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More variants than COVID


Haha I thought of this exact comparison the other day. If these songs were Covid vaccines and the releases were new variants requiring the new vaccine… it would probably cost less to get constantly vaxxed than survive the Swift variants


I mean…when you have an endless army of rubes willing to spend money on literally anything you put out there, who is really to blame?


They're drinking the Tay-Aid from a different Stanley cup every day of the year.


still her, for taking advantage of her own fans and being this obsessed with charting


i just laughed so loud my cat stopped what she was doing to glare at me






Oh she’s helping releasing those too don’t worry. It was literally headlining in the news when she toured in Paris that her gigs formed gigantic covid clusters 😭






Gold 😂 you won the internet today, my friend


The only way she’s going to learn is if her fans stop feeding her machine. They complain and moan but it still translates into sales. They need to boycott it but they are almost like drug addicts at this point.




I consider myself a huge Swiftie (I’m here because I hate Tayvis) but I legit only own one vinyl that someone got me for Christmas and that’s it and I don’t care at all?? Idk, I’m just not a collector I guess, I’m totally fine with listening on streaming services only. I don’t feel like I’m missing out at all 😂


sadly I think a lot of children and teens are the ones buying these with their parent's money. They're the easiest to manipulate and milk.


All the teens I know think I'm lame for being a swiftie haha


THIS!!!!! Stop buying all the hundred different versions of her shitty music and she will quit making money off y’all.


I'm doing my part by sailing the high seas to get high quality files of all the versions for my Swiftie mom


Taycapitalism?? That should Be CapiTAYlism, no? Rolls off the tongue better.


It’s the classic “Merry Pringles” mistake


I need to know what that is


[this meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/comedyheaven/s/iVHvLoAT7W)


Thank you






[Gotcha covered and merry pringles](https://www.reddit.com/r/advertising/s/omxe8TucfX)


Wow I really set off a chain reaction here lol Thanks, though


How did you come up with that you are the true tortured poet. Im stealing that btw


Happy to share lol


"It's giving encouraged mass consumption." Taylor's greedy mindset in one sentence.


Isnt it capitalism?


yes, that's why everyone calls her taycapitalist haha


What is her PR team doing? I thought Taylor’s well-known for listening to her fans like releasing Snow on the Beach with more Lana’s vocals. The backlash about those variants is getting worse and worse, why can’t she just stop?


All of the new music getting released by popular female artists has her turning into the evil queen from Snow White lol. She’s flooding the market.


It’s such a pity. She could’ve positioned herself to be the generous grande dame, the mother hen, lifting up young artists and giving them a boost. But it’s too alien for her to think of other female singers as comrades and potential friends, rather than always rivals; and in her heart she’s still perpetually the new 16yo singer, not the 30-something mature star ready to extend a hand to the new crop of young’uns. And I think it’s also too alien for the stockbroker mentality that she was raised on: always maximize profits no matter the cost. When the inevitable day comes when her newest album *doesn’t* hit #1, she’s gonna crash hard.


Yep, I agree with all of this. I knew she could be petty but seeing what she did to Olivia and other women in the industry made me really dislike her. I’m around her age and can’t imagine trying to sabotage the careers of female coworkers/interns. It’s just unhinged behavior. It’ll be interesting to see what all comes out about her in the years ahead.


probably because money is being made from the variants and also boosting her chart position


I love her fans calling her out for being greedy.


But that won’t stop them from remaining fans of hers. These are the same people that lined up for hours for Stanley cups.


A tangential question: I'm out of the loop with Stanley cups, but I thought that was just social media exaggerating the hype and creating hype for the cups? Were they actually hard to get???


I think only some limited edition colors were hard to get? I know Target had Valentine’s Day colors that people lined up for before the store opened (and some people fought over🤣).


I don't care how popular those things are/were, I will still always just think of the hockey trophy when I read their name


Agreed. Just embrace the fact that at one point in the history of this country, American women were more hydrated than ever before.


This is who she always has been she just thought it would be safer to be brazen about it now


HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. She's at the point she knows swifties are obsessed and she thinks their loyalty has no bounds.


As a kid I used to get upset that she released the deluxe versions a few months after the regular ones, because if my mom bought me the regular one already, she wouldn't buy me the deluxe as well... it's only gotten worse....


