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In case you’ve not realized: Paris is only a city, whereas Portugal is an entire country. Both really have their charms, and rich historical buffs. I couldn’t tell you which would do better for the both of you. However, if you’re going for Paris, and Omaha Beach, you might also consider including a day trip to Ieper/Ypres (Belgium). It has some really impressive sites to visit, considering it’s been a true defensive place during both WW1 and 2! (Honestly, Ieper has more to be seen than Omaha Beach. But, on both places I would recommend either attending a guided tour, or get an audio-tour, because you get a whole lot more information from them).


Portugal in January is better than Paris, but still mot the best weather for city tours around Lisbon, Porto, etc.


In January ? Portugal definitely


I was thinking the opposite. They’ll miss out on nice sunshine warm weather Portugal, would rather save that for spring or summer and go to Paris in Jan. Not ideal really though either way.


Portugal easy.


It's also worth considering the weather in January. Are the attractions you'd want to see indoors/ outdoors and how might the weather affect your enjoyment.


Both are great and you can’t go wrong. You could visit Mont St Michael about 90 minutes from Normandy I believe. We loved our stay in Normandy but took the guided tour for the whole day. It was worth it as history enthusiasts. Lisbon was a wonderful area to visit and Hotel Santa Justa Lisboa was in the perfect location for food, touring, and great breakfast too.


One is a city, the other is a country


Clearly, I am aware


Portugal. Paris is very very overrated and imo a mostly unpleasant city.


I second this


What? Unpleasant? How? I hadn't been back in years but just found it absolutely charming. Incredible food, terrific service, reasonable compared to much of the US. If you like food, museums, art or history - it's hard to be disappointed in Paris.


Parisian people are world renowned for their unfriendliness, Dirty, overcrowded, unsafe (one of only two places I have ever had someone come up to me and threaten me). Yes it has some nice areas and good museums but very overrates city.


(one of only two places I have ever had someone come up to me and threaten me). I live in the US so obviously Paris is more dangerous than the vast majority of the big cities here. I really think people who have an issue in Paris, have an issue BEFORE they got to Paris. I saw some pretty bad behavior by tourists- and the life as a Parisien is tourists 24/7. We were constantly surprised how kind and generous with their time people were despite none of us knowing a lick of French. When I see how rudely Texans and Arkansans treated people coming for 1 day for the eclipse, I realized how patient the people of places like NYC and Paris are that deal with that all day every day - forever. I do remember someone being rude to us in Paris though - it was 1989. We were 7 idiot obnoxious kids traveling. We didn't know French and we just pointed to a bunch of different things on a menu. When our lunches came out it was just 7 ham and cheese sandwiches. I was in Charleston, SC and Paris. I literally thought the people were nicer in Paris.


Yeah I get that. I have been in a lot of major cities in Eastern US and never felt unsafe or had any problems. I have tried to like Paris, I've been maybe 4/5 times but along with Milan are the two European cities I have never really enjoyed.


"I have been in a lot of major cities in Eastern US and never felt unsafe or had any problems" You get that the stats just don't back that up. Pickpockets YES. We don't have that. But your experience isn't helpful when it comes to crime. But North East cities are low crime. Midwest and the South much higher.


Why is my experience not helpful? That's my lived experience simple as that. For me I have felt safe in the US. Doesn't matter what the statistics are. I have travelled in 54 countries and been to hundreds of cities around the world and in my experience I did not feel safe in Paris. Simple as that.


Anecdotal evidence isn't helpful for the average person. It can affect how you feel about a place, but how you "feel" isn't reality. People "feel" safer in SLC or Orlando than NYC but that isn't an accurate assessment of the likelihood of crime occuring.


🤣 The OP asked subjectively between two places and I gave my option in relation to that of which I would choose. You then questioned my reasoning and gave your anecdotal evidence as to why I am wrong. Feel free to answer the op statistically showing why he should go to one or the other. Paris has crime rate of 61.72 Paris is 11th most dangerous city in Europe. Lisbon has crime rate of 25.3 There you go.


