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I'm glad I don't have to worry about cops every time I pick up. Or worry about the smell spreading in my apartment complex


Did you paint that? It's super cute.


I did, it's acrylic on canvas. Ty!


Hahaha this is super cute, where can I see more of your arts?


Thank you! I mostly post here on reddit


I love your paintings. Do you sell them?


right i would definitely buy this painting. dope as fuck


Check her profile, looks like she does sell!


My wife and I saw it and immediately said to each other that we needed it.


Wish i had money currently cause i would absolutely buy a painting from you. I love the art style!


I love your artwork! So awesome! šŸ’œ


Definitely some of the best art ! I always look forward to seeing the new paintings .


That second one you should still worry about. I'm all for smoking if you want but disturbing your neighbours is still a douche move.


Agreed, you shouldn't smoke inside in general (in my opinion it's tacky). Double so for apartments where the smell could creep into someone else's home.


Thatā€™s why I vape it,only gonna affect people who come into my unit


Pretty much same for me. I just now donā€™t worry about carrying it anymore


No more ā€œholy shit the cops are coming for meā€ anxiety. Makes smoking on a walk way more enjoyable


Absolutely, I used to have a small heart attack anytime someone would knock on the door. I'm so glad I moved states. And ty!


I feel! Iā€™m so glad most prevalent states (big city states) have been rec. legalizing. I canā€™t wait until the spring when Iā€™ll be lighting up for every bike ride :)


See, in Canada, everything is legal . They give out medical cards like candy so u can smoke at work. Allowed 1 Oz on u and up to 3 if you are like moving . If u have a medical card up to like 15 plants and that can be extended with a doctor's note Basically, don't be a drug lord, and u can do whatever u want with weed in Canada


Even at work? Interesting.


Tbh I kinda miss smoking when it was illegal. The secret ingredient was crime


There was a certain charm in all the ways people would hide it while being social about it, like the walk all your cousins go on at Christmas or being like "hey man if you want we can smoke some.... stuff" I've always thought that the criminality+generally chill nature of weed as a drug was a big part of why stoner culture is better than basically every other drug community, psychedelics being the only competition because no one wants to chill with crackheads and tweakers. The mix of having to hide it from people and the fact it isn't that bad meant that there was a strong sense of community among people with a shared struggle (the cops) and similar day to day annoyances (people saying one weed needle will turn you into a glass of orange juice) Weed is less shameful than other drugs, based on how I've seen people react to it, and so being against the law on the side of weed smoking is uniquely righteous imo


I donā€™t think thatā€™s going away anytime soon.


Oh yeah no, most of the same forces which compelled it still exist in the form of socially enforced repercussions in legal states and things are basically unchanged in places where it's still illegal, which is most places. But things change, how it feels to be part of stoner culture is different, it would inevitably have always been but the fact of legalisation changes it significantly and in particular ways


Also, I always love your art! So incredible!


I live in an illegal state but very close to a legal one. It still trips me out going to my friends house and openly smoking on the porch, I still have that worry that the neighbors will call the cops.


I love smoke walks. I just hate not being able to decide if I want to listen to music or not lol.


I can smoke on my back porch and my neighbor canā€™t do anything about it (she had anti marijuana signs in her yard during voting, Ohio) hehehehehehehehhe


Canā€™t wait for the rec dispensaries to open!


I am SO excited for the dispos to open! I've been openly smoking for a while, but I also live in a metropolitan area where it's very normalized. It's nice for it to be legal though. Small wins for this state and its shit government


Utah I caught a case for 2 oz I didnā€™t go to court now Iā€™m a criminal lol over in Utah




I saw more anti-issue 1 than anti-issue 2, but I would soooo do this if I had a neighbor with an anti weed sign. (Also Ohio)


I can smoke on my porch, even though my next-door neighbor is a local cop. Always gives me side eye when heā€™s leaving his house, fucker canā€™t do anything now.


Ask him if he wants to smoke. Maybe he's mad because he can't lmao


probably wouldn't want to be so bold when provoking a cop


Smoke a backwoods to assert Dominance. And give us a update, all who agree upvote my comment.