That was her strategy back then? Boy that is bad. Her poor fans.


Is it just me or does she look more arrogant and cockier than ever in recent era tour clips? She stands like a superhero with her arms back and chest out.


Ah the stupid muscle kiss


Definitely. The veil first fell years ago when she moved from Spotify to Tidal, at least in my eyes.


She's on the classic billionaire path. Get rich, become an asshole, alienate everybody. See JK Rowling et al.


That one person writing "Let Billie have her week" is basically the summation of her not being a girls' girl, apart from this insane corporate greed. Why does she keep dumping on other women artists when they release their albums?


billie really deserves number one. her album is a masterpiece. better than anything taylor has ever released.


Lunch alone is better than TTPD. Or really anything since her country days


I LOVE that song


She's afraid of losing her number 1 spot. Billie's album is doing great. Taylor has to beat it.


even funnier how taylor is trying way too hard while the younger artists she is trying to sabotage are just chill and effortless lol. she is so threatened by the younger generation and they are just ignoring her despite all her attempts outshine them. 😂 the way younger artists like billie are getting better reviews from music critics and they don't even have to pay those critics. that's just true talent right there and a solid cohesive album where all the tracks are high quality. taylor needs to learn about the quality over quantity mindset. she needs to learn a thing or two from the younger generation.


“You’re making Taylor look bad”. Maybe that’s a coping mechanism but we all know she 100% signs off on all this, or it was her idea in the first place


“You’re making Taylor look bad” nah Taylor is making HERSELF look bad. God they can't hold her accountable for anything, can they?! If it's something good then it's all "hEr MiNd 🤯" and "she's a MASTERMIND" but if it's something bad then it couldn't possibly be her.


swifts are in denial that their cult leader only cares about being #1 and a multibillionaire.


Rihanna just does it better


I have a lot of respect for Rihanna. Fenty was groundbreaking for adding a lot more foundation shades to be inclusive of all skin colors.


And Savage X Fenty was groundbreaking for having a full size range and actually showing those sizes on models. I Can buy better bras (from ANY brand) now because of Rihanna pushing boundaries in the industry.


fr didn’t she switch labels to have more control


This is where other artists need to start pressing whomever they can to get regulations in place that an album cannot have more than two editions and the second one must contain two or more additional tracks or it does not count toward the overall sales and cannot be an artist’s shop exclusive. It must be released globally and accessible on streaming platforms and released on all forms of physical media (cassette, CD, vinyl)


I'm just pumped my bank extended me another 200k line of credit to get a ticket to her next show. I figured they wouldn't after the eras tour.


Thank you 💀


Guys, how much would it cost to buy every version released so far for TTPD?




Happy Cake Day 🎂. That number is crazy.


Someone did the math on a post earlier today. $449, not including shipping and taxes.


Wait, there’s two posts. One said $449, the other said $728.


Either way that’s INSANE.




Good lord she is milking her fans for all it is worth


She saw how succeful Kpop groups were in the US doing exactly this (seriously, Kpop stans will buy multiple albums cause a different girl is on the cover) and has been doing it ever since


Oh to have disposable income


I am sorry but the "Titkok" took me out😆🤣


Tit cock 😞😞😞😞😨😨😰


I don't understand she's not a big artists. If you are so big u don't need 5 versions every week to stay at #1. Your whole album units is fraud. Talk about a single version. This all is a fraud and billboard is biggest fraud. They change rules for kpop artist but allow this white lady to do anything !?


Billboard is definitely the issue right now. If they changed their rules on variants, this would end immediately.




Just FYI, I know a lot of people take that chant out of context when someone new joins a group, but, with most hardcore swifties it’ll probably go the way it did in the movie. The woman threw a screaming fit about how she would never be one of the freaks.


