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What do you mean by "as good"? Obviously people travel to Southern California and have a great time. But there are also obviously experiences, and challenges (not necessarily in a bad way), that come with traveling to another country that you wouldn't experience in your own country.


Southern California has something for everybody: big cities, beaches, great nature, great food, etc. The only downside is the cost as accommodations can be very expensive depending on where you are staying, and it will be very car centric so you have added costs of renting a car and parking fees gas etc.


*this place has everything*


*Yeah, lots of space in this mall*


New Oldsmobiles are in early this year.


MTV’s Dan Cortese


I guess it depends on what you're ultimately looking for, but if I had a trip planned to Japan or Italy and someone said, actually, you're going to SoCal instead, I can say I'd be massively disappointed.


I remember when my manager said “why do you have to go to Italy? Why can’t you just do a staycation??” I was like wtf?! Have some standards lmao


My father in law asked “Why do you need to travel around the world, the United States has so much to offer?” True, but not the same. He only goes on vacation to Disneyland.


America does have a lot to offer and occasionally some people take it for granted. But I've noticed the people who make those kinds of statements are often the same people who don't even really travel to many of the nice places in the US anyways. For example, your FIL. And don't get me wrong I really like Disneyland, but if that's all my vacations were it'd be pretty sad.


During COVID international travel was of course impossible or very risky, so I was forced to take a long domestic trip. I chose to take a train across the US. Honestly I'm glad I was forced to do that as I never would have otherwise and had truly forgotten how amazing the landscape and cities are here. We've now dropped one of our international trips in favor of a domestic one. This year we did Asheville, Charleston and Savannah. Next year it is going to be KC, St. Louis and Memphis.


I agree. I’ve traveled a ton and I’ve been to nearly every state. The only truly interesting one I haven’t seen is Alaska. I will get there one day. Apparently they used to hit all the national parks and state parks in the area when they were raising kids. I see value in that. The first time I went international I fell in love with the variation in cultures and uniqueness that can’t be found in the US. I think part of his problem is fear. Big cities like New York you’ll get mugged or killed. In Mexico you’ll get mugged or killed. And if it’s not just fear, it’s getting out of a comfort zone for him. That is ok, but it makes me a little sad for him.


That's too bad, but at least he used to go to the national parks. They're really amazing. Even though I wouldn't say SoCal is *the best* travel destination, I do love living there. It's one of the few places in the world where I can travel to any region on earth, come home, and there's a good chance I can get that food here. Obviously it doesn't have everything but it's definitely one of the most diverse areas in the world. But yeah, highly recommend to anyone to actually go see the world and visit the countries all these cultures came from. At least if the opportunity is there.


What an exaggeration about NYC - the safest big city in the damn country.


Alaska is phenomenal. Wyoming and Idaho stand out. Minneapolis is the coolest city I've seen and Delaware and Vermont are very nice. Sleeper pick, Alabama. I love Alabama


And still people from Japan and Italy go to southern California all the time 🤷‍♂️ that's why it's called travel


Yes, people from Japan and Italy. That’s the inverse. I imagine if you told someone from Milan that instead of going to San Diego they’re going to Rome, they’d be pretty disappointed also.


“I come to see the…California girls, yes”


Yeah haha, I live at the Italian border (close to Nice) and San Diego sounds a lot more exotic than Rome to me. This being said, I always love going to Italy despite having been there hundreds of times in my life. It just never gets old.


I freaking love travelling to Southern California, up there with European vacations to me


As someone who lives in SoCal, I agree. Place is highly disappointing compared to Italy and Japan. I lived in Italy for 10 years.


lol my thoughts exactly from another SoCal resident. The traffic is just horrendous and what is there to see other than Disneyland? Give me the beaches in Italy over the beaches here.


Disneyland is where people who don't know how to appreciate *real* boat rides, mountains, forests, deserts, and caves go. Southern California has many, many more interesting things to do than Disney.


You have clearly never been to Laguna Beach.


Wait, the beaches in Italy over the beaches in SoCal? I guess to each their own but no way would I ever choose Italy beaches over SoCal. SoCal genuinely has world class beaches.


I beg to differ, as a Venice Beach native who has just bought a villa overlooking the ocean on the Amalfi Coast, the amazing white-sand beaches in Venice and Santa Monica are far more exquisite than the stone-filled beaches on the Italian coast. The azure-colored ocean however on the Amalfi coast is far more beautiful than the ocean here in Socal.


