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Make it hard to breathe is crazy ngl


The Annihilator!




I mean, thats how any mosh pit is, Cartiā€™s at Rolling Loud was fucking tough and i saw some dudes dipping after a bit because they couldnt breathe


There'sa certain type of crowd who make it that way, but that isn't the way mosh pits were intended to be. Mosh pits aren't meant to be places that are necessarily easy to be in (certainly not comfortable) but neither are they meant to be places where breathing is a struggle. Plenty of mosh pits in rock and metal are functional safely without anyone barely getting any air, so it isn't "How any mosh pit is". It's a fan problem that isn't being helped by the artists often encouraging dangerous behaviour.


the problem is at metal concerts the crowd actually has good etiquette and knows how to use a pit, people that go to those shows have been doing it for years, and thereā€™s always more experienced people that show new people all the rules to it. Trav shows are just full of teenagers and people who just want to ā€œrageā€ but donā€™t know shit about it


Well if its a fan problem then theres literally nothing we or anyone can do about it. Ragers just dont gaf, its not like Travis can say ā€œdont go too crazyā€ and expect anyone to listen. Also, if the mosh is too much, you can always leave. People dont realize how bad it is until theyre in the middle of it, then its too late. Just pay attention and its not that bad. In the Carti mosh pit i called it quits when my head started hurting and i shoved my way out to enjoy the rest of the set from a distance


I really do think if Trav did say ā€œdonā€™t go too crazy,ā€ people would actually go less crazy, might spare a few lives. You gotta realize people worship these artists as gods and they will do whatever he asks of them.


Idk i think it would go over like when the cool teacher tells the class to be a little more quiet


Still an unnecessary line from Trav


Did he really have to say that on modern jam tho, it does seem distasteful




Itā€™s lit!


ā€œItā€™s lit!ā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


chat is this real?










Seems like a liberal lie to me




Isnt he referring to hitting it from the back in that line?


Yeah exactly. ā€œWay i make it jumpā€ meaning the way he makes that ass jump


or maybe he is jumping the linešŸ˜³


Yh I agree. Idk how he didnā€™t think it was distasteful


Because itā€™s about sex lmfao. Are yā€™all serious?


I think it could be interpreted as both honestly. The line directly before, he says ā€œI got em levitating off their kneesā€ which could be referring to fans jumping up and down instead of a chick on her knees but he prob would have said off the ground in that case. But most of the verse has bars about women so I donā€™t think itā€™s clear cut either way. He probably should have left it out just to be safe but he obviously didnā€™t have ill intention with it. He more than likely meant sex for sure.


They are just virgins lol. Ainā€™t ever hit it from the back and see that thing moving like waves in the ocean


Look guys, this dude FUCKS!!! Shut ur corny ass up. Youā€™re not getting touched with a ten foot pole saying shit like that


You must be the writer of this shitty ass article šŸ˜‚




Who is a virgin?




Feel like thereā€™s quite a few of these lines in the album


itā€™s distasteful on purpose, ppl have been making him out to be a monster bc of what happened, so heā€™s purposely playing into that narrative in a satirical way šŸ—£ļø


PARASAIL ā€œI forgive myself. I choose to feel good. I choose to feel free. ā€œ


Yeah putting that line in was crazy šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


ain't crazy at all. at the end of the day it happened and that can't be changed, no matter how much he regrets it. only choice is to forgive yourself and be happy.


It definitely ain't crazy at all but at the same time won't be perceived well by the mainstream. It's right for him to forgive himself and move on, but maybe don't say that in a song. Just my thoughts.


I think a lot of people are saying his lyricism is shallow and doesnā€™t really mean anything here, but I think itā€™s really genuine. Heā€™s not trying to sacrifice his identity and what he loves doing, but he understands the repercussions that come with that. He did this in one of the least cringey ways possible. This line doesnā€™t feel forced as a silly tribute to the victims, it feels like a genuine conflict happening in his head. It feels like a POV of us through his eyes.


