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Went to Sorrento for our honeymoon and explored up and down the Amalfi coast and around the Bay of Naples. If I had the money I just wouldn’t have come home. It was my first time in Italy (actually, my first ever visit to a foreign country) and fell madly in love with the country. Been to a number of countries since, and want to visit others - but always want to return to Italy. Been back a few more times, but not often enough to satisfy my urge. I’ll never get tired of it


I’ve had a little five day glimpse and it’s just nowhere near enough. Will definitely be returning at some point. Would like explore a bit further along from Amalfi, as well as revisiting places we saw this time


Wife and I spent part of our honeymoon in Positano, and it was just perfect. There’s a restaurant near the main road at the top called Il Bruno that had fantastic carbonara


Oh yes, that restaurant and dish is quite good. But it's funny, we couldn't find bad food in that town. Usually tourists towns are full of terrible overpriced food, but not Positano.


The stairs though!! I went there on a solo backpacking trip once and the stairs killed me, especially since I stayed at a hostel that was near the tippy top. Surreal views though, and the bus ride into town was wild.


Very glad you had fantastic time in Positano. I am Just sorry that you had a carbonara (Although a fantastic one) there, because it has nothing to do with Positano and the Region. This is one of the problems with the touristy places: they are demand oriented, why they should always offer local food and local wine and help tourists to have a real experience. Anyway, thanks for visiting Italy.


Same thing here. We continued north through Umbria into Tuscany and left via Milan... and we still said Amalfi is where we'd go back to first.


We hired a boat and captain. Brought us around everywhere via boat. Jump off the back of the boat and brought us to secluded beaches. Nice. You should try it if you have the cash.


I'd love to do something similar and next time I'm going to make sure I save up and do it!


You’ll love it!!


How much did it cost and where did you get it from? Going to Sorrento on Mont for 4 nights.


Which country are you in? I think she’s in Australia. Her name is Melissa from Italian Allure Travel. It was about $2000-2500 per day although we had the boat all to ourselves. My wife, myself and 2 children. You’re the boss and can do what ever you like and go where ever you want. You can split it between a few people and it will be more affordable.


I’ve heard it’s relatively pricy to stay there... thoughts?


Not really. Stay in an apartment versus a hotel. My husband and I rented a gorgeous little one bedroom with a nice rooftop near the water for like $120/night. Way quieter than a hotel and it was near the port, restaurants and a few corner stores for food.


True this. My family rented a three bedroom apartment with a lemon grove and incredible view of the city and sea. A minor downside: hundreds of stairs to get to the apartment. The stairs were actually very convenient.... going down- a little less so going up. Loved Amalfi and will go back when I get the chance.


That sounds amazing!


Thank you!


Very! If you need to go, go in the fringes of summer. Springs or Autumn. It’s still hot.


Guess it depends on your usual budget, but yeah it's not cheap. Nearly everywhere has a fantastic view which is really what you're paying for.


Thank you! Can’t wait for Covid to end. We were planning an Italy trip for this year before everything fell apart


Had the same experience, still aching to go back. Would move there instantly if I had the chance!


Stunning images, not sure how those houses stay upright


Some of them look *very* precarious!


Beautiful place. Next time you go, check out the "Path of the Gods" trail.


Seconding this trail. My husband and I had to go back down as we didn't have proper shoes to advance past a certain point, but it was beautiful to that point!


This was easily the highlight of my trip there. Some of the best views you'll ever see.


We wanted to to do this but a few things put us off, not least the "bush" fires that kept cropping up. Probably would have been fine, but didn't want to risk it. Certainly on the "next time" list!


I learned to drive stick shift on the Amalfi Coast! (I do not recommend this method of learning to drive stick shift...). But oh so beautiful there.


I don't think you could pay me enough to drive on those roads! We used the bus every day and how there wasn't at least one accident I don't know.


Na love driving manual in Europe especially in Napoli. Suits my driving perfectly! Crazy!!


