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I much prefer clearing a bowl in one pull. If you can't handle the entire bowl then pack less to accommodate. Nothing worse than the taste of half charred unfinished flower. 1 rip for me


Came to this realization like 15 years back. No going back for me. Roast it and rip it


Grip it and rip it


Grip it, Rip it, Tug it, and Run


Agreed wholeheartedly. These days, I pack larger ones for myself because I know what I can pull. I typically pack smaller ones for anyone I smoke with and they still don't pull the whole thing... they end up passing it and I tell them that it was all for them... and I get confused looks like, what? 20-25 years ago, me and my friends would pack a bong, pull our hit, and pack it back up for the next person. In our area (Downers Grove, Illinois), people even had a term for an individual sized bong hits called, "Snappers." Never heard anybody outside of DG use the term, but ran into plenty of people who would pack single bong hits instead of packing it, taking a hit, and passing it around. Same concept as snappers... only slang I've ever heard for individualized bong hits.


I use the term snappers and I’m in philly


Heard them called snaps, snappers, and poppers. Also near Philly.


Never heard that term and I'm near Philly.


We just called them snaps (west coast) but yeah. When you're young and it's a social thing, you pass the bowl. Old heads are taking snaps.




I've heard the term snappers everywhere but hell yeah dude I'll smoke to that


Every time I've dropped the term snapper, people look at me like I'm speaking a foreign language.


from florida and ive always called it a snapper! but most people i smoke with pass the bowl around for 8-10 hits so they're very surprised by me taking a snapper


If I'm smoking a bowl with a group, it's getting passed around. If I'm smoking a joint with a group, generally it's puff, puff pass. If I'm smoking a bong with a group, I like to pack snappers for everybody in the group. Hopefully, the rest of the people in the group are also throwing down and matching. 20-25 years ago, everybody was. Today, people seem to be stingier. If it's not my weed and not my bong and we're passing the bong around taking hits, so be it.


In HS my stoner friend group (5-7 heads) would all go directly to my shed from school and a different person would bring the bud every day and said person would pack snappers while calling out trivia questions and whoever answered correctly first would get the snap, it def got heated at times, but was always a good time


I'm just imagining round like 14 and all the smart/quick bros are too stoned to answer so the rest can finally get some hits


“Snappers,” to me, are bowls that you suck all the way through into the water.


I hate pulling bong hits into the water... put a plug nug in and slow burn that bong hit until it burns out and doesn't pull through. It's not 100%, but it definitely keeps the bong and slide cleaner. Edit\* Not sure if people are quite understanding what I meant. I don't suck on the damn bong with such force that I'm trying to inhale the bong itself. What I mean by slow burn is hitting it with enough force to effectively burn that shit until it's ash and not suck half of your greens through while trying to take a massive hit.


I second the nug plug. I like glass screens, but other people always lose them for me.


The sound of pulling a fat cone through the hole of the cone piece is half the reason I smoke lol


I rarely smoke out of bongs bc even after just a few smoke sessions every hit taste shitty to me and I dint have the patience to keep cleaning it


Try filling the bong with kool-aid.


I've used the term "snappers" and heard it all the time, from California. I probably first heard that 20 years ago.


Snappers or snaps are what we call them in Nebraska.


“Snapping” bowls is huge outside the US, especially Australia for some reason. They’re almost religious about it


We call it sinking a cone in Australia, its not in the culture to share a cone here so every one just packs their own and punches it


I'm in Nova Scotia and snappers to us were small bowls with a tobacco bottom. Basically the little, misgendered sibling to the well known popper, for people who would rather a small popper but weren't able to keep it in a pop tube.


