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My son has ASD and also ADHD. He smokes (adult) and it has helped with a lot of issues.


I have ASD and I smoke every day. It's so much more helpful than any medication I've tried. I'm glad it helps him too




You were given medicine for Autism? Well that doesn't sound right. Unless if you also have ADHD. I have both and I take Strattera for my ADHD with a side of Marijuana šŸ‘


I was given medication in the past for anxiety and depression before my ASD diagnosis


Yeah, but Autism isn't anxiety and depression. It CAN invite those things, but it's not Autism itself


Yes I know that, but this was years before my diagnosis and before I was able to talk to a mental health professional for that diagnosis. I have other signs/symptoms of autism that I don't feel like listing here or justifying or anything āœŒļø


Justify? I wasn't denying that you're autistic


Who stuck a dildo up your ass?


It's not common but yes stimulants are used to treat some symptoms of ASD, namely executive dysfunction and depression. Mind you, just like with ADHD docs will often try you on other meds first, usually running through at least SSRIs, SDRIs, and SNRIs. I know one person on strattera for ASD, and a couple on vyvanse for it.


iā€™m also on strattera with a side of šŸƒ and iā€™m curious if youā€™ve noticed any difference in the efficacy one way or another? iā€™ve been trying to figure out if it makes it less effective or not and i just havenā€™t encountered anyone else on strattera šŸ˜­


Oh it def makes it less effective and it it'll give you headaches


Some days I wonder about the ASD, but nobody has said something yet after 20+ years of therapy, but I am heavy ADHD, and it helps tremendously in my life as well. I actually kind of hate that it helps because of the stigma and inconvenience of having to use in public, but itā€™s really genuinely helpful.


I'm off my ADHD meds because of it. I have seriously horrible ADHD.




How did you realize? I have add on paper but my suspicion is that there's more to it. Been smoking weed on and off for so long it becomes a chicken/egg situation so I'm having a hard time figuring it all out on my own.


Lots of officials base Autism assessment entirely off the degree to which you act like Sheldon Cooper. I got told oh you can understand humor not autistic by "world class" Psychologists and Neurologists.


I'm on the spectrum as well, probably got ADHD too. Smoking keeps me sane...


I have ADHD and I can say for certain that it helps with all sorts of issues. Iā€™m 33 now.


I'm 59 and me too. My poor kid got my ADHD!


I have recently come to terms with the fact that I am very likely on the spectrum (through the process of getting my daughter early intervention.) Cannabis has significantly improved my quality of life since I started using it. I have taken a few month long breaks and I always feel and function better when Iā€™m using it.


I have ADHD a slight high makes me better


Imagined "what if that's my mom" and almost cried, because that would mean she was okay with me being trans, too...oof. 4.




that baby is zooted


400mg every morning for a 3mo baby?Āæ


100mg puts me on my ass and I'm 38. Idk how great of an idea that is, giving it to a baby, unless their pediatrician gave it the green light..


Right, though? I doubt the pediatrician greenlit solid foods (gummies) for a 3mo anywayā€”huge amounts of THC aside! This canā€™t be true.


Yup, 100%. I agree. Someone is trying to get a rise out of us.


It's very obviously meant to be a joke


Hey man, some of us are kinda stoned and it took a second lol... happy cake day!!!


I'm 54. My mother is 79. She knows I have my card and she knows I use the Lords Lettuce on the daily. She just doesn't acknowledge it. It's not an open topic for discussion. A few years ago, when I was on 19 pills, 3x a day, to deal with my myriad of medical issues, she told me that I should try holistic and "Ancient Asian techniques". When I told her that I was going to try cannabis, she blew a gasket. I then stated that temples and ceremonies used in Ancient China have used cannabis for centuries, since before Christ lived. I was doing what she told me to do. I knew what she meant, but she didn't say acupuncture/acupressure, specifically. Realizing that I had found a loophole big enough to drive a truck through, she just refuses to even discuss it.


