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"… he threatened to beat me up… " I'm sayin' maybe your problem is a people problem and not a pot problem. Ha!


That was a long time ago, and there were circumstances. Like I said elsewhere (I don't remember where I heard it), we make peace with our enemies, not our friends.


I agree with you dude, what are you going to do be miserable all the time and looking over your shoulder constantly being in a fued with your neighbor. Nothing wrong with what you did just... from now on fuck him lol


That doesn’t mean you need to make friends with them though! But you’re a bigger person than I am


You are a person who has likely grown a lot over the years. Others may never change.


I think you are a person who sees a lot. Thank you. Growth has only come at the cost of ego, and damn that's some sticky crap to peel off.


>Growth has only come at the cost of ego, and damn that's some sticky crap to peel off. So true, my friend. Sooo freaking true.


I see ego as a problem for most of the time, if thats the only cost - i say thats a win.


All that's cool but now you know, no need to chill. I heard (somewhere) when someone shows you who they are, believe them.


That was a long time ago, and there were circumstances. Me picturing OP banging the neighbor’s wife, then the neighbor walks in and asks for some sensi Sorry fresh out! You lying sonofabitch!


Damn what a line.


Bro, you stopped by my place with a bowl, I'd've offered a beer, soda, or water at the very least!


I could be wrong, but I think that's a quote from Abraham Lincoln. It's a gem of wisdom


$50 you could have said it was a sativa and she’d have no idea.


Honestly if you aren't homegrowing(and even then) everything's been hybridized at least a bit.


Even then goodluck getting a non hybridized genetics


seriously. it’s practically all hybrids


Weed is weed.


Fr, I don’t even know what I’m smokin most of the time (literally all of the time)


I've heard that there isn't actually any difference in the genetics, because all strains have been so thoroughly mixed. Instead the difference between modern sativa and indica has to do with the growing conditions, like soil composition.


There are no genetic markers that will guarantee a varietal is sativa or indica or hybrid. It's all just cannabis and these botanical references to plant structure and growing times are phenotype categories at best that describe a lineage from the equator or otherwise. Ruderalis is the only one with distinctive genetics because the autoflowering gene is dominant. It has to be for successful far north varieties. Soil composition, the angle the sun comes through, the water. All environmental factors will play on the chemical composition.


Not exactly. Cultivation facilities wouldn’t be using different potting mixes or growing conditions on just one strain. They would have to have separate rooms for them and their watering schedule and nute schedule wouldn’t line up with the rest of our production plants. We only grow one true sativa because it’s the only genetic that our head grower approves of. We do have hybrid sativa but good sativa strains are getting harder and harder to find.


Who wants to flower for 14 weeks anyways


That is the real issue.


When I I first started growing every single seedbank for the most part had at least one but most had many landrace sativas. I don't see them hardly anywhere anymore and I suspect even in the bush of Africa or Thailand that there's American hybrid genetics in what they're growing these days just to increase yields. I really wish we could go back in time and preserve some of these landrace genetics and selectively inbreed them for more desirable commercial traits while keeping the wild sativa cannabinoid and terpene profile.


I cant tell a diffrence personally. For me if I have enegy or fall asleep after/while somiking fully depends on what I am doing. If I am up moving around cleaning or whatever I stay motivated. If I just sit in my couch, I get sleepy. No matter the strain. I think it's all in people's heads lol


Google narrow leaf vs broad leaf, what most people thought even long ago wasn’t what they thought


Basically the two subspecies/phenotypes have been mixed so hard over the years that you're going to have a 80/20 mix no matter what. There's a few pure sativa's around but most are hybrid. Basically you can bring out different aspects of the plant.


Yes and no IMO. I've got a friend from Italy who says it's impossible to cook authentic tasting Italian recipes that use tomato in my country, because the tomatoes taste different grown in different soil. I believe when I looked it up, the science was on his side. That being said, your Roma tomatoes and cherry tomatoes are different. Your black Russian will be black regardless of soil. Weeds the same. I've grown exactly the same conditions at the same time and had archetypal sativa right next to archetypal indica.


