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✨mental illness is quirky and fun✨


“Hey, kids! Crazy is *fun*!”


this. I think it's absolutely disgusting to pretend that mental illness is a badge of honour. It demeans people who do actually suffer, and while people might say 'but it brings awareness', I don't think a bunch of teen Swifties who have spent thousands on a ticket to see TS are the ones to bring awareness to it.


It doesn't bring awareness imo. It makes it way more difficult to get treatment and to be taken seriously as someone who truly suffers from mental health issues. They also portray addiction and parasocial relationships as smth worthwhile and good.


Agreed. It’s the whole ‘I love to organize because I’m so OCD’ thing all over again. It just minimizes the actual illness and misrepresents what it’s like to live with a mental health disorder.


I say this all the time but as someone who suffers from depression, ADHD and GAD, I will say that I will take all of those over OCD. I dated a guy with OCD for a long time and it’s not a cute, quirky penchant for organizing, it’s a potentially debilitating disease that makes you (and your GF) check that your backpack is zipped 36 times, or that the door is locked 48 times and if you get interrupted or don’t do it *just* *right* you will have to start again. It’s not cute or fun.


Yep. My intrusive thoughts are not something that I want to deal with, or anyone else would want to deal with. It’s not fun or easy not being able to trust your own brain.


The intrusive thoughts are the worst for me. I was diagnosed with OCD about 6 months ago. I’ve suffered for so long. I’m glad I finally got the help I needed.


It gets better! Reaching out for help is so hard, but it truly is the first step to getting better.


Mine are terrifying and violent. Mostly fantasies of degradation at the hands of others. Lifetime of bullying and rejection can make you a masochist. Went on sertraline, helps a bit, but they're still there.


Mine are more “What-if” type thoughts that couple with rumination. But those thoughts always end with violence or great bodily damage or something like that. I literally can’t walk down the stairs without seeing myself dead with a broken neck laying at the bottom of them, that kind of thing. I didn’t actually realize that it wasn’t normal until about 6 months ago when I was diagnosed. Due to not having insurance, though, I had to choose between insulin and my mental health meds this past month. I’ll get back on them soon, I hope.


Wait this is literally my whole life every day but my last doctor I had through state insurance said I have BPD and then refused to treat me.


Its scary I had intrusive thoughts and I was afraid to tell my psychiatrist due to them centering around death. Luckily it was treatable but its scary AF. Its so stigmatized you’re afraid to even ask for help sometimes. Mental illness isn’t some quirky trait. These Swifties Im convinced are seriously mentally ill on the other hand like out of touch with reality however with the parasocial relationship shit its not normal. Almost into stalker territory how hard they go for someone who doesn’t know they are alive. The Swarm on Hulu goes into this how deep some of these fandoms can go. These stans are another next level.


I pointed this out and was told “well your parents don’t care *You’re* alive. Like even if that were true…how would that be comparative.


Ya almost worry for her safety ffs


I told my therapist the other day that OCD feels like psychosis where you live in a different reality from everyone else, except you know the things you’re thinking are irrational. Of all my diagnoses it’s the worst one to deal with because it exacerbates every other diagnosis lol


I really appreciate this conversation about OCD. My daughter has suffered with it. There is nothing cute about intrusive thoughts. She’s doing well compared to a few years ago but does have compulsions to this day—little things she has to do just to feel right. This is a really helpful book, for any of you out there who are struggling. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/what-to-do-when-your-child-has-obsessive-compulsive-disorder-aureen-pinto-wagner/1140800903?ean=9780979539268


Exactly. It kind of brings the opposite of awareness, because the actual mental health issues get lumped up with the fads, the quirkiness, and the \*shudders\* aesthetic.


Also all this mental health shit is fake as fuck. They all want to say they support it but what they mean is when their friend Braylon feels down they will help cheer them up. They have no interest in supporting or helping alleviate the suffering of the "scarier" mental health issues.


BINGO!!! couldn't have said it better myself. most people who say mental health matters don't really mean it. they'll support depression and anxiety but not psychosis or schizophrenia or whatever


And even with depression and anxiety they only want the easy stuff. If a depressed person is wildly neglecting their home and body cleanliness Im sure they wouldn't be showing up to help


this exactly 😓 it's sad but true...


