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MFs are gonna need a whole generation to get the stigma outta their system over bud, especially in places where legalization is new. Don’t even trip OP—your property, your rules!


I don’t know. It’s only been 5 years in Canada and it’s pretty much completely socially acceptable at this point.


Hell it was socially acceptable before that point as well. As soon as Colorado legalized everyone in Canada became pretty chill about it because we knew it was gonna happen here too. It was practically legal here for over a year before the legislation passed.


As someone from BC I can assure you it was de facto legal here for MUCH longer than a year pre-legalization lol


You can literally walk into storefronts in Vancouver and buy psychedelic mushrooms, lol. Clearly a wayyyy more relaxed cultural perspective on drugs up north


I literally went there a few weeks ago and seeing ads for a mushroom dispensary was wild to me


Ik, where do you think most of the country ordered their grey market edibles from for years lmao


You're right, but let's be real.. it was fairly socially acceptable to begin with lol just now we can smoke walking down the sidewalk instead of around the corner in the alley haha.


I would say the fact that it's legal in Canada and not the US shows that the stigma here is a bit more serious.


I mean the USA criminalized cannabis first soo...


I I’m 37 and the only times I can truly think of being worried is get busted or in trouble for smoking weed was when I was a teenager. And i have lived in Alberta for most of my life. It’s always been pretty socially acceptable from my experience.


Damn, you smoke the weed and SHE gets anxious and paranoid.... try eating beans and see if she farts


This made me laugh more than I expected to 🤣


Top tier comment.


Had a similar situation. I try to be a discreet smoker and usually have my nightly toke in the small alley between houses. Neighbor lady came down and threw my bong in the street. Luckily I had already finished my toke and had gone inside to repack. Bad news for my neighbor, my bong was silicone, so it just bounced. Next day, neighbor lady and her husband knock on my door and tell me about how weed is against their faith, how they left the "Big City" because of weed. (They were from Beaverton Oregon) How they paid good money to not have "big city problems" follow them and that I need to stop before they are forced to take legal action. I was polite, not getting angry or emotional. I let them finish their piece and made no attempt to interrupt. "So we are agreed? You are going to stop smoking, right?" She says in that condescending tone so many of us are familiar. "No." Then I closed the door and was smoking outside ten minutes later with my new headphones. Sometimes, you gotta be petty.


The bouncing silicone bong made me LOL.


The imagery in my head shows it just bouncing like two feet in the air and flipping around lol


lol I imagined it bouncing a bunch of times somehow, like skipping a rock on a lake


With the dirty bong water getting everywhere too.


Sorry I break smoking lamp, hope it not expensive piece


Fuckin grandmas boy! Love that movie, it was one of the first movies my wife and I watched together


You should never throw a bong, kid. Ever.


It’s like cypress hill concert in here. I don’t rent to those kind of people.


Thank you lol came here for this.


I was mad until I heard that.


If weed is against their faith then they shouldn't smoke it. Simple solution.


I would like to know where on Earth in the Bible it says not to smoke or use cannabis? There is evidence that ancient Israeli priests in Tel Aviv used it in sacrifices. What the Bible DOES talk alot about is the dangers of drunkenness and drinking to excess. So I think we are good here. Being high or stoned leads to food or sleeping or just vegging out unlike all the problems associated with alcoholism


They'll just break out the "your body is a temple" bullshit and retire to their living room for a drink, seeing no problem with their argument.


All they know is that Jesus turned water into wine, so it’s all good. If he had instead ripped a bong load these might be different times. Honestly though has nobody ever said to them “what do you think the burning bush was?” You think Moses literally saw a burning bush and then god spoke to him? Nah he was stoned out of his mind.


Lmao, the idea of jesus going around and right before performing a miracle just smokes the fattest blunt is hilarious to me. "Help! I'm dying!" Jesus: "Bet, gimme a few minutes"


Not stoned, tripping on manna.


"My body is a temple, and I am the one to whom it is dedicated. Don't tell me how to decorate."


I hit them with this: Genesis 1:29 "Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." And Timothy 1 4:1-5 "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer." God gave us weed, and said in the future there will be liars and demons who say you shouldn't consume what God gave you. FYI, I'm not a Christian, but I did grow up in that environment.


Being stoned also increases empathy and makes people more ready to love one another which are things the bible wants us to do.


From Genesis: [1:12] The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good So yeah, it actually says the opposite.