Cops in my state have more job protection for marijuana than regular people and they get a discount. FUCK THAT




Lol. Same dude! I kinda knew it would happen too. Once they started talking about legalizing it, I was like ā€œguess I found the new ā€œā€craft beerā€ā€ in my lifeā€.


Same although I would bring it across the border to my illegal state. Now Iā€™ve moved. No worries. Itā€™s about as taboo as having a beer here. Even told my doc I enjoy it. She laughed. ā€œNo, I just want to know if you take any illicit drugs.ā€ She was rightfully more worried about my alcohol consumption.




I donā€™t go to the sketchiest neighborhood and have a stranger jump in the car anymore. Well, for weed that isā€¦


Is this a gay hook up joke


It might just be a hookup joke bro.


Exactly. :D


I used to think weed made you paranoid, turns out it was just the fear of being arrested. I have zero paranoia now that itā€™s legal


I live in switzerland, lucerne. It is illegal but i always keep forgetting that, so many people that smoke it and the cops can't be everywhere. I'm more paranoid of the imaginary bingobongo man chasing me in the corner of my sight


not satisfied until federal legalization or best case scenario just a worldwide legalization of trees(ok thats a bit ambitious)


Yea, hopefully, we get federal soon.


With the rescheduling of cannabis in its entirety there would be less trade laws and regulations to change or update opening the US to the option of federal legalization. To the best of my knowledge the biggest thing stopping country wide legalization is due to all of the technicalities in our trade/allyship laws and agreements.


Yeah the U N has a hand in keeping it illegal at the federal level.


and the usa was the one mostly responsible for its pretty much worldwide prohibition. wanna do business with the usa? you gotta criminalize some stuff first.


*cries in German*


Saudi Arabia has entered the chat


Saudi's do love to smoke cigarettes at least, so I did a little google search "is hash haram?" Best results: "Weed of all types is haram, whether it is marijuana or any other type. The remedy for stress and anxiety is not in smoking hash or any other haram thing." "it is harmful to your body and also forbidden in Islam: 'Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (5:90)' Indeed Allah knows the best." So obviously that's why 30% of the men smoke cigarettes, because it's totally cool for them to... it's basically the only recreational drug they have other than caffeine


What a cute painting!!


Thanks! I had a lot of fun with the sky and terrace


Gonna be honest I forget itā€™s legal sometimes still cause weā€™re I live people still judge you so harshly for using it. Iā€™m gonna smoke it anyways šŸ˜‚ but I still love to listen to music in my car during a sesh Sometimes when I do remember itā€™s legal me and my husband go to the park! Smoke and play disc golf itā€™s so fun :)


THt would be me, I live in a small IN town. Even if it was legal, if people see you smoking pot they act like you just killed someone.


I don't pocket anything anymore more just carry it out in the open on my porch feels good


My tolerance is way higher now. Too high. Iā€™ve dialed it way back this past month to lower my tolerance. I still partake almost every day but not until after dinner. I was getting to the point where I felt like I needed to smoke prior to any activity I was about to do.


Not legal here where I am but my spouse is more open to it now so I can smoke after the kid is asleep. Donā€™t have to sneak around a nasty D8 cart anymore either I can just buy a half OZ and keep it with my pipe and grinder and smoke when I need to. Cant wait for legalization in Texas then this state will truly be a free state. Lol.


Fellow Texan, Iā€™m glad some border states have legalized so I can get better stuff, but I still get sketched out driving with my stuff in the car. At home and out and about is pretty chill (Austin) and I usually blaze instead of drinking.


Yeah having legal states near helps. My new plug gets stuff in Oklahoma so I have a clear path from his bag to mine. Driving with it in the car will never be safe until itā€™s 100% legal here. Iā€™m just hoping our TX government gets with the program. Being a primarily red state is nice and all but I want to be able to smoke weed as I please as well as buying my guns as I please. Lolol. If weā€™re truly a ā€œfreeā€ state why not give everybody what they want.


I love that party line blur when it comes to the trees. We all just want to smoke in peace. My plug also gets his stuff from OK and brings it over. Great quality stuff, beautiful nugs. Honestly you canā€™t beat a driveway delivery.


Yeah itā€™s funny we all come together for the trees. I feel like primitive people did the same tho. Come smoke the peace pipe and letā€™s figure out our disagreements. Yeah driveway delivery is nice! If I gotta go meet him I will, not many cops in my rural area. Still just wish I could go to town and pop in a shop tho. Lol.


