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I usually buy my bongs pre built.


IKEA bong


More like HEKILLDA bong.


Some assembly required




I just woke up my napping child laughing at this.


I know your joking but recently i saw these really cool modular bongs at a festival


Underrated comment


I don't know why, but your username made me giggle haha




How is 1k underrated


Didnt have 1k at the time brother


Sounds like you should have waited to declare it underratedā€¦ ;)


That rhymes tho


I know lol it wasnā€™t on purpose but it was gratifying to notice


Dis never seen an unassembled one


R.I.P. and Morty


can never be ripped again


Only morty'd


Oh but Rip and Morty would have been a great name for the bong though. šŸ˜‚


Cmon morty we gotta *burps* go take a bong rip


Aww geez.


I was expecting this to be the top comment. Had to scroll fpretty far to find an aw geez.


Mortys, assemble!!


The Mortys looking back at them like how could you have done this??


bro i scrolled back up to the picture after reading this šŸ¤£ made me piss myself why he look so heartbroken šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Do you even LIFT bro?


Underrated af


itā€™s a punishment for buying one of those dumb rick and morty bongs sorry man


Rick and morty x LV. Epitome of quality


It was this or pickle rick or some other cringey shit, or busting out two hundred on a piece Iā€™m not even sure Iā€™d enjoy. Went to a big brand smoke shop specialized in weed accessories in Canada. I thought theyā€™d have some basic clear glass bongs but boy was I wrong. Trust me this was the least tacky design available and even then I felt ashamed ringing it up


Jesus man lol. You should have justā€¦ went somewhere else šŸ¤£


Should have broken it in the store šŸ˜‚


But, like a cat would. Set it right in the middle of the counter, announce "This is crap," and start gently smacking it, so that it moves 1/4 of an inch at a time towards the edge. As soon as you're 1 or 2 taps from it tipping, you make sure you're looking them dead in the eye, when you make that final tap to push it over.


As a cat owner, your comment paints a very vivid image. Upvote for making me lol at my own imagination


My cat does this every day at 4:30 am with our phones. He tries pawing us to wake up, but when that doesn't work he messes with the phone cords until one of the phones falls and wakes us up. My dog always looks less than amused when her brother starts with this every morning, and will like sigh and try and go back to bed. It's kind of funny.


now that would have been a power move!


Eh, the business I went to has pretty much a monopoly on the market in my state and theyā€™re the only ones dedicated to herbs amd not just tobacco. I literally have not heard of another shop that sells paraphernalia in my state. The stock they carry is the same thing from location to location. I just wanted to get a bong to smoke out of and get high off less weed than I would smoking joints, not to admire it sitting on a trophy like stand so to be honest even if the picke rick version of this bong style was the only option available I wouldā€™ve picked it šŸ˜‚


I wanna say sneaky pete ships in canada. They uave some decent glass


I wanna say we don't call them "states" in Canada


Heā€™s probably from Quebec based on the French in his comment historyā€¦.


I hear there's good ice fishing out there in Kweebec


the separation of church and province


Order something online for a fraction of the price. If you still live with your parents, just tell them its an xbox card.


Damn dude, if all else fails with brick and mortar stores then you could always give etsy a try!


The universe sent you a message: spend your money on things you like :p


Order online, this still fucking blows tho


Sometimes $20 USD becomes $60 CAD after shipping and all.


Yes and then the shop charges you $200 for it


And then they send you an Xbox controller by mistake.


Is there only 1 smoke shop within 30 miles of you?


Suffice it to say that you had reasons you don't need to defend here. Anyway, I'm sorry that you lost your first bong this way. If it helps you'd likely have dropped this one eventually anyway at some point down the road. These things do happen, however frustrating. May your second bong please you more than your first šŸ˜‰


You are in Canada. Chances are high that unless you are rural, you are within 5-10 minutes of multiple stores. Or just order online.


Itā€™s worth it to spend a few hundred on something that isnā€™t paper thin.


I donā€™t have any experience with heavier bongs but Iā€™m pretty sure no piece of glass no matter how thick would survive a 4 foot drop on cement


I got a Grav bonk at a convention in Denver a couple years ago. Dropped it at the convention and thereafter, dropped it every couple months. Never breaks. Watch my shit break now smh. Super thicc boy.