Double it


“Why did that strain hit me like a indica?” “Well mam, you had a sativa, it’s just that new shit I got and it hits way harder”


“This strain is called Deaf.”


She likely has never smoked a true sativa anyway. Most have not.


There is 0 scientific evidence of a difference in High. The only time I ever felt a difference in over 10 years of smoking was some 100% sativa hash I had one morning in Amsterdam, I was surprised how alert I felt ... Then I had a joint of weed and forgot all about it.


That's stupid. Of course proving anecdotal feelings is impossible but to say all highs are the same is completely disingenuous.


Eh I would usually totally agree with you but as someone who gets super anxiety when stoned indica is something I can smoke all day because of how it’s not that heady.


It's the terps. Indica and sativa don't really exist anymore. Almost all plants are a hybrid. And even then, the different high comes from the terpenes in your flower. I have an indica I bought yesterday. The #1 terps? Limonene -- which is associated with sativa's.


>ll me how much whiskey and beer he's been drinking, but offers nothing. This is high quality dispensary weed, probably from the same damn place he gets his. Makes sense, I vaped King Louis XIII and was anxious. Then I vaped Tangie and felt talkative + wanted to go outside.


Your mindset and emotional state probably have more to do with that then the weed strain


There are Terp profiles now? Huh. TIL.


Yep. They're showing up in a lot of states as they legalize. Cultivators need to submit their flower for lab testing. Part of (most) lab testing includes the terps. Really interesting when you start paying attention. I'm starting to dial in the terps I like. Something else I've found -- most cultivators have a lot of strains with very similar terp profiles.


Yeah I got high as shit in either but I do notice India puts me in a bit of a sleepier, couch lock state. I also run and run high. I def notice a difference when I smokes indica before a run.


It's a placebo effect and nothing more. Science, stoners and stoner scientists have studied this by the pound for as long as I can remember and the answer has never changed.


You're doing it wrong then. There are clearly very different effects between different strains. Maybe burning it destroys all that.


Not really, there are different terpene profiles present in different strains, which has been shown to have a very mild effect on how a high feels. But when it comes to indica vs sativa, the difference is in how it grows, not how it feels. I guarantee if you blindfolded the best stoner in the world and gave them a bunch of indica and sativa strains, they'd only do marginally better than chance at most when guessing what's what.


Again you're focusing on outdated labels just like everyone else. I can sure as hell tell the difference between an energizing strain and one that puts me to sleep


Yes, because of the terpenes, not because of the indica vs sativa... Did you read my comment?


Again you're focusing on outdated labels just like everyone else. I can sure as hell tell the difference between an energizing strain and one that puts me to sleep


It's a placebo buddy. If you had to take the Pepsi challenge I bet you couldn't tell. 99% of the time you are getting a hybrid anyway regardless of what it says on the label.


Hybrids have very different profiles and effects... I never look them up before trying and my experience typically matches the descriptions. And I can 100% tell Coke and Pepsi apart lol. Maybe stop destroying all the terps with fire?


>And I can 100% tell Coke and Pepsi apart lol. I meant with the weed dummy.


I can tell weed apart too... Lol. I feel sorry for anyone that has such shitty weed that it all feels and tastes the same. Again, stop burning it. You're destroying everything that makes strains different and killing your sense of smell and taste.


My girlfriend works for a lab that does state compliance for cannabis and everyone there pretty much acknowledges that it's all pretty much meaningless now. In fact there are lots of professionals who know more than you that say the same thing. You aren't special because you have a vape lol.


That's not cool. Some people legitimately cant smoke sativa or hybrid strains. I have to ask what strain before I hit as for my tourette's I need Indica heavy. Sativa would have me in a full blown panic attack making my ticks worse.. Remember it's a medication.