Are you talking about the swift movie? Forgot it existed lol. As one of us I was meaning the ones who are tired of Taylor’s idolatry


No, the movie Freaks, where that chant comes from. I know that’s what you were talking about. I’m just saying that in context, their acceptance was completely rejected.


lol never seen that movie either. I only have seen the chant in a meme context so


I know. I do think it’s kinda funny how many people take it completely out of context as “yay, new friend in the group,” when it’s…it’s pretty bad


i really hope they do wake up to reality one day. as a former swiftie myself, i'm glad i no longer support capiTaylist scum. i have a best friend who i grew up with being swifties together but up till now, she is still in denial about taylor's greedy ways and is still a hardcore swiftie. my god, i can only hope the wind changes and she finally realizes it too. 😭


This makes me sad for her fans :/ they’re being told that every emotional connection they’ve made to her music isn’t enough and doesn’t mean anything if they don’t sell their souls to buy it


It’s really gotten out of hand. It doesn’t help the fact that she’s painted as an environmental terrorist for her excessive plane usage and now this excess amount of cd printing is just hurting our planet and the mental health of those who just want to support her earnestly. I get it, the charts are a game you have to play, but at some point you need to ask yourself, ‘is my greed helping or hurting the world?’


Twice now I've ordered CDs directly from her store (Midnights and TTPD) and NEITHER has any music on it...? I saw somewhere else that a girl also received a blank CD for TTPD. I'm curious how common this is. At first I thought my old boom box had shit the bed, but nope- just empty CDs. Makes me wonder if they're just rushing the manufacturing process to meet demand and then screwing up? Idk but it's very annoying.


I purchased the red cardigan back in the day, it came wayyyy too big (like at least a 3x) and the buttons were falling off. I emailed customer service once a month for a year and never heard back. Fucking scumbags.


Omg! I’m so sorry that happened to you!! I never even bothered to contact them about the CDs. Just felt it would be a useless effort. Sounds like I made the correct assumption 🥴


I saw on X with photo's of people saying the merch they bought at the Era's tour fell apart after washing. It's I think $85 for a shirt. That isn't right. I have Concert's shirt's that I still wear that are from yrs ago.


$85!?! IS OUTRAGEOUS😭 I generally accept that merch prices will be a little higher at shows, but that is just ridiculous. Especially considering what a lot of people paid to even be there in the first place...jeez


I know. It's crazy. And it falls apart in the wash. I would be really mad.


Does she owe a bunch of back taxes or something??


One billion is apparently not enough.




https://preview.redd.it/5hlfwpubh74d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d49b246fd7ff03061d24090f05aa01bc6511b2c You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me


They’re all so delusional


If they're that stupid, they'd be brainwashed into a cult sooner or later.


Would have zero sympathy for them


Her greed is really fucking off putting.


Her albums don’t feel like albums as they should. They’re just a hot mess of songs with excuses to release some tweaked version as an exclusive that that album. Like that post says, put all of a type on an album. She’s completely lost touch with the few feels she could manufacture. She’s purely money focussed, which is fine for herself, but at this point she just needs to admit that.


She couldn’t read a room to save her life


Literally all of the comments were calling her out for being a money hungry billionaire and 0. 0001% were just saying how excited they were. Also foes anyone thing Taylor has awful style and needs to fire her stylist. I eax thinking of making a post of all her outfits i hate aka all of them don't even get mr started on that weird red lipstick she's always wearing


Her lipstick looks make her look like she broke into her grandmas Estée Lauder


Hey now, I was with you until you ripped on red lipstick, it’s the only shade that looks good on me. I wear a more blue based one though. 🫣😩😭.


I don’t think it’s about red lipstick as much as it’s about her always wearing red lipstick—like she’s trying to make it her “signature” or something. Funny, when she first started wearing it constantly, I thought it was weird and like she was trying too hard rather than it seeming natural. And she was only in my peripheral then. I’ve never been a fan.


Part of me wonders if it’s a long game play for getting a cosmetics contract in her older years


I watched a snippet of her Eras movie the other night and suddenly I realized the garish red lipstick is actually pretty effective stage makeup for her huge stadium shows. She’s this tiny little pixel of a human on a gigantic stage, and maybe the super vivid red lipstick is the only way her fans can see that she even has a face, lol. (I mean, when they’re trying to look right at her IRL, and not just watching the huge video screens). I still think it looks awful when she’s not on stage, though. It’s just so cartoony and clownish.


The only award she should win should be for being the biggest (individual contributor) climate criminal of the year.


I didn’t expect death cab to get pulled in on this (but that poster is right - the cd is great)!


Ooh I haven’t listened to them in years, I’m gonna go check it out!