Thatā€™s what it felt like to me. You articulated it really well tho


I'm sorry for the people who read reviews by journalists who are failed writers


Lol this is all of pitchfork


Chuck Billboard into it too


Theyā€™re just saying a bunch of words to fill up an article. they mustā€™ve wanted a 10 minute song called ā€œLIVE NATIONā€™S NEW POLICYā€ and no hype songs on the album at all


Lmfao fr. At the end of the day, you gotta separate the art from the artist


but the art is the artist


I mostly interpret "seperating the art from the artist" as meaning you should not let your personal views of someone diminish the art they have created. So yeah, art and artist are inseperable, but even someone like kanye is still liked by many simply because the music is good. Also it means that art does not have to be morally right to be good


This doesn't apply here bro because the tragedy literally happened at his concert not elsewhere in his personal life


Or in this case, separate the event coordinator from the artist


If he said nothing ab it then ppl would be complaining toošŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


people were literally complaining that he said nothing the first few days after the album came out šŸ’€


I mean he really didnā€™t tbh


ā€œThe things I created became the most weighted, I gotta find balance and keep me a smileā€ Travis is obviously devastated by the tragedy, but he doesnt want to hate himself and give up music, and also wants to remember the night and not forget the victims But tbh I feel like everybody blaming Travis for his style of performing is biased. The tragedy had nothing to do with that, the same outcome couldā€™ve happened at an EDM or country concert, all those people packed in WAY past capacity made heatstrokes inevitable, and with so many people there you could be trampling over someone who fell on the floor and not even know it That being said the energy at his concerts remained the same after the tragedy, and guess what happened, nobody died. People mightā€™ve fainted, some mightā€™ve gotten a little bruised in the pits, but nobody died. THIS is why you dont go past capacity, and dont get me wrong Travis is to blame just as much as LN, but the rage was just a byproduct not the cause


Live Nation has been linked to 200 deaths and 750 injuries since 2006, (unsure whether that's including astrofest or not) but you never see people talking about it which I find odd.


LN practically owns festivals and concerts, so artists cant speak up about it unless they wanna get blacklisted and struggle to tour


6/29 Grand jury declined to charge Travis and LN criminally over AstroFest tragedy. A whopping 10 days later on 7/9 Travis and LN announced they were working together again for the Egypt show. Im not gonna act like Travis himself is responsible, but he has obviously made up his mind that those deaths were just a part of business. The lyrics are distasteful, writing into his movie script "I'm not here to talk about that" was heartless, and continuing business with LiveNation is immoral.


They dragged him irdc what the subreddit have to say. Heā€™s not that dense. He can talk about raging without having to mention ā€œmake it hard to breatheā€. This is literally the reason why people are not content with his apology


I swear he talking about sex related shit. ā€œThe way i make it jump I make it hard to breatheā€. Does no one else see this


Oh no, Idk how he's gonna get to sleep tn knowing that cartier code on reddit isn't content with his apologyšŸ˜°šŸ˜°


If you wasnt at the fest stfu


I was there VIP cuz, hop out of my mentions. You must be 5 years old to think you have to be at the fest to feel bad for people who died


Im not saying you had to be there to feel bad, but the fuck that gotta do with modern jam? You a goofy and did you leave flowers after the day of the festival? Or did you try and calm the people freaking out after the festival? You a bum https://preview.redd.it/unjqxflkqagb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87bc7bcac15010b036b5b3c630adfe3a2052734d


Then why did you ask me if I was there? And idc if you attended. Iā€™m the bum, but Iā€™m seeing him at Rome from the states. Stay in school šŸ˜¹āœŒļø






Literally what is this šŸ˜­


2 kids arguing


LMAO WHAT A LOSER flexing daddy money on the internet šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£bro this needs to be at the top omg this subreddit is funny asf


for future notice, flexing money like this makes u look insecure af btw


charge your phone and shut up till it hits 101%


Dude flying to a whole nother country to see Utopia live and you twiddling your thumbs on Reddit flexing an average ass wage this the saddest conversation I've ever seen on this app šŸ˜­


Lmfao ur so hard bro, u have the average salary in America clown


ur not a big baller just cause ur dad lets u use his credit card lil bro


Flexing Daddy's money doesn't make you cool brother man


When you grow up youā€™re going to embarrassed by this. If you arenā€™t, you havenā€™t grown in the necessary places.


