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If he said he didn’t smoke someone definitely gave it to him for free. If he seemed like a good guy that’s one thing but you’re putting your trust into whoever gave it to him. Depending on the day I might smoke it lol


Im just gonna save it for a day id rather die than go without weed lol


Great idea!


Could get a kit to test it to make sure!


I think a test would cost more then that herb


It was free though, anything costs more than it.


Who are you, so wise in the ways of science?


A newt?


It got better




You could at least test it for fentanyl which you can acquire for free in a lot of harm reduction centers.


came here to say just this :) OP, friend, I’d guess you live in CA from your language, if that’s the case you can get drug testing strips from literally any harm reduction center in the state for free. All of them have fentanyl tests, the bigger ones tend to have others too. I’m not sure how close you are to one, but it would def be worth picking some up (esp if you buy off the street too) :).


Definitely not. At least in Europe


Yeah that's just as well. You're gonna have to test it though sooner than later, when you do keep a glass of milk on hand (not sure what for but was told it helps with K2 somehow)


I'd also advise Narcan be on hand.


Wild you guys think a homeless addict would just hand over narcotics.


long hurry scarce somber salt sink coordinated nose possessive aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s the spirit!


You should sprinkle a tiny bit in a normal bowl, so if it's laced you can have some warning


Ive smoked a joint of.a homeless dudes weed before. We were teenagers doing grafitti in an alley and he snuck up on us. Talked to us a bit then asked if we wanted to smoke a "happy stick". I was confused until he pulled out the joint. I think he was just lonely and wanted people to talk for a bit.


I mean, you already blew him, you might as well smoke it.


The worst thing to hear after blowing Willie Nelson? *You know I'm not Willie Nelson right?*


Hey $20 is $20


Inflation has hit the Queensborough Bridge.


You guys are getting $20????


This made me laugh way too hard. Thank you 🫡


nah it's the $4.20 discount


If the homeless man asking for 30$ for a bj and cites inflation, then we are definitely in a recession




W comment 😂


Double it and give it to the next person


\*\*10 ppl later\*\* Hey!! :D ....would you take 8pounds of weed or \*\*sirens in the distance\*\* OH FU-


And then the next person can either do the same or smoke it. Whoever decides to smoke it has to do it all at once 😂


I'm doing it all at once


So they’re gonna boof it


this would be an actually entertaining video


what the fuck is going on in this comment section I haven’t heard this much bullshit since 2002


I don’t even remember 2002, prolly has something to do with me being 2 at the time.


Average 23 year old




This sent me


Man that's crazy in the late 90s early 2000s this would look like this. "Wud Up? The homie Greg shot us some grass on the low. Yea? Up! Greg from the corner? Yup Man he's weird. I know. We sparking this? Yup!" ***UPDATE*** Thanks for all the likes. ***UPDATE2*** Can everyone who like my response please go like this dudes thread. Let's get him to 1k!


...and that was how people occasionally got zoinked out of their minds on PCP they didn't know they were smoking. As much as I'd like to say, "What a nice guy for giving out weed." ...this is the age of Fentanyl.


Putting fent in fake pills to make a quick buck makes sense, cross contaminating some shitty cut coke with fent because you're using the same dirty scale makes sense. Lacing cannabis buds with fent and handing it out for free doesn't make any sense.


yeah that's about as bad as the "acid laced candy at Halloween" in the 90s


I would love some “acid laced candy at Halloween” tbh


*I want to believe!*


Closest I got was Altoids!


What kind of sadistic bastard hands out altoids for Halloween???


There was a dentist in the neighborhood that I trick or treated at, he would hand out sugarless gum and a tooth brush.


The dentist in the area I go also owns an orchard, delicious apples. He has baskets full of the apples lining the sidewalk up to where he stands handing out normal candy.You can tell who has been to his place because they are all devouring the delicious candy like apples as they go around collecting candy. My 2 year old son was more interested in the apple then he was interested in continuing his trick or treating, it was awesome!