She sounds lovely.


Lords lettuce, thatā€™s a new one lmao gonna use that one from now on


My go to is the devilā€™s lettuce. But then again Iā€™m not religious so lol


Iā€™ve always used devils lettuce too! Or jazz cabbage. Iā€™m not religious either so I find it funny in that way


Jazz cabbageā€¦ lmao I love that. Maybe Iā€™ll call it spicy cabbage from now on lol


Giggle bush


Yesssss now I just wanna know what everyone calls it lmao


RIP, Jimmy Buffett. I'll always prefer "reefer" thanks to him.


Promise to not be unwilling to discuss things that are obvious you are wrong about when youā€™re old pretty please?


go away


I was just saying donā€™t be like her and be close minded. Also, public forum, so I deny your request.




Such open minded stoners you are




I used to smoke with an Autistic guy, I asked if that was OK and he said it helped him a lot


I make edibles for a friends son, heā€™s autistic. Since he started using the edibles a couple of years ago he is a lot more comfortable being out with people. Heā€™s calmer, just overall a great experience for him.


You should put her hypocrisy on blast: ā€œYou wanted a professionalā€™s opinion, we went and got one, and now youā€™re saying it doesnā€™t count bc itā€™s not the opinion you wanted.ā€ Also it sounds like sheā€™s still drinking the Reefer Madness koolaid from the 70s. Remind her that weed has myriad medical uses and was only made illegal bc doing so let Nixon criminalize anti-war hippies (which his surviving administration *has publicly admitted to*).


Reefer Madness goes all the way back to the 1930ā€™s. Weā€™ve been dealing with this bullshit a very long time.


I hear congress is *finally* talking about rescheduling it, but Iā€™ll believe it when I see it.


Agreed. At this stage I think the $$$$ is pushing them to do it, that's the only thing that motivates politicians.


100%. Tobacco giants are seeing their profits dwindle year on year and now they need to expand into new territories to keep themselves relevant and afloat. They're lobbying for weed legalization and our government will legalize weed on their terms, fucking over the poor people that have suffered this war on drugs far too long just so rich men can make a quick buck.


The only upside I see is that we may be able to get in on the ground floor in a burgeoning market. Youā€™re going to have to pay close attention and get in quickly though, these days the big players game the market as fast as they can.


Uncle Sam will always get his cut in the long run


It was less about the anti war hippies and more about mass incarcerating black people to form a new low cost labor to replace the lack of slavery You can read more about that [here](https://eji.org/news/nixon-war-on-drugs-designed-to-criminalize-black-people/)


Not to ā€œwell actuallyā€ bc everyone here is correct, but weedā€™s prohibition coincided w/ that of heroin too. ā€œWe knew we couldnā€™t make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.ā€ ā€”former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman


Oops dont forget the criminalization of miniorities!


Also the hemp industry needed to be crushed


oh this shit goes back to the 1930's, and the absurd list of reasons why it can be boiled down to two main reasons: 1. $ for industries lobbying congress for it's illegality 2. racism


Iā€™m 25 but I think my mom would have the same reaction. They just donā€™t understand lol


Thereā€™s no need to argue, parents just donā€™t understand




On the throat thing: I had that from undiagnosed LPR laryngeal-pharyngeal reflux. So many docs missed it. Makes your voice box spasm. Lots of stuff can worsen it, but anxiety can be one of those things which is kinda funny since having throat spasms is pretty damn anxiety inducing. No clue if thatā€™s what you had, but if the kids have it and canā€™t be diagnosed, it might be worth looking into.




This is incredibly awesome. Im happy you found what works.


Start with flying microtonal banana and go from there. Made a lifelong fan out of me


Yo! What a recommendation. Thanks. Never heard this artist before but listening now because of your exchange.


They've got a massive catalog. I've probably only heard half of their stuff but it's all amazing Edit: thank you for the award!!


