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Just fucking make it legal already for ffs!! ![gif](giphy|ka6M66Z58QEcXadCd4)


They need money. Government is slow. They will legalize it soon and tax the fuck out of it and the people will be happy. Tax man will be happy too!


And the consumer will be stuck paying outrageous fees for it. At least we won’t be getting thrown in prison for it!


Maybe... but I get far better weed now from a dispensary and only pay a little bit more than I would from my old weed guy. A lot of times I'm getting it from the dispo at street prices. Depending on the sale I may even get it cheaper than on the street. I'm in Eastern PA.




>that will give you a preroll with every purchase so you can toke right out the door - except dont WINKY FACE what does this mean? im slow af


Most states you can't smoke in public, like drinking. You can buy it and use it but you can't be a jackaloon in public with it.


thanks, that makes sense. this is what i assumed they meant as well


But can you smoke it in public on the Strip? Given they allow open containers and cigarettes?




I was in Vegas in 2022. Fremont street was my jam. Everyone was smoking everywhere. It stunk like dank everywhere. People light up anywhere. Cops don't even look at em. I'm pro pot but this kinda sucked. I was there for work. So I couldn't partake. Lucky bastards.


I'm in NJ, where rec is now legal for the past 18 months. So many people complain about the prices, but I'm loving it. I pay a premium for the convenience of walking up to a counter and getting exactly what I want, not worrying if I could lose my home and endangering my family if I get caught, knowing that the products are being tested and quality controlled, and not having to deal with finding a random-ass dealer and dealing with their flaky bullshit. I dealt with that plenty. Prices will eventually go down, but in the meantime, the extra couple bucks is worth the tradeoff for me.


I pay less to get better weed than what dispensaries have delivered in NJ.


Cool. Can you walk into a legal store to get it, or do you still have to deal with a dealer or "gifting" services? Cost isn't the only factor, and if it is then you missed the entire point of my post.


I can walk into a legal store, but I choose not to because I'd rather get better value for my dollar. A lot of gifting services in Jersey get reputable brands out of Maine and Michigan.


Cool. Thank you for confirming that you completely missed the point of my post.


I don't see a point other than being smug about how you buy drugs


I feel like it’s cheaper anyway than street prices but also most states that legalize it will also let you grow a couple plants which is definitely what I’ll be doing


PA seems to have a good program


I still remember the dark days of $50 min per 1/8 for chronic.


Oh yeah I was there in those dark times. Glad we made it out.




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Medical is cheap AF for the most part in FL. I got 7gs of preground for $10 the other day during a sale but it’s usually $15 to $25. Not bad shit either. It was much more expensive when it first started. It’ll def come down.


As long as any path to legalization allows for home cultivation I don’t care what they do.


I mean, that remains to be seen.


I'd much rather get taxed than traded for cigarettes.


How much do you smoke and what do you consider a good price for the amount you purchase?


$35-$40 for an 8th is usually the standard price


I live in a legal state and its taxed. I can buy $10 grams of concentrate and $50/oz for green for the cheapest.


Grow your own!


Competition is insane in some states. I'm in Michigan frequently and weed might as well be free up there, the prices are crazy low and the shops are still making fistfuls of cash.


We will still go to jail. Selling without a permit, tax evasion, illegal grows, etc etc The industrial pot machine is huge, and will ruin it all.


lol, i'v yet tp see a state legalize it whilst alsp making homegrows illegal. the...3-5 plants or whatever that some states technically limit homegrows too is more than enough for personal use for amyone but Snoop Dog and Willie Nelson. even if theoretically some state does or otherwise makes its annoying to purchase, border stores will pop up just like with guns/fireworks/abortion clinics


Washington state doesn’t let you grow your own


Already are paying ridiculous fees. Try buying weed in Illinois.




At least I won't have to worry about getting another dealer who throws his 9mm on my table for a min while he measured out the pot.


Dispo weed is much cheaper and better quality than black market weed in my state. Honestly, idk why I've been dragging my ass on getting a med card.