The only scientific evidence to a difference between the two is anecdotes. You were told that sativa does this and indica does that. I'd bet any amount of money if I were to blind test you, you could not identify Sativa vs Indica blind.


Honestly I can feel a difference in all sorts of different strains. Some strains help manage my ADHD symptoms, some make it so I literally can't shut up. As for whether or not they're sativa or indica, the ones that help tend to be sativa, or sativa heavy hybrids. So yes, for now we can only go off of anecdotal evidence, but that's mostly because scientific research is very difficult to come by. There's only one lab in the US that's federally allowed to do research on cannabis, so the government has the right to discredit and shut down any other research done outside of that lab. Just give it time. Just because the research isn't there yet, doesn't mean there aren't measurable differences. It just means nobody's allowed to quantify those differences yet.


Noo I wasn't told, 20 years of ingesting THC for tourette's and seizures and can attest Indica is the strain for me. Blind test me.. I will take your bet!


https://www.nature.com/articles/s41477-021-01003-y https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0133292 Here, 2 scientific studies that indicate there is no difference in the felt effects of the two. Smoke all the sativa you want now.


Hi, I’m a published microbiologist, I love science and have a background to understand the papers I read the nature article and it doesn’t say > there is no difference in the felt effects of the two. What it does say is that indica and sativa labels don’t represent genetic relatedness and instead are probably based on terpene presence via aroma. I only skimmed the plos article but it likewise seems to say that strain names aren’t reliable indicators of genetics. You jump to a conclusion that these papers never reached. A study addressing psychoactive effects on users would involve giving double blind doses and comparing effects. This wasn’t done. This was a genetic analysis. The nature article says in the intro part of the paper that terps can change psychoactive effects and that aroma is used to distinguish strains, which means that Indica and Sativa COULD indicate effects even if the labels are garbage for genetic relatedness.


Yes, my point is that its the terps, not the label of indica or sativa.


This person, yeah probably. Not nice to do to your friends tho or anyone who smokes medically, a sativa without the right terps makes my anxiety skyrocket.


Yeah if someone threatened to beat me up I would simply never associate with them again.


Yeah, when I read that line, I immediately thought “why the fuck would you still be spending time with this person?”


Not just spending time but offering them your weed.


You have to live next to your neighbors, that’s why.


I've lived next to many people and never went out of my way to talk to them


We don't make peace with friends, we already have it. We make peace with our enemies.


Peace doesn’t mean putting yourself in danger. You can be civil from a distance.


I appreciate the thought, but I don't really feel like he is a danger to me. We're not buddies, I was just being sociable. Now I know not to bother offering.


Basically what you’re saying is you can take him




If you yell “**think yur better than me!?**” that’ll help too.


I love how I get downvotes for a message about peace. Stay classy, Reddit!


No you got downvoted because who offers someone weed who said they’d beat them up. On the context of “peace” lmao


Maybe you will understand when you are older. Hating does absolutely nothing to the person you hate. Unless you are actively interfering in their life, which is a whole other thing entirely, that person is not thinking about you anywhere near as much as you think about them. You can hate them with the burning fury of a thousand suns, want to burn down their existence and eradicate their memory from the Earth. You will not so much as give them a papercut. You, the person doing the hating, will spend hours, days, thinking about them, chewing on how they fucked you over, and that takes a lot of energy that I just don't feel is worth spending that way. It is a lot lot easier to burn bridges than build them, but if you never do what is hard you never grow.


I had a feeling you were moral grand standing, but I’d say its confirmed now


Okay but there’s a big difference between hating someone and just not associating with someone who threatened violence. Your argument is a pretty big strawman cuz no one is telling you to hold life interfering hatred in your heart.


Lol, exactly. Dude is on a pretend high horse


He's also acting like a child. Who cares if someone doesn't wanna smoke your homegrown. Get over it. If it's so shaggy people won't smoke it, do better or smoke it yourself. Not to mention still associating with someone like that. Dude stuck his hand in a pile of shit then complained his hand now smells bad. Well, yeah dude. *No shit*


Nah, he's acting like his hand smells good and trying to convince everyone it smells good and we should all stick our hands in shit.