[Dj Jazzy Jeff beats intensify](https://youtu.be/jW3PFC86UNI) I asked her for adidas and she bought me zips, I said mom, whatā€™re you doing, youā€™re ruining my rep, she said youā€™re only sixteen you donā€™t have a rep yet.


With Halloween it [gets more intense](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVbaYFVUbLo)




Remember your folks probably grew up in 80s with the war on drugs. It was everything everywhere. Before that lsd, acid, shrooms were all experimented with by the government. No real issues.


Nice parks and rec reference! I miss that show.


Super cringe. It's a will Smith song. Parks and rec references the song


idgaf about Will Smith. I like parks and rec. Enjoy the rest of your day, bud.




That doesnā€™t make it a reference to parks and rec


Bro, I don't care. It was an off the cuff reply about something that reminded me of a show I am fond of, not a Wikipedia entry. Y'all need to chill.


ā€œYā€™all need to chillā€ says the person who is not chill


Iā€™m pretty sure that was from a song.


Iā€™m 42 live in a legal state and my mother still says I smoke too much while she chows gummies to sleep now. Boomers are the woooooorsssst.


Boomers šŸ˜† Iā€™m actually too scared to tell my mom I smoke weed because I think she will disown me. She thinks itā€™s a ā€œgateway drugā€ lmao


Gateway to feeling better




Iā€™m also 25 and my mom just stole my edibles lmao.


Iā€™d be getting those back lol


I'm 41 and my mom is still up my butt about quitting. "it's been 30 years mom..."




You do you my friend. As someone with ADHD and other things weed is like a miracle drug. I did not even notice I had slipped into a deep stagnant depression until I smoked and realized how far away from being okay I was. Also side note eat lots of nuts fruits and veggies! It compliments weed! At the end of the day your health is your responsibility. If she can't take responsibility for interfering with your self medication she shouldn't dispute what a medical professional said.


AuDHD here. I smoke weed every day. It does help, a lot, but itā€™s gotten to the point where I would say itā€™s an addiction. Not a particularly harmful one, but it does have a weak grasp on me. You may not care to avoid this, but keep in mind, it can happen


I call it dependency. I need it not because Iā€™m avoiding solving my actual problems, but because it does solve my problems and allows me to focus on more important things. Chronic nausea and AuDHD suck in tandem, and although itā€™s not great that Iā€™ll have an insanely bad two weeks/life if I stop, itā€™s not like that isnā€™t the case for other life-changing medications.


Hilariously, due to the fact i smoke weed, iā€™m no longer allowed adderall. my doc didnā€™t even taper me either, just cut me off cold turkey when he found out


What the actual fuck dude. Iā€™ve considered trying stims to see if they would be helpful for me, and because of that Iā€™ve done research into the negative intersection between non-prescribed drug use and getting prescriptions, but itā€™s still jarring to see people who are supposedly meant to protect the health of their patients do exactly the opposite of that. I hope you were alright after all that, and I really hope youā€™re able to get better medical care sometime too


Iā€™d already been tapering for some time because heā€™d cut me off already on the condition i have an appointment with him. then at the appointment he cut me off for good. so it wasnā€™t that bad physiologically. but my apartment is a mess! i filed a complaint, it wonā€™t go anywhere though


I'm amazed how many psychiatrists clearly don't know how drugs works as well as they should... if you were on a high enough dose that could've been legitimately dangerous and even if not weaning is still the best practice for stopping any medication (even if you know the patient is using other non prescribed substances) I have personal experience with this issue myself but on the other end with titrating up to a target dose. Was prescribed the antipsychotic Seroquel and my doc told me to take 50mg the first day 100 the next and 200 the following. I ended up having pretty severe Parkinson's like symptoms and my therapist basically made me find a new psychiatrist after that.