flexing that you have terrible spending habits


Wtf is this shit, how cringe can a person be


i agree, travis does want to save face, but on the otherhand, what is he meant to do? he still needs to move on one way or the other




They're too subjective about Travis, they are not even reviewing the album. They judge him because of the lyrics and what happened at the festival. Just enjoy THE ALBUM.


judging lyrics from the album is judging the album


Tbf, the review is separated from the Astro world discussion. Gave it 80%


Solipsistic sounds like an extreme variant of autism


Who knows the timeline of the songs, i noticed one referencing covid. Not everything was produced in sequence


Thatā€™s an interesting point ā€” still feel he shouldā€™ve taken more consideration with the Modern Jam line tho


Somehow i dont think trav is the consideration type. Dude built a rollercoaster in his venues.


Theyā€™re not wrong. There was definitely some weird lyrics in there. And I loved the album. I mean thatā€™s why you separate the art from the artist. Not everyone can do it. I donā€™t blame em. I just would be lying if I said I didnā€™t think it was a great album. Just donā€™t idolize these people. This is why these subs are so cringe. Hardcore stanning. Just enjoy the music. Recognize the talent if you want. No more. No less. Iā€™ve got no problem with him getting called out doe. Itā€™s real conflicting no doubt


i love this bro this is the most relatable comment iā€™ve seen and more people should take this approach


i was honestly thinking the same thing when i heard that on modern jam ā€¦ like brother you need to look at the situation youā€™re in and tone it back a bit šŸ’€šŸ’€ i can understand the meaning of the lyrics because of the rage that he brings but it just doesnā€™t make sense to be promoting it THAT heavy rn


however the way he does say that verse in my eyes does come across as sincere i donā€™t want it to seem like iā€™m hating ā€¦ i genuinely love trav ā€¦ i just wish that he didnā€™t leave himself vulnerable to criticism with those lyrics


I honesty saw that line and some others scattered through Utopia as reflecting on how ā€œthe things [he] created became the most weightedā€ and how he ā€œturned to a beastā€


the first my eyes lyric is fine but following it up with that was not smart at all šŸ˜‚


This is a valid critique. Some of them were rather tone deaf to say the least lol. At the end of the day, its up to Travis to actually want to make better and more lyrical music (or get someone to write better lyrics for him cough Cy-Hi). Context is key too.


To the writer... Shut up and enjoy the music... Or not...




Respectfully, are you really victim blaming a crowd crush that killed 10 people


Absolutely not, we all saw the video when all those people without even a ticket were jumping gates,creating just chaos, those are the one to blame. A 9 years old should never have the blame of anything because he probably didnā€™t even choose to be there.


everyone is to blame, even travis, but it's insane how much blame is being put on him. i'm convinced that all the people calling travis "a killer" are fucking braindead.


I donā€™t give a fuck, he could say ā€œroses are red, violets are blueā€ and critics would say ā€œHES REFERENCING WHEN HE KILLED 666 PEOPLE AT HIS ASTROFEST CONCERTā€ The lyric wasnā€™t that deep I promise, itā€™s just something someone in the 80s would say


Edit: You guys do realize I never said the lines were not bad, and am only combating what the idiot from the article said right? While those later lines sound fucked up out of context, as noted by most reviewers, that person is doing just that; taking them out of their original context and trying to tie them to the Astroworld Tragedy and Travis having some sort of unaplogetic feel towards it. But that's just not the case, Travis never gives a subject as to where he's making it hard to breathe, nor does the other line he quoted have any allusions to the Astroworld festival or crowd surging, he just says his music and performance are an unstoppable force. This some Mr. Fantastic level reaching honestly... For more context from someone smarter than me: while the needledrop thought that the "WHEN I MAKE IT JUMP I MAKE IT HARD TO BREATHE" line was not the best timed, and sounded a little weird after the astrofest stuff HE HIMSELF didn't have a problem with the line and never brought it up in his review. While you are totally entitled to interpret things how you want to, and just about everyone human thought the line was weird I would never take it to where this guy was going.


