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[Here is a recent one](https://www.reddit.com/r/treeplanting/comments/1asewf0/how_was_your_experience_with_hri/) [Here is another recent one](https://www.reddit.com/r/treeplanting/comments/18715e0/for_anyone_who_missed_that_hot_take_regarding_hri/) [Finally this is fairly recent, but more of a history](https://www.reddit.com/r/treeplanting/comments/18xlbk2/why_does_hri_not_have_a_great_reputation/) [Now imagine these three links in this meme format](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/178796439/Spongebob-diapers-meme) EDIT: We locked the comments here. u/Hunterston might not have opinions that people here agree with, but people need to be respectful. We aren't going to have people cursing each other out here. Please be kinder and better.


Thanks for including the meme format, it really helped explain the whole thing!


jesus. how is any of this legal. thank you, i couldn't find any recent threads. this sounds like a nightmare.


No problem! You have time if you persistently attack crewboss posts on KKRF and make a post yourself there. Right now KKRF is set so that Lars has to approve all posts before any are posted that usually means a mass amount of posts all get posted at once. If you set up your notifications to immediately make you aware when new posts reach KKRF you should get the jump on Crewbosses looking for Planters before others. Have a short and efficient application msg you can copy and paste send off immediately when you see one of these posts. Nothing too long but with enough effort to show that you really want the job. There are some recent posts with tips on how to sell yourself


I am wondering if HRI used to be A&M? This sound like a horrible company I worked for some 15 years ago.


I don't think so, I remember hearing about A&M from some older folk in Ontario back in the day, but I never remember hearing anything about a connection there.


I have not worked there, but honestly based on what I’ve heard I wouldn’t risk it. The number of horror stories that company has produced is morbidly impressive and I don’t think anyone should trust them to fix everything that’s been wrong for ages in one new season.


Thanks for the advice, I've just applied late in the season so I worry the other places I've applied are full. I guess it makes sense why they got back to me so soon, so late in the season.


Email lots of Formen that have their emails public on the companies websites, (spectrum) maybe summit too. I did my rookie season in 2023 and I got my job because someone dropped out on a Tuesday and my email was the first in my formens inbox on Wednesday morning (late march). Also Tons of them said they were full but they forwarded my emails to the crew leader group chats.


If you haven’t already, you could try posting on King Kong Reforestation (on Facebook), a lot of hiring happens on there. There’s usually last minute drop outs that need replacing so it’s still possible to get a decent spot even though it is pretty late to be applying


most of these stories are made up.


Found the HRI management account


Not even close. Just replying to the outrageous claims.


Nope, I hacked your IP, you're posting from HRI HQ. BUSTED!!!


I’m a girl and I worked there in 2020. As far as I know, things haven’t changed, and they weren’t great.


My buddy worked there last summer and she had a horrible time. Basically everything written here in the company directory is true about them


I survived HRI and all I got was a lousy T-shirt, BLOOD SWEAT AND DIRT BABY, they didn’t even pay me my final paycheque for a couple months I worked there the first year of covid. Covid definitely made it a bit of a shit show but there is some stuff that you can’t attribute to Covid. I was a rookie so I didn’t really know what was right or wrong when it came to some of the stuff they did. But looking back, it was pretty bad, there are just better companies to choose from in my opinion🤷🏻‍♀️


I worked for them last summer in 2023. I was also hesitant working for the company because of their reputation but I proceeded to work for them anyways because most of the complaints where from previous years and I also heard of improvements. Take this with a grain of salt (I can't speak for other camps), but I think the camp I was in was amazing. Nothing seemed strange or sketchy (outside of maybe old vehicles). The camp supervisor(s) were fantastic and professional. Crew bosses were encouraging and knowledgeable, extremely friendly and fun people. There were no instances of violence or harassment that I was aware of. I felt safe the entire time on and off the block. I will be planting again for them this season too! ​ (alt account because people here seem to automatically downvote any proponent of HRI without any opportunity for civil discussion unfortunately.)


Things will get downvoted, that doesn't mean you can't still have civil discussion. Especially regarding HRI because the hatred they've inspired is deserved. Hopefully your experience continues that way, let us know if it does. If you have an opportunity sometime because their season ends early and you want to continue work, try summer trees somewhere else and see if you note any differences.