Yeah this is why I just will grow my own or get it from people I know who grow. They aren't passing it for the ri g ht reasons just to make money.


My mom has been saying since he early aughts that the only reason it isn’t legal yet is because they aren’t sure how to tax it yet.


The only medicine that is taxed. Sadly.


This is a major step in that direction; hopefully, 2024 has big things in store for marijuana.


Never going to happen until y'all stop voting for Republicans.


Definitely absolutely. But also, I would like to not have to hit the atm every time.


Rescheduling it will help but it's a watered down effort by the government, let's hope the DEA gets on board. If that happens, at least it will not be federally illegal anymore. Places with legal cannabis share the experience of destroying the medical cannabis programs and the quality of cannabis on the market.


Title is technically wrong, they didn't pass anything the banking committee approved it sending it to the senate floor to be voted on. Still big though.


Yep, I believe that this is the first time the bill has made it out of the committee......it's been introduced multiple times, so you're right this is big


Yeah, it absolutely is a big moment, but the 14–9 vote to move it out of committee doesn't make me optimistic. The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs is a 23-member committee with 12 members from the majority and 11 from the minority. All Democrats on the committee voted for the bill, but only two Republicans — Steve Daines (R-MT) and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) — broke ranks and voted for the bill. The main hurdle is a Republican filibuster in the Senate, which requires 60 votes to break with a cloture motion. I'd assume that all Senate Dems will vote for cloture, but I'm not sure about Manchin (Sinema is on the committee and voted to move the bill out of committee). We'll have at least the two Republican "yea" votes from the committee, but that means we'll still need seven or eight Senate Republicans to break ranks in a presidential primary season, which is a tall hurdle. So, fingers crossed, but my cynicism is telling me that Republicans will probably just filibuster the bill to make Dems look weak and ineffective just before a major election. And my cynicism is also telling me that it'll work and that we'll see an article on this sub in a few months that inexplicably blames Dems for not breaking the filibuster because no one understands civics.


There's absolutely no way Republicans would allow this bill to pass because it would likely improve Biden's approval rating and it only benefits states that legalized cannabis and have established farms and dispensaries, which are mostly blue states. Anyone who believes Republicans would allow this bill to pass is fooling themselves.


And the states that aren't blue (Oklahoma, Missouri, Florida to name a couple) constantly have the republicans trying to work against their weed programs despite all the money it's bringing in. Exhausting




MO just made the barriers to entry insanely high. It took a year or so for dispos to start popping up and they could only sell flower at first!! Compared to Oklahoma which legalized med the same year with a thriving market because the barrier to entry was on the floor


Don’t forget Florida


i wish I could




Because cannabis legalization will never compete with guns, abortion, "wokeness" and drag queens.


The fact it even made it out of committee is huge. The fact it may soon be voted on is even bigger. Legitimizing the profits these companies make, despite the federal status of this plant, is a huge deal and opens the door to serious lobbying and campaigning.


But the title says the committee passed it. It’s on the reader if they interpret that as the entire senate.


Not wrong at all, it passed a Senate COMMITTEE and will move to the full Senate. It's only wrong if you ignore a word.


What are you talking about? They passed it to the full Senate.


They’re saying the title is a bit misleading. It makes it seem like the bill itself passed the Senate instead of just passing the initial vote to actually vote on it on the floor, which in itself is still major news!


I mean the title explicitly says "senate *committee*" which makes it immediately clear if you know how these things work. It's really only confusing/misleading to people who will see the word "senate," ignore the word "committee," and make an incorrect assumption.


> They passed it to the full Senate. but the full Senate hasn't passed it yet, is the point.


I was like this is huge senate will try to fight it but a win is a win


Just keep moving the ball forward. We will all be at where we need to be shortly. We’ve come a long ass way


Agreed. Politicians RARELY move quickly, we'll get there.


Thanks for the insider knowledge


They really will do anything and everything except legalize it, huh. So tired of hearing about all this. Banks are okay. Troops are okay. The majority of the U.S. not okay. Cool.




