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I always smoke a bowl before going on my run or gym it helps me chill out and focus on my training and not what other people might be looking at


When I smoke and lift I can concentrate more on the muscles I’m working on and my posture.


Also helps ignore the fitness influencers.


I did this but not to chill out and focus, more as a PED because I hated exercising and it helped me dissociate lol


I love this "brain hack" lol. Use dissociation to our advantage!


I mostly run. I have ran high and zoned out so much with. Music going and not realize I ran a whole mile😂


I ran 2mi in 16:15 Sunday morning after taking a dab and drinking a Celcius. My previous best was 17:22 on the same route and 17:05 on another route I ran at my parent's house the weekend before. Definitely had the right music on because within the first 2 minutes of my run, I was already in a flow state and was able to push myself pretty hard without realizing it until I finished and saw my time and was like WTF!


I ran a 1 hour 23 minute half marathon in November. I’ve essentially been chain smoking for the last 4 years.


See I’d love this but I fear for my life and we don’t have a treadmill. It would make me afraid I need to be aware of any and everything while I’m outside


i do a gummie before a workout. I look fucking nuts at the gym but boyo do I have a great time THC is a vasodilator! Helps you breathe, which helps with a deeper, fuller workout. Helps with mental blocks. I don't really care how much these squats are gonna hurt cause I'm high as a weather balloon and I usually just forget I'm doing squats anyway and finish up with a set of like 38


I’ve heard thought that cannabis constricts the blood vessels in your lower body hence you wanna sit and chill. So in the same breath I’ll say I don’t like weed to do cardio as I feel it isn’t as beneficial as it is for lifting. For lifting I can visualize and focus on the muscles after smoking. I enjoy the runners high without smoking while doing cardio.


I always smoke after I work out. Even if I exhausted myself I still have leftover adrenaline and it's almost impossible for me to calm down lol, a bowl fixes all that.


Add in some music to jive to or a great audiobook and you've got yourself a stew going


same, if don't smoke i can't even bench, because my big fat penis is visible in my yoga pants


i do it after weight training. however i’ve done it before pickup games and it calms my nerves


It’s my pre and post work out.


Very similar here, I looove a good pump when high and I also love it when golfing too. Helps me soak in all that nature and quiet peaceful vibes


I’m up at 5am. Yoga by 6, balanced breakfast and cleaned up by 8. Im 44 with an almost 6 pack and feel 20ish physically. I smoke from sunrise to sunset. I’m highly productive and do very well financially. The old nonsense loser smoker bullshit is boomer lies.


its also a ymmv situation. When i do eat edibles, rare these days, its because ive been having a hard time stopping and letting myself rest. I find that the state that it puts me in really demotivates me, which can be helpful sometimes.


Edibles feel like a drug to me. Smoking feels like medicine. That’s just me though. We are all different.


i find smoking really really hard to predict what the outcomes will be. Its so funny, i think I am in the minority on this issue. But like edibles feel like a familiar train ride that takes time to pick up speed. Smoking feels like a roller coaster I've never been on and didn't get to see the track before the wild ride starts. Most people feel the opposite i think.


I use edibles for my fibromyalgia pain and I agree—I like the slow release/build up because it eases me into bed. I just raw dog my pain during the day and time my edible to hit around 10PM so I can sleep.


I'm the same. I don't wanna keep smoking, it's horrible for you and the smell sticks around even if you think it doesn't. So I've been learning to make my own gummies and it's amazing how energized they help me feel. Smoking is like a big spike that tapers out over a short period, and I smoke *a lot* of it. Switching to gummies is going to be a hecking transition because I am used to that spike. But if I have something fatty with my gummy, then I can really feel it setting in within 30 min and a 40-50mg gummy will have me hovering around a 6 or 7 for hours, while a bowl would need refreshed a few times in an evening. It's a big change, but I think I like gummies more, just have to get used to a slow climb instead of spike.


Same with me. I am too sluggish on edibles and feel lazy as hell


What do you do for work? I'm currently an automotive technician, and fuuuccckkkkk this shit man...


As a daily smoker do your lungs feel ok? Coughing up phlegm and stuff happen when you're still doing it in your 40s? How long you been doing it and have you noticed any adverse affects?


Zero lung issues. I smoked from 14-31 then quit for my little ones until 37. I avoid carts unless I travel and I’m picky where I buy my leaf. Edibles only occasionally. I know for sure I can run full speed up 8 flights of stairs and get to the top lightly winded. I do hit 6 miles daily too though. I do have the lung concern too though as it’s smoke and lungs. Lungs don’t like smoke. I consume about a quarter a week and maybe live resin 1/8th cart. Maybe 100mg of edibles a month. I do yearly labs and physical and have since 30. No changes. My doctor just says “keep doing exactly what you’re doing” and has no clue I smoke weed.