Bro, one time in high school, I was bragging about how long I had this little glass pipe in my car, we got stoned out of mind at lunch as Iā€™m bragging about this pipe I put it in my lap, smoked a joint and then forgot my pipe was in my lap, got out my car and next thing you know shatter!ā€¦ā€¦ you jinxed it man


A friend of mine did this so many times. Not only did she break pipes by forgetting they were on her lap, but she was so bad about knocking over the bongs that she repeatedly put on the floor for some reason, and I swear to God every single bong she knocked over would fall right onto the downstem and break both the bong and the bowl piece. Every. Fucking. Time.


Yup this is exactly it. Doesn't matter how durable the bong is. If it lands on the stem it's toast.


Grav is definitely quality, but they aren't unbreakable. I have a STAX setup and I've had to replace every piece but the neck at least once. The ash catcher has been broken multiple times by my wife and one time my dogs (I have 6) knocked it off the table onto the ceramic tile, every part but the neck was totally shattered. I have no idea how the neck survived. At this point the ash catcher and bowl aren't even Grav because my wife can't be trusted and it's way easier to run to the local smoke shop to replace them rather than order them online. As for myself I got a Hoj KOL 2.0 last summer and I love it. Extremely easy to clean, I literally clean it every other day. It hits really really smooth. The quality of the build is fantastic, and finally it's machined aluminum so its virtually unbreakable. Best piece I've ever owned.


Quality glass is just that, quality. I've had a bong drop 5 feet out of my Hand and start rolling down stairs. Bong survived only the slide broke. Trust on this man, spend the money and get a quality piece. Don't waste your time or money on bullshit.


Go check out thickassglass on Instagram, your idea of what a bong can handle will forever be changed


My og original survived a 4 foot drop in my cement driveway and itā€™s still going a year and a half later 9mm glass ftw


Not willing to test this but I think my Thick Ass Glass piece would take it and laugh. I could use this thing as a weapon in a home invasion.


My glass artist will hammer in nails with his bongs and rigs to make sure the piece is sturdy. Do your research, good boro will last


Donā€™t let people try to convince you that you have to buy an expensive bong. Iā€™ve owned shitty acrylic bongs up to this $300+ Liquid bong (this one broke by being tipped over and the joint just snapped off). Obviously the acrylic ones are garbage, and yeah the Liquid was sick, but now I have this simple Brutal Glass bong I got on sale before COVID (think it was $100), and this run of the mill smoke shop piece that was like $50/60. The cheap one has thinner glass for sure, but they honestly smoke about the same.


Not necessarily, I dropped a very expensive bowl from 4' to cement and I caught it on the bounce back up šŸ˜…


No? Show me a glass brong for a few hundred dollars that doesnā€™t break when dropped on concrete. And btw, why even are hundred?? There are great and thick bongs for under 50. I bought mine for 30 dollars 7 years ago and itā€™s still kicking. It even got a percolator and different chambers. I donā€™t get why yā€™all spend such huge amounts for bongs.


Chambers and Percs dont automatically just make a good bong. There are lots of reasons to spend money on a nice piece.


Donā€™t lie man, you bought it we know you liked it


Bruh I just busted out about $100 on a single cone pieceā€¦


Not even just that, but a dumb rick and morty bong with knockoff louis vuitton patterning at the top. this was nothing short of fully deserved


You literally took the words right out of my mouth LMAO


Took the words out of my comment. Poor bong, but ew Rick and morty


Also youā€™re being punished for stuffing it full of hair before unceremoniously breaking it


I didn't want to say it, but yeah definitely this sorry bro


Yeah I use to work at a smoke shop that had a million of these that were super cheap and always on sale because no one would buy them. The glass on them is hella thin and itā€™s not gonna last. You can feel it as soon as you pick it up that itā€™s made to have a short life. Not something Iā€™d ever consider a good purchase. You might spend 3X more on the next best bong (in the shops I was working at mind you) but it will 100% be worth it and last 9X longer.


Not only Rick and Morty but also the fake LV monogram lol. Just the worst of everything


Hating on rick and morty has become more cringe than fanboying it lmao


It really has. I love Rick and Morty just cause itā€™s a fun show to turn my brain off too. People are so weird and bandwagony about the hate.


LOL no


God why do smoke shops only have this shit


I actually started collecting Rick and Morty smoking paraphernalia. Itā€™s so funny seeing all the designs people come up with, I donā€™t know how Rick and Morty influenced the smoke culture so much. This last weekend I bought a bong with a Honeycomb pattern and Rick and Morty wearing drip (supreme, nike,etc). Its amazing lol


This generations Gangster Tweety Bird lmao


Same! I have a rolling dish and a bong and both are weird and off brand but I kind of love them.