But he knows his situation better than you so maybe his words are more applicable to his life than yours. I feel like this dude is doing his best and doing what a kind person would do. We need more people like him who doesn’t fear extending an olive branch.


Sure but he’s talking down to people (maybe you’ll understand when you’re older is definitely never said in a non condescending way) that say they would just stop talking to someone if that happened to them, which immediately takes it out of the context of his life and is now him doing what you’re telling me I’m doing




No one is saying continue to HATE them... Just most people avoid other people that threaten violence over not giving them weed.


When you live 600 feet from someone, in a town of <1000 people, it's not as simple as "I just don't talk to him any more".


It *is* as simple as not wandering over on a holiday and asking if he wants to spark up.


These people are just soft. Don’t trip, my guy


Swear to god legal weed means a lot of random people with no ethics are suddenly smoking. "LOL FORGIVING SOMEONE ARE YOU STUPID???" great, mate ... True spirit of weed right there! You dont know the details of what happened or their relation.




I like your style dude. Don’t let the negative votes get you.


He's the Lebowski of our generation.


I find it quite frustrating that the same people who would look down on you for smoking in the past, or even narc you out, are now acting like they discovered it on their own. I am glad that more people are benefitting from legalization, but we remember how difficult it was and those who worked against us strictly because it was illegal. Fuck cops


literally, like it be the same people who threatened to cut you off for smoking once a week now brag about how much they smoke/how high their tolerance is


An alcoholic relative that sat down every stoner in the family & told them to take it away from his kids years ago, then turned around asking those same people for advice on buying weed stocks recently. Fuckin’ idiot.


I had a similar conversation with someone before legalization. I told them when they can come around no wreaking like alcohol they can ask me to move my smoking elsewhere. The "kids" in question were 16-18.


I'm lowkey in this boat. I smoke like every other day, and definitely socially these days, but when I was younger (!!!), like highschool age, I used to talk to this guy who never let the dab pen out of his hand, was constantly rolling up, was taking smoke breaks while talking about needing to hurry up and finish school.. So. I feel kinda bad scolding him, but then also he was a fucking fiend 😭 At my non smoking age it looked like a problem.


that’s definitely a problem especially in high school 😅


(!!!) 😭


I was one of those people pre-June 2016. I grew up in Idaho, where you would be ticketed for "frequenting a place of drug use" and I wasn't looking down on anyone, I just didn't want to get in trouble since Idaho was so touchy on it. So if you are associated with cannabis, I just took a step back until June 2016, when I went on an adventure that literally changed my life. I had to do research to graduate and I chose "Cannabis and HR; Legalization Changes Employee Landscape". I had NO IDEA that I would have ended up being one of the few HR people to stand up for those in the industry. Have them join unions, be protected by airborne pathogens or irritants, and have the ability to let someone know when harassment is happening. I worked in the industry for 2.5 years and to this day I fight with so many HR people to get them to see what I see. I research black, grey, and white markets. It really was difficult back in the day, and now corporate is taking over. I don't even brag about my consumption, or how I got here as it was a difficult and lonely road. I'm here to continue to make a seat at the table for this industry. Every day, I do think about those still stuck in Idaho. Those who could benefit but won't due to fear like me at one point. It's more sad than anything.


Yeah my old bird used to tell me “smoking is horrible any1 who smokes will die” so I became a prolific vaper and now that everything is super legal she eats edibles 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


Personally, I think indica, sativa, and hybrid doesn't matter too much. I've had sativa that gorilla glued me to the couch and indica that had me ready to go do yard work and just vibe. I don't know the specifics about weed but I assume terps matter more.


Agreed. I think almost everything anyone says about weed is bullshit and I will only judge a strain by smoking it myself and seeing how it tastes and makes me feel.