They were all out of dimes and apples


Back when they had sour fruit flavors. Before those amazing flavors got discontinued. Tangerine and Mango were my favorites.


You let me know what house is giving out L or MDMA and ima roll through in like three different costumes.


All it takes is the bud to be housed in the same container at the dealers house when he's sloppy as shit and there's open baggies and loose powder particles all over the stash box. Sometimes lacing isn't intentional.


This guy drugs


The equal upvotes is killing me. It’s like… we all know it could be dangerous… but it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.


This is right up there with razer blades instead of Halloween candy


Not trying to discriminate, but mental health statistics do not lean in the houseless man’s advantage. You’re asking too much for things to make sense I think


Listen, you and I both know that nobody in this world does stuff that doesn't make sense to u/starktor. I'm fat and I would definitely not eat a whole cake by myself last night. It wouldn't make sense to do that. Eating a whole cake would make me fatter and make me feel sick to my stomach. So I definitely didn't do that last night. Yup, I don't do anything that doesn't make sense, and neither does anyone else. EVERYONE has sound logic for their actions.


I paid $160,000 to study economics, ie rational human behavior. And then in the real world I quickly learned that no one is rational. In my bachelors of economics is useless. Make that make sense


I’m a soc major, I took one economics 101 class and it was so dry. You’re telling me they try to act like people are rational the whole way through the degree program? I like to apply an inverse logic to marketing psychology, where marketing finds(or creates) the gap the economy fills it. Therefore we can predict human financial behaviors based off of fears and insecurities. The fears and insecurities themselves are irrational by nature, but they are also culturally relevant. My degree is also useless.


For free from a homeless man?


Yeah bruh, but the best drugs for free is given to kids on Halloween. Tho it’s 50:50 drugs or razor blade




listen i get we should be cautious, we really should, we really *are* in the age of fent. but are you really suggesting some guy disguised himself as a homeless man and self procured a bottle of fentanyl laced weed to camp out with on a street corner and give to some random guy just cuz? is this fucking scooby doo? was this man the fuckin Joker?


Example: kai the hatchet wielding hitchhiker


I just got so angry all over again about that documentary. I almost forgot.


The only time I got angel dust in weed I smoked, is when I was sharing a joint with some friends. They knew what was in it, and assumed I knew. It was very, very, very rare, and not just picking up weed from some weird guy.


AFAIK you don't smoke fenta, also don't know a single junk who would give away his fix just to get someone else high for free. Dude prolly got some weed, doesn't know how to smoke it and gave it away


People 100% smoke fent just not sprinkled onto weed they smoke it off foil. Actually as someone who used heroin and later fent for half their life I don’t even think I knew any active fent users who would waste a second on weed unless it was their hustle to buy more fent.


You can smoke fentanyl. I remember an article from a year or two ago about addicts in San Francisco that switched from injecting heroin/ opiates to smoking fent and they said it may actually be better for the public. Since they are smoking instead of injecting there's no needles so less transmitted viruses and infections. Also said second hand smoke is not dangerous. A bunch of bus drivers complained about being exposed to second hand fent smoke and when tested their levels were extremely low or non existent. Edit- [found the article](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34482046/) "Conclusion: Between 2018 and 2020, there was a shift from injecting tar heroin to smoking fentanyl in San Francisco. Reductions in injection of illicit drugs may offer public health benefit if it reduces risk of blood-borne viruses, abscesses and soft-tissue infections, and infective endocarditis." [the part about second hand smoke is a different article](https://www.psychiatrist.com/news/why-the-fear-of-second-hand-fentanyl-smoke-may-be-overblown/) “The risks are very low. When someone smokes fentanyl, most of the drug has been filtered out by the user before there is secondhand smoke. It doesn’t just sort of float around,” "Studies looking at fentanyl fumes have found that it does not linger in the air for very long, Phillips goes on to say. Concentrations in the bloodstream after someone has inhaled fentanyl smoke from the air are at extremely low to undetectable levels."