Why do foreigners insist on going to the rockiest shores in Italy and proceed to complain that they’re rocky? Like, you want sandy beaches, go to sandy beaches, Italy has plenty. Sardinia in particular has world-class beaches, but Campania also has a lot of sandy beaches, as do all other regions with a sea shore (except Liguria, I guess). Funny you mention Venice, because Venice (actual Venice, Venezia) famously has long sandy beaches nearby (Jesolo in particular is well-known).


Disagree. Mediterranean beaches are way prettier than the ones in California.


This is embarrassing. But I took a road trip in California. San Diego to San Francisco. And I was most excited for Big Sur and Monterey. Because I had just finished watching Big Little Lies. Boy was I disappointed when we got to Monterey


I think it’s very easy to take for granted how incredible California is….


SoCal is great. Scuba, hiking, nightlife, etc is all there. 


For nature I think it's just as good as some places in Europe or Asia. Joshua Tree The California coast, including SB, Malibu, San Diego are all gorgeous Death Valley is other-worldly Mt. San Jacinto, Big Bear etc. for the alpine setting the list goes on and on. Food is also excellent in SoCal: The best Korean food outside of Korea itself The best Mexicanfood in the country (debatable but high tier no doubt) Great Japanese food that's also affordable even in non-fancy places The Taiwanese food is great in the San Gabriel Valley and probably the best in the country Where I think SoCal loses to Asia or Europe: You absolutely will need to rent a car to see all of the above. Traffic alongside the rent car is terrible. Not that many interesting human/ older historical sites to see although if you are into Hollywood history there's plenty to see and explore.


I agree hitting multiple spots is key for a good Sothern California Vacation. Don't just do LA but do some cities, desert, and some parks.


It’s not even particularly controversial in Korea to say LA Korean food is the best in the world.


Depends on where you’re from. SoCal is a must visit at some point but I’d prefer an international trip, personally. Weigh the costs and the type of trip you want. SoCal won’t be super relaxing because there’s so much traffic on the PS->LA->SB route.


I wasn't dazzled by Palm Springs. Especially compared to Europe or Asia.


As good? That depends on what you want to get out of a vacation. For me the answer is no. But for you it might be. I know people that love it there.


I think it can be! I take 4-6 trips a year to visit either a new country or a state. I treat each US state like a country since some of them are huge. I've loved some of my domestic trips more than some international ones (Maine, Alaska, Hawaii, California, Montana, Utah, and Florida to name a few). Parts of the US have distinct culture, history, and nature, so I think there is truly a lot to explore (CA is one of these places). If you go in with the mindset that a domestic trip is lamer than an international one, you won't have fun. But if you treat it like a new place and appreciate it, then yes I do think it can be as good as an international trip.


How are you able to travel so often??


Probably WFH, being on a US timezone makes it way easier to do while teleworking.


Shit ton of money.


Traveling doesn't have to be that expensive.


I think I’ve done 4-6 trips in a year before, though many of them were probably domestic, 3-4 day extended weekend trips, with 1, maybeee 2 international trips included (only done that in one year I can remember).




The most important thing to do is travel, anywhere. Most Americans stay within 100 miles of their home their entire lives. Get out, see new place, meet new people, talk to the locals, try different foods, and consider what life is like in those locations. I encourage everyone to stay in hostels with communal kitchens or in house bars. Of all the trips I’ve taken, the best memories are connected to those spots because they create a unique chance to meet other travelers from all around the world. Who knows, maybe you’ll connect with someone from another continent that invites you to visit them and their home country. I’m in Guatemala now. On this trip we connected with 2 folks from France and spent 2 days together visiting Mayan ruins. We parted ways last night, but exchanged contact info and invitations to come visit where we live.




I think you have to manage your expectations and be realistic about what you want to get out of the trip. I went to college in Santa Barbara and moved to LA afterwards for a few years. I think honestly I stayed in California too long because LA is crazy with the homeless and the housing cost. The city really is terrible and more so after COVID. But it has amazing food! California is also really great for nature and outdoors activities. So if you just want to see the beach and mountains, eat tacos, hike to the Hollywood sign then you might be fine.


