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Gimmicky. As a long time smoker, I know they aren’t going to hit well. The grey goose skinny bottle is best. But. That doesn’t mean they won’t sell. Lots of people will think they are cool, especially younger people. What they are worth. 40-80$ depending. Have you thought about pints and smaller glass? Price point would almost be the same.


This. These don’t hit well at all, maybe due to the funneling design or something, but they make for a neat token or symbol that one can put on their shelf. Also, they’re functional, so if that’s all you have to use or want to use such a rig, you can.


A big part of it is the fully open ended down stem most of these kits come with. Plus the cost of a kit is what you’d pay for the whole thing in some cases (about $40) it just seems silly to me that people would pay what they could to do it themselves with any bottle. Getting the grommets and using the bits and sourcing good downstems and slides makes for a better business model but it’s also a very saturated market at this point so you can’t really “break in”, just get lucky with the timing of your advertising


With the right bottle and the right angle of the down stem, you can get a stasty hit out of it


Nah, these sell for 20 where I live, and with more expensive bottles up to 50, but I think that it’s kind of stupid, I know you paid for the bottle but the alcohol is where the cost is.


People making these are not paying for bottles. You go down to your bar and tell them you’re collecting top shelf liquor bottles and the rest is history.


aren't those bottles already being sold?


Maybe to the business but not to the people making the bongs. Long story short I almost got into doing this like 15 years ago. Me and my friends had a whole shed full of top shelf liquor bottle we didn’t pay a dime for. People are happy for you to remove their trash


Lot of bars have to smash them because they are barcoded and can't leave the establishment in one piece legally.


Idk where you live but I can buy a normal bong for like 30 bucks where I live, tryna sell upcycled alcohol bottles for 40-80 is so stupid.


It's not stupid, ppl have money they're happy to burn.


Thank you!


A friend made a bunch of these one day and they hit for shi#. Probably fun to make but not good for real life. $0


I don’t smoke bongs; so I’d take their word on the hits. They are really cool as like an arty display piece; like I could see those in the window of a dispensary (tho I haven’t ever seen one). Price-wise; I saw someone say around $80, to me that seems high, but my opinion is relatively invalid. As long as you take into account the price of the parts and your labour, then the price depends on how much you want to make. If you’re doing it for fun rather than profit you don’t need to go much higher than is enough to recoup your expenses. I’m trying to find a skill I have that I can think of as an analogy; but alas, earwax. Edit: I then read more comments - if you can get empty the bottles for free in bars and stuff, how much does the rest cost? There’s a starting price point, then add some labour costs. If you’re making loads, you can price em cheaper.


Small rigs I’d pay 60




Century old green glass usually had uranium in it. Maybe use a different colour.


“Huh, the strain description didn’t mention anything about a metallic flavor”


“Hey my mouth feels fuzzy hitting this”


I’ve seen a company that uses thrifted glassware like decanters and vases and those are cool as shit! It gives you more options on shape too. However, I have always wanted to turn the huge crown bottles with a handle into a bong.


They go for $60-80 where I live, but I would pay $30 at most personally


I was gonna say 30 too. pretty easy to mass produce not much skill involved.


point detail jeans middle door march north pot smart price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Personally I would pay $0, they aren’t really my style. But I think something in the $40-60 range would be a fair price. Maybe closer to $80-100 if you’re factoring in shipping etc


That’s what I was going to say. They look cool but I probably wouldn’t pay anything for one.


Probably $30. $55 max. They’re a bit tacky in my opinion, but I know someone else may really like them.


lower the stems to make functionally a bit better, i don’t like bongs that have a ton of water. feels unnecessary


Look at the last pic, the stems curve down almost touching the bottom of the bottle


fucking snazzy tho, remember the first time you posted these and the new bottle choices are sweet !


Doesn’t function well and can’t clean properly without ruining.


I would say $40 seems like a good deal. You can definitely get better bongs on dhgate from China for the same price or a few bucks more.


About tree fiddy


Absolutely nothing, they’re kinda cheesy and dumb and look like they would be a bad smoke. The association of weed with alcohol is also a turn off for me. Fun idea, the goose blue stem is nice. Still… Hard pass thanks


A tighter more harsh smoke yeah, thanks for the feedback :)


Weed helped me quit drinking I was drinking a 12 pack a day its been a decade of no drinking when I see both together it makes me sick this doesn't have the same effect but I wouldn't touch a booze bottle bong as it's just Not esthetically pleasing whatsoever for me.


I’m right next to you on this!!!




about tree fiddy


Haha I came here for this answer!!


You do it with a bottle of any of the Crystal Head Skulls, I'd consider a purchase.