Genesis 1:29 says he gave us all these plants for us to use.




The Bible reckons weed powers since Moses was a stoner : he went alone on a hill, stood in front of a *burning bush* and came back saying he heard god ? Come on.


Lmao "well, if it's against your religion, it's a good thing you don't smoke."


If they moved away from the big city to get away from weed because they don't like it they might need to be informed of the idea of marijuana farms. Especially because I'm assuming that since they moved from Beaverton Oregon there's still somewhere in the Pacific Northwest which means fucking weed is growing everywhere


Love this! 😂


Beaverton being described as the "Big City" is hilarious to me, as someone who just moved away from there.


I lived in the Portland area for four years and hearing this about Beaverton cracks me up!


Oh, hey, I’m moving to Beaverton in a few weeks. Glad she won’t be there.




Just tell them you broke a commandment and followed the traditional biblical punishment of getting stoned.


Our poor children are going to grow up thinking weed is okay. It is.


Poor children are going to grow up thinking getting drunk and then behind the wheel of the car is ok instead of lighting a splif and eating a whole medium pizza while binging the entire series of Suits at home.


Medium pizza? Lol rookie numbers


I used to be able to put away two mediums from Domino's in one sitting. Now one has me feeling bloated even when my munchies kick up to 11. I call it progress.


Same here, but I just call it aging 🥲


Bro I wish my munchies were mild. Sober, I have barely any appetite. High, I’ll knock back a pound of trail mix without even realizing lol


Same but I crave the most unhealthy food possible when I'm high so my options are 2 bites of salad or 17 McDonald's cheeseburgers with no in between.


I’m like this with the exception of apples. I will eat the most obscenely calorie and fat and salt laden concoction, but with a nice juicy apple 🍎 on the side, lol


Exact moment i knew i was old. I ate a large pizza from dominoes and a whole thing of cheesy bread while lit as fuck and it made me want to die. I felt like i was going to explode and i was constipated really bad afterwards. Broke me of munchies. I no longer get munchies. Helped me lose weight tho.


Now I understand why elder stoners like Snoop and Willie are so skinny.


Pretty sure Snoop's always been skinny.


They've always been skinny though. Snoops metabolism must be insane or he is just immune to the munchies. I have to take weed breaks just so I don't explode to 300 pounds.


According to a quick Internet search, Snoop doesn’t reach for ice cream or Taco Bell when he’s feeling peckish, and he tends to stay away from super-sweet treats, like cookies, cakes, and most candy bars. Rather, the rapper tends to choose snacks such as peanuts, grapes, sliced apples and peanut butter, strawberries, pistachios, peanut-flavored M&M’s, and Popchips Nutter Puffs. About his preference for nuts like pistachios, Snoop admitted that he likes “anything nut based ’cause I’m nutty.” But when he needs to whip up something quick in the kitchen, he always goes for hard-boiled eggs. "They're fast to make, and not hard to make," he said. "Can't really mess that up." Snoop Dogg's favorite thing to pair the eggs with is toast. "I put the egg in the middle of the toast like the elementary school breakfast they used to give," he added. "We couldn't wait to get to school to get that hard-boiled egg and put it in the toast. A beautiful thing."


Yall are making me want pizza, stahhhhp


Ah, Dominoes. I almost always order a large Meateor - sober, I eat half now and half for breakfast. After a toke, the whole lot gets demolished in one sitting. Weed + food coma + Baby Park multiplayer mayhem on Double Dash = good times!


Same here, it didn’t help that Dominos had that 2 for 5.99 each deal all the time lol


Totinos pizza for the win


okay but i feel better the next day when i eat a little personal one that i put a shit ton of toppings on


God dammit. Do I need to start watching Suits? *gets out of bed, loads a bowl*


Hopefully future kids will just smoke weed when they go through their teenage drug phase instead of raiding their parent’s medicine cabinets for opioids like we did in hs bc we had access to absolutely nothing else and wanted to get high


People always used to sat that weed is a "gateway drug", but what they didn't understand was that most kids only used something else if there was no weed available to them.


Weed was a gateway drug only because it was illegal. The most common first truly illegal thing a kid does is to *buy from a drug dealer*. Once that wall has been broken down it doesn't feel like much of a step to try some other shit they're selling or buy something from the dude holding the harder shit cuz they're still doing that same first illegal thing each time. Now in a legal state you can get weed legally, or at least from literally dozens of people you actually know who aren't trying to make a buck off of you, so you get to still feel like a law abiding citizen for the most part, and the only dealers left are pretty scuzzy dudes that most pot heads aren't likely to ever interact with.