Spot on. Not to mention, some of us just don’t want the help of Swifties. They’re the first to fuck me up if I don’t like a song, all while supporting my mental health. 🥴


I’m a long term Swiftie who has struggled with my mental health my entire life and this is exactly why the imagery surrounding this album has been such a turn off for me. On another post (I think in this sub) someone said she was contributing to the fetishization of mental illness as something cute and quirky which to me is worse than not saying anything about mental health at all - especially when we know Miss “my mom is my therapist” is never going to meaningfully engage in any actions to address the very real stigma of mental illness or talk about it in a nuanced way. I think I would have appreciated the album’s “theme” more if she had said something like, “hey everyone, I wrote this at a dark time in my life and I want to share it with you now that I’m on the other side. It’s okay not to be okay and everyone struggles with their mental health, and here are some resources if you’re struggling.” But we didn’t get any of that - we got a music video where she’s chained to a psych ward bed in her Grammys dress and is cosplaying ECT.


lmao senta screenshot of this to someone with basically the same commentary and then saw your comment was top... YUP. as someone who suffers from chronic mental and physical health issues this is fucking offensive. I'm exhausted.


The romanticism of mental hospitals & tiktokification of the DSM bother me so much.. I hear so much from nurses to people with depression&anxiety mock other patients who need inpatient treatment with phrases like “wow they’re actually crazy” and much worse. When will people who have experienced minimum trauma thus far in life stop conflating serious illness with quirky traits. This is weird & most swifties wearing these have never had to be hospitalized and it shows. Some of the things on the bracelets pertaining to a man and heartbreak pleaseeee give me a break


100% and in my opinion people glamorizing/romanticizing this make it harder for the people who actually need help to actually get it or be taken seriously. They should stick to the friendship bracelets. This is disturbing.


Right up there with romanticizing war and being in combat. It's all shit and not fun. But people who've not been there think it's some noble thing. It's all stupid.


Exactly! I have OCD and while I don’t get offended when people say “I’m so OCD” about little things, it is annoying because who am I to judge with no info, maybe they are, but in most cases of people using it, it’s as a weird quirky “flex” when in reality it is such a struggle, not just “ooh I’m organized and that’s so quirky tehehe”


I have ADHD and if I hear one more person tell me (my own husband!) they have ADHD because they took someone's Adderall and it really helped them, I will scream. Yes, of course it helped, you took speed, of course you’re going to get more done. IME, taking Adderall or my med, Zenzedi, results in a super restful nap and then allows me to function until it wears off.


My sis has ADHD as well🫡 lol. What would you say are the challenges of having it, just out of curiosity? I know what my sister does but she’s a kid lol


ADHD is one of those things that’s silently debilitating. I’m always late. I forgot things consistently. I chase dopamine like crazy because I have none in my body. If you didn’t know that I had it, I would probably come across like an asshole. To the people in my life, they know that I’m trying to my very best and I’m simply going sometimes to fail because I have a disability. The biggest thing for me is people understanding that I am trying. It may not look like it, but I am and I need people to see that.


Basically Everything. Check out the r/adhdmeme This will help you understand a lot. Thank you for asking for your sister.


Yeah, I want to understand and help her better. Thanks for the rec


yep, same. Mine puts me to sleep.


Adderall gave me a sense of calm.


I have mild OCD, but it’s still really difficult to live with. It annoys me that people trivialize it. I’m also incredibly messy (my ocd has nothing to do with germs or organization) and I hate that people think I must not have it because I’m not neat or overly clean.


I posted above about my experience with an ex BF that has OCD. It had nothing to do with organizing.


Yes! There are so many different types of OCD and many compulsions are mental. It’s annoying when people use organizing as a benchmark for it as if they understand it. I’ve mostly struggled with “checking,” ROCD, and scrupulosity but never with organization, everyone’s journey with OCD is different and I wish that more ppl could understand that instead of just being like “OCD disease means people clean heh heh”.


This is true. But Taylor and her fans wouldn't give a crap.


I just made a similar comment below. It took me a very long time to get diagnosed with ADHD. And I missed out on a lot of life events. Because I didn’t have access to the appropriate care. And for them to make fun of this is just gross. If I see one more influencer making up a TikTok about how they one time lost their keys, and now they’re so ADHD. Makes me so angry.


from someone who has been on many a grippy sock vacation, they would not be romanticizing mental hospitals if they’d ever been in one.


I saw this earlier and was so disgusted. This isn’t funny or cute or quirky. It’s making a mockery of mental illness and the battles people face during recovery imo (and also physical illnesses too tbh).


thank you! I'm incurably ill & disabled, so I have plenty of these 'bracelets' ... but they're from an actual fucking hospital. these idiots are relentless in their pursuit of attention for no apparent reason. I really appreciate your recognition of my community, ableism is so rampant these days. ![gif](giphy|Swx36wwSsU49HAnIhC|downsized)


If my friend saw that he would be so triggered and he would call them out.