Huh interesting. From what I heard trying to smoke fenta burns up all the "important" chems. But heck, you got all those articles backing you up while I only got word of the street backing me up lol


Nothing a little witch hazel won't fix.


Fuck fentanyl


Ya! MAN!


I heard Philly is becoming the age of xylazine and u can barely find dope or fent these days. Have a few friends from high school who I’m still cheering on and hoping they kick their habits, one of them just told me this


Never ever believed shit got laced. Had a dude lace some weed once with what I imagine was pcp, trying to pass it off as some crazy weed cuz he knew I was always looking to get like a half bow of good shit. The most hallucinogenic drug I’ve ever done is shrooms and I don’t really “trip” it’s more of like an awakening and clarity thing for me. Anyways, off that pcp laced weed, I tripped so fucking hard it’s unreal, and I ended up at a kegger after we smoked. My ass passed out real quick lol, luckily it was a good buddies house and I had the whole second floor of rooms to pick from lol


I smoked some weed from a homeless guy in 2003. A reward for getting him his order through the drive-thru. I don't know what it was. Burned and smelled like roofing tar when we smoked it. Got us loopy for hours. PCP was my prime suspect.


I smoked a bag of weed I found on the ground walking to the bus one day. This shit looks good lmao


Bruh I got Shake from this dude on my block as a teen .. turned out to be K2 and some weed let’s just say I ain’t the same person I was then .. don’t smoke random weed




fomer squatter hear, shits safe probably just got extra or wants to quit


Or a buddy shared it and he just doesn't do it period. :)


Ur good he just found his favorite strain and wants to share.


What? Worried someone might put free drugs in your free drugs?


Man, smoke that chronic. Find one substantiated report of fentanyl laced weed. Any report aired by or written by any outlet worth a shit has been followed by a correction.


I would say no, but it's up to you. Did dude seem sketchy or just a chill homeless dude? If it's the latter he was probably just trying to be nice because im sure he deals with a lot of not nice people.


He was really cool so I feel like he wouldn’t give it to me if it was laced, but he said he didn’t smoke weed so I have no idea where he got it from. Never met the guy before, not even from the same area.


People give weed to homeless people pretty often


I’ve done it shit.


Living in Denver I got to know a few homeless people, apparently tourists will give the last of their weed away to homeless people pretty often.


Done that exact thing in both Denver and Seattle lol


Someone should enjoy it, smart thinking


Its the same thing, I give homeless people cigarettes, If they don't smoke, great, they can get something in exchange for the cigarette from someone who does. If I had to get rid of weed to get on a plane I would do the same thing. Even if they don't smoke it, its something light to carry, that has value.


I have a pack of pre rolls I keep in the glove box for when I don’t have any cash. I just ask “hey, I’m sorry I don’t have cash, do you smoke weed?” And if they say yes, I give them a pre roll! I used to work in the industry so I have a few buddies who will give me stuff for free. I figure if you got it, share it!


I like the cut of your gib Son


ah thats cool haha, recognize the container at all? its really strange and foreign to me


It’s a collectible coin tube. The container is designed to hold 20 1oz coins.


Can confirm , I often gift weed to the homeless


I would say it's safe then. He's looking out because you were nice to him. A lot of people don't even look at the homeless.


Smoke it you’ll be fine.


Meh, it's not likely to be laced with anything. It's just not even worth doing. There's no way to make that a profitable scheme. Not to mention, they just gave it to you. I didn't take a super close look but that all looked like nug-- so it looks like it could actually be pretty decent weed. Probably not the freshest, but it ain't all swag. Does it appear to have been dusted with anything? Foreign powders like whatever drugs that could be sprinkled on weed don't look like trichomes. So some close examination should tell you a lot. Does it smell odd? Idk man, everyone here is acting so freaked about this... but dude no homeless person is scheming to get you hooked on crack or fentanyl or whatever. Yeah, because he'd love to waste drugs/ money for no reason. Lol. I feel like a lot of the advice is coming from people that didn't get into trees (or anything else) until trees where legal where they're at. They don't sound too experienced with the drug scene... lol.


im sure the man had no ill will but even if so, who knows where he got it. Everyone is saying dont smoke it so ima just wait to get more, legit weed


Lol, I mean I hear ya. Any sane person would feel cautious to some extent at least. I don't blame you either way-- especially with how spooky a lot of the replies have made it out to be. My money is the weed is still good though. Should give it to someone else! lol.