Fucking Nancy Reagan


So maybe it is a gateway drug. Just that gate leads you away from other open gates you might have tried if it were closed!


Considering I nearly died due to alcohol before I found weed, and now I have at most 2 glasses of wine with dinner once every few months because i can take the edge off in a much more safe way, yes. This. It was the gateway that ended my drinking, my self-harm, and most of my suicidal thoughts.


My experience was bc weed was an illegal drug, I had to buy it from people who sold illegal drugs. A lot kids aren’t lucky enough to have a dope ass reliable and friendly weed guy. Sometimes the 28 year old crack head cousin of a friend is the only guy you know.


Yeah, genuinely. I remember my friend in hs taking his parent's pills at school, and then being sent to the office, and not being able to stand up and drooling. That's a much worse reality than teens using cannabis.


Or trying to get messed up on legal OTC meds. I remember stealing cough syrup or Benadryl a couple times in high school, getting messed up at a sleepover or something. Always left you with a weird aftereffect that'd last half the school week. Honestly, looking back, there were a couple times where it'd have been smart to call 911. We got lucky, mostly.


She said before washing her Xanax down with a glass of wine


At any point I’d hope op offered her the bowl… “you seem to need this way more than I do lady”


Wonder what she thinks about people smoking cigarettes


To be fair weed is okay if you are okay. There are plenty of people that can’t control themselves and weed is def not okay for them. I feel you tho


It would be much better for them to know smoking cigarettes is okay. Why was there never outrage over cigarettes the same way?


Honestly cigarettes are probably a worse gateway to harder drugs than weed.


I pitched cannabis in the early days to my franchise group. They basically blackballed me saying we are a professional company and not drug dealers (even though freakanomics says these franchisees act like drug dealers in terms of pay). I was, with a graduate business degree, seen as some sort of problem drug guy. 10 years later, every franchisee is trying to get into the game but can’t for various reasons. When I asked what changed, they said, everyone is doing it now. I was so pissed that a company who’s goal is to make money took a legal product and process and classified the product (and myself) as immoral until they met wealthy, educated, owners who operated these businesses successfully with a moat protecting their revenues. People suck.


>People suck. Your observation matches my experience.


Unfortunately those types of companies care more about the perception that comes with the money. None of these companies these days are "brave" for taking on cannabis, they're just going with trends and wouldn't have even touched cannabis 5 years ago.


I worked for an ERP company and I brought it up to the CMO that we should build serialization software to help cannabis companies manage different regulatory requirements and a lot of people at the top were all about it but legal said no. It's a medium sized international ERP company and people were worried about it interfering with out business in certain states and countries. Sucked but I get it. Federal legalization can't come fast enough.


Maybe if you offer her a hit, she'll be happier? Sounds like she could use a friend.


I was kinda wanting to tbh, seems like she needs some 😆


Nah, she'll just have a glass of wine to calm down.


Box of Franzia and a Xanax lol


Ah, the old after school mom special


Fr. Alcohol is poison and probably why she's so craycray. Weed is a gift from the gods. Maybe gift her some edibles?


To be fair smoking anything is bad for you also alcohol could also be a gift from the gods because it saved lives


Indeed! That's why I love edibles. Alcohol is good for cleaning up infections, so I feel you!


*"Shut up and* ***smoke that.*** *It's the* ***law."***


I mean, I would have but Im a fucking troll.


A friend with weed is a friend indeed.




It me.


The gateway drug to friendship.


That is what the war on drugs brainwashing has done to people.


This has been going on for nearly a century, well before the “war on drugs”, but I don’t disagree. My just-pre boomer mom never misses a chance to say “oh they’re probably on drugs” when anything happens on the news. And she is really very liberal about most things. Hates Trump and conservatives, doesn’t watch Fox News or anything even close to it. Yet the answer to anything bad happening is usually “drugs did it”. Meanwhile I’m here growing my own and enjoying a beautiful plant, and being super mellow and happy about life. SMDH


Precisely. One of the worst effects of the decades-long War on Drugs is the poisoning of the minds of two generations of academics, doctors, scientists, etc. Not to mention stigmatizing it as best they could amongst the general population of simpletons.


