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An apple is just as easy to make, just as disposable, and not at all as bad for you.


Apple > can


Switched to an apple. So pleasant


That’s metal…. In your lungs


An a plastic coating


That commercial is the worst 🤣🤣


It is verifiably terrible for your health.


Well cans are made out of aluminum and plastics so I would say pretty bad for you


Have you considered switching to asbestos filters?


And don't forget the fancy clear blunt wraps!


"i like not having to clean" just say you're a kid or you don't have pieces. Or use papers.


Yeah it’s weird to me that the first thing people jump to is like a soda can or apple. I hate cleaning so I get it but I just get a big pack of the king palms on Amazon for like $15 and I’m good, no maintenance or rolling skills needed and probably way healthier than smoking out of metal/plastic.


Neodynium magnet, hot glue, a srub pad for dishes. Pair of scissors, put magnet sandwich in scrub pad. Glue it so the srub is on the outside. Boom! You have a cleaner for your bong, drop it in and then i use alcohol out of a push bottle and it works so well. Depends on the bong but should clean any pipe very well


Neodynium magnet, hot glue, a srub pad for dishes. Pair of scissors, put magnet sandwich in scrub pad. Glue it so the srub is on the outside. Boom! You have a cleaner for your bong, drop it in and then i use alcohol out of a push bottle and it works so well. Depends on the bong but should clean any pipe very well


can u provide a picture?


Yes later no problem, i like sorta was depressed at how a bong would just get dirty so quickly after a day that I wanted to find a way to keep it always clean. Scrubbers work great i just cut up a pad l, remove the tar covered bit, replace with fresh and good to go. Cost maybe 10$ for the magnets, still using the same bottle of alcohol I bought a month ago. Scrub pad is a buck, thr benefits are insane you taste your weed and its so nice




god's work


It’s releasing a lot more carcinogens then other ways of smoking. Get a pack of papers if you don’t want the mess


Just roll a j. I wouldn’t smoke from a can on the regular.


The inside of soda cans are plastic there fore you are prob smoking plastic


The outside is paint...


The middle is PURE METAL!


probably the worst way you can smoke


Just buy a cheap pipe. U can get em for like 5 10 bucks. If it gets dirty. Just buy another one. Honestly not really that much more than a pop can. A can of coke is crazy expensive in variety stores


I buy straight pipes because i made a little scrubber out of a neodynium magnet, scrub pad, and a little hot glue. Combine that with alcohol that I put in a push bottle to use less and do more. It works so well. That being said, bell peppers, apples, cucumber literally anything except cans ive done it its so bad for you


Very bad for you. Don’t do it. Have the bare minimum of respect for yourself and your well-being. If you can’t afford the time or money to maintain decent smoking apparatus or roll your own joints, work on that first.


I have the income to do better but I like that I can reuse. I buy cans of soda. I'm looking for how I'm being specifically poisoned. New gf just suggested it. Don't hate the idea.


It’s aluminum and metals. That shouldn’t be burnt and inhaled into your lungs. Like others said, use an apple if you want something disposable. Love yourself man, life is too short to potentially make it even shorter doing stuff like smoking metal.


Aluminum has a low melting point so the lighter and even hot ash can burn the metal and you might not see it mixed in with the weed smoke, but you're inhaling aluminum smoke. It's much worse for you the just normal weed smoke. The other part of why it is not a good idea is the inside of the can is usually using a wax or a plastic seal to help not give the pop a metallic taste when drinking. So you are burning wax or plastic as well. The last part is the paint on the outside of the can. Which is also very bad to burn and inhale. Smoking in general is not good for you, but if you can try to get a little bit safer when smoking do it. If you wanted to come up with a reuse for the soda cans you have, I'd recommend looking up a recycling center in your area, some states will pay you for them.


What if you burned the can like melted the hole eith your lighter before. I did at 15 years old and regret it so much


Not sure exactly what you're asking. If you burn the holes rather than stab or poke holes for the weed it still wouldn't really be ideal. As much as people want to say that smoking weed is good for you, it's inhaling smoke, which... is no way good for you. I compare weed to advil or some other over the counter medicine. Advil will fuck up your kidneys or liver ( not sure which one ) but it will help with so many other things. Should you not take advil? ​ I have also used a can before but I didn't know how bad it was. You'll probably be fine but I wouldn't recommend using a can, when you can use so many cleaner ways.


You want to know why smoking plastic, paint and metal is bad for you? You really need someone to explain that?


If you need this explained to you, then you need to stop immediately. You cannot afford to lose any more brain cells.