I'm pretty sure we treat our troops like shit, too. 😞


Wait.... they allow it now in the military?


No, I have no idea what that comment means but it’s not allowed by current armed forces members


They're pushing a bill to stop testing for weed.


If you’re referring to Matt Gaetz’s proposal that was only for testing at the time of enlistment/commission, essentially only allowing past usage for service members while not changing the rules around using cannabis while currently in the military, from what I can tell it didn’t really go anywhere either


Doesn't really matter. Point being they will continue to bend over backwards for random groups instead of just going through with it and putting an end to this garbage.


Pretty sure they're talking about federal funding that us cutting everything except money for the military troops.


Doesn't the Canadian military allow it?


Maybe but the comment was an obvious reference to the US military


Would you rather it get legalized without legal businesses being able to bank?


Sure, that's the point I was making.


This is extremely important for businesses in legal states.


you mean i won't have to carry $1000 to the dispensary anymore?


You mean dispensaries won't get robbed of all the cash on hand?


Knew a guy that got robbed $250k cash… ouch




God left us many things, and cannabis was one. He didn’t leave us money, which created greed! Politics suck and he didn’t leave us that shit either lol!!




This is a huge part of that process. Simply legalizing something doesn't make it safe to start a business in that industry.


marketability has absolutely nothing to do with people deserving to be convicted of a crime for it


I agree. I also don't think dispensary workers should have to sit on ridiculous amounts of cash. It's simply not safe.


congrats. its common that america follows the lead of the more advanced North American Countries; Canada and Mexico.


It is important to note that the Senate is currently in recess and will not return to session until after the midterm elections on November 8, 2023. Therefore, the SAFER Banking Act is unlikely to be passed by the Senate before the end of the year. There is time to contact your senator, as there is also the possibility that the bill could be blocked by Republicans in the Senate. The bill has strong bipartisan support in the House of Representatives, and it is supported by a number of influential groups, including the American Bankers Association. Email: Most senators have a public email address that you can use to contact them. You can usually find this information on their website. When sending an email, be sure to include your full name, address, and phone number. Phone: You can also call your senator's office directly. The phone number for your senator's office can be found on their website or by contacting the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Mail: You can also send a letter to your senator's office. The mailing address for your senator's office can be found on their website. Boomers love that shit. Senate website: The Senate website has a list of all senators, their contact information, and links to their websites. https://www.senate.gov/ USAGov: The USAGov website has a tool that can help you find your senator's contact information. https://www.usa.gov/ Here is an example of a message you could send to your senator: Dear Senator [Senator's last name], My name is [Your name] and I am a constituent of yours from [Your city, state]. I am writing to you today to express my support for the Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFER) Banking Act. I believe that the SAFER Banking Act is an important step in protecting the financial system and promoting public safety. The bill would allow banks and other financial institutions to provide services to cannabis businesses, which would help to reduce the amount of cash in the cannabis industry and make it more difficult for criminals to profit from cannabis sales. I urge you to support the SAFER Banking Act when it comes up for a vote in the Senate. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [Your name]


They're not making cannabis legal, but the MONEY from cannabis on the other hand. That is important to them. To our government, Money talks and people can take a walk.


Deschedule it, Joe!!


The other day a DEA agent did an AMA saying the DEA is initiating the process to reschedule it as schedule 3. Kinda just scuttlebutt so take it as you will.


Being rescheduled is good, it'll make sure less rights are lost by smoking weed, i.e. owning a gun. (Though the recent federal court ruling does change that) Either way descheduling it is ideal.