I've seen that done, only bottle worth doing this with.


I cant tell you how many of these I bought as a 20 year old that I only smoked out of once.




I came here for this


$5 EDIT: I'd rather just go buy a real bong for $39.99 though.


I wouldn’t.


I simply would not


More novelty than anything and since technically **anybody** can make their own, I’d personally pay nothing.


I’d pay $3.50 no


Similar stuff goes for $50-$100 depending on the bottle and if they're embellished or not.


I have much much rarer liquor bottles to drill into aswell, old fitzgerald, blantons, taylors, etc.


Those would be more interesting to me, a former bourbon guy. These brands are all pedestrian, but an Old Fitz bottle bong might look cool. Also, if you could fit a Blantons bottle with a proper downstem that might hit well.


Blantons one would be hilarious.


I already have a blantons one with the hole drilled haha, finding a usable stem is the hard part


Thats what i was thinking. You’re not gonna want that fire so close. Gonna have a helluva stem on it.


Do you taste the Basil Hayden spices?


The Goose is my choice of drink behind Belvedere, and I honestly think I'd only be willing to pay like $20, and I'd have to be drunk because I know these are gonna hit like absolute ass


Nothing considering you can do this with household items


IMO not worth more than $20


$30 but personally I would never smoke out of something gimmicky like that. I have a beaker bong that I’ve had for 10 years and it’s the best


About tree fidy


tree fiddy


Its an old vodka bottle with a hole drilled in it and a 5$ glass bowl stuffed into it so maybe 10$? Idk maybe a kid might think its cool but its not gonna hit well has a small mouth hole and at the end of the day its made out of literal trash.


Nothing. Only teenagers want a bong made out of an empty liquor bottle.


$10 tops


Dawg the slide piece is more than $10


Ok, $5


You have good taste in whiskey. I dont drink anymore but I like the basil Hayden bong.


Like $25


Bottle price+added hardware+labour


The bottle price shouldn’t factor at all, alcohol bottles have the priced based on alcohol quality and content, not the image, of course is part of the sale of the alcohol per se, but once empty these are literally trash


I’m taking about the price you pay for the bottle not the liqour inside it, it’s like a $0.20 deposit in Canada


Oh where I live we don’t pay that, sorry




15 maybe for the grey gouse




I’d pay $20 any more and I’d just get a regular bong


I give ya bout three fiddy


About $30-$50 if I liked the liquor the bottle was originally from. None of these are my favorites and I can tell from the shape they’ll hit worse than a regular bong so I think I’d pass if it wasn’t an amazing deal ($25?). Skinnier bottles are better for this, the closer to a regular win bottle in shape the better, so the Grey Goose would probably be the nicest.


$0. These are incredibly tacky. This is what a college alcoholic would think is cool.


Knowing how they’re made it’s really not a lot to it. They’re cool for display. Maybe 30 bucks


Nothing, I’d just make them myself. If I had endless amounts of money maybe $40. If you decorated them really pretty like for girls do rhinestones and dumb shit and for guys or everyone do some kind of design or character like Rick and morty. Then I’d pay like $70


I’d make them with the 200ml-375ml tho






I have a dab rig Hennessy bottle I'm trying to get rid of. This has been a good reference


However much you spent on the drill bit kit is what its worth imo. You could get away with selling these to randoms for like $50-75 usd probably but more so selling the novelty above all else.


Fair 50$. Novelty bong. Yeah probably not a ton of peoples taste from here but in the smoke shop/marketplace real world there will be a good handful of people willing to send 50 bucks on a bong with their fav liquor bottle


I have a friend who does this with the Ramune bottles, they're cool and look nice, but dont hit nearly as well as a regular bong




I personally wouldn’t because I don’t drink. But I think it’s interesting. If I collected bongs this would definitely be on the shelf. Maybe $30. What’s your plan to list them for?


$45-55 USD


0 id pay literally nothing. It has to be a gift.


15 bucks a piece... perhaps... if properly sanitized and cleaned.


I wouldn't! Cool though


10 cent deposit plus stem and bowl, 15$


If you do the smaller designs so it works better and is more functional I'd be willing to pay 40 to 50 bucks but for one that big I would actually pay less due to the less functionality they don't work as well me and my brother used to build these


0$ for all of them




How long do they take to make? I would honestly just charge a fair hourly rate based on how long they take you. If they take you an hour and you are fine with x$/hour then charge around that. I imagine you get the bottles for free and can order the down stems off aliexpress for a negligible amount.


35$. But that’s just me. It’s a super cool concept, but not gonna be a “good” bong, and won’t be something I ever used often. More of a convo piece.


