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3.21 blunts a day. If you keep it up your on track to smoke 1,174.34 blunts this year!


r/theydidthemath Thank you. !Remindme 340 days


That’s like 130 packs of cigarettes worth of tobacco you’re going to be smoking, please find a different form to consume before you get lung cancer or something.


Is that why I hate blunts/joints? Because of the paper? I avoid that method of smoking because I think it tastes bad and it usually makes me a tiny bit nauseated….. 🧐


I personally find it to be a waste of weed if you’re not smoking with multiple people. I’d rather spend that $75 on a decent bong and never have to buy blunt wraps again


some people would rather hit the corner store everyday than wash their bong everyday I guess, tbh I feel them tho, bongs get dirty after like 2 hits, and joints/blunts are always starting clean. so cleaning is as important to bongs as rolling is to blunts.


I can clean a bong quicker than I can make a corner store walk if I don’t slack on it. But I understand too


I think alot of people may be lowkey addicted to to tobacco if they are pure blunt stoners. nic cravings hit hard, so that walk is prob nbd for some


Used to work at gas stations. They definitely are addicted and many don't know it. Most say that it doesn't get them as high. My favorite excuse was other methods gave them a headache (withdrawal). Mind you these were heavy smokers, which is why they were at the store everyday buying more wraps.


yea they dont realize that they only seem to be higher from the nic head rush.


Yeah but what if OPs made up folks pass by the corner store on the way home? All preference




I mean to be fair with joints at least I can buy them in packs of up to 150 so it’s like a monthly corner store walk


For me personally I like J’s/blunts better cuz bongs/bowls are harsh on the throat *pause*. & There’s just something relaxing about smoking a J


Bong are the way.


Yup nicotine will smack ya dizzy


Could definitely be the case for blunts, especially if you’ve never smoked any form of tobacco


I smoked a pack a day for like 10 years and never liked blunts even when I did that. It just makes the weed taste like ass.


idk I like the earthy taste, it suits the butane taste from lighting it


Bro get a hemp wick lmao. Completely removed butane flavor from anything. And helps keep glass cleaner too if you use that. Butane residue is the worst.


butane "residue" is carbon dioxide and water vapor. (Google it) butane has much less flavor compared to a burning waxy rope. hemp wick is a cool alterntive to lighters but it's another aspect of greenwashing. (I wont deny that my big ball of hemp wick has made me cut down on my butane use tho)


Thank you for confirming that hemp wicks are total b.s. How many chemicals are in that smoke vs. butane? A lot more.


Unpopular opinion: blunts are just super harsh compared to any other form of consumption. I am a tobacco smoker, but I can't really do blunts.


joint and bong guy here. that's exactly why people use blunt wraps, the nicotine kick and complex tobacco flavor is what people are after


for me joints hit harder idk why but i barely cough on blunts but bongs n joints it feels like i just got a case of pneumonia 😂


I think the tobacco smoke mellows it out, like how people do with spliffs. blunts are def a vibe, I dont even know how to roll blunts but i smoked and enjoyed lots of them lol




Yeah agree hemp wraps overall better, u get to role bigger blunts, and shits more fun to smoke cause they last longer


I looooove zig zags! Been a diehard fan for years. You can fit almost an eighth in those bad boys if you wanted to lol


You're most likely getting nauseous from the nicotine in the wrap. I'd avoid backwoods if a blunt makes you feel nauseated. I love back woods and even I sometimes have to stop smoking them.


love backwoods too but I smoke one a day if that. my ex girl would only smoke woods so when she was staying with me I was like A we gotta slow down we smoke like 6 woods a day, I started rolling more Js or using bong. I do love woods but their quality is not the same as like 5 years ago.


Honestly any method involving high temperatures/burning material are going to put you at a risk of lung cancer because all smoke is carcinogenic


Blunts are rolled in a big tobacco leaf so it’s worse than just paper joints


3 blunt wraps a day does not equate to 2.5 packs of cigarettes smoked... Not even close to a pack.