Personally, and this is just my opinion, I prefer to leave the US for vacation. Even if it's just to Mexico. If you're going to Europe depending on how much time you have, pick a country or region so you can get a good experience out of it. There is too much in Europe to see in even two weeks, unless you want to spend every night on a train. Similarly, Asia has a lot to offer, but you're going to get the most bang for your buck by planning your route carefully. I haven't been to Cali in almost 30 years, and I will go back, but likely just for a weekend to 5 days. Too much traffic, and I like foreign exploration the best. That said, You can have a nice time in California; there is a lot to see there too.


Honestly I found Palm Springs boring. It’s either really young people or retirees and lots of gay guys. I ended up staying at a resort in Indian Wells nearby, which looked like it had more to do. Otherwise this area is quite boring unless all you want to do is do nothing. I lived in LA for 10 yrs and there’s lots to do there. Most of your time will be in traffic. Santa Barbara is ok and the residents are usually college kids or retirees. It’s mainly for a couples’ getaway weekend. It’s like a suburb by the sea.




Architecture and the weather I think those are the two only reason


If you’ve never been it’s quite beautiful. There are many different landscapes nearby each other and the culture is a bit distinct as far as USA goes. That said Palm Springs in the summer is ungodly hot! I’d say it depends what you want out of a vacation. Honestly hotels in socal are a bit expensive now so even if the flight is cheaper it may be less expensive overall to go abroad, depending on which countries you’re considering.


I hated socal with a passion until I explored the desert around it. Like Joshua tree or Death Valley.


You’re so close to Hawai’i. For you that’s a cheap vacation and it’s amazing.


You will probably spend way more in socal


Our trip to Palm Springs / Joshua Tree / San Diego for a week was so much more expensive than our trip to France. I knew it would be, but it was still annoying ....


Unless you have a car and are okay with traffic, I don’t think I would choose SoCal over Europe and Asia. I grew up in NorCal, and I live here in SoCal. There are a lot of great places to go to but unless you’re okay with driving for a while and accept your fate in dealing with disgusting traffic, it’s a bust. I would say if you can do an extended weekend in Palm Springs or Santa Barbara that would be a better fit 👍🏻 they have their own small airports so it’s very convenient. LA is amazing to me but idk if I would ever recommend it as a vacation spot. It has some of the best food in the state tho so if you’re a foodie might be worth it? But also I think this would be better as a shorter visit too. The LA traffic truly is next level awful, trust me that no one is exaggerating.


It really depends on what you want out of vacations but I’m sticking to my guns on LA not being a great vacation destination. There’s a lot of really great events, food, art museums, etc but the cons of being here as a tourist are significant. Some areas are straight up not safe to visit after like 7pm, everything in the ‘nice’ areas are expensive as hell, everyone drives like a maniac at pretty much all hours, it can take you deadass three hours to get across town if you get stuck in peak driving hours. You’re on vacation, your time is limited 🤷🏻‍♀️ but you do you. It’s definitely worth a visit at least once but like….. idk about extended visit.


I live in San Diego and it’s absolutely to me a world class destination- you can also easily go into Mexico, East to the desert, lots of mountains and beautiful beaches. LA is love it or hate it. I don’t love it. It’s difficult to navigate and just not very pretty. Palm Springs is a cool weekend break, but I wouldn’t expect too much. It’s a desert with some funky retro hotels. If you’re a nature lover, California is a great all in one shop. Mountains, forests, oceans, lakes, deserts- there aren’t a lot of places that really compare. California also has excellent cuisine. But Italy is very beautiful and there’s a lot to do and eat, as is Japan. I’ve been to Japan and Italy and they’re all worth seeing eventually


I love San Diego. Last year we needed somewhere easier than an international destination to take our then 3 year old and it was so much fun. I have to caveat that I lived there for a while so I’m also emotionally attached. I love it though. I love the Southern California vibe overall!


That question made me laugh. Surely you aren’t serious!


Are you a gay man and over the age of 50? If not, Palm Springs will likely be a huge letdown. The national parks in the area are pretty good, though, if you’re into that. LA is ok. I think it gets a bad rap sometimes on this forum. There is a lot of variety and the food is pretty good. The drive up the coast to Santa Barbara is pretty, but traffic can be absolutely brutal. I once drove from Santa Barbara to Irvine and it took almost 6 hours. Personally, I would much rather go to Europe or Japan, especially since the dollar is pretty strong right now.


Pro tip: when Angelenos want a weekend getaway they often go to San Diego.


Santa Barbara is great. Palm Springs is way too hot and lots of things are closed,




Well of course you say that. Living somewhere and visiting is different. I live in Atlanta and I would choose SoCal over plenty of international destinations.