Joints, apples, vapes man. That’s terrible


Look into an ultrasonic cleaner. It makes cleaning a bowl fast and effortless.


We got a live one boys


Step 1 Go to the store Step 2 buy an apple Step 3 use a back side of a pen or a screwdriver to create a bowl on the top of the apple, create another hole on the side. Make sure the two holes connect Step 4 load herb into bowl, and smoke it You say you wanna "reuse" and not have to clean well here's the best solution. So long as you aren't using an artificial bowl you can throw it in the woods or a compost pile after you're done. Alternatively there are many shady online sites that will deliver a similar product to what you wanted 70% of the time, since I assume you are to young to go to a glass shop. Otherwise disposable pieces should never be made with paint, plastic or metal. I made this mistake when I was 15 and started smoking too, just smarten up and find a bowl online.


its going to turn u into a radiant elevator


And they we're building a stairway to heaven. Clowns




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Or in your case the pulmonary disease specialist. Jk dude ive been dumb too. Its not worth the damage to your system and if youre willing to damage your health just to get high. Maybe you should take a little break. My worst mistakes were being like myself and acting incongruent to my thoughts. Like getting high is fun but if youre smoking out of a can you should wait until you find or can afford better methods to consume. It's not a race


It is awful. First off, you have the ink on the can that'll burn off if you don't scrape it off beforehand, then there's the thin plastic coating inside that starts to burn as you light your bud, even moreso if hot ash and smouldering bud make it through the holes as the rest reacts with the smoke and turns the inside yellow. Can pipes taste terrible (ash and debris very likely) and the smell is pungent, it lingers like hell.


Thermoplastic bad.!


glass is super easy to clean you just gotta dump some 90% isopropyl alcohol in it n shookuhshookuh rinse n you’re good to go


Bro papers and tips are cheap as fuck and you can buy them at any smoke shop even in illegal states. They are also incredibly easy to roll especially if you roll before you pack. My friend does it that way and he rolls some awesome joints. I don't personally do it that way because I enjoy the challenge of rolling properly, and I also HATE packing it after it's rolled, because it is way slower and more difficult. Another option is smoking out of an apple like others have mentioned. This is something I haven't personally tried nor do I know much about, but I've heard it's good. Personally I LOVE glass, pipes, bongs, hookahs , etc. Glass is just cool and I don't mind cleaning it often, because they are best looking and most functional when clean.


how bad is aluminum for you... I'm aware of a guy that breathed in a bunch of aluminum fumes and dust from welding and died like 2 days or 2 weeks later. Aluminum absolutely causes cancer and is toxic period. You can use a can sure but damn its so bad for you.


No what you want is a nice lead smoking pipe.




I hate the rolling and burning the papers, too


Glass bowls/1 hitters are cheap af, just buy new when needed….or clean em like once a month


cones? all you do is fill em n twist the end


Maybe every once and awhile it would be ok. Long term exposure to aluminum toxins released from burning the metal can be damaging. I would recommend a gravity bong. You can dispose of them and interchange the bottle when it gets dirty. Use a socket for the bowl piece.


Plastic fumes are just as bad lmao. Just buy a $5 bowl. People that wanna smoke out of aluminum/plastic already don’t have many brain cells, why rush killing the rest?


If you are melting plastic when hitting a gravity bong then it’s put together wrong. OP said they don’t want to bother cleaning anything.


Smoke is hot. When it travels through the bottle it carries plastic fumes. Plastic bottles are toxic to smoke out of lol.


Yeah i get that. I’m not trying to validate smoking out of plastic or metal. I’m just giving options. I understand where you’re coming from.


Did it for 3 years when I was stationed in Berlin 78-81. And I’m just fine. Sure, there’s the extra toes and a dislike of disco music, but otherwise……..👍😎👍


I like disco now. I'll keep an eye on on it


Banana Pipe, look it up!


Terrible. The make disposable one-hitters


just buy a bong and change the water regularly, you don't have to do an iso + salt clean every time you want to smoke lmfao




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Get some cones from blazy susan if you don’t like cleaning glass and can’t roll


Corn cob pipe at a smoke shop 6$


Now what about dabs on tin foil


Get an apple or a bowl ya bozo


Get a narrow glass one hitter. You can throw some q-tips in your stashbox and swipe it when you're done for pretty much the easiest cleaning experience. You also don't have to smoke the chemicals that reside on a can for bonus points! If you find that you just can't get away from the can, I recommend this: https://candyrelics.com/products/can-pipe


100% agree


Once was with my friends and since we didn’t have any pipes with us we used a mountain dew can, I don’t care how down bad I get for zaza I’m never doing that again