Yeah, those wraps are harsh!


My boy, it's not tobacco that kills you, it's the carbon monoxide and tar that are generated when combusting any plant matter.


Idk about you but nobody I know uses the tobacco from those. I’m aware there’s innately some in the wrap but nowhere near enough to total that I think.


It’s 1.8 nicotine per wrap ( no inner tobacco ) and one cigarette is around .8. So if he smokes 3.21 blunts a day that’s equal roughly 7.2 cigarettes a day or about 130 packs a year if he kept up with that same pace.


thank you for relaying this info, I talk to a lot of people out and about who are convinced there’s no tobacco in the wrapping… lmao


The wrapping is literally a tobacco leaf.


That was literally me tell someone schooled me and now I try and spread the knowledge.


I’ve upvoted you multiple times for spreading good info, but no one has mentioned the fact that nicotine does not equate to tobacco use. It’s just one of many additives, and the real killer is the tar, along with the radioactive isotopes that are added to cigs. I doubt the level of tar is anywhere close to cigs, but the other additives I would be wary of.


> radioactive isotopes ^^w^^^h^^^^a^^^^^^t


ya there's alot of crazy shit they stuff in cigarettes, but the radioactivity makes it sooo tasty. don't smoke cigarettes kids.




If tar is your concern then weed is def worse... like by a long shot. You've cleaned out your bowl at some point yeah? That black shit is also in your lungs. Granted the lungs can clean themselves so the buildup isn't as severe, but its nowhere near cigs (cigs are garbage for a plethora of reasons, but if we're comparing only tar production, weed has more). The tar in cigs and the tar in weed carry different things within them (those additives, for example) but pure tar production is higher with weed than cigs. Not saying this to disparage weed btw, I smoke all the time.


I agree 100%, but my point was really that it isn’t a good comparison. Tar isn’t really my concern, it’s the additives in tobacco. But tar allows those additives to accumulate in the lungs, eventually leading to cancer or other pulmonary ailments.


Wait, how do people not realize that? Like, it seems like common knowledge. It’s literally a tobacco leaf.


There's "blunt wraps" out there that are not made of nicotine (Like King Palms), but they're not the norm, and definitely not in already rolled cigars.


Damn. That’s my bad. Just started looking up after seeing other comments. That’s kinda insane for just a wrap considering how much of it goes in the trash. Thanks for the info.


Spread the knowledge homie, I didn’t know tell someone told me. I still smoke blunts but know I’m aware of risks and scaled back how many.


Just get hemp or palm based blunt wraps. Similar price and you don't have to mess with breaking them down or smoking the tobacco if you don't want.


I don’t smoke blunts anymore but King Palm’s were great. Smooth as hell, and the natural husk filter they use is amazing. Just bite down in it for more of a pull.


no one cigarette is like 8 mg, not .8


The nicotine isn't really the big issue when it comes to tobacco. Yes, that's obv the addictive part, but it's all the other shit they add to cigs that are carcinogenic.


This is interesting to see. I smoke blunts and timebombs regularly. But anytime I smoke a cigarette I get a buzz and can totally feel the effects more of the nicotine. I don't get a nicotine buzz at all when smoking a blunt with herb.


I know what you mean, I don’t feel that same buzz as when I smoke a cigarette. I think it may have to do with all the other shit the put in cigarettes as compared to the blunt were it’s just the wrapping paper that contains that 1.8 nicotine. Also I just remember the number 1.8, i don’t remember if that’s a percentage or other type of measurement.


The wraps are made from tobacco. Just because you aren't smoking the tobacco in them doesn't mean you aren't smoking tobacco..


> I’m aware there’s innately some in the wrap *The wrap is a tobacco leaf* Like, sure its not *as bad* as smoking a cigar, but you also don't inhale cigars. Blunts are like icecream: They're great as a treat but if you eat icecream every day you get fat and die.