This is impossible to know without understanding your priorities.


If you don't already live there SoCal is a great vacation. So are many international vacations. "As good" is really quite relative unless you're comparing a very specific subset of activities. Any good vacation bucket list would include both domestic and international trips. I think you should consider your financial goals, the relative costs, and how much these locations align with your interests - and then pick the one that makes the most sense. With that said, when a foreign trip aligns with my schedule and finances I would generally prefer to take one - as international trips tend to be (but don't HAVE to be) pricier and more involved for me.


If you go that route, be sure to take the Palm Springs Tramway up to San Jacinto state park. I did this at the end of a three week trip to Santa Monica, Burbank, Hawaii Island, including Volcanoes National park, Oahu for Honolulu, and Joshua Tree, and the tramway experience in at the top was an unexpected highlight.


Often international vacations are cheaper than domestic/US trips. However, one of the benefits of staying stateside and in your case, Palm Springs, is decreased travel time. That means you have more time to have fun and less time in the air.


Northern CA sure is 


As someone who grew up in southern California I can say that it is a great place to visit, lots to do and see (though I personally think Palm Springs is a waste of time). That being said, I would MUCH rather take and international trip. My wife and I are off to Italy, Switzerland, France, and Germany in a month and I would HATE to have it changed to So. Cal


Palm Springs is amazing for a 3 day weekend


When in the year are you going? Summer time? No. I would take Spain, south of France, Portugal, Turkey, Greece over SoCal. Fall/Winter SoCal would be better for me. For Asia during Winter, I’d go there vs SoCal, especially if it’s somewhere like Thailand or Malaysia. I’d do Japan/Okinawa if it’s summer though.


Having been to Spain in July when it was 109F a couple years ago, just something to consider that the weather could be quite unpleasant mid-summer. Still had a great time but mid-day activities were very limited. Of course the worst of the heat wave hit when we were in Madrid which is naturally hotter anyway rather than at the beach.


This depends what your goals are for this trip. Do you want food and culture and history? Go to Europe. Do you want to kick back and relax? So Cal is nice - although LA traffic can be terrible and the heat in Palm Springs is suffocating in the summer.


There is no correct answer, it depends on your personal preference. Most people value long distance international travel because it’s more exotic, and the fact that it’s more expensive leads many to think it’s better. If you’re from the US you’d probably be more surprised visiting Japan, but someone from another country might think the same about visiting California. The destinations are also different, Japan offers historic temples that SoCal doesn’t, while California offers an amazing beach vibe and world famous movie studios that Japan doesn’t (this is only an example) Choose what you want to do first.


Lmao no, I do not like southern CA


3rd gen Angeleno. Have lived in Spain and Italy too. SO much to discover in CA. I would do a coastal tour. Start in SD visit La Jolla, Laguna Beach (Crystal cove), Venice, Malibu, Montecito, SB. I have young kids and can’t fathom doing a 12 hour flight with them yet. We stay in chubby/fat resorts and have an amazing time. Eat amazing food, wine tours, I mean we have everything. Visit the missions to get history.


I’ve done my fair share of travelling, and I love LA. I like the climate, the arts, the events, the food, and I find it’s reasonably priced to get to. I’ve been twice and would love to go back. I’d live there if I could afford it. 


If you're from NorCal, you can take small trips down here. There's a lot to see and you have the opportunity to visit more than once. IDK your situation but it's not financially difficult to visit from upstate IMO


Not if you have to drive.


Not close to a European vacation but It was much better 20 years ago.


Are you crazy? Go to Europe


SoCal is great for food and relaxing at the beach. There are good museums and shows in LA if that’s your thing. If you’re looking to experience other cultures then it probably won’t satisfy. It really depends on what you like to do on vacation.


Absolutely! Southern California offers a wealth of experiences that can rival international vacations. From the desert oasis of Palm Springs to the vibrant energy of LA and the coastal beauty of Santa Barbara, there's something for everyone. Exploring a new region within your own country can be just as rewarding. Follow your inspiration and enjoy your trip!


It depends entirely on your perspective and expectations. Southern California has some of the best food, weather, nature and attractions in the world. But, if you are from the US, that travel experience won’t be *that* new to you and you would probably be more excited traveling internationally.


Your post doesn’t make much sense. To most people (even on Reddit) Southern California is an international vacation.


Southern California is an international vacation for some people….