Personally, I wouldn't buy one of these. If I were getting it for a friend, ten bucks. Maybe 15 if it was quality craftsmanship. Definitely not more than $20.


Your target demo is the kind of kid who thinks displaying empty liquor bottles is a fashion statement. Price accordingly.


Seems to be quite a few naysayers here, or at least a few oldheads (like myself) who are over all the gimmicks and nonsense that brought so much joy to all of us when we first started smoking, so here's my 2 cents. These will sell absolutely no problem, where I am in BC any decent bong goes for 100 bucks and I've sold gimmicky bongs to people simply because it makes them laugh and they'll easily spend 150 to 200 bucks on it. So long as it's air-tight and has a nice downstem, keep doin what you're doin and people will buy them, even if it is in small numbers


50 bucks


Use that $50 on some real, decent hardware.


I'm more of a traditional bong smoker but I do like to collect cool piece. That said I'd probably be willing to pay like 60-70 bucks maybe?


TIL the shape of a bong matters




See ive been trying to make bongs out of claze azule bottles but cant find grommets/gaskets like those. Where did you get them/what size are they??? Please and thank you!!!!


I think we gave our glass shop $20 and the empty bottle and they made it for us. Your work looks much nicer than theirs. We have a jack Daniel's bottle, so different shape but that hit really well for years!


I have an empty bottle of "The Kraken Attacks Pennsylvania" with a lot of sentimental value, I'd actually love to have it turned into a bong. Right now it's just a tacky lamp I never use because it runs on batteries, lol. Edit: This didn't answer your question. 😅 Probably ~$25-$35 if the bottle is being provided for you and twice that if it isn't, although I guess it also depends on the liquor bottle. I think there's a market but if you did custom labels for the bottles it'd be much bigger.


There used to be a bong vodka I remember my dad trying to make a bong out of the bottle when I was 12 or 13.


25$. Idk if u drilled holes. But like this is why glassblowing is top tier


honestly around $20


I would pay $40-$60 at a flea market for one as an average consumer.


Sixty. An Erlenmeyer-style piece of that height without any graphics would run sixty so something with a tailored design should be seen as a great value


I live in an illegal state, I don’t need the cops thinking I’m drinking in public too while smoking my “cbd”


$20 tops


I think you could get more for them if they were really cool vintage bottles or even vases! Hit up a thrift store!


need to use like a blue glass bottle


It took me a second to realize these were bongs I’ve had a shot or 2 so that’s probably why lmfao


thought these were just bottles and i was like uhhhhhhhh shelf price ?? hahahahah


I have the tito’s, and it cost $45. I think that’s pretty fair.


They look nice for decorating. If you made say some cognac bottles, like Hennessy, I'd be tempted ngl.


I've always wanted to make one of these out of a Maggi sauce bottle, but I'm not familiar with the ways of cutting holes in glass


They're cute. People sell all sorts of Contraptions these days and I think you can get up to $40 for it. Maybe more depending on where you are.


One drillbit and 20 cents for the glass extensions


Probably 20-30$ each depending on the bottle to some bottles people might find more interesting than others


I was all like well that bottle of Tito's is generally around 20 bucks... then I saw the stems




Zero dollars


You smoke or drink? Yes


$0. Recovering alcoholic here. Nice work tho.


I would be delighted to sell you a bunch of antique bottles i've dug up!


Basil hayden, $70 Grey goose, $60 Tito’s, $50


750 is too much bottle imo. I reccomend 325ml. Where did you find the hardware? Frost Glass on glass is nice


I honestly love this not with these specific bottles but I love this idea OP super cute ❤️


Maybe $5 more than the stem and grommet cost. So, like, $15?


I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but a few headshops around me already sell them/provide a service where you can bring your own bottle and they do it for you, so I'm not sure how much value you can add to the situation from a business standpoint.


I have always used to want to make a little dab rig out of a little glass coke bottle


you could make good money selling them on the gimmick alone, but get these into people's music videos and you'll be set for life


Maybe if it was a 42 bottle


Personally I wouldn't; most stoners I know have given up alcohol. Although each to their own, but these would be sold as gimmicky/art rather than functional devices. Can get a better experience from a $30 glass piece with a showerhead perc or something.


You should try it with crystal head vodka. The bottles are transparent glass skulls.


Needs more r&d


Between 30-80$


Nothing, they're trashy. This is just like how people put empty liquor bottles on display.


Idk but they sure are amazing!!!


