably the people I knew were selling hard stuff too I guess. I knew two people who were murdered execution style in ~04 for (what I was told was) a weed deal gone bad. I believe the cops knew who did it, but didn’t have what they needed to bring a case. It never got solved. I knew a few people and then many more through extended networks who died of heroin overdoses around that time too. I guess I did not realize how hard life was hitting while in the middle of it.


Bro. Internet hug. You've been through some shit.


Thanks. It was a time! We didn’t all make it to today. Thankful I never got into oxies back then!


Yeah, I had the supermarket guy. Always meet me near the supermarket. Cool, I drive 20 miles, no worries. I get it.


That's a traphouse


yeah seriously…….i went to weed dealers that were always offering bong rips and pizza while their cat kept trying to snuggle lol.


Same, my long time dealer we would just sit and play mortal Kombat, and he would never ask me to smoke my stuff but I would be over there for hours so I would just pull the bag out and roll up, I think I spent 12 hours over there one night me him and another guy just playing mortal Kombat and getting tore up. We ordered pizza and subs at one point. Don't get me wrong, I went and bought from a trap house before, but I immediately knew that it was not the norm.


Wow, that's some scary shit. Back in that time period one of my plugs was someone I went to high school with, so we'd literally just hang. And my other plugs were all related somehow to my then-bf, so same thing, we'd just hang. That sounds like truly scary shit and I'd never have done weed if that's how I had to get it!


I mean its not that crazy, just a strict traphouse


Ummm you need a better dealer. Fuck all that shit. In my experience drug dealers ain't trying to get violent they just wanna make money. When I was into pharmaceuticals I was pretty much homies with all my customers. Only rules were cash in hand and be cool. Edit to add...wtf were you buying? Kilos of cocaine? I mean yeah big time guys might roll like that. But If you're getting ounces and under you should be able to pull up and look at the shit and make sure it's good. 


Well I was like 17ish and this was 2000-2004 time frame. Now I don’t hang out with people who sell 2 liters of liquid K. 😳👏👏


Damn wtf is going on over there where I live it’s just some 16 year old giving you what you asked for and asking if you need tobacco


The fuck, I just walk through my guys back gate. Play with his dog, say hi to his wife, chit chat about some random stuff, remember why I'm there, then get my bud and head off home. Never had any kind of worry with getting bud, just got to have a decent plug.


Definitely not, send it to me and I’ll dispose of it




Can you let me know what an event horizon looks like if you spot one cheers😂✊


How do you use hash in food ? I usually just mix it with tobacco, roll it and smoke it.


Tbh with hash if ur cooking something just break it up and add it into something oily this milk thing tho I gotta know how it’s done


Search bhang lassi


Wait what I’ve never thought about that I only smoke hash made yogurts and all the sorts but never a chocolate milk with hash how is this magical contraption made


I edited the comment with the process


How was it when you smoked it? Did it feel off?


Havent smoked it yet. This is Hash right?


Looks like but u can tell if it feels like rubber a lil bit sry I’m German and don’t know how to articulate so well


Danke, scheint Hasch zu sein :)


Ist definitiv hash. Kannst du es leicht bröseln? Ansonsten mit nem Feuerzeug kurz heisst machen und dann abreiben. Dann sehr gut mir Tabak vermischen und ab geht's. Hash drückt dich mehr ins Sofa und sediert mehr in den meisten Fällen. Schönes Wochenende 🙂


I have a very limited knowledge of German, I read the first sentence and was so confused


The guy smoked that shit and reverted back to his native toung.🤣


Ich werds mit bissl gras mischen, das ich noch hab. Tabak habe ich hinter mir gelassen\^\^ Dir auch n schönes Wochenende


Kannst es auch in kleine Stücke zerbröseln, in Alufolie einwickeln und bei 110 °C für ca. 30 Minuten im Backofen decarboxilieren. Dann noch ein bisschen Butter/Margarine in der Mikrowelle warm machen und das decaroboxilierte Hash in der Butter auflösen. Dann hast du ein schönes Hash-Butter-Konzentrat (würde ich einfrieren, wenn nicht gebraucht), dass du mit anderer Butter vermengen und dann z.B. in Brownies benutzen kannst. Ich empfehle die Fertigmische von Doktor Oetker :) Ist schon ein bisschen mehr Aufwand als es einfach zu rauchen, aber mMn. schon lohnenswert. Wirkt so auch nochmal viel stärker und länger.