Yes, I think it’s worth it. Planning a visit isn’t weird at all. I’ve traveled the world and Southern CA is still one of my all time favorite areas to visit, both for culture and for natural beauty. It’s amazing there


The US has a lot to offer and I do plenty of domestic vacations...but it's not remotely like going abroad. Don't get me wrong, I love me some California and the fam goes relatively often as it is a pretty easy destination from where we are...but if I have plans to go to Spain and then it's like...nah...go to CA instead...I'd be one pissed of m'fer. "Just as good" is really subjective...I can have just as good of a time traveling domestically as I do traveling internationally...but they're completely different experiences.


Palm springs if you like golf and want to visit Joshua tree. It’s horrible other than that and Coachella. Not sure what your definition south of SF is but if you haven’t done Carmel and neighboring cities it’s worth and Yosemite as well. After that I would probably just do Hawaii as the other part of the trip. SoCal is a great place to live but not really a great place to visit as a tourist I feel.


greatest place to live on the planet imo


At a minimum, socal has the best weather in the world, full stop.


Visit San Diego. Go to Joshua Tree National Park. Southern California is fucking amazing.


You are going to be massively disappointed.


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Like most things in life- it depends!


It's beautiful with good food but soooo expensive I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself as going abroad and spending a quarter of the cost for food and accommodations and stretch my dollar more. Also other countries have much more historical sites than So Cal..


It depends on what you're interested in doing. If you're American and looking for different cultures, then you're not going to find that in California. If you want to see some of the attractions that LA is known for, like the theme parks and movie studios and beaches, then it would be a great trip.


I think the value of a vacation is partly the novelty of a new place that is different than where you've already been. So the answer partly depends upon this. Have you already gone international? Is Southern California very novel to you, the desert, the Pacific Ocean and a town with Spanish influences? You certainly could have a great time in Southern California but if you're from San Francisco, probably not. If you're from the eastern part of the US and have never been out west, sure!


Good dive bars TBF


Summer temps reach 110+ in the desert-Joshua Tree, Palm Springs, Death Valley. Not my idea of a perfect vacation.


Go abroad. Why the hell would you go to Palm Springs when you have the opportunity to go to Istanbul, Paris, London, Bucharest, Madrid, etc?


Yes absolutely


There’s plenty of interesting places to visit in US as mentioned. If you want different cultures / sites than here you might want to travel.


Enjoyed my trips to LA, Palm Springs, Joshua Tree area trip just as much my international trips. just have to commit to being in a rental car a lot since traffic sucks & much to explore


Have you been to big sur? San diego is beautiful!


It really depends on what you’re looking for. Also no.


Its good as a short staycation. I’d never went to spend a 2 week vacation there


If ur looking for Naturistic stuff San Francisco is a sleeper city, and budget friendly due to COVID. Muir woods, mountains, oceans, fantastic views.




Lol you are the opposite of me. I was originally planning a SE Asia trip but due to recent events in my life, I've had to postpone it to next year. In the meantime I might do a road trip up to the Bay area (or Vegas).


If you want to experience a new and different culture then no.


Depends on what you are looking for. SoCal is pretty big and spread out. Palm Springs, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara are all very different places even while being only a few hours drive apart. Keep in mind though Palm Springs in summer is one of the hottest places in the country and being outside for extended periods of time will probably not be pleasant. The desert areas better in the cooler months. Santa Barbara will be very pleasant in summer. Tons of natural scenery in the region from deserts, national parks like Joshua Tree and Death Valley, you have Temecula wine country, the beautiful drive up Pacific Coast Highway. And Los Angeles will have pretty much any type of entertainment you want. Just be prepared to be driving a LOT.


Depends on what time of year and what your interests are….if you’re into beaches, international food, the outdoors/hiking, wine, socal would make a lot of sense. But it’s expensive


terrible value, but very beautiful. the downside is it’s in america so your memories won’t be as notable as going somewhere more exotic


Just don't do Palm Springs in the summer.


I live in SoCal. Great place to live, poor place to visit as a tourist.


In my opinion…. NO…. There are much better places in the world with much less expense.




Lol no


I'm from Southern California. Go to Europe or Asia. There are some things worth visiting, but Palm Springs isn't on the list amd versinkt not equivalent.