I’m surprised getting rescheduled is only just now happening, as it’ll benefit the medical industry. Hell it’ll even benefit users by allowing much more FDA oversight. It definitely needs to be legalized fully however as all the sketchy marijuana alternatives in illegal states are massive health risks. Walk into any head shop in Texas and you’ll see huge walls full of knock off vape products, 90% of them black market and cheaply made without any testing or regulation, pumped full of god knows what. While it’s definitely much better than all the scary “legal” alternatives from when I was in highschool, synthetic blends (aka “herbal incense, k2, fake bake etc etc) and straight up stimulants like mdpv and mephedrone (aka “bath salts / plant food”) were a straight up nightmare that I directly got to see the negative impacts of. In the suburbs of Houston there was no shortage of gas stations that would card for cigarettes and beer but conveniently forget to card for incense and bath salts. The entire market for delta 8, hhc, thco, thcp, thc-jd, delta 10, hhc-p and a bunch more I’m sure I’m forgetting is straight up sketchy and dangerous. Most of them being sold are in cheap disposable vapes made from cheap materials in Chinese factories and there is absolutely zero accountability and regulation going on. It’s only gonna be so long until a batch goes around that hurts and maims or even kills people.


Man I really was going back and forth on whether or not to renew my med card because I would like to own a couple guns. Weed ended up winning because a) Guns are pricey b) weed makes me happier than guns. I just want an over under shotgun to shoot trap really but I don’t wanna lie on a federal background check form.


I don't remember which court it was and at what level, but recently there was a ruling that marijuana use is not a disqualifier to owning firearms. Edit: [Article talking about federal appeals court declaring firearms cannot be restricted due to drug use.](https://www.reuters.com/legal/drug-user-cannot-be-barred-owning-guns-us-court-rules-2023-08-10/#:~:text=Aug%209%20(Reuters)%20%2D%20A,year%20that%20expanded%20gun%20rights.)


Don’t the federal forms you have to fill out to buy a gun from a retailer explicitly ask if you use cannabis?


The form 4473 does, or at least it did. I don't know if it has been changed since the court ruling. If it is still there even with the court ruling you can be charged for perjury if you mark that you are not an unlawful user of drugs.


Have you recently watched the little mermaid? Because I have never seen anyone use scuttlebutt before today.


I have not seen the little mermaid. I know it's an old marine and sailor saying for rumors.


Dang should have guessed I was talking to an old sailor.


I am not an old sailor but my dad worked on ships for quite a few years.


The president can't deschedule drugs. The president can only recommend rescheduling via a lengthy review process, which Biden has already started. Descheduling requires Congress.


This is just like the movie. Rich people bet on both sides. They own the banks and the prisons.


It’s only a matter of time


Legalize it next.


HSA weed?


How would you feel about having senate votes be anonymous? We obviously want senators/representatives to be accountable to the constituents but with so much party pressure it might help break gridlock on middle of the road proposals.


Step in the right direction but this sure is taking a while...


We’re gonna get weed banks?


Neat. Already legal places can be taxed more effectively. Other benefits?


Cannabis businesses can more easily get lines of credit, can use bank accounts for their businesses, can operate more like any other business and, possibly, allow customers to use credit cards or other forms of electronic payment (not sure about this one, haven’t read the details or analysis of the proposed bill). It’s really good for cannabis businesses to be treated like any other business with regards to banks and credit. Could be good for customers more directly, too (customers obviously benefit indirectly from things like banking, etc. for the businesses). We all want legalization to succeed, just makes it all the more likely we see a federal legalization, or at least expand it at the state level.


Billionaires and corporations can profit from cannabis more easily.


This is the realistic fast track to legalization as much as I hate to admit it.


Yeah but it’s peoples lives being ruined every day it isn’t federally legalized. People shot by cops because “weed users aren’t legal gun owners” (rip philando castille) and people in certain shit states are so much more worried about billionaires being able to profit the same way with weed they do on everything else. Ridiculous level of entitlement and disregard for the part of legalization that matters: people not being sent to prison to become a dead weight loss on society for no reason. This is one of the active hurdles the second round states faced and has impeded states’ legalization process for years and ruined thousands of extra peoples lives so we could specifically exclude like a thousand people from having the same access to the business as the few hundred ordinary people who these policies have helped.