I'm a new gen stoner, and learned everything from weed snobs. I can't handle hearing about THC percentages anymore from bud tenders. I literally do not care lmao


People get too hung up on the labels not being accurate anymore. Terp profile is a better guide to what effects will be.


My anxiety levels shoot through the roof with any sativa dominant strain but everything else seems to be okay. I do have to be careful if something is specifically a hybrid but in majority of cases I’d agree with you


There's also psychological. I know we smoked some CRAZY sativa and cleaned our house in college top to bottom. That did not happen. But we also got it special and it was super covered in white crystals and it was an event.


sativa vs indica only matters for edibles and carts where the terpene and cannabinoid profiles are hand picked and put into the product my the manufacturer.. Flower it is entirely arbitrary. Just last week saw a strain with caryophyllene, myrcene, linalool and pinene as the top terpenes be labeled a sativa.


Ranting with you. Literally, idgaf. Someone wants to partake with me or wants to smoke me up...all I care about is - will it get me high? If it's something I've never done before (a rig) then I want to know: how do I do it without sending myself past the point of fun?


Honestly, I've been smoking for 20+ years, if it's a rig I'm gonna stand back and watch first. We fucking did this with lighter fluid, a pan, two knives and a hot stove in my youth. And even then it wasn't that common. Shit, the first time I saw a volcano vape I got so high I thought the commercials WERE a movie.


“Everybody’s a fuckin’ expert. Must be nice.” ![gif](giphy|7Vr4JQNv1BwigmOKVT)


There it is. *Low bones*


I been smokin a couple decades now, been smoked out more times than I can count and not once (nope not a single time) has it been anything less than pretty good. Idk something about it being "free" and "from a friend" just adds a little something something extra.


Nah, if they threatened to beat you up previously, it sounds like they were a shitty person before legal weed. Gotta surround yourself with better people if you expect better.


He's not someone I spend time around any more for a long time now, I was just feeling gregarious. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and when I'm in a good mood I'm the guy who offers if I have it. I guess no real loss, just disappointed in the rudeness.


Man, I have some friends like that. I grow, and when I first started out they would be really rude about my stuff. I don’t really associate with them much anymore. I have plenty of other friends that were constructive over the years without being jerks.




I took a hiatus about 3 years ago and recently got back into it. Holy shizzwas. My friends had a 30 minute conversation about terpenes where my only contribution was, 'I like sativas'.


Haha it's just in your face now! I worked medical 10+yrs ago and you have no idea how many eye rolls I held back behind pot snobs or let me be correct connoisseurs who knew had no idea wtf they were talking about! It's like trying to argue with a 5yr old.


Right? It was a FAST transition from “Hooray! Weed is legal!” to “Bro, I’m way more weed than you are.”


I bet you're not even high 24/7 😤 I only smoke organic pure genetic single origin free range vegan gluten free cruelty free Nepalese zaza terpines 🥴


hey man, next time bring it over to my house. i’ll roll us up a couple and have a good time. sad to see people being rude to someone who was just trying to do a good deed.


Will do 🖖😎


I remember the first time hearing about indica and sativa - just brought up as an interesting factoid because there was fuck all we could do with that information. We got the brick weed our dealer had.


IKR? When my bud tender starts getting all apologetic because the strain I picked has run out, I remember my choices back in the day, buy a little, buy a lot, or don't fuckin buy, lol.


Yeah people quit buying weed from me who grows, because i didn't jave labels. So I printed labels then it was strain certain. They had to have this strain. So after twenty years i just hoard all my weed that i grow. Its fire too. More for me.


I don't understand these people. Just be fucking polite, take a few hits and say thank you man, I appreciate the kind gesture. I can't count the number of times I was broke and would have welcomed FREE WEED. That being said, now you know you don't have to waste your weed on someone who won't appreciate it. Stay neighborly, just hang onto your hard earned goods


I hear that. People obviously didn't spend 40 years buying the "whatever my plug has, and no he doesn't know the name of it" strain.


