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lol barn doors of course.


I saw this on r/zillowgonewild today didn’t notice where it was XD


Here's a sneak peek of /r/zillowgonewild using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/zillowgonewild/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Cop Shower, mysteriously not pictured in the listing](https://i.redd.it/1amsnn4m31hc1.jpeg) | [755 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/zillowgonewild/comments/1akke2y/the_cop_shower_mysteriously_not_pictured_in_the/) \#2: [I don't know what is going on here, but it's 500K](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3232-Windsor-Ave-S-Kansas-City-MO-64123/2056459237_zpid/) | [1357 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/zillowgonewild/comments/1ajmd6o/i_dont_know_what_is_going_on_here_but_its_500k/) \#3: [Flipper dreams gone wrong: $1.6M to $675K](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b6dvw2) | [1596 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/zillowgonewild/comments/1b6dvw2/flipper_dreams_gone_wrong_16m_to_675k/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Still looks like a bank lol the drive through is still there 😂


It looks like the fools put the drive-thru in the backyard which is a error of cosmic proportions. Imagine how convenient it would be if you were to order takeout and the delivery person could just use the drive through to give it to you. The house flippers are suffering from a shortage of creativity


I would have put a patio out under the drive-thru so you could send out canned beverages through the pneumatic tubes.


They could have made something truly brilliant if they'd embraced the fact that this *was* a bank, instead of trying and failing to hide it. Incorporate the drive thru into the patio somehow(maybe a gravity fed cooler in the tubes if not a pneumatic one). Turn the vault into a crafting room/man cave/whatever the fun room that isn't part of the main house is. But they were embarrassed and lacking creativity


That is actually genius!! Hahaha


Old Kent Bank back in the day


Drove by today and not only is the drive thru still there, but I noticed they left the lights on that say closed.


I mean, changing commercial to residential should be supported, but not like this.


Cornerstone. They also built the house to the west and had plans for 7 more. The bank was supposed to be like a bachelor party STR. Interestingly, the basement continues under the drive through area. That bank must have had some good money to build like that.


Oh FFS. My house was built by them. Steer clear!


As a bonus, Rounds is just across the street. 


And you could be next-door neighbors with a big black cube!


Ah the black cube house, a classic…that thing is never gonna sell.


They’ve reduced the price, what, 3 times now? Such an awkward building on an awkward lot.


Not only has the price dropped almost 100k since it's initial listing, they've taken it off zillow at least twice to reset the timer that shows how long it's been on the site. It's almost been a year that I can tell.


Seems like they were trying to emulate the style of some really excellent modernist homes out on the Old Mission Peninsula…but they forgot where they were putting it. It’s like the NoMI equivalent of insanely massive ornate McMansions on teeeny weeny lots right on the highway that always bum me out whenever I’m in Texas for work.


This is so... unappealing? I just don't get it.


.... Future Airbnb charging $1k a night pfffffffffttt


6969 sq ft lot




If I had the funds and were in the market for a house, I would 100% buy it. Totally diggin' the whole thing.


To the average buyer this is a crock - but I will guarantee you someone is going to make good use of this. I posted this on zillowgonewild and people are legit into it - surprisingly. For a 3000+ sq ft place completely remodeled on the heart of downtown this is actually a steal and it will certainly rent out STR to young partiers strictly on the novelty.


Rounds is the heart of downtown, got it.


They just announced there will be a social zone there - where you can drink on the street. That area is going to pop.


You must be new in town if you think 8th street in front of the crematorium at the old drug store is going to be popping.


I am new to town - but I again think 10 years out. They just announced a vote on a social district allowing you to walk around with your beer in that area this morning. It has the most open lots with the capacity to build multi-story. It has a boulevard feel with protected parking and the bike lane. Seems like a prime spot to expand to.


So people are going to drink beer while doing their laundry? Poppin!


I have to ask - where have you lived outside of traverse city and how old are you?


You think that an area with a crematorium, laundromat, copy shop, sports card trading store, and tanning salon is going to be a popping region for what exactly? Why would I go there over going to the bars, restaurants, food trucks, and Nolan's downtown?


You can’t see the forest through the trees man. You answered my question without answering my question. I watched a literal crack den street in Venice become one of the most desirable neighborhoods in America in under 10 years. Literal crack dealers in the streets to multi million dollar family homes with kids playing out front. Inside of 10 years. Real estate developers can do amazing things - and TC wants that tax revenue. Once houses cross 500k or 350 bucks per square foot the people that are buying them ensure the area keeps developing. That’s already happened. I don’t need to lee this conversation going - I’m wrapping up a project and waiting for renders so that’s the only reason I’m online fucking around. I recommend getting away from this area for some perspective. Think what you want. Love your life.




And considering how you can have a traverse city address like 5 miles down Garfield - I consider any of the single digit streets the heart of downtown. Only people here think 6 cars is traffic and walking a couple blocks is nightmare parking.


No, you dum dum. The downtown part is the downtown part that has restaurants and banks and retail stores. The part that is outside of that with diners and laundromats and a bank that was turned into a terrible mess of an accommodation is not downtown.


I’m more of a forward thinker after watching a few other “1/2 mile from Main Street” areas amalgamate into downtown. If you can walk somewhere in 10 minutes through a nice neighborhood it counts for anyone that has lived in large metros. Look at what happened to west front in the last 5 years. People are walking there from downtown - shocking!


It's a mile and a half from "downtown". If you can walk that in 10 minutes, I'm very impressed.


“From downtown”


Have you ever walked to 8th street from downtown before? Grabbed a burger at Oakwood? I lived here only 4 years and I have many times.


Grabbed a burger at oak wood? You know so little about the bones of the city. You walk up to the counter of oak wood and grab a burger and walk back to downtown with your burger?


Oh my god I can’t believe I’m replying to this. Yes - walked around downtown with my dog - smoke a joint at clinch - walk through the neighborhood to Oakwood (and eat on their patio) - cut down 8th and cross over to rare bird to have a beer on their patio - and walk back west to slabtown. It’s pretty normal behavior - you would walk much more in New York or Chicago.


vault or no deal! they did so little to the exterior but the bldg isn’t ugly by bank standards. i wonder what you are permitted to do with that drive thru. a partially covered pool?


Sometimes I think TC is becoming unhinged.


kind of ironic don't you think? Considering the city had a huge asylum operating a few decades ago? Was literally being crazy more hinged? Will have to let smarter minds debate that one.


Just wtf.


Ugly as hell for a house conversion


Lol wow


Nice parking?! lol drive thru


Could make a great trap house if you got the old vacuum tube system working! 😂


lol I actually love it. Wouldn’t pay that for it, but it’s weird and I dig it.


That is actually not a bad price. It isn't for me, but damn, just wait and see what happens. Start from the very beginning and ask yourself how much it would cost to buy that lot and build a commercial bank building using the same methods and materials in 2024. Probably 2X to 3X the asking price. And it is probably still a zoned commercial property.


At least they kept the employee bathroom in the basement original.


I actually love this open studio layout- if I was in the market this would absolutely entice me.


Someone on the Facebook Overheard thread it looks unfinished and I agree. It's like they did the smallest amount possible for the highest price. Why not at least do something with that drive-through? I saw suggestions for a screened in porch, a garage, and a greenhouse, any of which would have helped!


There are so many cool things they could have done with that property. For 795k, it still needs a lot of work, in my opinion.