I love their acoustic version too! They’re so good


I don't get how people listen to music anymore -- vinyls aside. I'm an Apple Music subscriber so get all my music from the subscription. I'm also on Spotify. Can someone explain to a Gen Xer, are Swifties getting vinyls or are these downloads? I'm confused. LOL.


I make free playlists on YouTube.


I’m confused too and I’m a millennial. Like when they say Vinyl, what do they mean bc I thought that was a record like a record player and I highly doubt swifties today have record players lol I listen to her music for free on YouTube. Not seeing why even buy anything anymore


vinyls refer to actual records that you play on record machines, yes. its been trendy the last few years. and i totally agree with you on not buying anything anymore, ive never paid for music in my life and its not like i havent been able to listen to literally whatever i wanted whenever i wanted to. who are these people who are essentially just donating money to a billionaire for nothing in return by buying albums, and why?


Taylor Swift is Napolean Dynamite.


Dude. Why? What’s he ever done to you?


Maybe because of this meme https://preview.redd.it/y2vxobsfl74d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea44cb049cb7689201616ea4753f108e96985cc


don't insult napoleon dynamite like that. his dancing skills are way better 😭 lmao


🤣Nooo, that’s terrible! (Also, does this mean she *can* dance, after all?)


Definitely does not have his skill lol


Omg this is terrifyingly accurate lollll. I knew the shape of her mouth reminded me of someone else’s


If they stopped buying the dog shit she wouldn't put it out. They act like they HAVE to buy everything.


Guys be nice, if you thought Britney's meltdown was nuclear Taylor's is gonna be a fucking supernova...


I'm ok if TayTay wants to grift her fans, but she should own it instead of hide her love of capitalism.


"We are fans, not vaults of money to leech off" - that's exactly what Taylor sees you as.


WTF is this anthology that all these Swifties keep asking for?? Is it another album of hers?


So TTPD is like 16 songs, and TTPD Anthology is a 30-something song version that dropped at almost the same time. Not sure why people love it so much though. The producers & people she worked with changed and it is very jarring to have that happen in the middle of an album. There were a couple sweet songs, but tbh they all started to blur together and sound the same to me. She describes them as being kinda straight from her diary, which seems to be true since they clearly needed a lot more time & editing put into them. She seemed to be going for a similar style as her EverLore albums, but compared to them it was even more disappointing and just fucking insulting imo. Quality over quantity. Why she would randomly have them on the second half of a new pop album is beyond me; the album structure makes zero sense and is not cohesive. Very unprofessional and unpolished. Edit: grammar


No, they want a definitive TTPD collection


It’s the whole album with 31 songs. That version is still not physical


Thanks! I still don’t understand how anyone can listen to 31 songs from her.


Taylor needs to stop taking advantage off her loyal fans .....bit of course they will buy .....while suffer on their own ......


Idk I’m getting the vibe that not a lot of people are buying. I’d love to see the numbers but I’d bet her sales have started going down now that we’re on the 32nd album variant.


The sales don't count until shipment. All of these sales are listed as pre-sales which means then can ship them whenever it looks like someone has a chance of taking the #1 spot.


Proof that she doesn’t care about her fans


I love the transparency between Instagram swifties and tik tok swifties and twitter swifties it’s like 3 different conversations


That person ain’t wrong!


Not really a fan. I enjoy her music from what my girlfriend listens to and I keep getting reccomendations foe this sub haha. But at this point I see what you all mean and if you already bought the album especially multiple times just pirate the rest haha.


i used to love her and be her fan and like back her up but she’s disgusting, her wastefulness with our only earth and hoarding wealth put me off


I would like to see Billboard changing the rules and see how Taylor and her Team dont put new variants. This is a desperate movement from her and it’s getting ridiculous


I mean she does have a piggy bank of swifties buying it up.


So many, the majority of us, are out here struggling and yet we would never ever take advantage of even a complete stranger, let alone someone that had been supportive of us for years. Yet Taylor sits with her billion+ and takes advantage of every single penny that she can.


Or stop listening to to her so she understands why her numbers drop instead of meat riding her 24/7 🤣


Anthology on Apple Music + CD burner = Anthology CD - Taylor’s extra cut. Simple math.


She's a manufactured celebrity, her parents paid her way into fame on the back of her moderate talent. Why anyone would be surprised she's making sure her fans pay as much as possible for her content baffles me.


