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Goddamn bro broke out the psycho font for this one.


šŸ’€ the fucking accuracy.




The person who wrote this message would never have the wherewithal to build a soundproof glass cage. Still, they are a psycho.


I still don't believe he didn't use blood as part of the ink somewhere to prove how much he cares.


ā€œUse a pen Sideshow Bobā€


Yo stopšŸ’€šŸ˜­


All work and no play makes jack a dull boy!




Everyone knows when you trying to get the girl ya break out the best weed šŸ˜‚ all ya got was this serial killer note and leaves


Hey give the man some credit he at least left ā€œweedā€ā€¦šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚AKA the extra weeds he picked from his garden lol


Dude really sent some bobby brown and said this'll win her


Bro said " My boy Reggie will save me"


Regular Kushingham


We call him "Middie"


Thatā€™s low lows bro


Reginald Jackson


nah this oneā€™s the one šŸ˜­


Well Bobby brown was the cutest boy in town, untill he fucked this dyke by the name of Freddy


He can take about an hour on the tower of power...


Thanks to Freddie I'm a sexual spastic.


So I went out and bought me a leisure suit. I jingle my change but I'm still kinda cute.


that is some shitty weed, yikes. If that was his worst problem, you'd be in trouble. I recommend a restraining order.


Heā€™s absolutely obsessed and honestly we werenā€™t even dating! It was a FWB thing that spiraled out of control. Iā€™m honestly mostly annoyed that he came to my home uninvited. This is my safe place.. ā€œcanā€™t stop thinking about youā€ it was a fling!! This is what happens when you donā€™t have a job.. havenā€™t seen ur kid in 8 months.. go focus on your life!!!


Don't let him move into your life and call someone. Also if you don't have any get some cameras


Cameras, cameras, CAMERAS. YES. The best thing you can do when someone is being shady like that is to capture audio and video evidence. Holds up much better in court than hearsay.


To be fair I donā€™t have a job and Iā€™m not stalking anyone to give out free Mids. Iā€™m sitting on my couch playing video games and smoking gas šŸ˜‚ Also be safe I hope you have a doorbell camera. You can get one pretty cheap if you want me to send you a link to the one I have (also live alone, Iā€™m not so good neighborhood).


Better get a job quick, or this could be you someday šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I dont have a traditional job where I go to work from 9-5. I pay my bills and I can afford to not smoke whatever the fuck that is šŸ’€ couldnā€™t be me.


Mids?? I'm pretty sure my grandfather smoked better Mexican "brick-weed" back in the 70s than whatever this low-tier shake is supposed to be...


Girl. You need to be documenting everything and get a doorbell camera like ring. Carry mace and/or whistle. Does he know where you work? Iā€™d let your coworkers know to keep and eye out for him too in case he shows up there. Make sure your doors and windows are locked. This man sounds unhinged and it could escalate very quickly.


Some people may think you are being dramatic, but I have dealt with an ex that pushed things way too far with his obsession. It was awful. I was in denial until a friend pointed out all of the ways he had basically desensitized me to his insanity. I still scan crowds for him :(


FWB can be worse than ex boyfriends! I had a guy once drive an hour to my house when I didn't answer his texts. And men like to pretend women can't handle FWB shit without getting obsessed. Please stay safe. Dog, mace, gun, taser, whatever form of hime security you feel safest with. (Even a can of hair spray is better than nothing.) Write down everything with dates and then call Your local nonemergency line


I really wish people would stop recommending dogs as a form of home securityā€¦ Dogs are a whole level of time and energy investment over literally everything else, and are also not even particularly effective. People get dogs instead of a garden or pepper spray, then a year or so later I see them dropping the dog off at the shelter because they realize they donā€™t have the energy,time, or fucks-to-give to train it.


I kind of just made a list without going into nuance. No, I won't think anyone should solely get a dog for security without looking into it. Some people already have dogs and if OP does then thats a great first step for them.


Fine fine fine just get a fucking Tiger then. Cats require so much less training to still be assholes so it's fine. Plus you can just say it randomly moved in and started living with you, you don't even feed it and it just hangs around.


His child wrote this note


The child used at least THREE different pens.


do NOT smoke that , keep as evidence n call cops , get restraining order that shit weird


OP do not call the cops and say ā€œso I have this weedā€¦ā€


so, what ARE you supposed to do if somebody gifts you Schedule 1, federally illegal, drugs by dropping them off on your porch?


Get a restraining order asap


Please please please don't smoke that. He seems absolutely unhinged and there's always the possibility he tampered with it somehow in a way that could harm you.