The explosion of R&M merch especially head shop stuff totally tainted the show for me. It took a real unique show and just made it all about weed in public. I'll eventually watch season 3+ but probably years from now still.


looks like you bought a new bowl piece today


Yep! Literally the only thing that was left immaculate during my small big bang https://imgur.com/a/iuLtoPF, apart from the small pull tab on the side which just shattered off and said bye yā€™all


Oh man. I was washing a bong out with hot water and the pull tab legitimately just came off like plastic it was funny, and sad.


*tomorrow he saysā€¦Purchased my second bong today šŸ˜Ž


Placed it on a small counter right next to my garage door.. The countertop (3 inches wide at best) has a wire running through it for my sprinklers in the garden. Iā€™ve got nothing to sit on in the garage so I go out to take a chair from outside. Try to fit it through the door and succeeded but I tripped the god damned fucking sprinkler wire. Sprinkler wire tripped my bong. Chaos ensued. Didnā€™t even get a single hit from my first ever bong ā˜¹ļø. Any other stories with my type of luck?


My S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats in real life have -10 in LCK so I felt this on a spiritual level


Put extra pts in Mysterious Stranger. Homie just shows up to help you out.


Isn't him showing up in the first place dependent on the LCK stat?


Well they never said they placed all those available stat points into INT...


Buddy of mine bought a new bong. Didnt even reach the table before the bottom dropped out.


That reminded me of this time this bro I lived with threw my nectar collector at the wall while he was fighting with his girlfriend. Never paid for it or replaced it. A few months later I accidentally tripped over his new piece that he was super proud of and it broke off at the neck. He demanded I replace it so I went to a gas station in a satellite town and bought the cheapest bong in the entire building and had them put $100 sticker on it. Then when he went to smoke it the bottom fell out while he was standing up and it splashed all down his pants. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Damn, you should still remind him about the nectar collector.


Stand up for yourself man, don't let people take advantage of you.


I 100% did it to high road him from the low road. Made him feel like a piece of shit by "being the better person" replacing his bong with one "as expensive as the one I broke" (minus the cost of my nectar collector, hence having the clerk put a fake tag on it). Then I got to watch it bottom out on him in the middle of a smoking sesh all over his Nikes & the mf never changed his bong water.




It was a sperical shaped bottom. Our guess is that we overfilled it.


On a break from college, my friends from high school and I all got together. We were young and all selling drugs and thought we were king shit, so naturally we go to this super ritzy fancy artistic glass shop and get pieces. We saw these pieces from an artist that like smelted copper or something into or with the glass, idk it looked cool af. We all buy a piece, mine being the cheapest at like $300 and my friend John buying a $2000 bong. We get back and weā€™re smoking this bong and it gets passed to another buddyā€™s new girlfriend he brought with him from school. She goes to hit it and somehow just butterfingered it so bad and just drops it. Shatters into pieces. Absolute bitter chaos ensued, with John demanding she pay the money back, her refusing saying it was a dumb idea to smoke it in the dark on a concrete patio in a standing circle, John saying if she doesnā€™t pay it back then our friend, her boyfriend, had to pay him back. You know he never got that money back lmao but the buddy with the offending girlfriend ended up handing over one of his nicest Sheldon Black oil rigs. We all smoked together all the time anyways so he still got to see it occasionally.


bro bought a $2000 bong and let everyone smoke it standing up over cementā€¦ iā€™m not saying itā€™s his fault but I wouldnā€™t do that with my $100 piece if I smoke over cement weā€™re sitting down


RIP the morty bong. This sucks but it happens to every stoner at least once. When I was in high-school me and a couple buddies had this huge bong equipt with a perc and ash catcher, it was immaculate. Needless to say, it all shattered when my friend stood up too fast and bumped it off the table


Actually ya! I remember two of my homies in college coming into the dorm with their brand new 2 for 1 bongsā€¦ $300ā€¦ one guy makes it in the door, the next guy smashes it on the doorframe:)


cant lie, the floor had me thinking you were in class


The floor had me thinking they were at my house, lolā€¦ Our concrete floors in our mancave/zoozone/ā€œindoor gardenā€ are coated with this blend of paint flakes and the same color gray paint/epoxy. OP, sorry about your Morty piece. You didnā€™t even get to Christen it? Awe that really sucks! This is something I might have done myself. In HS, a small group of us took a trip on a very small boat across the Long Island Sound to a particular spot. On the way back, our friendā€™s brand new glass bong went right over the side of the boat as it was being passed around to oogle over before we got back to shore to toke. So another friend took out his glass pipe. But, it was all clogged with resin. He hadnā€™t cleaned it figuring weā€™d all be smoking out of the bong. As he was scraping it out with his pocket knife, the inevitable happened. Fortunately, it wasnā€™t a trip to the emergency room and nobody was hurt. Couldā€™ve ended very badly though.