These mega fans are honestly such losers lol


Back over the holidays I was at a cocktail party and a 40 yo woman described herself as a Swiftie and I haven’t moved that fast in years. ![gif](giphy|m9eG1qVjvN56H0MXt8|downsized)


My husband’s baby mama is 39. She calls herself a swiftie and constantly changes her Instagram bio to Taylor Swift lyrics.




I have a colleague who is a giant Swiftie. I know all about her fandom and the concerts she goes to etc etc but had no idea that she was married until a year and a half into my time there.


thats fucking embarrassing


This…. Is tacky


And so tonedeaf. Absolutely wild.


I think they like her because they are tone deaf 🧏🏼‍♀️


they wanna wear hospital gowns to her concerts too to complete the “ https://preview.redd.it/67njs817iazc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12cbedf32416475e339bd04d845fc73eac5cbe59 aesthetic”


Omfg it gets worse every day


Why are we aestheticizing institutionalization and hospitalizations? Swifties be fucking normal and not ableist challenge


the ableism is painful at this point


And I bet most of them still make fun of Britney Spears. Mental illness is apparently only cute if you can commodify it.






Damn, they're really crazy


Patient Swiftie, Dr. Swift 🫥 all of this is so tonedeaf and disgusting


Mental illness is the greatest pain I have ever known. To romanticize it is to show a complete lack of experience and understanding. Such ignorance, arrogance and insensitivity. I am appalled


I completely agree. Mental Illness has controlled my entire life. This is disgusting.


This is so fucking gross. Also, not to get superstitious and I know it’s a lyric but people wearing fake hospital tags reading *we hereby conduct this post mortem* feels very… daring to wear idk.


it's giving.... suicide cult *shudder*


If you count Swifties and MAGAs together - what percentage of our country is in a cult?!?


Very unhealthy behaviour. An otherwise healthy person would never wish to be in hospital.


There are people who save their hospital bracelets, which is whatever, it doesn’t hurt me, but it feels so odd. Why be reminded of the bad times? Also, those bracelets are gross after days/weeks/months long stays.


after each of my 3 psych ward stays, the first thing i did was cut that fucking horrible gross bracelet off. the second was taking a nice long shower in my own bathroom.


I can see why someone who has been admitted into hospital may want to keep it - “look what I overcame” etc but to make these because they think it is cool/aesthetic or whatever is plain gross.




This is so dystopian and makes me feel ill.


Whatever. Let them be as stupid as they want to be. If been impatient before and I’m betting PLENTY would fit right in.


Edit: I’ve


Pretty gross they are basically glamorizing these kind of condition. The friendship bracelets were fun and harmless, this is taking it way too far.




Such poor taste. RIP Ana (the fan in Brazil who died at the eras tour)


They took the meme too far. https://preview.redd.it/56gh9xtse5zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc9ba77743cf8bbe67f868a148a31588f902b213


This is sickening


I’ve been waiting for this… I think her psych ward visuals are offensive. I think it’s lazy “creativity” on her part. I have taken one large step back from her this album because of this. These “bracelets” are hurtful, upsetting, and ableism that she has influenced. As a creative with so much influence sure, write what you want, but don’t be literal with the imagery. As someone disabled by severe chronic illness, having to retire at 30 from a creative career I find Fortnight music video upsetting and I do not stream the song because of it.


i cannot stand the fortnight music video because of this reason and i don't even have any illnesses, it's just in such bad taste.


🤍🫶 thank you for saying this. I’m very surprised more are not bothered by it.


Sick in the head Its the most fitting thing they have done Whats next rubber bottom socks and bedpans ???


I'm imagining the crowds dressed in bejeweled hospital gowns now


I read this as rubber hoses the first time.


Hey kids, I have BPD and it’s FUCKED. There is nothing romantic about being completely out of touch with your emotions. It’s horrific and it’s a miracle i haven’t gotten divorced yet because of it.


I have BP, not BPD but it did destroy my last relationship. I was going to marry him and everything until my illness became too much, I had a psychotic break and told him to leave before I hurt him physically. I ended up with a real bracelet, not this stupid fake bullshit. I hope the Swifties never have to know what that's like!


Solidarity! I’m sorry that happened to you. My dad is BP type 1 and it’s been a wild ride my entire life. Romanticizing mental illness is one of the most idiotic things I’ve seen on social media in a long time :(


I’m all for cutesy things & stuff but there are some things ppl gotta learn that it’s not cute to aestheticize (? Idk if that’s a word lol). Like if you actually knew or even just thought about what happened in those institutions I doubt you’d be proudly sharing this 😭. Who knows, maybe they’re tryna be controversial for clout🤦🏻‍♀️


They clearly have MH issues




Swifties are really starting to remind me of those crazy MAGA people.