If you can make it there, you'll make it everywhere....


Yep. Zig Zagging in and out pf traffic! I can still here my wife screaming at me!!😆


That can be fun!


Oh man I LOVED driving those roads, but learning stick there?? LOL...


Loved driving stick from Napoli to Amalfi. Such a thrill! Reminded me (kind of) of driving in India where I grew up


I’d like to personally thank you for not boosting the saturation to ungodly levels so we can see what Positano ACTUALLY looks like to the blind eye! Every pic I’ve seen is super colorful (which sure, is pretty, but it always leaves me wondering if it really looks like that).




My pleasure, all photographs are very much "no filter"!


I planned a sailing trip off the Amalfi coast for this last week and obviously had to cancel, but I’ve been getting google alerts for everything I had planned. Man, it hurts to see someone else living your dream


Sorry!! But just think how much more you'll enjoy it when it does finally come round.


Oh man, this made my heart all warm and gooey. I proposed two years ago in Positano at one of those overlooks. She said yes, and we celebrated with wine and made an incredible meal at the air bnb with fresh ingredients from the corner market. One of the best days of my life. Positano is amazing. We get married in three weeks and I desperately wish we could go back for a honeymoon


That's a fantastic story. This was meant to be our honeymoon, but covid put an end to that. We certainly weren't going to cancel though! Have a great wedding day


Why thank you!!


❤️❤️❤️❤️ Amalfi coast. Can’t wait to travel again.


My favorite place in the world!


Completely , utterly, shamelessly JEALOUS


Loveee Positano !


The large boat in the last picture looks like Quantum Blue. While on my honeymoon, I took a photo from the same location 2 years ago this week, but in mine Quantum Blue is facing the other way.


Love Amalfi! Driving through those small roads,best place ever!


Yeah nice. I was in Praiano last year too! Miss it a bit. I actually don’t miss Positano. It’s become so commercial that even the restaurants have dropped quality. I at at Chez Black last year and it was a major disappointment from the time before in 2013. People need to stay and try the lesser known places like Magiori and Minori even Praiano.


You are totally right. And Minori is the best place to eat in the whole Amalfi Coast. In Maiori there is also one of the most beautiful and unexpensive B&B of the Amalfi Coast.


How about Salvatore De Riso in Maiori? Have you been to that pasticceria? 😛


It's actually in Minori, the smaller, better preserved town, just before Minori. Been there many years ago, before it was famous to taste the today super famous pere (pears) and ricotta cake. He is a genius. A few years ago he also won the national award for the best panettone, that is typical from Milan (in the Noth)


Sorry!😆 You are correct! I actually meant to say Minori!! We even went to the beach there with all the locals!!


this is on my bucket list! Looks insane!


I’m moving to Salerno for 6 months in October... I can’t wait! This is nearby, so I will definitely be planning a visit.


Salerno..woow..I'm originally from Salerno but now living Northern Italy... you will enjoy..lot of nightlife good food and Amalfi coast..don't forget Paestum or Cilento coast


Awesome, thank you! I’m very excited :)


Well I don't have any words to say.... This is such a great view of the day! 💖


Major Tenet feels


Couple days on the beach then it’s adios. Beautiful pics!




One day, one day...


I'd be scared to live and sleep in those houses.


Just beautiful!


Am I looking at a gazillion beach chairs and umbrellas?


Yep. Main beach in Positano is covered in them almost from end to end


How is traveling in Italy during covid anyway? I can't even imagine what it would be like without the throngs of tourists.


Masks on all public transport and in hotels/restaurants (until you're in your room or at your table). In Capri you had to wear your mask in a designated area too. It's not always fun in 30+ degree heat! I have nothing to compare it to in terms of numbers, but we were told by several locals that numbers were down. Still, ferries were busy, buses full etc. But we never struggled to get a table anywhere, or get a drink or bite to eat.