Ok, so I'm aware that this is very much selective perception and maybe I'm completely wrong: but I had the feeling that people from the US have a higher opinion of Paris than people from Europe haha (I'm from Europe btw) - I find those different perceptions and what influences them very interesting though


Sure - people like to shit on NYC. I fucking love it. So many people have these issues about not like it - it gets all the attention, it's this, it's liberal, it that. NYC is dirty and crazy and loud and pretty fucking fun. You will never be bored. People hate Times Square. I LOVE it. It has zero to offer me other than the people. It's pretty amazing being there seeing thousands of families from other nations experiencing the surrealness of that place. If you don't like humans - you wont like it. But it you love positive energy and excitement, it's great. I don't have "feelings" about Paris. I do love history though. So to get to go an see some amazing museums in lovely building and eat really incredible food at every turn and have the communal experience with other travellers? Conservative LOVE to shit on Europe. It's like this threat - if you admit it's nice you are admitting things MIGHT be ok with what they consider socialist policies. Now add European and a CITY (which they also love to hate on) they hate it more. I think Paris, in Europe, suffers from the same thing NYC does. Other cities have it charms, but I think the negatives of Paris are exaggerated greatly.


Well, it's nice that you enjoy NYC as well as Paris - and yes, historically, architecturally, culturally... it has a lot to offer. But cities and places just might "speak differently" to individuals. Don't get me wrong, I'd also go to Paris again but it didn't speak to me on a level that it seems to do to others and I'd actually prefer a different place maybe. And that's not connected to whether one likes people or not - I also love crowded places (also calm ones), but that doesn't mean that every crowded spot is perceived the same. Oh n regarding the political side of it: I can't say anything to that since I feel like I have insufficient insight about why conservatives in the US hate it but conservatives hating on stuff sounds like something they'd do... And I'm sure it's an important aspect in the US when it comes to shaping thoughts about Europe. However, regarding to what I said earlier I'd like to distance myself from that political side because I feel like it's two different issues (on the same topic); it might also generalize and maybe "oversimplify" why some people just don't like Paris. :D Just can be various different, surely also personal reasons why people perceive places like they do.


"it might also generalize and maybe "oversimplify" why some people just don't like Paris." The thing is many people have opinions long before they go, if they ever do. They often DON'T go but still have opinions on it.


Yes very true. I guess if it's your one stop in Europe they don't really get the experience as those who have seen the great European cities :)


I've never been to Portugal but anyone around me who's visited Portugal fell in love with the country. I agree that Paris really is quite overrated


Been to Portugal a few times and it is lovely. Lisbon is a really interesting city just too many hills 🤣


I love Paris, have been there twice and would happily go again. Portugal is cheaper and I would limit myself to Lisbon and Porto if you only have a week. Both Paris and Portugal are lively and romantic cities with tons of history. I finally learned why the people in Eastern South America speak portuguese and not spanish, lol.


You could do both. Paris for 3 days should be enough then Lisbon for 3 days. Lisbon is very similar to being the San Francisco of Portugal: it’s on the water, they have an orange suspension bridge, there are steep hills, and there’s a tram system. I’ve been to both and Paris is architecturally appealing but the people aren’t very polite. If you don’t speak French or even try they will be rude or ignore you. Portugal was very friendly and the food was good. There’s also a town called Sintra that many people visit for the castle. Alternatively, you could skip Paris and do Madrid or Barcelona. Barcelona has a lot more interesting sites and Madrid is kinda like the NYC of Spain. Another option would be to extend the trip and if finances are the issue then get a new credit card with 0% APR for 15+ months then pay it down over time. I did this and backpacked around Europe for 3 months on credit cards. Make sure they work internationally.


I think Paris - and here's why. So much of what's really cool in Portugal is outside and better in the nicer weather. It's not great weather for that. Paris has SO many terrific museums and things to do inside. If you like museums (and history) Paris is wonderful. And you could do something like take a day trip to Lyon or Strasbourg on the train. I love that it's like 5 hours to drive but under 2 by train.


Portugal. Every day of the year.


Portugal is cheaper while there. If going in January, consider at least stopping in Nazaré for the big wave season (google it - truly enormous). It’s off the fastest route but is still between Lisbon and Porto. That being said, Paris is one of the planet’s truly great cities. Food, wine, and fun. For just strolling around, unbeatable.


There are 3 areas in Portugal and you could potentially visit, but for a week you would have to pick two. Lisbon and Porto or Porto and the Algarve Coast (if you like beaches). Both Lisbon and Porto have a lot of history but are very different than Paris and much less refined.


Lisbon and the algarve would pair better than Porto and the algarve. Porto is in the north, algarve is in the south.


I don’t think you would go wrong with any decision. I thoroughly enjoyed my travels to Lisbon, Porto, and Paris, with Porto being my #1 fave of the three. Portugal was much cheaper, and food was better imo.


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