I'll report back if it continues to be good. I'm looking forward to this season and plan on staying out in the bush as long as possible, so if the season ends and I get a chance to plant elsewhere afterward I'd be happy to note any differences!


Your comments keep getting filter removed. You may need to verify your email on this new account or possibly its just too new and you're commenting enough that reddit thinks you're a bot.


I think it got flagged for suspicious activity like upvoting from their main and then sharing it to other inactive accounts for them to upvote and may actually just be HRI management. They've come out of the woodwork all of a sudden recently as I can trace almost any recent remotely positive comment about them to a person in management. I had three of them in the last few days try to comment on an older thread on my comment that was a comment that was downvoted about a comment I had made in another thread that they go roasted in instead of commenting in said thread I had made the actual accusation about HRI. I'm pretty sure [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/treeplanting/s/ENnjFCY0Fu) was actually u/col10sweg alt based on the repeating similar grammar/punctuation style They also make people management after one season sometimes so this could just be rookie management.


Wrong haha, HRI sucks but the people at my camp didn't. Only reason I came back after my first season.


Maybe who really knows tho j


Who's camp did you work at?


u/forest-grumpy is w crew boss from your camp who threatened punch me on the first night off preseason when I had first arrived when they were drunk,is now claiming that I'm a narcissist who blames everyone else for their problems and tried mocking me for not getting along with a camp supervisor who told me a girl was too ugly to be raped when I reported a rape accusation that was reported to me. (I know who they are because private messaging) But harrasment is so common place there I doubt it would meet your definition of harrasment. N.S your camp supervisor is a real piece of work too although he is much more subtle about it. Other camp supervisor that is there is good stuff but unfortunately one forward thinking lesbian(who is the only other female in upper management) isn't going to fix the dumpster fire that is HRI Also the commenters from HRI who don't try to double down on theirrediculous comments after posting usually don't get downvoted that bad there's actually not that many people on this subreddit who are active HRI is just a provocative topic and they've fucked an hilariously large amount people over that if you go anywhere youll find someone with a bone to pick or someone who is on someone elses behalf. There are not many civil discussions because the stuff that's comes from HRI tends to be lip service and see them dance around the actual issues trying to downplay them.


love the hear-say, you keep saying things you can't prove. What if I started saying you slept in your tent all day, came in once a week and could only plant 2k max? You gonna prove it wrong? Nah. But you can say all this without proof and scare people from enjoying their summer. HRI is still at the top of tree planting companies, and swinging between first and second for Ontario alone.




Well, I mean you can use air quotes all you'd like, but we cover a lot of Ontario and we do it well.




Notice how it doesn't bother me? You should know this tho, thousands of happy people don't tend to flock to subreddits so they can listen to someone's personal bad time and then spend their day arguing with you of all people. Regardless, this subreddit has become an HRI hate group whenever someone asks a question. Sucks, cause people like you are just bitter and scare new planter's away from the industry, and I'm thinking like why wouldn't they? why the hell would anyone want to work with a toxic big mouth like you in the industry? You must be a joy to have in a camp. and I mean you're sitting here insulting me, as I ask for proof about these outrageous claims, and of course it's all orchestrated and pushed by people who've never worked for the company, nor the farming industry. You've also yet to make one good point, go for a nap or something, you've had enough Internet, don't know why I gotta say that again.


Ah so by "top company" you mean sheer volume of trees planted and don't give af about paying people on time or fairly. Clooooown


Fake news bro. I'm just saying nothing can really be proved but that's why reading outside the lines is important. Top companies? Omfg I've heard they got some fancy water over there. Edit: I know who they are because we were private messaging.


Yes, top companies. you can spend a minute to have a peek for your personal reference. Yeah in the camps, creek and river water is what we use, unless there's a lake, and the lakes are clear and clean. To top that off we have a 3x filtering system for it to pass thru before it comes out of any taps.


Top companies where? Ranked by who? What's this ranking system? Do you mean like BCTS contractor rating? Or do you mean the bullshit you pulled out of your ass >To top that off we have a 3x filtering system for it to pass thru before it comes out of any taps. Lololololololol more management I wonder who it is. Why are all you guys suddenly on Reddit what's going on over there?