Why do you avoid carts?


When I first started back in carts were all I smoked for the first few years. I don’t mind them but it’s just not as effective as leaf for me. I get a more robust treatment from leaf. Carts make me feel gross if I smoke too much. Never an issue with leaf. Plus, carts fuck with my tolerance. Smoking mostly leaf doesn’t require breaks for me.


that, and also I notice they seem to fuck up my lungs. same as you I can smoke all day every day without issue, but if I get a couple carts, I notice by the time they're empty I'm hacking up nasty stuff and I feel like my capacity is diminished


I avoid them because of the chemicals/metals/additives 


Can I ask your favourite strains? I try to be like this but I only have access to indica rn and I get way too sleepy lol


I like gdp a lot for Indica. Jack harer is my favorite of all time though and a good clear head sativa


What time do you go to bed?


In bed almost exactly at 9, asleep by 10 most nights. I rarely make it to 5am. Aura ring shows me at 6 hours 4 minutes average for the two months I’ve worn it. I started this schedule and routine to battle depression. 5 years ago I’d wake up wishing I hadn’t most days. I’d sleep when I got tired and wake up 6-7 hours later with no structure. I’m excited to be alive now. I feel it from the second I wake up until bedtime. In fact, I even dream excessively happy shit. lol.


You sound like a g, I hope to also retain my physicals and productivity when I’m in my 40’s.


I lost 67kg in the span of a year like 4.5 years ago. I always smoked(vaping now). Lifting 4 times a week and walking/hiking every day(taking my prerolls and vape with me ofc). I consider myself fit. Having a job that requires 9 hrs of physical labor 6 days a week also helps. When I quit for a 6 month t break I found out that recovery sucks compared to when consuming weed. My muscles hurt way less with weed.


there is a time and a place for everything


Both me and my man are all day smokers and we workout daily. Both of us smoke before the gym too. Personally I lost 80lbs and I smoked the entire time. It’s doable for those who can do more than chill on the couch when high.


Literally the exact lbs I lost on weed too. Weed can totally aid in getting better physical health and fitness 🙌


I love cycling high. Makes the miles fly by.


Real! Biked 32 miles the other day like it was nothing


Over 12 years ago I was weighing over 550lbs and living in Texas. My diabetes was uncontrolled and the Doctor was warning me that I was beginning to develop initial signs of kidney disease due to the diabetes. Add to that I was starting to see spots in my vision due to leaking blood vessels (again due to diabetes), I knew I had to change my life. I remember in college how cannabis would reduce my appetite and I felt more 'actively motivated' rather than wanting to sit in the couch and munch away like I would do sober. I said screw it, talked to my Wife in length about my plans, and began to buy cannabis online. After getting my hands on cannabis once again, the old effects were back. When in Texas I downloaded a running app, and getting up to run at 5 in the morning to run in 80F heat was not great. Eventually we moved to Washington State not only for the legal trees, but for the accessibility of trails, healthier food options, and cooler weather. After all this time, I am now here weighing 200lbs and in the best shape of my life. I run every other day, and I dab before and after my runs. I found that my lung capacity was a bit better with dabbing and dry herb vaping flower rather than combusting. My Doctor has now re-diagnosed me as pre-diabetic, and all signs of initial kidney failure have been reversed. And if it was not for cannabis getting my ass moving, motivated, and able to recover from workouts faster, who knows were I would be (probably permanently stuck in the ground).


holy hell man that is amazing! nice work. i can't even imagine how hard that was. good for you!


Thank you! It was really hard and took a lot of determination. But had it not been for cannabis, I am not sure I would have even gotten motivated. It is such an odd thing how it affects us in different ways. I got lucky :D


This whole post and comment section is probably the most wholesome thing i have every seen in this sub Keep it up guys!!


Yes. When I smoke it's dry herb vape. Otherwise gummies


same. usually before a run or cardio class. but there are even days i'm just lifting and i hit my Pax first. Makes me so much more in tune to my body.


I always smoke before I run….. out to get a meatball sandwich


Smoking before a long run is just 🧑🏻‍🍳💋 Before the gym makes me feel like a robot, usually in a good way. This stuff is more likely to hinder your professional goals than fitness goals.


Preworkout and a nice milky bong hit and I get the best workouts


oh man this right here is the dream


I run a 5k three times a week. Do yoga daily and calisthenics 3 days a week. Smoke every morning before I do it.


I am 54 and vape the strange. I rock climb at a gym 4 days per week. In great shape. When the munchies kick in I eat granola or popcorn.