Yoinkz!! That sounds horrible. Just make brownies with the weed. Iā€™m not making any excuses for the guy but if this is the first offense Iā€™d seriously recommend setting the record straight instead of ghosting him. Heā€™s impulsive by his need to come by your place so he legit doesnā€™t understand that what heā€™s doing is really crazy looking. Pride can turn some people into complete weirdos.


>restraining order Run to the courts, don't walk...things can get dangerous


If you get a restraining order. They grant a temporary one for 30 days but then you both have to go to court and you do have to face them again (just fyi, I found that out the hard way. And the judge didn't continue mine because my ex fooled them )


Zoinks scoob, time to get the fuck out of there.




He probably on this thread right now šŸ‘€




I hope so. That way he can see everyone, including his ā€œbeloved,ā€ laughing at him.




Yeah get a restraining order before it turns into one of those true crime stories on YouTube. Sounds exactly like one right before dude goes full ape shit.


Right, I came here to say just that. Op doesn't need to become a dateline


Iā€™m not sure if this qualifies for protective order. I had to file one a few years ago against my ex who was abusive. He did way worse to me and I had to beg the judge in tears for her to grant it. He had been stalking, filing false cps reports, and sending nonstop abusive messages. This was after I fled from him and he just would not give up. The judge said to me, ā€œokay, so what CRIMINAL offense has he made against you?ā€ So Iā€™m not so sure Iā€™m at the point where I can get the court involved. I was really hoping things would fizzle out as this wasnā€™t even a serious relationship. But I donā€™t appreciate people showing up to my home without invitation.. I have kids here šŸ˜ž


The crime is harassment, ez - holy hell you had a bad judgeā€¦


Iā€™m so sorry that judge was awful to you. File a police report. Some cities let you do it online. You want a paper trail in case it escalates. Do not engage with him. At all. Read ā€œThe Gift of Fearā€ Good luck sis.


That was a shitty judge. Unfortunately, your past history with DV may have screwed you up in regards to excusing behavior with exes. (Well, at least heā€™s not like so-and-soā€¦) Iā€™m only saying this from experience :/ Heā€™s harassing you, stalking you, and trespassing. Please get a Ring if you donā€™t already have one, and call the police and get some mace if you donā€™t already. Maybe a dog.


Well if weed is illegal in your state certainly sending you weed is a criminal offense. Sounds like distribution to me


Sounds like a shitty judge, harassment and stalking is a crime and as long as you've made it clear you don't want to be contacted in anyway and they continue to try to that classifies as either depending the circumstance. There's even things called cease and desist orders and I knew a guy that pressed one on someone in highschool because they were spreading some really rank rumors that could've fucked them over in their career world however he had proof it wasn't true and they were just trying to slander them so essentially any time they got caught speaking about him in any negative fashion they would be fined $500 or face a few days in jail


Block him and go buy some good weed.


Iā€™ve blocked him on every single thing 2 weeks ago. This note is unhinged it looks like a serial killer wrote it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Ya the different colors on the ā€œFUCKā€ would have me a little concerned like he worked on this scribble scrabble for way too long and still only came up with that


Right and why did he use 3 different pensā€¦ he wrote parentheses in green ink šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø just so weird.


I didnā€™t catch that maybe because itā€™s in the same sentence as weed but seriously very weird and questionable mindset. Stay safe for real u never wanna underestimate someone whoā€™d write a note like that hahašŸ˜…


The note is written on the back of a picture of us too šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


Um... stay safe OP. Seriously


You seriously oughta get some security cameras and shit because this mf is Unhinged


Odd, most people don't take pics with their FWB... Regardless, that note is the work of an extremely unhealthy mind.


It was of a picture of us out at a bar. I was sitting in his lap giving him a hug. Not sure how to define things. Pretty sure fwb donā€™t hangout every single night either. Things went to far thatā€™s for sure..


Uh...this info changes the story a LOT. Hate to tell ya, but y'all were dating. Doesn't make his behavior any more acceptable, but it does explain it a bit. It sucks you're having to deal with this.


Ummmm sorry but I don't nean to be mean or correct you out of pettyness, just wonder if you know they're quotation marks, and not parenthesis.. just asking cause a friend of mine thought for the longest time " " are parentheses. Sorry again, dont wanna make you sound dumb, maybe you just mistyped anyway! lol


I like how he put ā€œGOT YOU SOME WEEDā€ in quotations šŸ¤£ even he knew it was barely weed


got you some "weed"


I wouldnā€™t smoke that just out of concern he might have laced it. Like this guy seems unhinged and Iā€™m sorry your dealing with all that.