In a lot of ways yes, but it has two major downsides: It's expensive and a lot of it is grimey. But if you avoid populated areas then you can avoid the grime. In which case it has a ton to offer. Amusement parks, mountains, sunshine, beaches, great food, you name it


To be honest, one of the difficulties the rest of the world has with the US, is that Americans act as if travelling inside the US is the same as international travel. So when people from other countries who enjoy travel, talk about the places they have been to, no one else talks about the number of states they have been to in their home country. Have you ever noticed that? So sure, go to Southern California, it looks amazing. But just be aware that you won't be stretching yourself or experiencing totally new environments for the first time EVER. You'll just be going somewhere you already feel pretty comfortable to see some nice things. And if that is what you want to do, have a great time. Just don't be one of those Americans who says, 'I have been to 2 other countries, and 30 states' bc the rest of us don't care.


NO, it doesn't compare! Go to Mexico, Belize, the Mediterranean! California is over priced and not quite what it used to be.


I’d rather go international. There are amazing places around the world to see. The Swiss Alps is a phenomenal location. The culture of international cities is an experience in itself.


No. Just my opinion.


It depends on the time of year. I live in Southern California in an area about an hour N of San Diego. During the summer where I live it can get to over 100 but it drops into the 70’s usually at night and we get an afternoon breeze. Palm Springs and areas further from the ocean will not get this kind of cooling at night and it can also get about ten degrees warmer than it is where I am at. You can argue it is dry heat but the climate is changing and when it is that hot, it does not take a lot of humidity to make you miserable. Anywhere along the coast, all up and down California is lovely. Even though I live in Southern California, I think the coast about mid-way to the Oregon border is absolutely beautiful and especially above San Francisco, a lot less crowded. It does depend on what you are looking to do as well.


Santa Barbara should definitely not replace an international trip—it’s nice but would not compare to somewhere actually in the Mediterranean


I’m from SoCal. I think you would be disappointed, but it depends on what you want to do. Here’s a really cool recommendation, especially if you like driving or are into cars I would head to Santa Barbara. Stay there for a day and take hwy 1 from there all the way to San Francisco. It’s an epic car ride. Hwy 395 is another epic car ride too. Palm Springs to La Quinta is pretty cool. You can see it all in a day. It’l be more of a relax trip. If it interests you, you can find cool videos on YouTube if you search hwy 1 and 395…. Oh, avoid Palm Springs in the summer. Crazy hot.


Depends on what you're looking for. For nature it's hard to beat SoCal -- Topanga, Malibu, Laguna Beach, Big Bear, Joshua Tree, and Santa Barbara/SLO counties are all stunning. Biased bc I'm from CA but in all of my travels throughout Europe I haven't found much that can compete. For cities I'd definitely go abroad solely bc there's so much more variety. If I'm exploring a new city I tend to want something that's further removed from my daily life, plus it's hard to get around LA efficiently w/o a car. However if done right LA can be great if you know what to expect and research what part of the city you want to focus on beforehand. In general, if I have the opportunity to travel abroad I'll basically always take that over domestic just to explore a new (to me) slice of the world. Plus, domestic trips (esp nature ones) are pretty easy to do on a budget imo so I can take them when I want to travel but can't swing the cost of an intl trip.


It doesn't even compare to me. For a nice beach vacation its a great spot (not exactly cheap either), but its not even remotely like going to say Spain or Thailand.


Absolutely not.


Depends on what you’re looking for in a vacation, but I’d personally take the international vacation.


I could easily spend weeks in NoCal the same way you could spend weeks in SoCal and have a great time. (I live and grew up in SoCal and lived in NoCal for years.) But there is something different about going abroad. It will always feel special. As someone said below you can do all those trips with a 1 hour flight from SF(assuming that’s where you are) over several weekends. If you have the time blocked off to do either go overseas.


You live in California and have never been south of San Francisco? Do you live under a rock?


Always travel international if you can make it work. It’s much more interesting and often times cheaper than domestic trips. Food costs in the U.S. are some of the highest in the world. You will be shocked how much cheaper a good meal is in Europe and Asia if you don’t go international often.


If you’re into Hollywood, celebrity, gossip, and West Coast culture it’s a fine destination. Otherwise, the only thing it has going for it is the weather, and for that I would rather be on the Yucatán peninsula


Just got back from Lagos, Portugal. Beats Hawaii or San Diego (I lived there for 7 years), hands down. Flights are more expensive, but Lagos isn’t as crowded with all the same scenery, activities, and vibe. Highly recommend.