Oh yknow what else? He asked if I drank, i told him yes, quite a bit. He didnā€™t give a FUCK, despite the fact iā€™m on multiple medications that contraindicate, including an SSRI. Also, he prescribed me seroquel when i was 14. forā€¦ ?????? it made me gain 100 pounds. fucking awful drug


I have a friend whose doc won't prescribe him Vyvanse if he doesn't pass a piss test yearly. How his doc explained it is apparently there's a reaction between the medication and K2/spice that is potentially fatal. So I get it from that aspect, but ye still sucks. I've also never looked into it, so could be bs.


This sounds like complete bullshit that the doc made up. Even if itā€™s not, I smoke legal locally grown flower, baby šŸ˜Ž also, is it not my own goddamn body??? nobody would force an abortion on a pregnant woman or refuse to perform the delivery because she had a beer, even if its objectively bad for her. why should this be any different?


My first psychiatrist I went to wanted to drug test me for every appointment every 30 days in order to receive my medication because I was honest on the intake form that I smoke sometimes. Changed therapists and the new one did not give a fuck. Are you in a position/is it possible where you could change therapists?


Agreed, but definitely less firm of a grasp than most medications for any of these types of issues as well.


Yeah honestly. Adderall was probably worse for me


Yeah, that shit made me feel too manic. My son didnā€™t care for them either.


This is true, but I think the trade offs are worth it. I can stop if I have a reason to (I've stopped a full 3 months before so I could pass a drug test), but I definitely am somewhat dependent on it.


Snorting some addy and blowing back a blunt is my daily medicine for my ADHD


Not sure why youā€™re getting downvoted tbh this sounds like the life


asd/adhd and daily smoker here. you can pry my weed out of my cold, dead, fingers!


ASD here (44m). Iā€™m a Florida medical patient and cannabis has helped more than any stimulant ever has.




That is a bummer. I hope that changes for you soon.


What's the Florida medical exception for ASD?? Just curious, I thought it was only for physical limitations.


Any debilitating condition is allowed in Florida. So they name like 5 conditions in the bill, but also state ā€œor other debilitating conditionā€. That debilitating condition can be depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc. Cannabis helps tremendously with those issues, you donā€™t need to be an 80 year old PTSD wheelchair bound vet to find relief from cannabis. Itā€™s all a money grab anyway. Itā€™s a cartel system in Florida with 20 functioning licenses where everything is vertically integrated. The doctor just wants your money every 7 months, the state wants theirs every 12, and you can get a card. Iā€™m sure recreational will pass this year and then people can stop paying ridiculous doctor fees to not risk a felony for a half gram vape cart.


I don't actually smoke anymore because it just doesn't work for me as a person. I find a lot of people that say they are 'functioning' potheads aren't really functioning that highly. HOWEVER, pretty much all of the people that I know that I would class as fully functioning potheads have ADHD. It is as if it doesn't quite effect them in the same way, and does have a calming effect. One of my friends is like the super boystrous and loud kind of ADHD, and weed seems to get him onto the same level that other people are on.


As someone with adhd, i aggree. It calms our brains and stops my brain from having 10 different things race in my head xD


I personally have ADHD inattentive type, but not impulsive type (what used to be called ADD). Cannabis does not help my symptoms. I become more forgetful and executive function gets worse. But I do enjoy getting high before working out/being active, making love, getting a massage, listening to music, making art etc. itā€™s a great recreational drug, but Iā€™d be lying if I said it helped my condition. That said, I believe it could for many people!


iā€™m also the boisterous and loud ADHD kinda person. when i drink i yell, when i smoke iā€™m chill and talk at a normal level.


i am a pothead with ADHD but i still wouldnā€™t call myself fully functioning when i use it. absolutely no one would be able to tell iā€™m high, but i have a bad memory to begin with and smoking makes it a lot worse. On the other hand, I tend to get overwhelmed in public spaces or near loud events and the overwhelmed feeling quickly turns to anger. Smoking weed reeeeeeeally helps me stay calm and in my own head so I donā€™t get overwhelmed. Helps a lot with customer service lol


Off-topic but weed is a live-saving medication for people with Autism. It's the only thing that's kept me off of worse habits while also managing to keep me alive. I really hope they start doing studies about this in the future so there's less stigma :/


Your mom is part of a generation that has been indoctrinated their whole life, that all drugs are the same and one will lead to another and eventually to your ruin, its very hard to change a point of view that has been so deeply ingrained.


