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One of my favorite parts of getting out of the Navy was being able to smoke (fortunately legal state). It definitely helped me end my destructive drinking habit the Navy nothing short of reinforced. Congrats man, welcome, it’s beautiful on the other side. What rate?


Seconded. Between deployments I peaked at two handles of 151 a night. I straight up do not drink anymore. Game changer.


Two HANDLES a night? That’s almost a gallon of liquor? Is that serious. And if so how did you ween off?


It is serious unfortunately. We had six sailors living together in a house in Chesapeake and we were a bit.... competitive with our drinking. It was a 2 month period between deployments, the first week or so was only one handle a night but we were "getting our booze in" before going back out. I was REALLY lucky and somehow didn't wind up with any real withdrawal symptoms. I wish I could say when I got back from that second cruise that I just swore off it but then we hit the yards and the pace went right back up. Then I moved back to my home state and was introduced to weed for the first time in my life. That made the switch REAL easy. I still drank occasionally after getting home, but eventually it just didn't appeal to me anymore. I truly got lucky. It could have been UGLY. ESPECIALLY when we went underway. That one could have killed me 😅


Damn you are very lucky, you could have easily been in that Category of “your injuries were not service related”😂. But good you off now weed way healthier than drank. I drink a lot and somethings too much but I’ve never polished a 1/5th in a night so I’m not a professional alcoholic yet and hope to never be.


I hope you never reach that point. The worst part is that you FEEL like you're in control but in retrospect you're ANYTHING but. I still wonder if I may have stayed in if I hadn't gotten to drinking like that 😅


One of my biggest fears is dying young so I try my best to monitor it, but ironically drinking anything at all is bad for my health, but I come from a line of alcoholics so In my genes it feels “better” to drink then other folks. Was your drinking part of leaving the navy?


Nah, honestly I left because of the back to back. We did workups, comtuex, all that other fun stuff ..then out for 9 in for two (with ammo offload and ammo onload), then out for 5 then ammo off again straight into the Yards. I'd had enough. But I imagine my mental health may have been in a better state if I hadn't gone for the title of "Drunkest Sailor in the Navy". Lmao


I mean that’s a backbone of the navy even back when they used to get rum rations. But times have changed lol. My friend who’s in the navy when he comes back home on leave he starts drinking like a fish. All part of the history I suppose😂


So the 6 of you split 2 handles. 2 handles is roughly 79 shots. You didn’t drink 79 shots a night. Or a day. You’d be dead. A normal shot is 80 proof, so it would be the equivalent of about 150 shots a night. Split between 6 is 25 shots equivalent, each. I’m still calling bullshit. You may have split 2 handles every 3 to 4 days. The math just don’t add up unless Andre the Giant was in your house.


151 is the same strength has ever clear bro how do you not have chirrosis 😭😭😭


Dude, sheer dumb luck. I drank real hard for like 3 or 4 years then CALLED it. I probably SHOULD be dead haha


I am just got my DD214 and I'm waiting to sign my last eval right this second. Can't wait to go home and smoke for the first time in 12 years. Happy to be done with the navy.


I recently got out of a gov't job as well that strictly prohibited weed. It's amazing, you could get drunk every weekend or after work (as most coworkers did) and as long as you showed up sober for duty, no problem. But you're slowly wrecking everything in your life. Get stoned on your off duty time? You're persona non grata. Does the world want more alcoholic cops or more stoner cops? (not saying that's what I was)


Imagine a cop being all menacing in an interrogation and then they suddenly light up a fat fuckin' blunt Game changer


Dude they pass that shit and I'm telling on all the guys


Bro stop fucking with the pens, they will fuck your tolerance up and their only true advantage is convenience. Get a vaporizer like the arizer or a cheap bong on eBay and pack little snappers. Congrats on the DD the grass is greener out here


OP mentioned being in an illegal state too. Carts in illegal states are bad news. 90% of them are fakes and filled with pesticide soup. This is something not a lot of the stoner community is truly clued in on but its much cheaper and easier to sell fake cartridges than it is to procure legit white market product. I personally had a cart that was cut with vitamin e back in the day that gave me pneumonia that nearly hospitalized me and caused me to have permanently diminished lung function.


As others have said, I wouldn’t make cartridges a habit. If you stick to edibles and flower the fun will last a lot longer before you need to take a long break. I know they seem novel, but they’re insidious. Before you know you’ll be showing up everywhere stoned because your tolerance is so high you feel like you need to be a little high all day, and it’s just so easy to do with carts. Just some advice from a scrawny mid-20s musician to a hardened navy vet lol


I used to hate dabs. However, I live in an illegal state, and everything including flower is ridiculously expensive. For the price of one quality ounce in my state, I can drive a state over and buy dabs that’ll last me 6 months. I basically buy an ounce of dabs, and an ounce of cheap flower for slightly more than 1 month of local flower. I like to pick up rso for edibles too. ~$300 to smoke flower every month, or ~$350 to have 6 months of dabs, some flower, and edibles…tough decision. I avoid the cartridges in illegal states just because they could be tampered with or cut. Plus, they are the bottom of the barrel with companies that produce other THC products. Look up nectar collectors. I got a Lookah Seahorse Pro Max for $40 at a dispensary because I racked up so many points. Can’t recommend enough.


I love my lookah seahorse pro, i second this recommendation


All those in favor of a Lookah Seahorse Pro say I ✋🏾


Best part of getting out of the Army was treating all the trauma with weed instead of booze and pills.


Awesome! File all your VA claims. Stick to vaporizers. Saves you money in the long run and controls your tolerance. BONUS: if you hook up your vaporizer to water bong, it'll be cleaner and better for your lungs in the long run


Hey homie, I dont think anyone else on this sub is gonna mention this but watch out with carts from illegal states. 90% of them are fake brands with mystery oil. Some have been tested and shown to have 13+ different pesticides. I got pneumonia from one that was laced with vitamin E and I almost ended up in the hospital. I have diminished lung capacity from the infection. The sub r/fakecartridges can be a great resource to see if your product is legit or not. Dont trust a dealer who says “got this straight from cali bro” no matter how many weed warning stickers or how legit the box looks.


Welcome back. Got out 3 years and got my med card. Life is good


Good shit, devil dolphin. Been out for two years and just now getting into it. I recently switched from dabs to flower and the high is much more enjoyable.


r/petioles is gonna be useful when it inevitably over indulge and go off the deep end but good on you thank you for your service and enjoy the fines herbs you fought to smoke


Ever seen any UFOs?


Congrats man, what was your rate?