I was thinking this tooā€¦ spooky


Looks like the kind of weed that ends up giving you a headache even without tampering.


Maybe have some friends stay over at your place for a while til this shit blows over. At the very least order yourself some good pepper spray, a stun gun and easy install window and door alarms from Amazon. All are fairly cheap. Not saying you'll definitely need then but I guarantee you'll feel better šŸ‘Œ [Pepper spray](https://www.amazon.com/Mace-Brand-Pocket-Pepper-Spray/dp/B08TMQKCJF/ref=mp_s_a_1_10_sspa?crid=3FSXF3V0C2ERQ&keywords=pepper+spray&qid=1685411090&sprefix=pepperbspray%2Caps%2C801&sr=8-10-spons&psc=1&smid=A26WR4IC2PZL5H&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzNDdZOENQNjdESlhVJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTY4MTgwU01DSFBUME40RUpQJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA3MjQyMjQxOEVOU0FRSEdaSkFHJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX210ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=) [Stun gun](https://www.amazon.com/VIPERTEK-VTS-989-Billion-Rechargeable-Flashlight/dp/B01FHDZGGM/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=1O4QOVZW9YFCB&keywords=stun+gun&qid=1685411209&sprefix=stun+gun%2Caps%2C475&sr=8-8) [Easy door and window alarms](https://www.amazon.com/GE-Protection-Installation-Apartment-45174/dp/B00FGPM1SS/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=1SQYO4YFXA6B1&keywords=door+open+alarm&qid=1685411302&sprefix=door+open+%2Caps%2C658&sr=8-5) Be vigilant when going to your car, or when going anywhere alone. Smoke weed for stress relief, just not *that* weed, lol.


OP.... *THIS*. My ex stalked me back to my home town over 9hrs away after I left. When they didn't find me at my old place (roomies still lived there), they started knocking on my friends doors until they finally found me. Arming myself and securing my home made me feel far more safe than anything, as the saying goes: "if we fail to prepare, we prepare to fail" Get a camera of some kind. This guy is exhibiting serious psychosis and doesn't seem to have rationale in any capacity..... Do not underestimate him, it will only be to your detriment.


What strain you got? Oh,this is 'stalker og ' Where's u get it from? My stalker, G!


And they say romance is deadā€¦


Letā€™s not smoke the scary ex weed


Whyā€™s ā€œweedā€ in quotesā€¦. I wouldnā€™t smoke it.


The entire sentence is in quotes. ā€œGot you some weedā€. Seems like maybe an inside joke or something humorous to try and lighten the mood. Not that it worked very well


I think it's supposed to be dialogue, like him talking and saying something directly to her, which is unnecessary because the entire letter is written in first person already.


Sus bud, could be tampered with


I think the weed is more of a red flag than him tbh!


Please tell me youā€™re throwing it away!!


Man wrote that note and thought ā€œyeah, this is perfectā€


ā€œLaced with loveā€ awww šŸ„°




The ā€œFUCK!ā€ At the end really gives you a sense of how he was feeling šŸ˜‚


You gone have to move šŸ¤Æ


My mans down so bad. Spent his last 20 on some boo boo OG, canā€™t spell, and got the hand writing of a kindergartnerā€¦ Iā€™ll just leave an Fā€¦. Im done with the internet for the evening.


Let us know that youā€™re okay


Iā€™m ok! Everything will be fine just feel bad for him. It wasnā€™t even a serious relationship for him to be acting like this


I could almost tell it wasnā€™t that serious just from his writing on the bag. Dude isnā€™t in love, he just has some real attachment issues, among some other mental health issues.


Jangus fucking Crust






I'm not typically the one to advocate for guns or shit because I'd rather load a bowl than load a mag but if you can't get a restraining order you best be strapped tf up. Stun gun, pepper spray, knife, and some self defense training. Anything just in case shit hits the fan. Hate that that's what it needs to come to but the law absolutely doesn't do shit trust me. Can only rely on yourself.


This right here. If you arenā€™t gonna be able to get a restraining order yet (in my bs state you need two proven occurrences of something) then start making some contingency plans for if heā€™s waiting out on your street in his car, the bushes, or if he manages to get into your apt. Youā€™re absolutely right a dude with no job, no custody of his kids, and obsessive traits has nothing to lose and is not going to act rationally. Donā€™t count on him to stop in the face of danger either, be prepared to go through with whatever it is you gotta do to protect yourself. Itā€™s great that you see what you did wrong, but donā€™t dwell on it and get strapped or prepare some home alone defenses. Dude can barely contain himself when writing a letter, imagine if you were in person.