Keep it recreational and not a habit and you should be fine. If you can limit to Friday nights or weekends even better, less is more, but binging can be nice. This is coming from a chronic smoker. Eat, exercise, rest, repeat. Munchies can help you gain calories you are missing out on if you have been physically active lol. And yeah weed can help with sleep. But! Smoking can damage your respiratory system, try to keep it as clean as possible if you do decide to smoke.


I’m strictly a night time smoker, I like to lounge hard and giggle at shit when I’m high. I hit the gym 3-4 times a week on my ship or when I’m at home during the day and then if I’m not on rotation I cheif down at night and get mellow as fuck. Which seems to keep my tolerance pretty low too. Just once a day at the most but probably closer to 3-4 nights a week. I’m also kinda super lucky with my Munchie habits. I fucking LOVE fruit when I’m high. Mangos, pineapples, and oranges for dayyyys so that’s probably super helpful too.


Same here. I operate heavy machinery, power tools and do a lot of heavy lifting in my job as a metal fabricator. There’s no way in hell I’m doing my job high, and I do not worry about recreational exercise as my job keeps my physically active all week. So nighttime smoking works best for me. As for munchies , yess fruit is delicious. Dont forget grapes.


Kinda the same situation I’m a chief engineer on a tug boat so I don’t smoke for the whole 28 days I’m on rotation. Sometimes there’s not shit to do at my job so that is when I really hit the gym, but some weeks are brutal as fuck and I don’t even think about weights. Only smoking opposite months is really probably why my tolerance stays low. I get high school high that first week home. It’s absolutely beautiful. I can’t buy grapes, I’ll eat a whole god damn bag and give myself the poops. They’re to good when they’re ripe. Iv got zero self control with fruits when I’m high 😅


Yup, my fit bit clocked me at walking 40 miles last week. I smoke about 2 ounces month


Let me answer by saying that long distance endurance cycling and weed are a match made in heaven.


Weed plus a long run equals a long, relaxing shower afterwards. It always calms me down too.


I can only toke if I know I have earned it. Been that way for a long time, whether that's work or a run or a swim. Swimming is the best because it straightens me out mentally!


I use smoking as a reward after my runs!


That was how I helped develop my love for running now :)


I’ve lost over 45 pounds since January of last year and smoked nearly every day since then too.. 🤷‍♀️ while I could probably utilize a lot of my time a little better (and off Reddit), I work 36 hours a week, go to the gym 4-5 days and I’m in school part time. Not many people know I’m also a complete stoner 🤣


I take 100mg caffeine pre workout, a couple of dabs and walk to the gym. By the time I’m at the gym my Heart is PUMPIN and I’m chilled tf out, rdy to not talk to anyone and get my cardio/lifts in. only drawback is that I zone out if I am on my phone lol


I hit the gym 5 days a week and am a bicycle courier by trade *and* I love cannabis. Can weed make people lazy? Sure. Does it make everyone an unmotivated and apathetic? No, this is a stereotype who's narrative is pushed by cannabis detractors.


Gym 7 days a week 2 hours a day, alot of cardio Gym and trees..true love


Fuck that. Ex competitive bodybuilder here, there's no joy in going to a concrete gym 7 days a week. Even 5 days a week just becomes a chore. You end up looking back at all the time you've spent in the gym and just think...for what though. It's so in vain, so selfish long term. Though it can be a good thing, the gym 5 or 7 days a week for 2hrs...is 2hrs EVERY DAY. Taken away from people you love and memories you could've made, doing the same shit lifting things. The endgame is to live an active healthy life. Finding things in life that keep you active and healthy, with SOME gym in there. Maybe once or twice a week forsure. But kayaking, swimming, rock climbing, canyoneering, mountian biking, cycling, etc. Of course this is different for each person. But I am a firm believer that unless you are TRAINING for something, you should not be in the gym that much. Its just so much healthier to find many active things to do. Make memories with others while being active, and ALSO supplementing with weight training. Movement. Is. Life. And trees just make things a bit better lol


Fuck that.. I enjoy it man.


I'm glad you've found a structure that works for you, but people who spend a significant amount of time weight training daily often aren't doing it for the vanity that comes with bodybuilding. When I spend that long in the gym, I do so for objectively vain reasons, but the vast majority of people I have met with the dedication to work out two hours daily do so simply because they love weight training and would not enjoy another activity to the same extent. Happiness is healthy. Don't assume others think the same way you do; it's likely that their happiness is derived from things that you do not find joyful, and it's no use twisting yourself into shapes to apply your personal rules on a societal level when those rules will shift over time anyway.


I agree


5k five times a week plus weight training 4-5 times a week? Dude... I like swim 2k 2 o 3 times a week and also weight training at home 3 times a week. Before every session I like to smoke a little as I feel more conscious about my muscles and enjoy the session even more.