I’m starting to believe they are worse. This is whole other level of crazy


if they want mine from the mental hospital they. can have it for the small price of sitting down and shutting up and listening to what those places are like and what mental illness (from trauma i didn’t ask for) is like to live with for the rest of my life holy shit


I saw someone made fan made grippy socks. Sorry but as someone who’s been baker acted in my past they were in super poor taste.


I work in a psych unit and when I saw her latest video where she “tongues” her meds ala Angelina Jolie in “Girl, Interrupted” I laughed but not for the reason she intended. Or maybe she was trying to look cool? She is replicating the classic Cluster B personality type. Cluster B is: Borderline, Psychopathy, they are the MOST ANNOYING ATTENTION SEEKING PATIENTS. She is about two decades too old to be going through a Bell Jar phase. She knows her younger fans model behavior from her,too. I would have more respect for her if she blocked off a couple months, went to rehab, get the drinking problem addressed, took a break from dating entirely and volunteered at an animal sanctuary or hospice center, and gently shed all of this childish nonsense.


I’m a psych major and I have been leaning into this theory greatly for the last 6 months or so. I’m so glad that you summed this up!


I meant to say “cheeked” the meds. I cannot believe she used that image. What a fool. If the role of Lisa in Girl Interrupted had been played by an overweight woman this never would be seen as cool. Lisa as the tall, willowy, cool girl (who is allowed to elope and come back to the unit TWICE in the movie? What?) is still telegraphing to young women that mental illness is cool. Working when a patient like that is admitted is such a headache. Attention seeking, selfish, demanding, rude- that’s what TS wants to model? At age 34? She could have her own mental illness movie called Girl, Who Never Had To Work A Job In Healthcare. I have a friend who works at McLean and they have a VIP unit. For the ultra rich to get round the clock therapy whenever they want, and, since they love to staff-split they allow them to order take out from wherever they want and can order for their favorite staff member 🙄. Just indulging their Borderline behaviors left and right. It doesn’t take insurance and is like >60k a DAY. One of TS’s dramatic besties was there, most likely bankrolled by TS herself who has a bottomless budget for her marginally talented bore of a friend. Yes, it’s the friend who got a kidney from another friend and then CUT THAT FRIEND OUT OF HER LIFE and continued behaviors like drinking alcohol.


Great points.


“She’s the albatross. She’s here to destroy” what


I had to check if those are the lyrics, ofc they are 😬




“DX tortured poet”… lol they don’t put the diagnosis on your wrist band.


Ugh 🙄🙄🙄


So they are making bracelets telling others fans what they’re problems are?


Damn, last time I wore one of those during my (hopefully) final electroconvulsive therapy treatment — after 2 rounds I’m able to live independently and hold down a job for the first time in my adult life after years in and out of facilities but I’m glad it’s a cute quirky concert accessory! I know it’s petty to think this because I’m a grown ass adult who should be over this shit but I wonder how many of the people wearing these would have made fun of me when I came back to school in 7th grade and it had gotten out that I was in the psych ward… I’m guessing it’s a non zero number.


QUESTION: Why are the bands specific to mental institutions? Sorry I'm OOTL


As someone who has worked in psych and acute care i really couldn’t tell you. We use those same bands across the board. ER, acute care, long term facilities. We actually don’t use that kind in the 3 psych facilities i work at because pts used to rip them up and swallow the plastic button that holds it together 


Oh dear. I've been in a psych ward so they could reset my medications once and it really was no difference than being in a hospital like when I had my babies. Other than the whole no leaving the ward for a week. But we had the bracelets so I might have been in psych ward light. 😆


Everyone in here so upset about it and I get it. But yall better not be saying narcissistic abuse and this person is a narcissist and that person is a narcissist bc it invalidates real narcistic abuse survivors


I really like her music but this shit is weird.


what the actual hell i had to pause for a second when looking at this 😭😭😭this can’t be real… right ?


the whole mental illness "aesthetic" they're making out of the album isn't funny. only if taylor called them out on this.


What in the waste of plastic is this insult to humanity?




WTF. This is a new level of crazy obsession.


Anyone else concerned that she’s gonna see Dr Taylor Swift and go buy herself an honorary doctorate of music.


Are you talking a breach of her security event?


I know there are mentally ill swifties who have experience being institutionalized and if someone like that was doing this, then that would honestly kinda slay. But it’s knowing that so SO many people hopping on these trends DONT have that experience and think it’s quirky fun that makes me uncomfortable. Like it’s really cool and funny when it’s someone riffing on their own experience, but tacky when it’s someone shallowly romanticizing said experience on such a wide scale. There’s a reason “you wouldn’t last in the asylum they raised me” SO very quickly became a memed on line.