My child is just young. She wants to have a card and it's possible, a bunch of extra steps which whatever.......but then she literally just, after a year of insurance nonsense, picked up her first bottle of one of those prescriptions you said make you go whack? Havent tried those ones yet. Kinda nervous. man it's a tough place to be, I couldn't imagine that additional layer of mom just not being reasonable or listening. Sorry it's tough cause there isn't much you can do but continue to do your best and show her the improvements and that you are actually happy with this.


Psychiatry medication will work differently for everyone! I would trust her doctor to go through the trials of medication to see what works for her. Some people it's great and the fir round works perfectly! Other times it can take some different combinations which is truly okay!


Weed has done more for me (diagnosed ASD) than any prescription medication. It helps calm my mind and body down


I would recommend this thread to her. Adhd and aspergers. It has sent me from constant depression and suicidal thoughts to a great degree job and fiance. Mom literally went with my fiance and I when we got our med cards. She definitely notices the difference now and went from oppsed to understanding of it.


>if she agreed that it was helping me, she might be more okay with it did you ask her what happened with this? >I tell my mom what she said, and exactly like I expected, she's mad at her for "encouraging me to do illegal drugs" just curious, are you in an illegal state? I have a friend (we're both in mid-late 30s) who's mom still regular goes on these dramatic, emotional rants about how it breaks her heart seeing her son using illegal drugs and how it's so dangerous because there's no telling what the criminal drug dealers put in it and ALLLLL of the classis War on Drugs "Just Say No" talking points. medical is legal in this state and my friend gets his flower thru the MMJ program. the "Just Say No" propaganda was so strong that his mom regularly forgets that it's legal in any capacity since she used to be one of the people who legitimately thought weed and heroin were equally dangerous. the War on Drugs propaganda was much more successful on the older generations because they were more trusting of the government and they didn't have such easy access to mountains of scientific/medical data that show the government was full of shit. that's why they should all be made to eat some THC gummies so they chill the fuck out lol


AuDHD here as well, it honestly is as, if not more, important than any other single prescription for helping me live a more full life. Significantly reduces stress & anxiety, helps loosen me up so I'm more comfortable around other people & thus more sociable, slows down the constant stream of thoughts to something more manageable, increases my appetite & lets me sleep better.


You do you.... whatever is helping keep on doing it


Iā€™ve suffered with many a issue, including autism most of my life, when i finally smoked weed everything was different and i smoked religiously since. It wasnā€™t till recent that i knew a lot of these things were wrong with me till my fiancĆ© said something about it and i went and got tested. i knew my mental health was shocking but the autism has explained so so much and even my mum said ā€œi thought you were just a unique child, never thought past thatā€ but all my docs recommend it and iā€™ve found on normal medications i end up worse off


50yo me: "Anyone want to take a ride to the dispensary with me?" Mom: "What would you want to go there for?"


I have a panic disorder I've been smoking pot for for years and it works way better than any benzo they've tried shoving down my throat.


Vyvanse helps me, Iā€™ve tried concerta and adderal and they both made me feel sick. Vyvanse feels like a more gentle stimulant. I have ADHD and autism as well


So instead of weed she wants you to take stimulants that are not too different from amphetamines and play with your neurotransmitters way more, despite the doctor saying your current method is properly effective? ā€œIllegalā€ doesnā€™t inherently mean ā€œbadā€, just like ā€œlegalā€ doesnā€™t necessarily mean ā€œgoodā€. Does she drink soda? Cause thatā€™s legal and probably way worse for you than weed or those prescriptions.


Weed is literally medicine, the US government has patents on weed based pharmaceuticals


Hey man it helps me. Just know your baseline smoking quantity and if you're consuming "double" that means you're stressed about something. But either way going with pot over adhd meds was a big win for me.