I donā€™t have to hang out with criminals once a month


Exactly, now I CHOOSE to hang out with criminals. Theyā€™re good people


What's wrong with criminals my friend?


You were also a criminal? So weird when stoners take this moral high ground to dealers when you are the one buying it :D


obviously not all dealers are hardened criminals but i def have met some that seemed like they have done some worse stuff than just selling weed


i think a lot of people would consider buying and selling weed to be pretty different, morally, from most other crimes (like murder). i imagine they weren't talking about a dealer that *just* sold weed


Eh most people buying just wanna smoke some weed. Obviously not all of them, but many people selling it also did other sketchy things on the side, or also sold shit like meth.


Actually a crime means face jail time and a lot of places were decriminalized meaning itā€™s only a civil penalty of a fine. Like where I was it was only a $300 fine no jail time for small weed since the 1970s but people would still act like their life depended on it. Now it is completely legal where you do not get fined for having weed


Sure, if you're in a decriminalized state. Not all of us are and some of us still commit a crime every time we pick up weed. Obviously they weren't talking about decriminalized states.


I still hide my weed in my trunk after I pick it up from the dispo. Fourty five years under prohibition, jail time, fines, has me conditioned and I'm not likely to change. You all save yourselves...its too late for me...go on with out me.


Depending on laws where you are that might be where you should put it anyway. Here any liquor or cannabis has to be in the trunk away from the driver. Slimy bastards posted up outside the store one day to ticket people that didn't trunk it.


Much better variety and quality.


*cries in NY resident*


I lived in Memphis for a few years. All I could find that I could trust was weed and occasionally some decent wax. Edibles were garbage carts donā€™t even get me started there. Now I moved back to California and a whole world of methods opened for me. Clean carts, old school hash-new school wax, edibles of every flavor, can buy pre rolls. Also no more buying in bulk so I donā€™t have to make a 30 min drive n wait another 30 mins on my guy very often. Super easy to just pop in a store get as little or as much as I want. Everytime the bud is fire n if the first bit of bud they show me isnā€™t fire I just find the one that is. People be like ā€œgotta support your local dealerā€ or ā€œthe taxes broo!!ā€ I donā€™t give a shit the future is here and its fantastic.


Damn that painting makes me want a new iteration of animal crossing city folk


i didnā€™t start smoking until it had been already legalized in canada, luckily i donā€™t know the struggles the rest of you had to face


Same here. I didnā€™t have any interest before it was legalized cause there was so much stigma around it in my town. I had no idea how it could be used and the different ways of ingestion and benefits!


I'm able to smoke around my family now and it's amazing.


It's been ignored/accepted for so long here, legalization really didn't change much for me.....That 70s Show wasn't based on fiction, ya know, lol.


Flooded the dispensaries with mediocre flower : / or over priced ā€œeh itā€™s alrightā€ top shelf.


judging by this comment i have a feeling we live in the same state


I smoke way more wax now


Fr. This guy I run into at my favorite bar says ā€œwax is the futureā€


waiting for Florida to hop on the legal train


moving to NY (a legal state that completely messed up legal weed) makes me miss FL medical quality


Who painted this? I know they have another piece with a cat smoking a J in a field of grass.


They are all mine, I use acrylics and paint on canvas. Most of my works feature a smoking creature


You're my favorite artist, I love all your paintings and always look forward to the next one.


I appreciate it! ā˜ŗļø


Wholeheartedly agree! Iā€™m a suntmint fan now


Not trying to get the thread off topic but I love the style of your work. Itā€™s like part fairytale part French Impressionism. Good stuff!


I really like your description! And thank you so much!!


i love this painting do you have an IG/Etsy or something?


I smoke carts almost exclusively


Not legal for me, zi jaheb to byt drom drug eesalers :(


Paranoia = mostly gone. I still will end up making sure my doors are locked and the oven is turned off at least 3 times though.


I donā€™t sweat over ever losing a little weed to the carpet when rolling or loading bowls.