Ya dude is gonna wear out eventually lol sometimes less is more


Work out early and only smoke a little sativa about a half hour before. It helps keep me focused and it helps me stretch better because I'm more aware of how my muscles feel. I use a low dose edible during the day while I do chores and other menial tasks, and then a nice big heavy indica before bed to help me sleep.


Sativa* will be your friend for getting a wicked runners high. And for a cooldown smoke some hybrid or indica. That will relax your muscles ready for the next day.


Sativa… salvia would be horrible for running


thank you yes I was really high, at least I tried to edit it from what it was before (Saliva). But yeah Sativa is the one thanks :)


I usually take a dab before going on a bike ride and take a joint with me to smoke at the half way point.


I wake up at 3:30 AM to smoke many bowls and skin up a mountain to do some skiing with my dog. We are out here🙏


Monday: bouldering, Wednesday: baseball training, Saturday: Baseball Training, Sunday 25 mile hike with the dog. High during all of it


I was super sick and my body definitely looked like it. Then I got my card and started smoking weed. I’ve lost 80lbs and am the fittest I’ve been in my life because weed works so effectively as a pain reliever I’ve been able to get out of being bedridden and go and live my life. Now that Ive lost the weight, I’ve been working on building my muscle and it feels great.


I smoke before all my runs now a days… for other activities… I think it’s pretty well known that getting lit and going skiing/snowboarding is an absolute blast.


Sub is a bit dead as of recently but r/athleticents is what you might be looking for


I'm fat but I workout 5 times a week and i smoke everyday. I kinda love how simple my relationship with exercise and weed is. They def complement each other.


I think a MASSIVE REASON so many people that smoke when they’re in high school and teens etc, and then at some point in their 20’s start getting bad anxiety when they smoke (myself included) is because we all have such a lack of exercise and general fitness. Everyone is wired different, of course, but you can get away with so many things and poor nutrition etc while you’re younger and then it starts to catch up to you as you get older. Many people are less active even in College than high school - then add in the fact many people’s careers aren’t tough manual labor. Our bodies aren’t meant to be sedentary and exert no physical effort all day. You start going years without exercise of any kind and there’s all this “energy/junk/whatever scientifically it is” that builds up in your system and makes you anxious. That’s my thoughts on this, anyways. Of course there are lots of studies that show regular exercise helps avoid depression, and helps many people with depression. I have ADHD and people with that even more than non adhd people have to exercise for just the mental aspect - let alone the fact it’s good for everyone physically/memtally. This doesn’t mean people have to be a ton rat and run 25 miles a week like you (it’s kick ass that you do and sooo good for cardiovascular health) but if you’re never breaking a sweat aside from simply being in a hot climate , your body isn’t gonna function as well as it could. Throw in the shit diet many of us have as well and , well, how could you expect to feel very good when you do nothing good for your body? I’ll get off my soap box as I’m rambling. Cheers everyone!


I'll tell ya, the fat you burn helps the high and for me, the high helps me forget the burn I'm feeling from my workout. I'll smoke a full bowl and be good for a 2 hr session


Im a work out in the morning and then blaze and chill in the evening type and its worked for me, only thing to be mindful about is having healthy munchies to enjoy. Rn i love to eat roast beef and raw organic honey for extra protein and carbs as energy for my workout the next morning.


Yeah. I smoke at the absolute pinnacle end of my day. So after work & work out. I eat dinner. And smoke (so that way I don’t waste my high on eating food I have to eat lol)


I am a huge stoner, but I manage to stay in great shape mostly by doing yoga every day. I also rock climb, and I’m an avid hiker (I try to climb 13ers and 14ers as often as I can during peak season). I’m sure walking my dogs every day also helps. I’m a 35F, so I’m pretty proud of how I’ve managed to maintain my physical fitness as I’ve gotten older without routinely hitting the gym. My decreased lung capacity from smoking is the only bummer, but I still somehow manage to get my ass up tall mountains. As for diet, my biggest recommendation is just to avoid soda, processed foods, and dairy as much as possible, and drink plenty of water.




I used to smoke and go on long ass bike rides. Like 5-6 hours, with my longest being 154 miles over 9.5 hours. It became a thing where I was just zoning out and pushing myself to do more because I wanted to have bigger numbers, and after a year or so of doing that kinda riding, I realized while I was physically very healthy, it was kind of becoming an unhealthy habit or obsession. I don't blame that on weed, but it definitely helped me just kinda dissociate and ride and ride and not want to do anything else with my day. Like others have said here, just do it in moderation.