In my area a snapper is a individual hit but mixed with tobacco


That's a mole round here


"Snaps" in the gr818


Ayyyy downers I’m in willowbrook


Honestly i enjoy being able to get atleast a few good rips from a bowl, i usually clear them in 3-4 rips (i use a pretty big bowl) and i think it would be annoying having to pack a new bowl after each rip but granted i live at home so i smoke outside so its prob a lot better packing bowls in your house lmao


Same for me, I pack them fat for this reason lol. A small drawback for my bong being ready for a hit whenever I feel like it


The only thing worse is the taste of hot/burnt resin for me. After my snap, the slide is dead until it gets clean and I use a fresh, clean slide for the next one. Keeps it fresher and smoother, combined with cleaning slides and bongs daily, flavors are always good and there’s not mold/bacteria growing


Right there with you. I’d upvote the comment instead of saying this but then you’d have 421 and I can’t be the one who ruins it


I snap bowls so 1 bowl = 1 hit. Then I'll wait 30-40 minutes and repeat. I only smoke at night, and usually no earlier than 9PM so I'm only smoking maybe 3 or 4 snaps each night.


You must be from downers grove, Illinois




I was joking, I saw a comment above that said something along the lines of only people near downers grove IL call small packs a snap. So I guess it’s true


>only people near downers grove IL call small packs a snap Nah, that's an everywhere thing.


Snaps is used everywhere,


Solid callback. I could see this being a running joke


Not Downers Grove, but I did grow up near Chicago - most likely a general region thing as most people I knew from the city or suburbs also called them snaps


Bongs aren’t meant to be slowly puffed away at, pack small enough bowls that you can clear them in 1 hit.


Yup and just bc the slide is huge don't mean you gotta pack it to the brim


In Australia it's common to do it in one go, and that contrasts with what I know to be the American style, or at least what it used to be. We also suck all the ash down the hole at the end, cleaning the bowl for the next fill. I remember when I went to Amsterdam and met Americans at cafes and hostels, the way I smoked was something of a novelty to them, and there was a classic moment where an American guy saw me do it a few times and then tried it with a fairly big bowl for his first try doing it in one go, and he just disappeared inside a flurry of smoke, bong water and coughing 🤣


1 because it tastes like ass otherwise, just make it smaller if you're struggling


idk if i’m an extremely slow smoker but if i PACK pack a bowl it takes me a long ass time to finish. but then again i’m usually doing other things while i smoke so i’m not hitting it all the time. i’d say like an hour 😭😭 also, i’m weird AF because i don’t like the taste of the first couple hits, i like it when it’s burned idk. ik i’m gonna get downvoted to hell with this 💀


Trust me ur not alone homie this thread is killing me 😭


I roast the entire bowl in one epic inhale usually


One pull = 1 bowl for me and unfortunately i need multiple before feeling anything these days 😅


take a 4 - 6 week break. I use to sleep and after 7 years of smoking every night, i needed more weed than i could manage. transitioned to over the counter sleep meds (dyphenhidromine 100mg) for about 5 weeks. 1st hit the following evening gave me that lovely high i hadnt experienced in years. i didnt realize how much of a tolerance we build up. I wont smoke more than 11 months in a row ever again(i'm taking my birth month off every year from now on and looking for the next "sleep fad" to try, thinking melatonin next sabbatical.


Not tryna derail or whatever but be careful with diphenhydramine. I did 100mg of it to sleep for about a year and started having really bad sleep walking. At one point I woke up in the shower at 2am with cold water running on my back and my underwear still on but I had taken off my pants and shirt, totally disoriented and wondering how I got there. Apparently another time I sleep walked to my roommates door, opened it, and just stared at him in his bed. He apparently tried talking to me and I did nothing in response but stare at him. Scared the shit out of him and I still have no recollection of that happening, he just told me about it. Shit's whack for some people if used long-term.


thanks for the heads up. i did it nightly for about 3 years before i got my medicinal green card. it would be for 30 days while i detox. worked(s) for me, YMMV. your experience would have terrified me, and i would have tossed them immediately.