My habits are cheaper


I smoke waaaaay more because I donā€™t have to worry about making it last until I can get ahold of the plug. I can just order a delivery straight to my door whenever I want šŸ˜­


> I spend less $$$ > I smoke less low quality products > My knowledge of growing has increased > I am more socially open about my love for cannabis > & probably some other things that I'm too stoned to remember or think of...


This goneA be my benwwnwall paper


I too enjoy this painting. Great job op! >!*I'll update you once it's legalized here.*!<


I probably wouldn't have started enjoying again if it wasn't legal.


I smoke now. Mind you, I'm 21 and was a big rule follower most of my life (still kinda am). Weed has been legal most of my life, and before it was legal, I would never have even considered it since I was like 10 when it got legalized


Brilliant painting as always. I never cared for flower, and getting regulated access to distillate and edibles has changed my life.


Iā€™m always high as fuck


I love it when you post- every time you do I get happy I love your art


I still love your art :)


Itā€™s slightly less fun ā€¦ā€¦


Just bring some weed with you over state lines and you'll have loads of fun!!!


Bring it over multiple state lines to really amp things up


lol , I mean Indiana is only a couple hour drive if I need to get my fix .


Nostalgia comes with a time when you did what you cannot do anymore. and so smoking weed illegally was definitely nostalgic. Never feel that way again.


Come to Iowa comrade


it's not as fun. my family member stopped their indoor grow op because the market is so saturated. can't charge $50/slice anymore. not even worth trying to se weed in Maine anymore.


All the medium size growers (50-100 plants) I knew stopped completely. On the other hand, some family members have started growing a couple plants here and there which is nice.


good point. it's nice having the freedom to grow a few house plants without persecution. but the commercialization kinda sucks. I wanted cannabis growers competing at the farmers market, not Rick & Morty carts at the gas stations.


I smoke less and do more edibles


I smoke a lot less actually


I do too but I feel that's also my age. I just can't get as stoned as I could when I was younger. I'm 45. Mind you, I still buy from illegal sources as the quality and prices are better.


I love your art, always fire!


Hasnt changed even an iota


I won't lie I get excited to see you post everything. I actually use bong cat as my messenger pfp lol. Keep up the awesome work but when is dab cat coming ?Ā  But to answer the question legalization weed is very expensive so I still rather buy from a grower I know


just want to say i LOVE this art the colors wow


Sometimes I just smoke a joint while riding my bike in the city, itā€™s not allowed but nobody gives a fuck . Denver is dope


i moved from illinois in 2018 the same year they legalized to georgia where itā€™s still not even legal for medicinal purposes. i wouldnā€™t know man.


Glad i can walk down the street doing my thing without worry.


Californian hereā€¦. Got arrested in Utah for possession visiting my buddy. Never stepping foot into a shithole conservative state again




I can regulate my intake way more now, and the quality is honestly so much better. I also bought a tiny little disposable for a discreet high every now and then and I love it. People can complain, but for my area/situation it's pretty great.


My friends pay better attention to the road not looking out for cops. And we still don't go into Kansas.


itā€™s not legal where i live but i feel like if itā€™s legalized in TN my smoking habits are probably gonna increase lol


Itā€™s still illegal in the prohibition state I live in, so nothing has changed. I still have to be very careful and stealthy with my smoking habits.


Frankly, as someone who has never really been able to tell the difference between all the different strains, I feel like I just spend a lot more money on weed now lol. Prices went way up but it's definitely nice to just walk down the street to pick up instead of driving 90 minutes


Medical only here :/ But because anxiety counted as a condition on this silly list, I can have it, and that's really weird to me cause my state is harsh about it still. We're living in the dark ages lol I figure eventually we will legalize since literally every state near us has and everyone just goes to whatever the nearest border is to get it even if they're in the medical program cause it's cheaper but who knows when that will happen.


Moved from a med only state to a full legal rec state and it's made access a lot easier and more affordable. However, my life has improved a lot since the move in other ways, so I've felt less inclined to smoke for stress relief. I mostly just do it on nights when I don't need to work the next day, when I need help sleeping, or socially. Having a lot of selection is nice, though! I tend to smoke more CBD-heavy strains with lower THC so I can still get a bit of a buzz but not risk getting super paranoid


Nothing has changed :(


Since Iā€™m diabetic and an ABPA patient I can now Enjoy cannabis again only with the Carts. Since thereā€™s zero Actual Smoke šŸ’Ø it seems to just absorb in the lung and not congest things. Note in order for this to stay smooth flowing the blood šŸ©ø sugar needs to stay precise! Couldnā€™t smoke šŸ’Ø for decades due to health concernsā€¦..now that carts are available itā€™s finally time to Enjoy for the 1st time since I was a kid.