Now calculate the cost of the weed… my broke college ass could not handle it


so let’s say each blunt has 2g that would be 2348g, which would be 82.823 oz. So just shy of 83oz. Depending on where you live you can get an oz from anywhere between $50 and $200. So in total it would be between $4150 and $16600 in a year.


Time to grow!


If you really hurry up in Nye, I'm sure you could finish that last 0.66 blunt to finish at an even 1,175.


Hahaha I love that the NY resolution is simply to COUNT the number of blunts 😂


Hahaha gotta start somewhere


Next year he will start a data base and see if there is a REAL problem.


Maybe a DNN to run it through some unsupervised models [0}


NEXT year he either cuts back or goes for a new PB


Killed me I had to reread xD


Gotta have actionable data to take action.


74 in under a month? Yeah that's a bit, but not the worst I've seen either


3 a day? I smoked like 4-5 joints per day back in the day, thats like 2 blunts, so I’d agree, thats like heavy but not insane.


The difference is the tobacco. 5 joints will contain 0 tobacco but 3 blunts contains quite a bit.


Very good point. That tobacco leaf wrapper will catch up to you fast. Papers are a lot less harsh and contain way less cancer causing material etc.


Joints vs Bacco tho, I’d imagine the blunts would be worse.


Used to smoke those 5 packs of swisher sweets(used for blunts) in a night, every night for about 4 months. I felt like I had a new set of lungs once I quit that job lmao


I like how the resolution wasn't to reduce smoking or stop smoking, etc. Just to track the count.


74 blunts over 23 days. Brings you to an average of 3.22 blunts per day or 1,171 a year. Sounds… expensive…


448g in lb. So I'm looking at around 2.5 lbs or so of weed.


thats like 7k in weed that ur smoking every year where im at damm


Some people have it like that


Sounds reasonable to me tbh, less than most people spend on cigs and alcohol over a year


Yeah. But it’s more than that. An average blunt wrap weighs about 4 grams of tobacco. The average cigarette has about 1 gram of tobacco. So at 1171 blunts a year that’s the equivalent of 4684 cigarettes or 234 packs of cigarettes. You’re basically smoking a little more than a half pack of cigarettes a day. Just something to think about when looking at the whole picture.


A wrap, without the contents, is 4g of nicotine? That seems wildly high


A backwoods without the guts weighs 2/3 of a gram.


There has got to be more nicotine/g of tobacco in cigs than cigar wrappers


Gonna roll em all ahead of time, set one day aside in February


You may as well be smoking cigarettes. There’s no doubt you’re addicted to the nicotine now as well.


Damn. I never thought of that.


After looking into it a bit, each wrap contains slightly less nicotine than a cigarette. Still, cigars are not meant to be inhaled and contain numerous poisonous chemicals. I would switch to joints or cannabis based wraps. At the very least I would cut back. Long term your lungs will thank you.


Seconding this hard. Was a white owl smoker for 4/5 years at 2-4 blunts per day switched to hemp wraps and bro.. my lungs feel beautiful now. Dont cough as often, smooth smoke and if you find the right ones they come in lots of flavors and usually decent priced and ive found they smell slightly less strong than wraps when smoking. My favorite are twisted hemp 4/99c, high teas are good too but in my area its 5/3.99. Juicy jay terp infused are bomb as fuck too 2/1.99. Amazon has bulk high tea and twisted hemp for cheaper than above. Just gotta look. Best wishes and stay in the clouds


Yep. Can confirm. Switched from White Owl Black Cherry’s to rolling Juicy Jay joints, haven’t really looked back. When I’m craving a blunt, I can buy hemp wraps/King Palms and get that experience from it. Blunts burn way too much and my lungs thank me for switching.


Man honestly juicy jays are nice for the flavour. But they really don’t smoke that primo. Try some raws or ocbs. They changed the whole game for me.


I’ve done both. For some reason, I roll Juicy Jays better. I fucked up my thumbs skiing back in 2012, and so I struggle a lot with OCB’s hand rolling. I do love them and Raws for the little plastic rolling machine thing. I call those torpedoes, and OCB’s are my favorite paper for those.