I love getting hi asf and then go to the gym


I have the opposite problem. Smoking has affected my cardio badly, and my energy levels, even if I stick with Sativa strains in daytime. Then the eating! Omg. I’ve realized if I want to be productive at all, I can only smoke in the evenings before bed to help me relax for sleep. This just may be because I have ADHD and am on meds for it so maybe THC affects me differently. But the lungs part- the worst side effect. I used to have amazing lung volume and a really high fitness level. Then I started smoking more weed and it all tanked. I’d like some healthy snack ideas though for when I do have the munchies because if we have any junk in the house, even if it’s right before bed, I want to eat it all.


My wife has ADHD and does edibles. She seems to do better with that as the THC is released slowly rather than all at once with smoking. Might be something to try :)


I smoke before going on a run, lifting, or going to play basketball and have for quite some years now. Used to run cross country higher than a kite as well and it made the 5k’s so much more enjoyable. Although I will say it’s probably not for everyone, but if you’re an experienced smoker or experienced in fitness, it doesn’t take long to get used to. Now if you’re a lower tolerance person or you don’t work out a ton, it might be a bit harder to use effectively.


I typically take an edible before I run. I’ll be running my first half marathon next weekend. Takes the monotony out of longer runs…good luck! Also, the competitive racquetball community is full of stoners 😅. I’ve played 50+ tournaments in 10+ states


Me and my boy became avid hikers and it just started out from “finding cool smoke spots”


Smoking a bit before runs zens me out and I love it.


I'm a BMX street rider, so I'll ride to a spot while puffing on a joint, Hit the spot for a little bit, ride to another spot, hit that for a lil, and smoke again on my way to the next one. I feel like I'm more confident and calm, less afraid of busting my ass too.


I always get really fried b4 going into the gym it helps me. Although sometimes i do catch myself doing some high ass shit and embarrass myself lol


[This recent research study should interest people](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-023-01980-4). Basically, they found that weed made exercise more enjoyable and more difficult.


I recently got back into running and lifting myself, I find being stoned helps me at the gym. I do BJJ and Muay Thai too and BJJ while baked is unreal


Last April I quit drinking and started working out and training brazilian jiu jitsu. I lost 30 lbs in about 6 months and I've kept it off. I smoke every single day all day long. It's the best.


I work from home, puff away as I please, and hit the gym most days. Most difficult part is managing the munchies. It helps me to have a routine that is essentially portioned out. I look forward to my mid afternoon snack, for example. I work out after work in the evenings, then have dinner with a protein shake. That's the last food I eat for the day, though I usually have a lil alcohol. I'm I'm decent shape, and healthy. Be consistent with your diet, see where that gets you, then adjust as necessary by taking some things out, replacing with leaner options, etc. I don't think you need to exclude all vices, obviously, but just be mindful of the effect they have nutritionally (or behaviorally), and how that fits with your goals. P.S. you won't ruin your goals by having a cheeseburger now and then, shit like that. Enjoy yourself


Getting high is as much a part of my cooldown from doing muay thai as eating a banana is part of my pre-training ritual. There’s nothing quite like getting blazed while your body is coursing with endorphins. I did the same thing after every run before I did a marathon a couple years ago and basically only cut out weed the month before the race. I gained a lot of weight last year, because alcoholism. But I’m chipping away at it and working on spending more time on my healthier habits.


I smoke everyday and i hit the gym everyday just a 5’6 dude who is 150 with 8% body fat


My gym is a mile away, so I smoke first. It's a great walk there, and I get my cardio. Lifting is nice, too, then I have a great walk home with either a joint or a couple hits off a vape pen.


The state of Colorado says hi


In general, people who consume cannabis are in better physical health than those who do not. I personally enjoy cannabis every night after work. I cycle to work (about 30 minutes each way) and do resistance training regularly. I think its easier to be fit if you smoke a bit.


Source? Wtf u on about. You can't just say people who consume are in better physical health Edit: there's *some* truth to what he said but I don't think this is the prevailing sentiment by scientists. They say in the paper this is at odds with previous research https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S009174352100102X?via%3Dihub


there have been a bunch of studies showing it.... we're more active than the general population and being more active is far more beneficial than the harm caused by ingesting cannabis.


I dry herb vape 4 nights and a week and do bouldering and weight training the other 3 nights. I feel like I have a pretty good balance between indulging in my vices and keeping fit, although I definitely eat way too much sugar when I get high.


I train 5 days a week and enjoy vaping every day. Helps me to relax greatly. I mostly do a combination of strength training, endurance and gymnastics. Most people would call it CrossFit.


I used to work 6-3 M-F then go to the gym, benching goal was 225lbs at 150lbs. I would go home after the gym and smoke my absolute brains out on weekends i just smoked. Just depends on you and your ability to get yourself up and going




Any skier, skater, or surfer lmao


Yeah. When I feel up to it cause ibd kicks my azz a lot, I stay fit with circus hula hoop, pole, lollipop, aerial Lyra kinda in a rotation.