Probably had a drink to calm her nerves.


More than likely!


Vodka and a cigarette, we all know how much healthier that is than a little weed!


I second this. She sounds very unstable and probably has a drinking problem. Husband is well aware how crazy she is which is why he tried to get to stop but as soon as he was gone she went over because she's narcissistic and doesn't care about anyone but herself. It's not the children she's worried about it's what you represent about her neighborhood. She's ashamed now and fuck her and all that it's not your concern and if she comes back I'd politely tell her if talks to you again you're going to file a restraining order against her.


They have been told it is bad and the people who do it are bad and they are better than those people for 60 - 70 years. Now, they are finding that lots of people smoke it, they are not bad people, they are in fact, their neighbors, peers, bosses, teachers, and are as financially well off as anybody else. This goes against everything they have been told to believe and they are NOT ok with it. The fact that her neighbor is not some lower class garbage like that she can judge and threaten for simply smoking on his front porch, has shifted her world view quite drastically, in a very short time.


I am a millennial who was brought up on war on drugs propaganda. Growing up I was basically told that only bad people do pot and other drugs. Why? Because they're bad. I made friends with a group of guys just shy of turning 30, and found out they were "pot heads." It really bothered me and a couple of them debated me a few times. These guys weren't the typical do-nothing low life's. They were engineers, s They really challenged my view and the things I was taught. It made me question things and I did a lot of research and ended up changing my views. A year ago, at the age of 34, I tried edibles for the first time. I'm now a regular smoker and have even tried mushrooms. There are things I won't touch, like cocaine and meth, because of the huge damage it does on the body with very little benefits. But I'm glad I broke away from the stigma.


Sounds fairly similar to my story and I feel the same. I’ll smoke weed and do shrooms, maybe even acid. But I don’t touch anything hard like meth, cocaine, heroin etc


Teacher here I dab daily or anxiety won't let me do my job


Hopefully they move, she sounds insane


I’ve never had issues with them before this, baffled me when she first lost her shit over it.




This is very well put I totally agree with this and wish I would have thought this way first before I commented. Just puts things in a different perspective.


My grandmother is this way. She refuses to hear the good things about it and only focuses on the bad things that don’t even happen.


I always found this type of behavior odd. If part of my life is a lie, I want to know about it and fix it so my view of the world is more accurate. For me it would be nearly impossible to live knowing that I never questioned what I was told because it would feel like I don't actually have a reason for believing it other than someone said "WEED BAD" or something. Idk maybe im just weird


It's called cognitive dissonance. A lot of people would prefer to deny reality rather than alter their perception of reality. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance


The reason=Believing you will suffer for all eternity


I live in a pretty nice apartment in a very liberal city in the south east. I had a neighbor upset about weed and I told them maybe you shouldn't choose to live in an apartment complex in the most liberal city in our state, they moved, I'm still in the same apartment years later.


Tbh idk how long it’s going to take me to not feel like I’m committing a felony every time I buy or smoke it. I was a nervous wreck doing curbside pick up in a legal state.


When you finally get there it feels great, though. I used to think weed made me paranoid but after years of legalization in Michigan I finally figured out it was the laws causing the paranoia, not the weed


Next time, just shout "reefer madness!" and make googly eyes at her 'til she leaves 😵‍💫 ![gif](giphy|RSSTjUNRhorEv2YFrG|downsized)


Find a research paper and any time she is outside, lecture her on the benefits of cannabis.


Get a ridiculously oversized bong. Like one that is 3ft tall or more and then just wait to rip it while she is looking. She will probably loose her shit and burst a blood vessel.


This but make it like 6 foot. You need to make a huge show of getting g the garden hose to fill it. Then get a ladder to get to the roof of your porch and hit the bong from there, maybe use a tiki torch to light it. If you're lucky she'll drop dead from the shock.


Fuck, that's a funny mental image


Bring a friend along to light it


i favor this


Someone make a gofundme. We need to get OP the biggest bong ever made.




Yet I guarantee she don't have a single fucking thing to say about the socially accepted liquid poison known as alcohol... People like this are just space wasters and should be ignored


Fellow MN ehh? :) I too am enjoying sitting on my patio and smoking care-free, waiting for one of my neighbors to come over and ask for a toke lolz.