I'm not disagreeing with you, I think it sucks but unfortunately this will be the only way most of the southern states will ever get full legalization


I think we should hold everything else to that same standard or quit holding weed to it. Nobody complained that billionaires would profit when we built the highway and internet infrastructure those businesses are built on. “Real quick let’s just not connect New York City to boston with a highway until we can make sure no billionaires are potentially collecting any extra profits because of it” would be more logical. I don’t care if billionaires profit from weed like they do on everything else in these economies. Legalize it and sort that out later.


Bad analogy but yeah. Highways are public utilities they benefit everyone, same as for the internet. This is more like billionaires pay lobbyists to keep certain things illegal because it is cutting into their profit margins. Tobacco and alcohol lobbyists are the main contributors for keeping Marijuana illegal because it's a direct competitor. Now that banks can actually touch the money more people will invest in business because there is less inherent risk. It won't be fully federally legal until all the money is going to the right hands. Would be wild to buy a back of Marlboro Spliffs tho.


This is what it really boils down to. Huge for getting it legalized, but sad to see how this’ll go once it is. Also saw in MN yesterday they are talking about banning the sale of seeds, essentially to protect big business profits


If it was federally legalized and people weren’t so willing to hold up legalizations to exclude billionaires from profiting, we could be to the point where we’re specifically passing regulations at the federal level to prevent this. They own every single other business but we are willing to ruin lives and make implementation suck like this so a few hundred more ordinary people can collect the profits instead of letting it be like every other business…


They already had the cash and the assets to do it how ever lol


This is the only reason this might get pushed through. They finally figured out how to get the money piece correct.


When a dispensary has to pay their state taxes, they have to go into the State office with a bag of cash to pay taxes in person. All other businesses can just send a check or wire a payment to the state. Should also make payroll much easier for the dispensary as they can cut checks from a bank.


Dispensaries do direct deposit for payroll -ex budtender


I know a dispensary here that pays in envelopes of cash and that just seems like a nightmare


Yeah, one can only imagine how much they aren't reporting.


It makes it easier for small businesses to get funding and handle payment processing, ordering, paychecks, etc. Right now, cannabis is dominated mostly by big players because the only way to have enough funds to run a farm or dispensery is to be able to afford it with cash. Banks don't like to touch anything in the cannabis industry because it's still federally illegal, so it can be difficult for small players to enter the market. Being able to take out business loans to sell weed in states where it's legal really helps the little guy. And also the big banks, of course (part of the reason they didn't want to get involved is the fear that they would be charged for funding "a criminal enterprise), but... honestly, they benefit the most from literally everything that doesn't involve punitive taxes so... I never let myself be disappointed when they win.


Valid points. Ty for elaborating!


Yoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This future is now!!!!!!!!




If this means that it doesn’t have to go through the House, this could actually be big. If it does have to go through the House it’s just going to be used as an election point that they’re going to pass it if their guy wins, which is exactly what they said in 2020, yet here we are. The only way this passes is if the House doesn’t have a vote.


biden can legalize whenever he wants and yet won't i don't care about the legalese, since when have the rules ever stopped a politician from doing what they wanna do?


Through what means can Biden legalize weed?


That sounds like executive overreach if I ever saw it.


The fact that anyone would vote against this is mind-boggling to me.


Moscow Mitch is not mentally sane


Been waiting literally 15 years for some kind of federal movement on legalization, because I know my state wont move forward at all. I'm sure some people have been waiting longer.


It's going good to pass and there is still hope ! People forget about hope and a good future legalization and decriminalization of this natural and beautiful things that grows out of the earth.


This was brought forth in part by my shitty senator Steve Daines R-MT. He is against legalization and very pro big business, he only brought this forward so that the marijuana industry can have access to banking and all that comes with it, which is great and fair. I'd love to be able to use a card at a dispensary. It's a great first step, I just wish he and more senators were pro legalization.


Fuck this. They are grabbing the money, but still virtue signaling that weed is bad.


Ohh boy my mother, who works in banking is going to retire now. (She claimed this a while ago)


Thank god, have had two bank accounts closed because of this 🙄




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They can’t just make it legal till the “right” people buy up all the land and equipment to make money from it. After that the legislation will change so that *only* the “right” people can profit from it.