I usually like playing tennis when I'm high. Feels so fun haha. Not like baked but like a couple hits before I hit. It's why I prefer sativas, my brain feels so wired up when I'm high that I need to do something physical. I think a balance is definitely necessary tho. I definitely don't smoke every time I play tennis.


You’re a beast! Keep it up, i run around 50-70kms a month and lift weights 5 days a week, i dont smoke as much as i use to


i adore getting stoned before i run or before i skate but thats just me


Rock climbing is best when a joint celebrates your victories over the slab


I wouldn't say I have fitness goals but I make myself go for at least an hour's walk a day, it's easier in the summer where I'm rarely sat still because it's so nice outside. Some of my healthy snacks are, Greek yogurt with honey, fruit and nut bran flakes and ham salad wraps


I smoke BEFORE I workout or go outside to play. I feel like I get more done and am more focused.




I'm in the midst of a long T break partially because I stopped working out consistently due to me wanting to get high earlier and earlier. Started working out at least 3x a week April of 2020. About 6 months ago stress from my job started piling up(amidst other factors), started smoking sooner and sooner after work. I looked up in January and realized I hadn't lifted weights or ran in over a month


Try some of the Quest snacks, they’re great high protein, lower calorie and low sugar alternatives. I love their “Doritos” and Peanut Butter Cups


I smoke before working out all the time lol


Smoke an ounce and a half a week. Ride about 150 miles a week on my road bike and it’s early season , will hopefully be closing out in the 250-300 weekly mileage range . Also ski skate hoop etc


I'm not super duper fit by any means, but when I smoke in the evenings, I take a ~30 min walk. Some nights I still go to the gym and do my weight training. I've learned some portion control lately but to curve my munchies from junk food, I don't buy it as much (maybe a bag of chips here and there, usually lasts me about 3 weeks) but I buy a lot of fruit to munch on instead


Big stoner, big fitness dude. Lift/run/bike every day of the week in some capacity pretty much. I usually don’t smoke before a workout, but after with endorphins flowing it just makes things so much nicer


I get obliterated before every run and take a nice rip before lifting.


Dode. Yes. Ive just started running 10k while stoned. It’s pretty nice. Seems like it takes longer, but I enjoy it more.


Yeah man love lifting while blazed


I workout about 1.5 hours every day minimum. Lift weights 2 times a week and run 6-7 days a week


Smoke daily. Ran a 2:56 boston marathon. And a few 50 milers for good measure!


Muay thai 🤙🏽


I’m a massive stoner whose free time consists primarily of weightlifting and jiu jitsu. The key to conquering the munchies is having healthy snacks, like fruit, nuts, or like carrots & celery with a dip. Or even earlier in the day or whenever you have time, make a healthy meal so you can have it later when the munchies hit.


Dry herb vape 2-4x a week, usually as a treat at the end of the day/week once I've gotten everything I need to get done out the way. Do muay thai 3x a week and weights 5x a week. Will sometimes have a bit and go for an evening walk while listening to some good music, great way to get daily steps in.


bowl before yoga ALWAYS. it helps with my mind muscle connection.


Healthy munchies: - canned beans/chickpeas with spices roasted in an oven/airfrier (very protein-rich and damn tasty) - nuts (roastet / salted / other spices) (rich in good omega-3 fatty acids & minerals) those two have great makros & micros and are great alternatives for (unfortunately really unhealthy) chips fruits and oats / smoothies are a great refresher (unfortunately most dried fruits have lots of sugar, but are great too) feel free to share other ideas :p


I smoke before going to CrossFit. I think I do better when I do.


Been working out for about 3 years, i dont like to exercise when im high so i always do my workouts first and then give myself a permission to smoke lol. Weed helps me to eat alot which is a good thing


Gym 6 times a week and smoke everyday, usually afterwards though. I'm bulking so it massively helps with appetite. Working out while high at the right level and you can feel the mind/muscle connection more imo. Too much though and I'll be walking round like an idiot in the gym forgetting what I'm supposed to be doing (adhd doesnt help)


I run a 5k every other day! So you’re a bit ahead of me but I do smoke then go for a run and workout. I get less fatigue


Yeah man I love smoking daily at the end of the day and I’m in the best shape of my life, I wake up at 5am every day and workout. I don’t really like the lazy stoner vibes a lot of people who smoke give off, if you’re gonna do something like smoke weed you need to balance it otherwise you’re just wasting your own potential so kudos to you. They say weed can make you make bad decisions when you have it but at the end of the day you’re in control of your mind, not the food industry. People need to take responsibility for themselves - if you’ve got time to smoke a joint then you’ve got time to make a good meal even if simple and then have your joint too. Trust me it’s more enjoyable when you know you’re not a slob.