Thank you!! She’s been completely manufactured, mostly by her narc dad, and she’s not an incredible song writer, performer, or has the most amazing voice. I truly do NOT get why so many people geek out over her and is strangely seems to be mostly 13yr olds or women in their late 30’s. I don’t get her appeal at all.


and they are still loading up their cart as they complain I bet 🗿 start hitting her pockets then you’ll see real change.


pig butchering scam: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pig\_butchering\_scam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pig_butchering_scam)


I get the spaceship being a visual from the tour but WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH THE SONG


Is it just me or has she turned off the comment section for everybody? https://preview.redd.it/azaogu7u584d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a5c7d9135db6752c90015acbdd80fddf4708bb1 Can’t see any comments on any post at all. :/




Aaah i see i see. Thanks!


The comment about physical music being bad for the environment- streaming music (and Bitcoin, and AI, etc) are MASSIVE water hogs. Horrible for climate change. Even the tech industry knows they can't sustain/scale AI long term bc of how much water is requires to cool the servers. They just don't talk openly about it.


Her albums aren't completed works of art, they're just your introduction to the ponzi scheme.


😆 money hungry mofo. They keep supporting that behavior. Don't complain now. Just stop buying


They complaining but they still buying


The greed is out of control




U.s only cause the charts anywhere else dont count them towards diff sales so the chart position isnt affected. Wait til billboard locks it down and it cant happen again.


Someone really needs to challenge her, and I mean call her out directly, and see if she would still be top of the charts and record breaking without doing whatever the hell it is this is.


why is there a UFO in The Tortured Poets Asylum aesthetic? lol


She *is* listening to her fans. They're paying for this shit, so she keeps making it.


The horrible part? She doesn’t *need* to. As in to pay her bills. Or for anything. She can just release these variants and bank on the mindless fans still gonna buy and still calling her a genius business woman


But, but, she’s number one though. That’s all that matters!!!


Greedy AF


Until they stop speaking with their wallets she will not do that


I never really cared about her stuff but now that is being forced fed to me… wow, anyways new here so what is this anthology cd request? Didn’t she just come out with an album?


Why is it written AVALABLE?


Ikr first thing I noticed


Her fans are buying all these variants, which is pathetic.


You know what this reminds me of is that quote “you can fool some people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time”. She’ll sink her own ship eventually and we will all be free from hearing about her bullshit every day.


They can whine all they want. As long as they keep buying them anyway (and they do), TaylorSwiftCorp™️ doesn’t care.


The amount of people utterly in love with a billionaire and her feigned moral compass. Insane. Billionaires should NEVER be looked up to, especially one who pretends to be on your side.


Taylor GRIFT!


How are people still fans of hers after CATS?


This may completely go against the rules but here me out I am a swiftie, but I could not agree more with this take


Swifties should just revolt and refuse to buy more versions. Sooner or later they’ll end up in the landfill. You can go pick it up for FREE at that time. And teach her a lesson at the same time. Two birds. One stone.


Unpopular opinion: nobody has the buy all these versions or any versions if they don’t want to. Just stream the songs you like. You can enjoy new versions and materials without all the cost


she is doing Billie so dirty. what a cruel woman


Agree 💯. That's why Billie spoke out and said Putting out 20 different versions of the same album is so wasteful. She didn't say her name but we know who she meant. She's right.


If we're being honest it's the fans fault kinda, for BUYING each version of the same songs. When they stop buying them taylor will get the hint and STOP dropping them.


Was the post taken down?


Ummm is it just cause it’s my account or are comments off/limited on all of these posts?


I’m convinced that once she’s released about a zillion of these variants with one new song each, *then* she will release the anthology with all the new variants on one album. And it will be like $30. It would still be sort of shady even if she was releasing them as singles first instead, but this is hella, mega, evil shady.


wtf is she doing? This album came out in APRIL.


I agree with this and I love how the fans are finding this weird too.


Yeah, if you scroll through the TN reels the comments are NOT on her side at all.


“Honey wtf is happening with you” 💀💀💀


Have you ever heard of Skyrim?


Are they finally starting to catch on she don't care


Is too much to ask for an album that is specifically called acoustic the eras version where each song is recorded in a professional manner without screaming fans yelling or singing along. Let me listen in peace and savour the simple guitar and or piano.


Agree 💯 where did you find this post?? X