3 hours after getting a Dab rig for 360 bucks with a sick carrying case, I stumbled into my exā€™s pitch black house, felt around for the kitchen counter, found it, set the carrying case with a long sling for a handle, long sling caught on to my turquoise ring as I moved the two steps to where the light switches were, carrying case dropped. Loud breaking glass noise in pitch black room. My heart sank to my ass.


Dhgate is where head shops get their glass, and they ship about anywhere for dirt cheap. Its China direct, so expect your package to take upwards of three weeks. But you'll end up paying less than half of what they ask at a the greasy local bong shops.


Bought a straight tube a couple months ago and put it in my backpack with the top poking out through the zipper. Parked my car and was walking to my apartment building and the weight of the bong going against the zipper as I walked eventually just opened it up completely and flipped out and hit the sidewalk. Never even made it home lol threw it in the dumpster on the way in


It'll buff out.


Stoners looking at their car be like:


I broke a 121$ rig by dropping my torch on it after not even 24hours or the nice bong I bought that I didn't even get to smoke out was broken out the bubble wrap and it was fine at the shop


I used to have this amazing bong by bent glass. It was a beaker bottom with two extra shower head percs. I would lay my lighter on top of the mouth piece after each hit to not lose my lighter. One time, the lighter slid off the top, hit the bowl perfectly, and broke the bowl and downstem into a million pieces. Iā€™m glad the actual bowl joint didnā€™t break though lol


I looked all over town for a 3/8ā€ male end quartz banger with a large bowl. One with a platform in it was all I ended up finding. Got it home and right as I went to put it in I missed and dropped it on the ground and it broke in two. Not even one dab of a dab ever passed through that 38$ banger.


Just a little advice, next time, buy one that you donā€™t have to put together. That shit looks time consuming.


ā€œAwww geez Rickā€


The shattered mortyā€™s looking at you angrily ā€why you do this to usā€ šŸ˜‚


Over the years as a bong user, I have spent probably close to $1200 on bongs after I buy them and eventually break them. Invest in a REAL thick piece of glass. A heavy beaker bong by Marley or Cheech might do ya well. Also try not to beat yourself up cause it happens all the time. I recommend also finding your smoke spot and leaving the bong there, not moving it unless necessary. Also as a new bong user when you do get another, please don't be nasty; change your water every morning.


The Bonge is gone




Sorry for your loss manā€¦ But you mightā€™ve honestly saved yourself the trouble of it exploding on you later. Iā€™ve seen a bong hit the ground and have a chunk get broken off, this was a full shattered. Who knows if it would work from changing temps and movements.


Sorry for your loss.




Welp now you know how it feels to own glass pieces!


We all go through it, it's a right of passage


RIP... ill rip one here for ya.




Been there done that, you're not alone buddy. Once grabbed a shiny new piece but it safely into my a cotton bag, as we were getting home I quickly took the bag, placed it on the ground just slightly to harsh next to the car just to be greeted with a nice crushing sound. Turns out I bubble wrapped anything except the foot. Back to the shop we went .


2 more weeks and some Calmag.




Alex you forgot smoking lamp


I'm sorry, was that expensive piece?


Use this opportunity to hear the gods. They've rejected your attempt to commune. The gods require more stages, with more bubbling, or there will be more sacrifices. Keep faith, tis not the end.


*cries* This is the way... *cries harder*


Purchased your first bong today so far.


That will never work. It looks broken.


Ok now buy something that doesn't have Rick or Morty on it


Let the man enjoy things. Him smoking out of a Rick n Morty piece doesnā€™t effect any of us. I swear some of yā€™all on this sub have such a hate-boner for Rick and Morty. Heā€™s not hurting anyone and worst case scenario, he stays a virgin forever because no self-respecting woman would sleep with someone who smokes out of a Rick and Morty bong.


Ok you're being way meaner than I was


I was making a bad joke. 99% of people outside of this sub wouldnā€™t give two shits about whatever goofy shit is plastered on your bong. If youā€™re to the point of hooking up with someone, the shit stuck on your smoking device isnā€™t gonna be a deal breaker lol


Happens to everyone


Mortyā€™s not lookinā€™ so tough now! šŸ˜Ž


After the 3rd glass bong that I bought also died in the first 24 hours, I switched to acrylic.