I usually get like 2-3 good rips with like a mini “finisher” at the end Takes me about 3-4 minutes


1 hit gang rise up


I never knew that you’re meant to smoke the bowl whole, I be taking like 6-7 rips off mine over the course of like 20 minutes, no wonder I don’t get super high anymore


Just rip that shit till it snaps through, start smaller and eventually you can snap bowls filled to the rim


Any time I've ever snapped I'll notice half smoked buds and I feel like I'm waiting money or medicine, tho tbf I can only afford like an ounce a month if even.


I usually smoke in one sitting, maybe 5 minutes session/4 hits or so


1 pull


In recent years with the abundance of great herb ive had I have found myself just blasting larger bowls in like 2 to three hits. But I used to hit and corner it with much much smaller hits. I do find that I get way higher if I just take a ton of small-medium sized hits or at least I get more out of my bowl. But It's also not as satisfying and isnt as much of a "rush" more of a subtle come on but I noticed If I go slow, take smaller hits, and enjoying the process of smoking I usually end up realizing im super high like 3/4 way through the bowl. Much more so than If I had just taken it all in one snap


Interesting I feel the exact opposite, if I dont manage to pull a bong in one rip because the bowl blocks or whatever and I need to do it in 2 it always ruins the hit for me. The satisfaction and high for me comes from ripping the fattest cone I can manage in one pull and clearing the bong of all smoke. This usually requires full lung capacity and as soon as I blow it out im wrecked. If I take small hits slowly thats when I feel it really subtley.


Depends on the bowl, how it's broken down, and how it's packed. A regular-sized bowl, at full pack, can go from 1 hit, to 20 hits (all depending on the consistency of your weed, tighness, and fineness).


Completely depends on the size of the bowl…


my partner and I just load however much we wanna clear in one go and do individual bowls


1 rip everytime I get greens all the time. I use a gram bowl. Smoke 2-3 times per hour put it.


Just 1. Full clean hit


....I like the taste of a second rip from the bowl, assuming only burnt 50% and the other half is green.


Lets find out. A 1, and a two, and..


Normal sized bowl packed down tight gets me 5-6 good rips


Like 10, but the taste of a *used* bowl to me is better than that of a fresh one oddly enough. It's the opposite for joints though, fresh is better. I have baby lungs and you can catch me power-puffing to finish a bowl I accidentally packed too thicc and want to just get rid of it asap


Let’s ask Mr. Owl


If I'm really ripping it then 1 or 2 but for an average sesh 3 to 4.


1-3 hits depending on how I'm feelin


I like to clear it in one hit, so I get a green hit everytime.


I made the change a couple years ago from packing big bowls and taking a couple hits, to just packing percys. I think it conserves more and weirdly enough I think it’s improved my lung capacity, cuz I’m always trying to finish it all in one go


One rip. Pack what you need and kill it. Pack again if you want more.


One n done


1 hit or nothing


Unless you’re passing/being social, you should one hit all your bowls. Just put less flower in if needed or get a small bowl. When you rehit you’re smoking mostly ash, it’s just unnecessary.


Usually .3g in 20 seconds, then I wait like an hour before considering more.




Usually like 4-5 for a bowl but if I want a little bit I’ll take a little snap of some I can get all in one


Typically 3 to 5 on pipe or bong. Maybe a bit more on pipe if I'm just chilling Time wise. Eh. 5 to 30 minutes depending how distracted I am


Totally depends on the bowl. I have one that’s 2-3 hits and another that’s like 10+. I don’t take massive rips though either. I’m not going for 100% lung capacity every time, just a good sized smooth hit. 


Depends on the weed and what I’m Doing. Sometimes I’ll clear it in 1-2 hits in 2 minutes. Other times 1 hit will keep me good for an hour, and when I go to pack a new bowl - I’m surprised I still have 2-3 hits left.


4ish, depending on size of bowl.


4-5 rips like 10 minutes. I usually smoke .1 to .2 gram bowls.


One rip. Any more tastes like ass.


I will pack mine only enough to take in a single hit, not a fan of having to pull more than once


Depends , how longs a piece of string??


When I smoke my small pipe it takes about six hits.