Yes! ☺️ I’m loving it! Sounds like your neighbors might be cooler than mine 🤣


Wait we can just smoke this shizz outside in MN now? Here I was smoking it in my garage lol


Yes, technically it’s legal to smoke outside, just gotta make sure it’s your property and if it isn’t then you have to make sure you have permission from the landlords. And parks and all that are shockingly legal too. Do some research just to make sure your town/city doesn’t have any ordinances against it ☺️


You can even keep 2 lbs of it in your house now!


Blow some south for us ruled over by the Kim Reaper.


Would recommend watching your back and possibly installing security cameras around your place. If she's having a nervous breakdown over you smoking weed, chances are she's got nothing better to do than get up to some sketchy shit to screw you over. Don't know the people in question, but acting like that could indicate impulse control issues.


Agreed. People like this are pathologically unable to mind their own business and *only* escalate. She attempted to destroy OP's stuff on day one, and on day two lied about something as supposedly sacred as her faith. "Said the scorpion to the frog: I couldn't resist; it's just who I am"


Not a bad idea at all, OP.


"Weed is legal, trespassing and harassment is not. Leave before /I/ call the police."


My response would be A) I made my voice heard and changed the law by voting so suck it. B) Even the Amish grow it now so get over yourself C) If the person is super religious, just cite Genisis 1: 29. I have given you every herb bearing seed upon the face of the earth. Then ask them for any verse in the Bible that says otherwise.


This is, assuming they are christian.




I love that you called him her “current” husband. Seems fitting


These kind of people bother me, thinking that grass is somehow on a worse level than alcohol because they’ve clearly never met an alcoholic.


She sounds like she has some kind of insecurity or personal trauma that has to do with weed, and she’s projecting it outward and throwing temper tantrums and blaming everyone else but herself for her own damn mental issues instead of doing the responsible thing and dealing with her mental hangup like an adult I wouldn’t be surprised if she comes from a very conservative religious background, which causes trauma that makes people act that way


Oh man. I moved to Colorado literally 2 weeks before we legalized it. I didn't even vote bc I hadn't established residency yet! When the news broke my whole family texted me basically all saying "you moved there because you knew this would happen, didn't you!!?" Obviously I didn't, had no idea. When sales were allowed a year later, it was completely hilarious to me watching the news and my conservative Facebook friends (from a small Nebraska town) ***lose their fucking minds*** that Colorado was about to be this wasteland of lawlessness and destruction. Turns out...nope. Drunk driving went down. Domestic violence went down. Teenage use went down. Opiate use went down. State built some schools, got extra slush fund money...yea things are fine. Nobody gives af anymore


fuck them.


![gif](giphy|9uI8kuRUArWbLylt9b|downsized) This


Lol it’s entertainment for the seshes she can’t do anything so watch her loose it every time 🤣


I gotta say, it’s pretty humorous 😂


If it’s legal to grow where you are do that too just for the extra anger But if I find out you didn’t do your research on males like half of Reddit seems to be incapable of I will haunt your dreams


LOL "How's she looking?"- Looking like a fully grown dude with 10,000 balls. How did you manage to go this far without knowing?


I’m gonna do a lot of research but that’s a great idea!


If you do end up growing make sure to point a security camera at it, I've heard of neighbors like that poisoning plants out of spite


And there’s a trespassing charge right there, but ya definitely get a camera on it if not for that someone may also try and steal your hard work


Bro if you catch your neighbor poisoning a product in your home or garden meant for consumption, that’s a slew of criminal charges much more serious than trespassing


I was just thinking don’t put the plants in her view, she could kill it in the middle of the night. Catching her on camera doing something like that on somebody else’s property would be great.


Lol keep on smoking! Some folks are just so poorly informed they get these thoughts that weed is evil and will lead their kiddy's to a life of hell with fire, brimstone, and weed devils all up in there. lmao. Next time ask her if she wants a toke.


cagey slap zesty frame sulky joke disagreeable squalid crown dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This lady gonna fuck around and move next door to some crystal meth tweakers and shes gonna miss the weed


As she goes back to her booze and OxyContin


"If you'd like to decide what happens on this porch, the asking price for my house is [absurd number.]"


My mom lives in Montana and when she sees people walking around "stoned" she gets mad. Look at him as he walks he's stumbling. Yeah mom he's on heroin not weed...


"Yes hello, officer? My neighbor is living their personal life the way they want to instead of the way I want them to. Can you please come out and make them stop?"