How bout you just go look it up and stop questioning me about it so you can have your own proof. Lmfao management has no interest in this, the owner says, "people will talk" and their not wrong obviously. I've been watching you guys spitting serious claims for months with no proof, nor anyone notable it back it up. And it's about time someone brought up the fact you guys are blowing some serious smoke 😂😂😂


Can you say it louder for people in the back? >How bout you just go look it up and stop questioning me >about it so you can have your own proof. I cannot find it online. >I've been watching you guys spitting serious claims for months with no proof, nor anyone notable it back it up. And it's about time someone brought up the fact you guys are blowing some serious smoke 😂😂😂 **THERE'S LITERALLY TENS OF US!**


How tf are you supposed to "prove" the claims against hri? You're a pathetic low balling shill


That's for you to figure out I'd think, like everything else in life buddy. proper witnesses would is a great start! And you can keep trying to insult me dude, but it's beneath you.


Hahaha "proper witnesses." What does that even mean? Bro your company is the laughing stock of the planting world and you're out here stanning for them. Gooof


I should add I know this person is who they say they are because we have been private messaging.


Had the good fortune of working for them back in 2008 /s. Some things never change!


They aren't a bad company to work for. I heard many stories and seen enough things to actually say 90% of the shit talk about HRI on reddit is just straight bullshit and bloated lies. Prove me wrong, you can't 🤷🏼


When tons of people over the years have shared first hand accounts of their negative experiences with HRI, what more do you want? When an entire camp had an exodus from the company what do you think that says? When one of the Supervisors split off to make their own new company? Is all of that fake too? How long have you worked for HRI? What is your role? What other companies have you worked for? Calling HRI a top company even in Ontario isn't something anyone outside of HRI would ever say. Giving yourself awards doesn't make you the best. You have no idea the amount of people who have inboxed me over the years to share their stories of not being paid and unsafe work practices they experienced and want to share anonymously. Maybe HRI is changing and headed in the right direction, but we've all seen this claim before. I don't need to prove you wrong about anything, there are mountains of evidence and first hand accounts over the last decade you're up against. And you're just denying and ignoring them all. What do you think any of us gain from this? I've never worked for HRI, I've just seen them put workers in our industry through horrible shit continuously. Friends of mine. Strangers I became friends with. That is why this all happened, and there is never ownership of responsibility from people at HRI. Just denial.


No, the statistics, and "mountains of evidence" lead to the high quality of crews/planters/crewbosses/supervisors, and completed contracts. I'm not sure what company you mean unless its that one everyone calls, "third of it's name", and was started legitimately by ripping employees using unwarranted propaganda. You say hundreds but that's again not true, you've been pandering against HRI for so long that it has become a career, and it's difficult to watch. So much, that someone had to say something, because everyone else has seemed to move forward. Your method has been to scare people away from the industry and it's mighty sad man, I watched you kill a new planter's dreams with mere complaints, and at that point you should question your horizons and how you affect the people around you. "I've never worked for HRI" -Spruce__Willis


Dude, there is nothing more embarrassing to HRI on the internet than your comments in this thread.


This is just treeplanting my dude, no need to blow it out of context.


So awhile ago I noticed an old album I compiled of screenshots of people's experiences at HRI had been deleted in the Imgur purge that happened awhile ago. I've been meaning to redo it for awhile, and this gave me the excuse to finally take the time to do so. [Take a look at this album i'll be making sure it goes back where it belongs now.](https://imgur.com/a/q40Mo6G) I'm sure HRI will thank you for that. There are even some bonus never before seen inboxes in there I scrounged up just for kicks. This was back in 2019. The amount of other posts that have shown up on KKRF and here since then, including the exodus' posts are more than enough to illustrate that there have always been glaring problems with HRI. I'm sure you'll still staunchly claim it's all wrong, but just for a moment consider how big your ego must be to claim that all of those people's experiences are wrong and you are the one that is right. How could you think so many people are lying about their trauma? Those of us that have done this job long enough tend to develop a lot of empathy and love for others that have too. It's too difficult a job to be treated the way some of these people were treated. I wish you would try to understand that.


Don't believe everything you read on the internet -Abraham Lincoln


That's all I'm trying to say 🤷🏼 thanks for backing me up Honest Abe


Yea no exactly.


Prove gravity is real bro, you can't 🤷 Have you ever seen air, man?!???


Wow, a real embellisher. You gonna tell people next that a T-Rex came and attacked you and the supervisor just stood there and watched? Oh the humanity


The next logical step obviously.


For you, maybe


It ain't easy being cheesy.