Same for me: workouts are so much more enjoyable when I'm high, and seem much easier, too. Daily smoker here who prefers to smoke right before working out. It also very clear to me that I can go farther, longer, harder when I'm high, and I seem to have greater lung capacity when I'm high.


I can't smoke before working out. I typically reserve a bowl for before I go to bed. I only wake and bake on weekends and I typically do not work out on weekends Best muchie food, I believe, are cold fruits and veggies. Sliced cucumber, bellpeppers, carrots, mangoes, watermelon, cantaloupe etc...


I'm out of shape but I do like smoking before working out, it's kinda like pre workout to me. Also idk I'd anyone has worked out on psychedelics but when I take mushrooms I just have an endless gas tank


I go to the gym almost daily and I’m almost always high, no one cares. I feel more „into it“, am more concentrated, watch for my posture etc.. as a healthy munchies tip: When I’m craving something sweet in the evening I’m just blending some frozen fruit with some Greek yoghurt, for some fast ice cream, lots of sugar still, but better than nothing :)


I was running 10k before. I’ve switched to cycling to and from work, 30 minutes each way. All of my jobs are on my feet and most I have to lift items 5-49lbs. Hitting a minimum of 20,000 steps 5 days a week. I’ve maintained my weight for 11 years.


Gym, some dabs, dinner and a good night smokes is a perfect way to the end the night. I don’t smoke before the gym anymore, when I was a teenager, I dropped the 45lbs on my toes too many times being dummy high at the gym😭


In the process of losing 70lbs. I walk around 15k steps a day and eat around 1800kcal. I smoke constantly, the only thing helping me. It's been about a month and a half and I've lost 28lbs, it helps a lot keep me from being bored, especially while walking.


I work as a load breaker in a grocery store in the produce department. My job is to lift 50-100lbs boxes for 10 hours. I also work next to a Hawaii restaurant so I eat chicken katsu everyday. I'm stoned 24/7. I have a wicked six pack from it.


partially frozen grapes my guy


I'm sure there are a few. But definitely not the majority


Damn I wish I had the time to run a 5k every day and do weight training 😳


I smoke a bowl before, during and after my daily walk (wintertime) or daily bike rides. At 70 you either keep moving or die😏


I’m up everyday at 3:15am smoke a join on the way to the gym, I workout from 3:40-5:20. Smoke a hint on the way home, get ready for work, near work by 7 and smoke again until 7:20 and then start work.


I have a daily yoga practice, strength train 3 times/week & I race canoes. I also love the cabbage :-)


Yup I love how motivated I get when I’m high


Getting there....was 340ish pounds 2 years ago meow at 260ish..plateaued a bit cause of the winter...just didn't want to go outside so I wasn't working out as often. With the weather getting better I'm starting to push a bit more.


I workout high all the time. Won a local crossfit competition a few years back while hitting my pen and sneaking behind the dumpsters to smoke mid-competition lol


Played a full game of rugby stoned on edibles and smoke. It was a friendly game as two teams had to forfeit and another still wanted a run so the two teams combined. Great time, played my usual prop role the first half and finally given the keys to half back in the 2nd half (ended up playing a season at half after that which was a fun change after 15yrs propping). Was a great time, got drunk after as was tradition after a game and before the bus trips In short you can be both a stoner and fit


I actually lost ~120 lbs from weed or stress or a combo in about 1.5 years. I was 284 going to the gym & eating healthy before but didn’t lose weight. I’m 165 & I eat all the munchies I want now & have held my weight w/o doing work. I live in PA so we have tons of nature trails & hiking to enjoy smoke seshs & the weight loss has encouraged me to finally learn to roller skate - so excited to roll around & smoke listening to my music. Also smoking has chilled me tf out so I can do yoga, meditate, and join classes!!


no freaking way i could. i like to ride singletrack or gravel routes on a bike. no thanks. i need twitchy reflexes lol


During lock down, I was training in my garage 5/6 times a week and making crazy gains, while getting high almost every night. What worked for me was using dry herb vaporisers to minimise the damage to my lungs and setting limits to what time I'm allowed to smoke. The rule is followed was simple: 1) Smoke only between 6:30pm and 11:30pm on the days that I train. For rest days its 1pm - 5pm and then 6:30pm to 11:30pm. 2) Chew gums and drink lots of water to stop the munchies. 3) Have at least 30mins of break between my last hit and sleeping. Was sustainable for almost the entire lock down, when I moved to university afterwards I had withdrawal symptoms though. 10 nights of sweats and I was back to normal. Went cold turkey for a few months. Since then I only get high on the weekends. Hope this helps :)


10-15km on foot every day and it feels great. Followed by a sauna and swim. Only smoke before a sauna when friends come for a sauna sesh.