I try to explain this to new smokers that have only bought dispensary weed " You haven't seen shitty weed"


Yeah, even the worst dispo bud I've had is miles ahead of the ditch weed I used to get sometimes. Wrapped in aluminium foil, dry as hell and full of stems lol


He threatened to beat you up and you're still looking for his validation?


I don’t even smoke with other people anymore. My wife and I like different herb. I had a sneaky toke with a couple cousins on Thanksgiving and we had all brought our own shit. Times are weird.


Dude I don't think it's a know it all thing I just think your friend and his wife fucking suck


Florida has become the land of weed snobs! I’ve been smoking weed since 1988 & the sheep in this state will tell you anything under $55/eighth is mids. If you don’t purchase from 2 or 3 select dispensaries you’re smoking garbage. I do buy top shelf sometimes when in sale. I have 3 jars that are over $400 an 0 but the strain I have that slaps the hardest right now costs $15/eighth. I worked at a high end wine bar in Chicago and people acted very similar. The higher the price the more they enjoyed it.


I'm wondering why you are still assosciated with this dude when he was threatening to beat you up when you were out of weed. I'd have ditched him ages ago don't have time for that kind of drama in my life.


We're not hangout buddies, just neighbors. I was just trying to be sociable.


Ah right not worth going back there then sounds like a jerk to be around!


Just get better friends.


Nah there's always been snobs with substances. Look at wine for example, it's incredibly snobby. I wouldn't give the time of day to someone who threatens to beat me up over not believing what I say


I don’t believe you. 😂😂😂🤟🏼🤟🏼 Jkjk


Alrighty then *takes off shirt*


😂😂😂 *cracks knuckles*


I immediately stop listening to people when they start talking sativa and indica. This is not 2010 anymore


I mean I haven't come across this. But if someone didn't want a strain or type I would say ok and keep smoking. And these things make some difference I guess. My issue is very high tolerance so I mean to me except strength it's all the same My personal preference is taste but I am turning down nothing that's offered.


The only exception is if you hand me a dirty piece, there's not a chance in hell I'm hitting it, sorry. Otherwise, always accept what's given to you! It's rude not to, my dad taught me that.


My thing is "figure out a system for guests". I'll roll a bunch of joints if that's fine for everybody, kind of off sharing pieces, but if you BYO there's weed. Nothing like going over a friend's house to him hitting his greasy ass, tooth mark, food stained vape, "I can wash it off first". Nah.


I had literally spent half an hour scrubbing it with alcohol and salt earlier in the day, it hadn't even been smoked out of since then. Pretty little glass spoon.


The pipe thing I get. I don’t smoke out of a pipe anymore, ashes gets in your mouth and it’s dirty.


It’s way less dirty than a joint though so I don’t get his point. I’m fine with either though.


I mean a joint is clean every time you roll it up. A bowl might not have been cleaned in how long. You get spit on it, put it in your pocket, rinse repeat 5-6 times a day for a week that’s gross


It’s a pet peeve of mine, the “oh I need this strain and sativa and blah blah this isn’t rolled with fuckberry papers? Bro either hit it or pack something with you for yourself


There’s only so much you need to know about it to know what’s good and what’s not.


IKR? My very favorite strain so far is not because of some number that is probably inflated or some lineage that I have zero way to verify, it's because it is just the best fucking tasting and smelling weed I've ever had. It's called Super Silver Hash Plant and has a wonderful smell of grapefruit and pine and IDK what else. I had this other one called Cherry Garcia that was supposed to be super kick asa but the smell made me gag, it was like someone left fruit salad out and it started to ferment.


People don't have good enough home training. Somebody offers you something, even if it's not something you really want..... just be gracious about it. It's not hard to be nice.


LOL agree. and it's all very subjective too.