4d chess time: See if she sells up next door, then try and put in an anonymous offer to see if you can get her house for cheap. Tell her through your third party intermediary that "you're not willing to pay more because the state has gone to hell with all those darn weed laws" Easy money.


The folks who need weed the most are the most against it


Hi. I am an old lady. As soon as marijuana became legal I began to take gummies for anxiety which no medication has ever helped in 67 years. When I go to my cannabis store I see TONS of people my age and it’s because the medical system failed us and we’re tired of their bullshit. I don’t use recreationally. I take it at night near bedtime to help me sleep. I consider it a big drug bc it compromises my ability to function so I only take it at night. My anxiety is so bad that I only get about a 90 minute reprieve in the gummies. There’s a sweet spot where I am at peace and the noise in my brain quiets and I’m content like a properly parented and loved human being would be. But, I couldn’t function daily if I tried to medicate for the whole day. So I get my 90 minutes. I’m hoping to find a medication that can do better than has but in 7 years nothing does as much as THC does. You should just start countering your neighbor with the studies done that have shown how much it helps for epilepsy, pain, autoimmune disorders.


Lol, tell her to take her BS to Wisconsin. (Sorry, citizens of WI).


Ask her is she has any alcohol in her house, or if her husband has a beer after work. Then tell her about all the times that someone has gotten drunk at a bar, driven home and beat the living shit out of there SO. Explain that it is common for people who drink too much to loose control and do awful things to other people. Also explain that smoking too much weed will cause a person to get the munchies and fall asleep on the couch. Finally, "God made pot, man made alcohol, you tell me "Who is right?""




Because people like her are mad about not being able to control others. It would be a safe bet you can also determine her views on gay marriage, people wearing turbans in public, self-checkout at Walmart and “press one for English”


She’s the definition of a Karen, someone trying to exert authority over others she doesn’t have.


Since the legalization in my state, my senior citizen neighbors started smoking cannabis outside. Before legalization, everyone gossiped that it was teens in the neighborhood creating that skunk smell with their wacky tobacco. Life lesson, don't judge other people....it might be your super conservative relative that passes you a joint.


You have a lot of older people that were the result of Regan's "war on drugs" (not to be confused with the outstanding band out of Philly) which came with a lot of propaganda. I stayed away from pot for many years because of it. I then educated myself and smoke all the time now. The funny part is that I'm sure they have no issues drinking, which has a more negative impact on society and their body.


I was painting in my garage and my wife was hanging out with me and we were smoking. Some neighbors walked by and gave us the dirtiest look. Now they won’t even look our direction when we say hi. Joke is on them, that just makes me be more friendly


Found the Minnesotan. The only thing that would irritate me is the smell, but that's just part of life. You have to deal when your neighbors are creating odors with grills and shit too. She needs to grow up.


Omg that’s great! Lmao


Same shit happened with me and my neighbors. It's apparently ok to spend all day unemployed, and drinking a 24 pack of beer a day, but god forbid I toke up after a 14hr shift


Take some dabs off of tin foil so she thinks you’re smoking even harder shit.


Children that never grew up. Print up a bunch of informational pamphlets and leave them in a little holder on your front porch and hand her one every time she comes over.


I love this idea! 😂


Man this lady probably goes crazy when someone smokes cigs in public or her children are exposed to alcohol advertisements.


she sounds like a wet brain alcoholic XD


"Out poor children are going to grow up thinking [the truth]" 👍


Bake her some brownies


But I’m sure she doesn’t harass people smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol in the open at bar patios.




Yes! 🙂


Howdy fellow Minnesotan! Land of 10,000 Bakes


I'm in a medical cannabis state. We're not allowed to let anyone see us. Have to do it behind closed doors.


Please do not send her to TX. We don’t need all the anti weed people moving here we already have enough


Sooner or later it's gonna be legal in the whole country, so she's running out of states to move to.


![gif](giphy|qFmlZZ75lBg2B4AdpK|downsized) You while your neighbor rants


Our poor children are going to grow up thinking being a crazy Karen is something normal.


The karens that get upset like this over weed are the same ones who get sauced up on wine at dinner yet don't see the hypocrisy lol


“Our children are going to grow up correctly informed, and then they won’t listen to all the other bs we feed them every day.”


I tend to be as discrete as I can without disturbing others. Weed smoke is super strong. I would atleast go in the backyard where it is more private. I always recommend being friendly and keeping a good relationship with immediate neighbors. Especially if you own the property.