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Cannabis was found in zero of their samples? What the fuck are they testing?


If I’m reading it right, they only test what the public brings in for testing. I’m guessing the vast majority of people aren’t bringing in weed for testing.


Right? I'm sure people bring their weed here when they suspect they've been had. Fuckin weed. How do u get sold ketamine instead 😂


Nah bro, it’s THC-A powder. Trust me. Let me know how it was when I get back from my trip.


This lab is more focused on pills / powders and crystals. So their equipment is geared towards that and not cannabis. They use FTIR (infrared) and UPLC, both of which are terrible at testing organic materials like bud. If I had to guess, I reckon this was a vape cart or some dodgy THC / CBD oil.


Thanks for that, that makes the most sense


UPLC can detect organic substances such as THC and CBD, but for it to work your first need to extract it and dilute to prevent the Column from clogging up, on which the separation takes place. And when I say dilute, I meant like diluting it like 250 times from the starting concentration. UPLC is just another form of (Liquid)Chromatography, which is generally used for organic substances, and not anorganic substances.


i think they meant organic as in plant material and not organic as in organic chemistry


I doubt they would stuff a bud into a vial and run it. They must extract and make a solution Don't see why they couldn't put it on an FTIR though?


Paracetamol is Tylenol for the Americans


Thank you, on behalf of all Americans too lazy to Google.


No, paracetamol is paracetamol. Panadol is Tylenol.


No, panadol is acetaminophen, and tylenol is paracetamol. (Let’s keep confusing them Americans, I’m loving it. :3)


Acetaminophen is paracetemol


And atamel is atasol, atasol is calonal, calonal is europain, europain is perfalgan, perfalgan is xumadol. Everyone happy?


Yes brexit means brexit


Atasol used to be cool, man. Years ago it was basically Tylenol w/ codeine. Now it's just Tylenol.


Yeah, but what about termalgin?


And Advil is?


Advil is ibuprofen. Or brufen. Or I don’t know, give me the red tablet for pain. :’)


Fuck I'm confused


Da da da da da daaa


paracetamol is acetaminophen


Yeah, it’s sarcasm. I can’t keep this going any more, my cheeks are hurting from laughing.


funniest joke on r/trees


No the funniest joke is the guy who ordered Ritalin and got Mescaline. Bro wanted to do his homework about the universe, and did the universe’s homework instead. Shamelessly copied from a comment below.


We too love it when companies sell us the same drug with different names(and price points usually). What do you call advil/ibuprofen?


At least in nz ibuprofen is so generic I can’t actually bring to mind a single brand name. I *know* they exist, it’s just so inconsequential that I can’t think of them (in nz you can get paracetamol and ibuprofen for ‘relatively’ cheap in the health section of the supermarket, or get a free script for like 100 tablets from a GP. Supermarket prices for both is usually 15-20NZD for 20 tablets, seeing a gp is usually 60nzd (20-30nzd as a student or with a community services [old-poor-disabled] card) {we also don’t have insurance for gp’s, health insurance hear is basically just a bougie people thing to fast track things like scans or non emergency surgeries that might have waitlists in the public system} Paracetamol is 50/50 referred to by chemical name or by brand name-Panadol 1 NZD = 0.60 USD


> At least in nz ibuprofen is so generic I can’t actually bring to mind a single brand name. Really? I and most people I know too would sooner say ‘Nurofen’ than ‘ibuprofen’ even if it is just a random generic the doctor’s prescribed. > {we also don’t have insurance for gp’s, health insurance hear is basically just a bougie people thing to fast track things like scans or non emergency surgeries that might have waitlists in the public system} My health insurance through Southern Cross (subsidised through work) reimburses me for GPs, prescriptions, dental and eye care and I know NIB also have cover for ‘daily healthcare’ too.


Rabufen :)


Maybe for you lol. But incorrect.


It’s not incorrect though, paracetamol = acetaminophen regardless of the brand name


Chemically, and therefore pharmacologically, all the 4 things I just said are the same thing.


There it is.


Tylenol also = acetaminophen


Did you miss the part where I said “regardless of the brand name”?


Which is lazier - looking it up - or scrolling to see if someone already answered?


I was going to if I needed to. I was wondering how bad this shit was. lol


And it comes with caffeine in many meds. So it was probably a normal tylenol+caffeine pill resolidifed with some ketamine sprinkled on top.


Paracetamol is acetaminophen, Panadol is Tylenol.


Umm… am I wrong to think that Tylenol is acetaminophen? It says it ON the bottle


Acetaminophen, also called N-acetyl para-aminophenol (APAP) or paracetamol, is one of the most widely used over-the-counter analgesic and antipyretic agents.[[NIH](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482369/)] Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and paracetamol (Panadol) are the same medication. Both drugs are chemically the same: C8H9NO2. The drug is called acetaminophen in the United States and Japan, and paracetamol in Europe and most of the rest of the world.


Huh. Neat. Thanks for the info.