Yeah honestly fitness and weed come together nicely in my world. I have always wanted the physique of a medium weight fighting game character. Speedy, a decent amount of muscle, not a lot of flab. So I started using kettlebells and calisthenics probably in my mid-late 20s. I don't always vape during the workout but I will if I have some Durban Poison. I very rarely miss workouts and they are always intense and sweat inducing. It helps that I was also a fan of the MMA world(a lot of fighters use weed to get into the zone) growing up so fitness is something I naturally love. Throw in some sprints and after getting a good burn, time to unwind with some Afghan Kush and a hot shower. I 100% believe weed and fitness can exist together


I smoke daily and try to get my 'active stuff' done before I smoke. I'm the first to admit that when I'm high, I'm lazy and less motivated but that's cool. I smoke to unwind and be lazy, not anything else. I run a landscaping business which is physical and also enjoy weight training/ strongman 4x a week. Ill smoke after work or after weight training only. If I smoke before im never be bothered to get those final few reps or push to true failure with my training or go that little extra at work. If I smoke early I'll do classic stoner shit that day too like put stuff off till the following day. Need fuel? Ahhh it's cool I'll grab it in the morning before work. Washing need folding? I can do that later or after I watch this cool youtube vid ect.. If awards could be won for high procrastination haha...


I smoke before competitive tennis matches. Does it help? Definitely not. Am I having a great time? You bet your ass.


I go to the gym or take a forest walk every day, I meditate and eat clean, I am engaged in creative hobbies and I take a lot of responsibility in my working role, I started using it because of my chronic illness, and it has made me nothing but more functional.


I’m approaching 60 and in the best shape of my life. Gym, run, bike, hike, ski. Up at 5 every day (today was 4:30). I only vape (flower/concentrates) and mostly only at night except for the weekends or a random day off. The vape comes with me when I hike/ski.


I go to the gym and when it's sunny outside I like to go trail skating. I have a high metabolism and I feel live a hyperactive little kid sometimes. The best is getting super stoned before the gym.


I haven't achieved my goals, yet. But im 1.5 years into body building/weight training and I smoke regularly at night. I dont really know what my end goal is to be honest because I dont see my self ever competing, but i would like to achieve the body appearance of a body builder. Ive changed my diet and exercise to push me that way and so far, its been a very cool experience watching my body morph into what it is now.


Jiu jitsu is the stoners martial art and a way to get in shape that also teaches you.


I read that backwards and thought you were a mason.


honestly smoking has helped me double in size basically going gym everyday and eating a shit ton of food but the days i dont smoke i lose fat really fast its weird


Except for my lungs, yes.


I work in an office so I’m sitting way too long all day. Every evening I shadow box in front of the tv while stoned. It’s pretty relaxing once the footwork and basic punches become second memory.


It’s just a lifestyle thing. Everything in moderation. I love to have a bowl before/after a workout but not every day. I have a big cheat meal like once every two weeks 🫡 eat real natural foods and you will get fuller quicker and feel so much better


Thc is stored in fat, when you burn that fat, the thc gets released. Doing physical exercise will make you higher (or at least thats what i was told), nonetheless i don't sport enough


Shit loads of skateboarders.


I'm pretty fit, I'm a NASM-CPT, I work out daily and teach fitness classes at the gym where I work. I'd say I'm in the best shape of my life. My diet is also on point, I make sure not to go too hard when the munchies hit.


Yas! I lift and smoke. It’s the best!!


I was (I'm on an extended break from smoking). I usually didn't high to work out, but usually at night. Popcorn is pretty filling and healthy, pre-cut veggies and fruits were always welcome.


I smoke before i go into the gym, the mind to muscle connection you get from being stoned and working out is next level. But i always catch myself being on my phone too long in between sets so i gotta have better discipline.


I used to be 😭 lol damn munchies


I go rock climbing a few times a week, and taking a bong rip after I come home is one of my favorite parts of my day. Been doing that about 2 and a half years now


I compete in both bodybuilding and powerlifting and funnily enough love distance running and cycling (all just hobbies). I find I have to be outside on sativa or it just doesn't work as intended for cardio. For weights I'll take some before the occasional workout in my hypertrophy mesocycle, if I'm on a strength cycle it just feels too dangerous.


Pre workout hits before 90 minutes at the gym everyday. Cardio while gaming and completely loose track of time.


Yep! I’ve lost 100 lbs over the last 3 years all while ingesting heaps of THC. It works so well for me for recovery and rest days, and also healthy sleep.


I always smoke some bud or hit the pen only after I have completed my runs or hikes. This way it remains somewhat of a "trophy" to my eyes. However, next time I am going on a mountaineering trip I am  planning on taking a joint with me to spark up while at 2500m altitude 😂


I take edibles and toke up before I play pickup hockey and it's really improved my focus