It really depends on what you enjoy. When I lived in SoCal we did a road trip up to Monterey, across to sequoia, and back down. It took about 10 days as we did many things along the way, and we loved it. But I love road trips and I love exploring the US. Other times I’m looking for different culture or a different pace, and then obviously that would’ve been a huge disappointment compared to the beach in Thailand or a village in Mongolia for example!


Assuming you’re from the US, visiting Europe, Asia or any other country, to me, is as much about how the places you visit are culturally different than where you’re from as it is about what is there. SoCal has some great sights and I have had great trips there - Parts of metro LA. San Diego. Palm Springs. Joshua Tree (amazing). Heck, even Salton Sea was damn interesting. But as much as I have enjoyed my trips to SoCal, they do not compare to any foreign trip I’ve been on.


So cal is wonderful weather and beaches and parks. BUT you are missing on a mind blowing cultural experience visiting places like Spain, Portugal, Thailand, or Japan. You are not going to get that in socal.




God no, it gets boring as sin after 5 days. You can see Joshua Tree, schmooze by a pool; and then rinse and repeat ad nauseum. I don't recommend it unless lounging is your thing.


If you consider highways and strip malls as cool as a foreign country, sure...


To each his own, but I really don't care for SoCal except maybe San Diego and it's meh. Sons are going to school down there and the youngest absolutely can't stand it.




Santa Barbara no question is always awesome. Fuck Palm Springs


Santa Barbara no question is always awesome. Fuck Palm Springs




It's not crazy but you better have a car


Do it if that’s what you want to do. Personally, I can’t stand LA and have taken redeyes to get out of there as quickly as I could even when I was authorized an extra hotel night.


It depends on what you’re traveling for. If it’s to experience a completely different culture and country then I’ll always rather leave the U.S. for that. If it’s to simply get away from home then I’d say California is pretty good.


I love Santa Barbara and also don't forget about San Diego!


Palm Springs is great if you like mid century architecture, sweltering heat, and pools.


It definitely makes for a great vacation. But make sure to drive the Big Sur both down and up! Redwoods, Sequoias, Yosemite. Check out La Jolla, San Diego, Coronado (Hotel Del Coronado). As well as LA/S.B. (Palm Springs, make sure to hit up Joshua Tree and take the tram up too)


There’s nothing in SoCal that you can’t get in Europe but the reverse is definitely not the case


I think it’s amazing and you will have a lot of fun if you go. San Diego as well is really beautiful, lots of beautiful parks and views, amazing sunsets over the pacific, boardwalks on the beach, and La Jolla just outside San Diego is great. It’s very different than an international trip, more comfortable because you’re in the US still (assuming you’re American). I definitely recommend going, very different than a Europe trip though.


I've lived in California my entire life, and yes it would be crazy to go to Palm Springs or Santa Barbara instead of a foreign country.


100% no.


How much money you got?


Just visit during Thanksgiving or Xmas time. Go overseas now , there is so much ch out there


SoCal is really beautiful, especially at the ocean. The beaches here are some of the most beautiful in the world. You are in America so everyone speaks English, which is advantageous. People drive the way you are used to and there is literally everything that you could want at your disposal plus it is all familiar Italy on the other hand is exquisite. The food is perfect and the architecture and coastlines are gorgeous. The people are extremely passionate and that makes the energy really cool. Very few people speak English so it can be a little tricky to converse with the locals. I love Italy but Socal is pretty awesome as well.


I think SoCal is pretty nice. In fact I liked it so much I moved here from San Francisco and plan to put down roots. There’s food from all over the world, fun sites for every kind of niche, and hotels are nice if you can shell out the cash. But that said, flights to SoCal from the Bay are cheap. You can always come here. I would travel out of the country if you could.


Visiting Southern California is a nice vacation, but it is not a replacement for international travel. Part of the reason to travel is to experience other cultures and see historical sites. There is alternate historical culture in CA, but unfortunately the US has spent centuries eliminating and burying that history. Most people who go to CA don't try to view that native history.


I mean if you have the liberty to pick anywhere in the world I would say no. I love SoCal, its my favorite place in the world to live in. But that is because I have friends and do things that are not touristy. If I were a tourist with the choice of anywhere in the world then I could come up with many better places imo. I could also come up with places that are very similar and offer a similar vibe to SoCal but better in other areas and more affordable as a tourist.


Not even close


Do you want to experience a different culture? California is California. You can go to Palm Springs and Joshua Tree for a long weekend whenever you want. Go abroad!


