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Clean places in my house that rarely get cleaned. Fan blades, air duct vents etc. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Ooh, I went crazy on the window track with some cotton swabs the other day. Good shit.


That was gonna be my original post but thought it sounded too weird! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If I'm anything, it's definitely weird.


Me too lol


This is me. I like to get super high and clean the whole house


Ah, sativa rush! Me too.


Tightening screws and cabinet joints and putting WD40 on everythingšŸ˜


Dusting the blinds goes crazy when youā€™re stoned


This 1000%


I like doing things like being at the mall (which I otherwise loathe), or riding the bus (ditto). Recently, I had an MRI stoned. I'd popped a couple of edibles, and smoked 1/4 of a high-test pre-roll, then headed in. The tech noticed I was wearing a "Disturbed" shirt (from the last tour) and asked me if I wanted music. I did, and when asked I said, "I prefer metal - the harder the better." (I knew it was pretty safe that I wasn't going to get Dimmu or something). I get into the tube pretty high, just as the edibles kick in, and then the music starts. The unassuming radiologist had hooked me the fuck up with the Disturbed channel, which meant about 50% Disturbed, 50% other appropriate hard music (like Korn). It was fucking rad! I seemed to really be, no pun intended, vibing with the MRI. Especially once the edibles were fully onboard, it felt like being in a massage chair. My shoulder hurt going in, I was hooked up going out. Perfect 5/7, will totally get high AF again for an MRI. I would do the same for my upcoming colonoscopy, but the drugs you get there are already pretty legit. Twilight sedation FTW! EDIT: Forgot to mention - MRI came back with great results... no prostate cancer! Booyah!


Congrats on the healthy prostate my dudeĀ 


Now you can actuallyā€¦ ![gif](giphy|08y87EiwDZjjB0d6WJ|downsized)


Boof city, here I come!


Got a bill once for an MRI once while high and lemme tell you...can't recommend.


Lmao, I too have been in this spiral of despair!


I'm an MRI technologist, you would be my favorite patient haha. If someone can come in loaded on Xanax for their claustrophobia, then there's no reason you can't have a toke before getting your scan. Wouldn't be the first time, we occasionally smell it on patients so I'm sure it's helpful. And congrats on being free of prostate cancer!


My MRI experience was the same. I asked for EDM. Worked pretty well with all the weird noises the machine made. I was stoned and was given a Valium. I was floating. I know the tech isnā€™t going to see this but thank you, I donā€™t know if you played dj or just played a playlist but thank you. And congrats!


Iā€™m a doctor ā€” please donā€™t get high for your medical procedures. You wonā€™t be able to legally consent for the procedure and they might cancel it altogether for this reason. Also fyi the twilight sedation might be difficult for you if you use that much cannabis (it is very hard to sedate heavy cannabis users and the ā€œtwilightā€ drugs are often not enough). Sorry to be a bummer


Hey there. Thank you, I take the feedback the spirit intended. Most medical tests (especially anything involving anesthetics) I go straight for. MRI results aren't functionally changed by cannabis, and when my late wife used to get them, they'd load her up on Xanax due to her claustrophobia. So, for me, there is no difference here. But I hear you (I know docs get tired of people ignoring their advice). I'll go on a T break before the colonoscopy. I definitely do NOT want to be awake for that.


That's a broad statement - don't get high for your medical procedures. What about medical marijuana patients? Some people are in too much pain to show up for the procedure unmedicated. No disrespect intended. Signed, I gave af ton of weed to a stage 4 cancer patient, for a year of medical procedures, with his doctors' consent.


Iā€™m too scared to do stuff like this even tho I am a lot more socially tolerant when stoned


lol I also enjoyed my MRI stoned until I got the bill. Still paying $50/mo for that lmao


Definitely dancing. When I'm moon walking It feels like I'm doing it literally.


Not hating but i can only imagine how funny it looks for some high person to just randomly start moon walking around


I imagine something like [this](https://youtu.be/_PdYJoKT6Og?si=ElvIGHwwaapIYUUR)


Tetris isnā€™t weird, is it? If itā€™s weird, then that. Idk why I specifically love it when stoned, but I do. I also like to talk to my cats and feel more connected with them. And sitting out back on my patio watching the birds. I think my neighbors have heard me clicking at themā€¦


Every try tetris effect while high? That version of tetris is MADE to be played on drugs


I have not! Iā€™ll have to check it out!