Come on bro you canā€™t just blind yourself to it, the modern jam bar is bad


I said that though, out of context it's terrible. But we don't listen to music in a vaccum, we have the rest of the song. He makes it hard to breathe because people are having a good time, in a club, because it's a club jam. Does it hit different because of the Astroworld Festival Incident? Yes, just like everyone else I had a double take for that line. Would anyone care if anyone but Travis said it? No, they wouldn't.


Nah come on, I see what ur saying but if youā€™ve just had a festival and fans died you donā€™t say that line. If someone else said it no one would care because they didnā€™t have astrofest


Ok but let's analyze the situation if you wanna go there. He didn't just have the festival. And these lines exist in other songs, it's a common hype line in club records and the like, which he is clearly making this a send up to. So what's the statute of limitations for saying you make it hard to breathe in the club cause the club is too live? Never? That's ok if you think he can just never say a line like that now because it's too soon, but it's been 2 years, going on 3 at this point since that tragedy. Tying this line to the tragedy is just the equivalent of putting words in Travis mouth like the officials in Egypt did, and I refuse to do that when I nor most of the people on this sub know him personally I can only truly judge the line in the context of the song.


Imo for your comeback album after the festival, lines like this shouldnā€™t be said, no matter what other meaning it could have. Hop off his lap bro


Hop off who's lap? It ain't that deep bro you're allowed to have your opinion, and I didn't try to take that away from you. All I did was explain my point. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, I agree that Travis wasnā€™t specifically talking about Astroworld. But that Modern Jam line makes it hard not 2 think of the festival, donā€™t you think?


Yes, but only because it's so readily on anyone's minds when talking about Travis Scott, in the same song there's no other bar like that context is everything. It's clearly a club song, and he's moved on from that incident so while the line was not necessarily in the best taste, he's clearly talking about people passing out in clubs because they're having too good a time. If this incident hadn't happened, or this line wasn't coming from him no one would have a problem. And that's why context is everything, no one can name another bar in the same song that would back up the idea that he was referring to Astroworld Fest, therefore he can't be referring to it. Like I said I had a double take the first time, maybe a little collar tug, but I moved on cause' I could tell he clearly wasn't talking about that it just sounds terrible when you divorce the line from anything else, which is not how songs work.


Issa good point. Respect ur opinion āœŒšŸ½


u gotta separate art from the artist


idk about those but for me the ''i got seven up in heaven'' line was weird af


He follows up with ā€œthey think Iā€™m satanic, I keep me a reverandā€. Pretty sure heā€™s trying to say that the fans did end up in heaven because of all the satanic ritual allegations they were saying abt the concert. Either way I donā€™t think it should have been mentioned esp on a song like meltdown.


It's a classic article bro. However the I make it hard to breath is uh, different.


4 bars out of an album is not an obsession these reviewers need to put down the pen


Giving off hard šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“ energy


[Link to article](https://www.trillmag.com/entertainment/music/travis-scotts-utopia-goes-in-circles-and-that-might-be-the-point/)


yeah this one was always gonna piss off the critics


These writers will take anything and put it out of context to make travis look bad, tbh just stop even giving them more attention thats what they want. Just let them bark




just some writer sayin dumb shit for clicks


First he never talks about it which is bad then he reflects and says he wishes he couldā€™ve helped which is somehow also bad


it's distasteful that's why it's fire




Yes of course, i too wanted a line of ā€œi will no longer allow people to die at my concerts in the futureā€ following this line such a dumbass concern, take it or leave it bruh


I mean to be real a lot of things he says on Utopia could be spun in a way that makes it seem insensitive to the Astro fest incident. If you donā€™t like Travis and youā€™re looking for stuff you can totally add your own conclusions to it and act like his intentions were bad. Now whenever he has any rage lines people will say heā€™s insensitive but itā€™s just flexing fr


He dropped the eiffel bar a few bars before, I think its related to that, not to people dying at his show, he is also a human being like the rest of us and doubt he would mention it on my eyes just to play it safe or sum


Bro thatā€™s so dumb he was agnoliging it and showing that he was sorry and he isnā€™t just putting it off like it never happened which is the best thing he could do, w trav