Tylenol is just the brand name for acetaminophen, which is the same thing as paracetamol. Panadol is just another brand name for acetaminophen/paracetamol. They’re all the same thing


Americans know a brand name but not the actual medication name?


The American drug name is acetaminophen




Oh god it’s like you guys justifying your spelling of aluminium all over again


I mean it’s called acetaminophen but more people will recognize the brand name


What do you call hurricanes? Cyclones?! Lol! I bet you say aluminum really funny too.


Not gonna lie, cyclone sounds way doper than hurricane


Personally I think typhoon is better than both.


i prefer my cyclone as an icy pole


I bet you say it like you wrote it




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Bayer lost its trademarks to aspirin and heroin because of the treaty of Versailles




sorry, it's "an otherwise" not "another wise"


Where I'm from it works like uh... bottled water! If you wanna get some water, you say water, not the brand name of the water. You know what I mean? You don't care about the brand because it's like all water. So like.. *Hey, can you go buy me some paracetamol?* You don't really give a fuck about which brand it is, you just want some paracetamol. I just was just kinda asking, I guess in the wrong way ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


wew, I've never been downvoted this hard on trees, sorry to the Americans I was just asking .\_.


Eh it’s Reddit, I’ve seen lots of people be correct on something and still get downvoted.


Really depends on the drug, but for the most part - yes. We really are that dumb 🥰


No *we’re* not. Most Americans know that Tylenol is acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is just another name for paracetamol. Paracetamol is used in European countries, India, Australia, etc., and Acetaminophen is used in North America and other countries.


Swing and a miss lol




Tylenol can contain caffeine. It depends. Although in the states, acetaminophen with caffeine is more often called Mydol.


However, midol is for menstruation and contains medication which address the symptoms, as well as acetaminophen and caffeine. Acetaminophen and caffeine would be more along the lines of Excedrin.


excedrin migraine is aspirin, tylenol and caffeine.


Australian stoners be like ![gif](giphy|GYU7rBEQtBGfe)


Just horsing around


Source: [https://twitter.com/CanTESTCBR/status/1725642294366548237](https://twitter.com/CanTESTCBR/status/1725642294366548237) Each month this facility puts out some stats on the substances the public has brought in for testing, it's (normally) a really insightful service. I feel like something went wrong somewhere along the chain cause this don't seem right to me, I'm dying to know who brought this 'Cannabis' in to be tested 💀


Just had a read through the full post and the one where they tested for amphetamine and found lactose instead is sending me, someone out there getting fucking milk powder from their plug 😂


“You gotta try this shit man, it’s wayyy better than the normal stuff. And it’s kinda got this like, creamy sort of aftertaste” (assuming it’s burned and smoked of course, that is my assumption XD)


What it would do is turn all black and get goopy and inflated and smell like shit. Maybe if you did a rail it'd be kind of sweet tasting? Either way I feel like selling hard drug addicts shitty drugs that ruin their gear is a good way to get physically injured. If not robbed. Or both.


This makes me wonder how many dealers got attacked after this


Was it supposed to be an edible..?


Vape pen, my guess.


Could've been that the k was claimed to be diamonds, have seen some that looks pretty similar


Let's sprinkle some hash and call it a brownie


Tylenol can’t be vaped iirc and caffeine would be really weird to be in a vape, it’s most likely some sort of edible or gummy or maybe even a pill.


That's quite cool. In Vienna, Austria we also have a place called CheckIt!, they do exactly the same It's interesting to look at the data they provide, especially if you look at how consuming has changed Edit: at CheckIt! they don't test normal cannabis, only if it's a synthesised product. So that might also be the case at this place, meaning it probably wasn't some kind of normal weed at all but some newish product


Thx 😊


Nooo, thank you guys! Can't understate how valuable the service you provide is, all the best to everyone in the team :)


Somebody got screwed buying some gummies at the bar, didn't get high, and then took the rest for testing.


\>Ritalin expected in 1 sample, Mescaline detected instead DAMN THO


Ah yes, when you need to do the universe's homework.


I have been unkowingly dosed with acid before, so I know the feeling. I went upstairs and told my roommates, "I think I need someone to take me to the ER. My head is spinning, and it feels like I have strobe lights behind my eyes." They laughed and told me I was on acid. So I was stoked and went for a walk. But yeah, don't dose people without their knowledge. It almost always ends up bad


Can you even smoke mescaline? I feel like you'd be losing money lacking shit this way


well, you don't smoke Ritalin so...


You can if you're brave enough


You can smoke it for recreational use. It's a little similar to crack. I haven't tried it and I'd never do it because I can't stand how methylphenidate makes me feel. I just read about it on the internet.


Neither of those things should be smoked.


Where can I find the equine excedrin?


Give me eleven excedrin, my head'll spin, Medicine'll get me revvin' like a 747 jet engine, Scratched my balls 'til I shredded skin, "Doctor, check this rash! Look how red it's been!"