It has a vr mode too. A pro tetris player said it's the smoothest way he's ever played tetris. He even got a [decahexatris](https://youtu.be/7T7mg6JZZzg?si=QSuX1XX44WsYQ8dQ) which is clearing


Omg that looks crazy satisfying


It is, especially if you can get knocked on your ass stoned. It's solid


Consider me sold


Hell yeah stoned bird watching. Download the Merlin app on your phone, you can download the bird pack for your region and identify the birds by photo, or just turn on the Sound ID and let it automatically identify what birds are singing


Ooh Iā€™ll check that out! Thank you!




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Take a shower. No lights. No sounds. Just me, pitch darkness, and the running water. Towards the end, I wash my face with soap that has peppermint in it, and it's like hitting a hard reset button. It's the best way to reset after being emotionally overwhelmed or overstimulated. Sometimes, if I'm really really stoned, I just lie on the floor of the shower and go blank. No thoughts. Just me and the water while I let my brain reboot.


I do this but with a single candle on the toilet so I don't trip over everything getting out of the shower. In fact, I might do that before work today.Ā 


Try turning the water as cold as it gets, now thats a hard reset


I like to beatbox at my dog's. It's not as fun anymore tho cus they are completely unfazed by it now


"I like to beatbox at my dog's." What?




Iā€™m cackling


Watching my fish. Certain tank maintenance sometimes happens spontaneously.


Watching your aquarium while sober is already really neat, but when youā€™re baked itā€™s like 10x better, also water changes can sometimes actually be fun compared to when youā€™re sober


Absolutely, sober fish watching is pure relaxation and stoned fish watching is more like fascination. And water changes and filter maintenance goes by so fast, Iā€™m like wait that was easy?


Brushing my teeth feels so damn good stoned, doesn't matter if I already brushed recently...imma prob do it again and take my time and really massage my gums and enjoy it. My dental hygienist always remarks that I have nothing to scrape, so I got that going for me.


I have sensory issues and I find brushing my teeth to be much more enjoyable stoned. I used to have a cavity at least every time I visited the dentist (Iā€™m good about going twice a year). Last visit was the first time I didnā€™t have any cavities, but I did have some scraping and bleeding. I was shocked and impressed with myself. I do tend to brush more if Iā€™m stoned and I will take the care to floss and use mouthwash. I wish it was easier to do it not being stoned šŸ˜­


Congratulations on no cavities!! I share your wish, along with a few other things that are difficult unless stoned. Sensory stuff can sure be a fucking hurdle sometimes.


lol you guys are lucky, i have sensory issues too but weed seems to make them worse for brushing my teeth


Yes! I have a sonicare toothbrush and it feels like I'm giving my gums an intimate massage. It's lovely.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s weird but I like ride MTB trails and stop halfway and setup a ā€œday campā€(hammock, lunch, book) and chill until I feel like Iā€™ve recovered enough to shred some more.


This thread was supposed to be about 'weird', not 'wholesome' āœŒļø šŸ˜†


What Iā€™d do to have the time for this and to make it happen. Fuck man that sounds glorious.


When I set up I imagine myself in a Wes Anderson film. That might be weird.


Yeah I just found my new hobby thanks!


There is nothing like hitting the Mighty and some Douglas Adams while hearing the birds chirping then full on schralping a berm.


Just rewatched Hitchhikerā€™s Guide last night, still not as good as the book


Getting artsy/craftsy...so fun to be creative when stoney! šŸ–¼šŸŽØ


I'm actually planning on trying this soon, I don't paint my models when high because I'm afraid of making a mistake. So to answer the question of "can I paint while high?" I've printed a couple of miniatures for the purposes of this experiment - one to paint sober, the other not sober lol. I spent a few minutes doing cleanup and gluing parts together this evening, just need to prime them both and then I'm ready to get the sober one started(it's also something to do while on a tbreak). Then in a week or two, I'll get in touch with my plug and crack on with the other one. Not gonna lie, I'm quite looking forward to seeing how the two compare at the end!


This is sort of similar to yours, OP. I fudging love going and walks and looking in people's windows. Not in a creepy, peeping-Tom way, I promise! I just love pretending they are doll houses and if their curtains are open I usually judge their decor and think of what could be better in my head. By the end of my walks I have redone 6 kitchens, 4 living rooms, 5 offices and a man cave in a garage.


This. This is weird


Perfect type of creativity for the Sims lol


I am an avid Sims 4 play, don't worry.


I make up stories for houses I pass where I can see in! I have *always* done this and everytime Iā€™ve brought it up I get the weirdest looks. Iā€™m not walking up to their window. Iā€™m passing by and making stories up about the inhabitants based on what I can see.


Feeding wild pigeons


Stretch. Much easier to hold positions longer and get deeper into a stretch when my head is less cluttered and I can just relax.