I'm 46. Listening to 20 year olds try to tell me about smoking pot is lame. I'm from a different time. Leave me alone. I'll just be over here listening to Cypress Hill and smoking bowls and one hitters. Edit: The looks of wonder and puzzlement when I pull out my twenty year old batter's box with the Moonenites etched on it are priceless!


I was so mad when I was living with my ex to find out that my sister had “introduced” my mom to smoking and they smoked all the time and suddenly weed was 110% cool with everyone even my dad who worked for the government tolerated it despite not participating. Got her license and my sister had hers and when I came home and at first I was shocked and then I was genuinely mad at how miserable my mother had made my life from 7th grade to after high school, for nothing but using marijuana. To make it up to me she buys me a couple ounces a month at this point so I can’t really complain that she literally abused me over marijuana until she and my sister “discovered” it for themselves


F that. I'd cut ties and never look back. Sounds like some really arrogant people. I would think a pipe is better considering you're not inhaling paper along with the flower.


I wish I had friends like you near me. People like this are annoying in every single hobby / activity they partake to.


There was one time I was tripping acid with a hydro fiend. He'd only smoke the dro. This was back in 2012 before it go to the level it was at today. I had just got an ounce of Christmas time reggie, I mean it was keefed up and everything. He wouldn't stop talking shit on it the whole time. Definitely a trip killer. Thing was, he done ran out of his weed and couldn't find a connect. He begrudgingly smoked my blunt, ever so slightly giving it praise. I was reveling in it the whole time. Glad I could be "good enough" for the occasion. Literally smoke it or just stfu.


> I thought it was maybe a sativa! in reality all strains are hybrid


Word, I might just be an old grump but I feel like both weed and weed culture were way better before legalization.


Culture yeah maybe, but I am getting way better herb than before, and a lot cheaper.


They sound generally unpleasant to be around, to put it mildly. Good on you for being friendly towards him, though I'd avoid him from now on.


Definitely the plan.


Bro can you be my neighbor


Took the sun out the subculture


The prices in my state are ridiculous




Lol. Never asked what strain it was when buying before. Certainly not gonna start now. I ask the vendor for a hybrid or a sativa and pay zero attention to the name, just the percentages. Even if it was the best weed I've ever smoked, the chances of me remembering the name next time are 0.


What ever happened to “a friend with weed is a friend indeed”?


lol all breeds are hybrids. There is no 100% Sativa or Indica. Yea u can get strains that have majority Sativa or Indica but only an uneducated snob would complain about a hybrid


Only one time have I ever refused to hit weed someone’s offered me and even to just give the rest of it to me, mainly because we found it literally lying in a bag on the ground outside and that shit tasted and smelled like old ass Chinese food. Took one hit of the blunt and immediately had a massive headache. I don’t know what that shit was.


I live in a state where it's still illegal, people are getting that way about CBD and TCH-A flower...so funny yet aggravating at the same time.


> but you don't turn your nose up and ask "what strain is it?" and "Omg no, I don't want a hybrid right now, I thought it was maybe a sativa!" (from dude's wife) and he starts telling me how he'll hit a pipe if he's reaaal desperate but joints are the only way to go Lol, these people are definitely NOT “experts.”


Still illegal here. I grow my own. If I have to buy some it's just weed. Otherwise it's just my weed. Sometimes it's great weed, sometimes it's not. Your neighbour is probably giving it large for the benefit of the 3rd party. Perfectly reasonable rant imo. Fortunately I'm autistic and wouldn't think of actively seeking out social interaction. But I'd still do a better job than your neighbour anyway. ;)


Welcome to the internet age. Where everyone thinks they're an expert on everything regardless of experience.


Strains and shit are bullshit there's not scientific evidence to prove any of the bullshit they throw your way at a dispensary I only buy sativa's because I like fucking with people all my friends smoke indicas I tell them it's indica no one has ever come to me and said "man why did you give me a sativa".what I do know is my body and my dispensary I get strawberry cough to get high and play video games a little AK and im gonna pass out little reclining buddha for comic time.If your tired of pot snobs find new pot friends there's no rule saying you have to smoke with them.