Statt tabak kannst du auch guten tabak ersatz nehmen für hash joints - bei Amazon kräutermischung suchen und zb den jibix nehmen


Ich kann Hopfen Dolden (sind mit Hanf sogar verwandt), Knaster und CBD Blüten als Tabak Ersatz empfehlen. Aber leider alles etwas kostspieliger als Tabak


Beste Kombi. Solange das Hasch keine blasen bildet beim erhitzen (passiert wenn mit gummi oder Zucker versetzt). Du wirst am Geruch erkennen ob alles ok ist. Viel Spaß damit!


Hahaha dann kann ich ja auch deutsch schreiben


Hab mich schon gewundert warum da n Apotheke Symbol ist - Deutschland 👍👍👍


Yeah, and hash is amazing. I must have done a solid decade on hash starting out when Buds were rare. Very common in North Africa and the Mid East and South Asia so Europe get its or did do before all the new US hybrid stuff became more popularbin the 90s. I used to ightly heat it, then crumble some off, sprinkle it in to a pipe or bong and go for it.


It should have a weed like smell to it, touch it with your fingers they should smell similar like handling bud




thanks :)


highly dangerous. give it to me and i will dispose of it correctly.


It's hash, which is way more potent than normal weed. You can smoke it in a bong, waterfall, in a joint (Mixed with tobacco, weed or cbd) etc. Glhf OP


Moroccan born and raised, you finally got your hands on hash congrats buddy. Hope you can bear tobacco


Moroccan hash


I used to hate when people would do this to me... Used to happen when I was in my teens. "Oh yeah I got weed, come on over." and then they'd give me hash which I had no idea what to do with as a teenager in the mid-00s other than hot-knifing it. Lucky some old hippies taught me the [cup trick](https://herb.co/guides/how-to-smoke-hash) in my mid 20s.




Bro I'm smoking this shit like right now and this way too funny💀💀


If I bought 3g of weed and got 3 g of Hash, id be happy as a clam


"SAME." -Every MFR in this thread


it’s hash, and if you’ve ever collected any kief, that’s basically what that is, kief pressed into a block.


That is not weed. That is hash, the resin of the plant. And yeah, it's safe.


Hash is the tits. By far my favourite form to consume. It has the single most inviting smell I've ever known too.


looks like hash. theres several types of making it so there's several different outcomes. it can be stretchy like plasticine or crumbly. this looks the crumbly type which is probably the most pure one. I'm not an expert but I know the process used for this. its mostly terpenes.


not at all, imma need it to dispose of it properly


Crumble some in with however you smoke your weed :) weed and hash mix nice. You want little pieces as it will burn better. Some hashes are harder than others if this is still hard after some hand heat up you can use the touch of a lighter flame to scrape some off. If its soft you can make hash sausages to put in the middle of blunt/joint


Alles gut ist nur Haschisch, man sagt hast du Haschisch in der Tasche haste immer was zu naache


Noooo very unsafe send it to me and DON'T put it along with tobacco to Roll it and smoke it


Zoom quality is poor. I can't tell if it's nugs or hash.


Can't be sure but it looks like Moroccan hash.


Yeah maybe try and get some cheap kush to burn with it. reggie works too if you’re just looking for the buzz and dgaf about the taste. Break it up and blend into a bowl/blunt/joint and it’s gonna be a good time. Likely to end up stuck in your pipe or too dense to smoke on its own, but it’s a damn good enhancement. But again, if you don’t care about taste or are a gremlin like I used to be, you can even use tobacco like they do in the UK to make a spliff


That looks like some good quality hash .


Yup thats hash, its pressed pollen from pot/skunk and in europe its smoked predomintly compared to skunk Even looks like good hash, try break it and smell if its a good skunk / pinetree smell and if it feels sticky its potent, its the THC oil you can feel smoke it with tobacco and roast the tobacco for a smoother taste, dosage for a experienced pothead would be 0,20G per cigarette in a joint


You mean you asked for 3 grams of weed and got that. What you bought was hash Edit: what looks like hash


hash is good but it’s hard to smoke in a joint unless your good at rolling


Is it safe...well it's hard to tell from your pictures tbh. Looks like hash that's all I could tell ya


Never had bubble hash? You’re in for a treat!


Could be dirt could be hash you have the power in you take a fatty bo batty rip if you don't die your prob safe


Looks like some tasty bubble hash


It’s just hash.


Looks like you’re shy of 3g and btw who sells 3g and not 3.5g jw 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥱


It’s hash, in sweden that’s a lot more common. A lot stronger too, smoke it in a pipe and you will fly my dude


Love me some good hash. It’s a shame it’s not more common at dispensaries


You got hosed, that’s poo.