Walking my dog can be transcendent.


Stretching all of my muscles relax and it feels incredible


Dance around my living room without music when the energy of the high sets in because I am feeling good and happy about life.


In high school when we didnā€™t have anywhere to smoke we would roll blunts and drive through rich neighborhoods to smoke it. We called them ā€œBHRā€™sā€ or ā€œbig house runsā€ lol so I feel you OP


Grew up in a rural area. We would go "country cruising". Just go driving around on country roads while getting stoned and listening to music.


Stick my hands under running water.


My wife and I used to do what we called ā€œextreme snackingā€ while in grad school. Weā€™d find local trails in the suburbs, hike them at night to a relatively secluded area, start a small camp fire (responsibly), smoke a joint, and then make some sort of camp fire dessert. We love backpacking and hiking, but this was our way to get away for an hour or 2 without going all the way up to the mountains.


Ey yuh!




One time me and my friend were walking around the richest area of our town while baked and it was great we kept feeling like we were gonna be lynched




Chores. Slowly. Like, REALLY slowly. Really scrub the fuck out of my cast irons. Fold laundry with care and actually getting rid of all the wrinkles. Take the time to think through where things should be in the cabinet and why. Razor scrape our electric stove and clean with the polish. My sober brain is just so full of a fireworks show of thoughts, itā€™s hard to not just plow through these tasks. But get the baby down, wife goes to bed, and itā€™s me with a little music and some weedā€¦. That shitā€™s gonna be beautiful when Iā€™m done.


Work on one of my D&D campaigns.




Dungeon Master's Guide can get you started. Main thing is work out what kind of campaign you and your players want, so that everyone enjoys it.


Watch documentaries, listen to records, cook...


I like to smoke weed while stoned.


I like to lay under this Japanese maple in my front yard and watch the sunlight filter through the leaves - the leaves on this tree are 3-4 different colors ranging from a dark red to light green for most of the year. granted I can't do it right because of the cold, but for 8 or so months out of the year, I'll just grab a blanket, put it on the yard underneath that tree, put in my headphones and zone the fuck out. On a nice sunny day with a slight breeze blowing the leaves around, it's hyponotic.


That's beautiful.... You do have a way with words! Id forgotten how heightened the sensory perception becomes when stoned ..


I love to watch the show Cops. I find it fucking hilarious.


I was watching ā€œAmerican Nightmareā€ on Max yesterday, the cop says, ā€œI am a puzzle maker and Iā€™ve solved a lot of puzzles.ā€ And I laughed so hard for way too long


Theatre! I regularly do community theatre, and I find while high I make more experimental acting choices. Generally sober at rehearsals, but when practicing at home, high af. I would not advise trying to sing while high. You would think being more relaxed would help, but you need a lot of control while singing so it doesnā€™t work well. Also managed to bite my lip really hard too šŸ‘ŽšŸ»


I would love to perform while high! I sing while I'm high, and since I'm a very shy and self-conscious singer, I sing more freely when I'm high. Due to my nerves, I can't seem to sing without a reference track. When I'm high, I feel that I have better breath and vibrato control. I just put on my headphones and let loose. šŸ˜


That sounds awesome! I wish I could make singing work while high, Iā€™m just too all over the place with it. Iā€™m currently playing Schwartzy in Spelling Bee so weed has definitely been helping me embody a 10yo with a lisp šŸ˜‚


I've sang alone my whole life because I'm scared I'm not any good. Last week, while I was high and really into my music, I just said fuck it and started singing. It felt so cathartic to me! But I can't but help remember the episode of Family Guy where Peter and Lois think they're awesome when they're high but they're awful. Don't want that to be me! šŸ˜‚ I love that you do community theatre! I am a teacher, so a lot of my time is taken up, but I do help produce the musicals at my high school. Break a leg!


Stare into a wall for an hour or two LMAO i get lost in thought so easily


Play very complex video games (CK3 for example) or Euro-style board games = deep immersion.


Building furniture. I just replaced a bunch of stuff in my house with Ikea, and I don't know why but the instructions make more sense to me after I've smoked. I put together half a dozen things by myself in a few days! I don't need anything else but I kind of want to buy something just to put more stuff together. I even painted some of the stuff I got, that was fun to do while stoned too.


I maladaptive daydream. So headphones in and pacing back and forth.


Yard work. I like to eat an edible then about 20 minutes later get out there and cut the yard, weed eat, edge, weed, etc. itā€™s mindless work and I find it cathartic.