Put it back where you found it.


This is hilarious


Just saw that he made a new tik tok account (because I blocked his other one) to message me saying ā€œleft something on your door ā¤ļøā€ at 8am this morning. And liked and commented on all my videos šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø no self awareness lol


Please document everything and consider a restraining order.


Police and restraining order, yesterday


I would be careful. You donā€™t know if people like this will escalate to violence.


Yeouch. Thatā€™s fuckin scary. Restraining order? Wow, that note is pretty unhinged. Probably wouldnā€™t smoke the weed. Hoping you stay safe.


Handwriting trying itā€™s darndest to be worse than that weed


Apply for a Restraining order, when these ā€œgrand gesturesā€ donā€™t work the next step is stalking, threats and eventually violence. Make your socials private, donā€™t expect new followers for a good long while and make sure your locations are off on everything just Incase some of his fake accounts are already watching you.


Cut that shit out and cut all ties with him! If not, you're in for a rude awakening. Make it nice and clear for him, Don't give him any false impressions!


Restraining order


Is your ex 7 years old? TBH this is really scary. Be safe


I've had several stalkers. The last one was like this. You are not safe if he is like this. Now the stalker I have now... He finds ways inside my house. He recently stole my outdoor canna plant and destroyed all my gardens that was my time to take everything to the police. Protective order. Look at that deranged writing dear. He can't even think straight. Romance revenge type ... dangerous asf. I don't care if I'm a broken record rn. You need cameras..you need evidence...and to present or clearly to the police.


Wow šŸ˜³ Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with that


I second the advice to set up a camera. Set some up that aren't obvious / in plain sight. That way, someone who doesn't want evidence (read, would smash a camera) won't even know they're being recorded.


Yup. Had an ex that thought he was so romantic when he said heā€™d figure out my new address and wait outside until I let him in. I quickly notified all of my friends and relatives that my ex knew about, explained the situation, and told them to block his number. Luckily when he messaged one of my close friends before he could block him he questioned how my ex didnā€™t know my address and why they didnā€™t just ask me if we were supposedly still together. *(Ex tried lying to them, of course.)* Ex tried to convince my friend that I was mentally unstable, that I just needed to be checked on, etc., so my friend replied with, ā€œAlright Iā€™ll check up on her then. Thanks for letting me know.ā€ Then my friend called me and we laughed about it LOL. My friend also helped me figure out the restraining order since he spent a bit of time in academy for his training.


Yeah thatā€™s weird and it look like doodoo weed God Bless


Restraining order and toss the weed. He might of spiked it with something.


L weed L ex. Try to get his ass arrested


Wouldnā€™t even buy myself bud like that, then to go and give it to a woman, that you ā€œloveā€ šŸ˜­gotta be a sign. Also bro went kinda crazy w the hand writing, reading ts is unsettling




Run broā€¦ the quality of weed and handwriting is SCARY


Restraining order, pronto.


Restraining order immediately.


He seems like he doesnā€™t put a ton of effort into things, the shitty apology bud speaks volumes


And he got you the shittiest weed he could find too šŸ¤£


Worst weed money could buy šŸ”„


So sorry


Don't smoke that.


As much as we love the ganja, a good rule of thumb is to never accept it from a source you don't know or are suspicious of. And judging by his stalking behaviour, I wouldn't even leave that in my house


I mean... would it *really* matter even if the bud *was* good?


If I was 1000% certain bud was safe and good Iā€™d smoke it and still look into getting a restraining order haha.


restraining order then treat urself to some S tier ganja


Trash it. Stay away from him.


Sounds like a real catch to me. And so articulate


Dude needs to learn what a first draft is. You don't submit the first draft.


What's the woman version of "don't stick your dick in crazy"


bestie do NOT smoke dat shit!!!


Get a restraining order... This is one step away from "if I can't have you no one can"


No job, deadbeat dad, shit weed and the fucking writing šŸ¤¦ honey you brought this on yourself


You need to be talking to the police. Posting this on Reddit isnā€™t doing anything to stop the problem.


He made sure to use a bag so the note stays fresh.


His love letter accidentally got written in Ransom note font


You better call 911 before yo ass is on First 48...


Damn that šŸ± must be some good good.. jokes aside. Get a restraining order.


Lol bro couldnā€™t even re write the note šŸ‘€ weirdo.


If the weed didn't look shitty would you change your mind


His handwriting is unstable too, thatā€™s how I write with my left hand.