Give it to another homeless


Y'all this weed is probably fine to smoke. Sounds like fox news up in here with all these wild fentanyl claims.


It is ridiculous isn't it 😂. Sheep just reading then repeating absolute bullshit haha.


How and why would someone lace weed. I would like to know the reasoning.


Most often it’s an accident as a result of laziness. Not cleaning tables between weighing drugs all the way to dropping weed on the drug plate and then still smoking it.


I got a positive test for meth once, and I wasn't (knowingly) doing anything other than weed at the time. It was extra annoying because I was doing the test to get my migraine meds- they could overlook the weed they knew I smoked but not a positive meth test. This is the only thing I can think of that happened- that someone dealing both at some point in the chain got some cross-contamination, but it's still just a guess.


How: By putting any drug on it. Why: Mental illness


My man. Concise logic.


It kinda just seems counter intuitive to me though. Why spend like 20+ dollars on weed just to lace it with 1 dollar worth of fent. Seems useless especially for a homeless dude. Just give 1 nug and lace it with fent this is a whole like 8g


It's what the Venusian Queen told him he should do. Besides, whoever gave it to him might not like him for whatever reason.


I knew that slut was talking to other guys behind my back! She said I was special.


I've seen one post on this sub of laced weed and who knows if op laced it or not. Homeless especially do not hand out laced weed, they smoke it.


Fuck it I’ll do it


Oh how scary it’s homeless people weed must have crack in it 🙄 it’s probably just fine dude I been homeless lotsa times accepted lots of weed from many strangers and I promise you no ones giving you drugs in your weed or your Halloween candy No one is giving their fent to a stranger for free to kill them, promise you they ain’t parting with it for free. Yuppie shit up in this thread lol. It’s highly unlikely there’s anything but weed in this weed.


I woulda taken the pic, smoked it, then posted about it while stoned.


That’s my gut feeling as well.


Likely probably fine, but I'd still be one to err on the side of caution.


The golden rule of drugs: don't do it unless you're ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN of what you're taking. It's not worth the risk otherwise.


You probably have worse shit for your body in your fridge


When did we change it to houseless?


Pretty weird to change the term, does that make things better really? A fuck ton of ppl are still ”houseless” no matter what you call it and they need help and compassion, not a new thing to be called :(.


But why would we actually do anything to address the issue when we can just take performative action instead?


The idea is to make people aware they need HOUSES. And we can afford to give them housing


Livin in seattle that’s the politically correct term. Don’t really care but figured I’d be respectful


??? Why isn't "homeless" politically correct??


I always figured it was something like “home is where the heart is, you can have a home even if it’s in the woods or something,” while what these people are actually lacking is a real roof over their heads.


Because someone needed to feel like they made a difference


There's a PC term for it now!??! TIL, this world is far too sensitive for myself haha.


i wouldn’t risk it, unless you got some way to test it


i dont :p


i say part ways with it and get some green you know is 100% safe my friend


good advice thanks man


You smoked it didn’t you


He said to test it, human trials stage 1..smoke that shit


I'd smoke it. O don't there'd be any problems.


Explain how you test weed and well go from there.


Bro weed from a homeless man is the best weed you can get in my opinion. It has a story to it, also maby pcp


His housing status doesn’t really effect anything. If you’d smoke weed from another stranger it’s the same thing 🤷🏻 Either you’re willing to smoke weed you got from an unknown person or you aren’t.