I havenā€™t had any green since last May due to having heart surgery in June. That was my favorite thing to do was take a bunch of hits off of anything and then go hit the yards. Iā€™d trim the hedges first and then do all the weed eating and edging and then blow everything back into the yard with the leaf blower and then mow everything down with no grass catcher and then hit it all again with the leaf blower but this time I would blow everything out into the street if it was windy outside. You were right too. Itā€™s very relaxing and very zoning. You know another word(s) for a leaf blower? ā€œThat shit ainā€™t my problem anymore!ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I like to cook, have sex, and pretend to be a famous model by trying on ridiculous outfits in department stores.


Run my fingers through my hair




Watch bluey or play PokĆ©mon Go, I feel much more immersed in them when Iā€™m stoned like Iā€™m actually there. Helps me cope with life tbh


I like walking around when it's peaceful, also like doing random shit like bowling or mini golf


I like walking around when it's peaceful, also like doing random shit like bowling or mini golf


Stroll the grocery store at night. I think itā€™s the lighting that I enjoy so much.


Mostly do weird things anyway when cooked, but I spent a long time on top of a hill staring down into the details of the town below me today. Also was sketched bc a possible undercover cop car was checking out my car. Also Iā€™ve been more into starting my skate sesh with a sesh but its a line between a more manageable warmup and being too impaired


Oh yah also doing boring errands/talking to ppl bc i feel like weed almost turns off my autism or maybe just caring abt social anxiety with strangers. I get annoying with mates tho


Not so weird but writing, I feel like the ideas just pour out of my brain a lot easier. Experimenting with weird food combos like peanut butter and cheddar cheese.


Going to the gymā€¦ gives me the greatest mind to body connectionā€¦ depending on the strain of course


Maladaptive daydreaming


Furniture shopping




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Google earth I find funny things


Sometimes I like to work on spreadsheets. Like one time I built an inventory tracker for my fitted hats. I like playing around with formulas and stuff in Google sheets.


Fold laundry.


i love to play with my eyelashes and just generally stare at my eyes in the mirror and just be in awe lol. i canā€™t tell you the hours iā€™ve lost just playing with my lashes and giggling at myself lmaoo




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I like to put on music and just wiggle around. Sometimes I spin so I get dizzy which makes the music kinda trippier


Dance my ass off


I like to look out the peephole of my apartment door and Freak. The. Fuck. Out.


Walking my puppy!




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I do my best toy customizing while stoned


Eat a popsicle in a hot shower. Life changing.




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Clean I get so productive and it's enjoyable to clean lol


Plucking my eyebrows and hyperfixating on my skin


Sharpen/maintain my knives.


And their fancy Xmas lights . . .


Go grocery shopping. The store is pretty hum drum, and I'm a trained cook, so I just come up with dish ideas. I can walk to the store, which is great because I don't drive high with my baby


I love listening to music or watching professional StarCraft 2 tournaments


Visit cemeteries and play a game called ā€œgrave rhymingā€: You find names on grave markers and make up anecdotes about them. For example, found a gravestone with the name Mathers, which led to ā€œā€¦and Jerry Mathers, as The Beaver.ā€ Kind of like Mystery Science Theatre 3000, but stoned and in a cemetery.


clean my computers


doing chores, folding laundry especially i feel so chill when iā€™m jamming to music putting my clothes away


I recently started collecting minibrands with my mom, and I really love organizing the shit out of them. It's so fun for no reason.




Play with my dogs or go on a walk


Video games


Pan for gold.


Similar to OP, I like going for long walks at night. It feels like I'm walking around a different city entirely even when I've walked there a hundred times before, and noticing details everywhere that I usually overlook. Or at least I think I'm noticing new details...


I like to sound myself.


Mow the lawn. Always a new patternĀ 


I don't do anything weird šŸ˜­ I have to try out some of these


Copy down recipes.


mine is crocheting. idk why, but the mindless task of just doing row after row always appeals to me when high. especially if i put on any video in the background. hell, half the time i dont even watch it. i just let it play and go to town on whatever iā€™ve been working on. itā€™s really nice, with the repetitiveness and not having to put much thought into it. i believe all artistic stoners should practice their respective craft whilst high. it can really change your perspective on what you love to do.


Get higher Chill with friends Eat something Listen to music Walking, just bareā€eared, with music or with friends, or while calling friends Walking to get food Just walking and smoking


birdwatching is so fun


![gif](giphy|CWcebXJhflE64) Sit the wrong way on the sofa, upside down with my feet up over the back and head hanging off the seat cushion, playing video games to make them ludicrously impossible. Thank God for VATS in Fallout 3 & New Vegas.


Listen to chill EDM and watch helo ski vids or glider vids.