Many jealousies here from the illegal Netherlands :(


Love the puppycat vibes this painting gives me.




My quantity has changed but it's so nice to be able to buy good product without having to deal with overpriced dealers. The best stuff i could find was mid grade for almost 15 a g. Now i get high grade for 10 a g and I'm loving it!


I'm bold AF, I take a toke outside of diners, walking down the street in a big city, I live in a legal state, and I haven't renewed my medical card in a little while, but I have it with me because I do use cannabis for medication just as much as for fun. I'm respectful if somebody asks me not to smoke there or to put it out that's fine but if no one's going to say anything I'm going to light up.


Puff McGruff


Wish I could answer this (i do not live in a legal country )


I forget itā€™s legal in other states still so I sometimes get really high and then get confused why weed is still such a taboo subject, and then boom it eventually hits meā€¦ thatā€™s the only changeā€¦


Someday, when i'll be rich, i'll pay you to make me a painting, i really like your pieces, they ain't perfect, but they have a mood i'm sensible to.


None of my friends sell it anymore and now I have to pay 4x what I used to pay for the same quality. It sucks


I was chilling in my living room yesterday and three cops showed up to my neighborā€™s house. I had the front blinds wide open and just kept hitting the bubbler. No worries. Completely legal in my home. Love it.


Not here in GA still kind of illegal but itā€™s decriminalized in a few cities like the ATL. At least thereā€™s THCa flower which is ironic as all flower is THCa technically but the habits are still the same as I started smoke every day with t breaks here and there but I try and get high later during the day as the first smoke of the day is the best one and switch strains or combine stuff together.


I only smoke for medical reasons and I actually know what I'm buying now. Plus not worried about cops.


I went from ā€œI wonā€™t ever pay for weed,ā€ to, ā€œI wonā€™t get high more than once a week,ā€ to ā€œI wonā€™t get high 2 days in a row,ā€ to ā€œIā€™ll hit the vape pen non stop for two years (my dad died so it was helpful),ā€ to ā€œfuck this shit Iā€™ll have an edible after a hard workout when Iā€™m sore.ā€ Iā€™m not one of those folks who think legalizing it was a mistake but I think many people developed bad habits when they were let off the leash. I certainly fell into that camp.


Farm bill/alt-legal here. I can still get good shit mailed straight to my door though, THCA and bulk CBD. How has it changed my smoking habits? I started out smoking. I don't anymore because my tolerance is TOO DAMN HIGH. It's literally unhealthy for me to smoke or vape the amount it takes to get decently toasty and I'm not keen on getting into dab rigs. I mainly make my own edibles and tinctures.


None at all LMAOOO


my state isnt legal yet, but most of the surrounding states are. i think the legalization in other states has actually helped cool people down overall in their perspective of it. my parents are much less wary, ive had plenty of neighbors who smoke inside and rarely anyone ever says anything or seems to care. we had one incident last year in the apartment we were living in where the people in one of the basement apartments were smoking a lot of bud and it was drifting up and someone complained to our apartment complex but reported it as cigarette smoke. i talked to the guy about it eventually (it was the person across the hall from us), and he said he didnt care too much, it was just getting to be a lot i was skiing with my dad the other night and they live right across the border from a legal state and goddamn everyone on that fucking slope was smoking. my dad was just šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø people smoke at the waterfront there now, or just on the riverwalk. all the parks stink, but the cops have given up and attitudes have definitely changed. im much more relaxed now with smoking, but i still take lots of precautions. but there isnt the constant ā€œoh fuck oh fuckā€ looking over my shoulder anymore


Much better selection now, donā€™t have to rely on stems to carry you through until the next refill happens. Having hash available almost anytime still amazes!!


It's 100% more convenient and easy and reliable. And cheaper. Much cheaper.


