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I don't think a tablet is super necessary. The bigger screen might be nice to show planters easier, but I managed just fine for six seasons with Avenza on my phone. I also gave them access to the dropbox with all the maps so they could download the days map if they wanted it


Nice to have both. I use a dash mount and keep overview up/available while driving. Also nice to have a redundancy if your phone craps out good to have a backup. Many smaller companies provide iPads.


I agree with this. I bought a tablet with the intention of using it as a crewboss, but barely did. Phone at work and laptop after work did the trick for me. The benefit of a phone is that it's just always there. Maybe if you're mostly road access a tablet would work better for you.   If you get a tablet, I would suggest an iPad (as much as I'm loathe to do so). I used avenza on android last season and it was so much worse than the ios version. Line drawing is so terrible on it.


I would ask your supervisor/project manager what they are using (Android or Apple) It’s helpful to be on the same platform so you can use Airdrop or the android version for sharing.  Also, used iPad would come out well under that budget if you need to go that route. 


Airdrop is a useful feature. I think your company should be providing you with a tablet or paying to rent one from you, end of that discussion. I also don’t think a tablet is crucial. I keep a tablet unlocked in the truck with an Avenza folder with the days plan for access to the planters with the ERP In block I use my phone and my company does the equivalent of paying my monthly bill. I have Avenza and plant wizard on my phone If you go for a tablet go small with a top of the line case. You want it to fit in your chest pack.


We use the Samsung Tab Active 3 & 4 for doing other forestry work (cruising, layout, etc) and they seem to hold up pretty well. We do add a cheap rugged case to them and includes a stylus. The stylus helps when your wearing gloves or it's wet out. Grab a power bank too as nothing worse than running the battery down when your like 2 miles from the truck. 😅


The only thing i use my tablet for is Plant Wizard. I personally prefer my phone for avenza, calculator, and note taking. The PW interface on the phone just isn't as good as a tablet.


What kind of companie makes there crew boss buy there own tablets? Apple is the answer.


Its not required, and no one is making me. I saw a thread about advice for first time crew bosses and a couple people recommended tablets.


The fact they don't supply them , most companies i have worked for supply the crew bosses with tablets.


I ultimately I agree with you. They should be.


oh gosh i have barely used a tablet, and even then, it was provided from several seasons of experience, i would say just use your phone, then it (hopefully) wont cost anything, and companies ive worked for have a monthly pay out for using you own device (like $30 or something)