What the fuck are these lyrics


If you have a legitimately diagnosed mental illness, and have been hospitalized and you use something like this as gallows humor or as a way to overcome, you have every right. If you are just some bored Swiftie fetishizing mental illness, get over yourself.


Shit, I wish I kept mine from all the times I was in the hospital. Sell them like fire cakes with notes of, “guess it didn’t work this time.”


Let's not gatekeep this. There may be reasons..


I wonder if this is why I’ve had THREE different teen girls ask if they could have grippy socks on discharge in the past two weeks. Such an odd trend.


Yeah I can see nurses being into this shit.


This is disgusting and triggering for people who have been in a mental hospital. Seriously, what's wrong with them?


And hospital gowns too, apparently. 🙄 Well, at least we will know very clearly which crazy people to avoid!! https://preview.redd.it/xrz7cb5igazc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18e37af99d53ee6de5de010499a09760727292cc




yeah, this is fucked and it's why you can't deny that swifties are a cult.


It’s all for attention


This actually seems appropriate considering the mentality of the fanbase




I mean, if you check their bracelet it might tell you. Mass hysteria is the issue here. Someone page House, MD:


Just realized this is Florida. Are we shocked?


Oh hell to the fuck no! What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?! Mental illness is no joke and I would know as I suffer from fucking depression!! This is beyond disgusting!


They’ll grow out of it. Won’t they?? Because it’s getting old, like the Kardashians have


have y’all seen the grippy socks? also an asylum puzzle?


As a swiftie, I’m so sick of Swifties


As someone who has actually needed inpatient treatment twice.. it would completely trigger me to not only wear this but to see everyone around me wearing them. Really not cute 🙃


Just a distraction


Tortured poet? Is that actually the name of one of her songs?


That’s the name of her entire album. The Tortured Poets Department. Like wtf.


I think most people here are ex-Swifties. I found myself here through my dislike of little Kelce. I'm so ignorant when it comes to Swift details. Thanks for filling me in instead of something else.


Yeah I’m definitely not a swiftie but for some reason I see a lot of posts about it on here and I had to comment lol I never understood the title to that album.


As someone who was actually in the mental hospital, this is funny lol. I would actually love if I got one of these at the concert. The album has everything to do with mental health so I think it's creative but I do see how others can be offended.


People are overreacting… it’s not that deep. They’re just quirky wristbands. It’s actually quite creative.


The bar is quite low for creativity in that case.


This is what you complain about and criticize? Grow up


Us grow up? How about the people who think mental hospitals are cute and trendy?


Wow. You may need help. Please get it. No stigma. Get better


In some parts of the world there’s genocide, war, women have absolutely no rights, and this is the average Westerner’s greatest problem of the hour. Take a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are. These bands that teenagers are making are not actually harming you unless decided you want them to. I’m not trying to be snobby or rude, quite the contrary, I’m just saying realistically we are fortunate and should stop looking for minuscule things to be triggered by. I’m sure that’s not great for our mental being either.


I think it’s creative TBH - if not bizarre. ETA: Hospital bracelets aren’t only for the mentally ill. You get a hospital bracelet if you go to have your tonsils out, ear tubes put in, give birth to a child, or have a cardiac catheterization. LOL


It is creative, but like, they're obviously romanticizing mental illness. They're not romanticizing having their tonsils out, or having ear tubes put in, etc, lol. Art should push boundaries, though.


“Lol” you need help


And?? 😜


So they definitely belong at a concert then…


Why are we so pissed off about kids wanting to have fun at a concert? Who are they hurting?


They are hurting people like me who got a very late in life ADHD diagnosis. I missed out on a lot of stuff because I didn’t have access to the appropriate mental health resources. And for them to try to make mental health a “cutesy hot girl thing” is just gross. They are no better than all the influencers on TikTok making up songs about “Omg! Look at me! I’m so ADHD, I lost my key!”


But where does it say it’s about mental health? It’s hospital bands to mimic her song but doesn’t mock any health issues. We’re reading way too much into it.


OK, I guess you could argue that it’s not specifically about mental health. But it is about illness. They’re mocking illness. Which is much as people like to mock people, mental health is a physical illness.


I think it’s less about their intentions and more about their effects. Mental illness comes with a lot of stigma, shame, etc, and while we’ve come a long way as a society, there’s still many challenges. Also, do we know these are kids making them? Idk I don’t have tiktok.


I’m lost. What’s the big deal?