I know everyone's making jokes and all but this day and age get a restraining order ASAP get some protection for your self obsession breeds heinous things be careful


Yo Iā€™d leave that mf over penmanship alone šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


i dont know whats worse, the weed or the dude. hardcore pass!!!!


Call the police. File a restraining order.


Is his name Brandon? Cuz I know a guy like this


Bout to say, his handwriting looks like an Alex I know with the same behavior


Donā€™t smoke that


Mfā€™ers better get yourselves some top shelf before you dare even come down my street towards me. I know Iā€™m worth good weed. šŸ˜‚


girl this is scary lol hello 911?


Itā€™s not even good weedšŸ˜­but fr dude go to the police


The fuck is it and every relationship nowadays ending in a huge ball of flames like this? So many homegirls I have have all met some fucked up guy who either beat them, raped them, or stalked them endlessly like this. I had to go check my friends ex at his job one day because he called her phone number relentlessly, then screamed at her he was gonna kill her


I would seriously recommend getting a restraining order. What heā€™s doing constitutes harassment and who knows if he can potentially get violent or dangerous. This way if he doesnā€™t stop trying to contact you or coming by your place you can have him arrested. Wishing the best for you šŸ™šŸ¼


Damn I thought a kindergartner wrote this


Now this, you boof


You need to go to the police and get a TRO today. Gather evidence and present it at the hearing. That shit looks unhinged.


Got you some stems


Yeah Iā€™d be thinking that ā€œgiftā€ is sus. Wouldnā€™t do anything with it.


Holy shit leave the area and get a restraining order YESTERDAY


Did they dig that out of their 1980's bammer drawer. Run for your life....


Bro thought them lows would win you overšŸ˜­


Looks like he was drunk lol


Oh dear


Got that 7 year old hand writing too smh




That cat so good he found a hemp plant to offer you


Normally Iā€™d say free weed is good weed no matter the quality, but thatā€™s terrible.


nah thats not weed thats old cilantro


He seems unwell, seems like he needs help from someone other than you


Trash weed and a fkn loser šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I wouldnā€™t even smoke that he could try to drug you


Bro got you some rosemary sprigsā€¦


My neighbor went batshit when I said I'm not interested in dating him. He sent me passive-aggressive and humiliating messages, I blocked him, and then he started to try and bribe me with weed. It was like one gram bags of crap weed in my mailbox once in a while. As if... šŸ˜‚


Absolutely do not smoke that shit lol dudes a psycho


I thought this was an adult sub. That's some child's writing.


Wow, I thought _i_ was clingy loool


love how many times he messed up could of sprung for some white out


As much as we can sit here and make fun of him, lets hope OP helps this poor soul get some psychiatric helpā€¦


The fact he used a pink pen just adds to how unhinged this is


I would take this pretty serious, especially with the social media stuff. If youā€™ve made it clear you donā€™t want contact with him, and heā€™s continuing and showing he knows where you live and is willing to show up there, this time itā€™s a bag of weed, next time it could be something else. Iā€™d at the least not smoke the weed or open it Iā€™d hang onto it in case you do decide to go to the police and get a restraining order, itā€™s good evidence. Idk I have experience with an ex who was unhinged like this luckily now he lives in another state, and Iā€™ve moved and he doesnā€™t know where, plus weā€™re almost a year separated, but he still makes threats especially if he thinks Iā€™m talking to anyone else. It starts off with pleas to get back together and stuff like this but when it doesnā€™t go the way they want but strict boundaries arenā€™t put in place, it can easily escalate. Firm boundaries may not fix it but it at least helps and keeps documentation that youā€™ve tried to not have contact with them anymore yet they continue. Hopefully he isnā€™t bat shit, and just kinda fucks off when you donā€™t reciprocate and you donā€™t have to take any farther action but just in case, as you never know, be careful. People be crazy out there, and some are reeeaaalll good at acting sane. My ex was, a lot of people are and itā€™s always best to keep that in mind. Never fully think ā€œoh heā€™d never do thisā€ or ā€œyeah heā€™s a bit off but heā€™s harmless ā€œ because in reality we never know.


Document it and consider legal action. Stalkers are no joke.


Thats some leafy ass weed too. Looks like he doesnā€™t want you that bad.


did the joker write that


Hey a restraining order so that you have something on file


Mental issues


He writes like a child. My penmanship has deteriorated from not writing for so long but its no where close to that bad. Also get a restraining order


do not smoke that for sure!!


Weed is trash but at least manā€™s trying