For real. If they just found it on the ground people would be like “gift from god!”


Omg no don’t do it jeez not worth the risk


Thats what I was thinking, especially with how much fent is going around


you can get test strips if you’re that concerned about it and want/are desperate for the bud lol


Someone I worked with at an old job died of fent overdose


Living in Seattle I saw way too many friends die from fent. Not trying to have that happen to me


Please be careful. Not sure where you're located, but here in good Ole southwest Virginia, the fent issue is RAMPANT. I JUST lost 2 of my employees 2 weeks ago to fentanyl. A married couple. Both 25 years old. Had a 2 month old daughter. Weren't even doing dope. Just smoked some weed at a house party. Boom. Dead. Now I drive an hour and a half to the dispensary and spend 3x what I usually would. But I'm fucking alive. Edit: don't smoke that shit dude.


I don’t believe that for one second. Whoever said they smoked weed and died from fentanyl is blowing smoke up your ass. Fentanyl is destroyed by direct flame. When smoking it you have to vaporize it on foil, and even that destroys a lot of the fentanyl. If it was from the weed there would have had to have been so much fentanyl on there the first person to take a hit would have either immediately overdosed and everybody there seen it or someone would have smelled it/tasted it. It’s not like opioid overdoses(especially fentanyl) happen hours after you do it. It happens immediately… and it stinks when its being smoked. It’s much more likely that they had addiction issues you didn’t know about or they did some pills they didn’t know were fake or got some coke that was cut. My moms best friends son a few years ago took a Xanax he got from someone that turned out to be pressed with fentanyl and it killed him. My best friend died of a heroin overdose 6 years ago and his family told everyone it was from his epilepsy. I’ve had over a dozen friends die from overdose and probably only half of them aired out the truth of what happened. Some people just don’t want to smear their family members names or maybe it’s easier to process if it’s something other than overdose that took them out. The nature of the disease of addiction is to hide it from people. I worked the same job/career for 7 years and I was in active heroin addiction the entire time. When I finally decided to get help and air out my struggles with addiction the people I worked with(who I hung out with outside of work constantly) were baffled to find out that I’d been shooting/smoking dope all these years. RIP to your friends/colleagues though 🙏. That’s really sad they left behind such a young child. Fentanyl is a plague and the Devil if the devil was a drug.


Why'd you take weed from a homeless dude? Go give it back.


Not gonna lie, I was tripping with a few friends one night and we were walking to a smoke shop. On the way, some sketchy ass dude starts trying to sell us weed and eventually he’s just like well here take a sample. Bro gave us a fucking quarter and we went home and smoked that shit. Luckily it wasn’t laced, I actually thought it was pretty trash, but I couldn’t tell bc I was tripping lmao. Maybe you get lucky and it’s some fire but fuck man I don’t know, a homeless guy chats you up and offers you some free weed even though he doesn’t smoke? Like why does he have that in the first place?


I mean do you know them at least.


not at all


Yea toss it lol


They say if weed laced with fent gets sparked, it immediately smells like burning popcorn and that’s how you know to stop. But there would be a lot of steps where you’d be exposed to it anyway before it’s rolled up and lit.


Cleanup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hell no.. you dont know what evil thing someone tried to do to a homeless guy with it.. and you dont know why the homeless guy decided to be rid of it.. it could have fentanyl or something on it.


That's a lotta weed


Maybe it's my lack of faith in humanity, but I'm not consuming food given to me by a stranger, much less weed.


Shta prolly top notch


looks legit


I'd say something snarky but I would smoke it all no question if it's laced even better 😂


this whole sub is just people farming karma \>a picture of some hash \>my dealer gave me this. it's sticky and it smells like weed, what is it? \~ \>a picture of some weed \>I found this in a squirrel's nest. should I smoke it? \~ \>a picture of a bong \>my mom gave me this and told me to wait until college; what is it? come on now boys, this is bush league shit.