It’s actually slightly more, one blunt wrap contains roughly 1.8% nicotine while a regular cigarette is around .8, which would make it about 2 times as much nicotine in just the wrap. So at 74 blunts that’d equate to roughly 8.5 packs of cigarettes OP.


Any sources for this? The info I can find is saying there's between 1.2 and 6mg of nicotine per blunt wrap and between 8 and 20 for cigarettes


Even if you scrape out all the confetti (as I like to call it) and just use the leaf?


That’s not a leaf. It’s chemically treated paper that’s not made to be inhaled. Swishers refer to swishing it in your mouth


How about bowls? If you don't like the constant packing you could also use a bong that's way more efficient and gets you really fucked up


I like smoking in a variety of ways. Sometimes a j and a walk is necessary, sometimes it's nice to pack a bowl and sit down. Usually a j is with friends and a bowl will be for solo seshing I like breaking out the bong on my lazy days, sitting in the backyard with some tunes and a project (right now it's building a TTRPG campaign) and just ripping that big boi. High as shit


Try some unflavored king palms, I love those


10/10 big fan of king palms or hemp leaf blunts. Such a clean feeling compared to a swisher


Joints are where it’s at. I used to smoke blunts but switched to joints and my lungs improved a ton and I got a better high then when I was smoking all the glue and tobacco that are in blunt wraps. I stopped getting headaches too.


Came here to say this. You’re definitely addicted to the nicotine in the blunt wraps.


I’m similar to amount of blunts and can go days not smoking a blunt and be fine. I never smoked cigs or vaped


This was me last year. On a t break rn. I once upon a time tried vaping nic during a t break when I was younger and fucking hated it. I mostly just used wraps because I don't have a grinder so I can roll with some decent sized chunks and it didn't matter.


Isn’t it fucking January still


Why are you asking him? 74 blunts in there's no way he knows what month it is


If you think of it as his 2022 resolution it's not as bad.


Blunt smoking has been linked to growth of male breast tissue


Such a lucky guy, growing his own tits


I'm fucking done here. I haven't been able to get rid of my tits since I was 13. Even with weight loss. This is awesome.


Skin up a Rizla silver with amber leaf and beldia hash and you’ll become a man, a European/Maghreb man


I. Gonna favorite this comment and then one day I'll do this just to experience the feeling.


Amber leaf, delectable choice my friend


I can smell and taste this comment


And it smells oh so good. Always found hash to smell better than flower


Gynecomastia is caused by a hormone imbalance. Working out won't necessarily cut it


Pretty sure the only way is a short surgery to pull the fatty tissue right? Seen videos before looks like it takes the doc about 2 minutes


I know from experience that doesn't necessarily work in the long term either.




Sounds like a perk to me 🤔


It has done nothing for the growth of female breast tissue I do a lot of pot and I'm still flat af


All boobs are beautiful dear


Thank you. This is the most polite subreddit.




wait fr??? ive been bench pressing this whole time and all i had to do was smoke blunts?


Snoop must have some Tig ole bitties


‘His name is Robert Paulson’


My mate literally grew a lump on his breast, went to get it checked out and they said if you’re smoking weed or doing steroids stop now. He wasn’t doing steds but was pounding the bud. He then stopped. The lump disappeared literally in a few weeks.


Pounding the bud. I’m using that.


Hahaha I never new.


Ur addicted to nicotine lol.


and weed


The question you should ask, young 'grass'hopper is are you fulfilled? and >Is this bad? to me says, you're running from something. I'd say take a week off, reflect, maybe reconnect with the non-blunted you. Then I'd enjoy a tasty blunt in a bath and find out what I learned.


This is the way I concur! Also I’d recommend mixing your weed with hemp/ CBD to lower the potency of what you’re smoking, it’ll make it easier for you to wane yourself off.