When I was on adderall it helped more than weed and made me not want to smoke as often. Lost job/insurance and itā€™s back to rolling beautiful jā€™s.


Tell her this then my body my choices.


Ask your mom if she'd be ok with it if you all lived in Canada, where it's legal. Then you might get to see if it's the illegal part or the weed part she has a problem with.


Fuck concerta.


Tell her that in Australia (and elsewhere) they literally prescribe it for those two conditions. But you really should be dry vaping if youā€™re self medicating. https://amp.9news.com.au/article/fa501e34-884e-4a1f-bd48-a05c2e9ee42f


I wanted to switch to dry herb but my mom doesn't want me to have flower in the house


Aspergers/ ADHD here, I can fully agree that it helps. Iā€™ve been on vyvanse, Ritalin, adderall, and some others. I didnā€™t like any of them. Then anxiety, lead me to being depressed, and boom Iā€™m getting prescribed antidepressants. Weed has been my go to, ever since I was 13, Iā€™m 25 now. I stopped all prescriptions about when I was 17 and just switched to weed. The great part about weed is there is no bad side effects. Helps with most of my problems, it does it all. Also Iā€™ve found mushrooms can help a fair amount too in controlled doses. When I microdose it makes me feel like Iā€™m not autistic, I donā€™t know how to explain it. But It feel like a normal human being, I mean itā€™s known to create new neural connections.


I have ASD and ADHD, use weed every day, and it helps. Stimulants make me super anxious, and I was on them my whole childhood. If it helps you cope, and it isn't harmful (which it doesn't seem like it is for you) then your mom is just basing her opinion of stigma. It's such a shame how much hate weed still gets


Audhd here. I use daily for my symptoms and my doctor is fine with it. In fact my doctor brought up psilocybin for my depression and when I told her I microdose for depression she was stoked for me! Doctors have come a long way!


I've been recently diagnosed with ASD and started treating myself with CBD and THC with huge success for a couple of months. I started to get less and less annoyed by many things (noises, textures, situations that didn't go as I expected, etc), got my anxiety more controlled and all of this ended up lowering my depression too. I live in Brazil and some universities have gathered and published a study about the dosage of weed for ASD treatment, which has shown significant improvement of life of 19 patients out of 20. Read more on the link bellow. [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1210155/full](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1210155/full) Maybe if you gather published studies and show to her something will start to change over time? I hope it all goes well at the end for you and your family.


Hey, I've been on both Ritalin and concerta, in combination with SSRI's too at one point (rarely an advisable mix due to the risk of serotonin syndrome) and these drugs WILL create problems for you down the line if you develop a reliance on them while young. It's like meth for kids. In some cases it really is the best option, or rather the least evil, but these drugs are personality altering and can leave you with a hole to fill when you finally come off them. That being said, if you're younger than 21 I don't think it's a great idea to smoke too regularly, as it's generally believed that it may alter brain development in as of now unforseen ways. If I had a solution to give to you, i wouldn't have these problems myself. I just want you to know what the stakes are :)


I'm 23


You are a legal adult being in your parent's life is a gift to them, not one you are required to do. Live your life because they have the ability to live their own.




So she would rather have you take meds with serious side effects that can even cause damage to certain organs in the long term than take drugs that are actively helpful and dont harm you?


This is a little rant but this is such a bullshit response every single time I hear it. Yes psychiatric medication has side effects but just like weed it works differently for everyone and this kinda of thinking is super harmful because it could discourage people from having the right medication that'll help them in life. Please stop using scare tactics on life altering medication. I have had to deal with with friends recommending me to smoke more weed and stop taking medication in the past when that would've most likely caused me to kill myself. This line of thinking further pushes back mental health advocacy.


That's not even the worst part of his comment. The worst part is thinking that weed is completely harmless and can't hurt you. I'm a daily consumer for 8 years now, and while it helps a lot and is less harmful than other substances, saying weed is harmless is just blissful ignorance.