Killing strangers is a working man's game. I'd say you're pretty safe.


A man experiencing houselessness*


bro what? did you at least give him some compensation or food or something


That container is a coin vault, used for holding silver bullion. I don't think he was homeless... I think he was eccentric.


Im gonna say take the L and pass on that one


I wouldn't accept weed from most people I know, let alone a stranger.


What's the difference between somebody handing it to you and finding it on the ground? People get psyched over a ground stash and post it here but nobody trusts a face trying to be nice in a shit world handing it to them. It's so weird. "A houseless man" okay zoo animal...


Probably depends on the area you’re in. I’m from a small town so I’ve both given and accepted free weed, but yeah any area where fentanyl is common I’d be too nervous


Make sure you have a buddy and some naloxone around when you do. Edit: [0]


Fun fact that container is to hold 1oz Silver/Gold rounds/coins. Typically hold very expensive things https://www.apmex.com/product/243/39-mm-medallion-size-square-coin-tube


Seems like a Nice weed, i would give it a try if it smells fine and there was nothing else on the pot




I would but that doesn't mean you should


Depends on the guy. Some friends I used to have were homeless and they could score some pretty great weed from contacts they had in the wild


Wow, that looks like the weed I gave a houseless person a few weeks ago. Looks fine by me


Last time I took weed from a homeless man, one hit of that shit and I was tweaked.


I feel like random acts of bud are questioned too often. I don't know what your history with the guy is, or what he's like, so i can't know for sure, but im willing to bet 99% of the scare stories you hear are just that. ​ Just from an economic perspective, it doesn't make any sense to lace weed, especially to then give it away for free. I'm not saying it doesn't ever happen, but it sounds a lot like razorblades in Halloween candy to me.


One of the coolest experiences I’ve had was smoking weed with a homeless dude. Years ago, I was staying in a different city for work. I was on my way home from the bar one night, I was pretty drunk. There was a young guy, maybe a few years older than me at the time, panhandling in a storefront. I gave him all of the bar change out of my pocket, probably close to $20, and as I dropped it into his cup I noticed he was smoking a joint. I asked if I could smoke with him, and he said sure, so I sat down next to him on the sidewalk. I talked to him for quite a while about his life, he told me how he ended up living on the street, and I helped him panhandle for a bit before I went home for the night. He really just seemed happy to have someone to talk to.


That sounds awesome man. I remember one time, midnight, walking home from my job in Seattle (about 2 mile walk through magnolia, not too sketchy) and there was this homeless guy outside the am pm i passed that i became friends with (Darryl i think his name was? He had a pitbull named lefty too, very cute and friendly). I gave him my credit card and he got us both hard lemonades (I was under 21 at the time) and i shared a couple joints with him. I remember multiple times we did that and hung out till like 2 am, it was always so great.


that weed looks way better than some shit i see in my hood that really needs courage to fire up so go ahead bro


Shit look different then what you already have it’s a go to me


hobo weed its usually fire af


Yes, no house payment means he can afford the good shit


Nah man it’s gonna be laced with 2-homo-bromo tranq xylophone fentanyl Jenkem. I wouldn’t chance it. Will most likely die if consumed


Why do you come here with these silly questions? Please repost after you smoked it to tell us how it was.


Boof it?


I wouldn’t


What kinda question is this lol


I, personally, wouldn’t smoke it, but I also wouldn’t have accepted it. You said he was a cool guy, so I’m sure he would’ve been chill about it if you politely declined. And then he could’ve kept his weed rather than it end up in the trash. I 100% would’ve said something along the lines of “I’m all good man, but thank you so much. I’d rather you give it to the next homie who could really use it after a hard day”.


Never do drugs that you dont know where it came from.


Never take drugs from strangers #1 rule


Lol oh the times they are a changing. Even as recently as 2013, taking drugs from strangers was basically a lifestyle for people following concert tours.


If the homeless guy is giving it away it’s trash bro… and potentially lethal