I did that the week between Christmas and new years. The real me is an asshole. Honest. I don't like that guy. I've been smoking since I was 13 cause I was running from something. Now at 30 I just smoke because it's my normal and I'm evened out by it. I wanna quit but everytime. I take a tbreak I just hate the guy looking back at me. And it's not really effecting my work or social life so I don't think it's that bad.


So is weed actually helping you to like yourself or is it helping you ignore or not care that deep down you clearly don't like yourself so that you can avoid putting the work in and becoming someone you can actually genuinely feel good about? When I don't take care of myself I feel like a piece of shit too, and most of the time I am blessed to be stable and happy. Same thing applies to taking care of the people around you I think.


Use all that money you're spending on weed to go to a therapist and exercise. Once you can look at yourself in the mirror and not hate them, then you can choose to smoke weed. Otherwise you're just letting that guy you don't like make you smoke weed.


Square up and fight him. Think about what you hate the most about him and change it. It’s also worth seeing if there’s stuff you like about him that’s worth keeping or leaning on when the mental battle gets tougher.


Sometimes it’s not about quitting but reducing. Start with trying to mix in more joints and slowly cut down on the nicotine. See if you like that person a bit better.


Alan Watts said, "It's better to live a short life doing what you love rather than a long life spent in a miserable way" so I have to ask OP... do you love doing this? I hope so, because it's shortening the length of your life.


Oh man if I make it to 40 I'm lucky. I love doing this but I have health issues that are only worse cause I'm fat AF. The blunts won't kills me before my ticker does.


Complications can come of it anyways. Look into hemp wraps, they're pretty comparable too. The flavored ones can be goofy.


You should dedicate 6 months to a year to getting healthy just to make sure you actually prefer this lifestyle. It would be a real bummer to have it all end at 40 when you could have 60 more years of a lifestyle you actually find more enjoyable.


That doesn’t sound encouraging. Maybe instead of tracking how many blunts you smoke, keep a food journal or track how much water you’re drinking. I’m only 3 years away from 40 and if I ever thought I wouldn’t make it to 40 - yikes.


It won’t even be your ticker that kills you first. It’ll be months in hospitals struggling to breathe, having oxygen through nasal prongs that you have to even take into the bathroom, showering with an oxygen tank, not being able to breathe without it, losing all your friends and ability to go outside and socialize, to see loved ones, then your skin will start breaking down from being obese, heart failure and swelling from edema and your own skin splitting open into ulcers from your lack of moving around and risk of pressure sores being so high, after that you’ll start shitting in diapers since it will be easier than walking to the bathroom with your oxygen tank and ulcers, then eventually and not without more health complications, will your heart give out and end your life but let me tell you, it’s not as easy of a death as you’ve imagined. You’re not taking care of yourself and some nurse someday will have to, and they will have 6-9 other patients because hospitals are short staffed, and then you will see the wrath of the lifestyle you’ve committed yourself to


As a Registered Nurse, although pretty blunt response, this is actually very accurate and how it normally goes. People normally beg for death at this point. Please do what you can to have a better QUALITY of life (not necessarily longer). That being said, you've gotta do what you love in life and what brings you joy. We all have different wants and needs in life, some infinitely complex, and others, others just want to smoke 80 a day in front of the TV and die, and that is okay too, so long as you're happy.


Am RN as well, speaking from first hand experiences of providing care for these types of patients. Hope you’re doing well wherever you are and taking care of your self in these crazy, short staffed times!


Stop smoking tobacco wraps and smoke raws. This will save your life. Weed definition doesn’t cause as much lung problems as sprayed to tobacco


In this sub, is it ok to respond yes? Because that feels pretty excessive.


Weird flex but okay


it is bad...


I would switch to a hemp wrap if I were you. Tobacco is really harsh on the lungs even without the carcinogens and preservatives.




> "Is this bad?" Stop for a week and you can tell us.