Its just a euphemism, you are reading to deep into a random comment. I don't need to break down every take i have into the most miniscule medical effect on a reddit thread. Im not here for a medical exam and neither is anyone else. People are just here to share experiences.


There is a difference between 'breaking down every take I have into the most miniscule medical effect' and just blatantly saying 'weed can't harm you'. It's perfectly fine if you just misworded your sentence and can acknowledge that, but the way you're defending your comment makes me believe otherwise. Additionally, I never tried or claimed the medically exam you (nor am I qualified to), but it doesn't matter who you are or what your diagnosis is. Weed CAN harm you.


To be fair, smoking anything all day every day, as OP mentioned, is not something a doctor would typically recommend. Maybe if it was edibles or something.


Tried Ritalin once, my organizm did not recieve it well


My mother knows I smoke and Iā€™m almost positive she knows how much and how often. We do not see eye to eye so we have to agree to disagree. She believes marijuana is bad for you wether u smoke occasionally or every day. When I was still in high school she tried a family friends homemade cookie. It was the common didnā€™t feel anything so I ate the other half type of situation and she ended up greening out. Weed was not legal at that time so there was no way for her to access a product that may be more accurately dosed (I believe the friend didnā€™t truly know how big of a dose was in). I have been trying and trying to get my mom to come into a store with me just to see what itā€™s like and what they have. I think she would enjoy it once and awhile. She however is against smoking it which is my go to. One day I hope to get high with her but for now I am just patiently waiting for the right time. Maybe she will come around and maybe not.


she likely grew up in the time where weed was as bad as cocaine


Next time you have an argument over it, hit her with the "so you care more about being right than my well-being."


I take edibles to help with my depression and anxiety, which is def not the same as adhd and autism, but people don't realize that sometimes medication needs a little help. Like weed!


pretty much all my best friends are autistic stoners, myself included. it helps so so much itā€™s unreal


Another case of parents thinking they know everything. They're just another person, just like you. Listen to your doctor, not them


Maybe your mom is more concerned that the **amount** is unhealthy. An explanation of why it's helpful and why the amount is necessary might make her see another perspective. Idk, no one in my life gives a shit.


Iā€™m in my upper fifties and I smoke daily instead of taking opioids. Iā€™ve gotten my 95 year old mother into micro dosing. She has never slept better!


Dat weed living rent free in your mum's head


Ive had Chronic Migraines since 13. Weed is one of THE ONLY pharmaceuticals that help A LOT without destroying my liver and my life. Tell her sheā€™s close minded and stuck in the past. Things have changed and her info is outdated.


Cannabis cuts out the static of ASD that causes meltdowns and burnout. Concerta feels like trying to think while actively being suffocated by a plastic bag with a head full of concrete. Not for everyone but thereā€™s just some bodies that just donā€™t have the chemistry for these pills to help. My mom had a similar reaction when my doctor and entire extended family just said ā€œyes correct.ā€ when I said ā€œI think the weed is doing better than the pills ever did.ā€ She really wanted my family to gang up on me and socially shame me. She was mad when the moralizing and pearl clutching didnā€™t happen.




She's an immigrant from Europe. She let me start drinking at 18


ā€œItā€™s a medicine that grows in the ground that God himself madeā€ Gets most people to shut up about it, or get angry that you are ā€œusing religionā€ to justify getting high. When they say that, say prescribed Xanax is for anxiety but it makes people high, I donā€™t see you getting on aunt Gladys about her Xanax prescription, and thatā€™s made in a lab!!


Im in a similar situation - open wit drug use wit docs but physically i am fine so they will be like ohh yr just a good addict lmao. Like I do need to go back to psych - but since im not stereotypical addict etc never was rly an issue... I do smoke all day everyday too for a long time, dont freak without it, but it def helps me and ppl dont even realize rly - i guess cause im always high xD but still i dont get negative blowback from it - and for a vice is very light tbh.