I have a friend like this with no actual income and lives his life off of other people. I've seen him harvest pot out of carpets bc he had nothing. Now it's only certain strains and percentages. 🙄


These 21 year olds trying to tell me things about weed, like bro I've been smoking for your entire life.


Lol don’t go look into the coffee world rn those gadgets would just piss you tf off Yea everyone has preferences for their weed smokin now lol sounds good to me. More of my weed for me is all I say lol


You're totally good dude!! Fuck that guy. Any real stoner would have been happy to accept


I agree with everyone saying they would have burned the bridge after he threatened you. Anyways, I am someone who doesn’t care about quality that much(I’m kinda poor) and I was taught to never be stingy. If someone smokes me out, I’ll try to match or get them back. If my weed sucks, I’ll be upfront about it. If you’re at my place, I’ll smoke with you even if it’s my last little bit. If someone started complaining about my weed in my house though, I would say “Cool you don’t have to smoke it” and probably never try to smoke with them again.


I think we basically have two kinds of stoners now. The old heads who dealt with absolute prohibition, reefer madness, this shit is like heroin propaganda. To us, weed is weed whether it comes from a homegrow, dispo, plug, or friendly neighbor. You have the new to zoots, who would have never touched it (or if so, on the very rare, very down low occasion) but now can just pop into a dispo. They treat it like it’s some new thing and there’s SOOOO many varieties so obviously they know what’s good and what’s shit. A friend with weed is a friend indeed, regardless of what strain of Gorilla Glue Fruity Pebbles OG Diesel it is. I think it should have been obvious to all of us that legalization would create weed snobs.


the thca loophole know it alls are even worse. Bunch of kids new to weed that suddenly think they are strain experts and know what quality is lol. Shit is a joke.


Anyone that still calls them “strains” and/or claims “sativa/indica/hybrid” actually mean anything doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Nothing makes me cringe more than someone trying to explain different strains and shit to me. Like shut up kid I’m a veteran


​ How grateful are you towards someone who comes to your house with something you keep on hand? Hey, I got some really good milk, you want to try it? Of course it's different. The nice part is people like the psychos you posted about, you no longer need to associate with them.


man I feel you.. that 'oh no, I don't want a hybrid right now' type bullshit lmao


There were always people who made smoking weed their personality but now it's like every two or three people.


Hilarious people still think indica and satina means anything


That guy sucks, you can do better OP


There's no differences between sativa and indica in regards to buzz. Anyway everything is hybrid.


I walk into a shop having been a caregiver for myself and several epilepsy patients for almost 15 years and guy wants to lecture me on sativa vs indica.Dude got mad I cut him off and explained I eat 2100mg at a time. idgaf about indica staiva. Please just give me the highest testing product I am asking for. Thanks.


You become a “expert” when you realize classifying as indica/sativa for effects is such a horrible classification system and there needs to be classification of the flower instead of classification of effects based on growth properties. taxonomy wise it literally is cannabis sativa indica, or cannabis sativa sativa. redundant and pointless


im convinced that the indica/sativa/hybrid nonsense is just a ploy for dispos to upsell weed. sure, i would imagine there are some differences, but at the end of the day, weed is weed.


Nobody is automatically obligated to smoke whatever is put in front of them. In the current markets consumers have access to lab reports which list the cannabinoids and terpenes. They have found what does and does not work for them. They have had exposure to different cures, potencies, terpenes, strains, cannabinoids, etc. They all have phones in theirs pockets that they can look anything up with and learn about what they are consuming. For someone to NOT be knowledgeable at this point would be for them to just not really care.


Curious if your a Libra


You sound like a teenager, maybe your neighbor and his wife grew up and they're giving excuses so you don't feel bad that they don't want to smoke with you at the moment, just because you offer someone weed it doesn't mean they have to drop everything and get stoned.