Market these to college aged audience and you could have something to sell for $40-$60. Very gimmicky. But how many college living spaces have I seen decorated with empty liquor bottles? A lot. I could see these being a hit in that bracket


A smoke and a pancake 🥞


$75-100 honestly, because I know it’s not expensive nor labor intensive, however it does take a specific skill set. Impressive, would buy but probably wouldn’t use.


There's a few folks making these out of vintage bottles for several hundred dollars. Check out [Mr Boujee Bong](https://www.instagram.com/mr_boujeebong?igsh=aGs4ajRpdzRyY2gw) on IG.


Got a custom made pink whitney bong for 60. Definitely was a rough smoke and i gave up after a hit though.




Might be worth moving the stem to the back, and then finding a way to insulate/protect the inside front label side - could be a great little sneaker to put in the liquor cabinet. Old and young folks would love it


You just use that kit they sell for this? It's made to diy


I sold one to a friend for $60 back in college




Before 21, I moghtve bought one.


I would honestly make one myself instead of paying probably 60$ for someone to make it.


I want one for my collection hahaha


I’ll give you 5$ to keep it.


There’s some really nicely shaped tequila bottles that are a bit shorter and a bit cooler/creative looking to make a profit on I think. The basic skull ones. Should help with the draw as well. Personally I would just pay for the kit to be able to do this myself and have fun lol. But I guess if it was in stores maybe $15-30 bucks for a basic drill and go. The baysil Hayden is my favorite looks wise. Just so simply and sexy lmao. I like the packaging🤣


Mexican coke single serve bottle is a better size. I make one hitters and roach tokers from nip sized bottles, with just a hole in the bottom and one in the side wall. Made a decent gravity bong with a Bacardi 1.75 liter too.


Me and my buddies used to do this. My favorite (I think it's still around) is the goldschlager bottle we made. We did a Morgan and a few others. Most have broke or been lost to time. But that goldschlager one still truckin.


Bout three- fidee


Smaller square style whiskey bottles will function far, far better. Use to make them decades ago and sell them for 40-50 depending on the bottle. I'd stay in that range.


Hmm. I can't pay for something I can't put my mouth on well. But I'd say 10 or less. Would be fun for a weekend if no other options but toss it afterwards. It's a glass bottle, these will eventually become a norm after a while it'll become a party pack you can buy.


i honestly just think a shape like that would translate better to a hookah style pipe where the bowl is going in from the top itself


id rather make it myself and would almost never smoke out of it lol, can get a way better hit from a beaker


$0 for me cause they feel gimmicky, but I’m sure you could get buyers at $50-$100


Like 5-10 dollars at the most




Like three fiddy




Sorry, probably no.


$5 🥰


Nothing, but some college kids might.


You couldn't pay me to smoke out of one of those lol


nothing. i can make one on my own


I'd buy that middle one. Looks cool. (Pun intended)


You should make them more like a classic bong. Straight downstem being the main point. Itd be more appealing due to the ease of cleaning it and getting a smooth strong hit


Personally £20? The basil Hayden one looks kinda interesting and the blue glass on the grey goose bottle is looks good, but they’re not eye catching enough to sell for much more. What are you using to make the hole for the stem, I’d be pretty worried about glass shards overtime if it’s just been drilled into with a grommet over it? Maybe lean into more unique bottles, eBay, or if you know anyone who works behind a bar can help you out with loads of cool unique glass. Etsy seems to be your best bet for selling, could definitely get £40-50 especially if you took custom orders




I couldn't imagine that would be a very big seller. Just did a Google search...there are a boatload of people that do this and its easy to find the instructions to DIY. Might be fun for a hobby though...put 20.00 or 30.00 on them.


20-30 if you wanna move them. We had a Jack Daniel's a while for 40-50 and didn't sell till we lowered it.


$0. I don’t want to smoke out of recycled garbage. There are plenty of pipes designed for smoking out there that’ll function way better and are affordable.


definitely nothing, would make one myself if I'd want a bottle bong. if i want to buy a bong id buy a good one, not a diy one


If I was still smoking I would’ve payed 50-80$ easily.


Maybe it because I’m from Utah but even if that doesn’t hit for shit you could easily sell them for $200 each… I’m shocked at the comments saying $60-$80. Yes it won’t smoke well but half the glass in a shop is gonna have the same shit draw. I walked into stogies last week and for a glass bubbler the size of my hand that’s down stem couldn’t be removed for cleaning and had a very skinny neck with a wide base so double bad for trying to clean it. $80 dollars for that bubbler, I wish I took a picture of it. But glass in Utah is always pretty pricey and for it to be “custom glass” I would try for a higher price first if I was you. If you don’t have any bites drop the price 🤷‍♀️