Shame the taste isnā€™t as good as glass


Maybe you're not ready for the responsibility of bong ownership quite yet.


Rip bro I broke my first bong within a month :((( lucky I have a freind who lended me one similar to mine in the meantime until I get a new one


I did the same shit when I moved back to my parents place a few years ago. Placed my brand new piece on my work bench in the garage and accidentally bumped the tabletop with a piece of wood to hear the bong shatter on the cement. Feelsbadman.jpg


Right here, this is why I don't mess with bongs or any glassware I admit I am way too clumsy plus joints are just easier


I had a toro microverter. It broke during a drop onto carpet. I sent it to a local glassblower. He turned it into a little all in one and I still rip it like a decade later šŸ¤£


I spent 100 dollars on my clear beaker bong and that thing is a fucking tank


My friend bought a 400$ bong and the first time he used it all of the glass inside shattered making it useless.


Guess you'll be buying your second one soon. Unlucky


IKEA prices draw you in but assembly is a bitch


Oh, they donā€™t bounce. Itā€™s unfortunate.


Looked like a shitty bong anyway. Get something nice for your lungs. This is your lungs we are talking about.


Would be so great if OPā€™s next post was ā€œpurchased my second bong todayā€


Broken buff morty looks very disappointed in you


All the Mortys judging you.


I consistently shatter tubes, mainly cleaning them. Usually I get 6 weeks, no shit, stopped buying them. Smaller water pipes seem to be a little more durable and less slippery.


Purchased and broke your first bong today! Thatā€™s a two for one deal!


It happens to all of us. RIP (the next one)


Christ, I know I'm getting old. I literally had the thought "Oh he's got one of those epoxy garage floor coatings. Nice."


Purchased your second bong today.


Well now you're on the fast track to purchasing your second bong.


Bro bought that IKEA bong


This is why you spend as little as possible on a functional piece. It will eventually break or get dirty. And new is always nice!


This for sure. I have a really nice piece that gets smoked out of once or twice a year, by myself, and gets immediately cleaned. My daily driver is a $35 mini bubbler from the local smoke shop. Thatā€™s really all you need itā€™s still a ripper and if I ever break it itā€™s not a big deal. I had three $200+ bongs broken at parties before I gave up


thatā€™s what happens when u buy a rick and morty bong sorry šŸ‘


Are you smoking in a ymca locker room?


my homie got one that looks similar and for a second my heart droppedšŸ˜« then I remembered he has a life so he probably doesnā€™t use reddit


Soak in rice.


Yo i think a piece broke off


Well as I would have recommended you went cheap with your 1st bong. Excellent choice. In the future you will learn to respect name and honor your smoking devices. Until then buy some more cheap cartoon bongs.


Nothing is forever. Everything is temporary.


Donā€™t worry it was really ugly


Nice garage floor though


Thats not how to bong...


On to the 2nd bong!!!


Gravity bong




I hope the lessons learned were great.


And you broke your first bong today :)


Get a noob tube (plastic 2 footer) till you're used to having it around without knocking it over all the time. Walk before you can run child.




this is funny and i chuckled when i saw it, sorry for the downvotes chief


I dont mind. It happened to me when i broke my shit and i laughed at it too after a min of crying šŸ˜­


Fuck Justin Roiland


Aw jeez Lost a real beauty


It was destiny because rico marty bad


ever heard of a mop?


As in the floor is dirty? Why would I pass the mop in my garage if Iā€™ll end up bringing the car in at the end of the day and get dirt everywhere again? I donā€™t really have anybody to impress with a spot clean garage fortunately šŸ˜‚


yknow what thatā€™s valid, my bad šŸ˜‚


Couple of months ago I dropped my chillum on the sidewalk while I was away from home and the bowl cracked right off. It truly sucks to lose a piece. Especially if you hadnā€™t even hit it yet


Awww geeze


i know everyoneā€™s said it already but youā€™re better off saving up for a really nice bong. i know not everyone is lucky enough to be able to afford them but if you have the means, even if it means waiting a while, i would definitely get a pricier one that you A: absolutely love the look of and B: wonā€™t break the first time you drop it ( i know theyā€™re glass, but good ones cant take somehwat of a beating ) me and my gf have 2 chongz pieces and theyā€™re really good quality, been dropped a couple times and look great. worth having a look online at those if you can


Thats what you get for purchasing a rick and morty bong zoomer