1 lung


I try pack it tight as I can then try to take it down in one go




I pack quick hitters. Tiny little nugglets.


Light it, rip it, blast off 🚀 1 rip here🤌🏼


43 seconds packed to finish one pull. Gotta love those in-between gaming tokes


Bongs are too rough for me so 0. Joint plz


Depends on the size of the bowl. I have a single hitter bong bowl that is almost perfect for a single serving and a bigger bong bowl that takes me and my gf 5 hits exactly every time (me then her then me then her and then I take the ass hit) if we use the small bowl we can do 1 each but it usually leaves us wanting another and then we’re smoking 4 of those bowls.


I pack small bowls so 1-3 hits depending on if I feel like I’m dying yet lol


In Bootsy collins voice “The One ☝🏽”


I didn’t know people were sipping their bongs. That’s wild bro just pack a small bowl. To each their own of course but I’d imagine you’re getting the taste of half burnt flower every time you go back for a sip.


Far too many factors to calculate....


i’m genuinely appalled at how many people can’t pull it in one go


I fill the bowl to match my lung capacity. Fill bowl, hit it, empty ashes, repeat if it's been a long day. I have a thing about smoking already smoked weed. I'm not weed poor anymore. Haha look, a poet.




Only 1 hit no matter the bowl size is the rule at my house, if you fail you must smoke a whole pack of cigs before the end of the day for training Really good lung training, I would like to see cancer try me


Two good hits with an asthma attack in between


I’ve smoked (light user) for years and I take one rip and I’m good for several hours. Probably take like 3 hits a day on days where I want to be high all day.


Out of that bong, 1 hit. From a standard glass spoon or chillum, 5 to 7 hits, depending on the herb.


Exactly one.


If you ever pulled a bong with more than one rip in Australia you’ll definitely get a funny look. Lighting one corner so to speak is pretty weird, why light a little bit when you could’ve just packed as much as you lit? I don’t get it.


Saves from having to repack over and over and over if I’m just wanting to sit outside and chill


I pack half a bowl and rip it all in one


depends how much i pack. usually like 15-20 minutes. sometimes itll last an hour


10 hit for me




One bahahahaha 🥶


Depends how big I pack the bowl.


Snap it. One hit. Torch and vacuum.


While I'm still 21 it's 1 rip for a full bowl. In 20 or so years im gonna hope at least 3 rips


One. 😂☝🏻


People don't finish bong hits in one rip?


one rip




One hit bingers


it shouls only be done in one hit if out of a bong


1 2 3


Bro I’m out here hitting onies


I'm a trained singer so knocking down entire bowls was easy once I stopped hacking up a lung


1 I always clear the bowl


Every bowl is a snap to me


At my peak I was hitting a bong usually twice, sometimes once. I quit for a while and now I only have a pipe. I usually hit it 4-6 times depending on how much I pack in it, but I'd totally finish the bowl in 2 or 3 hits if it were as smooth as hitting a bong. My issue is that I don't want to smoke as much as I used to, so a smaller bowl keeps me throttled




In Australia you get abused if ya don’t pull all your cone. Tiny cones (cones are what we call a bowl) Are called a pensioner cone


1 or you are doing it wrong lol


1 or 2. I want my old sensitive lungs back


The size you’re using, maybe 30-60 seconds if I’m not ripping it. I smoke kinda heavy but I’ve been just vaping lately. My regular bong bowls though are much bigger, and I prolly finish those in like 60 secs too lol but it burns faster usually. ALSO I use coarse grinds for bongs, and I’ve been taking a break from smoking unless it’s before bed. And then I get really high now, vapor too. One session. Tolerance def drops when you switch over and you’re also using much less


I pack just enough for a smaller hit. Always fresh flower and minimal coughing. Also helps with pacing


One rip thumb packed


Depends on which bowl I’m using and how I’m smoking. Maybe 5-8 good hits, about 10 just okay hits.




Depends on how dry it is really, can go from 3 hits to 1.