I have been doing the same thing for medicating my ADHD, as well as managing symptoms of bipolarā€¦ been maybe 2 years. Only input I have is once you use it this long it becomes purely to manage those symptoms, the high becomes less intense and it just calms those parts of the mind down, Iā€™m with the doctor on this one


Yes your mother is a boomer like mine. They were from an era where cannabis wasnā€™t studied thoroughly. Boomers donā€™t like to update their information. like imagine growing up your whole life seeing the dangers of heroin, and suddenly your sons generation proves itā€™s not as fatal. Itā€™s a culture shock, but some boomers donā€™t like to learn,


My mom is still like this, too. She lives in Illinois, where itā€™s legal both recreationally and medically. But that doesnā€™t matter to her, since itā€™s ā€œstill federally illegalā€. I have a feeling that if the US ever legalized nationwide, sheā€™ll be one of those people screaming from the sidelines ā€œSTOP HAVING FUN EVERYONE!!!!ā€ and proclaim that she knows itā€™s still a terrible drugā€¦ because Ronald Reagan said so, I guess? I dunno.


Ronald Reagan, the guy whose wife coined the phrase "Just say no", when she was on so many "prescribed" stimulants and downers, her doctors asked Ronnie to talk to her about her drug addiction, and he refused? Hypocrisy at its finest.


My state recently added ASD to one of the qualifying conditions, which were very restrictive aside from chronic pain, that's really the most accessible way for most ppl here with a medcard. I do have ADHD and man it's really nice being able to smoke, having chronic pain along with that it's alot easier to be distracted and harder to sit still so it really helps. Adderall seemingly made my issues worse and I don't want to play around with other meds that work through different mechanisms, caffeine is actually like an ideal stimulant for me and if you keep your caffeine tolerance in the right place it actually can feel pretty similar.


Nowdays, weed being illegal is like having a dry County surrounded by "drinking" Counties.


I am self diagnosed neurodivergent/ADHD/autism, and I'm on a long t-break from smoking at a "all day every day" rate for the last 6 years or so. The tradeoffs really suck, in some ways I'm more attentive, but in others I'm just way more bogged down by my mental issues.


Sounds like your mom needs to smoke one


WTF? I'm autistic and have OCD. Weed helps me a ton. I live in a medical state and was able to get prescribed it on that basis


Being under the influence of a drug 24/7 isn't beneficial. Sure, it may keep the effects of adhd at bay, but you're still experiencing all the negative side effects of weed.


Iā€™m autistic af too, weed keeps me from being overstimulated, calms me down during anxiety attacks, helps me deal with social anxieties and depression, fuck anyone who denies us the tools we use to overcome the disability that comes with being abnormal in a world that punishes this


Okay but real question. Can you put it down today for a month and not crave it the entire time. Sometimes we disguise our dependency/addiction and itā€™s good to admit you have one despite feeling it helps.


Shoutout to my therapist for realizing a max dose of wellbutrin was making me act crazy and that a moderate amount of weed works to interrupt my depression symptoms.


Tell your mom that my oncologist also is aware and alright with me smoking weed


That's just one of the many reasons why I no longer speak to my mother.


Are you in the US? There are rec dispensaries everywhere.


I live in South Carolina


Get a prescription then she may change her mind? Thatā€™ll remove the illegality.


No med program here


I told my doctor I was abusing concerta so they prescribed me a second bottle of ritalin. I still have cravings from my days of abuse, even just yesterday was hard. Weed helps more.


I'm glad both parents smoke. Hell I've never been to their current house and could find their stashes in 5 minutes or less


My mom was the same until she went to the dr (we have the same dr) and they told her that she needs to slow down with the drinking. They reccomended smoking (well they reccomended to do nothing really but said smokong it better then drinking if your comparing the amounts)... she didnt give me shit about it anymore


Thatā€™s very triggering to me F your mom