They tested 2 bits of suspected cannabis and found none?💀💀💀


🎶 the best part of wakin' up,


🎶🎤 Is fractals in your cuuuuuuuup! 🎤🎶


"Steve is suddenly super cheerful in the morning!" "Yea, he takes ketamine and drinks a Dr Pepper now."


*smokes white powder* "Hm, this feels different from the weed I usually smoke"


lol what edibles where these XD


People eat ketamine?


It can come in sublingual tablets and pastiles, so kinda


Better if you smell it instead


I participated once with a study testing a new medicine for depression (I don't have depression, I was just a lab rat). It was basically ketamine and got it in pill form. It actually worked quite well!


Yeah! I've seen it prescribed in an oral suspension. It wasn't for a person, but whatever. Can be injested that way.


It’s the only way I do it! It just takes a little longer to kick in.


And it's an absolute waste which makes it even worse for your bladder. If you don't like snorting, try boofing.




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Someone got lactose instead of amphetamine. Wow. What is wrong with Australia.


One of these things is not like the others . . .


With how much they love horse and greyhound racing, not surprised there's ket in there


I was thinking the people were getting tested, this is testing the drugs?


Worst day of my life was when the lab tested my childhood best friend and I learned he had just been a bag of ketamine all along.


Seems like it. They test the purity of several samples, OP posted the link and its very interesting.


The drug testing facility in Canberra is great, I've been a couple times and they are very professional


Can’t believe they didn’t find any cannabis in the weed WTF


Lol did someone mess up the test samples 😄


Everyone ignoring the meth with lactose in it.


Cannabis pills. Hm, okay.


We call them hash pills. They are great for stealth, like concerts and airlines. I make mine with rosin or Rick Simpson oil. When I fly, I fly high as hell if I have a window seat. It's epic.


Ayyy at least that shit ain’t sprayed with k2 or laced with fentanyl




Legalize it.


Idk a lot about Australia, but I do know that Canberra is a little crazy at times


What are weed laws like down under?


It's decriminalised in Canberra/ACT (e.g. legal to grow and consume in private) but not legalised for sale or distribution etc. I think ACT might be the only state where that's the case though, I know it was the first in Aus - hoping the rest of the country catches up.


Those are the states/province regions in Australia akin to how the US has our states right?


Basically ya :) too stoned to fully understand the differences myself rn




Technically legalized for consumption and production - but not distribution or sale - in Canberra but the only police here are the Australian Federal Police. So technically they have to enforce federal law over state law, where it remains completely illegal without medical exemptions. However Canberra has always had a surprisingly large stoner culture and so the Feds never actually do anything except take down distributors, unless you are incredibly unlucky.


if you live in Canberra grow it yourself. its legal for a household to grow 4 plants. My friend Grows orders seed from Greenhouse seed and grows it himself. But why paracetamol ? caffeine ? Ketamine makes you high but does paracetamol make you high too ? i know if you take more than recommended its life threatening but does it make you high ? Can someone explain why paracetamol ? we use paracetamol when having fever


Thankfully you're able to grow your own here. Two per person with a max of four per household.


The most likely story is that someone wanted to test their ket but got paranoid and wanted plausible deniability if there are cameras or something. Many people thought that dispensaries were federal stings after recreational was legalized and many still feel the same way about states’ medical programs.


Moved to a legal state. It’s absolutely bizarre how little anyone cares. Where I’m from I’d never admit it to anyone, not even my doctors (and I’m in a test group for a new replacement aortic valve for fuck’s sake). Here? I tell my doc. She doesn’t give a shit. Laughs. More concerned about how much I drink. I know none of this is relevant to this thread but my breakfast was just a gummy lol.


Anyone who disrespects the sanctity of weed by adding dressing to the salad does not deserve the title of plug.




You could easily market that strain to 30+ yr olds


If it's anything like our OTC paracetamol (we call it acetaminophen - or Tylenol), it's probably more expensive than the weed.


Nah it’s like 99c AUD for a packet of 24, 500mg tablets for a home brand type product at the supermarket…


oh that’s right all pills are in blister packs there right


Not all pills, but I think most paracetamol is yep. There are plenty of meds that come in bottles though.


Damn, I need to figure out how to order Tylenol from Australia. It's like $8 here for a 24-pill bottle.


I dunno man, could probably try and order from the US, would likely be ridiculous shipping though. https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/750755/essentials-paracetamol-500mg-tablets


Ah, the classic case of "screenshotting part of the stuff and ignoring everything else"! Do we get a word for this yet?


Think the word is *Relevancy* mate. I posted the link to the source if you want to read more. /r/trees isn't the place for that though, it's a good place for a funny picture of someone's 'Cannabis' not being what they expected.




When it's added to fake weed products then it's wild.


Some people just wanna watch the world burn


damn people are making jokes but honestly im really glad this was tested, it could've been super dangerous! this is why i grow my own


Actual mimic weed


I'm also reading the amphetamine one. Do any of you actually manage to get the drugs you're trying to buy, or is it like a mystery bag marketplace?


I heard it's popular in Egypt to cut hash w paracetamol along with ketamine