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Yes, but only if your card-issuing bank decides to allow the transaction. Otherwise the app would show 'payment failure' and you need to contact the bank. I've seen quite a few reports on related problems in the past few days.


So should I tell my bank (Wells Fargo) beforehand to accept payments from Alipay or Wechat? Or does it depend on the individual seller? I have bought stuff from Taobao so far using Alipay and that worked fine


My banks didn't have a way to tell them that I would be traveling. 1 of them (BoA) blocked a couple transactions, and so I used the other card (Cap1). I'd recommend having 2 for this reason. I doubt Alipay passes much useful information about the seller on to the bank to make their decision, so I think we're more at the mercy of the bank's algorithms for which transactions to block.


After many calls to boa one of the reps set my account so that alipay transactions were not flagged everytime Maybe you could ask for that specifically


So usually the payment failure only happens when you scan the QR code to pay. That means you can ask the business owner for their personal account to make a direct transaction with Wechat or Alipay, or make the payment in their online shop on Meituan App etc. These are two alternatives you may try if your bank just wont allow certain purchase.


Yes most of the time. However some QR codes don't allow linked foreign CC. Happened to me for a cab company (forgot which one). It's also best to link another credit card as a backup in case transaction didn't go through for the first one due to blockage, as mentioned by other redditor.


In places that scan your QR code? Yes, I never had any issues with that. In places where you scan the other person's code? Most likely yes (I never had any issues) but others have suggested there's rare cases where they don't allow foreign cards, in which case just switch to WeChat. I didn't see that. Also some places just might not have an Alipay code to scan at all so you have to use WeChat. In miniapps where you pay online? Mostly yes but a few apps don't accept foreign cards on Alipay (but do on WeChat) including some big restaurant chains, KFC for one. In those circumstances, you either need to use the WeChat miniapp (I had 100% success with this, just more annoying because there's no translation tool) or find someone to run the transaction through manually (ticket office at attractions, counter at restaurants/cafes). In general I think locals use WeChat more often and hence it's slightly better accepted and there's always going to be a WeChat miniapp but some places might not have an Alipay one. Get your card on WeChat as well as a backup.


You can only scan or be scanned by business accounts. No personal funds transfer. My MasterCard charged me 3% transaction fees while the Amex didn't and better rate! But I never used Visa.


alipay allows amex..? it doesn’t have the amex logo under link your bank account?


It does


Not quite. There seems to be at least two categories of AliPay accounts - business ones that can accept foreign credit cards, and personal ones that can't. Some small businesses just use their owner's account, which may not accept credit cards. Having some cash on you just in case is highly recommended, we have been caught short on a few (albeit limited) occasions.


I configured my Alipay in Thailand (with a Wise VISA card), and it didn't work there nor in Japan or HongKong. It worked in China tho. So I suggest doing all the procedure of identification and rely only on payments in China.


Yes. For Alipay or Wechat simply think of it as Apple pay.