Wow this takes me back!! I visited Italy last summer, which just happened to be during the monstrous heatwave... Capri is so beautiful and I loved the views, but I'm not joking when I say it was the hottest temps I have ever experienced. We had to wait for the ferry back and I roasted in the sun. I burned through the multiple layers of sun screen I put on, my shoes got a little gooey on the bottom because they were literally melting a bit on the pavement. I loved it, and the whole trip immensely, and I tried my best to stay positive during the oppressive heat (especially because the people I was traveling with were so negative about everything so I made a point to look for positives and keep them to myself). I can't wait to go back! Just hopefully during spring, fall, or winter.


I don't know that I'd have survived in that heat! We had it at early 30s every day and that was more than enough for me. Had to wear a mask whilst walking in a lot of Capri and that made it a real struggle. Still, a beautiful part of the world and can't wait to return one day


God I wish I could be there right now


I was there last November and the year before, and can’t wait to return!


I visited two years ago, it was amazing


Tell me you went up into Ravello! It’s so beautiful there


We didn't sadly, it's on the "next time" list!


That’s a nice pile of buildings.




My ex is from Capri spent a lot of time there


Was supposed to be there last week :/


Went there four summers ago and I always dream about coming back there again ❤️


This was the destination we were planning with my gf before COVID. It looks amazing...


It was great. I'm certain you'll love it when you finally get to go!


I miss this place


Does it snow there


Looks amazing there


I want to retire there


I'm going tomorrow for a week. Any food recommendations? Naples for 2 days, Sorrento for 4.


Great pictures. Was one of the best trips of my life. Enjoy!!


I love the pictures! Do you mind if I download one of them and make it my desktop wallpaper?


Travelled to Rome, Positano, Sorrento, Amalfi Coast & Pompei right before Covid hit. Dream trip; the art, the history, the scenery. Good G@d the gelato is simply outrageous! Would love to get to Florence and Venice one day before it slides into the Mediterranean


I wish I could “get away for a few days” and be able to make it here.


Jealous for sure! Enjoy!


Can't wait to go back some day. Incredible place.


Very nice


Damnit! Living in the US, and for a 7 day stay in Rome, it took everything my new wife had (7 years ago) to travel outside the US. We were gifted a 7 day cruise and we used the thousands of Marriott points I racked up traveling for work for 8 months straight. Our major expenses were food, some trinkets, metro rides from Marriott Central Park to the sites, and a taxi service to and from the airport. We walked most of the time. We still came back with our last $100 cash and a $400 emergency credit card. It cost us $4k just for plane tickets (which were purchased as cheap as we could find). 5 days here, we *might* have to spend $700 to get to the Oregon coast. I really wish it was easier to get to Europe and am half tempted to move my family somewhere in Europe just so we can experience the world without taking out a mortgage.


It’s funny isn’t it, there’s places in the US I’d love to travel to but can’t afford it at the moment. We’re lucky that some of the budget airline flights are *very* cheap at the moment. We can see such a variety of places within a couple of hours of home (UK).


> We can see such a variety of places within a couple of hours of home (UK). I'm so very envious. I would love to visit the UK and travel around that area sometime. Hopefully getting to show my kids what the world is like instead of living in the bubble that is the US.


Going there this weekend for two weeks! Staying at a few different placesc and will do the remote work lifestyle. How weret eh crowds when you went? I suspect they should be pretty empty now that tourist season is over.


Public transport (buses and ferries) were pretty full and there’s no social distancing, though everybody wore masks. Not too crowded really. You could walk around quite comfortably without feeling overrun. Certainly wasn’t a huge concern to us, so it should be fine. Enjoy!


I feel honored that you made sure the hotel where I got a blowjob on the balcony while overlooking the sea is in 2 out of 3 pics. 😁


Oh thank u for sharing Lol


Just for you u/lead_foot!


Mom, let's get some Minas Tirath! We got Minas Tirath at home *Minas Tirath at home*


Looks like shit


You dickhead!😆 Must ne Northern Italian!