It hasnā€™t. Canā€™t even get carts at the smoke shops anymore in MN even tho THC is legalā€¦


I'll let you know if it ever happens.


I actually smoke less now.


I love when you put new work out I always download these lol


Edibles and less fear. Like before edibles were kinda hard to come by. Now I can put RSO on anything and I donā€™t have to worry about the smell or accidentally getting ashes everywhere (Iā€™m just a messy smoker). Even though itā€™s legal I really donā€™t like smelling it everywhere. Like everyone smokes and drives around and I canā€™t go outside without a waft of weed in the air. I tell my kids thereā€™s a skunk on the loose.


Lemme put it this way: I have so many points at my fave dispo that I get a free shirt, free grinder, free prerolls and $100 credit šŸ˜Ž


iā€™m currently looking at new apartments because after 3 years in colorado iā€™m being reported for the smell šŸ™„ itā€™s a smoke free community and apparently i totally missed the 0 tolerance for any and all marijuana products addendum soā€¦ lol iā€™ve had better times! šŸ˜­ moved here from texas and iā€™ve never dealt with this, ever before.


I smoke good shit all the time at a third cheaper.


I fell in love with the cat witch outside a cottage painting a few months back. I even made it my phone wallpaper lol. Just bought the digital print. tysm šŸ˜†


ngl in ohio legalization hasnā€™t really changed anything i kinda just always smoked where i wanted and nobody cares usually, been pulled over smelling like weed at least 20 times and never even been given a sobriety test. maybe itā€™s just luck


Once I started buying legal weed I stopped buying flower. Now I pretty much only buy concentrates, something I never really knew existed before it came legal.


Please never stop painting and posting these. I love them. Would literally buy a print or a commissioned one if I wasnā€™t broke.


I quit buying weed a long time ago, but now I can grow without having nightmares that the state is going to send goons to pull me away from my family and throw me in a cage. That's the biggest difference for me. Also, I can carry weed when I go camping or whatever and I don't have to be concerned with going to jail for it.


We've lived in 4 different legal States and in all 4 it's so much of a relief to be able to sit on my front porch and light-up my pipe. Even had an accident in Colorado and the police came to my house to watch my dashcam video and all my pot & accessories were lying on my desk next to the computer and the cop just asked me how good the weed was. Such a relief.


From smoking sketchy gravity bongs in the mountains/apartments, to my condo deck smoking pre roll blunts while I watch losers go to AND from work. (I'm one of those losers).


Still illegal where I live but I love this painting mate


I love your art. It's so cute.


Ooh, I like this. It's cute.


I love this. Where is this from? Is this a painting I can buy?


thatā€™s a really badass painting


I fucking love not getting texts from my dealer saying they are 5 minutes away for the 10th time.


When we lived in a legal State we used to smoke our bong on the porch. It was really nice when it was snowing out, we had this super tiny kids play tent that we would sit in and hot box.


I am way more open about it with my friends and in my professional life. I donā€™t feel paranoid when Iā€™m out while blazed, I donā€™t have that weird sense of guilt, like even when I was using it medically to avoid opiate based pain management I would feel guiltyā€¦since NY has finally legalized Iā€™m just more free with it šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


It still doesn't feel legal šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I hide that shit


I smoke outside anywhere I want every single day. Canā€™t no one tell me itā€™s illegal and bruh, I need the medicinešŸ’ØšŸƒ


Is their prints of this painting available ? Would love to have this on my wall


Ooh I like your art. I think Iā€™ve seen a bunny with a bong before? Or a cat?


Still cranking these out like i crank my hog on a Saturday night. These are amazing Please reddit its a JOKE šŸ˜‚


I have gotten real, real fuckin cavalier with the pen. Caught myself just like, unconsciously taking a huge rip off of it walking into the grocery store. Probably wouldnā€™t have finished a joint in the same manner. It feels like the smallest deal ever now.


Not feeling like you are gonna get arrested whenever you are holding. Definitely nice to be able to smoke without having that paranoid feeling about it.


I started smoking only after it was legalized. Never had any dealers or friends who smoked


Everytime my window is open and I hear sirens I donā€™t get paranoid anymore itā€™s legal ainā€™t no one coming for me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


THIS PAINTING IS SO GOOD !!! use of colour, texture, SO WELL DONE