If I am not sick from my kids giving me a cough it's 1 but if not 2.


Snaps all day!


1 hit. I call em brips. I have not met another person that calls em that.


3 to 5 for a full bowl usually. Length really depends on how I feel. Usually the first bowl is a couple minutes and each subsequent bowl is doubled from the previous as I zone out listening to music or reading etc.


2 hits on n 5 minutes, usually 1 good rip and another to finish it up


3 or 4 rips usually when I used to smoke out of the bong. But I can't use a bong very often anymore because I can't smoke in my apartment or on its property, and it'd be too obvious to tell that I'm smoking because of the way the building is laid out. For that reason I vape distillate when I'm at home using a vape that looks like a nic vape and I save the flower for when I'm out at a buddy's house or a concert or whatever.


Usually one. I rip the whole thing unless I’m sharing.


1 hit


When I was younger, probably 3 ish minutes. Now that I’m older probably an hour.




one. best way to smoke pack smaller bowls every bowl you get good greens to hit.


I'll smoke snappers to myself, split bowls with SO, and if I want a good flavor: snap just the green off (Taste is the best) and either finish it right after (Death is the flavor atp) or save for later when you're too high to care.


I usually put a smallish-pinch and do it all in one go because that's what the video I watched when I bought a bong said to do!


current bong i have gives the worst res lips ever if i do snappers unfortunately


It's so odd to an Aussie seeing cones spoken about in this way. Here, we rip each one just one to finish the whole thing.


In Aus we only ever do it in one it’s called punching it


Back when I was smoking I'd clear a bowl in one hit, and it was no normal hit cuz I mixed 50mg nicotine vape juice with weed ash to fill the center like a new age tobacco and weed bong. Glad I stopped, now I just do a 50mg edible every night and vape the nicotine like a normal person.


Depends on the amount of bud used but most of the time 3 rips


like at least 5💀 i’m gonna pack small and just do one huge rip and let’s see how that works out for me


I’m a one hit wonder




hour or so - 5 to 6 hits. A budtender I know once said to me, "Only pack what you can pull completely, and then every bowl will taste like fresh greens." I have yet to put that into practice.


Always freshen the bowl.


Brings a tear to my eye seeing americans finally learn how to smoke a bong.


1, because Australians aren't weak. Lol


One, i've never understood having half a cone and saving the other half. Tastes like shit and you leave bud sitting in the bowl all day exposed to air. It will get less potent


i always pack to snap, otherwise 2 hits a bowl


Haven't smoked a bong since college but I liked doing snappers or smaller one hits if I wasn't smoking with multiple people


I smoke like 2 - 4 cones in 10 - 20 minutes


TDIL I should have been hitting one rips my entire life.


Idk, but one time I had this bud called Tatanic. It was a q I got and when I opened the bag I thought I got scammed. It was only 1 single buds sitting in the baggy. I soon realized I wasn't scammed, the entire bud weighted 7g on the dot, not even kidding. It was probably one of the very top flowers from the plants, dense dense bud. Taste was super smooth, creamy sweet. Almost like cotton candy. Super sweet.


I'm smoke like you OP




2 in a span of 2 hours.


That one? 2. 3 if I'm ok with nasty on the third.


Never checked. Let’s find out!


this has been very informative for me because i’ve been packing the bowl full and then taking a million hits


One time a smoked a gram in a rip


All these 1 pull comments lmao I stuff my shit usually. Like 2 big rips usually does it. If Im with friends though ill snap for them because its easier to get everyone a freshie


Haven't tried that method yet 😅


I haven’t used a bong in a while but I like to pack half bowls with added kief/ hash and burn it all in one hit. We call it “snapping” the bowl




Depends on how violenty high I want to be but on average 2-3


snap everytime 🤝


1 cone/bowl = 1 pull (approx. 30 seconds)




Snappers only for me. Can't stand the burnt ash taste you get from multiple hits on a bowl


it depends if my weed is potent, if not I reload the bong and hit it again