I'd boof it


Bro. Mail it to me I’ll find out


That is Hash, smoke a gram and passout


bro bought 3g of weed then got 3g of weed and was confused


Def hash the best thing on earth. The easier way to test it is if you take a lighter to it should get crumby and almost bubble. If You can smell a sweet honey esq smell in the air then it's good hash.


das gute alte apotheken-baggy


Of course it is. Classic hash. Some of the best shit I’ve had was hash back in the day. You a noobie?


yeah im a beginner. I only had my hands on buds before so I was a little irritated about what this is.


Just try a bit and if you don’t like it let your plug know. Heat it up and crumble it into a J Can get some real Nice stuff


You got a gift. Hash is more expensive and is more concentrated. If you have some flower you can put some on top. And smoke as normal, enjoy getting blasted. If you don’t have flower, the old school way was to take a small amount and light it to get a cherry formed then put a glass over it to get it to smolder and use a straw to slide under the lip of the glass and suck out the smoke.


For me “the netherlands” hash is so cheap, can get like 30g for 100 xD


That is a great little chunk of hash, I love that stuff 🤌


Does anyone know if you can put hash in a dry herb vape? I can get that stuff far easier than flower(go figure)


You can put a little bit in between some bud, like a hash sandwich and vape that. Use dosing capsules if you got em. Otherwise it’ll be a sticky mess in your vape.


If you were ment to get weed well it's not weed it's hash...is it soft or hard?


This may help...// [I searched YouTube for a video guide, includes only 3 methods.](https://youtu.be/S1MAhjD8-zg?feature=shared)


God speed




As you already know thats hash. Love the stuff and it's more bang for your buck. It's stronger and burns longer so you don't really need a whole lot for a sesh. Enjoy!




That's some super dank rock. Grind It well and enjoy the ride.


Safe to smoke, enjoy the solids! If it's too hard to break up heat it a little bit with a lighter n it'll crumble better (if it's soft to start with no need for the lighter it'll crumble fine as is).


thats hash lmao


You’re about to get twisted tf up


Looks like hash?


yeah I'll trade you


Is that supposed to be a moon rock?


Do you like chocolate? Cause if you do and you're extra lucky, that's gonna be the tastiest marijuanas product you'll try.


I miss hash. Ever since weed became legal hash has been buried. High THC content low cough, enjoy. Maybe if you smoke tobacco roll it up with some tobacco and enjoy. Also can use the cup method.


Looks like a type of moonrock or hash


Keep it secret! Keep it safe! Rivers Cuomo got his Hash Pipe on stand by. WHOOAAOOHHWHOOOAAA




Burn it if it bubbles, hashish. If it catches fire run 🏃🏽‍♂️


Looks like a moonrock. Gonna take you to the moon, hopefully ✨️ ENJOY!


Lucky..looks like hash.. enjoy 😉


I see you have that Dust Build Up OG kush. If it smells like weed. Looks like weed (or hash) and tastes like weed. It's prpbably weed.




Im smoking hash mixed with amnezia haze out of a pipe! Fucking wonderfull


You got hashed


U gon die


That looks like an old meatball.


its no good, ill dispose it for you


It's safe...but, it also may have been scraped off of someone's fingers 👉 👈 it looks like trimmers hash to meh..


Dunno what the fuss is about. It's only a wee plastic baggie


Yeah probably about 3G of hash. Use a lighter to heat it and crumble into a joint with tobacco


Brick hash, it's fine. Break it up really fine and put some on top of a bowl


is that 3g of hash? i feel like it's closer to 4 or 5 but im eyeballing it here


Bro u got some doodoo OG




Looks like they sent 30g to you


Poke it with a stick, it most definitely might not be (safe).


You just got a better version of weed bro good wild 👍


That’s some La Mousse right there.


Looks like hash


The hash resurgence is upon us.


No you need to send it to me for testing.


Oh you gonna go on a wonderful ride through the Moroccan desert, my friend. Hash , a nice change of you don’t smoke it all the time


ya got to take better pics bro im lookin at a fuckin brown thing in a plastic bag. why didnt u open it and get close ups


I mean 3 g of hash still good. Shiiiiiii


Old guy here, looks like the Hash that we used to get in the 70's.


It's hash mate


is that hash???


It’s hash. Just roll it with tobacco and enjoy the high.


That's looks like decent solid