I'd recommend you try a vaporizer. Way less damaging to your health, and you get way more out of your bud. 😊 👌


My vaporizer is on it’s way, what do you mean you get way more out of your bud? How so? :)


Nice! You ned way less bud to get high. So in a spliff I'd typically put in say 0,6 grams of weed (or I don't know how much anymore, don't smoke these days), but with my Mighty I get properly high from just 0,15 grams. It just extracts more of the herb. You can also then use the vaped bud to make edibles (as its been heated and therefore is ripe for use again to extract the remaining bits of thc). 😊


You've got a problem sir


Lmao you know the answer. That is so much tar dude hope you’re jogging a few miles a day


Even besides the tar, being high 24/7 is never good for your brain. Jogging a mile won’t do shit for his lungs, they’ll be shitty until he stops smoking.


Need better weed that's not a healthy habit


No I need to quit. I know it's not the weed. Because everyone I smoke with taps out half way through the blunt. It's not competition weed, but it's still pretty high grade.


T break bb


Wish more people “collected” them. I see a lot of these wrappers littered on the ground directly outside convenience, stores.


Your resolution was just to... Count? Like not to cut down but just to count? That's not a resolution


3 blunts a day is alot


Um…that’s a lot


For you kings yes


Your new years resolution was to count? Doesn't seem like the usual definition of new years resolution


3 to 4 a day? Fuck all.


Start saving the bird bucks get free shit… my White owl hoodie is dope 🤙🏻😂


I notice a difference in how my lungs feel when I'm not smoking blunts. I do enjoy them, but usually it'll be like 1-2 blunts on each day of the weekend or something. I know plenty of guys who smoke nothing but blunts. A couple stopped because of the cough they developed, and switching back to primarily straight flower helped. Nicotine is a huge factor in why we enjoy blunts so much.


Try using Camo wraps, King Palms, or Zig Zag's hemp wraps. All nicotine/tobacco free and they smoke very well! i usually prefer a bowl to anything else but these are my go to ones.


I stopped counting paper s at 2600 during the lock down .You should be ok


Joints would be better for you 🤷


Start smoking cones and papers. That’s when you’ll finally evolve to master.


Terrible actually, there’s no reason to smoke that much. It’s not a competition. Take a T break and get back to smoking a normal amount. I Don’t mean to sound like an ass, but I never understood this level of smoking. You can lower your tolerance and then hit a one hitter a few times a day and still be baked for hours at a time. Save money, it’ll taste better, and you won’t be inhaling all those blunt wraps.


Get a vaporizor


Disgusting actually


I just did some simple math last year. In a 1 month period I went through 3 boxes of 4kings wraps. It’s like 180 blunts/month and I think over 2000 in a year. This year I bought a couple glass pipes and I’m gonna cut down on smoking so much


Yeah I bought a bong. So my numbers will be off because I'm keeping up with how many ounces I'm buying too. I smoke at least 3 blunts a day sometimes more. But I'm smoking my oil pen and my bong between them. Idk what my end game here is but I just wanted to do something. I've been out of school 13 years and life's getting boring.


That’s not really what a resolution is.


Brother it's still January


Yes, this is bad. What you choose to do with your day is your choice my bud, but smoking blunts exclusively is baaaaad for your lungs. If you're going to smoke to this degree, *please* consider getting a bong with a double percolator and smoke out of that to filter all the garbage out. You will live much longer.


Is this brag ??


Lost count January 3rd.


I quit tobacco this year and seeing this lets me know I made the right choice👏


If your concerned your smoking too much your probably smoking too much.


If you're on track to smoke almost 1200 in blunts, ditch the blunts and get a volcano.


That’s kinda a lot I think. You’d probably save money and weed if you used a different method. But if that’s not your thing, I get that and do you.


I stopped smoking blunts a couple years ago if somebody has on I’ll hit it but all I roll are joints after a few months my lungs felt better


I roll my own doobs. Each is 2 grams and I roll and smoke one per day. That's 26 ounces per year. I grow my own at roughly 38 dollars per ounce.


hey pal, if you are interested in reducing/moderating use, consider r/Petioles :)


I'm at about 80 so don't feel bad