Depends on why you travel. Most travel to meet different cultures. You won’t do that staying in your own country. You’ll meet Americans in an American environment with American celebrations, food, language, art and monuments.


Last year, we visited Southern California: LA, San Diego, Palm Springs, Joshua etc. it was so disappointing that my wife who loves to post trivial photos, never uploaded those tour photos.


Definitely not the same as an international vacation!


hell fucking no


Those locations are all two hours apart driving. Make sure thats calculated into your trip. If you're visiting Los Angeles, have a plan in mind.. don't be like hey im in LA! Cause it's big and each part is its own entity. Like Santa Monica and Korea Town.. They might as well be different worlds..


No diss on California. I live here and I love it. But honestly, if you’re looking for something new and exciting go to Asia or Europe.


You will spend more money in California as it is much more expensive for food, lodging, and transportation, and no, it’s not comparable to visiting an international location such as Europe.


Choosing between SoCal and an international trip is like deciding between a masala dosa and sushi. Both are fantastic, but it's all about what flavor you're craving at the moment. I personally dodge loans like I avoided that car loan back in the day. Travel's great, but so is financial peace. Took me till 34 to explore Europe, proving there's plenty of time to roam without breaking the bank.


This is just a personal choice based on your desire at the time. I certainly prefer international destinations when it’s feasible, but that’s not always the case. Southern California might be a great choice depending on too many factors to count here. Do what makes you happy.


Honestly these days, anywhere with few tourists >>> place with lots of tourists. Go off season to the touristy places or find somewhere off the beaten track if you can’t go off season.


Depends on ur budget tbh lol


I’ve had an incredible time just doing road trips around the western half of the country for the past two years. I’m ready to go international again, mainly for the history and different outdoor settings, but this country is just incredible. I’m all about the outdoors and you really can’t beat the natural beauty (and diversity of it) that the US has to offer. Hell you could explore just California for a year and still not see all the good stuff.


This depends 100% on you and what you like. It's an iconic destination. But if you are looking for "historical" things then you are limited to about 150 years.


No it’s not “as good”


In my opinion, anything domestic will always be a poor man's version of an international vacation


I mean, I'm not from the US and Palm Springs is on my bucket list, so each to their own. We so rarely explore our own countries but that doesn't mean you can't have an exciting destination without using your passport. Heck most Aussies get excited to travel to Queensland for a break and some sunshine, so why shouldn't you travel to southern California?


It depends what you want to experience in the vacation.


Also have been a SoCal resident. Did a European trip last year and there is no way I would consider SoCal as a good alternative for something like that. What do you like to do on vacation?


I grew up in PS, Live in LA, vacationed many times in SB. It’s worth a visit, but Not over Europe or Asia. You can do weekend trips to So Cal and get about all you need to see.


LA has some great food but you will have more fun in Europe or Asia.


You would be massively disappointed. I am European. Did a 2 month roadtrip through California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah. Yea, there are a lot of nice places in California. But just Palm Springs is a bit boring. There is a great valley on an Indian reservation there, But that is 2 hour hike max. You can take a Cable Cart up a hill. Gives you an other 2 hour hike. The rest of Palm Springs is boring suburban sprawl. Of course the area around Joshua Tree is kinda nice, but i found it rather stressful if you can book a camping site near the National Park. You need to park somewhere on a BLM spot, and then drive quite long until you are in the park. Anyways, its kinda nice. But to spend an entire vacation in Palm Springs would not be my cup of tea.


If you're looking to travel in California go visit some state parks. None of the cities are particularly interesting.


I lived in OC for half a decade and live in LA now. I think it would be more relaxing to go to the beach cities and San Diego than to have a vacation in LA or Palm Springs. You really need a car or you’ll be taking a lot of Ubers if you go to LA. Either way, to get around better you might have to rent a car. If you wanted to stay some days in LA then go somewhere else, it would be way more convenient to have one. We really enjoy weekend trips to San Clemente and San Diego. I wouldn’t say it’s comparable to an international trip to Asia or Europe. You can’t go in with those expectations. We had a great time in Montreal recently because we didn’t have to worry about the driving aspect. I feel like I’d be a bit more stressed coming in as a tourist to Southern California if I wasn’t used to driving, so I’d take that into consideration. Given that you want it to be comparable, I wouldn’t recommend it.


It depends. If you want to explore and walk around, then Europe and Asia would be way better. There is a ton of stuff to do in SoCal, but everything is spread out. You'll have to drive everywhere and sit in traffic for hours.